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Institution board and association in the secure the tenants

However, there are no any authorities or institutions in Tanzania which is deals with secures of the tenant.
It is recommended that, government should to encourage and emphasize to create the organization or
board which will regulates the relationship between the landlord and tenant in the matter of the rents,
terms of tenancy agreement. Institution or board which will be responsible in the matter of tenancy
agreement like valuation, inspection and take a task of determines the amount of the rent in the certain
premises. However, there is no any international instrument which deals in secure the tenant but there is
non-governmental organization which is International Union Tenant in which the tenant has a word to say
in the First Monday in each October known as International Tenant Days. . It is recommended that,
government should encourage cooperation between these ministries and other agencies to have authority,
associations or boards which will deal in secure the tenant in Tanzania.

International Union of Tenants (IUT)

Is a non-governmental organization founded in 1929 in Zurich, Switzerland, with the purpose of

safeguarding the interests of tenants and promotion of affordable healthy housing throughout the world.
In May, 2020, IUT had over 70 member associations in about 50 countries

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