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A volcano is a mountain that is formed by the tectonic plates colliding with each other. When
the two plates collide with one another near a convergent boundary. When this happens the
denser plate gets pushed down by the less dense plate to create a volcano. The impact that
volcanoes have to the biosphere is the destruction on the surrounding environment, trapping
many plants and animals under the magma. This can cause a decrease in the population of
animals, the good thing about it is that after they erupt the volcanic soil is rich in nutrients
promoting regrowth after. The harm that they cause humans is that the ash that falls makes
it hard to breathe as well as the gas is poisonous causing damage to the respiratory system.
The lava also can cause many problems because it will not stop and will go through
everything that is in its way, this tells us that the infrastructure will not be able to survive the
extreme temperatures. They cause many problems like stopping air traffic and stopping birds
from migrating in that area. The effect that it has on the hydrosphere is that the waters can
get warmer and when evaporating can cause acid rain. All the animals that live in the water
will also suffer because of the acid, the other things that it affects is the quality of the soil and
melting ice caps and glaciers. In the geosphere, they generally form on the boundaries of
plates. The reason why volcanoes erupt is that the magma chamber is under a lot of
pressure causing the magma to rise and then erupt.

Earthquakes are caused by the tectonic plates sliding past each other which is called a
transform boundary. This is caused in the geosphere causing the crust to crack in many
places. Some of the problems that it can cause are things like fires, structural damage as
well as landslides. The impact that earthquakes have on the atmosphere is that it releases a
toxic gas that goes into the atmosphere and into the air we breathe. This affects the
biosphere as well because toxic gas causes air pollution causing animals and humans to
have a hard time trying to breathe and most plants will die due to the lack of oxygen. The
impact that earthquakes have in the hydrosphere is that it can cause tsunamis and a lot
more rainfall causing flooding. The tsunamis’ cause many problems like destruction of
property which causes loss of homes, the rainfall can also affect agriculture as most of the
fields would be flooded with water causing the area to begin disinforming and destroying

A cyclone is a mass of wind that is rotating inwards. Some of the conditions that it needs for
it to be able to start is a warm area of water that is around 26degress celsius. There are also
their stages, when it starts, matures and when it dissipates. The eye of the storm is created
when it matures. Cyclones rotate clockwise in the southern hemisphere and anti-clockwise in
the northern hemisphere. The main effects that the cyclone produces in the atmosphere are
heavy rain as well as strong winds. Some of the things that it affects in the hydrosphere is
creating things like unnaturally big waves as well as flooding. How it affects the geosphere is
because when it goes by land it is able to pick up things like roofs as well as trees and
throughs them around breaking anything that is in its path. It affects the biosphere as well
because it is able to uproot trees pick up animals causing them harm. There is also a lot of
pollution and causing a lot of damage to homes and environments.

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