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Archdiocese of San Fernando Educational System

St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga Inc.

Floridablanca, Pampanga
Academic Year 2020 – 2021


Name of Student: Garcia, Angeline Mae C.

Gr. & Section: 12-St. Athanasius

Subject Teacher: Mrs. Margery M. Valdez

The Learner designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral communication
activities based on context.
The Learner writes 250-words essay of his/her objective observation and evaluation of the
various speakers watched and listened to.

Goal Make an evaluative essay of the late senator Miriam Defensor Santiago based on the video clip.

Role As an editor-in-chief, you will write 250-word evaluative essay based on the video clip of the late senator.

Audience Your essay will be read by the readers of the said magazine.
Situation The Time Magazine needs its editor-in-chief who will evaluate a prominent public speaker (Miriam Santiago).

Your article (product) should be complete, convincing, consistent, and it must present the good qualities of the
public speaker
Standards Your output will be graded using the rubric:

Scoring Rubric
Category 4- Excellent 3- Very Good 2- Good 1- Developing Score
The writer completes the The writer completes 200- The writer completes 150- 199 The writer completes 100-
250-words essay. 249 words essay. words essay. 149 words essay.
All information to support the Almost all information to Some information to support There are several
Content evaluation is accurate support the evaluation is the evaluation is accurate. inaccuracies in the
Accuracy accurate information to support the
evaluation provided.
Observes effective Observes effective Observes effective Observes dependence on
complex/simple constructions complex/simple constructions complex/simple constructions simple constructions
throughout the piece and in majority of the piece with in certain sections of the piece throughout the piece,
Style/Languag adheres to the language few minor lapses in some with few minor lapses in several lapses in sentences
e Use demands of the projected sentences and generally several sentences and and generally does not
audience adheres to the language generally adheres to the address the demands of
demands of the projected language demands of the the projected audience
audience projected audience
All paragraphs and sentences Occasional lapses in logical Frequent lapses in No logical structuring of
are logically structured and structuring of ideas and constructions and loose logical ideas is observed in the
Organization employ appropriate sentences structuring of ideas in work.
transitional devices and paragraphs and sentences
signposting strategies
Punctuations and mechanics Few lapses in punctuation Some lapses in punctuation Major lapses in
are adequately employed. and mechanics are observed and mechanics are observed punctuation and
Mechanics and
but do not cause problems in and causes misunderstanding mechanics are observed
understanding the text. in certain sections of the text. and impede understanding
of the text.
The essay is neat and no There are one to two There are three to five There are many erasures
erasures were found erasures found in the essay erasures found in the essay found in the essay.
Date of Submission will be on September 25,2020(Friday)

A Lesson from Senator Santiago

By: Angeline Mae C. Garcia

Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago served as one of the judges in the impeachment trial
of Chief Justice Renato Corona, that was held last 2012 in the 26th day of trial court. As Senator
Santiago was known for her wit and brilliance in the political field, she got mad in the middle of
the trial court because of the Prosecutors and Senators who didn’t follow the rules of the court.
The Senator preached the Prosecutors about etiquettes and manners as she said to them,
"Ngayon lang ako nakarinig na we are resting our case and making a formal offer with a
reservation, pag sinabing resting your case tapos kana, that's an oxymoron," this means that
after a Senator/Prosecutor already gave his/her point of view and evidences, he/she should just
lie down, start to listen and look down again for other evidences. This is true because in my
opinion, as Prosecutors and Senators who are knowledgeable in their field, they should do their
part and give respect to the other group. They should not present new witnesses just because they
are not satisfied with their presentation since that was one of the rules of the court. As we, simple
citizens know these simple facts, the people in the hearing deserves to be lashed out by Senator
Santiago as they acted out of the line. Added the fact that while she is still talking, private
Prosecutor Vitaliano Aguirre III was caught on camera covering his ears. It seemed that Aguirre
didn’t want to listen to Senator Miriam and that was literally disrespecting a member of the court
– which is I think was very unprofessional. Further, she also mentioned "To be able to deserve
your appearance fee, you have to prepare every appearance in court." As lawyers, they should
do their best to win every case they prepared to the possible outcome. I think what was best is
that they need to follow the rules of the court and not to violate it; as they are working not only
to get their wages but also to help constituents of the Philippines. They entered it, so they should
do their best to deserve every peso of the Filipinos.
To sum it up, this impeachment trial has significant lessons not only to political people
but to us normal citizens of the country. Senator Santiago thought us the following: First, when
you aspire to become a lawyer you need to know the rules of the court and respect the other
panellist and judges. Same with us, as we need to know every basic rules of the career we wanted
to take since this will help us in every way in our professional life. Second, (as what I've said in
the upper part of my essay) is that to deserve every peso of our future customers/clients in work,
we should do our best to make them feel satisfied, content and happy with what they pay us.
Lastly, if we follow and take into heart and mind these two simple rules of Senator Miriam
Santiago, then we are ready for our future career as fellow professionals of the Philippines.

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