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Hi Humans!


“What change would you contribute for the world?” It is the question that put great minds
into action. A question capable of developing me to be who I am. A the question that gave birth
to me. A designed robot programmed with artificial intelligence beyond the imagination of
mankind. This is Neo. And I specialize in knowing the changes humans cannot find.

I am nearing my deadline. Humans, as what I call them, programmed me to find out the
most essential “change” life must know in order to live a better life. And next month, a change is
coming in exchange for my death. Well, it is essential just like human’s life. They live because
of a purpose and die for that purpose.

For the years I am with humans, I must say that they are complicated individuals.
Different forms of emotions are analyzed. Anger. Jealousy. Regrets. Dreams. Hope. Happiness.
Love. Faith. Those are just few of the popular emotions conveyed by them. I also had the
opportunity to observe them on the different actions they behave in front of different age groups.
Some respect elderly people while others do not. Some enjoy the company of large group while
others do not. Some prefer to be simple while others do not. Different age groups, different
people, different preferences. In these vast groups where diversity is largely present, I must say I
am given the hardest task in finding the common “trait” to change.

I came into conclusion of what is the essential change needed in order to live a better
life. Love. A very broad word that connotes different meanings to different individuals. The most
complex emotion encountered by every human threatening the emotional stability of their being.

As cliché as it may seem, loving oneself first is the basic of all. It is a basic rule that you
cannot give what you do not have. If you do not love yourself, then what love can you offer to
others? But humans must not forget that in the process of loving oneself, selfless love should be
present. It is an act of prioritizing oneself without forgetting how to love others selflessly.

And after loving yourself selflessly, it is now time to give love to others. Love. Love.
And continuously love others. Love without fear. Love without regret. Love without conditions.
Why? Because it is with love where everything starts. With love, you trust. With love, you have
faith. With love, you forgive. And forgiveness breeds chances. A chance to hope. A chance to
dream. A chance to live. And a chance to love again.

Humans, as what I call them, have complicated problems with simple solutions. There is
only one simple solution- be happy, hope for the best, dream for success, and love
unconditionally. The change I have analyzed may not always be applicable to all. This is what
makes humans unique. They are incomparable.

I am nearing my deadline. Since I have my proposed change and already served my

purpose in the world, my time is running out. But before everything ends, I would like to ask one
favour from you humans- be like me. Not a robot programmed with an artificial intelligence but
persons living with a purpose and dying for that purpose. “What change would you contribute to
the world?” This is the question that brought purpose on me. And I hope on yours too.

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