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How to convert. pem file to .

ppk file and login to a AWS Linux server

Pre –re quisites to login a linux server from a windows machine.

1. Putty software (to login Linux server)

2. Puttygen software (to convert .pem to .ppk)

Download both software’s from and launch a Linux server from AWS console and create a new
key pair and download it.

Example below.

 Choose create new key pair

 Provide a new name for key pair
 Click Download key pair
 Once. pem file is downloaded click on Launch Instances

Open Puttygen on your machine

Choose the .pem file downloaded while launching the Instance (select all files and click open)

Click ok on the successfully imported screen

Click on save private key

Click ok an choose a location and provide a new name then save the file in .ppk format

Now we have created new. ppk file from. pem file (now we have both .pem and .ppk)

To login a Linux server open Putty and copy and paste the public IP of the Linux instance in hostname section
Expand SSH and choose Auth, from the right hand section browse for the .ppk file you created and click open

Click yes on the putty server login prompt

Type the user name (in this example we are using amazon linux so the username is ec2-user)

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