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General Radiology

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Chapter Outlines
 X-rays
 Computed Tomography
 Ultrasound Imaging
 MRI Basics
 Contrast Media in Radiology
 Multiple Choice Questions with Solution
Starting a Radiology book with General Radiology (with lots of Read this section with a resolve…at a time when you are at
Physics in it) is not easy. your cognitive best…and you will realize it will create a very
But believe me it’s the right thing to do! STRONG foundation for your image interpretation part to
General radiology—is the essence of Systemic diagnostic follow. Also this one our weakest sections in Radiology, because
Radiology. we read a few systemic radiology bits in our clinical subjects
Fair warning though, it is full of: but we have never read about the imaging modalities and basics
ƒƒ Physics ever.
ƒƒ Chemistry—little bit I have tried to make it lucid and interesting by adding interactive
ƒƒ Mathematics—little bit images, flowcharts, anecdotes as and where possible.
ƒƒ Equations Get set…get ready…Let’s Rock!!
ƒƒ Numericals, and so forth


ƒƒ Are a part of Electromagnetic spectrumQ ƒƒ On further experimentation, he also found that the new

ƒƒ Electromagnetic spectrumQ: ray would pass through most substances casting shadows
•• Spectrum comprising of energy components/photonsQ

of solid objects on pieces of film. He named the new ray
that are propagated in space by a combination of “X”-ray, because in mathematics “X” is used to indicate
electric and magnetic fields the unknown entity. Though today we know almost
•• In increasing order of frequencies/energies this everything about X-rays, this name is still being carried
spectrum includes—Radio waves (Least frequency forward in his honor.
and energy),Q Microwaves, Infra-red, Visible light, ƒƒ He was awarded the 1st Nobel prize in physics in 1901.
Ultraviolet, X-rays and Gamma rays (Maximum
frequency and Energy).Q
•• All components travel in space at same speedQ—Speed

of light–3 × 108 m/sQ


•• All components travel in space by the same type of

waveQ, though the individual wave properties (like

amplitude, wavelength, frequency) may differ.

Discovery of X-rays

ƒƒ X-rays were discovered by Sir Willhelm Conrad

RoentgenQ, on 8th Nov 1895Q
ƒƒ Hence he is designated as the Founding Father of
RadiologyQ and this day—8th November is celebrated as
International Radiology dayQ
ƒƒ He was working with cathode ray tubes, that had 2
electrodes (one positive- one negative), filled with a special
gas. When he passed a high electric voltage through it, the
tube would produce a fluorescent glow. This is the 1st X-ray image that he took—an image of his wife’s—
ƒƒ He shielded the tube with heavy black paper, and found Mrs Bertha Roentgen’s - hand, with their engagement ring on it!
that a green colored fluorescent light could be seen coming
from a screen setting a few feet away from the tube.
ƒƒ He realized that he had produced a previously unknown Atomic Structure—2 Basic Concepts
“invisible light,” or ray, that was being emitted from the ƒƒ In order to understand X-rays better we need to know
tube; a ray that was capable of passing through the heavy a few basic concepts about the structure of an atom.
paper covering the tube. Consider a Tungsten atom for example:

28  •  Conceptual Review of Radiology

from the nucleus) and it was found to be 12 keV. Similarly
for M shell it was further less at 2 keV.

Basic Concept 1

• Every shell in an atom has its own fixed Energy level associated
with it.Q
• All electrons in that shell lie at that fixed Energy level
• Energy levels for inner shells in a Tungsten atom are:
K - shell –70 keV
L - shell –12 keV
ƒƒ An atom consists of
M - shell –2 keV
•• Central nucleus—comprised of protonsQ and neutronsQ
•• Electrons orbiting around the nucleus in Shells—(K,
L, M, N)… and so forth. Each shell can contain a ƒƒ Now look what happens after the removal of the K-shell
fixed number of electrons—2, 8, 18, 32 and so forth electron. In the K-shell there is just one electron left.
respectively. When all shells are filled with the entire Because of a deficient electron, an electron void/empty
full set of electrons—the atom is considered a stable space is created in innermost shell, thus making the atom

unstable. The atom wants to become stable, but how?
ƒƒ Consider the K-shell electron in the image above (Yellow Think….

circle). This electron—if you watch carefully—is a bound ƒƒ What happens is that an outer shell electron jumps to the
electron, in the sense that it is bound by the positive charge inner shell. L-shell to K-shell. Subsequently outer shell
of the Nucleus, and hence must stay in the K-shell. In fact, electrons jump to the underlying inner shells and finally a
all electrons are bound by the positive charge of the nucleus
y, free electron in space fills the outermost shell—making the
in their respective shells, the inner-shell electrons are tightly atom stable again.
bound, the outer-shell electrons are loosely bound. ƒƒ Look at the jumping L shell electron—
ƒƒ Scientists decided to conduct an experiment and tried to •• L-shell energy level is –12
remove this innermost shell electron from a tungsten atom. •• K-shell energy level is –70
Because it was bound by the nucleus, when they tried to ƒƒ Thus if an electron has to jump from L-shell (–12) to K-shell

pull out this electron they had to spend some energy in


(–70) it will have to lose some energy so that it comes to

pulling it out—precisely around 70 keVQ. an energy level of -70. Thus the energy lost is equal to the
ƒƒ Thus when they spent an energy of 70 keV, they pulled out energy difference between the shells, here it is 58 keV.

the K-shell electron. The following mathematical equation

just summarizes the above experiment
X (initial energy of electron) + 70 keV = Free electron

in space (has energy level of Zero)

Basic Concept 2
X + 70 = 0
Thus • Whenever an electron jumps from an outer shell to inner shell,
X = –70 it has to lose some of its energyQ
• The amount of energy lost is equal to the difference between
ƒƒ X = –70 thus represents the initial energy level of the K-shell the energy levels of the two shells
electron. It is also the energy level of the K shell itself.
ƒƒ Remember that each and every shell in an atom has its own K-shell Energy level –70 keV
fixed energy level. All electrons in that shell are at exactly L-shell Energy level –12 keV
that energy level, which is in K shell of tungsten atom the If electron jumps from L shell to K shell 58 keV of Energy
energy levels of all electrons is—70. it will have to release
ƒƒ If amount of energy required to remove K-shell electron
was 70 keV, the amount of energy required to remove an
L-shell electron would be less than that (as it is located away These 2 concepts will help us understand X-ray better!

Conceptual Review of Radiology  •  29

Tungsten ƒƒ These are Glass tubes with vacuum inside and 2 electrodes
Because Tungsten is a very important component of an X-ray ƒƒ Cathode:
tube, let us quickly review few important aspects: •• Made of Tungsten filament/coilQ—hence called as
ƒƒ Symbol—WQ Cathode filament
ƒƒ Atomic number—84Q •• Given very high negative potentialQ
ƒƒ Atomic mass—183.8Q ƒƒ Anode: Given a very high positive potentialQ
ƒƒ Atomic mass number—184Q •• Conventional X-ray tubes—TungstenQ
ƒƒ Classified as Transitional metalQ in the Periodic table •• Recent X-ray tubes
 Tungsten (90%) + Rhenium (10%)Q
X-ray Tube Structure  MolybdenumQ
•• Anode may be stationary or Rotating anode (better)
ƒƒ Large potential difference—is applied across the anode
and cathode—very important in production of X-rays
ƒƒ Exit window and Filter: Window is like a slit from which
the X-ray beam will come out of the tube. Various filters
are applied across the exit window. Aluminum filterQ is the
most commonly used.

Production of X-rays
It will be very easy to understand and remember using the following flow-chart
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30  •  Conceptual Review of Radiology

Mechanism of Production of X-rays
1. Continuous spectrum radiation/BremsstrahlungQ: Based on Law of thermodynamics—Energy can never be created, nor can it be
destroyed. But it can be converted from one form into another.

Thus kinetic energy of the electron—is converted into energy of X-rays

2. Characteristic spectrum radiation: Based on the 2 Basic concepts regarding structure of atom that we have discussed

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Thus the amount of energy lost when an outer shell electron jumps to an inner shell– is converted into energy of X-rays

Mechanisms of X-ray Production: Comparison

Continuous Spectrum Radiation/Bremsstrahlung Characteristic Spectrum Radiation

Also known as White radiation/Braking radiation No specific synonym
Contributes to 70–80% of X-rays used in diagnostic radiology Q
Contributes to 20–30% of X-rays used in diagnostic radiologyQ
Consists of X-ray beam of variable energy—creates a Continuous Consists of X-ray beams of characteristic energy content—that is
spectrum of energies on a graph—hence the name equal to difference between energy levels of 2 shells

Used predominantly in most of diagnostic imaging Used predominantly in MammographyQ

Conceptual Review of Radiology  •  31

Exposure Factors: Kilovolt Peak (kVp) and ƒƒ Milliampere second (mAs)Q
Milliampere Second (mAs) •• Combination of:
 mAmpQ—Current passed through the cathode
ƒƒ Kilovolt peak (kVp): filament
•• Voltage applied across the cathode and anode in the  TimeQ—Time of exposure
X-ray tube •• Determines the number of X-ray photonsQ in the in
•• Higher is the voltage, higher is the kinetic energy of the X-ray beam
electrons hitting the Anode, greater is the penetrating •• Affects the DensityQ/BlackeningQ of the Film
power of the emerging X-raysQ •• Directly affects the contrast—Increased mAs—Increased
•• Thus High kVp—results in higher penetrating power contrastQ
of X-raysQ
•• kVp also affects Radiographic Contrast – Interaction of X-rays with Matter—What
 Low kVp—High contrastQ—called as Short scale
contrastQ Happens in the Patient’s BodyQ
 High kVp—Low contrastQ—called as Long scale ƒƒ These are ways in which X-ray beams interact with
contrastQ the patient's body, when they enter inside. Various
interactions are known—
•• Compton effectQ—Most common interaction.Q
Discussed in detail below
•• Photoelectric effectQ—Discussed in detail below.

Compton Effect and Photoelectric Effect can be Confusing, Hence Let us Study Them in a
Comparative Manner

Compton effectQ Photoelectric effectQ
• Interaction of X-ray photon with OUTER shell electronQ • Interaction of X-ray photon with INNER shell electronQ
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32  •  Conceptual Review of Radiology

Compton effectQ Photoelectric effectQ
• Most common interaction of X-rays with matterQ • Less common
• Is a Mid-energy phenomenonQ • Is a Low-energy phenomenonQ
• Most important outcome is Scatter radiationQ. It causes Image • There is no scatter radiationQ—hence image quality is better.
distortion, blurring and decreased diagnostic quality of the • Because there is no Scatter radiation, we try to MAXIMIZE
radiographic image Photo-electric effectQ
• Hence, to minimize scatter radiation, we try to MINIMIZE • Maximizing Photo-electric effect—
Compton effectQ ƒƒ Using Low energy X-raysQ
• Minimizing Compton effect— ƒƒ High atomic number targetQ
ƒƒ Using High energy X-raysQ

•• Coherent scatteringQ/Classical scatteringQ/ •• PhotodisintegrationQ –

Thompson’s scatteringQ/Rayleigh scatteringQ –  Part of the nucleus of an atom (Alpha particle/
 Low energy X-ray photon transfers its energy to neutron/combination) is ejected by a high energy
an electron in an atom incident photon
 The excited electron vibrates thus releasing  Occurs only if incident photon is > 7 MeV—not
the excess energy as a scatter X-ray beam. No in diagnostic RadiologyQ
ionization occurs, only direction of X-rays is •• Pair productionQ—
changed  High energy photon hits a nucleus and photon
 If a single electron of atom is involved— disappears

Thompson’s scatteringQ  The photon (energy) is converted into 2 particles
 If all atomic electrons are involved together— (matter)—one electron, one positron

Rayleigh scatteringQ  Occurs only if incident photon is > 1.02 MeV—
 Not important in Diagnostic radiology. y, not in diagnostic Radiology

Radiation Units
It is a very factual topic and is very difficult to remember. Let us try to apply some “Mnemonic Secret” strategies to remember them.

Radiation ExposureQ—(Keyword is Exposure)


• Conventional unit—RoentgenQ
ƒƒ Whenever you read the word exposure just remember the 1st
person exposed to X-rays was Roentgen—the unit.

• SI unit—Coulomb/KgQ

Absorbed DoseQ—Just look at this term, and pick up the 1st letter of each word
• Conventional unit—RadQ
ƒƒ Rad—stands for Radiation absorbed dose
ƒƒ Just looking at Absorbed Dose you get A and D, so the unit is Rad!
• SI unit—GrayQ
ƒƒ Red—is a color, that in a typical Indian accent of English may be
sometimes pronounced as Rad (No offence, I am a proud Indian
ƒƒ If Rad is a color-resembling term, the SI unit that goes along with it is

another color-resembling word Gray (similar to Grey)

Conceptual Review of Radiology  •  33

Equivalent DoseQ—The letter of highlight here is E
• Conventional unit—REMQ
ƒƒ Rem—stands for Radiation Equivalent in Man
ƒƒ E is letter of highlight—so both units contain E prominently!
• SI unit—SievertQ
ƒƒ E is letter of highlight—so both units contain E prominently!

Other Radiation Units ƒƒ Gastro-Intestinal syndrome:

ƒƒ Radio-activityQ:
•• 2nd organ system affected
•• Threshold dose is 6–10 GrayQ
•• CurieQ—Conventional unit
•• Symptoms are malaise, severe diarrhea, electrolyte
•• BecquerelQ—SI unit
ƒƒ KermaQ:
•• Survival is extremely unlikely, death occurs within 2
•• Kinetic energy released per unit mass of tissue
Effects of Radiation on Human body ƒƒ Cardio-vascularQ/CNS syndromeQ:
•• Threshold dose is around 20 GrayQ
Time Based Classification •• Death likely due to collapse of the circulatory system

ƒƒ Acute effectsQ: as well as increased pressure in the confining cranial
•• Effects occurring in 1st 6 monthsQ of exposure vault as the result of increased fluid content caused by

•• If exposure is high—organ death may occur edema, vasculitis, and meningitis.
•• If dose is low—Parenchymal damage occurs, with •• Death occurs within 3 days of exposure
partially affected organ function
ƒƒ Sub-acute effects:
•• Effects occurring 6–12 monthsQ following exposure Acute Radiation Syndromes (ARS)—Why
•• Secondary parenchymal degeneration results in decreased They Occur in a Particular Order?
resistance to radiation is seen
ƒƒ Chronic effects: • ARS—is a factual topic you are supposed to remember. If you

•• Effects occurring beyond 12 monthsQ of exposure try to remember it by mugging it up, you will find it difficult. Let

•• Include carcinogenesis, genetic mutations and chro- us look at its Conceptual basis.
mosomal aberrations • Law of Bergonie and TribondeauQ:

ƒƒ Basic concept in Radio-biology

ƒƒ Whatever tissue/organ/region in the body has the maximum
Acute Radiation SyndromesQ proportion of undifferentiated cells/cells in active mitosis
Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS) (also known as Radiation will be more sensitive to radiation.

toxicityQ or Radiation sicknessQ) is an acute illness caused by ƒƒ Thus can you guess which tissue/organ will be the most
irradiation of the entire/most of the body by a high dose of sensitive?
penetrating radiation in a very short period of time (usually ƒƒ Yes it is—Bone marrow. It contains undifferentiated stem cells
minutes). The major cause of this syndrome is depletion of constantly involved in Hematopoiesis. Hence the Hematologi-
cal/Bone marrow syndrome—is the earliest syndrome to occur.
immature parenchymal stem cells in specific tissues. Examples
ƒƒ Next is GIT syndrome—as the mucosal layer is the cell
of people who suffered from such syndromes are the survivors population undergoing active mitosis—the superficial layers
of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs, the firefighters of cells is being replaced from basal layers
that first responded after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant ƒƒ Last is CVS/CNS—minimal proliferation—hence relatively
event in 1986. high doses are required.
Three classical types exist -
ƒƒ Hematopoietic syndromeQ/Bone marrow syndromeQ:
•• 1st organ system to be affected in the bodyQ
•• Threshold dose: Around 1–2 GrayQ Deterministic and Stochastic Effects of
•• LD 50/60 is 2.5–5 GrayQQ Radiation
•• Drop in all blood cell counts occurs for several weeks. Remembering the various properties of these effects can be
•• Primary cause of death is infection and hemorrhage.

difficult. Hence let us study them in a comparative manner.

•• Survival decreases with increasing dose. Also try to remember their examples first so that using those
•• Most deaths occur within a few months after exposure. examples we can remember the individual properties.

34  •  Conceptual Review of Radiology

Deterministic Effects Stochastic Effects
Examples • Acute radiation syndromes (discussed above)
• Radiation induced carcinogenesisQ
• CataractQ • Genetic mutationsQ
• Skin changesQ—Erythema, ulceration • Chromosome aberrationsQ
• SterilityQ
• Radiation myelitis
• Fibrosis
• Teratogenesis/Fetal death
Onset • AcuteQ and Sub-acuteQ effects • Chronic effectsQ
Threshold dose • YesQ • No threshold doseQ
Severity of effect • Directly proportional to doseQ • Not related to doseQ
Risk of occurrence • Non-linear relationship with thresholdQ • Linear relationship with no threshold (LNT)Q

Deterministic effects and dose relationship

ALARA Principle •• DistanceQ
ƒƒ As Low As Reasonably Achievable Q
y, •• ShieldingQ
ƒƒ The ALARA radiation safety principle is based on the
minimization of radiation doses and limiting the release of 10–Day RuleQ
radioactive materials into the environment by employing all ƒƒ A rule proposed by the International Commission on
“reasonable methods” Radiological Protection (ICRP)Q
ƒƒ ALARA is not only a sound radiation safety principle, but

ƒƒ Applies to women of child bearing age


it is a regulatory requirement for all “radiation protection

ƒƒ “Whenever possible, one should confine the radiological
examination of the lower abdomen and pelvis to the 10-
ƒƒ The ALARA concept is an integral part of all activities that

days following onset of menstruation»Q

involve the use of radiation or radioactive materials and can
ƒƒ Linked to the teratogenic effect of radiation, despite low
help prevent unnecessary exposure as well as overexposure.
doses involved in diagnostic imaging.
ƒƒ The three major principles to assist with maintaining doses

“As Low As Reasonably Achievable” are

•• TimeQ

Computed Tomography Computed Tomography

ƒƒ Computed tomography is basically a fusion of 2 technologies: ƒƒ CT scans—however were invented—as a result of dedicated
•• TomographyQ—X-ray based imaging technique devel- and prolonged efforts to improvise the Conventional
oped to acquire sectional images of the body. tomographic technique over the years
•• ComputersQ—Brought in to deal with the complex ƒƒ Sir Godfrey Hounsfield—Inventor of CTQ. Known as
mathematical algorithms and iterations in the image Founding father of CT technology, he was awarded the
reconstruction Nobel prize in physics jointly with Allan Cormack in 1979
ƒƒ His machine was called as the EMI scannerQ (Electrical and
X-rays were Discovered. CT scan was Invented! Musical Instruments Company) or the 1st generation scannerQ
ƒƒ X-rays were accidentally discovered by Sir Wilhelm ƒƒ There is also a unit scale named in his honor—Hounsfield
Röntgen—as discussed in the previous topic. unit scaleQ

Conceptual Review of Radiology  •  35

Basic Principle of CT Scan
“The internal structure of an object can be reconstructed from multiple projections of that object”Q

• An X-ray tube at Position A emits a beam that cuts through a slice of

the patient's brain
• An image is acquired on detectors located diametrically opposite to
Point A—this image is Projection 1 (P1)
• P1—is just like a spot radiograph/Routine X-ray image
• Now the tube is moved to point B along the circumference of the circle
around the patient. The detectors are also moved to a diametrically
opposite position
• Same process is repeated—Projection 2 (P2) is acquired
• Realize that P1 and P2 will appear different as they are acquired from
different angles around the patient
• This process is repeated such that P3, P4, P5……….Pn projection
images are acquired
• All these images are transmitted to a Computer. Computer will
process all these images and will reconstruct the actual slice image of
the brain from all the projection data.
• This image is showing us the “Internal Structure” of the head region.

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Read the CT principle again: “The internal structure of an object can be reconstructed from multiple projections of that object”

CT Scan Generations
Ist Generation: Translate—RotateQ Scanner

• Thin Pencil shaped X-ray beam

• Single detector
• Tube-Detector complex travels horizontally across
the patient's body to cover the entire cross section—
• 1 Translation = 1 Projection (P1)
• After every Translation the entire setup rotates
around the patient
• Again translation occurs resulting in P2
Computed Tomography

• Thus alternate translation and rotation occur

• Slow working machine

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2nd Generation: Translate—RotateQ Scanner
• Similar to 1st generation except –
ƒƒ Fan shaped X-ray beam
ƒƒ Row of detectors
• Lesser Translation and Rotation is required due to
fan shaped X-ray beam
• Faster machine than 1st generation

3rd Generation: Rotate—RotateQ Scanner

• Wide fan shaped X-ray beam covering the entire
patient cross section—hence translation is
• There are 2 Rotation movements –

ƒƒ Rotation of X-ray tube
ƒƒ Rotation of Detectors

• Faster than 2nd generation

4th Generation: Rotate—FixedQ Scanner


• Entire 3600 detector ring is present around patient's

body, hence detector motion is eliminated
• There is only 1Rotation movement –
ƒƒ Rotation of X-ray tube around the patient

• Faster than 3rd generation

• But requires a large number of detectors—added
cost for similar resolution to that of 3rd generation

Computed Tomography

Conceptual Review of Radiology  •  37

5th Generation: Electron BEAMQ Scanner
• No moving part in entire machine
• Electron beam is fired on a tungsten ring around the
patient's body—X-ray production occurs
• X-ray beam passing through patient's body is
detected by a complete 3600 detector ring around
patient's body
• Fastest developed machine till date
• Still in experimental stages

Helical/Spiral CTQ would then be brought back to its start point, the CT table
(on which patient is lying) is pushed further and the process
ƒƒ As seen above, the X-ray tube in the CT scan machine has

repeated to acquire the next slice.
to move round-and-round around the patient to acquire
projections. A lot of wires are attached to any X-ray tube. ƒƒ If the tube could be rotated round-and-round around the

With so many wires attached, a few rotations would patient continuously, non-stop data acquisition would be
entangle and pull all the wires—resulting in a short-circuit possible thus saving precious time.
explosion in the CT machine. ƒƒ This was made possible by introduction of Slip Ring
y, TechnologyQ. In order to conceptually understand how it
ƒƒ Hence in older machines the rotation of the X-ray tube was
restricted to just one rotation around the patient. The tube works, let us compare it a daily example we come across—
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Slip Ring Technology and Chennai Express!


Chennai Express: The train not the movie!

• Travels from Mumbai to Chennai, covering a distance of around 1300 km in around 22 hours.
• How does the engine (of any electrically powered engine) receive its electrical supply?
• High voltage Overhead cables—are laid above the track from Mumbai to Chennai. There is a Pantograph on top of the train, with

horizontal metal rod above it, that maintains constant physical contact with the overhead cable.
• Not even a single external fixed wire is attached to engine from outside, so it is free to go wherever there are overhead cables.
Computed Tomography


38  •  Conceptual Review of Radiology

CT Scan Slip Ring Technology: It is exactly similar to the above discussed mechanism:
• Overhead cables = Slip-Rings
• Railway engine = X-ray tube
ƒƒ Here instead of 1 ring around the patient there are 2 rings:
 Outer Ring: Stationary—like the overhead cables. All Electrical wires are attached to it.
 Inner Ring: Rotating with the X-ray tube mounted on it.
 Now like the Pantograph and metal rod on the top of the engine, there are brush contactors on the inner ring that maintain
constant electrical contact with the outer ring
ƒƒ Thus the X-ray tube is rotated freely round-and-round without the fear of any wires being stretched/pulled.


• Now to cover the entire abdomen/thorax/brain the:

ƒƒ The tube is rotated continuously around the patient
ƒƒ The table is also continuously moved in one direction
Computed Tomography

ƒƒ Thus if you imagine both these motions occurring simultaneously, it appears as if the tube is tracing the path of a Spiral/Helix
Computed Tomography

around the patient's body—hence the name Spiral/Helical CTQ

Multidetector CTQ
ƒƒ In all the above CT machines, we have seen that only one slice of image is obtained at a time. That is because the beam is a fan
shaped beam that cuts through only a single slice of the patient's body in one go.

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mx – mw
CT number = 1000 ×
ƒƒ µx = Linear attenuation coefficient of a tissue “x”
ƒƒ µw = Linear attenuation coefficient of Water
ƒƒ Main determinant of Linear attenuation coefficient of a
tissue—is its DensityQ

ƒƒ H.U Value of Water:

•• Substitute µx as µw in the above equation and you
will get the HU value of water as 0—ZEROQ.
ƒƒ Look at the Hounsfield Unit scaleQ:

Multiple rows
of Detectors Please note that each tissue has a range of corresponding HU
y, values. I have mentioned single values here so that it is easier
for you to remember. The range is usually a range of 50–100 on
either sides of the value mentioned above.
ƒƒ Cone BeamQ: It is a 3-D X-ray beam shaped like a cone, so
that in one rotation around the patient it can cover a large
thickness (multiple slices) of the patient's body, depending

upon its third dimension.


ƒƒ To detect all the X-ray data, multiple rows of detectors

are placed beyond the patient's body—hence the name CT Physics—Practical Importance

Multidetector CT.
ƒƒ Depending upon how many slices of the body are obtained Do we really need to know all this physics at your level???
in one cut, it may be called as: Well, like it or not the answer is YES. For 2 reasons
•• 16 Slice CT scanner

1. Questions have been asked in your examinations regarding HU

•• 64 Slice Ct scanner values, CT generations and other related topics.
•• 128 Slice CT scanner 2. Practically it will help you in CT image interpretation in solving
CT Value ScaleQ/Hounsfield Unit (HU) ScaleQ ƒƒ Early scanners used to take around 25–30 minutes for a Brain
study. With recent Multidetector 4th generation scanners this
ƒƒ In CT scan the appearance of a tissue is predominantly time has come down to a few seconds. This has made CT the
based on “Density”Q of that tissue. Imaging modality of choice in Emergency conditions like Acute
ƒƒ Because computers are involved, a huge advancement of strokeQ, Head injuryQ etc. When time is not a constraint MRI is
this technology is that the appearance of each and every better than CT for brain evaluation.
Computed Tomography

tissue in the human body is allotted a specific numerical ƒƒ HU Values help us definitively arrive at a tissue level diagnosis.
value. This value allotted to a particular tissue is called as its Just by putting a measurement pointer at a site and looking at
Hounsfield Unit (HU) value/CT value.Q the HU value there helps us know what tissue it may be, thus
ƒƒ It is calculated based on the following formula: making the assessment more accurate and objective.

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CT: Descriptive Terminology CT Room Shielding
ƒƒ Computed tomography rooms typically have high
workloads and high kilovoltage technique settings.
ƒƒ Hence “Lead”Q is used the wall of CT scan room to prevent
leakage of radiation outside the CT room.
ƒƒ As a result, at least 1/16-inch lead shielding or equivalent is
required for the walls, doors, floors, ceilings, and operator’s
ƒƒ The concrete equivalence of 1/16-inch thick lead would be
about 4 to 6 inches of standard-density concrete.
ƒƒ CT rooms with high workloads and with fully occupied
uncontrolled space directly adjacent to the scanner may
need shielding that is thicker than 1/16-inch lead or 4 to 6
inches of concrete to meet the recommended NCRP Report

CT Dose Index (CTDI)Q

ƒƒ Standardized measure of CT radiation output used so that
various CT machines can be compared with each other on
Right versus Left a common scale
ƒƒ Imagine that when the patient is lying in the CT machine, •• CTDI100Q—Linear measure of dose distribution over
you are standing at his foot end and looking at the imaging a 100 mm long ionization chamber and hence does

slice from inferior aspect. Hence the Right—Left of the not take into consideration the regional variation of a
patient is as shown here by convention

human body and is therefore not in clinical use
•• CTDIwQ—Weighted average of dose over a single slice
Densities - is closer to the human dose profile as compared with
ƒƒ Hypo-denseQ—means Black/dark. Air (around the patient's the CTDI100
skull), Water (CSF in ventricles) will appear hypodense •• CTDIvolQ—is obtained by dividing CTDIw by pitch
ƒƒ Iso-denseQ—means Gray. Generally all soft tissues (Brain) factor.
in the body will appear isodense •• Dose Length Product (DLP)Q—Another commonly
used index, which factors in the length of the scan to
ƒƒ Hyper-denseQ—means White/bright. Acute hemorrhage
show overall dose output.
(Left basal ganglia hemorrhage here) and Bone (Skull)

DLP: CTDIvol × scan length


appear hyperdense.
Gray-White Matter Differentiation on CT

Table movement per rotation

ƒƒ Though we have mentioned that Brain appears isodense, ƒƒ Pitch =
Beam collimation or slice thickness
can you differentiate the appearance of Gray and White
ƒƒ Pitch = 1—means that X-ray beams are contiguous for
matter on the image above?

adjacent rotations
ƒƒ You see that the Cortical rim of gray matter is appearing ƒƒ Pitch > 1—X-ray beams are not contiguous, there are gaps
mildly hyperdense in comparison to mildly hypodense between X-ray beams and tissue is not irradiated. Scan
central core of white matter. This distinction is also seen time and radiation exposure is decreased but scan quality
in the central basal ganglia region, especially on right side. is decreased
ƒƒ So CT scan can differentiate between them, but it is not a ƒƒ Pitch < 1—X-ray beams overlap. Thus some part of body
very good distinction—as their densities are very close to tissue is irradiated more than once during a scan. Scan
each other! duration and radiation exposure increases, scan quality also
Computed Tomography

Special CT Applications:
HRCTQ • High resolution computerized tomography.
• It is a technique in which, axial (cross sectional) images of lung are obtained using very thin slices.
• Lungs and Temporal bones are the two body structures which are imaged using HRCT.Q
• Evaluating a HRCT Thorax includes a pattern approach and is said to provide biopsy level diagnosis.
• A bone algorithmQ that uses high spatial resolutionQ to increase the contrast between 2 widely differing densities
is used, like air and vessels in thorax.
• Typically slice thickness of 0.625 to 1.25 mmQ are used.Q
• Good patient breath-hold is necessary for it.

Conceptual Review of Radiology  •  41

• Images are viewed on the lung window setting (window width of 1000 to 1500 HU and level of -600 to 700).
• Variations in technique include prone position scans to detect early ILD and dependent densities of asbestosis
(will persist in non dependent positions). Expiratory scans to identify subtle areas of air trapping (appear dark)
• Earlier there was difference between a HRCT Thorax and a CT Thorax. Presently with advent of multidetector CT
scans nearly each CT Thorax when viewed on lung window setting acts as an HRCT.
CT PerfusionQ
• Perfusion—means capillary level blood flow
• CT Perfusion imaging helps us determine the actual tissue level/capillary level blood flow in a particular tissue
• Iodinated contrast medium is injected rapidly and as it reaches the tissues, the rapid changes in tissue density are
detected by the machine and various parameters are plotted graphically.
• These include:
ƒƒ Mean transit time (MTT)Q or Time to peak (TTP)Q of the deconvolved tissue residue function (Tmax)
ƒƒ Cerebral blood flow (CBF)Q
ƒƒ Cerebral blood volume (CBV)Q
• Usually used in:
ƒƒ Ischemic stroke—to identify the penumbra
ƒƒ Brain/Head and neck Tumors
CT AngiographyQ • Before Multi-Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT), the main barriers to the clinical implementation of CT
angiography (CTA) were acquisition speed and both spatial and temporal resolution. Imaging of any vascular bed
requires rapid volume coverage coupled with the ability to resolve disease in small diameter contrast opacified
• In many cases noninvasive imaging has become complimentary to catheter angiography, such as Doppler imaging
for the evaluation of patient's with recurrent symptoms after angioplasty.

• In many cases CT has been used in conjunction with catheter angiography, and in a few cases such as imaging the
aorta and the pulmonary arteries, CTA has supplanted catheter angiography as the gold standard.

CT DensitometryQ/ • Quantitative CT is different from DEXA in that it provides separate estimates of trabecular and cortical bone BMD
Q-CTQ as a true volumetric mineral density in milligrams per cubic centimeter
(Quantitative CT)Q • It can be performed at axial sites (like lumbar vertebrae) as well as peripheral sites (like distal radius)
• Quantitative CT is excellent for predicting vertebral fractures and serially measuring bone loss, generally with
better sensitivity than projectional methods (such as DEXA) because it selectively assesses the metabolically
active and structurally trabecular bone in the center of the vertebral body.
• This selective assessment of trabecular bone also makes quantitative CT sensitive in measuring changes over a
short follow-up period.
Dual Source CTQ/ • Uses two separate energy sets to examine the different attenuation properties of matter.

Dual Energy CTQ • Independent attenuation values at two energy sets can create virtual non-contrast images from contrast

enhanced imaging.
• It can also help determine the composition of renal calculi and arterial plaque

• Dual source dual energy

ƒƒ Two X-ray tubes producing different voltages offset at 90 degreesQ
• Single source dual energy
ƒƒ a single X-ray tube with fast switching voltage otherwise known as kVp switchingQ

• Single source dual layer

• Virtual non-contrast image can be obtained. This only one set of CT images have to be acquired saving time and
• Fatty liver quantification for liver donors
• Assessment of stent stenosis in coronary arteries
• Post CT Angiography bone subtraction
• Renal calculi composition assessment
Computed Tomography

• Bone densitometry
Cardiac CT/ • Assessment of Coronary arteries post stenting/Bypass procedure
CT Coronary • Evaluation of coronary artery anatomy variants
AngiographyQ • Being evaluated as a screening tool for Coronary artery imaging
• Calcium scoring of coronaries may be done
CT EnterographyQ: • Contrast medium is given per-orally, CT images acquired when the contrast reaches the small bowel. These
techniques however do not demonstrate mucosal abnormalities
CT Enteroclysis :
• A contrast medium is introduced directly into small bowel through a nasojejunal tube and CT images are acquired
CT Colonoscopy :Q
• Following bowel preparation, the large bowel is distended with air/CO2 and Supine and Prone images are
obtained. 3D endoluminal projections are used to review the mucosal surface of colon.

42  •  Conceptual Review of Radiology

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