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Credits Special Thanks

Gabriel “Gothmate” Correia, Thiago Souza, Jorge He-
Created by: Felipe Daen
nrique, Catarina Liarth and Bruno Menezes for many
Written by: Felipe Daen and Leandro Gerpe; addi- hours playing with the dark ideas chronicled here.
tional writing by Nina Bichara and Helena Wergles.
Ariana “Werewaifu” Hirsch for awesome support dur-
Edited by: Lori Krell ing this project (also for not giving up on the internet).

Art Lori “Last Minute Blessing” Krell for showing up at the

end of the project and making it SO much better.
Original Illustrations: Diego Castro, Ariana Hirsch,
David “Zahir” MacDowell for sharing his writing expe-
Alessandra Duruy, Nina XP
rience through friendly advices and edits.
Characters Illustrations: Thiago Motta
Helena “French” Wergles for the language and writing
Cover and Chapters Art: Felipe Daen tricks that made a lot of difference.
City Map: Marcio Moreira Livia “Yorke” von Sucro for ideas and the cameo of an
Logo Design: Andrey Miranda interesting official character.
Thiago “Shinken” Rosa for not demanding every beer I
Photomanipulation Models promised him during the creation of this book.
(many thanks; you guys rock) Igor “Mr. Flower” Flor, Rafael “Tôligado” Balbo and
Fuchsfee Roberto “Lafranha” Luis for historical/urban info. Clarissa Ramos for the initial spark that spawned this
Anabella Stanyer entire scenario. Also, sorry. Bowie for being an all-around amazing odd-eyed cat.
Asdrall (photography by Mirco Mecacci) Dedication
And friends Arikel Erthal, Luanda Meirelles and This book is dedicated to the memory of Catarina
Lisandra Moura for the likeness of their images in Liarth, missed friend and Storyteller. “Hey Jupiter”.
character illustrations.

© 2017 White Wolf Entertainment AB. All rights reserved. Vam-

pire: The Masquerade®, World of Darkness®, Storytelling Sys-
tem™, and Storytellers Vault™ are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of White Wolf Entertainment AB. All rights reserved.
For additional information on White Wolf and the World of Dark-
ness, please, visit:,

Introduction 5
Chapter One: History 11
Chapter Two: Geography 23
Chapter Three: Characters 49
Chapter Four: Storytelling 125


Dark Carnival
They wanted to taste the forbidden. They wanted to praise life and didn’t want the pain that is needed to live,
to feel, to love. They wanted to feel the terrific immortality. For that which is forbidden is always better.
Clarice Lispector, Where Were You at Night

Rio de Janeiro, “the marvelous city”. Its huge Not even vampires are immune to it. While some
amount of intricate contrasts is indeed marvelous. It is undead resent the truce represented by the “Pact of
the second largest metropolitan area in South Ameri- Saint Sebastian”, others struggle to uphold the city’s
ca, but home to the one of the largest urban forests in neutral grounds. As the damned dance under the
the world. Slums (or “favelas”) rapidly creep up the shadows of the Redeemer, otherwise forbidden alle-
city’s mountains, the very ones that border the weal- giances and dark passions take shape. Maybe there is
thiest areas of the city. Despite the ever-strong pres- indeed some redemption waiting… but at what cost?
ence of African religious heritage, one of its landmarks There is a majestic (and supposedly haunted) theatre
is a giant statue of Christ (“the Redeemer”). Tropical downtown. Postcard beaches drag attention away from
paradise by day, sensual urban elegance by night, Rio the gritty and violent reality of ruined suburbs. Funk
may be as seductive as a vampire – and just as danger- parties ran by violent drug trafficking gangs are wel-
ous. coming of its rich neighbors looking for relief, seeking
Outcast European explorers, bitter African slaves to revel in the forbidden.
and a mysterious native population shaped the city. Its Every year, at the cost of millions in taxpayer’s mon-
mixed cultural heritage kept growing as many immi- ey, the ironically religious festivity of Carnival takes
grants sought new beginnings away from the lands place. In a festival of wild partying based on illusions,
scarred by World War II, leaving their mark in the mortals indulge into their passions free from judg-
city’s history. To this day, it is one of the biggest tour- ment or shame, in delirious celebration, during four
ist spots in South America, attracting visitors world- consecutive nights.
wide. All of these cultures and differences existing side As it turns out, vampires find it a marvelous city in-
by side, sometimes in conflict, sometimes sharing deed. Welcome to Rio de Janeiro.
drinks, shape the city. This is Rio de Janeiro.


About This Book would possibly make a better, interesting portrayal of
their own cities as proper stages for dark chronicles.
This book is an effort to allow such darkness to take
Rio de Janeiro has many interesting aspects for a
shape in Rio.
story of fantastic and sensual horror, focusing on ei-
ther romantic tension or gritty nocturnal violence. Although unofficial, this fan-made sourcebook at-
Despite its potential as a scenario for Vampire, the city tempts to be coherent with the most official continuity
lacked deep coverage in the World of Darkness. A few and information from officially published material.
sourcebooks presents a handful of ideas, but that is May the ideas here inspire many interesting chronicles
about it. Even though such information is indeed (and more Vault supplements!) among the loyal Brazil-
inspirational (enough to develop a lot of this book’s ian and South American fans of the World of Dark-
content), most players from Rio and Brazil craved for ness. This is by the fans, for the fans. We hope you
more. What about the Princes? Who is behind this or enjoy it.
that situation? How could my character fit in?
Back in the late 90s, during an interview, former How to Use This Book
White Wolf developer Ethan Skemp mentioned that This book was organized to help Storytellers to
regional sourcebooks, no matter how nicely presented, create histories set in a darker version of Rio de Janei-
usually fail to perform very well, sell poorly, or fall ro, either as a new chapter of an ongoing chronicle or
victims of misconceptions and regional stereotypes. as an entirely fresh start. Storytellers will be able to
Martin Ericson, White Wolf’s lead storyteller in their exert their creativity and style in the form of new
2017’s Convention also echoed a similar opinion. NPCs, locations and plot hooks.
They have pointed, however, that regional players

Chapter One: History mixes certain key historical Rage Across Amazon has a section dedicated to a
events that shaped Rio de Janeiro with fictional events one-shot story called “Rio de Janeiro by Night”. It is
driven by its undead dwellers. Efforts were made so from a Werewolf point of view, though, and presents
that its timeline is consistent with that of the World a few misconceptions about the city. It mentions a
of Darkness cannon. “Prince Suarez”, clan and generation unrevealed. This
Chapter Two: Geography explores the territory of work assumes that Suarez was probably one of the
Rio de Janeiro. You’ll find information on transporta- influential kindred of the city, whom our Werewolf
tion, the illustrious beaches, the cult downtown, gritty outsiders mistook as the de facto Prince.
suburban areas, its (in)famous favelas and the mortal Children of The Night presents the Sabbat charac-
society– along with the forces of darkness influencing ter Mercy as being from Rio. She was located in Mex-
these areas, Elysium, racks and places of interest for ico City last time the supplements mentioned her. As
the undead. Again, this chapter draws from official an Inquisitor, she could have some business to deal in
tidbits of information from official White Wolf titles. Rio, as its former Archbishop had disturbingly dark
Chapter Three: Characters depicts the cast of vam- connections…
pires that make their haven in the domains of Rio (or Clan Lasombra Trilogy 2: Shadows presents Gra-
plan to trample such domains in a hostile takeover). tiano of Clan Lasombra as Rio’s Archbishop circa the
As an independent book, it offers just enough NPCs year 2000.His motives and long-term intentions re-
to get the story moving: Storytellers are encouraged to garding the city are up to the Storyteller, conveniently
populate Rio with their own darker visions of city left to speculation. What is your take on it?
dwellers or undead immigrants. Special attention was Finally, Beckett’s Jyhad Diary depicts a meeting be-
given to official White Wolf characters, allowing Sto- tween two illustrious cainites in Rio, at a nightclub.
rytellers some freedom to run their own interpretation Albeit rivals, both honor the neutral status of the city.
of famous faces such as Gratiano of clan Lasombra. An important domain that enforces neutrality in this
Chapter Four: Storytelling brings the former chap- chronicle happens to be a nightclub. Coincidence?
ters together in the shape of plot hooks and short Ask its owner, but beware of her cruel pastimes.
stories, focused in many different aspects of the city.
Storytellers may tinker with the ideas provided here to Edition and Setting
build their own narratives and introduce their players In order to better accommodate a wider range of
to Rio by Night. Storytellers, players and fans of Vampire: the Masque-
rade avid for a South American scenario, Rio by Night
A Word of Advice to Players! was developed with the intentionally nebulous time-
In the age of “spoiler alerts”, you may want to save frame and setting of Fourth Edition (aka 20th Anniver-
yourself some frustration, so take care with what you sary) in mind.
read. Chapter One should be common knowledge to This design choice allows stories based in Rio by
most kindred, so no risk there. Chapter Two has sen- Night to be easily adapted into either recent or classic
sitive territorial information, which may be useful for
players as well. Chapters Three and Four contain po-
tential spoilers to the cool mysteries in this scenario,
better suited to the eyes of Storytellers only.
You have been warned.
Carioca: Person who was born in and/or lives in
Tie-Ins with Official Material Rio de Janeiro.

A World of Darkness Second Edition is one of the Favela: Very poor and crowded shantytowns, of-
starting points for the background story of this book. ten erected in the slopes of mountains. Some of
It has about one page on Rio, but it is a rather inter- these communities are ran by organized crime or
esting one in terms of an overview. Most importantly, stand right next to expensive urban areas.
it presents the theme of Rio as a neutral ground for
Camarilla and Sabbat, an idea vastly explored here.


scenarios, while keeping consistent with the metaplot eventually, this will take its toll.
and particular themes. Characters convert easily to Truly, in Rio, the elders are likely turn a blind eye to
different editions as well. that Toreador approaching a Tzimisce to craft the
As usual, the Storyteller is encouraged to fine-tune perfect partner. Coteries of neonates negotiate discip-
the nature and date of chronicle events to better suit lines with packs of shovelheads at hidden meeting
their own vision of the World of Darkness. spots. Meanwhile, conservative undead and other
treacherous parties are creeping at every opportunity
Theme and Mood to blow it all to hell.
Separated by millennia of conflict and bad blood,
The classic background of Vampire meets, here, a
rival sect find neutral grounds in Rio. Are their ways
small, interesting twist. The metaphor of a Masque-
so profane, after all? In their different takes on the
rade sees its sensual and mysterious atmosphere of
undead condition, what is there to learn? To savor?
classic balls being merged with the visceral intensity
Are the seductive whispers of an unknown path mere-
(or outright inconsequent debauchery) of the city’s
ly a siren’s song? There is but one way to discover.
typical Carnival party.
As much as the political game is strong in Rio, it is Resources and References
also a passionate city. Positions of power will generate Books
more than resources: it will inspire grudges and de-
sires. Passion is real – and often, dark. Where Were You at Night, Clarice Lispector
The Slum, Aluísio Azevedo
Eu e Outros Poemas, Augusto dos Anjos
Much like its notorious Carnival, the theme of Rio
by Night is that of dangerous freedom and tempta- Movies
tion. The festivity implies a suspension of judgments, Orfeu (1999)
of preoccupations, of consequence. Excesses and vani-
ties are the order of the day. Tempted to explore and Cazuza – Time Doesn’t Stop (2004)
stretch the limits of status quo, we are often eager to Quanto Vale ou é por Quilo (2005)
embrace freedom. Nonetheless, carnival eventually
Elite Squad and its sequel (2007 and 2010)
ends. How do we deal with its aftermath?
In the absence of direct conflict between the Sabbat My Name Ain’t Johnny (2008)
and the Camarilla, a fragile neutral ground is set up Music
for sworn enemies to interact directly. Such interac-
tions may occur in a hostile, political or even passio- Insensatez by Tom Jobim (Angelo Badalamenti’s ver-
nate fashion, as the city mood invites them to. sion is rather adequate to the chronicle’s mood also);

The struggle for power has left both sects on the Rio 40 Graus, by Fernanda Abreu; Cazuza and Marina
edge long enough to instigate unlikely alliances. The Lima are other famous rock/mpb artists from Rio;
distance from European Elders gave Rio’s cainites the Album Rio After Dark by Ana Caram sets the mood for
chance to flirt with the enemy. As in a Carnival party, sophisticated Elysium scenes with classical bossa nova;
however, costumes are as attractive as they are deceit-
Abismo e Carnaval, Trilogia dos Carnavais and other
ful: one never knows what cruel intentions may lie
works by Rogerio Skylab;
behind an elegant mask.
O Último Dia, Paulinho Moska;
Mood Band Nouvelle Vague and its bossa nova versions of
Chronicles in Rio may explore a subtext of strange famous rock/pop classics;
attraction. Similar to what happens to kine, the access Hojerizah and Picassos Falsos are bands from Rio’s
to different cultures (in the case of the kindred, differ- short lived, post-punk wave;
ent clans, sects, beliefs) is abundant. Vampires in Rio
have the opportunity to deal with their devils – and Metal has a resilient underground scene in the city:
Lacerated and Carbonized, Gutted Souls and Forceps

are fine examples of Rio’s death metal bands; to color their eternities– as long as they can handle
Raul Seixas and most of his work, curiously popular one more night in Rio.
despite its psychedelic and occult-inspired lyrics; Vampires…
“O Rappa” and “Huaska”, fusion bands mixing rock With Rio by Night’s premise, Storytellers may struc-
and national rhythms; ture their chronicle as either Camarilla or Sabbat cen-
Any internet playlist on funk proibidão (it stands for tered. However, Rio gathers conditions for chronicles
“forbidden funk”, which is actually banned by law for about how vampires of opposing sects and ways try to
its explicit lyrics related to sex and crime – good luck). band together against a common threat, even if the
aftermath of such conflict is uncertain.
The Damned The theme of dangerous freedom suggests many in-
teresting hooks to put characters from different stan-
Rio de Janeiro by Night explores and extrapolates dards much closer to one another than they might
the official premise offered by White Wolf of a neutral initially expect.
ground for the creatures of the night. However, un-
known forces and ancient schemes have turned the …and other Monsters
paradisiacal Rio in a violent no-man’s land. The first thing many players associate with
South America is “werewolf stuff”. In fact, one of the
Power Structure official approaches towards the city was indeed a We-
The truce between Camarilla and Sabbat rewolf short story, in Rage Across Amazon. Rio
represented by the “Pact of Saint Sebastian” nearly blends natural and urban landscapes beautifully, in a
evaporated recently, after the vampires leading it met way that almost begs for a Werewolf scenario to be
mysterious Final Deaths. Finger pointing, backstab- developed.
bing and bloodshed were the order of the night in the Rio by Night acknowledges the presence of these
brief yet violent turmoil that followed. and other denizens of darkness in its landscape. As the
Before Rio became an uncontrolled hunting characters chapter will show, some of them have inte-
ground, an unlikely coalition of elders managed to racted with the undead, in both amicable and not-so-
hold domain over important areas of the city. These friendly ways. This is an independent work for Vam-
vampires diligently try to recover the reputation of pire: the Masquerade, however. This supplement will
good old Rio de Janeiro, even if they struggle to trust focus on Vampires, and themes fitting to their stories.
each other themselves. Historically, Vampires have pushed the wild crea-
The Camarilla’s influence in the city is significant, tures back since they started tainting the native lands
but its dysfunctions are many. Evidence points to along with Europeans explorers. Some supernatural
conspirators, both in and outside the sect, who would creatures might remember those nights with a grudge,
love to see Rio de Janeiro engulfed in chaos. The Pri- but many learned it is best not to meddle with the
mogen try their best to keep the rumors about infernal kindred and conduct their own dark affairs in secrecy.
influence from spreading, but there is tension in their This works as a plot device for the Storyteller to ei-
charming smiles. ther ignore such creatures altogether, or include a few
Ironically, Camarilla’s best bet so far lies in allowing daring supernatural beings in their nocturnal stories
the Sabbat to grow stronger. A few Bishops do favor about Rio.
the truce; their more fanatic members invest in their It is a World of Darkness, after all…
pursuit for supposed corruptors, caring little about
sect politics. It is a dangerous gambit, however. The
Sword of Cain remains fractured from the recent con-
flicts. A sense of cause may be all it takes for these
fanatics to howl for blood in unison once again.
Between fragile alliances, questionable motivations
and temptations at every turn, the players’ characters
may find redemption, damnation, power or pleasures


Chapter One:
Feed my hunger with poverty
Feed my anger with children
Feed my ego with luxury
I'm having a good time
Laibach, Bossanova

Rio de Janeiro has been target of foreign pirate inva- cerpts of documents hinting about sinister events,
sions, refuge of a fleeing royal court, the country’s setting Rio in a World of Darkness.
capital, stage of a short-lived but harsh dictatorship,
inspiration for cult artists, sensationalist media and
corrupted politicians alike, and more.
Shadows from the
Portuguese explorers arrived in northern Brazil in Dark Ages…
1500. Circa 1560, the Portuguese moved forces to
southeastern lands, to fight French invaders. They (circa 1500-1600)
approached by what was believed to be a river (later
discovered to be Guanabara Bay), by the month of
The Beginning
January. River of January. Rio de Janeiro. After the cannibalistic uprising of its fledglings and
Legends say that an apparition of Saint Sebastian the Inquisition aftermath, vampires organized sects
himself helped the Portuguese to fend off the Euro- with those sharing similar convictions about their
pean trespassers and their native allies. In 1565, the immortality. Shortly, animosities between these
victorious explorers named their newfound settlement groups made the nights in the Old Continent most
as “São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro”. Saint Sebastian dangerous, as battles for Domains escalated.
is the patron saint of the city. Its imagery is both sen- As it was, the Camarilla, supported by its powerful
sual and violent – a rather symbolic choice. Elders, had an edge over the chaotic vampires of a
This chapter attempts to present a bit of the city’s recently shaped Sabbat. The old continent had be-
history meddled with the kindred lore and a few ex- come too small. The age of sails and the kindred’s
need for new territories were no coincidence.


And it came to pass that a distant land was discov- stay away from the depraved Sabbat. This dance of
ered by Portuguese expeditions, spreading news rumors, dangers and intrigue attracted an especially
through the Iberia region. The Terra de Santa Cruz ambitious and powerful kindred couple.
(Holy Cross Land), which would be later renamed to Angela, the epithet of Toreador elder, switched
Brazil, was the promise of a new and wild land, distant courts, domains and alliances (or even identity on
from the European structures of power (and from the occasion) as she grew bored of them. She took part in
Camarilla’s strong grip as well). the making of kings, coups, adventures and brief love
The Kingdom of Portugal sent nobles and explorers affairs among the nobility of many nations. With a
to form settlements on its newfound colony. These smile that inspired staunch loyalty and dark desires,
conquistadores, seeking opportunities and new begin- Angela seduced entire armies to do her bidding or
nings, dominated the native tribesmen, combating simply entertain her ego.
invaders and founding small villages. While some It was in on the kingdom of Portugal that she met
Elders were aware and interested on the possibilities, Gregorio, a rogue mortal soul whose charismatic and
an ambitious ancilla made the first move. challenging nature (as well as his self-destructive ten-
dencies) enchanted her. Angela embraced him in a
A Black Bishop Moves passionate impulse, as a companion to her adventures
and ultimately as a lover. The couple traveled the Eu-
During the 14th century, the Lasombra dragged to its ropean domains, leaving a trail of broken hearts and
ranks the Portuguese priest Teodoro, considering his crippled kingdoms behind them.
faith, determination and social abilities fitting to the Both found a tempting challenge in the Portuguese
clan interests. However, the faith of the young Chris- kindred society. Marked by the Reconquista wars, those
tian had all but shattered in face of the sinister urges vampires proved either too bitter or too jealous of
of the embrace. Teodoro became an ambitious and their Domains to entertain the charms of the two
brilliant neonate, if remarkably depraved. Rapidly, he Toreador. They bided their time and watched the
extended his influence with the nobility and the Holy court divert its investments towards its newfound
Church, but such connections always interfered with Brazilian colonies. Pawns and resources relocated, and
his elders’ own schemes. in this power restructure, the Toreador would soon
With some apprehension that the voracity of the make her move.
neonate could impede in their affairs, the local La-
sombra “suggested” that Teodoro followed their Wild Blood in a Wild
pawns among Jesuits missionaries into those newly
discovered lands, serving both to expand the clan’s Land (1600-1700)
influence and to test his real capabilities. Infiltrated
among such expeditions, Teodoro and his pack ar- Rio de Janeiro prospered from its initial settlement
rived to the settlement of Saint Sebastian of Rio de atop Castelo Mountain. A town hall formed aside the
Janeiro by the end of the 16th century. Jesuit College and their church. From there, Teodoro
watched as the town expanded into the unknown
Enter the White Queen lands. His devotion towards the ritae and his personal
magnetism soon attracted more kindred.
Meanwhile, the Camarilla’s traditions ruled on most
parts of the Old Continent. Structured under the The religious propaganda conveniently justified the
cunning wits of the Inner Circle, it was time for these trafficking of African slaves. Their resilience served
leaders to show activity and display their powers to both to accelerate city urbanization and to entertain
keep enemies (within and outside the sect) at bay. sadistic explorers – and eventually, the vampires
among them. This strengthened the Sabbat to push
The Inner Circle spread news of the great cities that back wild fae and shapeshifters from their domain.
were to rise on those distant lands, hoping to bait
ambitious cainites into it. After all, the elders would Proclaimed a Sabbat Bishop, Teodoro’s pawns
be much more willful to recognize domains if these served him well. Through the Jesuit missions, the
stood far from their own territories. natives would be “educated”, granting convenient
A few elders became aware of their former acquain- hunting grounds for the debaucheries of his pack. The
tances’ new turf. They advised fledglings and allies to city advanced slowly and steady as corrupted Sabbat


blood tainted the earth.

The Cannibal Fiend

Those bloody acts eventually attracted the attention
of a mysterious and primal Tzimisce stalking those
lands. This savage apparently resided in the territories
of native cannibal tribes since time immemorial, exist-
ing as a deity and offered bloody sacrifices. Acemira,
as her tribesmen called her, massacred the newcomers
and became the first real threat for the Sabbat.
Eventually Teodoro himself approached the Tzi-
misce, bringing blood offerings and his respect. She
nearly destroyed the Lasombra, but eventually decided
to spare him. In its alien wisdom, the fiend realized
that an era was ending. Her wild haven would not
remain immaculate for long, as white men and greedy
kindred arrived in groups from across the sea. She
would need stronger companions.
Leaving her tribe behind, the wild goddess found
herself revered (and feared) by monsters of her own
kind. One with the land, Acemira’s allegiance to the
Sabbat guided them through the wilderness of the
territory and of their bestial nature. Another remarka-
ble move by Teodoro: the priest now had his bloody
deity, and the Sabbat celebrated both.

Urban Expansion
Unwanted Guests
Human trafficking was a pivotal resource in the
construction of Rio. The expeditions bringing African
slaves often held the captives in awful conditions.
About ten percent of these poor souls perished
through the journey due to sickness, violence and the
hunger of cainites hidden among the crew. This be-
came a gruesome yet effective way for vampires to
approach Rio with stealth.
Despite the allure, few Camarilla kindred travelled
to Rio. Of note, the Nosferatu elder Marquise ma-
naged to elude the growing Sabbat. Hiding among the
working population, she fed her elders overseas with
precious information regarding the city’s sovereigns,
both human and undead.
The city’s prosperity also attracted pirates from other
European nations. Rumor has it that the Brujah were
behind at least some of these incursions. Their at-
tempts ultimately failed, but generated chaos enough


for the few Camarilla kindred to act in secrecy.
The bandeirantes, groups of explorers hired to map
Blood and Riches
the surroundings and capture slaves, were also very Rio de Janeiro became an important colonial port
useful. Along with Gangrel scouts (and often empo- city, dealing in gold, sugar and new hopes. Shaping
wered by their vitae), they removed undesirable kin- the city's slow expansion, the Sabbat would revel in
dred, and mapped the territory. the blood and depravations of a society distant from
the strict European morals. Despite its monsters (or
A White Knight Falls maybe because of them), urbanization advanced.
Rio was an important route for slaves and precious In 1763,Rio de Janeiro officially became the capital
metals, requiring more regulation from Portuguese of Brazil and by then Teodoro’s status as an Archbi-
representatives. Gregorio arrived among such illu- shop was uncontested. Lacking a direct opposition,
strious colonists in the port of Rio in 1712. Infiltrat- the Sabbat became tolerant of wandering Indepen-
ing loyal retainers and ghouls among the government, dents as long as they were wise enough to pay tributes
explorers and slaves, the Toreador evaluated the ex- to the land’s dark lords. The next decades seemed
tension of Sabbat’s influence and reported to his Sire. quiet, but only because it preceded a storm.
His downfall was his pride. In attempts to impress
his lover, Gregorio’s manipulations became more Kingdom Come
aggressive, harder to keep undercover. Despite his
progenies and web of political allies, the Sabbat ma- (1800-1900)
naged to track the elder. Eventually his letters to Por-
tugal ceased completely, his fate unknown.
A Convenient Threat
Angela enjoyed prestige in her stationary position in
Portugal, but became far more bitter and inhuman in
her lover’s absence. Courtly affairs did not interest her
any longer as much as raw power. Because the elders
of Portugal left her far too little room for her own
schemes, she eventually departed – and in a dangerous
gambit, took the whole court under her wing.
What sounded like a megalomaniacal and absurd
plan actually came together: Napoleon’s threat grew
stronger, the kindred became more reckless, the court
faced imminent invasion, and Camarilla leaders rec-
ognized potential in distant territories. Years of plot-
ting came to fruition. Angela inspired and manipu-
lated the court advisors. Fleeing from the Napoleonic
threat, the Portuguese Royal Family sought refuge
overseas, in their colony of Brazil.

The Methuselahs’ Plot

Angela placed a few handpicked Camarilla members
in the royal fleets as they fled from Portugal to Rio de
Janeiro in 1808, leaving behind a forsaken kingdom.
The risk was high but worth it. Camarilla’s Inner
Circle conveniently gave her somewhat of a carte-
blanche: they foresaw the destruction of both the ex-
iled Sabbat and the ambitious Toreador conspirator in
a major clash, allowing for their own appointed lead-
ers to claim Rio de Janeiro undisputed.


But they were wrong. cal struggle to direct conflict between kindred, regard-
less of their status. From their leading positions, Teo-
The Court in Rio doro and Angela were under pressure as the conflict
Upon arrival, the Portuguese court brought a vast intensified beyond their control.
array of demands, professionals and infrastructure
improvements. The process of reorganizing the status
The Pact of Saint Sebastian
quo of that society left many opportunities for those Angela and Teodoro finally got face-to-face after the
able to bite into it. The kindred led by Angela took court departure. The two elders met by chance in a
that expression quite literally. political hearing behind closed doors, conducted by
Simply put, instead of destroying or contesting the their contested pawns. Contrary to expectations, there
influence of the Sabbat on the region, the Camarilla was no violence between them.
used it as foundation for its own. Former authorities The real events of that night may possibly remain
were shaken after the arrival of the royal family, and vague and speculative forever. Brazilian society was
had their privileges either reduced or outright confis- actually surprised when slavery in Brazil was no more.
cated by the new rulers (and their dark masters). The Kindred were even confused to realize that Angela and
stage was set for the Camarilla’s takeover. Teodoro somehow forged a kind of pact that night.
Observing the changing times and foreseeing a
A Bold Reaction switch in the halls of power, both elders negotiated an
The Sabbat seemed curiously ready to react, howev- agreement of non-aggression between sects. Signed
er. Kine resources contested could never completely with blood, the “Pact of Saint Sebastian” dictated the
cripple a sect so centered on symbolism and superna- immediate end of conflict. It also defined certain terri-
tural beliefs as the Sabbat. The time of manipulative tories and divided the city influence between clans.
and subtle moves gave way to brute force. All clans, even independents, were hesitant to ac-
Some expeditions never came back from the forests; cept the truce. Malkavians, Gangrel and Tzimisce
nobles blamed the sudden illness or madness of their elders established “neutral areas” throughout the city.
relatives to some tropical
condition. Brutal treat-
ment against slaves gen-
erated riots for freedom,
ultimately resulting in
political controversy
about laws on slavery.
After a direct assault
on her haven led by the
Tzimisce, Angela went
undercover for a short
while, apparently wea-
kened. The Sabbat ad-
vanced over her unpro-
tected pawns and ma-
naged to take the court
under control, manipu-
lating them back to Por-
tugal in 1821.
As the Inner Circle
expected, the conflict
escalated from an influ-
ence contest from politi-


They heavily enforced the truce in these locations, and
while some grudges were still real, in general a few
sworn enemies reached some sort of agreement over
resources and motives. Blood and Carnival
Dark Hearts Angela and Teodoro had to be bold (and often,
brutal) to enforce their imposed pact of shared Do-
The two vampires were as discrete as possible about main. Through the first decades, vampires failing to
their endeavors, but rumors began to spread about respect territory limits or rules were slayed, branded,
secret meetings. Accustomed to court games, the as- dispossessed or otherwise severely punished. The
tute Marquise of Clan Nosferatu carefully extended a dark couple’s violent methods proved effective, but
web of contacts around the two elders and began to made them feared rather than respected.
investigate both of them. Surprised, she ultimately In an effort to change that, in 1840 the first car-
found out that the two elders were not just political
nival ball was organized by bourgeois pawns of both
allies: they became lovers.
elders. It took place at a prestigious hotel in Rio
A mere year later, Brazil was declared independent Downtown, and had many illustrious guests, both
from Portugal.1883 saw the first electricity distribu- mortal and undead. Masks and alcohol-laced vitae
tion and in 1888 the slaves were finally declared free encouraged interaction. Under the premise of the
(even if abuse continued toward them) and joined party, many Traditions and rivalries were lifted.
Rio’s growing economy. Railroads and steamboats The festivity was a success and became a tradition
improved commerce. The city prospered and so did its of the city. It expanded to popular strata of carioca
resident vampires.
society (and was mirrored among less reputable un-
Even if some elders were resentful of the unlikely al- dead as well). The themes of mockery, wild freedom
liance, Teodoro and Angela kept the city under con- and debauchery became essential to Carnival, thanks
trol. Dissidents were given a chance to repent before to kindred taking part in it – to either advance their
observing their ghouls and important pawns eliminat- own agenda or simply revel in its fantasy of freedom.
ed. Conspirators would be staked and left to the trop- There are obvious implications regarding the
ical sun. With calculated smiles and watchful shadows, Masquerade and other Traditions. Adding to the
the Pact (and its enforcers) thrived.
chaos, different events around the city assume differ-
Dark Paradise ent takes on these rules. Chapter Two and Four ex-
plores some gears behind the Carnival of the undead.
Monarchy was overthrown in 1889. Severing its last
ties with Portugal, Brazil became a Republic. Impor-
tant mortal figures and resources of the city where also
distributed among clans, as a sign of good faith by the
city’s Prince and Archbishop. Shattered Marvel
Rio became reputable among kindred. Sabbat and
Camarilla came to respect the Domain as a place to
decide otherwise impossible alliances. Independent
vampires felt welcomed. Avoiding blood rivalries,
Beyond the Façade
shying away from strict traditions, enjoying the aban- The city evolved fast and progress would not stop.
don of its festive cattle – all was possible under its In 1904, over 300 popular houses were destroyed to
dark rulers’ hospitality. In many senses, the undead of open way for an important avenue connecting down-
Rio felt like the domain was apart from Jyhad itself. town to other parts of the city. Despite protesters, this
was followed by the grounding of some terrains. Ur-
However, their opposition would never forgive or
banization continued to expand into the whole city.
forget, and had their own plans for the couple. For-
bidden love stories often lead to tragic finales, and this Carnival, beaches and culture covered up the harsh-
is especially true among kindred. er reality from outsiders. Organized crime, social prob-
lems and political corruption also composed the dark-


er background of the city. Some said that the contrast
of corruption and beauty was merely a reflection of
Rio’s undead leaders.
However, in the 1920s, the two elders business fal-
tered from invisible hand interfering in their affairs. A
few of their assets suffered from suspicious industrial
espionage and political upheavals. Clan elders ex-
changed accusations of sabotage in tense encounters.
Whispers of discord between the city’s rulers filled the
halls of Elysium.
Eventually the reason presented itself.

To Hell and Back

Gregorio resurfaced among the undead society in
1923. For those old enough to know him, it was clear
that his presence meant trouble. No vampire knew for
sure when he returned to action, but two things were
clear: he had built a strong powerbase among the kine,
and a strong resentment towards his sire.
Angela felt torn for the first time in over millennia.
Her loyalty and interests indeed belonged with the
Archbishop. However, memories and sensations from
a time long thought gone resurfaced with her progeny.
This noticeably compromised her ability as a strong
Prince. Angela’s attempts to quell his anger proved
The returned Toreador allied himself with Ventrue
and Brujah elders, and aggressively climbed in status –
breaching the Pact’s rules in the process. Angela’s
reluctance to punish Gregorio as severely as expected
became notorious, causing dissention among her for-
mer supporters and staining her reputation.
Gregorio’s political agitation inspired neonates and
ancillae. In 1937, a group of military and political
oligarchs organized a coordinated coup, and the polit-
ical status quo rearranged significantly. While Rio saw
the oppression typical of tyrants in power, these lead-
ers were rather charismatic and eventually the popula-
tion celebrated them.
In a hostile takeover, the Ventrue acquired influ-
ence over many military assets formerly under control
of clan Tzimisce. Bishops of the Sabbat demanded a
fierce retaliation. The Pact of Saint Sebastian waned
nightly and all hell broke loose.

The White Queen Falls

The divide between Angela and Teodoro became
unsustainable. In 1945, the Toreador assembled the


Primogen and resigned from Princedom. In this last Second in the Lasombra’s vendetta was the Brujah
gathering, her words were somber and sometimes Primogen. Lured into the Archbishop’s haven, Pietro
enigmatic. Her beautiful eyes looked so tired. stormed Candelária Cathedral with the same vigor
Feeling that the game was over, Gregorio sought her that he invaded Rio’s shores centuries ago with his
that night. For the first time, the eldest unleashed her corsairs. This time, however, Teodoro was ready and
fury upon her former lover. In some accounts, Grego- had nothing to lose. The two elders found destruction
rio cried tears of blood with guilt. Others tell that he in each other’s fury. According to mystical research,
endured the altercation resiliently and dignified. the Archbishop’s dark vitae stained the location even
in the spiritual realm.
In all versions, the encounter ends with Angela bes-
towing a long and bloody kiss upon her progeny. Vitae Gregorio had lost his two most important allies. The
and shadows flowed into him, forever scarring his last blow to the Toreador’s ego was the hardest: the
body and spirit. Paralyzed and left to burn at the com- beautiful Angela was found destroyed at her haven in
ing sun, Gregorio barely escaped from his sire’s bitter Copacabana. Some elders account that Gregorio ma-
farewell. naged to reach her bloodless body one last time. Only
then, her gracious corpse turned to dust, in his arms.
It was the beginning of the end.
Clan attacked clan. Intrigue and backstabbing were
Sins of the Father the order of the day. Focusing their own survival over
petty politics, the status as country’s capital was lost in
Teodoro gathered with his most revengeful Bishops. 1960. By daylight, Rio continued to attract hopeful
He well knew his days as a sovereign were counted, immigrants from the north of the country, adding
but he would leave with a bang and wash his honor in even more to the cultural mix of the city. For its noc-
blood. The Lasombra had weaved some dark contin- turnal denizens, however, the paradise was lost.
gency plans, and it was time to unleash them.
Political turmoil ensued after the unexpected sui- Rebel Years
cide of President Getúlio Vargas, in 1954. The event The turmoil among kindred reflected in mortal so-
remains a topic of conspiracy theories to this day. At ciety. Instability in the halls of power was crescent and
any rate, his death represented a violent power shift in in 1964, another coup took place. Brazil was once
the city, leaving a few influential elders quite vulnera- again a dictatorship, much more strict and fierce than
ble. the past one.
The first to fall was the Ventrue Primogen, Andreas. Ironically, it stimulated resistance in the form of art,
His progeny’s resentment and self-loathing did not go music and student activism. Severe methods to repress
unnoticed by the dark priest, who approached and such rebels also took place. Laws against activism
offered support. Penelope devoured her sire and took banned any cultural production with a strong political
over his channels of influence, especially among the subtext. This led to national porn movies becoming
military. The Sabbat welcomed her warmly, and her rather popular among cariocas during the 70s.
presence stoked the sect’s revolutionary spirit.
In Rio, this tension and authority abuses became ex-
treme. Censorship exiled artists and newspapers
ceased activities. Police wielded rights to arrest “sub-
versives” for no reason other than “suspicious beha-
vior”. Torture became common practice, and many
illustrious and anonymous cariocas simply vanished
during this time. Under vigilant paranoia, everything
became an offense.
Kindred used the civil chaos to cover their own tac-
tics. At large, the Sabbat pointed their military assets
against their undead targets, while the Camarilla in-
fluenced both popular and intellectual strata to riot


against the oppression. Under the guise of police
operations, more than a few kindred met final death.
During this dark episode in Rio’s story, its reputa-
tion as a safe haven all but dissipated. Kindred now
avoided Rio at all costs. There were two clear groups
among cainites: those who instigated the conflict and
those trying to uphold the city’s Tradition, even in
the absence of its former leaders.

The Eighties
Slowly, the wave of violence in Rio reduced and
fell under control. While the divide between sects
was again a reality, elders from both sides coordi-
nated their efforts to bring Rio back to its former
glory. Through sabotage, political manipulation,
seduction and intimidation, these vampires managed
to subdue or placate those openly interested in war.
As their dark masters lost influence, so did the mil-
itary oppressors. Its operations and authoritative laws
stained the memory of many cariocas. With the
economy in chaos and low popularity, the armed
forces finally lost their dominion. The event was a
much-needed wave of hope and fresh air to the popu-
As for the undead, it was a process of painful re-
covery. More than a few ancillae met destruction at
the diligent hands of military police or conspirators
from the fallen regime. While mortals were eager to
turn that page of their history, undead resentment
can go a long way.
Fearing the interference of Justicars or an official
Conclave, Gregorio gathered the Camarilla elders. A
few were reluctant, but in 1985a Primogen council
emerged in the shadows to direct the cainite affairs.
Ultimately, their goal was the same: to make Rio a
trustworthy, reputable domain once again. They only
need to trust each other first. Camarilla support this notion, but the clans stand
true to their risky bet and have remarkably kept these
Still Beautiful territories under control. Ventrue, Nosferatu and
Gangrel have strengthened their grip around tradi-
The Camarilla opted to avoid interactions with out- tional Camarilla territories, even if their alliance is not
siders and rebuild its influence. Not all clans were in exactly stable. A few Tremere and Caitiff have helped
amicable terms, but most neonates enjoyed the rees- both sides, keeping things in balance.
tablished security – even prestige, for a few. With the
final death of a few important ancillae during the Vampires on both sects worked eagerly to make the
conflicts of the previous decades, fledglings and elders Pact of Saint Sebastian official again. Both sides
had no choice but to work together. seemed to bide their time in restructuring the delicate
political situation. The elders remained reluctant to
Clans Brujah, Malkavian, and (ironically) Toreador interact directly, but a few coteries and packs have
have slowly re-enforced the rules of neutrality. Not all been known to visit the neutral grounds more fre-


quently in behalf of older kindred. Even more intriguing was the Archbishop’s collec-
The Council avoided the same mistakes of the for- tion of occult relics. The few select allies confirmed
mer leaders of the city. Their position’s status favored some of his items: saint statues that cried blood, the
charisma over brute force. In situations requiring di- bible used to keep alive slaves undergoing heavy tor-
rect intervention, they have been swift, discrete and ture, jewelry made of teeth, native staves made of bone
deadly. Their goal was to remove the problem before it and flesh. These and other pieces of his private collec-
grew, rather than making examples. This contributed tion have all but disappeared. More disturbingly: some
to the façade of tranquility they hope to cultivate. have recently been tracked to be the focus of dispute
among a group of ghouls belonging to important po-
In the 90s, Rio finally became controlled enough to litical circles, criminal associations and religious insti-
receive a few undead visitors once again. Some kin- tutions. Whom these lackeys answer to is also un-
dred optimistically commented about the Sabbat. The known.
lack of direct conflict or intervention by their packs
conveyed a proof of good will from these savages to- These bizarre discoveries have been going on since
wards the city restructure. his demise, intensifying into the 80s and onwards, but
discretely. The Bishops try to keep it low for different
The elders smiled politely, ensuring visitors and reasons: some consider it merely eccentricities of an
neonates about their renewed domain. Yet secretly, a elder, other seek to avoid exposing it to the Camarilla,
few kindred heard rumors. They remained silent, but and most importantly, some are concerned of un-
terrified. The true reasons that have kept Sabbat’s wanted attention. Rumor has it that a Sabbat Inquisi-
attention away from the Camarilla may be far more tor has been paying visits to the city, and no one is
sinister. comfortable answering their questions.
The Sword of Caine Modern Nights
In face of recent events, the Sabbat quickly frag- By the middle 90s, Rio was a known metropolis. Its
mented. While certain packs argued about reestablish- lifestyle attracted from tourists to wandering workers.
ing the truce, other simply enjoyed the power vacuum Numerous artistic movements, both cult and popular,
to explore the city’s wild pleasures. A few supported were represented in some way in the city. The under-
an open attack on Camarilla, but their renewed world influence also became stronger. Violence in the
Council seems rather effective in neutralizing individ- more impoverished areas inspired bloody tabloids and
ual threats. Some members however have invested in funk music, becoming a dark part of Rio’s culture. At
issues that are more mysterious. large, the government directive was to repress (often
The former Archbishop was indeed a strong leader, with excessive force) undesirable activities into the
but his figure inspired rumors. Fighting the native poorest areas of the city, exporting the image of its
threats, discovering an ancient Tzimisce, seducing a paradisiacal beaches and landscapes.
Toreador elder, inspiring and hypnotic ritae: such In a sense, it was not so different from the attitude
talents raised more questions than loyalty in some of the undead. Under the fragile tranquility of Rio de
packs. Few would be fooled to voice their mistrust in Janeiro, cainites once again dared to take part in hu-
Teodoro, but upon his destruction, some packs de- man affairs, be it political manipulations or relaxed
cided to investigate for skeletons in his closet. festivities. The slightest trespasses of the Council’s few
The elder’s leftover leads turned out to be extremely rules were quickly silenced – often as discretely as
illusive, even by Lasombra standards. Clues suggested possible. Their effective actions favor the idea of a
that his was an often presence in some favelas of Rio. controlled domain, at least on the surface. Recently,
To what end is anyone’s guess: the rumors about lu- the Primogen have been very careful about their steps.
pines hidden in these slums at large keep kindred In 1995, legendary Lasombra Gratiano de Veronese
away from it. Evidence points at some sort of myste- arrived in Rio de Janeiro. With vast influence both
rious cult, masquerading as criminal activity. Human supernatural and political, Gratiano claimed the title
trafficking, prostitution and brutal, bloody deaths: the of Archbishop to himself. The position still reminded
dark side of Rio’s underworld might have even more kindred of some emotional charge linked to it. Gra-
disturbing origins in its core. tiano hoped to use it in his favor. Some Sabbat packs


seemed divided about the topic: some packs celebrate
his presence, others were rather concerned about it.

A Dark Presence Rio by Night - Timeline

Gratiano does not seem interested in interfering 1500 – Brazil is discovered;
with the Pact’s rules. In fact, he has greatly used the 1563 – Teodoro arrives with Jesuit expeditions;
neutrality to his advantage. His haven is a property 1565 – Saint Sebastian of Rio de Janeiro founded;
that belonged to noble Portuguese families in one of 1567 – French invaders (and the Camarilla pawns
the richest neighborhoods of Rio’s south zone – an among them) are removed from Rio’s coast;
area traditionally controlled by Camarilla… until now. 1610 – Bandeirantes expeditions into the wilderness,
seeking escaped slaves and unwanted monsters
The Primogen are aware of his presence, but only
(through the whole century);
because he never cared to hide in the first place. Some
1666 – After conflicts involving cannibal natives,
elders consider Gratiano’s discrete agenda a threat;
Acemira rises against but eventually joins the Sabbat;
others genuinely believe the Lasombra to play by the
1700 – Increased influx of African slaves through this
city’s traditions of non-aggression. At large, the Coun-
century and further urban expansion; coffee and
cil has enough problems keeping the city reputation
goldmines boost commerce and attract visitors;
without needless conflict. They will proudly mention
1763 – Rio is declared Capital of Brazil; Teodoro
how even Gratiano’s adheres to the city’s rules. Secret-
proclaimed Archbishop. Rio is a Sabbat stronghold
ly, they cannot wait for the Lasombra to follow his
but welcoming of Independents;
erratic pattern and move away to his next Domain.
1808 – Portuguese Court flees to Rio, Angela and
Apart from keeping the Sabbat from collapsing un- Camarilla kindred among them; intense improve-
der its own weight, Gratiano’s true motives are myste- ments in urban infrastructure take place;
rious. Why Rio? Is he planning some comeback at the 1821 – Portuguese court leaves Rio;
Camarilla? Did he grow tired of the European Jyhad? 1822 – Elders forge the Pact of Saint Sebastian;
Maybe he has answers regarding his predecessor’s 1840 – First Carnival ball takes place in Rio
mysterious endeavors. Maybe all he can offer is even 1888 – Slavery is suspended, changing the status quo;
more questions. The truth is unknown. 1889 – Monarchy falls; undead influence restructure;
1923 – Gregorio rallies kindred against city leaders
The Current Picture 1954 – Clans struggle following destruction of their
former leaders; Instability echoes into kine affairs;
Hot Blooded City 1960 – Country capital is moved to Brasilia;
While the neonates revel in the generous offers of 1964 – Political instability (for both kindred and
festivities and warm carioca blood, circles of secretive kine). A brutal military regime takes place over next
elders try to control the city behind its apparent free- decade as the clans struggle reach its apex;
dom. A tense relationship between clans made each 1980 – Dictatorship loses strength; aftermath of the
sect more focused to its internal matters, but old ha- clans conflicts leave both sects crippled
bits die hard. A few coteries and packs conduct un- 1985 – The Primogen Council is formed; packs in-
dercover negotiations. A dark cult seems to lurk in the vestigate the leftovers of Teodoro
city’s shadows. The Primogen muffles whispers of 1986 – Rumors of cultists attract the attention of
infernal influence. A race for sinister relics is slowly Sabbat Inquisitors and slowly spread through city
building up, and the tension of unlikely alliances after 1990 – City becomes slightly more stable; neutral
all the conflicts is ever-growing. territories once again enforced/respected;
1995 – Gratiano becomes Archbishop;
Once again, a Lasombra Archbishop rises. Will the 1999 – Signs of sinister influence in the domain
Primogen be more successful than its predecessors in spread out; Informally, information once again circu-
establishing the Pact? Or would they better strike the lates between Camarilla, Sabbat and Independents;
enemy at once? Do these vampires even know who the
true enemy is? Under the shadow of the Redeemer,
once again Rio seeks to embrace its dark redemption.


Chapter Two:
Ripples in the ocean
Rhythm in the midnight sky
Trying to find the time
Two life’s two rights
Alex & Rachel Mcalpine, Akuma

Facing the Atlantic and ridged by mountains, the Some locations are a darker version of the city: re-
geography of Rio is an attraction in itself. The popular forms that never happened, buildings repairs never
shores of Copacabana beach stretched before the sky- finished. These changes should make Rio more access-
line of luxurious buildings. Native trails of Tijuca ible for those who do not know the city, and empha-
Forest surrounded by a modern urban landscape. sizing its darker aspects.
Downtown’s edifices of classic architecture nestled This chapter offers maps of the city zones and public
beside high-tech skyscrapers. Such beautiful contrasts transport as general guidelines for your nightly adven-
of landscapes are Rio’s international signatures. tures. Many online resources offer more precise in-
The typical carioca is used to other contrasts. Fave- formation if your chronicle ever needs such detail.
las spew misery and crime circled by Rio’s richest
areas. Overcrowded streets during the weekdays turn Tags and Information
into dusty, empty streets at weekends. A walk by the Each area of Rio described includes “tags” asso-
beach under the sun may be relaxing, but dwelling in ciated to it. These should help Storytellers needing
the battered suburbs at night requires caution. Rio some basic information at a glance. And while it
hides menaces, both urban and supernatural. would be impossible to describe all potential places of
Traditionally, cariocas refer to Rio in different ur- interest in the city, it provides a consistent, general
ban zones, loosely based on the cardinal points. Each feel of that specific zone.
zone has its own identity, and may encompass quite Bear in mind that these are mostly generalizations.
large areas; some neighborhoods (or bairros) in the Rio’s chaotic urbanization justifies the presence of a
same zone may differ in style, security, services and few unexpected locales if so your story needs. Use the
kindred interests. The division is still a useful way for creative freedom provided by the scenario to adapt
presenting the city’s diverse areas, and most cariocas and tinker as you see fit for the story you want to tell.
refer to them for directions.


are also afterhours venues such as clubs, illegal trading
and prostitution houses. Regardless of nature, these
services are all available in a wide range of prices and
Illusive Timeframe styles, just like their clientele.
In line with V20’s design, Rio by Night easily While there are a few residential areas thinly spread
fits into the multiple timeframes of modern nights through this region, in general it is considered an area
depicted in Vampire: the Masquerade. of mostly professional interest. This is well noticed
However, in 2016 Rio hosted the Olympic during the weekends, when most offices are closed
Games, changing the city’s locations and general and the usually overcrowded streets remain mostly
landscape – and inspiring interesting changes for desert under the shadows of empty corporate build-
the plot as well. This book reflects Rio more accu- ings. The historical and cultural profile of Centro
rately before that event… for now. attracts many tourists on weekends, but caution is
advised as pickpockets tend to roam its streets more
Keep an eye out for future content in the Vault. freely as well. Finally, the iconic Sambadrome, hosting
A ready-to-play chronicle set in Rio de Janeiro by the yearly Carnival parade is in Centro’s outskirts.
Night is currently in the works and will bring the
proper updates to the scenario and its characters. Business, law, culture and corruption meet in Cen-
tro. It’s no wonder it is of such interest for the vam-
pires. Historically, the region was the powerbase of
illustrious Toreador and Lasombra clans. Rio’s most
respected neutral area also resists here since the Pact’s
inception, at Lapa. In any manner, Centro’s historical
Centro (Downtown) legacy strikes wanderers with a solemn sense of place,
especially kindred aware of its dark past.
It is only fair to start describing Rio from the area Currently, Camarilla has a strong grip in Centro;
where it all started. Portuguese colonists expanded Rio outsiders mostly avoid it. The battered docks’ area is a
from the former Morro do Castelo (now grounded stronghold for the Nosferatu, ever watchful of its main
and known as the Castelo neighborhood), and by the roads, port and bus station. But for the most part, the
eighteenth century it became the administrative core Toreador are the uncontested rulers of the heart of
of the city. Upon its elevation as the capital of Brazil the city. They keep many Elysiums in illustrious cul-
and later the arrival of the Court, its infrastructure tural buildings, some exclusive to the Degenerates’
and overall importance improved significantly. affairs. However, no place is as symbolic and signifi-
History echoes through the streets of Rio’s Down- cant to Rio’s undead as its Municipal Theatre.
town. Many of the classical buildings from past centu-
ries still remain active and host museums, cultural Elysium: Theatro Municipal
centers and administrative services. Modern times Enveloped by an aura of luxury and mystery, the
brought progress in the form of subways, avenues and city’s most esteemed theatre is a marvel in itself. Its
newer constructions. These recent additions blend to elegant structure draws inspiration from famous
the classical atmosphere generating a charming con- French theatres. Currently, the Theatro hosts many
trast of eras as one looks to its skyline of glass towers illustrious events of art – a great opportunity for
and epoch architecture. Vampires to mingle with the most important kine of
The legacy of past eras lies in the heart of the city: Rio. The Toreador keepers use it as a powerbase: im-
City Hall, State Court of Justice, Legislative Assembly portant politicians and businessmen guests sooner or
and postal service historical headquarters, among oth- later fall to their charms, extending the clan influence.
ers. This proximity with such powers that be (and also Its original terrain was a swamp, so it was built on
with the airport, railroad and city port) eventually top of long wooden stakes. This generated an irregular
attracted many companies. The region is dotted with “dungeon” underneath the theatre, forgotten to most
corporate buildings, banks and offices of all sorts; humans but put to good use by its undead visitors.
along with restaurants, shops and other services tend- While rustic, its secret chambers may host a small
ing the working population’s needs. Of course, there gathering of kindred unseen by the general public if


need be. It is the most reputable Elysium of the city.
Being invited to the exclusive Camarilla gatherings
here represents either great honor or big trouble (most
likely, both). Often, elders may conduct important
matters at the crypt while neonates interact in the
luxurious salons. Hearings may take place at the thea-
tre proper, with each Primogen assigned a pompous
cabin by the stage.
Rumor has it the Theatro was the last gift Teodoro
offered Angela before they fell apart. Some Toreador
gossip the edifice was completed so quickly for its era
due to Gregorio’s secret influence. Regardless, the
place inspires awe in the undead: they know – feel – to
be treading in the legendary haven of a deceased elder.
Angela’s presence tainted the place in such fashion
that kine and kindred alike believe it to be haunted.
Urban legends of footsteps and whispers in its empty
halls at night are common.
The area surrounding the theatre also hosts the na-
tional library, art museum, galleries, cinemas and a
variety of bars and pubs.

Candelária Cathedral
At the opposite end of the central Rio Branco Ave-
nue rise the steeples of Candelária. The neoclassical
cathedral was founded in 1609 and expanded ever
since, becoming more exuberant and important to the
city. Its halls are reserved for illustrious marriages and
luxurious masses. The most beautiful church of Rio
has been the haven of Teodoro since its inception. A
secret passage leads to an underground chamber
where the dark priest used to keep a peculiar collec-
tion of religious and occult-related relics. Very few
vampires have actually been there however, and some
consider this merely another legend about the Lasom-
While the Theatre reflects Angela’s majesty, kindred
associate the imposing cathedral with Teodoro’s
pompous persona – and his darkness within. A dis-
turbing, eerie aura seems to envelop the temple,
strong enough to keep most vampires away from its
chambers. In 1993, a massacre of homeless people
(mostly underage) darkened the church’s doors, in-
creasing the association of the place with sinister
events. On top of it, Teodoro’s experimented with
sinister mysticism in the building. In general, vampires
consider the place a somber, solemn memorial that
even elders may fall to their own hubris and sense of


A rumor among kindred says that those who enter and cultural effervescence attracts both tourists and
the Cathedral uninvited risk being swallowed by its locals of all types, all styles… and all clans.
shadows – and they may just be right. During the colonial era, a few Malkavians developed
The Dark Chamber ties with the community of the area. The clan posture
was that of an observer, interested in the society taking
A sinister aura emanates from the Cathedral for form in the region. A century prior to the Pact of
those able to peer beyond normal sight. Once inside Saint Sebastian, the Malkavians indirectly aided the
the temple, adepts of Auspex or Dementation may dominating Sabbat, keeping the neighborhood under
perceive (or be assaulted with) echoes of memories: control. In return, they were given certain leeway,
scenes of bloody sacrifices, passionate or violent inte- extending their influence over mundane affairs to
raction between couples (supposedly Angela and Teo- benefit the domain as a whole. Once the truce was
doro themselves), the battle where Teodoro and Pietro official, they assumed a much more active attitude,
destroyed each other and more obscure imagery. It is treating Lapa as their protectorate.
impossible to tell for sure if these glimpses are real
events or fabrications from a fragmented mind. Through alliances forged with other clans (notably
Gangrel and Tzimisce), Malkavians made Lapa into a
Traps summoned from the Abyss by the Lasombra “neutral ground” welcoming all undead, as long as
may still seemingly “trigger”. Tentacles or even crea- they adhere to the rule of non-aggression. This area
tures made of shadows may take physical form for a became symbolic to establish and reorganize clan rela-
few turns to attack, whisper or disturb players before tions after the Pact. Even during the time of conflict
vanishing in the darkness again. Users of Obtenebra- between clans in the twentieth century, most vampires
tion will recognize those as some bizarre variation of kept hostilities away from Lapa. The foolish few to
that discipline. Those familiar with Abyss Mysticism break the rules were dealt with brutality by its keepers.
will notice obvious results of both successful and awry Masquerade is also upheld fiercely in the area. How-
rituals. ever due to its nightlife of drunkards and crazy parties,
Adepts of Necromancy may notice that some of it is no daunting task. Depending on circumstances,
these “memories” and shadowy threats are actually kindred may run to Lapa to seek sanctuary. Its crazed
spectral creatures enacting such scenes and tricks over keepers’ rules however may lead to dangerous and
and over, feeding from it. How these creatures created interesting political situations.
such an affinity for this place and the shadows them- Even if some elders are uncomfortable with this
selves is good evidence that Teodoro experimented “pocket domain”, they understand its pivotal role in
with dark rituals during his time. keeping the kindred status quo, and prefer not to
The Cathedral may be a good way for Storytellers to mess with its already complicated social mechanics.
drop certain information in the form of psychic im- The Malkavians prosper in Lapa, using its ever chang-
pressions or through the strange creatures that haunt ing cultural scenario to observe, influence and often
the church unseen. Occultists trying to negotiate with predict what happens in the city. The signature land-
these creatures may often be requested tasks that put mark of “Arcos da Lapa” – originally an aqueduct to
their humanity at risk. improve the region – is rumored to be result of their
political pawns’ efforts. Currently, it serves a small
Lapa, The Neutral Grounds tram car, linking the area with Santa Teresa, a popular
The neighborhood of Lapa is vital to most carioca neighborhood with charming old houses, ateliers and
traditional bars.
culture and lifestyle. During the 20s, many popular
artists, charming vagabonds and marginalized poets
gathered there. In this area, a multitude of residential
Port Zone
buildings share space with old colonial houses turned Derelict cargo depots, old warehouses used as atel-
into bars, pubs, snookers, hostels and nightclubs. It is iers by samba schools, abandoned factories: the port
widely known as the bohemian soul of the city. From area is a barely functional urban wasteland. Homeless
rock to samba, from decaying warehouses to VIP population and tired workers cross ways under the
lounges, to a quick beer after work and elaborated shadows of a long and dusty viaduct extending above
shows, Lapa embraces diversity. Its pulsating nightlife it all. The area is a Nosferatu hunting ground – and


the sewer rats are rather protective of it, keeping a them imply similar tests regardless of Humanity
communal haven hidden below the battered ware- scores. Their vitae is said to cause minor mood swings,
houses. While most wise kindred avoid their domain, hallucinations and even divinations. Some believe it is
thousands of cariocas commute through its roads a result of the narcotics or Dementation they are sub-
linking Centro to the city’s bus station and the subur- jected to.
ban neighborhoods. It is a strategic point in terms of The spaces below host a trendy lounge, bar and
who leaves or arrives in the heart of Rio. dance floor. Its patrons are mostly successful young
Kindred feel observed when roaming this area, as professionals seeking an exclusive place. Over time,
Nosferatu entertain the idea of scaring “trespassers”. interaction this selective crowd proved an invaluable
They also find joy when pompous members of the so- resource for Malkavian machinations.
called “high clans” need to dwell in their creepy do-
main to negotiate information. Homeless and pick-
pockets roam these alleys mostly indifferent to the
eventual police patrolling the area – all which feed the Tags: Centro
Nosferatu with vitae and information one way or
Financial heart of the city, banks, corporative
buildings, offices, chaotic traffic, train station,
Vampires can barely guess the big changes that will subway station, working hours, rush hours, happy
affect this area in 2016 due to the revitalization for the hours, after-hours, business, shady business, popu-
Olympic Games… and other not-so-noble interests. lar commerce, illegal commerce, pickpockets, his-
These, however, are subject for future works regarding torical sense, cultural centers, classic architecture
Rio de Janeiro in the World of Darkness. meets modern buildings, crowded during the week
and deserted at weekends, few and low cost resi-
Other Locations dential areas, law firms and courts, administrative
National Library buildings, strong political interest, people in a
hurry, Camarilla stronghold, heavily watched,
The National Library, right across the street from mortal pawns in key institutions, main Elysium
the Theatro, is an Elysium conceded by the Toreador (Municipal Theater), neutral grounds stronghold
to seal their alliance with the Tremere. Scholars of the with intense nightlife and its own distorted rules
Camarilla (and other allegiances, if they are bold (Lapa).
enough) frequently gather in its large reading cabinets
to share or seek knowledge under the auspices of its
illustrious keeper. The palace’s collection also houses
rare works of poetry and occult in its private cham-
bers. Rumor has it the statues inside the building are
North Zone
magical protection or even Gargoyles. The large suburban region of Rio de Janeiro en-
compasses over 50 different popular neighborhoods,
Club Neon, The Luxurious Rack ranging from middle-class to downright marginalized
Located right between Lapa and Cinelândia, this communities. A prestigious area during Imperial
stylish nightclub is a symbol of Malkavian dominance times, around the 60s it fell victim of chaotic urbani-
in the area. It became a meeting point for both classy zation: as government invested in the south zone,
and degenerate vampires interested in the resources – turning it into an elite touristic area, the less privi-
or simply, the refined vitae – of its selective clientele. leged moved (or were moved to) north. The spreading
In fact, the third floor welcomes the undead visitors, of makeshift houses, poor neighborhoods and urban
complete with Dominated blood dolls. These poor violence eventually gave “suburbs” a pejorative conno-
souls spend a good portion of their time in a haze. tation, but in the long run, bred a diversified urban
Vampires with Humanity scores above 5 may find the culture and landscape.
“refreshments” disturbing and make a Conscience test Historically, the Sabbat watched these territories
(difficulty 8) when interacting among the blood dolls: along with the city development. After the sect frag-
failure may lead to discomfort, repulse or even Hu- mented and got involved in political and mystical
manity loss, on Storyteller’s discretion. Feeding from intrigue, other clans approached the region, in a


movement similar to (or resulting in) what happened
in the mortal world. Still, those outside of the Sabbat
are wise to avoid the area. If the unaware cainites
tumbles into an overzealous pack, it may be too late to Bloody Hooligan Brawl!
evoke any Pacts of neutrality – especially if the victim
never leaves in the first place. The Pact’s defenders Some cariocas are passionate about soccer, and
feel compelled to turn a blind eye to the region, and the Sabbat developed a Game of Instinct based on
more traditional kindred simply consider it a violent the popular associations of soccer team fans.
hunting ground to be avoided altogether. As a soccer game begins, participating packs are
In the World of Darkness, the urban decay is even to infiltrate the stadium into an organized fan
more accentuated in the streets of north zone. The group of their choice. Through the event’s dura-
more it distances from Centro, battered buildings, tion, they must incite their organization of fans
badly illuminated streets, organized crime actions and against the group influenced by the other packs
poor communities become more evident. Favelas are involved. Disciplines, drug-laced vitae and violent
often in the horizon. Packs of frenzied shovelheads words of order are all fair.
wander the streets at night. The area’s prestige is a As the soccer match ends, their game begins.
shadow of what it once represented - fitting for a sect Properly excited by the game and their undead
desperately grasping to the glory of nights that are long instigators, these groups are likely to indulge in
gone. There are, at any rate, a range of local commerce violence. From here on, vampires may not inter-
and services, touristic attractions and points of interest fere. Each time a hooligan knocks out a fan from
for both kine and kindred. another group, the pack responsible by the aggres-
sor scores a “goal”. Especially brutal fights may be
Grande Tijuca worth an extra score. Individual licks are allowed
The area known as “Grande Tijuca” encompasses to feed from passed out victims (if they can avoid
the neighborhoods of Tijuca, Vila Isabel, Estácio, getting caught by police or other vandals).
Mangueira and a few others. It is mostly residential, The group with highest score is the winner of
but has a wide range of services and attractions – from this ritus. If properly sanctioned by the packs’
shopping malls to night life to popular commerce and priests, the victors receive one bonus die in either
even the iconic Maracanã Stadium. There are also Athletics or Intimidation (their choice) for the
points of interest for the cainites, but they should remainder of the story. Storytellers may decide the
tread carefully. winner by dice: each pack rolls one die
This middle class area is watched closely by the un- representing how many “goals” they scored. Group
dead. It’s relatively near to Centro and its Camarilla size and particularly creative/sick means of insti-
keepers, but Sabbat claims some significant portions gating the cattle may be worth one or two extra
of the domain for themselves. Such proximity inspires dice (what the hell is wrong with you people?).
tension in wandering kindred of whichever allegiance: Sabbat intellectuals laugh at what they consider a
both sects in this area have mostly kept the Pact, but fitting fate for such groups of brutes, but there are
its high crime rate and access to multiple favelas also undead who genuinely appreciate the fine art
makes it easier to cover the violence (and eventual of raw mindless violence.
Final Death) of cainites under the rug of urban chaos.
Being “conveniently surrounded” by criminals, both
mortal and undead, rich and poor, any investigation
about vanishing neonates in this area may prove fru-
strating. The zone is actually a series of narrow streets and al-
leys, hosting a network of low-cost prostitution venues,
Rack: “The Garage” peep shows, gay bars and rock venues. The actual Ga-
Crossing the dark and dusty underpass below the rage was such a stage: the bar was so iconic to Rio’s
rusty train rails at Praça da Bandeira station, one can underground rock culture that the whole area became
access the area commonly referred to as “the Garage”. named after it, even after it ceased activities in the 90s.


Among shady dealers, teenagers in black band t- become the next chapter in the Chronicle, granting
shirts, hazy streetwalkers and homeless people, the the proper consequences among the rabble.
Brujah keep a watchful eye over the last Camarilla’s More than a few missing neonates were “last seen
turf encroached in the area. Anyone foolish enough to causing trouble near the Garage rack”. Sabbat are
challenge the rack’s rules may end up attracting the most definitely not welcome at the area, and even
attention of bouncers, criminals, biker gangs and oth- Camarilla kindred may find themselves heavily watch-
er denizens ghouled by warm Brujah vitae. ed. Rumor has it the rabble leader around here is a
Camarilla neonates wouldn’t find much problem rather apt (if greedy) negotiator regarding turning a
accessing this area. However, they are likely to be put blind eye to excesses in the rack, however.
through some test of valor in their first visit (much
like a gang mentality). This task usually takes form of a Floresta da Tijuca National Park
minor service – deliveries into Sabbat area, spying on Tijuca Forest is one of the largest urban forests the
that elder’s ghoul, kicking that trespasser ass. Some- world. The dense vegetation may be crossed by narrow
times, the Brujah watchers actually allow the newco- paved trails, taking visitors to waterfalls, picnic spots,
mer to enjoy the zone’s easy blood supply, so that the tourists centre, a chapel, art pieces and more. The area
“entry fee” becomes mandatory. stretches over 12 square miles, reaching the South
These could be good hooks for short stories. The Zone and covering the tallest points of the city – such
Storyteller may have the players chase an objective as the Corcovado Mountain, where the colossal Christ
inside the Brujah protectorate (a mortal criminal or the Redeemer sculpture rests watching over Rio.
prostitute, a bar patron, an item kept in a biker’s HQ), While there’s a tram service to the statue, trekking
or have them seek the protection of the Rack only to and hiking is also available, with outlooks offering a
be charged later. Either way, the task presented may wide view of the city.


The national park is closed by night, but hardly un- diers recruited by the Traffic Rings prove far better
attended. The word among kindred is that the few prepared for the urban warfare that awaits.
savage shapeshifters that remain in Rio gather there, Such decay serves the Sabbat well. Empty ware-
where natural energies are still strong enough to feed houses and factories reek of old chemicals and fresh
their rituals. Some say that even exiled fae folk watch blood from ritae secretly practiced there. Groups of
over select spots of the park as well. If such creatures addicted and nameless mortals offer fodder for all
do inhabit the forest, they seem to have enough to sorts of cheap thrills. Drug-laced vitae keep the gang
worry about with such a huge protectorate. Elders watchers loyal, effective and conveniently disposable.
advise kindred to stay very far away. A housing project rose once in the area, only for its
Unaware (or stupid) vampires wandering into the legitimate inhabitants to be run off by gangs using the
forest tell strange tales upon returning. It is said that battered apartments as cover for their activities.
once into the woods, a vampire simply can’t find their Ventrue antitribu used their military influence to
way out, walking in circles until sunrise. Auspex pow- keep this area under control (much like Rio’s biggest
ers would reveal spots of dim light flickering with favelas; see below). Panders share the watching duties,
magic around the trees. Adepts of Protean who at- even if most Sabbat sees that as a throwing some
tempt to meld with the earth either fail automatically, bones to placate the mutts. Less disputed than the
or find themselves trapped for way longer than larger poor communities, Triagem may attract neo-
planned. Animalism masters seem troubled by the nates of any allegiance seeking blood and weapons –
quirk and resolute “personality” of the creatures of the as long as they don’t commit the deadly mistake of
forest. Finally, a terrible bestial impulse seems to dis- wandering the domain unannounced to its masters.
turb vampires near and into the territory, adding 2 to
the difficulty of any Frenzy checks. Ilha do Governador
Members of Gangrel and Tzimisce clans may be Almost a small town on its own, the Ilha do Gover-
aware that their elders gather in the forest occasional- nador (Governor’s Island) can be accessed by road
ly. Rumor has it these undercover meetings are of from the main city. In general, low-to-middle class
tremendous importance for the maintenance of the houses and popular commerce are common in the
Pact. Their motives, as well as the truth regarding the area, divided across ten neighborhoods. Its position,
presence of supernatural creatures lurking in the for- facing famous Guanabara Bay, attracted the opera-
est will be up for the Storyteller. Chases, quests and tions of oil giants, granting its southeastern end as an
investigations there may prove rather deadly and in- industrial area. Rio’s international airport is located in
teresting for an adventurous chronicle. the northwest portion, and navy facilities (including a
Triagem large residential area for officers and a mariner’s base)
overlook in the northeast to the bay waters. Shipyards
A forsaken community struggles to survive in the of different sizes and importance also dot the shores.
decadence: that is Triagem. Not a legitimate district Encroached between the different realities of inter-
per se, this region once attracted factories, commerce national visitors, middle class families, corporate
and workers from afar. But production slowed. Bank- buildings and military villages, many poor communi-
ruptcy loomed. Soon all activities ceased and Triagem ties slowly appeared through the island. With security
ended up left behind. Jobless now, the people strug- focused on the places of interest within the isle’s bor-
gled and survival became for many the only focus. ders, its core grew increasingly chaotic and urban cor-
Makeshift houses built under empty building’s sha- ruption spread among low-cost homes and poor areas.
dows became commonplace.
Away from Rio’s core (and its bed of intrigue), fig-
As poverty grew, so did crime. From pickpockets to ures of clans Lasombra, Nosferatu and Ventrue have
drug dealers and finally drug cartels, rival groups di- influenced the region’s operations, both legitimate
vided the area. A military headquarters eventually and shady. Their interactions are far from peaceful
rose, but failed to resist corruption. Constant threats however, due to different positions regarding the Pact
and theft of weapons and supplies drained resources. of Saint Sebastian. Tension among these undead often
Ironically, the local gangs profit from it being here. results in increased urban violence and crime rates.
After the mandatory-by-law year of service, young sol- Kindred of all clans roam and hunt in the island, from


stalking newcomer tourists to negotiating shady busi-
ness among criminals or corrupt corporate bosses.
Other Locations
Activities of loose criminals may be a distraction in Encompassing over eighty official neighborhoods, it
these situations, however. would be impossible to detail all the nuances of North
The military zone to the northeast, however, rests Zone in this book. Still, the general ideas described by
under the watch of the Lasombra and their pawns the tags should give Storytellers enough to work with:
among navy workers. Even Sabbat kindred are not a suburban, low-to-middle class area with slightly vary-
welcome without proper invitation. Gratiano himself ing levels of urban development (security, prices, ser-
visits visiting the area on occasion, for reasons known vices etc) and problems. And the eventual spot out of
only among the Keepers. Packs are often curious the curve, either for a little better or a lot worse than
about what happens behind closed doors in this Do- its surroundings.
main, but dare not question the Lasombra openly. Due to such fluctuations (and the proximity with
many favelas), most Cariocas generalize North Zone as
UFRJ – Federal University dangerous, violent and chaotic. For some areas these
UFRJ is the first (and arguably most prestigious) are fairly accurate labels, including kindred affairs too.
university of Brazil. The main campus is located at In general, the farthest from Centro, the more threat-
Ilha do Fundão, a small isle just south from Ilha do ened by urban violence and lacking in structures the
Governador. Each individual campus building resem- neighborhoods become. Neonates tell rumors about
bles small neighborhoods, with their own streets and feral shapeshifters lurking in the barren outskirts of
blocks, thus the nickname “university town”. Along the city. There is the eventual roadside hotel or gas
with the huge university hospital and third party re- stations, however. It would be a great option for no-
search institutes, they give an urban flair to over five mad vampires wanting to lay low, if they are up to the
thousand kilometers of green area. risks of such unregulated domains.
At night, the university town gets quite dark. Parks,
squares and vegetation between the campi seem de-
serted, attracting partying students and adventurous
couples, but also pickpockets and criminals. Unsolved
police cases, and urban legend populate the lore about Tags: North Zone
the university town at night. The undead lurking in its
shadowy woods and dark roads are often responsible. Suburbs, residential area, middle class, working
class, blocks of buildings, villages, housing projects,
Brujah intellectuals and Gangrel wanderers have popular commerce, second-rate shopping centers,
strong influence through the island. It served as a popular bar, battered buses, badly kept train sta-
haven for kindred in disagreement with their sires tions, graffiti over derelict walls, rusty overpass,
during the conflicts in the 50s. A few elders go as far shabby squares, dry public fountains, trees suffo-
as to consider the place an Anarch domain, much to cated by pollution, favelas nearby, gritty suburbia,
the amusement of its strong-willed masters. Reports urban violence, violent police, corrupt cops, traf-
about other supernatural creatures roaming the region ficking gangs, gunshots in the distance, high-class
surface among kindred, on occasion. It is unknown to wannabes, popular culture, street-corner shops, fair
what degree the local vampires are allied of even aware range of services, illegal brothels, accessible night-
of such mysterious visitors. clubs, clan protectorates, divergent kindred groups,
Rumor has it that occult tomes of vampire lore, restricted hunting grounds, negotiation of kine
from Golconda to blood magic, remain hidden in a resources (from blood to illegal supplies), eyes on
few key buildings. Most neonates seek the university the rivals’ interests, night watch, Sabbat scouts,
town to prey and feast on its students’ nocturnal par- watchful ghouls, criminals unaware of their mas-
ties. However, these events may work as perfect cover ter’s true nature.
for gathering of undead scholars in the campus. Some
elders would gladly reward brave neonates willing to
recover such valuable secrets…


South Zone area). It has hosted superstars, chiefs of state and only
the most important social events within its halls – all
under the Ventrue elders’ watchful gaze.
Rio de Janeiro’s status as a postcard owes much to
the traditional, elegant areas of its southern portion. One party here may attract enough influential fig-
This region hosts Rio’s worldwide famous beaches, ures to make or break political or business deals, re-
luxurious hotels, refined shopping malls, high-class flecting in the whole city. The sheer prestige of the
apartments and a wild nightlife. The urban skyline by place is a huge advantage to Camarilla in keeping the
the moonlit beach poses a fascinating sight. city under control. Most pawns of clan Ventrue seem
attracted to the prestigious hotel like moths to a flame.
The south zone stares at its own reflex, trying hard
Once there they may be seduced, manipulated, bribed
to keep inebriated as much by the beauty as by their
or simply dominated.
very expensive drinks. It lets them forget or at least
ignore all the gritty, grim urban reality surrounding Trained ghouls direct invited kindred to the club,
them. The eventual tourist theft, the drug dealer near jewelry and restaurant areas by night, where classy
high-class lounges, the expensive escort girls sitting at undead may find a sophisticated or reserved atmos-
bars and the favelas in the horizon remind them of phere to interact. Any vampire in good terms (and
where they are. status) with the Camarilla is welcome.
In general, the neighborhoods of south zone share
the same aura of sophistication, charm and financial
opulence. Most of them are named after its nearest Iconic Christ the Redeemer stands with open arms
beach. By day or night, the paradisiacal beaches of Rio atop the Corcovado Mountain, casting its shadows
attract people from all lifestyles. However the expen- over the city. Visitors may take the railway through the
sive buildings, VIP clubs and high price tags are a forest and into the mountain’s top, or try the long
constant reminder that while all may visit Rio’s elite hikes if they feel adventurous. The summit has a few
area, not everyone gets to belong – some are there just restaurants, a catholic temple at the monument base,
to feed the status quo. and an astonishing view of the city. It’s closed at night.
The metaphor is frighteningly accurate regarding The towering statue itself generates a strange feeling
vampires. Much like their mortal counterparts, the of oppression over the undead, making most vampires
undead sovereigns of south zone greet guests with very uncomfortable at its surroundings. As a symbol of
sophistication and hospitality to their fancy salons; human faith, it supposedly scares away unholy crea-
maybe only to emphasize who is truly in control here. tures in the area. If the effect is psychological or actual
Toreador and Malkavians have some domains and holy work is anyone’s guess.
influence from certain galleries and facilities through Being an extension of Floresta da Tijuca, the same
this zone. The Lasombra used to be a smaller pres- supernatural threats and wild entities may lurk in the
ence, but the arrival of Gratiano has changed this. woods. The Tzimisce and Tremere whisper of wild
Above all, the Ventrue thrive in such reputable do- energies at work here. Gangrel tell stories of wander-
main. Over the decades, clan’s own resources and ing fledglings that never returned. Coupled with the
interests merged with those of Rio’s elite. Resident strange feeling of being under God’s view – or at his
politicians, influential businessmen, socialites, private feet – most vampires just avoid the place altogether.
security, VIP club hostesses, even high-class prostitutes
and chauffeurs are valued pawns, providing informa- St. John the Baptist Cemetery
tion and influence to the blue bloods. Even the dead of south zone are privileged. The
most sumptuous graveyard of Rio is located in Botafo-
Elysium: Copacabana Palace go. Over twenty-five thousand sepulchers rest at the
Copacabana Palace is possibly South America’s most necropolis, some adorned by opulent mausoleums or
prestigious hotel. Facing the beach of the same name, fine statues in eternal lamentation. Famous and illu-
this classical palace has 8 stores with spas, a nightclub, strious cariocas are buried there. The historical and
pools, exclusive services, over 200 rooms and the most artistic importance of the cemetery has turned it into a
luxurious penthouses (with its own guests-only pool cultural, if morbid, tourist attraction.


Elders nurture respect more than any actual interest
for the area. It is a relatively neutral ground, away
from undead schemes and politics. Consequently,
fledglings are attracted to it. The neonates who gather
in the Cemetery respect its neutrality and encourage it
amongst themselves. An unspoken rule has it one
should never approach another vampire in the ceme-
tery, except for coterie or pack members. Additionally,
rumor has a Gargoyle watches over the place, masque-
rading among tombstone statues. Indeed, the very
place’s solemn atmosphere discourages vandalism.
The area is strangely inspiring for experiments with
the supernatural. Studies, other practices involving
Occult, Auspex, and rituals of Thaumaturgy or Ne-
cromancy have their difficulty reduced in 2 while in
the cemetery area. The few neonates who noticed
intend to keep it a secret – especially from elders.

Even in an area known for its high-class style, Leb-
lon is outstanding. It is the most expensive real estate
of Brazil (arguably, of the entire South America). Most
cariocas may only dream about such an opulent life-
style. The neighborhood is inhabited by the rich and
famous, from politics to television stars. It is often
depicted in Brazilian TV soap-operas. It certainly toys
with the illusions of most cariocas – but has its bitter
memories, just as the rest of the city.
Leblon is rather symbolic of Rio’s urbanization.
During the 60s, the favela “Praia do Pinto” was rapidly
growing by the neighborhood’s mountains. It was
largely inhabited by servants and less privileged Leblon
workers. Fearing devaluation of the noble neighbor-
hood, in 1969 the government removed the shanty
town, relocating its fifteen thousand inhabitants to
nearby favelas or north zone’s. The fires that con-
sumed the condemned favela during this operation
may or may not have been an accident, after all.
Undead have other reasons to worry about Leblon.
A legend among vampires, the Lasombra Gratiano has
taken a property there as his private haven in the late
90s. Even if pretty much the entire undead society
wonders about his endeavors, most vampires know the
elder values privacy. An unspoken rule has kept unin-
vited vampires away from area of Alto Leblon (a
mountain base decorated with luxurious mansions),
especially Camarilla kindred.
A story runs across neonates however. Sabbat scouts
have been investigating the region, under Gratiano’s


auspices. They supposedly broke into other mansions even if they depend on each other. See the “Favelas”
there. One such place spotted Nazi decoration and section, ahead, for more information.
paraphernalia (a hint about former owners’ legacy?).
The rumor proceeds to include dark ritual relics, mys-
tical paintings, a secret underground gallery or corpses
West Zone
covered in magic sigils, depending on who is telling it. The largest “zone” of Rio is also the most underde-
Gratiano’s Status has kept the Sabbat Inquisition veloped. It resembles the semi-functional suburbs of
from blitzing the area upside down, but the most de- North Zone. Localism is a key aspect in the west. Geo-
vout inquisitors are growing impatient. graphic obstacles, congested roads and sheer distance
complicate the connection to the heart of the city.
Other Locations Therefore, many of its neighborhoods may seem inde-
pendent (or even alienated) from the rest of the city.
The south zone is rather homogeneous: it’s Rio’s
Politically, financially and in a sense culturally, the
elite region, plain and simple. Public services such as
communities of West Zone are somewhat self-
security, education and transportation are noticeably
better. Overnight commerce and services (both legal
and illegal) here are easier to find (and also, more The large residential areas developed around local
expensive). The beach is an easily accessible leisure for commerce. A few communities are still partially de-
the whole city, but only the most exclusive hotels and pendent of the city’s active industrial districts. When
clubs surround it. business go sour, entire areas may be suddenly struck
with unemployment, poverty and eventually, increased
Despite the prosperity and elite living, South Zone
crime rates. Construction industry invests heavily in
has its fair number of favelas.Between rich condomi-
west zone. Large residential blocks rise constantly.
niums, expensive shopping malls and threats of re-
moval, these shantytowns resist. Their community In a sense, West Zone almost looks like its own city.
struggles for dignity in an area that would rather forget Its areas follow configurations based on its social stra-
about them. The social contrast is brutal. Interactions ta: the wealthy, the middle-class, the underprivileged
between these two realities are not always peaceful, and hungry vampires who prey on both. Some apoliti-
cal kindred end up attracted to west zone. The dis-
tance from Centro’s webs of intrigue come at the price
of different, wilder threats, however.
Tags: South Zone Campo Grande
Upper class, elite, TV celebrities, socialites, judg- Campo Grande is one of the biggest neighborhoods
mental looks, exclusivity, exclusion, decent public of Rio de Janeiro. In line with the themes of localism
transport, public security, private security, eventual and inward commerce, the area went as far as being
pickpockets, eventual police brutality, urban beauty, considered for an independent city during 1968. Its
charming streets, trees at the sidewalk, high-priced vast territory has both large urban areas and unoccu-
apartment blocks, disputed hotels, cool hostels, pied green fields. A strong industrial activity and con-
classy galleries, theatres and restaurants, tourists, struction business keep Campo Grande commercially
touristic views, public parks and squares, paradisiac active and expanding.
beaches, night life, stylish bars, blasé faces in lines
for VIP nightclubs, expensive cars, expensive Vampires have a hard time approaching the region.
drinks, expensive drugs, expensive prostitutes, Sabbat scouts report that a community of lupine li-
dreams of realization, deliriums of grandeur, Ely- neage exists in this territory. Their influence in the
sium (Copacabana Palace), small Sabbat protecto- area ranges from the spiritual to financial realms, in
rate (Alto Leblon), tension between domains ways kindred would barely understand. Veiled by mys-
soothed with noble blood. tical ways and social subterfuge, these wild creatures
stalk the region in packs, ever ready to devour any
undead trespassers. Few vampires actually dare to
thread the region, and fewer actually did and survived
to tell the tale.


Most vampires casually dismiss these rumors as ur-
ban legend. Could such bestial creatures even be so
well organized? The official stance is to leave them
alone. Their kin seem involved in internal disputes
for territory themselves. As long as clans stay out of
Campo Grande, the Masquerade should serve its
purpose to keep the undead safe from those of lupine
heritage. Or at least that’s what elders will say...
Information, secrets and even relics from this dan-
gerous region may grant tremendous leverage with
clans and its leaders, if neonates are desperate or crazy
enough to actually try to look for those.

Barra da Tijuca
Until recently, most of Barra da Tijuca presented
its original vegetation, preserved by law. But the city
kept growing, and so did real estate prices. Interested
in new buildings (and opportunities at money laun-
dry), the construction industry invested heavily in this
area. Since the 70s, its exuberant nature shares space
with modern and overpriced condominiums. It is also
distant from most popular neighborhoods. These
elements turned Barra into somewhat of an exclusive
area, tailored for Rio’s up-and-coming high-class.
Traditional families of south zone scoff at such
“new elite”. Vampires among them echo a similar
sentiment. Anachronistic by nature, most clans keep
their influence in south, north and central areas of
Rio. Nevertheless, Barra da Tijuca is nothing short of
a powerbase in the making, and a few undead had
made their moves towards it.
The Giovanni were quick to get involved in some
operations (especially the illegal ones) in its recent
urban expansion, and have quite some influence in
the area. Ironically, the Gangrel also decided to invest
in the political game here, watchful of both necro-
mancers and lupines. The Ventrue of Rio recently try
to catch up, by pointing their privileged contacts in
the direction of big financial opportunities there.
At any rate, Barra da Tijuca keeps luring ambitious
mortals and undead. Rio’s youngest luxurious neigh-
borhood has strong financial and touristic potential.
It is far better developed than other areas in west zone
(or most of Rio, for that matter). Surrounding neigh-
borhoods such as Recreio are following suit. Among
newly-constructed fancy malls and extravagant corpo-
rate centers, its natural landscape survives. Upstart
companies have special interest in the area.


Pentex Headquarters the Gangrel have been defending their territory
against corporate invaders. Outlanders have discov-
Many companies enjoy making displays of their ered a few secrets of the company. They point towards
power. Pentex Corporation is no different. Like other other supernatural creatures in Rio, and the Gangrel
prominent companies in the city, they recently moved ponder how this knowledge may be useful.
their offices from Centro to Barra. Unlike most peers
however, their reach is truly impressive. Pentex has Most vampires in Rio are unaware of this secret con-
many subsidiaries operating in Rio. From music labels flict. The parties involved are not above hiring exter-
to industrial butcheries, from construction business to nal help, however. Information, territories, access to
cultural organizations. They all report to the elegant mysteries and good old cash may be in store for
offices at a noble address near Barra beach. It is amaz- groups of kindred willing to take the risk.
ing what hard work and devotion can achieve.
Santa Cruz
The company received its fair share of controversy as
well. Allegations of crazy initiation rituals, irresponsi- Local development of Santa Cruz happened thanks
ble toxic waste disposal and even rumors of under- to a local butchery business. It resulted in workers’
ground facilities have surfaced. The movement heli- villages along with local electricity and an awful reek
ports and private security contractors sure raise some of blood and viscera. The industry moved elsewhere,
suspicion. But would you trust such hand-waved but the community remained and prospered in the
claims? Pentex subsidiaries have provided affordable rustic landscape. The currently deactivated ruins of
housing through governmental partnerships, better the slaughterhouse are now inhabited by an elusive
technology for the public security and even sponsor- Sabbat pack. From there, they coordinate control over
ship to your favorite soccer team. the neighborhood through small business corruption
and violent mortal agents.
Pentex had some run-ins with a few undead in re-
cent decades. Historically, the Giovanni had some ties This group is not affiliated with Rio’s undead, how-
with the corporation. In Rio however, that connection ever. Loyalists and fanatics, they reject the Pact of
seems to be waning. The few necromancers in Rio are Saint Sebastian. These extremists congregate remarka-
struggling to discover what is going on, while keeping bly violent kindred. Salubri and Assamites antitribu
the whole situation undercover. On the other hand, and even Nagaraja necromancers are said to be among
them. They are deadly loyal to a wise and fearsome


Harbinger of Skulls named Niccola. Eccentric and
secretive, Niccola is rumored to be a Watch Com-
mander, although some elders dispute that claim.
What place has Rio in the conspiracies of the Black
Hand? Are these even Black Hand agents at all or just
infatuated bigots? Clan elders secretly worry about it
and would negotiate gladly for any such intelligence.
If desperate enough, Sabbat of Rio may venture into
Santa Cruz for forbidden occult or warfare support.
They are met with bitter respect and harsh judgments,
tolerated just long enough to cut deals that largely
favor the lot of Niccola. Radicals and loyalists of the
Sword of Caine may try to cast their allegiance with
these renegades. Many are turned down outright but a
few are accepted, provided they survive a series of
deadly tasks. Camarilla and Independents are not
welcome at all. Unimpressed by delusions of peace,
the local vampires need serious persuasion or bribes
not to attack invaders outright.

Other Locations
The neighborhoods of West Zone are mostly sub-
urbs in development. Some have rustic landscapes of
almost rural nature. Coastal areas have small ports as
an important element of economy. With exception of
Barra, the beaches of this area aren’t glamorized and
overvalued as south zone’s. Historically, kindred
didn’t focus much in here. Therefore, creatures at the
outskirts of the city (and undead society as well) do
their best efforts to keep it that way. Favelas
Favela is a Portuguese word for slum. In Rio, these
shantytowns lie near to formal neighborhoods. From
luxurious south zone to the residential suburbs, one
Tags: West Zone can often spot a favela in a mountain nearby: low-cost
Workers village, industrial district, suburbs, un- houses piling up chaotically, forming a labyrinth of
derdevelopment, rustic landscapes, sense of local- narrow streets. Between violent police incursions,
ism, urban expansion, construction companies, drug cartels, social prejudice and political indifference,
new buildings, residential areas near commercial the people of the favelas try to write their own fate.
or industrial poles, projected neighborhoods, crea- The first favelas started as informal communities.
tion of a “new elite” around exclusive condomi- They were occupied by early Rio’s social outcasts: for-
niums and overpriced shopping malls (Barra da mer slaves, returning soldiers, immigrants and workers
Tijuca), exclusive beaches, unpopular beaches, who didn’t make it (or fit) in the wonderful city. They
original vegetation, nature damaged by debris and settled in the areas untouched by formal urbanization:
industrial waste, distant from Centro (and its the city’s hills. Lacking any place in the city’s urbaniza-
vampires, and their politics), alienated territories, tion plans, favelas grew unregulated and chaotic. At
lupine protectorate, threat of Black Hand fanatics. first, the government tried to demolish these illegal
settlements to avoid real estate devaluation. But its
people simply flocked to another similar slum, and
these communities kept coming.


At some point, the government simply gave up regu- erations and try to coordinate it. They provide access
lating the favelas. While poverty and crime were real, to drug shipments and weaponry (often, superior to
as long as they didn’t leak into the rest of the city, the police’s). Death rate among these gangs is high,
authorities wouldn’t care. Especially oppressive police and most die young in conflicts with the police or rival
and a society that would rather turn their faces away gangs. Another local criminal quickly replaces them,
of the problem made it work just right. But for the usually. Their political patrons care less about who
people of the favelas, it only made life even harder. runs the operation, as long as they get their share.
Demonstrations and social demands from its people Most illicit drugs circulating in Rio comes from such
were painted as vandalism, and dealt with accordingly. sources. You have to oil the machine, after all.
In a paradox, these organized crime groups are also
Favelas and Crime a source of security and order to the population in
This “uncharted” nature of favelas attracted local favelas. In a sense, organized crime offers impove-
outlaws. They learned the basics of guerilla warfare rished locals much desired status – even if only re-
from revolutionary groups during the military era. gional and often short lived (quite literally). They tend
Without any real ideology, however, these armed to create severe methods to impose their rules: burn-
groups became organized crime factions. Their leaders ing rivals alive, dismemberment and torture are all fair
often live in a specific favela, using it as headquarters game. Conflict between police and local gangs tend to
to operations throughout the city. The communities be bloody, often claiming civil casualties. The death of
act as recruiting grounds, so even inhabitants unre- cops results in police battalions storming the favelas,
lated to crime know these drug lords, often to a very turning houses upside down in search of evidence.
personal level. A general divide the between notions This is no easy task: most favelas are a maze of irregu-
of law versus family ties exists among the population. lar streets; some also are located at hills, making such
As their historical legacy would suggest, most of incursions even harder. The population learns early to
these groups still have some links to politicians. Cor- stay out of the police’s way (or aim), a task easier said
rupt authorities all over the government back the op- than done, unfortunately.


Life in Favelas
About 1,4 million cariocas live in favelas – roughly
22% of the city population. Most aren’t directly re-
lated to any criminal activity (contrary to social stigma March of Zombies
built over time). The bigger favelas often have their Be it under corrupt cops surveillance or backed
own commerce, services and nightlife. Some have by organized crime, the drug business is often
social projects, informal sport arenas and artistic activ- present in the favelas. They have a serious policy
ities. Samba, rap and funk music are very popular ways with crack, however. Cheap, strong and highly
to express ideas and hold to your pride. addictive, crack became a small epidemic among
Many cariocas, even from richer neighborhoods, vis- the poorest clients in the last decades. Eventually,
it the favelas for its funk balls. Some of these parties the drug lords themselves banished crack – and
go crazy with drugs and sex backed up by local gangs. crackheads – from their favelas entirely: their
For the most part however, it’s a party of intense poor personal conditions and withdrawal anger
rhythm and a celebration of the favela identity. were simply bad for business.
These people are, above everything, survivors. Har- Exiled from both mainstream and peripheral so-
dened by social and political pressure, streetwise by ciety, these people became homeless and dispos-
nature and tough from a violent environment, the sessed. They gather in bands for protection, com-
inhabitants of favelas are not easily controlled. The mitting petty crimes to feed their drug addiction.
undead learned it the hard way. Malnourished and inebriated, they flock from alley
to alley in small groups, avoiding police. Some
Forbidden Hunting Grounds cariocas compare these wretched souls to zombies.
When the first favelas formed, cainites mirrored Some sadistic Sabbat enjoy playing with the fates
human society judging such settlements of inferior of these poor people. By employing vitae and
status. Elders would plant neonates among these mind-altering disciplines, they will trigger all sort
communities in secret. The temptation of greater of maniac and aggressive behavior, then unleash
power often made such pawns try to control the local their horde and watch the results. Violence, van-
gangs. However, disciplines can only do so much dalism and vitae-induced feats of strength will
against humans that are fearless, greedy and well- often trigger authorities and scare away mortals.
armed (and often, high). Some gangers in fact are Urban shovelheads enjoy this tactic as a prank
almost as savage as the next shovelhead. Ambitious and as a way to mess up with a rival territory or
neonates found themselves betrayed by former follow- hunting ground. It also works to divert the atten-
ers. It’s not unheard of rogue ghouls running the tion of kine and kindred authorities. This obvious-
crime rings– until the next police shootout changes ly monstrous practice often ends with mortal ca-
the entire configuration. sualties and Humanity loss.
At large, the criminal machine proved too fast for
anachronistic elders to control. Therefore, some fave-
las became Racks in modern nights. The Masquerade
is not in danger in communities so used to both vi-
operation. Some communities also seem to host lu-
olence and to being considered second-rate citizens by
pine shapeshifters, quickly to react at territory intru-
authorities. Finally, it is hard to evoke any Pact or
sion. Others simply seem too difficult to control, lost
Tradition in such hostile environment. Vampires tend
in a chaotic succession of drug lords from multiple
to stalk these regions with impunity.
warring criminal factions. Nosferatu and their antitribu
Sabbat holds a stronger influence on most favelas. counterpart have informants in these areas, but their
This is thanks to clan Lasombra’s political pawns. control over these mortal agents is superficial at best.
“Controlled” is hardly a way to describe the situation, Lasombra have invested in scouts, both kindred and
though. There’s rumor of a gang of ghouls roaming kine, to get a better picture of the situation. Rumor
some favelas. They lure and hunt unaware vampires to has it these missions are deceptively simple, but it may
quell their addiction to vitae while expanding their earn favors among one of the strongest clans in Rio.


hours. Buses are often a common choice for most
Illustrious Wastelands destinations. Taxis and alternate public transportation
Favelas in Rio multiplied by the hundreds over the such as vans (not always legal) also take the Cariocas
decades. The agglomeration of these shantytowns (or where they need to be, but may be quite expensive, or
“complexes”) are the subproduct of the chaotic state risky. On favelas, motorbikes are best suited for the
of Rio’s urbanization and social policies. In general, narrow alleyways, working as an illegal local taxi ser-
they all deal with themes of subpar urban structure, vice, up and down the communities’ mountains.
poverty, organized crime, authority abuse and cultural
resistance. Below are a few of the most notorious Traveling by Bus
communities: Rio has a fair amount of bus lines circulating its ter-
Rocinha: the biggest favela of Rio, with over 95 hec- ritory. Most areas have bus lines connecting all zones
tares. From a steep hillside, it overlooks Rio’s richest of Rio, with a high amount of stops in downtown. At
areas and beaches at south zone. Their sophisticated night, the amount of buses reduce so it may take a
neighbors frown at the favela presence. Rocinha grew little longer to travel by bus. Security is also an issue,
enough to attract banks, restaurants and even tourists. as muggers are more likely to rob travelers in the dead
Paid tours introduce visitors to the rough reality of the of night. Many cariocas avoid buses that go near fave-
community and its culture. A police district presents las if they can avoid it, for this reason.
an unwelcome authority in the community. Rumor To offer a simplified estimate of time to travel be-
has it lupines fight the growing Lasombra influence in tween the areas of the city, we provide a chart of time
the area. Violent conflicts between rival gangs and/or needed to cover each zone from its border to its center
police conceal the clash of supernatural predators. by bus. Therefore, to find out how long it takes to
Mangueira: a stronghold of samba and popular cul- cross such area entirely, double that time. Keep in
ture. While not nearly as big as Rocinha, Mangueira is mind that these are rough estimate; traffic, weather,
popular among cariocas. The news portray Mangueira time and other events in the story may alter it. The
for either its precarious living conditions or the tradi- table reflects the lighter traffic of night. For daily
tional samba school that carries the community’s hours, add an extra half of the proposed time.
name. Mangueira lies at north zone, near the Mara- City Zone Border to Middle Bus Availability
canã region. Something has recently undermined the
traditional Sabbat influence here. Scouts mention North 30 to 40 minutes Decent
strange mystical forces at work, but there may be more
to this story. The dynamics of favelas are never simple. South 15 to 20 minutes Good
Cidade de Deus: one of the most dangerous and West 1 hour or more Scarce
impoverished favelas of Rio, located at west zone, right
beside the rich Barra. Its’ wretched pathways saw Downtown 10 to 20 minutes Good
many violent conflicts between rival organized crime
factions. In 2009 the police took control of the com- Traveling by Subway
munity, installing districts inside the shanty town. The subway system of Rio de Janeiro is not very
Inhabitants often complain of authority abuse. It’s not comprehensive. Its two lines connect some areas of
uncommon to find bullet holes over the battered walls the suburbs into Centro and the high profile South
and makeshift houses. Ventrue antitribu and Lasombra Zone. Subways offer a faster (if sometimes crowded)
command this urban maze indirectly, through infor- trip for the average Carioca. Some stations offer direct
mants and corrupt cops. These clans systematically connections with train stations and BRT (bus rapid
feed the violence, using it as a political and warfare transit, which operate as an expansion of the service
tool – in both kindred and kine affairs. on road).It takes roughly 2 to 5 minutes from each
station to the next. The subway stations work from
Transportation 5am to midnight. Such schedules keep most cainites
from using it as actual transportation – much to the
Public transportation in Rio functions as a network convenience of clan Nosferatu.
of services. Crowded stations, overloaded subway
Masters of the underground, the sewer rats have ex-
trains and traffic jams are common during the rush


tensive maps of its structures and secret connections. are 5am to 11pm, with reduced service on weekends.
Animal spies and security devices keep each inch of Some stations have connections with BRT platforms
the railroads watched. Nosferatu often will not disturb and subways, expanding its reach towards other areas
unaware kindred looking for a shortcut, hiding place of the city. All of these roads and destinations intert-
or shelter along their tunnels. Instead they will trace wine in the Central do Brasil.
and approach intruders afterwards, charging small
favors to oversee the trespassing into their domain. Central do Brasil
Efforts to venture into Nosferatu’s secret galleries or Located in one of the main ways into downtown,
“nests” are often a deadly mistake, however. this huge train station works as the start of all train
A few Nosferatu whisper nervously about something branches. It also connects them to the subway system
lurking in their tunnels, between the suburban sta- and multiple buses going to all parts of Rio. Besides
tions of Line 2. Good luck having them spilling the multiple train platforms, there are also shops, banks,
beans on their own secrets. food court and even a small chapel available for trav-
elers. Upper stores house offices for the administra-
Traveling by Train tion and a few others governmental divisions. The
Railroads in Rio cover a broader area, with multiple building also sports a huge tower with a clock on its
branches. It serves mostly the working class, connect- top, noticeable from multiple points in Centro region.
ing downtown with distant neighborhoods of north While it represents a touristic spot in Rio, the Cen-
and west zones. Most trains are old and shabby, show- tral do Brasil shares the poor condition of its trains.
ing signs of rust and vandalism. Traveling an entire Worn-out painting and dust cover the walls. The floor
branch takes roughly 1 hour or more. Working hours seems battered by the intense flow of passengers. A


rusty iron fence circles the perimeter. At night, bums, and deserted areas dot the sides of this road. Some
pickpockets and drifters nestle under its shadows, clans make efforts to stay informed about the comings
making the area less safe. The mixed scent of garbage and goings of Avenida Brasil.
and urine in its outside walls add up to the decay. Gangrel and Brujah hold a few havens in some loca-
Central do Brasil was formerly named “Dom Pedro tions. Nosferatu are rumored to tap into the cameras
II Station”, after Brazil’s last emperor. It may not be controlling the speed limit. Ventrue antitribu install
the only figure of Rio’s past related to the building: police barriers in specific spots when needed, delaying
many believe the station to be haunted. Whispers or spotting eventual targets. Nonetheless, some whis-
about ghost trains, wraiths and even the dead mo- per about disguised cargo trucks, unassuming travel
narch himself haunting the edifice are common vehicles and eventual supernatural tricks able to by-
among the urban and superstitious kindred. Vampires pass these systems. Giovanni and Ravnos tend to smile
preying upon the vagabonds around Central by night maliciously about such subterfuges.
often feel observed and uncomfortable. It is hard to
discern what is fact, fiction, and effects of easily sug- Getting In and Out of Rio
gested minds, however. Those uninterested in legends
A ferry service works to link Rio de Janeiro to its sis-
of the past and homeless vitae simply avoid the place.
ter city of Niteroi, as well as to some small isles sur-
Other Transports rounding the land. Most are either small fishing
communities, historical or touristic attractions.
A vintage tram vehicle runs the narrow, historical
streets of Santa Teresa, linking the charming neigh- Novo Rio Bus Station has many buses linking the
borhood to its sister area, Lapa. Most locals use the city to nearby cities and states. Its proximity to the old
tram to get up and down the steeple terrain, but many docks area (and therefore, to one of the Nosferatu
tourists also seek to ride as an attraction. watch posts) make it easily surveyed by the Primogen.
Persons (or undead) of interest may have a hard time
A cable car also connects the train station of Bonsu- eluding the Camarilla when arriving by bus.
cesso to the top of the Complexo do Alemão favela.
While it’s a violent and troublesome community, the Galeão International Gateway airport is similarly
area surrounding the cable car stop became sort of a controlled. The Ventrue have mingled with its inves-
tourist novelty, suffering some gentrification and fur- tors and administrators, keeping track of names,
thering the economic contrast of Rio. flights and security footage. The clan also offer some
services, privacy and amenities to undead travelers – as
Illegal vans and motorbikes also serve to connect long as their bank accounts and reputations are high
many favela communities to the city and to each oth- enough for the taste of the blue bloods. It is located at
er. Usually driven by locals, these vehicles follow roads Ilha do Governador, an area also influenced by the
many official transportations refuse to reach, due to
Lasombra and some antitribu bloodlines of the Sabbat.
security reasons or simply because of the disposition of
a favela’s chaotic alleyways. Santos Dumont Airport is another way to fly in and
out of Rio, but limited to domestic flights. The airport
Avenida Brasil is conveniently located between Centro and South
Zone, areas strongly dominated by The Camarilla and
The road BR-101 extends through the entire east
its lackeys.
coast of Brazil, making it one of the most important
land routes of commerce in the country. The highway
crosses 26 neighborhoods of the city, where Cariocas
name it “Avenida Brasil”. Coming from out of the
city, it connects Santa Cruz all the way to Centro and
intersects with other important routes that go into
West and South Zones.
Traffic jams are common during rush hours, but by
night, vehicles cruise rapidly. It is important to do so –
many of the neighborhoods around Avenida Brasil are
considered dangerous. Favelas, abandoned warehouses


Tradition, culture and debauchery meet in Rio’s
Carnival. In the four days before Lent (usually the
second or third week of February), Rio reorganizes
itself to accommodate the worldwide famous festival.
It affects the city’ geography (and soul) in multiple
ways. Carnival has many different faces.
The Parade is the main event, taking place on the
weekend. Samba schools prepare the whole year for
this moment. Each will present the cheering crowd of
the Sambadrome with a theme, song, elaborated cos-
tumes and decorated cars. A group of judges will dec-
lare the best schools. Besides culture, this side of the
carnival involves a lot of money. Many samba schools
originated in favelas, so accusations of money laundry
and criminal ties are common. This lavish (and expen-
sive) festival is not the only one, however.
Street carnival (or “bloco”) are the most popular
parties. They take place in the open streets, often with
a band, sound system, or both. Each bloco has a crea-
tive theme that will dictate the songs performed and
the costumes of attending revelers. Some are statio-
nary, while others walk a predefined circuit in the city
streets. They may be a small gathering of local people,
or famous enough to attract thousands. Drinks, drugs,
cross-dressing, flirting and excesses are all too com-
mon during these free, open festivities. They take
place all over the city, usually sticking
Services such as banks, commerce, companies, go-
vernmental divisions, public transport and schools
have different working hours and plans. This change
allows the people to join the festivities and to avoid
traffic jams.

Blood and Revelry

A few vampires actively invest their resources in the
top samba schools. Historical themes may touch the
memories of nostalgic kindred. Some will feel their
ego celebrated by certain deeds of the past depicted by
the parade, or will enjoy the jabs at their rivals in sam-
ba lyrics. Finally, some undead could care less for the
cultural significance. Celebrities and powerful mortals
are often present in the main events. It is always an
opportunity to approach and manipulate them.
Many kindred will revel in the street carnival blocos,
in a way or another. The scenario is almost too conve-
nient: a passed out victim is just someone who in-


dulged too much, bizarre appearances are just elabo- week’s lift). But a neonate could interrupt the Prince’s
rated costumes. They also provide excellent cover up speech; or a shovelhead could mock the Bishop open-
for secret meetings among vampires, hiding in plain ly, and get away with it. Superiorsare expected to take
sight among the crowd. Alternatively, some celebrate these attitudes lightly in the face of the festivities, and
their lost humanity among the very kine, savoring not lash back – or they actually lose status. Likewise, a
their enthusiasm and playing with their emotions by Primogen or a pack priest could put themselves
employing blood and Disciplines. through most ridiculous situations without risking
Above all, there is something deliciously vile in the status loss. Personal magnetism and leadership will
irony of drinking blood freely while a mass of humans count much more than kindred protocol during these
dance around you. The warm gush of vitae running times, but it’s quite a test to conservative elders.
down the throat while mortals rub their sweat, young
bodies against dead cold skin. Their hearts pumping,
Dead Men Parties
meddling with the sound of the drums, celebrating life Throwing a carnival meeting or party is an effective,
and so easily succumbing to the kiss of death. Carnival if risqué, way to develop contacts among both mortal
is a celebration of flesh and blood, and kindred revel and kindred society. While some vampires scoff at
in it with abandon. such pastimes, other gladly seek them. These menage-
ries usually involve unaware mortal guests.
Traditions of Debauchery Malkavians gatherings have neonates to painting
According to hearsay, the former undead sovereigns their elder’s faces, walking them on leashes and other
of the city gathered their herd, allies, vassals and even degenerated acts. Ventrue and Lasombra balls rival in
enemies in rich carnival balls during the past. These which one is more sumptuous or had most influential
events served an important political function, reduc- guests. Some Tzimisce offer lavish salons, amusing
ing the animosities during the institution of the Pact undead guests by sculpting or flaying mortal compa-
of Saint Sebastian. Its meaning “bled” into lower eche- nions.
lons of kindred society and became somewhat of a Most remarkable of all, Toreador balls have their
tradition (or rather, a revision of the Traditions). finest blood dolls entertaining their guests, enticing
By habit, honor or political interest, most clans will them with blood-laced drinks and mock-up innocence.
abide and elders will enforce the following customs: It often ends in elegant corpses, guilt and epiphanies
 The Masquerade is not observed so fiercely during as it turns into a blood orgy. The experience is so in-
the festivities. For some regions (or most crazy blo- tense that may grant guests with a temporary de-
rangement and/or Willpower increase.
cos),this tradition is almost forgotten completely. In-
dividual kindred should still deal with eventual prob- Chapter Four offers more details on these festivities
lems because of this, however. Once the carnival week and ideas for the Storyteller to use them.
is over, the First Tradition returns with renewed inter-
est, swiftly cutting any loose ties from the revelry.
 For vampires, Carnival also means a halt to all riva-
lries amongst undead. Kindred should not advance
against each other or their assets, directly or indirectly.
The Sabbat forbids challenges of Monomacy during
this time, and certain ritae are enforced.
 The clash of sects during the 50s nearly destroyed all
of these traditions. To compensate, ever since the
restoration of the Pact, influential elders of both sects
strongly enforce this convention beyond a mere “un-
spoken rule”. Aggressors will face ostracism, physical
punishment and more often than not, Status loss.
 Finally, a partial lift in status conventions takes place
during the revel. Few kindred would be stupid to dis-
play spite towards their superiors (after all, it is only a


The passion of lovers is for death.


Chapter Three:
“To save the audience we must fill the stage with murderers, adulterers and madmen; in short, we must fire a salvo of monsters
at them. They are our monster which we will temporarily free ourselves from only to face another day.”
Nelson Rodrigues, Brazilian novelist and journalist

Rio’s status quo among vampires is unique. The un-

likely truce between Camarilla and Sabbat turned Rio
into a neutral territory. For conflicting parties, it pro-
vided a stage for diplomacy. For thrill-seeking undead, Numbers…
it became a place of revelry. The brief conflict of clans
in the city did shake its reputation, but not its modus Most characters in this chapter come with their
operandi. Vampires come and go to Rio for many numerical stats, as per usual for Vampire books.
different and dark reasons. The undead population However, character development, experience re-
may vary from time to time. wards and overall power levels tend to vary from
game to game, making “universal game balance” a
Storytellers should take the characters presented challenging (or outright impossible) task.
here as a starting point to populate their own dark
version of Rio. Each clan will offer a few guidelines of Therefore, Storytellers are encouraged to adjust
its past and current roles in the chronicle. Putting the statistics presented here to better suit their
these elements together should allow Storytellers to chronicle. A fast rule for balancing your cast: con-
expand the cast and present a city with a sense of sider the traits of your characters, compare these
identity and personal touches, suited to their groups. stats with the average dice pool of players in the
same areas, and add or remove dice as needed.
The historical mix of cultures of Rio coupled with
its status as “undead resort” serve this purpose well. Then there is the matter of quantity. Rio may
Just like its mortal founders, undead of the most va- sustain over 60 vampires. Storytellers may use the
ried backgrounds and interest could be lured to Rio, city’s background to tip that number up (almost as
be it for its charms, political opportunities or tempta- a free state, hard to regulate) or down (as sects
tion of greater powers that be… attempt to keep things under tighter control).
Come revel in Rio’s parade of the damned.


The Brujah of Rio are coming to terms with a harsh
fall from grace. The sailing expertise of Lord Pietro
and his manipulation of Rio’s merchants were pivotal
for the incursions of Camarilla in the city during early
nineteenth century. The Toreador rewarded him ge-
nerously enough to have his support towards the Pact,
granting him status, prestigious domains and progeny
rights. While younger Brujah resented his iron fist
leadership, Lord Pietro used those resources to build a
strong reputation for himself among his clan.
Hubris was the downfall of Pietro and, in turn, the
Brujah. The failed attempt to overthrow Archbishop
Teodoro led to Pietro’s own destruction. In the ab-
sence of his strong leadership, his network of assets
disintegrated as other elders picked it up like vultures.
Meanwhile, neonates celebrate individuality and the
lack of an overzealous elder, conducting their noctur- The girl’s bold, self-assured temper inspired distaste
nal affairs with the inconsequence and passion typical in her traditionalist kin, but greatly amused Pietro.
of the Brujah. The more self-absorbed they become, Bianca had a flair for trouble, flirting with the figures
the less relevant they are in the grand schemes and of Rio’s bohemian scene. Her fierce personality
plots of the other elders, however. The clan dange- granted followers and lovers among the deviant: revo-
rously falls into the stereotype of Camarilla cannon lutionaries, poets, artists, prostitutes. On occasion,
fodder, a mockery of its former glory in the city. Bianca would surreptitiously employ the family’s in-
fluence towards her allies, getting them out of trouble
Two ancillae, progeny of Pietro himself, are well and further imprinting her reputation. Being unim-
aware of this problem. Both seek ways to control the pressed by Pietro’s courting only made the elder fur-
loose cannon that the clan has become before it is too ther enamored towards her. He finally embraced the
late to organize and recover their striking legacy. Un- girl right after Brazil abandoned the imperial regime.
fortunately, their views and methods could not be
more opposite. When the divide between idealists and Bianca’s unlife was chaotic and brilliant. Her youth
iconoclasts wear off, the Brujah become a fearsome assisted in connecting her sire to modern times. If her
force in Rio, bending adversaries by diplomacy or fiery personality proved difficult to manage, it also
brute force. They need to stop fighting each other granted respect among other Brujah. While arrogance
first– an often-difficult task. and impulsiveness made her unfit for kindred politics,
she more than compensated for it in the battlefield.
Bianca, the Vandal Primogen Other neonates who felt alienated by their elders al-
lied with Bianca. Some considered her a spoiled brat
During the last decades of 1800, Brazilian monarchy who acquired too much power. Nevertheless, her cha-
support started to wane. Slowly, political power risma and relentless attitude granted her a small flock
shifted from the Empire to the bourgeoisie families of of followers of kindred and kine misfits.
Rio. Seeking strong pawns for the upcoming times,
Lord Pietro approached the patriarch of one such She much preferred her inconsequent nightlife to
family. Entranced, the mortals obeyed the vampire’s Elysium machinations. Still, her wealth and personal
every command, amassing influence and wealth in magnetism indirectly provided Pietro (and the Brujah)
Rio’s society. Pietro directed such resources to bolster with a fair amount of prestige to wield. It was a fair
his interests in the city (as well as those of the Cama- trade, even if the elder had to pull the strings to get
rilla) for decades to come. However, something else his progeny out of hot water at times. Although agree-
among the family treasures caught the elder’s atten- ing with remarks on her sire’s tyrant attitude, Bianca
tion: the capitalist’s older daughter, Bianca. admired him for that very reason.


Pietro’s final death changed everything for Bianca. Skills: Drive 3, Etiquette 2, Larceny 3, Performance 3,
His eldest progeny, the stoic Heitor, became the new Stealth 3, Survival 3
Primogen. Despite his position, some neonates sought Knowledges: Academics 2, Computer 2, Finances 2,
guidance or support in Bianca. In fact, even a few Investigation 2, Politics 2
elders of other clans look for Bianca to discuss kin-
dred affairs. She reluctantly acknowledges Heitor’s Disciplines: Celerity 4, Potence 4, Presence 3.
authority, but the call to carry her sire’s legacy has Backgrounds: Contacts 4, Herd 4, Resources 3, Re-
been tempting. With the sudden support by neonates tainers 4, Status 3
and a growing obligation, Bianca faces a political chal-
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 2, Courage 5
lenge. She may need to take a stand on clan politics,
Camarilla and Sabbat, neutrality or hostility – and Morality: Humanity 5
deal with her decisions. Willpower: 8
Bianca has set a solid Domain over the bohemian
area known as “Garage”. From there, she carefully Professor Heitor
ponders her next move. Among bikers, prostitutes and In seventeenth century Lisbon, Heitor was an intel-
vagabonds, her ghouls and retainers keep the area lectual in the making. Impressed, the local registrar
safely under watch. Brujah, along with a few other took the young man as an apprentice. The time spent
vampires from both Camarilla and Sabbat are usually with the bureaucrat made young Heitor familiar with
welcome there. The hospitality rules are prone to court intrigue and social machinations. He used his
change soon, as Bianca is both curious and excited influence to visit libraries and salons, normally re-
about the next fight she will be picking. served for those of noble heritage. More than learning
Image: Bianca has pale skin, black long hair and cu- from the kingdom’s masters, Heitor took great joy in
rious dark brown eyes. Her smile conveys a charming questioning (and sometimes outwitting) them. Una-
expression of mockery. Very expensive (yet torn and ware that he treaded in Elysium, the young intellectual
alternative) clothes wrap her athletic physique. eventually caught the attention of Lord Pietro.
Roleplaying Hints: You love overpowering your way Heitor became Pietro’s friend and eventually, ghoul.
through, since your mortal days. Financially, physical- While the elder sailed collecting favors and enemies in
ly, sexually – becoming an undead gave you much European domains, the ghoul kept track of the king-
more power and less to fear. Living fast did not imply dom’s endeavors. Eventually Heitor felt confident
dying young anymore… until recently. You still enjoy about his skills and authority as a bureaucrat. Taxes
nightlife with all its excesses, but for the first time you over suspicious merchandise and unauthorized expe-
are required to be responsible about your privileges. It
still makes you smile with excitement, nonetheless.
Sire: Lord Pietro
Nature: Bravo
Demeanor: Bon Vivant
Generation: 9th
Embrace: 1890
Apparent Age: late twenties
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Brawl 5, Empathy 1,
Expression 2, Intimidation 3, Leadership 4, Streetwise
4, Subterfuge 3


ditions were harsh, and the young administrator was take every opportunity to weaken it with subterfuge.
unimpressed by threats or discontent of the mer- As he predicted, the Pact dissolved into nocturnal
chants. One such peddler expressed his frustration by struggle and took his Sire with it, but Heitor was pre-
stabbing Heitor multiple times in a dark alley near the pared. Under his influence, many academies united
docks of Lisbon. Pietro arrived just in time to preserve under the label of Rio’s first Federal University, UFRJ.
his ally with the Embrace, allowing his progeny a fren- Its main campus became the university town, conve-
zied and bloody revenge as a baptism in darkness. niently located at Ilha do Governador, distant of eld-
In the following decades, Heitor expanded his en- ers’ domains. Heitor welcomed dissident neonates
deavors, actively taking part in kindred society. His into his domain, as long as they would enforce its
ties among Portugal’s officials made him useful to the defenses. The few overzealous sires invading the cam-
elders of the Iberian region, granting allies among pus after rebellious childe never made out of it. Heitor
other clans. When the great earthquake of 1755 al- complied to the Pact’s renewal after Teodoro’s de-
most destroyed Lisbon, Heitor accidentally discovered struction, but many elders still resent his posture.
a secret library engulfed in flames, its Tremere keeper Most wouldn’t dare setting foot in his Domain unin-
crushed by debris. Risking his own destruction, the vited. He still poses as one of the university professors
Brujah pilfered what tomes he was able to carry before in the current nights, welcoming neonates and ancil-
the edifice crumbled. This information proved invalu- lae of all sects seeking his guidance. If rumors are true,
able: some contained insight about the arcane arts of even other supernatural creatures stalk the professor’s
the warlocks; others detailed exchanges of favors Domain.
among the vampires of Iberia over the years. This The mix of fear and respect around Heitor would
knowledge granted Heitor an unprecedented edge in have made him a perfect upstart Primogen. His aggres-
kindred dealings: a little pressure over kindred in debt sive methods did grant him some voice among the
can go a long way. elders. However, the rise of his Brujah “sister” – that
Patiently, Heitor crossed the records of kindred fa- undisciplined brute! – was not in his plans. He is well
vors with mundane information. Analyzing docu- aware of other clans feeding her morale to undermine
ments and ship manifests, he deduced the Toreador’s his own. Her appeal to fledglings and would-be
conspiracy for the Portuguese Court years before it Anarchs also concerns him. They have had brutal
took place. This granted Heitor’s sire time to prepare fights in the past, but recently Heitor is trying to earn
in advance for the things to come. When the Torea- her trust – a tool in unifying the clan once again. If
dor Methuselah Angela decided to make her move, only her arrogance did not make his blood boil, it
Pietro had ships and routes ready to offer, becoming would not be such daunting task…
an important voice among Rio’s elders. This granted Image: Heitor is a tall white man with a dignified
much prestige to the Brujah, and to Heitor himself. composure. The long black hair usually hangs in a
By Pietro’s request, Angela invited Heitor to mingle ponytail, and he often scratches his goatee when pon-
among her noble retainers when the court moved to dering over a puzzling situation. From behind glasses,
Brazil, eventually settling in Rio. his piercing black eyes are always attentive.
While his sire assisted the Camarilla in fighting off Roleplaying Hints: Your supernatural senses con-
the Sabbat, Heitor blended among the city’s first intel- stantly seek the untold information in uneasy smiles
lectuals. The first universities of Rio became not only and choice of words: that will base who is worth of
his favored hunting grounds, but also powerbases. your attention, loyalty, or fists. You prefer subterfuge
Through them, the Brujah exerted some political in- but are not above brute force if so required. You look
fluence in the plans for the developing city. Important rather serious when you are thinking about some issue
elders came to these grounds of knowledge to debate – and you are always thinking.
the Pact of Saint Sebastian. Heitor followed his sire in
abiding the pact, despite strongly opposing to it. He Sire: Lord Pietro
would have no chance challenging the elders in the Nature: Architect
political arena, but more than a few neonates repeated
Demeanor: Director
Heitor’s words when expressing their discontent. He
would not start an all-out war against the Pact, but will Generation: 9th


Embrace: 1710
Apparent Age: Mid-30s
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 5, Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 5
Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Brawl
3, Empathy 4, Expression 3, Intimidation 4, Leader-
ship 3
Skills: Etiquette 4, Melee 3, Performance 3, Survival 3
Knowledges: Academics 4, Finance 3, Investigation 3,
Law 4, Occult 3, Politics 3
Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 3, Potence 3, Presence
4, Thaumaturgy 3 (Path of Blood 3 and a few rituals
of levels one and two).
Backgrounds: Allies 3, Contacts 4, Domain 4, Herd
4, Influence 2, Resources 3, Status 3 She started in pubs, moved to small theaters, and
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 5, Courage 3 finally earned larger events.
Morality: Humanity 6 These presentations brought her fans and admirers.
Willpower: 9 One such follower was Nayara, a Daughter of Caco-
phony. Her temporary stay in Rio became much more
Daughters of interesting due Symphony’s talent and mystique.
Rio’s political turmoil interrupted Symphony’s ca-
Cacophony reer abruptly. During the 70s and 80s, agents of the
weakened military regime retaliated against their per-
Rio welcomes diversity, excesses and festivities. This ceived opposition. A small theater downtown was
should suffice to lure the exotic Daughters to the city. target of such terror act, when a bomb interrupted
Being able to express their supernatural art free from Symphony’s last performance. A leftist leader was
oppressing politics, sharing sensorial experiences killed alongside 3 other civilians, including the singer.
among a variety of clans – Rio de Janeiro sounds al- Nayara was too involved in the music to shield her
most too perfect. Little do kindred know that these protégé in time. The embrace was a last resort to make
divas drag inspiration from darker aspects of the city. sure that the show would go on.

Symphony Before leaving, Nayara tutored Symphony and in-

troduced her to allies among the Toreador. The clan
Carolina’s introspection always granted her a myste- readily adopted the neonate, delighted at her exotic
rious aura. While well connected to her inner un- talents. No stranger to bloody debaucheries of Torea-
iverse, she often lacked words to translate them prop- dor gatherings, her hunger was not sated but roused to
erly. In music she found her language. She spent her sinister delights. While loyal, Symphony’s quest for
youth listening to her father’s vinyl collection for creative stimuli took her into diverse circles of Rio’s
hours on end. Her natural talent for singing further undead. She met a few Sabbat neonates and their ways
awakened her passion for music. both terrify and excite her. If her angelical voice
Eventually Carolina discovered Bossa Nova, a daring moved the Toreador so profoundly, how would their
music style conceived in Rio. Much like its place of antitribu react to her guttural screams? The notion
origin, the rhythm was sensual and mysterious. In- enticed her to no end.
spired, she decided to seek a singing career in the The singer has darker thoughts to consider in these
marvelous city. She took the moniker of Symphony long nights, perhaps her own or granted from some-
and met some success in the bohemian nights of Rio.


thing else. Composing and performing usually take
the Daughters into a trance-like state. Symphony’s Followers of Set
inspiration has awakened ideas of lovers devoured by
The situation in Rio may seem too perfect for the
shadows, as if to feed a sinister entity. She is well
Setites. In one hand, there is the city’s bohemian cul-
aware that, somehow, this “revelation” relates to the
ture; in another, groups of kindred in an apparent
rumors about the former Archbishop and his darker
truce, but ever willing to have an ace in the hole. For a
connections. For now, Symphony fears the reaction it
clan that trades in temptation for both politics and
could trigger in either sect, only dropping hints of this
pleasure, Rio is full of opportunities.
secret in her darker songs. Maybe someday a trustwor-
thy ally may assist in investigating such insights. In- Nevertheless, paradise can have only so many ser-
between diffuse notes, the singer tries to follow the pents. There are few Setites active in Rio, and those
rhythm of the city. who stay tend to be discreet. Most prefer the city to
remain neutral, avoiding deals with conspirators
Image: Symphony is a pale, thin woman with long
against the Pact; the more rules exist, the more valua-
dark brown hair. The choice of modern, urban outfits
ble corruption is. That said, even a reputable elder
may conceal her more erudite approach to music. Her
might have profane appetites – commodities that the
long neck sports a tattoo of acoustic holes, similar to
Followers would gladly to provide… for a price.
those of a violin.
Role-Playing Hints: You are where you always Andrew
wanted to be. The enchanting Rio de Janeiro is your
What the early Victorian Era celebrated as moral
stage. Your audience literally kills to enjoy your music.
values, Andrew cursed as sanctimony. The young aris-
It breathes warmth into the coldest hearts, including
tocrat spent his youth and family’s wealth in London’s
your own. And you are scared that you are trapped in
most expensive brothels. Between scandals, substance
all of this, for eternity.
abuse and run-ins with the law, Andrew’s fortune
Sire: Nayara deteriorated along with his health. First came the
Nature: Loner shakes; then the memory lapses and accesses of fury.
By his thirties, the young dandy became a decadent
Demeanor: Gallant drunkard and opium addict. Disinherited by his tradi-
Generation: 10ª tional family, Andrew’s descent accelerated. He met
Embrace: 1971 death during a drunk stupor, lonely and disowned in
the gutters of London – or so he thought.
Apparent Age: Middle 20s
He woke up in a sophisticated opium den, deco-
Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2 rated in gold and silk and shadows. A Setite priestess
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3 welcomed him into a new existence. Through her,
Andrew learned that pleasure was the most beautiful
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
and most cruel of gods. His own self-destructive spiral
Talents: Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Empathy 3, Expres- took an entire new sense: by abandoning himself to
sion 4, Intimidation 2, Subterfuge 2 vices, he became free of the fake morals of his time.
Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 3, Performance 4, Stealth 3, Through depravation, he saw the truth – and was
Survival 1 eager to share it with those worthy of salvation. After a
decade serving Set under his sire, they heard more and
Knowledges: Computer 2, Investigation 1, Occult 3 more about the Americas. A new society was emerging
Disciplines: Fortitude 2, Melpominee 3, Presence 2 there, and with it, new and suffocating sets of morals
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Fame 1, Herd 3, Resources 2 and rules. Andrew travelled to the new continent,
offering Set’s dark reliefs to those in desperate need of
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 3 them.
Morality: Humanity 6 First, the Setite settled in Florida, just after the Civil
Willpower: 7 War. Using the chaos to cover his tracks, Andrew
assembled a small network of criminals, mercenaries
and corrupt politicians. The operation focused on


facilitating human traffic, serving both illegal business
and kindred with exotic appetites. By 1930, Andrew
network caught the attention of one mysterious Brazil-
ian Ravnos named Rafael. He ran a similar operation
in Rio de Janeiro. Andrew arranged fake documents
for many Brazilians, mostly prostitutes, forwarded by
Rafael’s scheme. Cheap workers reverted into profit;
those who ended up in some Ventrue’s plate reverted
into favors; business was good.
It was only in the 60s that Andrew finally moved his
haven to Rio. The Follower of Set thought the frac-
tured city was even more in need of his services. He
established himself as the owner of a few brothels in
Rio. Some gathered high profile clientele, others serve
impoverished areas. Curiously enough, some of his
current employers (including his overzealous body-
guard Maria), previously worked to Rafael. The Rav-
nos has all but vanished from sight. If the Setite con-
ducted a business agreement or a hostile takeover liefs. People (and vampires) are bound by artificial
remains unknown. rules; destroying oneself morally is the only way to be
The other vampires surely are not asking. Andrew truly free. You will serve your clients generously. Even-
has been providing “mortal guests” to both the Cama- tually the emptiness will grow in their hearts. Some
rilla balls and the Sabbat rituals, making allies on both will remember the tranquility of eyes that saw the
sides. Moreover, he has studied the preferences of truth of Set. Let the children come unto you.
both the Ventrue and their antitribu of Rio. He tries to Sire: Priestess Ali
keep at least someone from such profiles at all times
in his operation, and quickly looks for an equivalent Nature: Visionary
replacement if a troubled blue blood needs a fix. Fi- Demeanor: Gallant
nally, some neonates seek his counsel for issues that
Generation: 9th
their elders might find too controversial. Andrew is
especially attentive and friendly to those in need of his Embrace: 1839
wisdom. His tale on how personal ruin can be an Apparent Age: early 30s
agent of change reassured more than a few fledglings
(and drove a couple more screaming into wassail). Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3

Andrew manages his operation from North Zone’s Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
suburb of Madureira. His haven below one of the Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
cheapest prostitution houses helps in keeping a low
Talents: Alertness 3, Awareness 2, Empathy 3, Inti-
profile and proximity to local organized crime. He midation 3, Leadership 2, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 4
keeps a tight circle of followers motivated by false
promises, blood, and Setite mysticism. Once again, Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 3, Firearms 3, Performance
the dandy trades in drugs, sex and despair, but this 2, Stealth 3
time he is in the other side of the deal. Knowledges: Academics 2, Computer 3, Investigation
Image: Andrew is an elegant man in his early thir- 3, Law 2, Medicine 3, Occult 3, Politics 3
ties. His pale skin makes the long, light brown hair Disciplines: Fortitude 3, Obfuscate 3, Presence 2,
appear reddish. Fit business suits are his attire of Serpentis 5
choice, and he is always wearing golden jewelry with
Backgrounds: Resources 3, Retainers 4, Contacts 3,
Egyptian symbols. His dark green eyes are tranquil and
Herd 4, Status 1
Virtues: Conviction 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
Roleplaying Hints: You have conviction in your be-


Morality: Path of Typhon 7 true self as a cruel manipulator and torturer. Karen
Willpower: 7 demanded her childe seduce and lure students and
teachers to her lair to fulfill pleasures and hungers,
Samira leaving a trail of corpses in her wake. Suffering
through mental abuse, murders, and hidden corpses,
A black woman, born in the outskirts of São Paulo Samira was embraced. She desperately needed to un-
during the sixties, Samira experienced numerous pre- derstand why Karen made these demands. Samira
judices. Despite (or maybe because of) that, she grew investigated why her sire never left her darkened ha-
interested in history from an early age. Resilient and ven, soon learning an intriguing secret. Her sire laid
quick-witted, she managed to endure social and eco- low, waiting for an opening to attempt an escape with
nomic hardships, gain an education, and rise above her treasured tome from the stronghold of Sao Paulo.
her status by enrolling in one of Sao Paulo's promi- Biding her time, Samira waited for the right moment
nent institutions. Seeking a degree in History, she to strike for vengeance with her Humanity intact. Yet
sought to better her life and future above the expecta- a part of her wondered what was in the tome, where it
tions of her birth. This allowed her to bring a differ- came from, the history and content.
ent perspective on many topics. Samira’s smart argu-
With extreme effort, Samira became intentionally
ments and charisma granted her some admirers but
reckless with her errands. Following the trail of
also many adversaries, both among teachers and stu-
corpses, Sabbat scouts eventually discovered the hi-
deout. Her sire fought ferociously but eventually suc-
It was in the final years of university that she met cumbed to the attackers – “Inquisitors” as they called
Karen. Posing as a foreign researcher, this Follower of it. During the altercation, Samira took the mysterious
Set approached Samira, supposedly impressed with book and escaped into the night. Her last memory
her ideas. Karen rarely spoke, spending their time before succumbing to the Beast was of Karen’s be-
listening to the young historian. She would add a witty heading. The neonate returned to her senses kilome-
remark or raise a question leading to deeper conversa- ters away, clutching the mysterious tome. With what
tions. Samira was used to flattery, but this resourceful resources she had, Samira bought a bus ticket to Rio
woman left her infatuated. She became helplessly de Janeiro, leaving São Paulo and those torturous
attached to Karen’s attention, Presence and eventual- memories behind.
ly, vitae.
The atypical politics of Rio may be confusing but at
With Samira caught in the Setite's spell, Karen's least nobody knows her. Starting fresh in the new city,
pleasant and attentive persona gave way to reveal her she organized a haven in the suburbs of Ilha do Go-
vernador. Her charming manners and predatory in-
stincts (developed under Karen’s domination) has
granted her the sympathy of a few local kindred. The
Brujah Primogen offered hospitality of the university
campus; the Setite Andrew approached her with a
different take on the clan; she even flirted with a few
antitribu in Lapa. Kindred tend to find her a pleasant,
if unassuming, neonate.
If they even dreamed that what she keeps is an en-
crypted codex of Teodoro in occult knowledge, their
attitude would change dramatically, as would her
chances of survival.
Image: Samira has curly black hair and dark brown
skin. She is of average height and dresses casually ur-
ban. Her smile can be innocent or lustful, depending
on what she needs for the current situation.
Roleplaying Hints: You were trained to be a viper
and are not above using it to your advantage. Smile


and be polite, make allies but trust no one. You are they join the earth; some nomads tell of whispers in
still looking for someone to help you decipher the their dreams. Rumors aside, there are plenty of threats
mysterious book you stole, but earning your trust surrounding the clan in the surface as well. Between
might take a long time. In the slightest sign of threat, savagery and political cunning, the Gangrel of Rio are
run – preferably behind one of your charmed allies. quickly learning to adapt.
Sire: Karen (destroyed)
Nature: Chameleon
Rio de Janeiro presents a blend between natural and
Demeanor: Conniver urban vibes. Adriana is a good representation of such
Generation: 11th a mix. Following the footsteps of her family, she be-
came a focused law student. However, her free time
Embrace: 1981
was spent in hiking tracks and beaches of South Zone.
Apparent Age: early 20s The passion for activities among nature bolstered her
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2 resolve and self-confidence. Moreover, it granted her
an imposing athletic physique, uncommon in her
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3 bureaucratic profession.
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 Upon graduating, Adriana merged both interests in
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Expression 3, Inti- her career by getting involved in the field of environ-
midation 2, Subterfuge 4 mental regulations. The timing was perfect: Rio’s
Skills: Larceny 2, Performance 2, Stealth 3 building corporations were reshaping, and not always
in the most sustainable way. The companies erecting
Knowledges: Academics 3, Computer 2, Occult 1, buildings and shopping malls among the green fields
Politics 3 of Barra during the 80s had to follow new rules – and
Disciplines: Obfuscate 3, Presence 2, Serpentis 2 Adriana’s office specialized in this kind of consulting.
Eventually, the upstart lawyer built a name for herself
Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Resources 1
among eco-activists, politicians and executives... But
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3 you cannot please everyone.
Morality: Humanity 4 Adriana’s office legally blocked a project for a shop-
Willpower: 7 ping mall. It was clear that the constructor’s business
model took advantage of cheap and illegal techniques,
Vampires from clan Gangrel have passed by Rio
multiple times, even before the Camarilla moved into
it. The promise of a wild land, the rumors of shape
shifting beasts and the absence of petty politics: all
news about Rio enticed the instincts of these nomads.
Their attention was much more towards discovering
the territory and its legends. According to their own
legends, some ancients of the clan came to Rio de
Janeiro before even the colonial times to hone their
hunting skills in the savage environment.
Then along came the Camarilla, the Royal court,
urbanization and undead intrigue. The dreams of feral
exploits gave way to the manipulations of the Jyhad.
Bestial Gangrel elders left, replaced by those better
connected to modern times. The clan firmly believes,
however, that a very ancient Gangrel slumbers be-
neath the earth of Rio. They feel its presence when


causing irresponsible deforestation and environmental for information. Your undead instincts taught you
damage. The multinational tried to pay the law firm to that there is always something to be tracked. Figura-
stay out of their way. When suborn gave way to per- tively or literally, the thrill of the chase entices you.
sonal threats, Adriana personally investigated the Sire: Fellini
company. It was a subsidiary of Ardus Enterprise,
which in turn belonged to the untouchable conglome- Nature: Competitor
rate of Pentex Industries. She learned about their Demeanor: Judge
strong political allies, strange internal policies, parano-
Generation: 10th
id former employees, and lack of moral limits.
Embrace: 1986
The lawyer never had the chance to expose her find-
ings. She suffered a fatal car accident when returning Apparent Age: mid 20s
to home one night. In her last breath, Adriana Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
dreamed that an avatar of nature removed her corpse
from the wreck, burying it in the earth. She came to Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
realize that it was actually a Gangrel elder decided to Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits4
preserve her talents. Her sire taught her to be a noc-
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Expression
turnal predator, by laws of the night. In turn, Adriana 3, Intimidation 2, Subterfuge 4
guided the Gangrel in the political arena by the laws
of men. The neonate quickly understood the arts of Skills: Animal Ken 3, Etiquette 2, Stealth 2, Survival 3
undead politics, making a few allies and enemies along Knowledges: Academics 3, Computer 2, Finance 2,
the way. This time around, she is far more dangerous Investigation 3, Law 3, Politics 4, Science 2
and ready to strike back at any threat.
Disciplines: Animalism 1, Fortitude 2, Protean 2,
Adriana still runs her political and legal operations. Dominate 2
Human retainers carry the worldly affairs, while her
Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Influence 2, Resources 3,
instincts look for information that may lie beneath the
Retainers 3
Masquerade in the corporate field. She is equally com-
fortable (and equally dangerous) in both wild hunting Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
grounds and salons of Elysium. She is loyal to the Morality: Humanity 7
Camarilla, but secretly, Adriana never gave up her
personal crusade against Pentex. She has had enough Willpower: 8
run-ins with their operatives to know they are far from
mere mortals. Fellini
Recently, stolen files revealed that there are other During the sixteenth to seventeenth centuries, Brazil
supernatural creatures in Rio under their radar. was still a developing colony. Its wild and unknown
Adriana managed to contact a few of them online. She territories hid dangers – tribes of natives, forest spirits
is gathering courage to meet one of these mysterious and savage beasts. Still, the promise of fortune and
savages in person, but her instincts warn her against it. need for expansion motivated the bandeirantes. These
Whether Rio will offer yet another unlikely alliance or mercenaries banded in troops of varying sizes, willing
bloody altercation, only time will tell. to explore the jungles of Brazil for coin. Seeking ru-
naway slaves and precious minerals, these expeditions
Image: Adriana has sleek black hair and almond pushed the country expansion further. Bandeirantes
brown skin, nodding to a distant indigenous ancestry. became controversial and famous historical figures of
She is slightly shorter than average with a bulky physi- Brazil; Fellini was one such adventurer.
que, often sharply dressed in business clothing. Her
right ear and hand have acquired some feral traits – His group had been successful in a couple long mis-
someone has been “working” overtime, it seems. sions over the years. They were quite familiar with the
territory that once would become Rio de Janeiro.
Roleplaying Hints: Stay alert. You are strong of Eventually, a mysterious contractor approached these
body and mind. As long as you are aware of your sur- bandeirantes. This man had strange features, neither
roundings, you should thrive. When you are not cer-
European nor Brazilian, and spoke with a curious
tain of what or whom you are dealing with, try and dig


accent. His request was even stranger: a strange beast
of the jungle stalked his wealthy property, and he
wanted the group to get rid of it. These men had
their fair share of kills among local fauna and the
payment was generous. The contract was sealed and
off they went, unaware that it was their last mission.
The woods were strangely quiet. They came across
marks of claws and tracks that looked like that of an
animal, but twice as big as anything the group had
seen before. In the third night, Fellini and another
scout came across what seemed to be a makeshift
village of escaped indigenous slaves. The place
seemed trashed to pieces, naked corpses torn apart by
unnatural claw and fang. As the group investigated,
the creature struck. Seemingly into and out of the
shadows, this wild dog howled and charged, jaws
easily rending armor, flesh and bone. One by one, the
corpses of the bandeirantes hit the bloody ground.
From about 100 men, Fellini was among the last to Ever since, Fellini has been a respected voice among
fall. Dodging the charge, he carved his knives deep the Primogen of Rio. His straight, no-nonsense atti-
into the beast’s back, only to see it grow twice its size. tude has granted reputation even beyond the Camaril-
The bandeirante stabbed the creature yet again on its la. He is a fierce advocate of the neutrality among the
clans of Rio, finding the political intrigue around it
neck before having his body tossed into a tree. Broken
boring and pitiful. Nonetheless, he acknowledges its
and bleeding, Fellini’s last memory was of the myste-
importance, reluctantly enlisting allies in and out of
rious contractor joining the fray, pouncing against the
mauled monster. Then the night went black. the sect. Fellini is aware that descendants of the beasts
he fought back at colonial times still prowl in Rio. He
The bandeirante woke up a few nights later at the hopes these feral creatures stick to their own business,
wealthy contractor’s farm. The man introduced him- at least while he articulates a proper strategy against
self and told stories of a time and place where the them with his clan mates… and a few secretive allies.
thrill of the hunt meant something. His instincts
Image: Fellini is a tall and strong man of European
pointed that Fellini understood those concepts. The
complexion, with dark blonde beard and long hair.
embrace came from the sire’s intent of preserving
His fangs are bigger than normal and his teeth remind
them. With his long-time enemy finally defeated, he
those of a panther. Pointed ears and yellow iris also
had no more business in Brazil. When he sailed back
denounces his Gangrel heritage. Despite his size, Fel-
to his Old Continent, his progeny inherited much of
lini moves with unnatural grace; in battle, he is a
his wealth: his sire scoffed at the riches of mortals, but
blurred and terrible sight for his opponents.
Fellini would put those resources to good use.
Roleplaying Hints: You are a hunter. However, pol-
With his newfound dark gifts, Fellini would venture
itics and complicated affairs somehow are a part of
alone into uncharted areas and sell intelligence to
kindred society too. You will comply with Traditions,
explorers, making a small fortune over time. The Sab-
if only to avoid needless chaos. You hope Camarilla
bat has also used the assistance of Fellini and his
and Sabbat stick to their truce and are not afraid to
troops more than once, even if he politely declined
step in petty politics when needed to enforce the Pact.
joining them. When the Camarilla and the Royal
Court came into play, Fellini knew the attrition was Sire: Lord Edward “Raptor”
inevitable. He avoided taking sides as much as possi- Nature: Survivor
ble, trying to maintain his reputation with both sects.
Following a promise made to the former Prince, Felli- Demeanor: Loner
ni joined the Camarilla once the Pact of Saint Sebas- Generation: 9th
tian was established.
Embrace: 1705


Apparent Age: Late 30s Through the years, he felt divided between his love for
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5 the city and the revolt for its cruel social structure.

Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 1 Writing was Lucas’ attempt to reconcile his emo-
tions. While most descendants of slaves were not lite-
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits4 rate, Lucas learned it from a local priest and kept im-
Talents: Alertness 3, Awareness 2, Brawl 3, Athletics proving on it ever since. His poems were raw and un-
4, Intimidation 4, Leadership 2, Streetwise 2 apologetic. While cult novelists romanticized the
journey of African-descendants in Brazil, Lucas’ verses
Skills: Animal Ken 4, Etiquette 2, Larceny 2, Melee 3,
sang about physical and sexual abuse, hopelessness
Stealth 4, Survival 5
and longing, anger and revenge. His verses were often
Knowledges: Investigation 3, Medicine 2, Occult 2 called “gruesome” and “aggressive”; the irony both
Disciplines: Animalism 3, Protean 5, Fortitude 5, amused and motivated him. Lucas enjoyed sharing his
Celerity 3 works among the intellectuals and bohemians that
gathered in Lapa at the time.
Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Resources 3, Status 4
The tone of Lucas’ skin – and prose – would hardly
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 4 allow success among academics of the era. However,
Morality: Humanity 5 that was never his intent. If he could not get away with
Willpower: 9 a literal spit in the face of the status quo, a literary one
would do. Sometimes, he would ask white friends to
Lucas read it at high-society meetings, or publish it in local
newspapers. They would laugh and drink to the
The gritty side of Rio de Janeiro stays out of the shocked expressions of the city’s bourgeoisie. Howev-
postcards, but Lucas knew it firsthand. The same so- er, the conservative upper class types were not famous
ciety that abolished slavery in Brazil marginalized the for good sportsmanship. Still resenting the change in
liberated afro-descendants. Without jobs or public status quo, some folks felt like a lesson was in order.
sympathy, these impoverished families survived in They ambushed the rebellious poet in an alley near
ghettos and shantytowns. Lucas’ family eventually Lapa. His beaten corpse was left to die in a pool of his
settled in Morro de Santo Antônio – the first favela to own blood. Instead, it attracted something else.
rise in Rio de Janeiro, around 1890. He grew up
Pisco, a nomad Gangrel familiar with the fury of his
watching the city flourish and develop while his own
words, Embraced Lucas in an impulse, hoping his
community became more dangerous and neglected.
emotions were more than just talk. The feral woman
talked little herself, but taught Lucas to hunt in the
night. She watched with pleasure when the poet final-
ly brought retribution to the fine gentlemen who
murdered him. “Gruesome” and “aggressive” indeed.
Pisco told her progeny of the clans and the fallacy
that the Pact was. Letting those of strong blood rule
seemed attractive at first. But in time, Lucas feared for
his slipping humanity. After a few disagreements, sire
and progeny parted ways. Once again, putting his
inner fury in words helped Lucas to keep his sanity.
Now he had perverted and disgusting themes to write
for nights on end.
Since then, Lucas learned to deal with the kindred
as an Independent. His attitude and charisma granted
some colleagues among the Brujah, Toreador and
Toreador antitribu. Lucas surely thinks the neutral
ways of the Pact are the best interest of Rio’s kindred.
He supports it only indirectly, however, for now. One


of the main defenders of the Pact was a goddamn Sabbat are not in their usual all-out war, the Giovanni
bandeirante, responsible for capture and slavery of have fewer opportunities to sell both sides what they
many in the past. The fact this vampire is also the need. Nonetheless, it is a domain too important to
Gangrel Primogen does not make it easy for Lucas to rest unwatched. There is always at least one family
decide where his allegiance rests. The forces of Rio member in Rio, making sure the clan stays in the loop
have only so much patience, and Lucas needs to about the nocturnal affairs of the city.
choose his side before he’s left out of the political
game. Time is ticking. Helena Rascolli Giovanni
Image: Lucas is a charming black man of average During the 20s, Rio was a capital of the new and the
height, with stylish afro hair, thin moustache and rich. It attracted many immigrants, Helena’s bourgeois
goatee. He usually sports stylish street clothes, often family among them. Living a life of luxury, Helena
carrying a pen and a notepad in his jacket’s pocket. enjoyed Rio’s effervescence of parties, tea invitations
Roleplaying Hints: You have a “charming bitter- and club meetings. However, her family got the bitter
ness” to your looks and words. When reading poetry end of immigration. Their business was failing, despite
or engaging in conversation, you employ few and constant efforts of her father.
strong words. You are outgoing in your own way, but Helena refused to accept the financial decline. She
never afraid of criticizing someone right in their faces kept attending the same circles of high society, faking
(especially if there is an audience). You mostly express the same powerful poise. That gave her opportunity to
your inner fury through poetry, but are not above meet some big shot industrialists of Rio. Although her
unleashing it by fang and claw if necessary. reputation became tainted by spending so much time
Sire: Pisco with men, Helena didn’t care. She flirted with the
world of finances and those who were part of it. Her
Nature: Rebel affairs involved deception, selfishness and high risks,
Demeanor: Gallant just like the business of her partners. She learned how
to swim among sharks and eventually how to profit
Generation: 11th
from it.
Embrace: 1909
That is how she met Marco Giovanni. They seduced
Apparent Age: Early 20s each other over some drinks and light conversation.
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2 The two quickly became a couple. There was some
resistance from her father, suspicious of Marco’s busi-
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3 ness legitimacy. Helena simply declared that she
Mental: Perception 2, Intellect 3, Wits 2
Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Expression
4, Streetwise 2
Skills: Animal Ken 1, Performance 3, Stealth 2, Sur-
vival 2
Knowledges: Academics 1, Law 1, Politics 3
Disciplines: Animalism 1, Protean 3, Fortitude 3
Backgrounds: Contacts 4, Fame 1, Resources 1
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 4
Morality: Humanity 6
Willpower: 7

Necromancers have a very limited presence in Rio
de Janeiro. After all, in a city where Camarilla and


wouldn't die poor like them. Maybe she did not love Image: Helena sports a lovely mix of Caucasian and
Marco as much; but the love for her newfound life Brazilian heritage. She has very pale skin, contrasting
more than made for it. They married in the same year with her short black hair and eyes. She always dons
and Helena left her family behind for good. black vintage clothing and accessories. Dark makeup,
Marco Giovanni ran a logistics business in his fami- a hint of accent and a charming, serious expression
ly’s behalf. He kept Helena away from the operation, adds to her sinister mystique.
however. The family’s nocturnal meetings were off- Roleplaying Hints: You do what it takes. Smile and
limits to outsiders. All that she knew was that occasio- be polite among kindred; seduce kine and enjoy as
nally, the family asked Marco “favors”. Special ship- they amuse you. Pretend to comply with social morals
ments, from South American regions to Europe. Un- (and cross them without remorse when needed). Re-
dercover and blatantly illegal. While Marco hated such cently, you became fascinated with the secrets of Ne-
reunions and requests, he feared family reprisals even cromancy.
more. His uneasiness reflected on poor business deci- Sire: Paolo Giovanni
sions, more often than not.
Nature: Architect
Fearful of falling from grace again, Helena sought to
become involved as much as possible. First, the wom- Demeanor: Judge
an assisted with connections. Her social skills and Generation: 10th
shameless bribery helped the company among federal
Embrace: 1925
authorities more than once. Such influence aided
Helena to become a vital part of the business, doubl- Apparent Age: Middle 30s
ing profits and expanding trade. The secrecy imposed Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
by the family was her only limit. Maybe it was organs,
blood or stolen jewelry. If it paid for her luxurious Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
lifestyle, it was a good deal. Marco became little more Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 2
than a cog in the operation; Helena kept the machine
Talents: Alertness 2, Awareness 3, Brawl 2, Empathy
running. 2, Intimidation 3, Leadership 3, Subterfuge 3
The Giovanni had no choice but to recognize her Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 4, Firearms 2, Performance 2
ability. Finally, an invitation to one of those late night
family meetings. The mansion near Barra da Tijuca Knowledges: Academics 3, Computer 2, Finance 4,
was impressive. Paolo Giovanni, the family patriarch, Investigation 3, Medicine 2, Occult 3,
greeted her. He presented her to the mansion’s ware- Disciplines: Dominate 3, Necromancy 3 (Ash Path 3,
house. There she found mummified hands, jars with Bone Path 2), Potence 3
strange fluids, Mesoamerican relics – materials she
Necromantic Rituals: Insight, Two Centimes, The
helped shipping safely to their contacts in Venice. She
Ritual of Pochtli, Divine Sign
received the proxy kiss that night. Necromancy intro-
duced her to a new level of power, much to her ap- Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Influence 1, Resources 3,
preciation. The embrace came one year later. Paolo Status 1
returned to Venice and took Marco along with him. Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
She never saw him again.
Morality: Humanity 5
Helena rose among the Camarilla ranks as a res-
pected Vampire in Rio. Select few kindred seek her to Willpower: 8
smuggle items (or even allies) into or out of the city in
secrecy. Her spiritual and logistics services have served Lasombra
the Camarilla more than once. Mirroring her mortal
From the pinnacle to the pit. After the fall of the
agenda, she is a common presence in Rio’s Elysium
former Archbishop, most Lasombra scattered around
and gatherings of the undead. This works to her ad-
the city. Without its fearsome leader, some neonates
vantage to keep the Giovanni informed on Rio’s sta-
fell to enemies of other bloodlines, claimed by ancient
tus. From her offices in Barra da Tijuca, Helena
grudges. The clan reputation shattered under the
weight of its own legacy.


Nonetheless, some Lasombra remain in the city,
embittered but proud. Resentful of their fate (and of
their peers), the clan is slowly picking up its pieces.
Power is inebriating, and most Lasombra became used
to it, even before the embrace. They long for the glory
of nights past as much as for warm vitae –and will stop
at nothing to take back their perceived birthright.

During colonial times, Rio de Janeiro became an
important administrative center. Precious metals and
other riches (even from other areas of Brazil) passed
through the ports of Rio to reach Lisbon. Dignitaries
or slaves found in Rio an entrance to the colony. Such
operations required strong regulations. From his
young age, Luciano understood that the most regu-
lated environment are also the most corruptible.
Offered lands and titles, his family moved to Brazil
around 1705 to assist in such tasks. When his father power. The few fools to voice their opinions publicly
passed away, Luciano assumed his role. The young were soon targets to hit jobs, legal scrutiny or plain old
aristocrat learned well from his patriarch, enough to violence. Luciano became both feared and respected,
step into shady business that the former officer would even if he stood in the Archbishop’s shadow. And
not dare to. Under Luciano, the ports were ripe for suddenly, the Archbishop was no more.
illegal trades, trafficking of slaves and goods. Ironical- Luciano knew that his sire’s enemies would fall onto
ly, looting and pirate activity reduced considerably. him. The ancilla reluctantly cut most of his ties to the
Under his command, the port became much less safe, underworld and laid low for a while. Many kindred
but profitable. His prestige slowly increased. believed him destroyed or gone. Discretely, Luciano
Luciano had a disturbing secret however: his father’s rebuilt his group of crooks. As the military govern-
death was no natural event. At first, the murder was ment disintegrated, the Lasombra became stronger.
just a guilty thought confessed to the local priest. Each His network encompassed corrupt bankers and amoral
following confession seemed to strengthen his resolve. politicians; and through these, Luciano gained access
He finally helped a group of slaves to poison his fa- to thugs, drug dealers, pimps and all kinds of urban
ther, and watched as he suffocated to death. It was the predators. His connections rivaled those of the Cama-
priest’s idea to expose the slaves afterwards; the severe rilla leaders in Rio. However, restoring his reputation
punishments would expiate his guilt. Still, inspired by among the Sabbat has been a different business alto-
the slaves screaming claims, some officers decided to gether. The legacy of his sire often turned into unrea-
investigate Luciano’s affairs covertly. More than a few listic expectations towards the ancilla, no matter how
inspectors simply vanished under his network of cor- useful his lackeys have been to the sect.
sairs and thieves. Eventually, Luciano left his last con- Luciano secretly considers destroying one of the
fession changed, as father Teodoro embraced him into city’s leaders to prove his worth. Both Sabbat and
the ranks of the Lasombra. Camarilla elders are having their heads weighted by
For the next few decades, Luciano rejoiced along his this manipulator. The presence of Gratiano implies
sire. He enjoyed status rarely available to neonates. caution, but the old Lasombra is sure to endorse such
His network of villainous subordinates expanded and bold move – or so he hopes. Degenerate, proud and
advanced the clan agenda. Even with the arrival of the unscrupulous, Luciano watches from the shadows,
Camarilla, Luciano’s pawns delayed and sabotaged waiting for the right time to act. This may well trigger
their advances significantly. When the Pact was another war of clans in Rio, but the Lasombra is not
forged, Luciano oversaw most of Teodoro’s hunting concerned – he is not his brothers’ keeper, after all.
grounds. Most vampires resented his meteoric rise to Image: Luciano is a tall, slender man of pale skin


and sleek black hair. Wealthy-looking outfits add to
his imposing stature. His black eyes are especially in-
timidating when staring directly at his victims. He can
be suave if the situation so requires, but even tough
criminals feel uneasy around him. He barely ever
smiles and seems especially cruel when doing so.
Roleplaying Hints: You deserve to rule. You paid
high prices, took high risks, served high roles. Your
conviction and self-confidence border the megaloma-
niacal. Other kindred see you as charming and inti-
midating, the typical Lasombra. You do your best to
keep that elegant image for the most part. Behind
closed doors, however, you are prone to fits of fury.
Mortals tremble in your presence, as they well should.
In time, everyone will.
Sire: Teodoro
Nature: Autocrat
Demeanor: Capitalist this earth was empty and meaningless.
Generation: 7th During a raid, one of his corsairs killed a priest. The
faith and conviction of the man impressed him. Even
Embrace: 1709
before a blade in his throat, the cleric never faltered.
Apparent Age: Early 30s As soon as he docked in Portugal, the captain looked
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3 for a church. He confessed his sins and searched for a
new purpose in life. That is how he met his future
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3 Sire, the Lasombra priest Teodoro.
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits4 Teodoro set him in a darker path within the ranks
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Empathy 2, of the Lasombra, offering access to forbidden know-
Expression 2, Intimidation 4, Leadership 4, Streetwise ledge and gifts. Darkness whispered secrets to his ears.
3, Subterfuge 3 The pirate was a fearsome swordsman in his own
right, far more deadly when his own shadow began
Skills: Etiquette 3, Firearms 3, Stealth 4, Survival 2
wielding blades alongside him in battle. Even a small
Knowledges: Academics 2, Finance 3, Law 5, Occult army would offer little challenge. Teodoro was pleased
3, Politics 4 with his lackey’s advance – and more dangerous.
Disciplines: Dominate 5, Obtenebration 4, Potence 3 He also came to meet his sire’s questionable ally,
Backgrounds: Contacts 5, Herd 3, Influence 3, Re- Diamonds. Secretly, the gypsy spoke of Teodoro’s
sources 3, Retainers 5, Status 2 ambition and selfishness. Her divinations proved cor-
rect. Teodoro eventually sailed to Brazil in a quest for
Virtues: Conviction 5, Instinct 3, Courage 3 power, leaving his pupil behind. From there, he took
Morality: Path of Power and the Inner Voice 8 the moniker Spades and banded with the Castle of
Willpower: 9 Cards, the circle led by Diamonds. They wandered
across the courts of the Iberia Peninsula, sowing chaos
Spades and reaping valuable information.

Spades true name was lost in time, like his patience. In 1755, a major earthquake destroyed much of Lis-
During his life as a pirate captain, his ability with the bon. Many vampires met final death, including some
saber was remarkable. He tasted fortune and glory. of the Castle of Cards. Wreckage and debris buried
Yet, without apparent reason, the wine lost its taste, Spades for decades. During torpor, he came to resent
gold lost its appeal. The adventurer felt his purpose on his sire and, once more, questioned his own purpose.
Teodoro did not grant him a new perspective. He was


just a faithless and broken undead, worthy only to Embrace: 1478
advance his sire’s plans. Apparent Age: Early 50s
Diamonds, the only surviving member of the group, Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
located and rescued Spades in early nineteenth cen-
tury. She had evidence of the Portuguese Court’s im- Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
minent collapse. Such news bargained their entrance Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 5
into Teodoro’s Domain, now a feared Archbishop in
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 4, Brawl 2, Intimida-
Rio de Janeiro. The reunion with his sire was bitter.
tion 1, Leadership 3, Subterfuge 3
Spades kept his faith in the Sabbat, but distanced
himself from Teodoro at last. Skills: Etiquette 3, Melee 5, Stealth 3, Survival 2
Spades infiltrated and influenced the ranks of Bra- Knowledges: Academics 2, Investigation 4, Law 2,
zilian Navy, setting his haven at Ilha do Governador. Occult 4, Politics 2
From there, dominated agents kept him informed and Disciplines: Dominate 2, Obtenebration 4, Potence 4
resourceful. When Teodoro finally fell, he started
considering his role in the Sabbat. His military prow- Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Herd 3, Influence 1, Re-
ess granted him status as a respected Bishop. Gratiano tainers 3, Rituals 3, Status 3
himself has Spades assisting in his search for Teodo- Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 5
ro’s lost relics. He is confident that, once this quest is Morality: Path of Honorable Accord 5
complete, Gratiano will appoint him as the new Arch-
bishop of Rio de Janeiro. Willpower: 7
However, his “brother in blood” enjoys more pres- Sabrina Caleñas
tige. Surrounded by corrupt mortals, Luciano reminds
him of Teodoro. Maybe that is why he greatly dislikes Sabrina is the heir of the Casa Roja, an upscale bro-
him. Spades is gathering allies among the Sabbat, thel. Her grandma died and left the establishment for
sowing dissention among Camarilla neonates and her. It was a huge inconvenience; the girls and their
watching the Independents. Until opportunity appears job as harlots were immoral in her eyes. Still, with its
to seize power, he tries to keep the Sabbat united and exclusive clientele, the club paid well. Reluctantly,
his wits (and blade) sharp. Sabrina got involved in its administration. She saw it
as a business as much as she could.
Image: A strong, tall Caucasian man with silvered
beard and hair. He dresses and walks with elegance In a serious business, the staff needed to adhere to
and dignity. During rituals and serious occasions, he strict rules. Sabrina used movie icons as role models
carries the weapon of his namesake. The blade is old for the girls, and prohibited any kind of relations off
but well preserved. To watch him and his shadow work. Stepping out of line or getting pregnant earned
using it in battle is an impressive (and deadly) sight. harsh consequences under her watch. At the same
time, she accommodated many girls with her growing
Roleplaying Hints: Enough following. You stood
affluence. Girls in bad contracts and in danger ended
aside for too long. It will take time to inspire Sabbat to
up in her care, for job and protection. Runaway
its former glory, but thankfully, that is something you
crooks turned into discreet, professional bouncers
have in spades. While you trust in the Sword of Caine under her auspices.
almost romantically, you are not above sabotaging
possible antagonists. Luciano, other Bishops, even the Sabrina felt nothing but contempt for her work
Camarilla elders: when the time is right, they will force. She wondered how some people could fall so
kneel before you. Either in respectful recognition or low. But she learned to conceal these and other emo-
before their beheading. tions. Some girls actually saw the classy young woman
as some kind of savior. In time, the notion convinced
Sire: Teodoro
Sabrina herself, acting as a dignified keeper.
Nature: Architect
In a cold November, she met Luciano, a classic look-
Demeanor: Judge ing man that visited one of the girls. He was a rich,
Generation: 7th affluent customer with strange tastes and requests of
the girls. Sabrina never repressed her clients, especially


grants her an edge in most discussions.
Roleplaying Hints: You share your privilege with
lessers, and they better be thankful. You ignore the
whispers at your back – remarks driven by jealousy
and mediocrity are beneath you. Cunning is often
your weapon of choice, but you always have a girl or
bodyguard nearby, just in case. Your blood seems to
motivate them well enough.
Sire: Luciano
Nature: Director
Demeanor: Curmudgeon
Generation: 8th
Embrace: 1951
Apparent Age: Early 30s
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
the rich and powerful. She knew they were the easiest
to blackmail if anything went wrong. Yet, the uneasi- Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
ness of Luciano’s favorite escorts intrigued her. Sabri- Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Intimidation 2, Lea-
na invited the man for a tea in her immaculate room. dership 3, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 3
The lady was no match for the subterfuge of the La-
Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 3, Stealth 2, Performance 3
sombra. Against her better judgment, she befriended
him. Luciano spoke of other clients with “uncom- Knowledges: Finance 2, Law 2, Occult 2, Politics 3
mon” tastes and influence. Sabrina had no apparent Disciplines: Dominate 3, Potence 2, Obtenebration 2
concern for the girls, willing to know such world of
power at any price. Her greed and ruthlessness granted Backgrounds: Herd 3, Resources 2, Retainers 2
her embrace. Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
As a Lasombra, the world opened up for her, full of Morality: Humanity 4
possibilities. New clients, new deals, new circles of
Willpower: 7
influence. Vampires with special appetites visited the
brothel and found a safe ground. The girls fulfilled
refined appetites and perverted compulsions. Even Malkavian
members of the Camarilla negotiated with her. From For many undead, Rio is a mix of insane traditions
discreet Ventrue to hopeless Nosferatu. Sabrina wil- and confusing relations. It is no wonder that Malka-
lingly bargained the lives of her herd for advantages to vians are among the most powerful clans. While their
herself and her clan. There was always some new mis- alliances seem rather chaotic at times, the kooks estab-
fit needing work, anyways. lished their presence in the Domain quite effectively.
The shadows whispered about how deplorable the The guise of abstemious neutrality shrouded the clan
world truly is. These degraded humans and corrupted for centuries. It provided time and cover to spread a
undead deserve each other. Sabrina despises both, but network of influence among both kindred and kine.
business is business. An elegant hypocrite, she seeks to When the undead alliances crumbled, Malkavians
rise above those poor bastards. The power she is learn- were the most organized in the ensuing chaos. Such
ing to wield only reassures her of it. developments sound like a crazy plan – the kind only
Malkavians could pull off.
Image: Light brown hair falls over her soft pale skin.
Her frame is slightly athletic and often covered by Noticeably, the famous bohemian district of Lapa is
expensive outfits. An expression of innocent nobility their powerbase. Even during the conflicts of the 50s
and 60s, the neighborhood adhered to strict non-


aggression rules. In current nights, it is still the safest
place to resolve differences and forge alliances through
diplomatic means. How the Malkavians managed to
articulate alliances to build such a strong base of in-
fluence is just another one of the clans’ puzzles.

The Malkavian Primogen of Rio de Janeiro is an
enigmatic creature. Machiavellian, fool, damsel, mon-
ster; she donned many epithets. Cintia answers to all
with a malicious smile. She likes to keep both allies
and enemies guessing her ways. Her chaotic behavior
has certainly worked in her favor as she is among the
most influential vampires of the city.
Elders of the city have different accounts of her ori-
gins. Cintia was born into an aristocratic family,
brought to Brazil during colonial times. Their consi-
derable prestige could do little to the problems of
their daughter, who suffered from wild mood swings. Under her leadership, the Malkavians took over La-
Some say it was due tropical diseases. Others blame an pa. The bohemian district was especially symbolic for
unhappy arranged marriage, multiple miscarriages or the undead, and the kooks seemed obsessed by keep-
homesickness. There are even rumors about wild spi- ing it that way. Articulating dangerous alliances and
rits toying with her sanity. agents, Cintia actually made it. Few dare to trespass
the rules of non-aggression imposed by her network of
Intrigued, the local undead of the Sabbat ap- contacts in the domain.
proached the family. To their surprise, the girl was
actually an elder cainite. Tormented, depressed, but The nightclub Neon is her haven and powerbase. It
powerful. The dysfunctional family was, in fact, bent occupied different locations in Lapa over the years,
to her will as ghouls. Any records of embrace or who but its reputation as an upper-class nightclub endures.
could had embraced her was not found. Nonetheless, Young executives, local media stars and scions of Rio’s
she had been clearly well oriented in the ways of the elite attend its parties. Interacting with this exclusive
damned. Along with the upper-class family, Cintia clientele, the Malkavian determined the patterns of
held considerable power among the kine as well. the city’s upstarts, soon skillfully dominating them
and relishing in such opportunities.
Most impressively, she had the ability and means to
hinder the advance of the Sabbat in the colony. She This also serves her sadistic habits. Dominating and
simply had chosen not to. Later, it was discovered that possessing some victims, Cintia experiences their rou-
Cintia even helped the sect secretly, opening ways and tine, twisting their relationships, emotions and identi-
diminishing external interferences. With the arrival of ty. At times, she gains important insights into her
Camarilla representatives among the court, Cintia victims. When the experience is particularly remarka-
stepped out of the way of her elders. However when ble or intense, Cintia drains the subject’s blood and
the Pact was forged she once again emerged as a he- memory, keeping it forever. She thinks of herself as a
rald of neutrality. collector in a sense, and is often looking for new in-
teresting acquisitions. Her retainers keep the club
Well-connected and respected by both sects, Cintia going during the nights she is “unavailable”, but no
took the Malkavian clan to an unusual position of one knows about her appetite for personas.
privilege as the elders divided the city’s resources with
the Pact. She became an avid supporter of the Pact of Dancing in the chaos, plotting in fractured patterns
Saint Sebastian. Her wits to predict (and neutralize) and smiling elegantly, Cintia is an intriguing figure.
would-be saboteurs of the city’s status are memorable. Her apparently erratic behavior shields her true inten-
Touched by the insane wisdom of Malkav, Cintia tions, striking fear in foes and allies alike.
seems to be always one step ahead. Image: Her blonde hair, white skin and European


features could easily pass her as a tourist. Dark green
eyes always seems to gaze into the horizon. Her friend-
ly mannerisms and stylish outfits hide a terrible preda-
tor, often revealed only when it is already too late.
Roleplaying Hints: Keep them guessing. Everybody
is looking for something in the chaos of Rio, and this
chaos whispers directly to you. Sometimes, you wish it
would all burn, and will even act towards that goal.
Other nights, you revel in the pretty memories that
this city brought to you. You keep your habits a secret
to all, but cares not to hide satisfaction when the un-
dead seem intrigued with your prosperity.
Sire: Unknown
Nature: Enigma
Demeanor: Deviant
Generation: 9th
Embrace: Unknown
her mother told to keep quiet about it, in fear of los-
Apparent Age: Late 20s ing the job. Filled with confusion and loathing, she
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2 fled home at an early age. She grew among relatives
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3 and friends, some of which became her first partners.

Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 5 As she grew older, the bloom of a voracious sexuali-
ty suffocated her insecurities. Seduction offered atten-
Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 2, Empathy 4, Intimi- tion, validation and anesthesia. However, trading sex
dation 3, Leadership 3, Subterfuge 4 for affection led to frustration in both fields. Moving
Skills: Etiquette 3, Performance 4, Stealth 3 from one abusive relationship to another, she discov-
ered another way to sedate the emptiness through
Knowledges: Academics 3, Finance 3, Investigation 2,
drugs. As days blended in a drug-induced haze, she
Occult 3, Politics 4
resorted to selling sexual services to maintain her ha-
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dementation 5, Dominate 5, bit. Ironically, her relentless nature attracted a very
Obfuscate 4 specific clientele. She became a hired plaything in
Backgrounds: Contacts 4, Domain 5, Herd 3, Influ- privative circles of BDSM, among prestigious military
ence 2, Resources 3, Retainers 4, Status 4, of Rio. When you are beautiful, even your self-hatred
gets appreciation.
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-control 3, Courage 3
It was in one such party, attending in the guise of a
Morality: Humanity 3 client, that the Malkavian elder Cintia noticed Trin-
Willpower: 9 ket. The young prostitute offered surreptitious entry
for the Primogen’s machinations regarding Rio’s elite.
Derangement: Manic-depressive disorder. In addition,
The elder approached Trinket as a client, eventually
the personality of her victims may meddle with hers
embracing her. She became an undercover monitor
own from time to time.
for the Malkavian in such circles. Cravings for her
Trinket sire’s blood made Trinket an easily controlled asset
and an amusing puppet for Cintia’s sadistic mind.
In a sense, abuse shaped Trinket’s existence. She Trinket was pivotal to keep the Malkavians steps
spent childhood in a middle class family’s house. Her ahead in the political esgrima for influence, working
mother worked there as a maid and sometimes reluc- as a dependable (if often doped) contact.
tant mistress of the family’s patriarch. When these
Trinket’s biggest downfall came as the democratic
unwanted sexual advances targeted Trinket herself,


regime disintegrated and the sects clashed. Cornered 3, Survival 2
in one of her clubs by Sabbat pursuers, Cintia com- Knowledges: Computer 2, Investigation 1, Politics 2
manded Trinket to fight them while she ran away.
Beaten and buried by the pack, Trinket frenzied. Disciplines: Auspex 4, Dementation 2, Obfuscate 2,
Clawing her way out of the dirt, she battled against Fortitude 3
the Sabbat. Impressed by the sheer ferocity, the Tzi- Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Herd 3, Resources 2
misce priest Ugly recognized some of her own fury and
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
angst in Trinket. The ensuing combat turned into a
wild initiation among the ranks of the Sabbat, as the Morality: Humanity 3
Rebellities took the Malkavian antitribu under their Willpower: 7
wings. Her humanity and birth name were left behind.
She has been the pack’s lure for elite degenerates (and Derangements: Nymphomania and drug addiction
submissive plaything) ever since.
Image: An attractive, tall woman with pale skin and
dark blonde hair. She often sports vulgar and/or out- Since his youth, Tomás obsessed about the Army
right offensive looks, denoting her over sexualized and its inherent prestige. His effort and physical abili-
personality. Her Tzimisce packmate has taken some ties were noticeable during the tryouts. However, he
liberties with Trinket´s appearance: she is unnaturally ended up reject. His unwillingness to accept such
odd-eyed (left eye is purple; right one is yellow) and result caught the attention of Colonel Cardoso. Such
her long, nightmarish tongue resembles an octopus dedication could certainly serve his purposes. The
tentacle. She may use it for feeding and other de- corrupt military man invited Tomás to serve the coun-
praved pleasures. try “informally”, which he accepted immediately.

Roleplaying Hints: Desire and be desired. The His superior sent him on quick covert missions.
world is a lonely place, so you treasure the little com- Threatening oppositions, intimidating politicians and
fort of intimacy above all things and at all costs. Flirt other dirty tasks. The missions became more frequent
outrageously, even with victims and enemies: share (and more violent) during the Military regime of 1964.
one’s last moment of joy before death. You are often Tomás quickly earned the nickname “Vulture”, for if
too high to properly consider your acts. And please he was around, the target’s death was certain. Pro-
god, let it stay this way. moted to lead an Intelligence Center, Cardoso’s clan-
destine missions intensified. His targets could escape
Trinket is designed as a tragic character, not a fetish official justice, but not Vulture’s diligence. Interroga-
fan-service. Make each encounter hopelessly empty;
keep her hungry; avoid the cheap sexploitation clichés.
Clan: Malkavian antitribu
Sire: Cintia
Nature: Child
Demeanor: Masochist
Generation: 10th
Embrace: 1960
Apparent Age: Middle 20s
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 3
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Empathy 2,
Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 4
Skills: Etiquette 2, Larceny 3, Performance 4, Stealth


tion, torture and murder became his trade. “They tures, after all.
knew too much”, the Colonel would justify. In time, Image: Vulture is a thin man of average height, light
he was referred even to other military allies, to finish brown skin and short black hair. His expression looks
tasks that the reputable officers themselves could not. always focused, almost disturbingly so. He usually
The tension of the job eventually took its toll on the wears military-styled clothes. That said, Vulture rarely
mercenary. While loyal, the Vulture became increa- appears in person. He much prefers Obfuscate tricks,
singly paranoid with each disposed corpse. He knew forging disguises and masking his presence.
military of high power, their dirty secrets and intri- Roleplaying Hints: You always wanted to be part of
gues. Often, he was the last one to see an important something important. Now, you are. Sometimes, you
witness or evidence before it vanished. An unsettling ask about war and guerilla events from ages past. You
idea invaded his thoughts: he, also, knew too much! find it hard to figure what current war you are fight-
One night, Tomás went to the colonel’s office. His ing, but that is irrelevant. The old masters, the red
boss was whispering with another military leader. coats, the subversives, the military, the Sabbat, the
Upon seeing him, both men shut up suspiciously. communists – them. It is all connected, it always was.
That scene snapped his nerves. Disturbed, he returned They are out to get you as they always were, but now
to his apartment. Later that night, a vehicle stopped in you are ready. Let the hunt begin.
his street. He spied from his window, tracking Colo- Sire: Cintia
nel Cardoso leaving the vehicle and arriving to his
apartment. He entered, as many times before, but Nature: Soldier
could not find Tomás. This time, the Vulture waited Demeanor: Survivor
in a shadowy corner, greeting his boss with a silent
Generation: 9th
garrote around his neck.
Embrace: 1968
Unknown to the Colonel and Vulture, another
predator hunted. The Malkavian elder Cintia stalked Apparent Age: Middle 30s
the Colonel for the past month, intrigued with is Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
quick rise to power. She always wondered who re-
moved his opposition. With his death, she learned it Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2
was an implacable assassin with unconventional ties to Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
corrupt, powerful military. The situation was perfect.
Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 4, Brawl 3, Intimida-
As she stepped from the shadows, Cintia met his
tion 4, Streetwise 2
maddened, familiar glare, and became his mentor. In
that moment, the Malkavians acquired an invaluable Skills: Firearms 4, Larceny 3, Melee 4, Stealth 4, Sur-
asset. vival 3
Cintia fed his paranoia since that first meeting. She Knowledges: Computer 2, Investigation 3, Medicine
told him about the Jyhad. Conspiracies inside conspi- 2, Occult 1, Politics 3
racies, woven through countless ages. Not all Malka- Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 2, Dementation 1,
vians share those views, but they all seem to get it. Obfuscate 4
Their territory was resistance. Eventually, Cintia
Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Mentor 3, Resources 1
tasked him with securing Lapa. Empowered and with
a purpose, the Vulture found what he longed for in Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-control 3, Courage 3
life. He took his position gladly, watching from the Morality: Humanity 5
shadows, mingling among the crowds.
Willpower: 7
His blind loyalty and sense of duty make vampires
tread carefully in Lapa. A few kindred have broken the
Malkavians’ rules and their last thoughts were of re-
gret. Some others learned from his fists that Cintia The Nosferatu dominate the decadent industrial
may be crazy, but does not play to lose. The name district by the Port Area of Rio. They gather under the
“Vulture” is whispered with fear by the few undead ruined warehouses to debate the news of the city.
aware of his existence. Dead flesh tends to attract vul- From there, they spread their influence. Subway sys-


tems, violent favelas, abandoned factories – Rio has
no shortage of decadence for the sewer rats to infest.
The numbers and the influence of the clan are larg-
er than outsiders can imagine. Their Primogen impos-
es strict rules, but also shields the clan from outside
threats. Masters of finding (or disappearing with) sens-
ible information, the Nosferatu are an important fac-
tor in the city’s political balance.

The relationship of Anderson with the truth bor-
ders the obsession. Most journalists seek information
as a mission of their craft. Anderson’s motives are
instead personal, unavoidable and compulsive. He
simply feels compelled to investigate the multiple an-
gles of a narrative that catch his curiosity. No matter
the cost.
Since early age, newspapers and tabloids lured him.
sive to the embrace, but her vitae brought him to the
Every story had blanks that screamed for his help. ranks of the undead.
Growing up, a career in journalism was the obvious
choice. Once at university, he sought the alliance of Past the initial shock with his deformity, Anderson
leftist students and teachers. He had no empathy for proved a strong reinforcement to the sewer rats. He
their ideals, but they provided access to interesting delved into vampire lore, researching the background
political figures. Some would call him a paparazzi, but of illustrious vampires of Rio. Their influence echoed
his scrutiny fell over political agents, their agendas and into the known history, revealing new layers of mys-
possible connections between them. tery. Ironically, his obsession helped him to keep what
little was left of his personality.
After graduation, Anderson found in President Var-
gas’ administration his new obsession. While previous- The Pact serves his ambitions well. Anderson has
ly idolized by the masses, Vargas faced harsh critics by contacts in multiple circles. He secretly negotiated
the press during the 50s. Anderson followed the pres- important information on members of Camarilla,
ident’s contacts surreptitiously. Unslept nights, cor- Sabbat and Independents amongst themselves. He is
rupt contacts and breaking-and-entering eventually well aware of the danger in such dealings. However,
paid off. He came across documents hinting at an he knows there is always a fiend needing an enemy
international conspiracy to kill the popular president. exposed, an immortal's secrets to learn, a dusty haven
hiding cryptic versions of the truth. And these truths
The investigative reporter never had chance to re-
are worth dying for - again. The rumors about Teodo-
veal his findings to the public. Federal agents involved ro’s lost relics only assures him of it.
in the scheme ended his investigation with direct
force. After violent raids and interrogations, the trail Image: An average person hiding under a black hat
to Anderson was obvious. Pierced by multiple bullets, and jacket. Upon closer inspection, one may notice
his lifeless body was thrown in the polluted waters of his deformed skin remembering scales, varying from
Guanabara Bay. grey to greenish tones. Tuffs of black long hair falls
around his face.
The agents were unaware that death does not keep
all of its secrets. The trail of political wetwork alerted Roleplaying Hints: The city is full of secrets and
the Nosferatu Marquise. However, the evidence was you cannot resist their siren’s song. You spent your
gone, people of interest were dead, the clues swal- life with the feeling that something was between the
lowed by shadows. One piece of the conspiracy re- lines. Now, you are part of that something. You dive
mained, and the elder had to go deep after it – quite headfirst into these mysteries to the best of your abili-
literally. Anderson’s mauled body was barely respon- ty. Were you not so good at what you do, maybe your
sire would have destroyed you already. You keep your


agenda as secret as possible, but not for a second you
think you can elude her. The other vampires, howev-
er…It is an entirely different story.
Sire: Marquise
Nature: Rogue
Demeanor: Survivor
Generation: 9th
Embrace: 1953
Apparent Age: Middle 30s
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 0
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Empathy 1,
Intimidation 2, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Drive 2, Etiquette 1, Firearms 2,
Larceny 3, Stealth 3, Survival 2 ing political campaigns worked for money laundry and
bought legal favors for his enterprises.
Knowledges: Academics 2, Computer 2, Investigation
4, Law 2, Politics 3, Science 2, Technology 2 Business earned the industrialist a small fortune,
partners and power. But in his world, you cannot
Disciplines: Animalism 2, Obfuscate 4, Potence 2 amass such resources without making a few enemies.
Backgrounds: Contacts 4, Resources 1 Cipriano had way too many of both. Rivals and unsa-
tisfied partners colluded to destroy the corrupt execu-
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
tive. They stalked and watched him for over a month,
Morality: Humanity 5 preparing the perfect hit job. Cipriano’s car was shot
Willpower: 7 multiple times after a late night business meeting. His
thugs only bought him time to crawl into the curb,
Cipriano bullet holes riddled his band new suit.
Corruption in Brazil is not a new phenomenon, and There was literally more than meets the eye see in
Cipriano is a proof of it. As most Brazilian industrial- this case, however. The Nosferatu elder Marquise
ists of his time, Cipriano built his wealth on top of followed these developments as well. Impressed with
shady schemes with government agents, bribery and the feats of the organized criminals, she watched them
questionable legal maneuvers. from the shadows and through informants. After
months of silent surveillance, the opportunity to act
His range of business was vast, opportunistic and presented itself. Marquise dispatched Cipriano’s assai-
profitable. Political contacts and privileged informa- lants easily, and dragged his body to the Nosferatu lair
tion were often involved. Months before Brazil joined at the docks. His talents and connections would suit
in the First World War, he joined an industry that the clan well. Another vile creature into the flock.
would provide cheap, salvaged equipment for the
troops. Years later, a warehouse at Avenida Brasil The change affected the industrialist severely. For
supplied overpriced meals to public schools. An im- over a year, thoughts of fury, self-loath and despair
port company was the façade for black market goods. filled him. His appearance now truly reflected his
inner self. In time, however, this thought helped him
As his network of corrupt politicians and officers come to grips with his fate. That was who he always
expanded, Cipriano played harder. Illegal activities, had been. He should own it, and with some ability,
protection racket, drug and gun traffic integrated his make a profit. In 1919, a ruthless and vile Cipriano
trades. His men would threat whomever they needed was back in business.
to enforce the schemes, physically or politically. Fund-


He devoted time and will to understand his new na- Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
ture, from innate powers to the intricacies of the un- Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 0
dead society. Cipriano had quite a meteoric ascension
in his fields of interest. His voracious maneuvers took Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
its toll on his humanity, but not without adding some Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Intimidation 3, Lea-
reputation to himself and his clan. dership 2, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 4
With the newfound abilities, Cipriano rebuilt his Skills: Animal Ken 2, Etiquette 3, Firearms 2, Melee
network of contacts. Access to Rio’s influential busi- 3, Stealth 4
nessmen made him an important information broker.
Knowledges: Computers 2, Finance 4, Investigation 3,
This granted him the attention of many undead inter-
Law 3, Politics 3
ested in the finances of Rio, especially those of ill
nature. One such patron is Sabbat Bishop Spades. The Disciplines: Animalism 2, Dominate 3, Obfuscate 3,
Lasombra has managed to facilitate his access in select Potence 3
deals with the Navy. Cipriano keeps this alliance high- Backgrounds: Contacts 4, Influence 1, Resources 3,
ly secret, wondering the true intentions of the unex- Retainers 4
pected ally. He keeps this alliance a well-kept secret,
shivering from just thinking of the consequences if his Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
sire ever discovers it. For now, it is too profitable not Morality: Humanity 4
to risk it. We are all going to hell anyways. Willpower: 8
Currently, Cipriano manages some fraudulent in-
dustries, corrupt enterprises and some black market Marquise
operations. If something is illegal and profitable,
The Nosferatu Primogen is an elusive figure. Her
chances are the Nosferatu are involved. Still, he is
dark presence haunts Rio since early colonial times.
always open to new proposals, not letting sects or age
Some believe she arrived after the first explorers. Sup-
in the way of a good deal. One should be careful,
posedly, she was an agent of the Camarilla, sent to
however. Even in face of immortality, Cipriano fol-
watch the Sabbat’s movements in the city secretly.
lows the motto “time is money”. Wasting either with
Unsettled by the nameless creature in a rotten royal
foolish undead would be a costly mistake.
dress and jewelry, scared neonates coined her nick-
Image: Cipriano is tall and slim, with short and name.
greasy black hair combed backwards. His skin is soft
Marquise seems to be aware of every important
brown, pale and wrinkled. Pointy ears, long fangs and
black eyes add to his corrupted appearance.
Roleplaying Hints: You are smarter than these as-
sholes. The social gears of the kindred elude and en-
tice you; there is some perverse joy in seeing pompous
vampires treating you nicely when they need your
intelligence. The challenge of staying updated about
useful information keeps you going. Among mortals
however, you have nothing to fear. There is always a
lobbyist, politician, or killer seeking opportunity.
Forge them and make money.
Sire: Marquise
Nature: Capitalist
Demeanor: Creep Show
Generation: 9th
Embrace: 1917
Apparent Age: Good luck


event in Rio since its inception. Rumor has it Mar- actly who to help or sabotage to make it happen. Until
quise spread a network of informants among all of the then, she goes along with the Pact, patiently.
city groups. From politicians to crack addicts. From Image: Marquise is a nightmarish view. Ghostly pale
high society to streetwalkers. Even other clans worry skin reveals some of her veins. Long black hair falls
about infiltrated agents of hers. The most paranoid over her face, hiding one of Rio’s biggest horrors. She
whisper that, sometimes, these poor neonates are un- always wears stylish old jewelry and noble dresses,
aware of their own ties with the Marquise. Her precise mostly destroyed by time. Her words are few and di-
methods, however, are anyone’s guess. rect, her voice barely above a whisper.
If her ways are mysterious, her mystique is terrifying. Roleplaying Hints: You embrace the horror you be-
Her face is never fully seen, her voice whispers with came with terrifying majesty. Your power and influ-
few words. Fine jewelry adorns her claws. She moves ence came at a high price and you are not willing to
swiftly and often arrives and leaves unnoticed. The share it. The Sabbat must fall. In time, they will de-
legend says that staring into her eyes is enough to vour themselves, but you are glad to oblige if needed
drive kine (and even some kindred) into despair. Her be. Patience is among your main virtues. Mercy is not.
slender silhouette conceals a monster that no imagina-
tion can conceive of (or withstand). Sire: Unknown
Despite this, Marquise diverges from the stereotypi- Nature: Judge
cal Nosferatu. Her imposing stance when conducting Demeanor: Curmudgeon
diplomacy rivals with the most skilled Ventrue. Her
Generation: 8th (through diablerie)
serious and dignified attitude are noticeable. She
honors her oaths no matter the cost; her words are Embrace: Circa 1500
dependable and upright. She even conducts important Apparent Age: Late 20s
interactions “in person”, avoiding fabrications of Ob-
fuscate. Marquise’s stern, no-nonsense attitude is Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
harsh and unsettling, but often fair. Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 0
Nonetheless, most of her deals benefit the Nosferatu Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 5
or herself, in the end. Marquise charges dearly for her Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 4, Awareness 3, Brawl
favors. If a vampire is resourceful enough to find her, 2, Empathy 3, Intimidation 5, Leadership 3, Street-
she will listen to their plea. She may assist them with wise 2, Subterfuge 4
her vast influence and knowledge. Powerful, stealthy,
stoic and implacable, Marquise considers carefully her Skills: Animal Ken 3, Etiquette 4, Larceny 4, Stealth 5
allies. Receiving her visit is motive for either great Knowledges: Investigation 4, Occult 3, Politics 5,
honor or panic. Sometimes, both. Technology 3
Marquise supports the Pact of Saint Sebastian only Disciplines: Animalism 4, Obfuscate 5, Potence 4,
reluctantly. She is mostly indifferent to its intricacies Presence 3, Protean 2
and rules; but merciless if the perpetrators are Sabbat.
Backgrounds: Contacts 5, Domain 4, Influence 3,
This generates some tensions around the Pact, but
Status 4
also turns Marquise into a useful boogeyman in ser-
vice of the Camarilla. Most shovelheads fear the mere Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control 3, Courage 2
mention of her name, with good reason Morality: Humanity 4
Marquise would gladly lead the Camarilla into tak- Willpower: 10
ing over the city. On the other hand, this seems an
impossible and naïve cause – for the time being.
When the sun goes down, she watches the city from
her haven at Central do Brasil. She also keeps the Despite all diversity, Rio proved unwelcoming to its
Nosferatu hunting ground of Rio’s Port Zone with an clanless vampires. Lacking a proper representation,
iron fist. Both places are conveniently nearby to Cen- they tended to fill the usual roles as scapegoats, can-
tro, Camarilla’s powerbase. If her “peers” ever consid- non fodder or simply victims of bullies and sadists.
er alternatives to the Pact, Marquise would know ex-


Things changed during the late 50s, when Joseph
Pander himself visited Rio, converting many illegiti-
mate neonates. Even some Caitiff banded under his
banner. The clan is still far from reputable, as usual. A
few noticeable Panders recently have been disputing
this notion, however.

The creature known as Porcelain may have been a
sculptor or craft artist during his mortal days. Most
details pertaining to his existence remains unknown.
The Beast has driven him mad, so these details are
likely lost forever. Some undead speculate that he is a
deranged Tzimisce experiment.
A strange variation of Vicissitude granted his nick-
name. A layer of some strange white substance, not
quite flesh, encases portions of his body or any flesh
he manipulates. Long, sharp claws, pale and danger-
ous, tip his thin fingers. And a mask lays over his face, and, with that, their valor to the sect. His presence was
seemingly attached, in a forlorn guise of sadness. symbolic to many shovelheads, who treated him like a
full-fledged Bishop. While reluctant, the city’s Bishops
In some rumors, the mask is a magical item, sup-
accepted the unanimous claim, if only to calm the
posed to placate his Beast. Other tales dictate that he
fuck down of its agitated fledglings.
shaped it himself, to forget the horror he became. The
eyes and mouth forever shut in a semblance of death Porcelain’s fractured mind is unable to grasp con-
makes undead wonder how he actually feeds. Maybe cepts such as influence, politics, conspiracies and
that is why he is such a bloodthirsty monster. pacts. At best, he empathically enjoys the emotions
(and blood) offered in his praise. Again, Sabbat mem-
What nobody knows is that, behind his mask, Por-
bers interpret this as the attitude of a noble warrior.
celain sleeps. Like a sleepwalker, he responds to stimu-
With João and Maria, the “Intimate Verses” enjoy
li only remotely conscious. His interactions are purely
quite some prestige, especially for a Pander-only pack.
instinctive. He does not see the world, merely feels it
through a psychotic delirium. He does not speak, but Currently, their haven is an abandoned plaster fac-
his muffled groans carry a strange meaning of its own. tory in Rio’s north zone. The pack’s victims decorate
A surreal delirium lures him to the blood, full of vio- the place, preserved as lifeless mannequins of a porce-
lent impulses and curious creatures. lain-like material. They remain as the materialization
of some psychotic nightmare. Maybe that would be
During the brief conflict of clans, Porcelain became
the best way to define the crazed artist himself.
a respected warrior. Despite his slumbering mind, a
dark fury empowers his bones and blow. The Sabbat Image: Porcelain stands almost two meters tall. His
learned of his battle prowess, unleashing the sculptor figure is slender with well-toned muscles. The strange
upon their enemies. His confusion and blood-induced material of his discipline covers his claws and
rage would do the rest. Ironically, his lack of self- mask/face, and may absorb the blood of his victims.
preservation was mistaken for bravery. His savage His pack-mates usually dress him like a circus artist.
dreams ended the existence of a few members of the Roleplaying Hints: You vaguely remind a promise
Camarilla and even some careless shovelheads. that you should be dead. This is not real, but this is
After that tumultuous period, Porcelain vanished not death. A lady speaks in my dreams. A burning
from sight for decades. Younger Sabbat celebrated soul follows her. Are these porcelain dolls bleeding?
their autistic hero, supposedly killed in glorious com- They break to my touch. The Beast screams. Will its
bat. Recently, Porcelain resurfaced alongside the twins screams end this nightmare? Pain hides the answer.
João and Maria. The occultists found his torpid body Notes: Porcelain is something between an autistic,


an automaton and a sleepwalker. He “sees” the world Meanwhile, back at home, Maria obsessed for divine
through Auspex-induced dreams, much like a halluci- salvation under her parents watch. In her suffocating
nation. Communication is symbolic, surreal and errat- reality, she often wondered about her brother. Some-
ic. For observers, he passes as eccentric, poetic and times, this longing roused unclean, lascivious though-
unpredictable. The fact such a mindless brute became ts. On her knees, she prayed her sins away.
an icon among Sabbat speaks volumes about how With time, Icaro became reckless with his puppet.
desperate the sect truly is. When sinister allies required his attention, João was
Sire: Unknown allowed brief escapades. Eventually he decided to visit
Nature: Sadist his sister. The girl recognized him, but he was
changed. His mind and soul were corrupted and
Demeanor: Masochist somehow that excited her. Maria started a game of
Generation: 10th seduction almost unconsciously. Aroused, the beast
took over João. Her body trembled as he sunk his
Embrace: Circa 1900
fangs deep into her soft skin. Heavenly relief at last!
Apparent Age: Middle 30s
In the ecstasy of the moment, Maria had an epipha-
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4 ny. Who would be more worthy and pure than one of
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 4 her own blood? With each passing visit, Maria went
from willing blood doll to emotional manipulator.
Mental: Perception 1, Intelligence 1, Wits 5 Playing with João’s guilt and impulses, Maria was em-
Talents: Athletics 4, Awareness 4, Brawl 3, Empathy 3 braced. Death cleanses all sin. Now, the lover-twins
Intimidation 4 could share their blood and bodies free of any shame.
Skills: Crafts 4, Performance 2, Stealth 4 But first, he too should be cleansed. At her sister’s
Knowledges: Medicine 3, Occult 4 request, he confessed all perverted practices he forci-
bly endured. Maria concluded that destroying the false
Disciplines: Auspex 4, Fortitude 4, Potence 3, prophet Icaro was to be his penitence. Strangely in
Vicissitude 3 control of his feelings once more, João joined her.
Backgrounds: Domain 1, Herd 1, Status 3 Icaro did regain control of the fledgling, but did not
expect his sister’s interference. Maria gorged on Icaro’s
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 2, Courage 4
vitae. Finally free of sin and blood bond, João joined
Morality: Humanity 2 her. Covered in red, they thanked the divine justice,
Willpower: 8 and shared a passionate bloody kiss over the mauled

João & Maria

This morbid couple of twins were born into an
overprotective, religious family. All programs, music
and books came from the church near to their humble
lair. While Maria held onto religion, João felt impri-
soned. Conflicts with his parents were constant.
When João finally ran away from home, the pressure
and expectations over Maria intensified. João felt
guilty, but choose his freedom nevertheless.
In the effervescence of the 60s, João joined non-
conformists of the underground scene. He met hip-
pies, artists, intellectuals. That is how he met Icaro. A
ruthless Tremere, Icaro seduced and embraced João
without the approval of his superiors. He already con-
ducted undercover experiments in demonology, and
the runaway loner was a convenient guinea pig.


corpse. Knowledges: Academics 3, Medicine 2, Occult 3,
The couple eventually ran into Sabbat scouts. The Investigation 1
victory against Icaro granted their baptism of blood Disciplines: Auspex 1, Celerity 2, Daimonion 3, Forti-
into the sect. Maria became a dedicated Sabbat priest. tude 2
She embraced the sect’s symbolisms as a transubstan- Backgrounds: Allies 1, Contacts 2, Rituals1
tiation of her mortal faith. Icaro’s stolen vitae assisted
in developing her Disciplines. Ultimately, these gifts Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 4
guided her to the rescue of Porcelain, adding to their Morality: Humanity 3
prestige. João took the role of a follower, mostly pro-
Willpower: 7
tecting his sister from sinful observers. Almost all
vampires know of the incestuous, symbiotic relation- Note: João’s levels in Daimonion results from the
ship of the twins. None would be foolish to interfere. experiments he forcibly underwent. The young Pander
has no idea of its significance. He fears these powers
Unbeknownst to them, the demonic forces wor-
tremendously, using them only instinctively and under
shipped by Icaro taint their own blood. One night
extremes circumstances. His embrace never followed
they might realize it. They may seek assistance to
proper Tremere protocol, so he does not bear the
cleanse it, or perhaps embrace oblivion and bring hell
infamous mark of the antitribu.
to Rio’s agitated nightlife. The devil waits patiently.
Image: The twins are almost identical: thin bodies, Maria
long black hair, pale skin, nails painted black. Maria’s Sire: João
female features fit her petite figure, adding to the con-
Nature: Visionary
fusion. Their outfits differ then better, as Maria prefer
black conservative dresses and João sports a grunge, Demeanor: Monster
black jeans and t-shirt style. Both have black eyes, but Generation: 10th (through diablerie)
João’s has deep dark circles as if he was sick and sleep-
less for days (a result of Icaro’s abuse of the fledgling). Embrace: 1966
Roleplaying Hints: The purity of your sibling’s body Apparent Age: Early 20s
and blood is comforting. Others may condemn what Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
you have, but God himself left hints that you are in-
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2
deed each other’s counterpart. Together, you are a
blessed instrument of god’s wrath, and you have no Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
reserves in playing your part in this impious world. Talents: Athletics 1, Awareness 3, Empathy 2, Intimi-
João dation 3, Leadership 2, Subterfuge 2

Sire: Icaro Skills: Crafts 2, Etiquette 3, Performance 2, Stealth 2

Nature: Penitent Knowledges: Academics 3, Investigation 2, Occult 4,

Politics 1
Demeanor: Conformist
Disciplines: Auspex 3, Dominate 2, Thaumaturgy 3
Generation: 10th
Thaumaturgical Paths: Hands of Destruction 3, Gift
Embrace: Somewhere during the 60s of Morpheus 2, Path of Blood 2
Apparent Age: Early 20s Backgrounds: Resources 1, Status 1, Rituals 3
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3 Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 4, Courage 2
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2 Morality: Humanity 4
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 Willpower: 8
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Empathy 2, Note: Maria’s Thaumaturgical abilities comes from
Intimidation 2, Streetwise 2 absorbing Icaro’s essence. While her self-development
Skills: Drive 2, Larceny 2, Stealth 3, Survival 2 is impressive, she has yet to properly learn rituals.


Ravnos tred, she muttered his real name, forgotten in history
ages past. Impressed by her divinatory abilities, the
elder embraced her instead. Thrall to his potent
A festive city such as Rio offers a lot to Ravnos’ ap-
blood, she became his concubine and advisor over the
petite for vices. During Carnival, a large number of
centuries. The curse muttered in that bloody, rainy
Ravnos kumpanias gather in Rio. Much to the relief of
night finally came full circle when the Inquisition
the city’s elders, they are mostly nomadic. The few
captured her sire. Her will finally became her own.
local vagabonds have honored the domain’s Tradition
of Hospitality… so far. Both Sabbat and Camarilla Diamonds travelled the Old Continent along with
watch their moves carefully. Ironically, that only sti- the first Anarchs. Some of her acquaintances would
mulates the Ravnos to deceive the sect’s watchdogs. later become important members of the Sabbat.
Among these was a Lasombra named Teodoro. Intri-
Diamonds gued by his ambition, Diamonds assisted him in pow-
er plots across the Iberia region. Her reluctance to join
This undead seer renamed herself after the cards
the Sabbat formally, however, created a rift between
suit of diamonds. It represents wealth and prosperity
them. As distance turned to bitterness, she started
in card readings, which may be dangerous and mis-
fearing for her unlife. Diamonds seduced the Lasom-
guiding. A master deceiver herself, Diamonds finds
bra’s guardian childe and ran away into the night,
the irony interesting. According to pagan traditions,
seeking other undead vandals like herself.
the true name of a being yields power over them, so
Diamonds keeps her mortal name unknown. In her wandering, Diamonds met and attracted oth-
er rogue kindred. The band travelled the Iberian
During the dark ages, she wandered the Balkans
courts seeking pleasures and adventures. Known as
along with a group of gypsies. They were sworn to
“The Castle of Cards”, these renegades became apt in
protect the tomb of a sleeping Ravnos and so they did
intrigue and regional lore. Trading in information,
for generations. One night however, knights of a
they collected prestige and eventual enemies across
nearby kingdom attacked the troupe, and the savagery
many domains. In fact, Diamonds was the first vam-
stirred the elder from torpor. In a bloody frenzy, he
pire outside of the Camarilla to fathom their plans
slayed invaders and tribesmen alike.
towards the Brazilian territory. It was a convenient
Amidst the carnage and burning tents, two figures time to leave old enemies behind. They alerted Teo-
stood in the forest, under heavy rain: the blooded doro of the impeding threat. The Lasombra reluctant-
Ravnos elder and a young gypsy. She stared at him ly extended the hospitality of his Rio de Janeiro to the
fearlessly, waiting to join her kin. Consumed by ha- Castle of Cards by the end of the nineteenth century.
Diamonds settled in Rio. She joined the Sabbat dur-
ing the 50s, seeking protection from the violence
among clans. She remained loyal to the sect even after
the fall of the Archbishop, but deep inside, her one
true allegiance is to herself. She remains a master in-
formation broker, her secret contacts even extending
to the ranks of the Camarilla.
Diamonds’ compulsion lies in pranks to tip the
scales of status quo. On occasion, she covertly “leaks”
vital information stolen from elders to inexperienced
neonates. She then takes a step back and watches from
the shadows what conflicts spark from it. More than a
few neonates and even ancillae met destruction be-
cause of such practice.
Even if her secretive attitude annoys Sabbat tradi-
tionalists, her malice and preternatural awareness are
of great importance to the sect. Diamonds is aware of
the secret coalition of vampires fostering Rio’s neutral-


ity. A neutral domain is more susceptible to the small
sabotages of her obsession, and it is the only reason Toreador
keeping her from exposing this cabal altogether.
Powerful, elegant and deadly. These epithets are
Image: Diamonds’ almond shaped eyes, pale brown true about the Toreador everywhere, but even more so
skin and long black hair may suggest Brazilian indi- in Rio de Janeiro. Taking over Angela’s connections,
genous heritage to those unaware of her gypsy origins. the degenerates are numerous and influential. The
She always carries a deck of playing cards used for fact the Toreador dominate the city from its heart at
mystical divinations (or simply, to con the gullible). Centro speaks volumes about their legacy, metaphori-
Roleplaying Hints: You are an unrepentant deceiv- cally and practically.
er. You became quite apt at discovering secrets, but The Toreador make the most out of Rio’s cultural
you care less about the actual information. Sowing events and nightlife, suavely imposing their rhythms
chaos with precious secrets is a way to relief the world to the city’s beat. Indeed, only the degenerates could
of karma. As an antitribu, you are loyal to the Sabbat hold a festivity as hedonistic and chaotic as the Car-
even if you disagree with some of the sects practices. nival. When coordinated, the clan is a fearsome polit-
Yet, even its Shilmulo authorities are not above your ical machine. Their gatherings can virtually make or
karmic duties (and lethal pranks) according to the break the reputation of any kindred in Rio – as long
Path of Paradox. Those that survive your “pranks” end as they can hear each other in-between their debau-
up earning your respect… and you respect very few cheries.
Clan: Ravnos antitribu Fernando
Sire: Unknown Even in his mortal days, Fernando Vilas Boas was a
narcissistic. The charming actor performed in coveted
Nature: Rogue stages and enjoyed short-lived relationships. Between
Demeanor: Capitalist the 20s and 30s, theater directors would fight for him
in starring roles. His performances attracted hundreds
Generation: 7th
of cariocas, with his face featured in posters and maga-
Embrace: circa 1200 zines of the era.
Apparent Age: Late twenties Fernando flirted with the darkness long before his
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3 embrace. He studied the profiles of murderers and
serial killers to develop his acting. While his appear-
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Awareness 5, Brawl
2, Empathy 2, Intimidation 3, Subterfuge 5
Skills: Animal Ken 3, Larceny 3, Melee 3, Stealth 4,
Survival 4
Knowledges: Investigation 4, Medicine 2, Occult 4,
Disciplines: Animalism 4, Auspex 3, Chimerstry 5,
Fortitude 4
Backgrounds: Contacts 5, Retainer 1 (a ghouled
crow), Rituals 3, Status 1
Virtues: Conviction 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
Morality: Path of Paradox 8
Willpower: 9


ance granted him many roles as “the good guy”, they Roleplaying Hints: You are hedonistic to the core.
had a subtle dark tone. Such method granted his cha- An empty life taught you to be an egocentric bon-
racters an entirely new appeal and identity. As he later vivant. Becoming a vampire elevated that to dangerous
discovered, humans tend to covet predators. levels. You do not care if the glass is half-full or half-
As his fame and payments increased, Fernando grew empty, as long as your face reflects on it.
increasingly detached for the world around him. Petty Sire: Camille
pleasures and excesses consumed much of his time Nature: Gallant
(and money). He developed multiple addictions and
peculiarities. In time, friends, family and even his Demeanor: Bon Vivant
agents ended up leaving him. Curiously, his acting Generation: 9th
improved further as he felt no remorse, leaving broken
Embrace: 1936
hearts and friendships in his wake. Maybe he was
something of a villain, after all. Apparent Age: Early 30s
Such talent and character attracted the attention of Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
a Toreador. Camille had a knack for the dramatic Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4
herself, and the admiration quickly grew into an affair.
His sinister peculiarities (by then hard to dissociate Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
from the actor himself) reminded her of her sire. Fer- Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Empathy 2, Expres-
nando obsessed about his mysterious friend as well. sion 3, Intimidation 3, Leadership 1, Subterfuge 2
She embraced him in an impulse one night in 1936. Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 3, Performance 4
Between resentment and gratitude, his feelings for
Camille challenged the actor’s rehearsed composure. Knowledges: Academics 1, Finance 1, Occult 2, Poli-
tics 3
Ever since, the actor seems to have stopped in time.
He keeps the same looks and pomp of his glorious Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 2, Presence 3
mortal days. For some, he resembles the character of Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Fame 2, Resources 3, Sta-
some dated soap opera. While his vanity blinds him tus 1
that these are other times, it also grants an exquisite
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
personal charm. He spends his nights in most exclu-
sive parties, cigarette hanging in his blasé smirk. Morality: Humanity 5
Fernando attends to Toreador gatherings much for Willpower: 7
the extravaganza itself. While loyal to his elders and
their precious Pact, he is highly indifferent to kindred Gregorio
politics. Ironically, that elegant carelessness granted Gregorio was a travelling artisan in fourteenth cen-
him some prestige among the city’s harpies. But his tury Iberia. Charming and astute, he was often at-
biggest concern is still where the next carouse is. tracted to “forbidden” ladies – nobles, aristocrats,
For the clan, that works just fine. Besides the vanity religious. Seducing them fed his ego and earned the
of having a talented actor among their ranks, his con- wrath of fathers and husbands in his path. During his
tacts among the show biz are rather valuable. Yet, wanderings, he tried to court the elder Angela, at the
some elders quietly wonder how the degenerate will go time masquerading as the chaperone of a Portuguese
to entertain his ego. princess. The Toreador scoffed at the attempt, but his
boldness did amuse her.
Image: His black hair, vintage outfits and even
mannerisms point back to the 30s. Not anyone would She watched from distance as he remorselessly cor-
look elegant in such style, but Fernando seem to give rupted gullible women, interfering in family alliances
it an aura of personal charm. His semblance seems and marital accords. Eventually, an overzealous
friendly and uninterested at the same time, but always wronged husband had him killed. Angela found the
with a practiced smile. Dark eyes often dispersed add developments entertaining, but did not want it to end
to the blasé look. quite like that, embracing him. Still inebriated by such


powerful vitae, Gregorio boasted that he did conquer
her kiss, after all. In a sense, he was right.
They became a libertine couple, entertaining cruel
courtly games through the next centuries. They delved
into local politics, seduced influential kine and kin-
dred, wreaked havoc and migrated to the next adven-
ture, assuming new identities. The chaos left in their
wake was never a concern to them. As the Reconquis-
ta Wars scarred the region, other elders focused on
larger issues. However, the escapades of the two To-
reador quickly became part of the conflict, earning
them many threats.
Just when they seemed cornered, Angela had a me-
galomaniac plan. She intended to antagonize the lead-
ers of an entirely new Domain to the west. Gregorio
was both intimidated and thrilled with such boldness.
He offered to scout the new territory himself, in at-
tempts to impress Angela. In 1712, Gregorio left to
Brazil. Sometimes, he wondered if his sire somehow tween Angela and Teodoro became noticeable. Their
manipulated his motives. At any rate, she would rec- split meant the end of an era for the city’s undead.
ognize his valor. And that was worth it.
Angela and Gregorio met one last time. After an
Gregorio meddled in Rio’s colonial society, sending embittered last appearance among the Council of
regular letters to his sire overseas. However, he became Primogen, Angela summoned Gregorio atop of Thea-
more aggressive in his endeavors. At some point, the tro Municipal. His own memories of the event are
Toreador truly believed himself capable of weakening blurred. He remembers a bitter goodbye kiss, guilt,
the Sabbat connections in the colony. Planning to and much later, the cursed pain of the morning star.
hand Rio in a plate to his undead lover, he contested Maya, his progeny, rescued him moments before the
influential lackeys with Archbishop Teodoro himself. sunlight claimed him.
That was a terrible mistake. Camarilla agents found Angela’s corpse reduced to
The Lasombra lashed back and sent thralls after ash in her haven the following night. Teodoro also
Gregorio. The Toreador managed to defeat them, but met final death a few weeks later. Gregorio’s vendetta
his wounds were severe. He sunk into torpor and his was done. Yet, he felt empty. The elder barely pulled
letters ceased abruptly. Angela eventually came to Rio. himself together. As the city drowned in unprecedent-
She became Teodoro’s enemy and later, his lover. The ed conflict among bloodlines, he recovered his mo-
city grew as the couple managed to control Rio de mentum. Gregorio’s leadership kept the Camarilla
Janeiro together, crushing most opponents. Gregorio’s from crumbling over its own weight. He united the
legacy was largely forgotten. council around the idea of restoring Rio’s reputation
as a Domain – but this time, with the whole Camarilla
He woke up from torpor nearly 150 years later. Tak-
behind the wheel.
ing in all the changes was painful. Fueled by resent-
ment, Gregorio bid his time and manipulated the Gregorio made many allies and enemies among the
rivals of the sovereign couple. At first, his plots city’s undead. Through progenies and ghouls, he re-
brought little result. In time, it was clear that Angela mains well informed about the city. Reluctantly, he
was much less strict with her long lost progeny, even submitted to the pressure and restored the neutrality
barring Teodoro from more severe measures. The Pact of the Pact. This sealed a much-needed alliance with
revealed its first weak spot in ages. Gregorio assembled the Malkavians and Tremere. His status in the city is
the discontents of the Camarilla, amassing status and remarkable, though gained through great cost. The
influence. Even among the Sabbat he was granted Toreador knows eventually rivals will rise from both
some respect. As the plot advanced, the schism be- Camarilla and Sabbat. Gregorio moves his pawns


carefully. He would love the opportunity to crush his may rise. The mysterious circumstances of his sire’s
opposition, politically or by force. He has prepared a demise make it especially disturbing. He obviously
victorious smile for either situation. does not discuss the issue openly, and in fact, some
Image: vast raven-black hair and beard frames his nights he seems able to hide the dark veins somehow.
face with an aura of mystery. He is tall, pale skinned
and moves with preternatural grace. The piercing gaze
of his black eyes can be entrancing or intimidating, Arthur was raised in a loving family, with relative
depending on the situation. He wears fine jewelry wealth and good education. Still, evil deeds seemed to
designed by himself long ago, and dresses elegantly in lure the boy. One could say that he learned to lie be-
semi-formal style, especially when stalking prey. fore learning how to speak. As a child, he engaged in
Roleplaying Hints: You are the last conquistador mischievous acts, always finding some other kid to
standing. This city took all that you loved. With noth- take the blame. Watching another person being pu-
ing left to lose, you fearlessly embraced its legacy. Let nished by something you did was especially enjoyable.
the others share in the glory of your hard-earned ef- Growing up, he put his cruelty to service. He ap-
fort. Feed rumors for your detractors’ conspiracies. If proached and seduced lonely girls in Rio’s beaches.
Rio has taught you something, is that you can take Charismatic, he encourage them to make a test for
anything if you know how to entertain well. some French theater group he represented. Some of
these women would invest heavily in the chance, ex-
Sire: Angela
cited with the chance to travel overseas. By the time
Nature: Autocrat they learned of the fraud, they were deep in debt,
Demeanor: Gallant stuck in prostitution houses around Eastern Europe.
Generation: 7th (see below) Another of his sick cons involved weakened people,
such as recent widows or gay men evicted by conserva-
Embrace: circa 1400
tive families. He beguiled these wretched souls, offer-
Apparent Age: Late 30s ing promises of comfort and eternity – as soon as he
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 6, Stamina 4 was done with a risky job. Soon, they crossed state and
country borders, making deliveries to “finally free
Social: Charisma 6, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3 him”. Arthur was paid by his contacts, caring little if
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4 his mules were arrested or worse.
Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Empathy 3, Arthur did not indulge in these cons for the money.
Intimidation 3, Leadership 4, Subterfuge 4 His inherited fortune provided more than enough for
Skills: Craft 3, Etiquette 3, Melee 2, Performance 3,
Stealth 3, Survival 2
Knowledges: Academics 2, Investigation 3, Occult 4,
Politics 4, Science 3
Disciplines: Auspex 6, Celerity 4, Fortitude 3, Obte-
nebration 4, Presence 5,
Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Domain 4, Influence 3,
Resources 3, Status 4
Virtues: Conscience 5, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
Morality: Humanity 5
Willpower: 10
Note: Although Gregorio is originally of seventh gen-
eration, those bold enough to stare at his soul may
notice the dark traces of diablerie. Would his oppo-
nents discover this, all kinds of conspiracy theories


his vicious lifestyle of clubs and excesses. Something in caramel eyes exude something of alien and emotion-
these cruel schemes simply enticed him. As the old less under close inspection, and he never blinks.
song said, “some of them want to be abused”. Howev- Roleplaying Hints: You love being back to your po-
er, fate would remind him of the preceding verse. sition of privilege. Inside, however, you are afraid. You
Camille, one of the most secretive Toreador, met tasted your own vulnerability. To overcompensate it,
Arthur by chance. Fascinated by his heartlessness, she your deceptions became more cruel and sadistic. Your
briefly took him as a lover. His embrace came in an packmates support you, but you fear they may have
impulse, after a particularly exciting night. Ironically, figured out the reason of your ruthlessness. You hope
she found in Arthur the perfect pawn. He easily at- you do not have to turn on them to prove your valor.
tracted mortal victims to her extravagant undead ga- Sire: Camille
therings. Camille not only appreciated, but also chal-
lenged his subterfuges. In fact, she teased the young Nature: Conniver
playboy often. His bloated ego was especially enter- Demeanor: Creep Show
taining to toy with. The harder he tried to satisfy her
Generation: 9th
whims, the less appreciative she was. Addicted to Ca-
mille’s vitae and emotional abuse, Arthur finally Embrace: 1938
played the part of the victim. Apparent Age: Late 20s
Eventually Camille grew bored, leaving the neonate Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
in favor of new endeavors. The pain of abandon was
something new for Arthur. The acute sensibility typi- Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
cal of Toreador blood made it excruciating. Camille Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
shunned him, although reports of his yearning Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Empathy 2,
amused her. Ignored and rejected, he cried, frenzied, Intimidation 1, Leadership 2, Subterfuge 5, Streetwise
suffered. Arthur was devastated, and as often happens 3
with these types, he crossed paths with a Setite, And-
rew. He listened to Arthur cursing his heart for ever Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 2, Melee 3, Performance 3,
loving Camille. Ironically, the Follower of Set could Stealth 2
attempt to remediate precisely that. Accepting a mys- Knowledges: Computer 2, Law 3, Medicine 1, Occult
terious bargain, Arthur submitted to a profane ritual. 2, Politics 2
The Setite removed his heart, and all of his emotions
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 2, Fortitude 2,
along with it. It remains safe in Andrew’s possession,
Presence 3, Serpentis 1
but Arthur does not miss it at all.
Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Herd 3, Resources 2
Literally heartless, Arthur became once again his
worst version. He abandoned his past with Camille Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 2
and her Camarilla, joining the ranks of Sabbat. Sur- Morality: Humanity 3
viving his initiation, Arthur was “adopted” by the
Castle of Cards pack and baptized after the suit of Willpower: 7
Hearts. It was ironically fitting to his tragic past. Ar-
thur owns the moniker proudly, putting his cunning Maya
deceptions in service of his new sect. As an antitribu, Maya grew up in a village in what is today northern
Arthur still interacts with a few Toreador, but never Angola. Intrepid and charismatic, even at a young age
saw Camille again. she never shied away from speaking out. However,
Sometimes, he entertains the fantasy of submitting during the eighteenth century slavers invaded the
Camille to the same ritual he endured. Her heart settlement, slaughtering any who offered too much
would be finally his to keep. However, he suspects that resistance. Maya fought ferociously for her freedom
it means her figure still affects him, somehow. This until severely outnumbered. Ironically, that vigor only
notion terrifies him to no end. made her more valuable in the eyes of her kidnappers.

Image: An attractive young man, with tattoos over Survivors ended up in chains and crammed aboard
his soft, pale skin, and stylish light blonde hair. His a ship headed for Brazil. Travel proved horrendous.


however, the Archbishop’s agents seemed far more
interested in Gregorio. While he avoided their vicious
assaults, Maya sought meaning to her new existence.
She tried to protect her people. She scouted fugitives
through the forest and scared slavers away, acting like
a vigilante in the outskirts of Rio.
It was only after Gregorio fell to the Sabbat that
Maya expanded her influence. Realizing that her ef-
forts had been shallow, Maya turned to the contacts
left behind by her sire. In his absence, she quietly
influenced some of his pawns, advancing the aboli-
tionist agenda in Rio. She also allied with Camille,
and later on, Angela. Coupled with her physical prow-
ess, her diligence earned the clan’s prestige in the
following years.
Many decades and changes later, Maya reunited
with Gregorio when he recovered from torpor. Acting
as a scout during the conflicts of the 50s, she kept the
Starvation and poor hygiene claimed many lives, their Toreador safe while they mobilized the Camarilla. In
corpses tossed overboard into the Atlantic with nei- fact, Maya rescued him from final death. After search-
ther respect nor ceremony. Once in Rio, Maya found ing for Gregorio the entire night, Maya found her sire
herself sold to the owners of a huge coffee plantation. paralyzed under the first rays of Rio’s sun. She barely
Upon arrival, Maya attempted to articulate the en- rescued him from his resentful sire’s curse. Both To-
slaved workforce. Her personal magnetism inspired reador seem to nurture a mutual respect, but a life
some of her peers. Unfortunately, that also gained the boon with the Primogen is nothing to be trifled with.
noticed of the aristocrats. As punishment, Maya had While the Camarilla tries to restructure itself, Maya
her tongue severed, muted forever. This made her observes its inner movements quietly. Empowered and
dignified composure only more evident. Leading by independent, her unspoken opinions about the pact
example, Maya’s attitude earned the group’s respect. are not positive. Regardless, she remains loyal to the
The event also made Maya visible for Gregorio. Af- clan. As keeper of Theatro Municipal, the city’s main
ter all, the Lasombra influenced the coffee barons. Elysium (and Toreador powerbase), she is uncompro-
Besides financial resources, the plantation’s slaves also mising. According to rumor, Maya singlehandedly
provided fresh blood to the Sabbat rituals. He stalked discovered and eliminated an Assamite once, hired
the farm, feeding his blood to Maya multiple times. against Camille. If this is true or part of the myth sur-
Enthralled by the blood, Maya’s fierce posture would rounding her capabilities, few undead really know (or
serve the Toreador well. wish to discover).
Gregorio could never have guessed that the resilient Image: a few scars appear in her ebony skin. Black
Maya was immune to the blood bond. Her will re- hair styled into many braids fall around her face up to
mained untouched, only empowered by the vitae. the shoulders. Her light caramel eyes are expressive
Employing her dark gifts, Maya led the slaves into a and charming. She keeps her mouth closed most of
rebellious rage. The bloodshed claimed many foremen the time, except when feeding. Expensive urban cloth-
and slaves, while others just ran away from the farm, ing wraps her athletic silhouette of average height.
now ruined. Gregorio risked himself among the fires Roleplaying Hints: the night is full of threats, and
and rescued Maya’s body from the carnage. Impressed you became one of them. You cannot speak with
with such determination, the Toreador embraced her words, but your expression says a lot about your ideas.
that night. From the distance, they watched the Sometimes ideas will give way to violence, and you are
damned place burning to ashes, silently. especially fluent in this form of interaction as well.
The Lasombra would never forget such offense to Sire: Gregorio
their authority. Maya kept a low profile for a while;


Nature: Survivor ture, Lispector takes care of this Elysium skillfully. She
Demeanor: Judge keeps the order, hosts gatherings and influences its
fundraisers. Her retainers keep the arcane tomes in
Generation: 8th the restricted collection safe and catalogued.
Embrace: 1715 Otheraspects surrounding this cainite are also intri-
Apparent Age: Late teens guing. She is rather similar to (and presents herself
with the same surname as) the great Brazilian writer
Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Clarice Lispector. Her works often flirted with surreal
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3 and mystic themes, until her death in 1977. In fact, it
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3 was very close to that date that Lispector debuted in
Camarilla events. The writer died aged and the Tre-
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Brawl 3, Empathy 2, mere has a jovial, charming appearance. Then again,
Expression 2, Intimidation 3, Subterfuge 2 blood spells would be able to effect this change. If a
Skills: Etiquette 2, Larceny 2, Melee 4, Performance 2, vampire is rude enough to bring up the topic, Lispec-
Stealth 3, Survival 4 tor rolls her eyes and makes a derisive remark, ostra-
cizing the subject for nights on end.
Knowledges: Investigation 3, Medicine 1, Occult 2,
Politics 2 According to rumor, the Tremere Primogen Sophia
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 3, Presence 3, Quietus admired the writer and followed her career. Some
2 undead believe that Lispector is indeed the writer
herself, embraced in the impulse to preserve an idol.
Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Resources 2, Status 1 The relationship between Lispector and her sire only
Virtues: Consciousness 3, Self-Control 2, Courage 5 deepens this mystery. Sophia is rather sensitive about
her apparent young age, and kindred measure their
Morality: Humanity 7
words to her carefully. Lispector on the other hand,
Willpower: 9 while reverential, seems welcome to treat her as an
infant.Elder and neonate seem to have a functional, if
Tremere unsettling, alliance. Sophia focuses on the clan secrets
and politic directives, while Lispector takes care of
There are few warlocks in Rio, but they are very po- social and diplomatic endeavors for the warlocks.
litical. Since their arrival in the city, they have cut
Lispector is rather active in the halls of Elysium,
deals supporting more numerous clans. As time
earning the respect of the harpies rather quickly. She
passed and leaderships shifted, the Tremere slowly
accumulated power and status. They proudly stand
their ground despite comparatively smaller numbers.
The main chantry in Rio is a former Masonic lodge.
The building has a modest, public curio/book shop,
an invite-only lounge on second floor and private
rooms for the initiates on third. A few artistic and
occult events take place in the shop area, on occasion.
It is located at Glória, conveniently close to the Cama-
rilla’s powerbase of Centro (and the National Library
Elysium, also influenced by the Tremere).

Despite her embrace by Sophia in the late 1970s,
Lispector already plays an important role in the scene
of Rio’s Camarilla. As soon as the Tremere allied
themselves with the Toreador, the warlocks earned
domain over the National Library. A lover of litera-


enjoys debating literature and the occult with anyone Willpower: 8
slightly knowledgeable on these topics. Intellectual
vampires treasure the nocturnal gatherings she hosts Sophia
monthly at the National Library. Albeit loyal to House Make no mistake about the little girl’s countenance.
Tremere, Lispector’s curiosity towards the Sabbat phi- Sophia is neither naïve, nor innocent. Strange powers
losophies has grown exponentially. She is aware that surrounded her existence long before the embrace.
the clan would frown upon such exchange. However, Since her birth in 1841, the farm slaves seemed nerv-
the Pact offers a diplomatic way to taste this forbidden ous by her presence. They were reluctant to look after
knowledge… and the forbidden is always better. their lord’s daughter, believing that a bad spirit cursed
Image: An elegant woman of average height, slightly the baby. Reports referred to objects spontaneously
curly, dark-blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She has igniting near her. These claims were dismissed and
European features and a hint of an accent. There is an punished, but the legend remained. The Tremere
aura of certainty and mystique to her every word. leader in Rio heard these rumors; he monitored the
Roleplaying Hints: The occult and the surreal al- situation from afar, as much as he could.
ways fascinated you. You eventually became what you As time passed, the events worsened. Some foremen
observed in life. Some say this existence is a curse; believed the smoldering small animals were the slaves
others indulge in its dark powers and temptations. For doing and punished them severely. To avoid further
you, it’s another story, and as such, you curiously violence, one of the older women took the burden,
watch where it will take you. tending to the young Sophia. Still, she begged the
Sire: Sophia parents to do something. Eventually the girl's mother
invited a priest to see her daughter. The cleric died
Nature: Guru mysteriously as soon as he entered the farm.
Demeanor: Gallant When the girl turned nine, a group of slaves at-
Generation: 9th tempted to flee the plantation. A small massacre en-
sued, as colonists tried to contain the escape. Engulfed
Embrace: Supposedly 1977
by the noise of gunshots and clashing metal, the child
Apparent Age: Early 40s cried out in fear. She ran through the battleground
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2 scared, as men in both sides of the conflict erupted in
flames around her. Noticing the chaos, Vicenzo tried
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3 to preserve the paranormal infant. He invaded the
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4 burning house, risking his own existence. Creator and
Talents: Alertness 2, Awareness 3, Empathy 3, Inti-
midation 2, Leadership 2, Expression 4, Intimidation
2, Subterfuge 3
Skills: Etiquette 4, Performance 2
Knowledges: Academics 4, Law 3, Occult 3
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Dominate 1, Thaumaturgy 3
Thaumaturgical Paths: Path of Blood 3, Movement of
the Mind 2
Thaumaturgical Rituals: Bind the Accusing Tongue,
Defense of the Sacred Haven, Domino of Life, Wake
with Evening’s Freshness, Ward Versus Ghouls
Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Domain 2, Fame 1, Re-
sources 2, Retainers 3, Status 2
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
Morality: Humanity 7


creature were reborn through the fire that night. Roleplaying Hints: You born with a curse, or so
The child showed unwavering loyalty to her master. everyone around you said. They were right, in a sense.
He was the first to treat her as an equal, not as a bur- But you grasped it firmly. Your decision to write your
den or as a demon. She became the right arm of the own fate made you the perfect Tremere. Despite your
Regent, receiving intense training to control her gifts deceiving appearance, you are a cunning old monster.
of pyrokinesis. Soon, she learned others. Although Sometimes you indulge in lapses of your lost child-
very young, she assumed the position as de-facto Tre- hood. It often brings the cruelest in you.
mere Primogen. Many consider her also the responsi- Sire: Vicenzo
ble for the Saint Sebastian Chantry, located above a Nature: Director
bookstore in Gloria. Other elders have mixed feelings
about her role and importance, but learned to respect Demeanor: Child
her strong personality. Generation: 9th
Sophia feels that replacing a vampire with as much Embrace: 1850
power and knowledge as her master is almost impossi-
Apparent Age: Around 10
ble, but strives to impress. Whenever he awakens from
his torpor, Vicenzo surprises himself with her. Sophia Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
follows the elder’s plans and keeps everyone in line Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
with the covenant. Still, it requires cunning. She is
well aware that the Pact can generate serious problems Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
at any time. Since she is not a diplomacy enthusiast, Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Awareness 4, Empa-
she has brought allies to the clan to supply this weak- thy 3, Intimidation 3, Leadership 4, Subterfuge 4
ness. This earned the clan contacts in the branches of Skills: Etiquette 2, Stealth 3
economics, politics and mysticism.
Knowledges: Academics 3, Investigation 4, Medicine
For many kindred, Sophia is an unsettling figure. 2, Occult 4, Politics 3, Science 3
She is firm in her actions and hates being infantilized.
Not all know what she is capable of, and fear her with Disciplines: Auspex 3, Dominate 5, Thaumaturgy 4
good reason. Those who witnessed her powers are Thaumaturgical Paths: Lure of Flames 4, Path of
terrified about her fits of anger. In addition, a ghouled Blood 4
adult couple often accompanies her, as if they were
Thaumaturgical Rituals: Communicate with Kindred
her parents. The problem is that the couple changes
Sire, Defense of Sacred Haven, Wake with Evening
constantly and nobody knows what she does with the
Freshness, Blood Walk, Warding Circle versus
previous ones.
Ghouls, Flesh of Fiery Touch, Pavis of Foul Presence,
Strong, powerful and solemn. At the same time, a Firewalker
child playing with fire. She is staunch and resolute
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contacts 3, Domain 1, Influ-
about her role. Learn as much as possible, for know-
ence 1, Resources 2, Status 3
ledge is power. Assist with her sire’s “curse”. Keep the
Tremere, and by extension, the Camarilla, in her debt. Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 2, Courage 3
Incinerate anyone who proves an obstacle. Morality: Humanity 7
Image: A delicate young girl of clear European des- Willpower: 9
cent. Long black hair falls over her slightly round
cheeks. Her pitch black eyes switch from meek to ter- Vicenzo
rifying as her temper changes. She prefers black ele-
gant dresses proper to her apparent age and size. Science and occult mark Vicenzo’s path. The family
of this astrologist belonged to a secret society perse-
She has the curious habit of scratching her neck cuted by the Roman church. They sought to under-
when concerned about something. Her sire does stand how the stars influenced the world and its fate.
something similar, implying a bizarre symbiosis be- Vicenzo inherited their methods and most important-
tween the two Tremere. ly, their curiosity.


wandered from chantry to chantry, avoiding long stays
and deep connections. Understanding what infected
his veins became his ultimate goal, lest his elders dis-
covered it and turned himself into a research subject.
As the disease compelled him into torpor, Vicenzo
expanded his senses and turned to the stars. Meditat-
ing upon them with supernatural gifts granted visions
of the future. A journey to some distant land. A com-
panion that would rise and fall. An angel that would
build an empire then cast it into shadows. An inno-
cent to illuminate his path. While the visions’ more
metaphoric parts eluded him, it gave him hope.
Eventually, Vicenzo met the Brujah elder Pietro.
Hearing of his ambitious plans about distant domains,
he did not hesitate to follow him as an ally. They
would sail to Brazil and meet Angela decades later.
With the passing years, the signs became clearer… and
more dangerous. Still, he swore loyalty to Angela and
During the Middle Ages, Vicenzo developed their aided her Camarilla in many ways. His condition wor-
theories. It mixed math, astronomy, astrology and sened, forcing him into longer periods of deathless
observations on human behavior. This caught the sleep. At this point, discovering Sophia brought back
attention of watchers from Tremere and Tzimisce. his hopes. A dedicated apprentice, she could take care
While the former thought of having him as a foot- of his duties when research (or the cursed torpor)
man, the latter acted faster. The fiends invaded the forced him into longer periods of absence. Sometimes,
tower where he worked and stole his tomes, setting Vicenzo sleeps for entire months, waking up only to
the place ablaze and leaving the occultist to die. fall in torpor again after a few weeks.
Vicenzo would have met his end, if not by quick ac- Through his childe, he remains aware of the move-
tion of the Tremere. If the fiends had the research, the ments of other undead. She organized the Chantry of
warlocks went after the researcher. The following Saint Sebastian above his secret chambers. Unaware of
night he resurfaced as a member of another secret it, the apprentices grant him some safety and even
society. His research was lost, but his new powers fresh blood. His condition remains a well-kept secret
could advance them again. He considered recovering to all, and few dare questioning the intrepid Sophia
his scrolls, but the elders forbade it. Best to keep the about her sire’s endeavors. When the sanguineous
Tzimisce unaware that not only the texts survived that parasite allow him to walk, his presence still impresses
night. most cainites.
While wandering in Europe decades later, Vicenzo While the city orbits around expanding domains,
encountered one of his assailants. He stalked the crea- Vicenzo’s turns to his inner universe. Sometimes, he
ture to its haven, guided by his instincts. Finding can hear the vitae whispering in his dreams. His long
many of his ancient texts in the Tzimisce’s lair, Vicen- sleeps may hold the key to conquer the strange entity
zo frenzied. When his senses returned, he found him- existing in his veins. Until then, he must trust his luck
self washed in the fiend’s vitae. He had absorbed the and confront his inner devil in cursed sleep, not dead
blood and memories of the one who acted against him but dreaming.
in the past. Revenge, however, proved bittersweet.
Image: A tall, pale man, with long black hair around
His victim's essence felt tainted. From that night on, his long face. Either awake or in torpor, his expression
Vicenzo noticed frequent mood swings, torpor pe- is quite serious. He always wears a few talismans and
riods, and occasional increases in power. Something of rings with occult sigils on them.
his devoured victim existed within him. It drained his
Sometimes, Vicenzo scratches his neck when pon-
energies and whispered maliciously in his sleep. The
dering about something. The fact that Sophia some-
astrologist tried to keep it secret from the elders. He


times mimics the exact same gesture would be disturbing fer to play kingmakers rather than be leaders them-
if someone ever notices it. selves. While not necessarily interested in mortal af-
Roleplaying Hints: You wanted to look deeply into fairs, the Tzimisce often offer counsel in issues regard-
the mysteries of the universe. Apparently, one of these ing kindred politics – even by vampires outside of the
mysteries decided to look back into you. You skillfully Sabbat, sometimes. Rio’s status quo allows them to
divide your time between façade politics and your experiment unlikely interactions, and they do so with
inner quest for freedom. You spend most of your time a mad scientist’s interest. If they ever feel offended or
in torpor, projecting your conscience into the stars, threatened, no Pact or sect allegiance will stop their
searching guidance against the entity inside you. It wrath.
may cost your sanity, but you are not backing out from Acting like a cabal, they hold periodic gatherings.
this mystery now. These reunions mostly keep the elders informed by
Sire: Lady Karenova younger fiends. Their respect for neutrality, coupled
with their perverse natures, strengthened their reputa-
Nature: Visionary tion as dignified monsters. In the bizarre politics of
Demeanor: Architect Rio, that proves rather useful.
Generation: 8th Acemira
Embrace: circa 1300
Before European vampires stepped in Brazil, Acemi-
Apparent Age: early 30s ra existed. To define her as the country's eldest vam-
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3 pire would be an oversimplification. In fact, Acemira
did not even acknowledged her cainite nature. Her
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3 origins and transformation are unknown. In the dense
Mental: Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 Atlantic forest, the indigenous Tupinambás wor-
shipped her for centuries. The cannibal tribe served
Talents: Alertness 2, Awareness 5, Empathy 2, Inti-
her blood and received power in return. The goddess
midation 4, Leadership 3, Subterfuge 3
of night and pain rewarded their bloody offerings with
Skills: Crafts 4, Etiquette 3, Performance 2 victories and bestial powers to their warriors.
Knowledges: Academics 3, Investigation 5, Medicine Acemira’s perception of reality changed when her
3, Occult 5, Politics 3, Science 4 paths crossed with Teodoro. During the 17th century,
Disciplines: Thaumaturgy 5, Dominate 5, Auspex 5 the Lasombra began to expand his domain over Rio
de Janeiro. His ghouls and lackeys suffered successive
Thaumaturgical Paths: Path of Blood 5, Weather
Control 5, Movement of the Mind 3
Thaumaturgical Rituals: Blood Rush, Defense of
Sacred Haven, Deflection of Wooden Doom, Engag-
ing the Vessel of Transference, Purity of Flesh, Blood
Walk, Recure of the Homeland, Warding Circle ver-
sus Ghouls, Sanguine Assistant, Ward versus Kindred,
Enchant Talisman
Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Domain 1, Retainers 4,
Status 2
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
Morality: Humanity 5
Willpower: 8

The Tzimisce adapted to the local politics. They pre-


defeats when entering the Tupinambás territory. Sur- settling as she stands immobile, staring with her pitch-
vivors reported that a powerful creature killed and black eyes. When caring to dress at all, she wears long
cannibalized dozens of men during combat. skirts or ceremonial robes. They seem formed by the
Teodoro suspected a vampire was involved and ven- skin of animals and unfortunate rivals.
tured into the forest to find it. As a strong ally or va- Roleplaying Hints: You are a predator. Maybe even
lorous trophy, the Sabbat would value it. He was sore- the invisible beast of time is scared of you, and
ly mistaken about the creature capabilities. Seriously rightfully so. You still hear its roar, stalking the living
injured by the goddess, he barely managed to nego- and the undead, laughing as a hyena at their plans.
tiate with her. Still, his ideas affected her like none You are not afraid to stare back at it. Meanwhile, tem-
before. Her era was over. The tribal customs were porary as they are, this domain’s undead offer some
fated to destruction by colonists and time. Still, she distraction. Revel in it while it lasts, for you know that
would survive them. She spared the Lasombra and time will eventually devour it all.
pondered the coming times in her wild wisdom. Sire: unknown
Acemira concluded that all situations are transitory. Nature: Survivor
She abandoned her tribe and watched with indiffe-
rence as settlers massacred them. Decades passed by. Demeanor: Guru
Agreements were made and broken. A Pact forged and Generation: 6th
evaporated. And vampires rose and fell. She evolved
Embrace: unknown
into a powerful creature, though displaced in time.
Alien and reclusive, Acemira’s mindset is unfathoma- Apparent Age: middle 20s
ble even to the Sabbat. Her presence makes ritae em- Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 7, Stamina 6
powering and cathartic, and the blood offerings re-
mind her of an old era. She sees the Sabbat as just Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 5
another tribe adrift in time. While their legends seem Mental: Perception 6, Intelligence 3, Wits 6
enlightening at points, clans and political movements Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 4, Awareness 4, Brawl
are beneath her notice. 3, Empathy 3, Intimidation 5
Abandoned and derelict, the former “Museu do Skills: Animal Ken 4, Crafts 6, Etiquette 3, Stealth 3,
Índio” (Indigenous Museum) is her current haven, Survival 4
near Maracanã. She is aware of the irony – not only
for its link to her native origins, but for being a mu- Knowledges: Investigation 3, Medicine 4, Occult 4
seum. Maybe she is, indeed, an immovable object in Disciplines: Animalism 4, Auspex 5, Fortitude 3,
the torrents of time. Still, she appreciates having her Protean 3, Vicissitude 7
own domain revered once again. She often receives
Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Retainers 2, Rituals 4, Sta-
members who seek counsel, power, and rituals. Ace-
tus 3
mira often helps if the issue seems to offer challenge,
or a good offer in vitae. She cares little for political Virtues: Conviction 3, Instinct 4, Courage 3
alliances or notions of status. Morality: Path of Feral Heart 8
The Sabbat treats her as an admirable and enigmatic Willpower: 7
leader. Her knowledge in the Path of Feral Heart has
inspired many young shovelheads. Many feel divided Dom Victor
between awe and uncertainty at her alien superiority.
Her neutrality (or even indifference) to the sect’s poli- Victor was an upstart artisan in the old Kingdom of
tics upsets some Bishops. The goddess, as she still likes Portugal. When his affluent sponsors moved to co-
to be treated, cares little about it. "Mere prey" she lonial Brazil, Victor followed. He knew very well that
thinks, "unaware that time is a patient, hungry beast." it takes more than laws and titles to be respected in a
territory – you also need style. Rococo decoration, fine
Image: A tall woman of clear indigenous origin, lettering, gold and marble finishing, details that subtly
brown skinned, with long, raven-black hair. Bone measured the importance of any building. If Rio was
spurs protrude from her head and elbows, colorful to become a true city, its rulers would pay dearly for
feathers decorate her arms. Her mere presence is un-


such crafts, and the opportunity seduced Victor.
As the young architect expanded his trade, influen-
tial colonists approached Victor. In turn, his artistic
talent and social profile attracted darker patrons.
Aware of the bloodsuckers courting the artisan for his
contacts, a Tzimisce aristocrat embraced him. Victor
kept the Tzimisce informed of a couple influential
families, but had little recognition. His advances in
the craft of Vicissitude disregarded, his hunger for
blood barely sated. While other neonates were pre-
sented to the Archbishop, Victor remained a fledgling,
a thrall to his sadistic sire.
Luck changed with the arrival of the Royal Court.
As sects struggled for control over Rio, Victor’s sire
met final death at the Camarilla’s domain. Decades of
abuse made him angry and frustrated, but also resi-
lient. Victor invested time among experiments and the
dark knowledge from his sire’s library. Dedicated to
change his fate, he would be finally worthy of a formal Victor became a personality that appealed to all. His
presentation into cainite society. presence honored most private gatherings of undead.
For a while, there was no carnival of undead to expose
When the conflicts settled, the city’s elders gathered
his creations, but individuals of all sects still seek to
yearly in a carnival ball of undead. The neonate pre-
satisfy their desires and fetishes.
pared in secret during the whole year for it.
Currently, Dom Victor haven is an imposing (if de-
Victor entered the salon followed by his most im-
crepit) mansion near the port area, near the samba
pressive creation. An intriguing mix of angel and de-
school warehouses. The region is deserted, but very
mon, naked, asexual and imposing. A pair of horns
close to the main points of the city such as Centro,
adorned with jewels crowned its head. Its expression
Zona Sul and Zona Norte. This allows Dom Victor to
united the most beautiful traces of anguish and plea-
have the privacy necessary to receive his powerful
sure. Disgusted or attracted, no kindred remained
clients and to create his works without interference.
unaffected to the alien beauty. As the salon silenced,
Camille, the mysterious Toreador responsible for the
Victor took his creature to the stage and delicately cut
current organization of the carnival of undead, pays
its flesh on chest and arms. Blood, thick and refined,
him some visits from time to time. This unlikely al-
flowed from the helpless figure. “I am Dom Victor of
liance is frowned upon traditionalist elders. However,
clan Tzimisce”, he boldly proclaimed. “I offer you this
the point of carnival is perverting the traditions, and
gift; Let us celebrate the farewell to flesh!”
in this, Camille and Victor prove terribly skilled.
No one remembers much from that ball before
As with Carnival, there is work all year round. Of
Dom Victor's entrance. After that day, harpies and
course, the "orders" increase in the most carnal season
their followers looked forward to knowing what he
of the year. The service of fleshcrafting the perfect
would bring in the next event. Victor’s malign creativi-
victim is reserved to a special clientele, but Victor care
ty never disappointed. A few kindred from both Ca-
little for sect or clan – as long as they can offer some-
marilla and Sabbat approached the Tzimisce discrete-
thing of his interest. It is no wonder that the govern-
ly, ordering vessels tailored to their perverted dreams.
ment intensifies blood donation campaigns during
Victor trade was inhuman, but his special clientele
this period. The sordid services of Dom Victor are
paid in reputation and vitae. Recognition to his tal-
expensive, but always worthwhile.
ents, at lost.
Image: A tall man with eccentric attires and slick
After the destruction of Teodoro and Angela, these
black hair. His pale skin, long claws, vitreous red eyes
carnival gatherings changed. They became more re-
and perverted smile are clearly inhuman.
stricted, confined to sects or specific clans. Still, Dom


Roleplaying Hints: You deserve more! You spent expression of the older daughter. Asked about what
decades serving petulant aristocrats, even after death. was she feeling, Aline was brutally honest:"nothing."
Now you are free to act. You are flamboyant and per- Aline isolated herself further. She became an attrac-
verse, but above all, fabulous. Your better works in- tive young woman, but this attention was unwanted.
volve themes of anguish and desire, and Rio never The beauty of others made her feel disturbed, in-
fails to provide you inspiration on these sources. vaded, disgusted. Still, she forced herself into gather-
Sire: Dom Michel (destroyed) ings with other social misfits, if only to avoid return-
Nature: Gallant ing to her hated home. These underground parties
provided enough drugs to tolerate other people. In the
Demeanor: Sadist end, however, the chemicals aggravated her misanth-
Generation: 10th ropic tendencies even more.
Embrace: 1790 It was in one such late night party that the girl lost
control completely. The interaction with other beings
Apparent Age: Middle 30s
suffocated her. Why did she feel so different? Every-
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3 one looked so composed, controlled, pretty. Raged
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3 and confused, she locked herself in the bathroom. She
picked up a pair of scissors from the sink drawer, and
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 went to the bedrooms after all were asleep. Some tried
Talents: Alertness 3, Awareness 2, Brawl 3, Empathy to scream or run, only to die in the bloodshed. Some
3, Expression 2, Intimidation 4, Subterfuge 3 had multiple stabs in their faces. When she was done,
they did not look pretty any longer.
Skills: Crafts 5, Etiquette 4, Performance 4, Stealth 2
Knowledges: Academics 3, Medicine 4, Occult 3, The girl felt nothing, but well knew how grave the
Politics 3, Science 2 deed was. Without friends and despising her family,
she ran away to the streets. One night, she came to a
Disciplines: Auspex 3, Celerity 2, Dominate 3, Po- stinking alley filled with drug users. Another group
tence 2, Vicissitude 3 approached the alley, right out of the shadows. They
Backgrounds: Contacts 4, Resources 3, Rituals 3, laughed madly and attacked the junkies. Aline fought
Status 2 back like a rabid dog, even as the assailants exposed
fangs and supernatural powers. Fascinated with such
Virtues: Humanity 4
violent attitude, a Tzimisce priest in the group em-
Morality: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
Willpower: 8

Silent, brutal and inhuman. These adjectives ac-
company Ugly even before she became a fearsome
Sabbat warrior. Still young, Aline's reclusive nature
felt strange. Her parents, however, were concerned
with a more objective problem. The economic crisis of
1929eroded the family business. To make matters
worse, her mother was pregnant again. The circums-
tances made the family move to a much smaller house
in Rio’s suburbia of north zone, abandoning their
previously bourgeois lifestyle.
The girl came to share an improvised room with the
baby and her loud crying. Increasingly introspective,
fantasies of choking the little sister crossed her mind
often. Sometimes the matriarch noticed the spiteful


braced Aline that night. Upon investigating her story, Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Intimida-
her sire coined the nickname Ugly. She took the mo- tion 4, Streetwise 3
niker proudly ever since, leaving her former identity Skills: Animal Ken 2, Crafts 3, Larceny 3, Melee 2,
completely behind. Stealth 3, Survival 3
Ugly weavered between apathy and rampant fury Knowledges: Investigation 3, Occult 2, Politics 2
until the clan wars. Even before the destruction of her
sire, she seemed uncontrollable, thirsting for blood Disciplines: Animalism 2, Auspex 1, Vicissitude 4
and death. It was also during this conflict that she met Backgrounds: Contacts 3, Rituals 2, Status 1
Penélope. An upstart Bishop, the Ventrue antitribu
Virtues: Conviction 3, Instincts 3, Courage 4
recruited her into the Rebellities pack. Penélope had
many enemies in and out of the Sabbat, offering tar- Morality: Path of Feral Heart 5
gets let loose Ugly’s violent impulses. It is no wonder Willpower: 8
they became so loyal to each other, and feared by the
kindred of Rio de Janeiro. The priestess Acemira seem
interested by the younger Tzimisce as well, teaching
her ways to resist her own Beast. Rio looked so promising to the blue bloods. A city
Her “devil-may-care” attitude earned the admiration so detached from the Traditions had no laws to stop
of younger Sabbat as well, who revere her ferocity these skillful manipulators. Lost in their delusions of
during ritae. Nevertheless, Ugly’s behavior is rather neutrality and celebration, the cainites of Rio would
unstable. She cares little for the Pact of political agen- offer no challenge as the Ventrue expanded their in-
das, preferring to follow her “sisters” into the night. fluence. Then their Primogen was murdered, their
Currently, her pack secretly investigates the wherea- assets divided and everything went to hell.
bouts of Teodoro’s relics. Ugly is not above negotiat- The clan still holds considerable influence among
ing information regarding these prizes; but also will the city politicians and industrialists. However, they
not hesitate to fight for them. still need to regain their lost reputation after its inner
Image: An attractive girl with tanned skin and short split. In both Camarilla and the Sabbat, these vam-
black hair. She has a few scars in the chest, earned pires have a lot to prove. Some are dangerously look-
during her embrace and other violent episodes. Her ing forward to do so – at any cost.
light brown eyes never seem to blink, adding a preda-
tory appearance to her malicious expression. Eric
Roleplaying Hints: You are shy and violent. Be- Most people struggle to achieve something in their
cause of your inner turmoil, beauty and harmony lives. But not Eric. Son of a wealthy and influential
around you are especially painful. It begs you to de- bachelor, he had everything he ever wanted. When his
stroy it in outbursts of rage. Mankind have always father passed away after an overdose, he inherited his
disgusted you. Becoming a Tzimisce offered many business, and most importantly, his contacts. Among
horrible ways for you to express it. his acquired investments, the one Eric prized most was
an exclusive nightclub in Barra da Tijuca, the “Life”.
Sire: Lancaster (destroyed) Its wealthy clientele were also old friends of the family.
Nature: Monster This circle of influence caught the attention of a Ven-
Demeanor: Loner true upstart, Joseph.

Generation: 9th Gathering resources, information and power alto-

gether, Barra had long been an interest of the clan.
Embrace: 1942 Having an asset as Eric and his network would serve
Apparent Age: Early 20s the Ventrue well into spreading their influence there.
Nevertheless, Joseph needed to ensure that the young
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
man was capable. Some men need to fall before they
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 4 truly rise, and such opportunity presented itself.
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3 In his world of wealth and addictions, Eric eventual-
ly got lost. He turned to drugs, then dangerous dealers


and finally appealed to loan sharks to keep the night- needs to get these back. Even if this means to cross his
club running. In no time, his troubles got him in allies, or get involved with enemies – and Rio’s Pact
many blacklists. Before one of his many rivals made a facilitates this route. An open war would not favor the
move against Eric, Joseph embraced him. The test was clan, but some tension might make his abilities shine
on. The fledgling used his newfound abilities to turn in the eyes of his sire once again.
his enemies into each other quite skillfully. Clan Ven- Playtime is over.
true proudly accepted his status as a neonate.
Image: A white man of average height, slightly
The embrace empowered Eric, but also enticed his overweight, with dark brown hair. His expression is
vices. His own issues with his father’s death reflected naturally serious. His clothes and golden jewelry make
on his feeding habits. Eric seeks the blood of the for a noticeably opulent look, as if he was overcom-
ruined men: those who lost their wealth or reputation, pensating for something.
who went deep into drugs and debts. By savoring their
weakness, his own position felt even greater. Roleplaying Hints: You can’t catch a break! When
you think you have everything figured out, tragedy
Through his contacts, Eric advanced the clan’s strikes. Well, not again. This time around, you will be
agenda. Successful businessmen allied with him; failed the one bringing tragedy. Penélope was on the right
ones served him with blood and cheap assets. This track, she just went overboard. You will not make the
comfortable situation made Eric lazy. Overconfident same mistake as that bitch. Your sire will have to rec-
after his acceptance into the clan, he did not seek ognize your worth again, soon.
substantial growth. Neither cared when his sire em-
braced another child, Valkiria. A less powerful young- Sire: Joseph
er woman, after all, could represent no risk. Nature: Autocrat
This attitude would him dearly. When Penélope Demeanor: Bon Vivant
went rogue, he barely survived. It was his wake-up call.
Generation: 9th
He saw that Valkiria earned clan reputation and left
him behind. Kindred of other clans expanded their Embrace: 1941
influence in Barra right below his nose. Maybe, you Apparent Age: Late 30s
indeed are what you eat.
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
The young tycoon now had competition, and be-
came proactive once again. He lost quite a bit, includ- Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
ing some of his pride. Eric plans to do whatever he Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Talents: Brawl 2, Empathy 2, Intimidation 2, Subter-
fuge 4
Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 3, Firearms 3
Knowledges: Computer 2, Finance 3, Law 2, Politics
3, Technology 3
Disciplines: Dominate 2, Presence 2, Fortitude 3
Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Domain 1, Resources 3,
Retainers 3, Influence 1
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-control 2, Courage 4
Morality: Humanity 6
Willpower: 6
Note: Eric prefers the blood of humans who fell from
grace in some fashion. Through their misery, he nur-
tures his notions about his own greatness.


At the turn of the 20th century, competitions of
power, influence and resources took place across Eu-
rope. Such economic tension was the natural element
of Joseph. A young German tycoon, he specialized in
buying nearly bankrupt companies and rebuilding
them. Take the power, calm the shareholders and
work hard. Such method was not for the faint of
heart, but Joseph’s success proved him above that.
He eventually crossed paths with Andreas, an elder
Ventrue, as both disputed the acquisition of an energy
company in Berlin. Obviously, the Ventrue won the
contest, but the mortal proved a rival worthy of his
attention. The elder approached him as tutor and,
eventually, sire. Joseph’s loyalty and skills earned him
reputation with the Venture in those troubled times.
Tensions on the continent increased, and Andreas
realized the approaching chaos. As soon as the First worked out complex and efficient strategies. At times,
World War broke out, both decided to flee for Rio de the impetus of the adversary took him to drastic ac-
Janeiro. The rumors about Rio’s uncommon politics tions. He collected valuable favors, used his influence
seemed promising. With time, they used their expe- aggressively and embraced neonates into the clan. It
rience to bring order to the city (and gain some power tarnished his resources and humanity, but granted
in the process). him much needed support in the dispute.
Upon arrival, Joseph assisted his Sire in establishing Eventually, Joseph’s efforts earned him the rank of
a haven worthy of their lineage: the sumptuous Copa- Primogen. He still endured successive blows from his
cabana Palace Resort. Through the iconic hotel, the antitribu “sister” in the forms of legal obstacles, corrupt
clan gained access to the most powerful leaders in lobbyists or outright open assaults. Penelope’s re-
Brazil and the world. Bankers, politicians, socialites: sources stretched only so far. The Copacabana Palace
the reputation of the building lured them like moths remained an attractive gathering place for wealthy
to the fire. It allowed Joseph to create a network of prosecutors, trade unionists, and influential politi-
influence, one that elevated Andreas among the most cians, away from Penelope’s influence (and bloodlust).
important kindred of the city. In the current nights, it Even in the midst of social and political debris, Joseph
serves as an Elysium of high status, Ventrue power- circumvented hindrances, rebuilding everything from
base, and Joseph’s personal haven. Such luxury and scratch. That was his specialty, after all.
status came at terribly high prices, however.
This particular war slowed down, especially after the
Focused on keeping their empire, Joseph ignored reestablishment of neutrality among kindred of Rio.
his Sire’s new acquisition: the young Penélope. Her While still on his guard about Penélope, Joseph
role was that of mere means to an end. His “sister” turned his attentions inwards, to the Camarilla and
became the personification of the end by betraying his own clan. The Primogen attempts to restore what
Andreas, destroying the elder, deserting to the Sabbat prestige the Ventrue once enjoyed. Unfortunately,
and drowning the city in chaos. Her actions shook the that requires playing along with other elders and their
clan relations as a whole, but for Joseph it was also preposterous Pact of Saint Sebastian. For now, Joseph
rather personal. defends the Pact like a true Camarilla Paragon, always
Inheriting a legacy and its nemesis, Joseph found ready to support the eventual Primogen in need. One
himself in the greatest crisis he ever faced. While he night, he might have accumulated enough favors to
prepared to gain influence over important contacts left force their hand against the Sabbat and the Ventrue
by their sire, Penelope chose a simpler way: killing antitribu. Take the power, calm the shareholders and
them all. It was a race against the clock. Joseph always work hard. The refined gentleman hides a cold and


logical monster – and its hunger for power and re-
venge increases with each passing night.
Image: Facial features, blonde hair and dark green
eyes expose an obvious European descent. Expensive
clothes adds to his tall, powerful posture.
Roleplaying Hints: Assertive and quick-witted, you
plan your moves and act with enviable certainty. You
mix cold pragmatism with a magnetic personality even
among elders. Deep within, you recognize how chaotic
your situation actually is, but you keep your winning
smile and confident attitude to get what you want.
Sire: Andreas (destroyed)
Nature: Autocrat
Demeanor: Director
Generation: 8th
Embrace: 1910
Apparent Age: Middle 30s influence. Penélope felt underappreciated and dis-
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3 placed, forever under the father’s shadow. Yet, she
learned to admire the intransigent character of the
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3 patriarch – and the fear he instilled in others. Perhaps
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 4 it explains her own ruthless, authoritative persona.
Talents: Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Empathy 2, Intimida- Ventrue elder Andreas coveted the General’s re-
tion 3, Leadership 4, Subterfuge 4 sources, but influencing such a well-guarded mortal
was no easy task. He approached Penélope instead, as
Skills: Drive 2, Etiquette 3, Firearms 2, Performance
an indirect but confident way to reach his goal. As his
2, Stealth 2
ghoul, she acted as his eyes and ears. Privileged infor-
Knowledges: Academics 2, Computer 1, Finances 4, mation from the military high circles proved useful in
Law 3, Politics 4 Andreas plans. However, Penélope herself impressed
Disciplines: Dominate 3, Fortitude 4, Presence 4 the Ventrue. She was effective, cunning and immoral
– anything to earn her domitor’s respect. After all,
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contacts 3, Domain 3, Herd Andreas’ recognition were as addicting as his vitae to
2, Influence 2, Resources 4, Status 1 such an attention-starved vassal.
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 3 In time, Penélope became an important retainer.
Morality: Humanity 5 She also became familiar with Andreas curse, his hun-
ger for blood, the Beast Within eating his identity
Willpower: 8
piece by piece, night after night. Regardless, her talent
Penélope and effort were unquestionable. Like a deal with the
devil, Penélope earned her painful embrace in 1910.
Her name unsettles many vampires of Rio. It took
Through his progeny, Andreas knew the military
many elders to sustain the Pact of Saint Sebastian, but
plans to overthrow the government. Penélope coordi-
one reckless neonate to blow it all to hell. This fear-
nated her pawns to offer her sire many advantages in
some Ventrue antitribu has a legacy of chaos and car-
the upcoming coup. Around this time, however,
ries it proudly.
Penélope started to question her loyalty and purpose.
The insurgent spirit stems from her mortal days. To her frustration, she eventually realized that the
Her father, a hardline, high-ranked military officer, bargain with death backfired. In the end, she merely
kept the family under his iron fist. Sycophants in uni- served under the shadow of another master. The
form surrounded him, attracted by his power and


blood bond barely kept her resentment from turning Image: A tall, blonde woman with a serious expres-
into action. She had bitter (and bloody) thoughts sion. She wears expensive brands mixed with military
about her fate. clothing, and carries a fancy briefcase with the same
Deluded with her allegiances and increasingly de- grace as she wields a shotgun. Her cold blue eyes have
precated, Penélope secretly sought other damned. She a slightly vitreous appearance. She never blinks or
found a confident in former Archbishop Teodoro. breathes, quickly startling mortals – and even kindred
The details of these exchanges remain mysterious. – in her dark presence.
Some believe that Teodoro influenced her, breaking Roleplaying Hints: Fortune favors the bold. It took
the blood bound through some dark and powerful you long enough, but you learned to turn your fears
method. Others believe Penélope was too cunning to and doubts into an implacable trust and willpower.
fall for his tricks, and voluntarily approached an oth- Speak objectively, stand your ground and stare at
erwise enemy in an attempt to change her fate. Despe- those talking to you. Take what you want. Expect oth-
rate situations, desperate choices. ers to fear you, and make sure they have reasons for it.
The Sabbat’s philosophies grew in her like cursed Clan: Ventrue antitribu
seeds. Once again, she would cut a deal with the devil. Sire: Andreas (destroyed)
She kept playing the obedient progeny, organizing
meetings to advance her sire’s agenda. In one such Nature: Autocrat
meeting, the former Primogen was surprised with fire, Demeanor: Rebel
guns, and decades of accumulated fury. His blood
Generation: 7th (diablerie)
tasted like power and satisfaction. Taking over her
sire’s military assets, Penélope fled to the Sabbat, leav- Embrace: 1910
ing behind a confused and crippled Camarilla. Apparent Age: Early 30s
The diablerie stirred the elders of Rio like no event Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
before. Clan relations shattered and a bloody conflict
ensued, washing Rio in blood. The Pact had been Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
broken. Not by schemers of the Jyhad or immortal Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 5
conspirators, but by the implacable fury of a neonate.
Talents: Alertness 2, Brawl 3, Intimidation 5, Leader-
The vitae of Andreas made her powerful and violent.
ship 3, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 4
Elders learned to fear her assaults as much as what she
could represent to malcontent neonates. Eventually, Skills: Drive 3, Etiquette 4, Firearms 4, Performance
the Camarilla stepped back from the conflict to re- 3, Stealth 2
structure. Her feats earned the respect of the Sabbat. Knowledges: Computer 2, Investigation 3, Occult 2,
Teodoro himself appointed her as a Bishop, acting as Politics 5
a mentor until his Final Death. Other leaders of the
sect learned to deal with such a young cainite wielding Disciplines: Auspex 5, Dominate 4, Dementation 2,
as much power as Penélope did. But by politics or by Fortitude 6, Presence 2
force, the Ventrue antitribu made herself feared. Backgrounds: Allies 4, Black Hand Membership 1,
Influence 2, Retainers 4, Rituals 1, Status 3
In the current nights, Penélope is a wiser leader but
nonetheless intimidating. She retains control over Virtues: Conviction 4, Instincts 2, Courage 4
many important figures of Rio’s violent military po- Morality: Power and Inner Voice 8
lice. Pressed by her peers, she respects the reformed
Pact… for now. Meanwhile, she investigates Teodoro’s Willpower: 10
shadowy legacy with her pack. Rumors exist that
agents of the Black Hand have approached Penélope Valkiria
due to her ruthless efficiency. The influential Bishop Valkiria was born into an influential family from
leads her pack, the Rebellities, with an iron fist. Rio de Janeiro. Their holding controlled many enter-
Bloodsucking sycophants surround her, interested in prises, including aviation and air transport companies
her wealth and influence. She is done dealing with in the city. Their base of operations was Galeão, the
devils and became a devil herself. only airport with international flights in Rio de Janei-


ro. As money was never really a problem, the young As her sire, Joseph explained the situation. Her fam-
woman dedicated her life to travels around the world. ily served the Ventrue elder Andres, his own sire, for
In preparation to inherit the family’s empire, Valki- decades. They were collateral damage to an attempt
ria invested in education. She took international rela- against Andreas himself. Joseph wanted to embrace
tions and management classes from reputable institu- Valkiria’s father to preserve their legacy and resources.
tions in the USA and England. Her business skills He seemed rather disappointed, having to settle with
sharpened as she worked in international companies. the younger and inexperienced Valkiria. Still, she was
She had the attitude and mindset of a corporate lead- his desperate attempt at rebuilding the clan’s prestige.
er, feeling confident of her every step. Yet nothing Against Joseph’s expectations, Valkiria proved a re-
could prepare her for what was to come. sourceful and intelligent fledgling. She learned the
Valkiria received a strange call one night, asking her rules of the game quickly and managed her contacts in
to return home. Her father mentioned strange interfe- the corporate world. With her aid, Joseph took over
rences in their business, but refused to let go of the the family investments from the clutches of Sabbat
family investments. They suffered anonymous threats pawns. As the blue bloods reestablished a semblance
more than once, changing houses and hiring personal of order, Valkiria marked her name as a reputable
security. Around the 60s, Valkiria met Joseph, a mys- Ventrue neonate. Maybe some people do work better
terious contact of her father. The man apparently under pressure.
knew a great deal about their business and tried to Valkiria fearlessly operates a gigantic axis of power
assist them in those times of pressure, but even that in an area dominated by Spades, one of the city’s Bi-
was in vain. shops. Obviously, she avoids direct confrontation with
One night, strange agents came to their apartment, the Lasombra, but her watch over the international
disabling security personnel with ease. Valkiria still airport has kept it free of Sabbat influence. If some-
remembers the shock as a man in black bared his thing – or someone – needs to enter or leave town,
fangs to her. Terrorized, she shot the assailant a Valkiria knows how to do so. The young Venture
couple times, to no avail. Thrown meters away, Valki- knows all the ways (and people) needed to bend the
ria laid broken, only to watch her parents murdered as system. She has intercepted important orders that
she bled to death. Joseph arrived hours late in the should go unnoticed many times.
scene. He stared disappointed over the lifeless pa- A merciless and aggressive businesswoman, Valkiria
triarch, then turned to the dying heir. Valkiria passed uses her assets and resources to enforce the Camarilla
out noticing Joseph also had pointed fangs. She woke – or to hinder its influence when needed be. Her
up much later, hungry, confused and damned. partnership with Joseph is slowly restoring Ventrue’s
prestige in Rio. She reluctantly follows her sire in
adhering the Pact. If the Camarilla ever is strong
enough – or desperate enough – to go full force
against the Sabbat, Valkiria will measure no efforts
supporting it.
Image: Long, dark brown hair falls over her white
skin. She has dark brown eyes and her features mix
beauty of Brazilian and European descent. She dresses
sharp, often in business attire.
Roleplaying Hints: An important legacy depends on
your actions, and not even death will take it away. You
know you are out of your league among elders; in the
other hand, you understand the corporate machina-
tions of the modern world from which they are de-
tached. Bargaining with these creatures intimidates
you at times, but you never show them your fear.
Sire: Joseph


Nature: Competitor Knowledges: Computer 2, Finance 4, Law 2, Politics
Demeanor: Autocrat 3, Technology 3

Generation: 9th Disciplines: Dominate 2, Presence 2, Fortitude 2

Embrace: 1964 Backgrounds: Contacts 2, Domain 3, Influence 2,

Resources 3, Retainers 3
Apparent Age: Middle 30s
Virtues: Conscience 4, Self-Control 3, Courage 3
Physical: Strength 1, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Morality: Humanity 6
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
Willpower: 8
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Note: Valkiria feeds on the vitae of cosmopolitan and
Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Empathy 2, Intimi- intelligent businessman, preferably after a nice night
dation 2, Leadership 2, Subterfuge 3 of conversation. The airport often provides interesting
Skills: Drive 3, Etiquette 3, Firearms 3, Performance 2 victims, working also as her main hunting ground.


Other Monsters
Teodoro & Angela
Although destroyed, the legacy of Teodoro and An-
gela still resonates in Rio de Janeiro. While the La-
sombra erected a Sabbat stronghold, the Toreador
managed a royal court in service of the Camarilla.
Loved or hated, the couple’s importance is undenia-
ble. Their secret story is indivisible from Rio’s own.
Nonetheless, there are more mysteries than facts
about this unlikely couple. Why such a powerful elder
would ally with a younger leader amongst her ene-
mies? Was the romance a deception to advance some
secret goal?
Teodoro's enigmas also attract attention. Most Kin-
dred knew he had an unbelievable set of relics: magi-
cal artifacts, old books and drafts of thoughts. Besides,
there was Angela's diaries, filled with idle poetry and
future plans. After Teodoro’s Final Death, all of these
disappeared from his Haven beneath Candelaria's
Church. One by one, those items came to new owners
from unknown places: kindred, ghouls and even Kine.
Did Teodoro secretly create a cult and split his trea-
sures among his followers? Is someone simply distri-
buting it, unaware of its true importance? Did the
Archbishop plan beyond his own destruction?
All this brought a aura of treasure hunting to the
city. The answers to some of the enigmas from the
past lie within those items. Besides, kindred could
bargain many favors with Elders for such coveted relic.
Finally, those Artifacts may allow connection to these
leaders’ memories – some kindred would kill for such
sensorial experience, from learning to sheer pleasure.
A disturbing rumor known only by a select few in-
vestigating these items points to the taint of infernal-
ism. Maybe, the priest seduced Angela through infer-
nal practices. Maybe the Toreador has inspired Teo-
doro to entangle himself with the dark secrets, keep-
ing her own hands clean. Were the sovereigns of Rio
both infernalists, running bizarre experiments, at the
expense of the domain’s peace?
The evil puzzle spread over Rio. Is there any kindred
smart or insane enough to solve it? Rewards certainly
awaits these daredevils… but at what cost to their own


Dom Pedro II
The vampire known as Dom Pedro II is an old mys-
tery of the city. He seems to know every street in Rio
de Janeiro like the palm of his hand. At the same
time, he is reclusive to the extreme, apparently able to
vanish from kindred society at will. His interactions
with other undead are rare, but remarkable. Some
believe that this Tzimisce went through elaborate
processes of vicissitude to look like the late emperor of
Brazil. Many consider that the monarch actually
joined other aristocrats among the Fiends.
Dom Pedro II grew up surrounded by palatial intri-
gues and political disputes. Such power play shaped
his character and made him a skillful articulator. His
erudition and love of the sciences earned the admira-
tion of many renowned intellectuals. In addition, as a
military leader, he led the country to victory in three
international conflicts, defeating various domestic
insurgency movements. The few vampires who inte-
racted with this Tzimisce report an impressive political
and strategic skill – on par with such background.
When dethroned, the old emperor faced exile in
Europe. Upon his death in Paris, a package was found
in his room alongside a letter. The message explained
the contents of the box: earth from Brazilian soil, to
be placed in his coffin as per his instructions. Decades
later, his remains were brought to Rio de Janeiro with
national hero honors. Around that time, the vampire
first appeared in person.
Sometimes, Dom Pedro II arrives unexpectedly in
important gathering of elders. None would deny his
entrance. He seems well informed about each impor-
tant meeting of kindred taking place in the domain no
matter how secret, as well as the topics discussed in
them. If he graces an elder’s council with his presence,
a few of his words of advice may change the course of
kindred politics dramatically.
Nobody knows who embraced him or if he has any
progeny. His main haven is in Petropolis, a mountain
town near Rio, loved by the old Portuguese royal fami-
ly. When visiting the capital, he appears and disap-
pears with the same speed. Dom Pedro II has the re-
spect of most elders of Rio, as a bastion of neutrality, a
powerful elder and as part of the city’s history. Above
petty rivalries of sect, he seems interested in preserving
the city, not necessarily its dwellers. What secrets the
fallen monarch keeps to himself is anyone’s guess.


Gong Xia
Gong Xia is a charming vampire from a Chinese
bloodline. Her beautiful voice, expressive movements
and insightful poetry are both her gifts and weapons.
In life, she loved traveling, tasting new pleasures, ex-
periences and mysteries. After the embrace, those
desires increased beyond the imaginable.
Mixing business and personal interests, Gong Xia is
an international dealer of magical items, information
and pleasures. An important aspect of this business is
never having a relationship issue with your contacts.
Therefore, Rio de Janeiro offers a fruitful stage for
her. Despite owning havens in several cities around
the world, she greatly appreciates Rio de Janeiro and
its Pact. This atmosphere makes her comfortable to
bring clients (kindred and otherwise) to negotiations
in Rio as well.
She does not have the habit of creating bonds dur-
ing her stays. The exception is Bishop Porcelain. The
Pander crafts many special masks for Gong Xia. She
needs them to hide a deformity on her empty eyes,
supposedly an effect her bloodline’s curse. What she
gives in return (or how she even learned to communi-
cate with the bestial Porcelain) is still a mystery. Some
Toreador also seek her, curious about exotic ways of
satisfying their sordid desires. Subtly, the Chinese
vampire accumulates powerful allies and dangerous
enemies wherever she roams.
If a vampire knows about the travelling merchant or
how to contact her, Gong Xia is a great source on
information or relics. In her last visits to the city, the
Chinese seemed obsessed with the taste of lupine
blood and would reward well those who helped her.
Another rumor is that mysterious cultists have stolen
one of her valuable items, and she tracked them to
Rio. She will soon pay another visit to the marvelous
city and see what good deals she may cut.
For more information on Gong Xia and her eastern
bloodline, check Clanbook: Jiang Shi, also available at
the Storyteller’s Vault.


Gratiano de Veronese led the victorious rebellion
against the Antediluvian Lasombra. This made him
known worldwide and changed the history of the clan
forever. Recently, the cruel and impetuous vampire
moved away from Europe, turning his attention to Rio
de Janeiro. None dared contest his claim to the title of
Archbishop. In fact, Gratiano covets more than just
the title left behind by Teodoro.
With such a vast power base and questionable
scruples, many wonder why Gratiano traveled to Brazil
and is content with the title of Archbishop. Many
consider that his thirst for power would not allow him
to distance himself from the main stages of the Jyhad
for long. This creates the suspicion that he may be in
Rio de Janeiro provisionally, in search of something
that will help him to a greater goal. The legendary
Lasombra does not seem to care about the politics of
Rio. He tolerates the Pact of Saint Sebastian, possibly
because it allows him to act free from interventions.
Gratiano could end it all in a snap of fingers if stirred
enough, however, and elders pray that it never hap-
The local Camarilla pretends not to worry, but they
fear every movement of Gratiano. Even the Sabbat
does not know what to expect from its leader. Bishops
attempting to discuss situations and issues with him
find wise advices. However, questions regarding the
city are often returned to those asking them. Upon
the answers, Gratiano draws a sinister smile before
dismissing them. On occasion, he graces auctoritas
ritae with his presence. He dignifies these rituals as
pivotal for the Sabbat to keep its identity – but why he
seems to enforce it so vehemently, no one knows. The
Lasombra does not appreciate insistent inquirers, and
few are stupid enough to test the elder’s patience.
Most kindred often avoid the rich area of Leblon,
where his main haven is located.
All of Gratiano's actions so far have focused on in-
vestigating Teodoro's past. Especially the rituals and
relics that the former leader owned and studied. The
Lasombra has invaded domains in other parts of the
country for information. Nobody knows exactly what
it is, but something is lost and Gratiano is looking for
it. Maybe he will finally leave the city once he finds
the piece of his consanguineous’ puzzle. Meanwhile,
Gratiano moves in Rio as discrete as the shadows he


Octavia Octavia
The imbalance and corruption spread by vampires
disturbs the natural instincts of werewolves and other
shapeshifters. However, the werespiders Ananasi have
innate inclinations towards the mysteries of the night
and warm blood. Octavia came to Rio seeking both
and was not disappointed.
While familiar with the Brazilian forests, the rhythm
of urban centers fascinates her to no end. As Rio
combines these two environments, Octavia located her
nest in the city that exudes the insanity of Carnival.
Octavia’s natural beauty makes blending among locals
an easy task. Even in her horrifying war form, Octavia
transpires grandeur and nobility – but the few who
witnessed it rarely survive to comment.
Her interaction with the undead of Rio is rather
strategic. Octavia does not understand all the minu-
tiae of different sects and clans. Her sagacity, however,
granted her alliances with powerful vampires in the
city. Although they have different motivations, there is
a common goal between the witch and the kindred: to
ward off the hateful lupines.
Her cunning took her to vampires most interested
in Rio’s neutrality. The Ananasi meets periodically
with Dom Pedro II, Cintia and Fellini, forming a se-
cret cabal named “The Watchers”. If werewolves have
not yet become a threat in the city, much is due to
their efforts. Although Octavia is much younger than
her fellow conspirators, her talents protect their ex-
tended existence from the werewolves trying to ap-
proach their Domains.
Employing her gifts and occult knowledge, Octavia
spreads a web of magic and influence across the city.
With that, she manages to stay always one step ahead
of less experienced shapeshifters, misguiding them
with illusions and cold trails. She also deals with
strange concoctions, poisoning the flesh and even the
spirit of the lupines.
Recently, Octavia has been experiencing a growing
curiosity. Ananasi also draw mystic sustenance from
the blood of mortal prey. She wonders what effects the
vitae would have in her system. Of course it would be
a blunt proposition exposing it to her usual allies.
Perhaps a group of neonates may be going through
another night, then along comes a spider...


Daughter of an influential legislator of the city, Ca-
mille was raised to be a perfect lady. While she en-
dured the attention of many illustrious admirers, the
pressure by her family standards suffocated. Smile.
Look superior. Walk charmingly. Smile.
More than mere mortals fell for Camille’s charms.
During the eighteenth century, Gregorio entertained
an affair with the lady. She became his confident,
lover and finally, progeny. Through Camille, the To-
reador gained access to much needed influence, set-
ting up the stage for the coming of Angela’s Court.
Her own demand for perfection had grown even
greater. She held stylish social events, advancing the
clan political agenda despite how it taxed her. As An-
gela replaced Gregorio, Camille felt even more
pressed. This obsession made her manipulations and
status grow exponentially. While Camille’s humanity
silently degenerated, her social influence earned her a
position as a harpy.
She kept the position for over a century, until her
sire’s return. His actions changed many paradigms of
the city, and Camille decided to break free from social
pressure herself. She stopped attending social circles.
Instead of huge parties, she held extremely exclusive
events. Its few guests were among the elite of Rio –
again, both kine and kindred. They never comment,
but rumors about these gatherings run from sophisti-
cated and sensual to cults of libido and vitae. An invi-
tation to one of her parties means you are in for a
painful experience, a pleasant epiphany or possibly,
Currently, Camille coordinates the kindred tradi-
tions during carioca carnival. She remains loyal to the
Camarilla, but her reputation grants access to clan
elders regardless of sects. Through an intricate net-
work of favors and veiled threats, Camille “suggests”
certain limits in terms of territory and behavior .She
keeps the festivity from becoming a bloodbath – at
least among her fellow allies, that is…
Another disturbing story relates her with the Torea-
dor antitribu Mercy. Supposedly, Camille’s contacts
among Rio’s Sabbat provided Mercy shelter, saving
her from the Camarilla’s wrath. While this could be
just an exaggeration, knowing that an Inquisitor may
have ties with an influential (and remarkably cruel)
harpy is something to consider before refusing her


Coteries and Packs
This section presents a few of Rio’s most influential coteries, packs and coalitions of undead. These charts
may provide story hooks for the Storyteller. Start with looking at the connection between the characters below
and imagining “how would the players interact with these interests/feelings/goals?”

Perceived Goals: Internal dispute for supremacy of a fractured clan.
Real Goal: Restore their reputation and influence in the city.
There are certainly more Brujah in Rio de Janeiro, however most will side with either of its leaders. They are
well aware that this division is not ideal. However, it is as close as the two “siblings” got from cooperating. Egos
and modus operandi aside, both Bianca and Heitor know that it is imperative for the Brujah to restore clan
reputation among the kindred of Rio. Their followers would not deny assistance to each other if needed (al-
though at the expense of mockery and arrogant remarks). The legacy of Pietro is surely a heavy burden to carry.
Ironically, should the clan leaders officially reunite, the tension between Pietro’s progeny could very well inten-
sify. Heitor is not entirely comfortable with stepping back for Bianca as a Primogen, but for now, that is a way
to develop some discipline in the vandal (and subsequently, her followers), as annoying as this exercise may be.
Brujah antitribu: The presence of two distinct “sides” within the clan allows the rabble to transit between dif-
ferent points of view without the need to reject their parent bloodline entirely. There are few Brujah antitribu in
Rio, often wanderers from other domains. Bianca simply tries to keep them away from the neonates; Heitor and
his followers are merciless if they ever cross paths with an antitribu.


Perceived Goals: Patrol the city for wanderers and enforce the neutrality rules.
Real Goals: Watch the city for werewolf activity and detractors of the Pact.
In a city with nature and urban landscape so intertwined, the Gangrel learned to adapt in order to survive.
While Fellini is a strong-blooded Primogen, younger Gangrel keep the clan connected to environments that are
more mundane. Some members of the clan are aware that lupines stalk the city and articulate with closer allies
to keep the wolves at bay. The clan is also terribly effective in identifying those threatening the city’s neutrality.
Often times, these malcontents end either hunted down or manipulated unknowingly into werewolf territory.
The clan is well aware that Rio is far from the safe haven painted by the Camarilla elders, but make sure that no
one panics. Natural predators prefer it this way.
With Rio’s unique status quo, very few Gangrel had reasons to follow Xaviar’s call. Most remain part of the
Camarilla, even if the Gangrel keep their secrets to themselves.
Gangrel antitribu: There are only a handful of Gangrel antitribu in Rio, and these are mostly nomad packs
passing by the domain. Usually, the Gangrel are too busy regarding the werewolf situation to waste time with
their Sabbat counterpart; in turn, their antitribu have little interest in dealing with such monsters, seldom inte-
racting under any specific agenda.


Perceived Goals: Restore the city status as a reputable haven and neutral ground.
Real Goals: Keep a chaotic environment, subverting the rules of Jyhad as a way of protection.
Unpredictable, diversified and resourceful, Malkavians are arguably one of the strongest clans in Rio de Janei-
ro. Not all vampires adapt to the picturesque status quo of the city, and the Malkavians use that to their utmost
advantage. Many fearsome elders of other domains would simply not understand how to operate properly with-
in the city’s protocol, and the lunatics seem amazingly articulate in keeping it that way. Regardless of sect and
multiple inner conflicts, they are extremely effective towards that goal.
Malkavian antitribu: More than a few Malkavian of Rio turned to the Sabbat fleeing Cintia’s abusive tenden-
cies. As a whole, however, the clan interacts with their antitribu cousins respecting their own neutral terms, and
vice-versa. This is especially true among neonates, although often attempted under stealthy circumstances.
Therefore, Malkavians are often resourceful with information from different perspectives. If the clan’s influence
on the city results from this proximity between clan and antitribu, or from the fabled Madness Network, no one
knows. This link with “the other side” concerns elders of other clans, on both sects, to no end.


Perceived Goals: Keep the Camarilla informed about the domain, granting the sect an upper hand.
Real Goals: Stay informed about the domain, subtly influencing the Camarilla according to their interests.
To say the Nosferatu of Rio are bitter is an understatement. Its mysterious leader acted as a spy for Camarilla
elders when the Sabbat still ruled Rio’s night. When the Toreador came up with their preposterous pact, Mar-
quise felt personally offended. She predicted disastrous consequences in the long run, and as usual, she was
right. The sewer rats play the “neutral grounds” game out of sheer political needs ever since, but their position
(and resentment regarding neutrality with the Sabbat) is pretty obvious. They are excessively severe towards Sab-
bat indiscretions in the city, while at the same time seem to protect Camarilla neonates who break the neutrality
rules. That said, contact between Nosferatu neonates and Sabbat conspirators is not unheard of. As usual, the
Nosferatu gather information on their allies as well as their enemies, being pivotal for the Primogen Council in
their decisions. If this will protect the Camarilla from the Jyhad or conduct it right into it, only time will tell.
Nosferatu antitribu: While the sewer rats are not above negotiating with the Sabbat for their own profit, the
antitribu are sworn enemies. They often end up confronted or even hunted down by their Camarilla counter-
part. The reason is simple: Nosferatu of the Camarilla suspect their antitribu to have similar sentiments regard-
ing the dominance of the Sabbat over Rio. They are too conscious about their value as monsters and spies to
allow an enemy with similar advantages. That said, urban plague is difficult to exterminate and the few Nosfera-
tu antitribu of Rio would love crippling their parent bloodline – figuratively or literally. Both, if possible.


Perceived Goal: Organize the Camarilla to honor the legacy of their fallen Prince.
Real Goals: Affirm their rightful place as masters of Rio de Janeiro and its exotic pleasures.
Manipulative socialites, skilled diplomats and elegant monsters: the Toreador are the most powerful clan of
Rio de Janeiro – and they paid dearly for it. The legacy of Angela still moves sentiments among the kindred as a
name of power. Her consanguineous inherited her influence and resources, putting it to good use, strengthen-
ing the Camarilla and their position at its top. However, some undead whisper behind the Toreador’s back that
their leader’s fall from grace served them too conveniently. Was Angela a tragic hero or sacrificial lamb? The
degenerates mention her with solemnity, but few would think them above her tragic demise if that meant power
to them. Spectacular tragedies are their trade, after all.
The degenerates trade smiles with the important figures of Rio, both kindred and kine. Their gracious negoti-
ations with other clans keep the festivity of Carnival appealing to the undead appetites, but still far from a rabid
blood bath. Along with their influence over economy and politics in the city, the Toreador became a necessary
evil to the nights of Rio de Janeiro.
Toreador antitribu: The Toreador have enough enemies without needing to stir their antitribu, willingly ig-
noring them most of the time. An abyss of style and modus operandi separate the two bloodlines, but that only
make their encounters more exciting. While neither would admit, the forbidden practices of their counterparts
attract them like moths to fire. The antitribu will deny their contact with the Camarilla, criticizing other shovel-
heads that do it with the hypocrisy and elegance of a professional artist.


Perceived Goals: expand their mystical and political influence in order to gain status among the other clans.
Real Goals: expand their influence, making the Regent proud of (and in debt with) the apprentices.
Establishing a chantry in Rio de Janeiro turned out to be more trouble than the local regent expected. His bi-
zarre condition did not hinder the apprentices however; it actually motivated them. While the regent spends
many of his nights in torpid meditation, the neonates of Rio find themselves with a great deal of flexibility – at
least from Tremere standards. There is a good deal of carioca camaraderie among the apprentices, both in oc-
cult research and in covering each other’s indiscretions from the appointed Primogen. She has done a remarka-
ble job in representing the Tremere interests among the other clans, and while the warlocks count relatively
small numbers, their political significance in the city has increased over the years. Their wisdom in the mystic
arts has served the Camarilla well, and their role in kindred politics resonates even among the harpies. Howev-
er, this is usually when the sect proves most dangerous, as scheming and backstabbing become its trade. Careful-
ly, the Tremere gather around their leaders to plan the next move.
Tremere antitribu: In the past, a few Tremere abused the confidence of the Regent, betraying the clan secrets
to the Sabbat or even darker masters. In time, Sophia and Lispector manipulated events to get rid of them.
There are barely any Tremere antitribu in Rio (especially after recent events involving rumors of an antitribu
purge). However, some of the chapel’s secret knowledge is still in possession by the Sabbat. Sophia is well aware
of that, but tries to deal with it by herself lest she exposes a flaw beneath the surface of their pyramid.


Perceived goals: Strengthen their sects by increasing their own reputation in it.
Real goals: Influence their sects towards the dominance of Rio, be it subtly or through conflict.
The blue-bloods have a delicate situation to deal with. Their attempts in leadership and manipulation worked
very well for a while. Recently, however, inner turmoil turned the clan upside down. The former Primogen was
devoured by its furious childe. Lacking substantial sources of support, the Ventrue turned to its younger kin-
dred. They found themselves in positions of power and importance – an odd situation for any neonate, espe-
cially so for a Ventrue. Managing what elements they have left at hand, the Ventrue of Rio face a challenge to
restore their reputation as honorable vampires and fearsome leaders. The other clans watch them like hungry
vultures, eager to offer assistance – anything to bite into the clan’s vast resources. The Sabbat merely wait for
their fall. Such pressure may suffocate the Ventrue, or prove their legendary resilience. The die is cast.
Ventrue antitribu: Arguably, the paladins are the strongest bloodline in the Sabbat – and surely the most
dangerous. They are violent, ruthless and loyal to the Bishop Penélope. Her explosive rebellion inspired even
other bloodlines of the Sabbat, granting the Ventrue antitribu a dangerous advantage in leadership. Currently,
they adhere to the fragile neutrality reinstated in the city, using it to their advantage. Spreading their corruption
among Rio’s ruthless security forces, the antitribu increased their power greatly. Their increasing influence con-
cerns the elders, even if their numbers are low – after all, it took a single Ventrue antitribu to unleash hell in Rio
de Janeiro in the past. Aware of the veiled threat they represent, the paladins may well influence the Sabbat of
the city into ruthless manipulations or all out war. Both possibilities are equally bloody and terrifying.


The Harpies
Perceived goals: Stay informed about Rio’s complex trade of influence.
Real goals: Keep the balance between clans and sects by subtly sowing lies and veiled threats.
To avoid another open war among kindred, Rio de Janeiro desperately depends on a nearly impossible bal-
ance of powers. In such a scenario, the handling of influence by gossip and intrigue seems almost impossible (or
even suicidal, considering the odds). The Harpies of Rio beg to disagree. Recognizing the patterns in Rio’s chao-
tic web of status, their carefully crafted words remind the Camarilla of its insidious status quo. In a sense, their
charming smiles and cruel intentions keep the sect’s identity strong, even in such uncommon political situation.
In a city so rich in culture, events of all kinds offer an elegant cover for social gatherings among the undead.
Through their visits, contacts and allies, they keep track of who is who in the Camarilla of Rio de Janeiro by
Night. In fact, they are notoriously interested in what happens in the ranks of the Sabbat as well. There are
rumors that some (if not all) of these reputable kindred representatives sponsor key events to cover their meet-
ings with members of the Sabbat. Some neonates blame the demise of entire coteries on covert missions as
agents of the harpies. Such accusations often dismissed as pretense neonate rebellion, of course.
Oh wait, you have something on the Bishop’s pack? Did you hear about that high-profile funk party near
Corcovado? Yes, it is very exclusive, but a friend of a friend may want to meet you there. Just keep it low, and
please make sure you will not stay to watch the beautiful sunrise at the favela.


The Primogen
Perceived goals: Bring back the glory of Rio as a reputable Domain and neutral ground.
Real goals: Keep Rio into controlled chaos, while they reap the city for blood and personal influence.
The Primogen reckon that their cooperation is the only thing keeping Rio from utter chaos. The presence of
Gratiano has stirred these undead, however, and the debate regarding the need for a Prince became recurring in
their gatherings. Tension grows between Gregorio and Marquise, political rivals seem as worthy of such posi-
tion. Others seem interested in keeping the Domain without an appointed leader. Most fear that the utopia of
neutrality is fragile enough without political backstabbing. Maybe, Jyhad is closer than they ever expected.


Followers of Set
Perceived Goals: Maintain the neutral status of Rio through alliances with most prominent clans.
Real Goals: Profit from all sides while the Pact still last.
There are remarkably few Setites in Rio de Janeiro. Most of them refer to the local serpent Andrew, who tries
his best to inform his contacts of the Domain’s traditions. In fact, Andrew is rather receptive to any kindred in
need of advice, political, mystical or otherwise. For a price, of course.
Samira arrived in Rio just recently. She is still testing waters with Andrew and most other kindred she inte-
racts with. She is not above benefiting from the local Setite’s network and support however suspicious she feels
about his intent. Should the two Followers forge an alliance, the clan could become a subtle yet very influential
power player in the city (especially if they decide to decipher the relic in possession of Samira… and face the
bizarre effects such studies may imply).
Serpents of Light: Andrew’s contacts in the Sabbat reported of a nomad pack lurking among the favelas of
Rio. Supposedly, they meddle with practitioners of candomblé and other African religions and answer to a cultist
of the Serpents of Light. The rumor is kept as secret as possible. While Andrew will never discuss it openly,
kindred interest in scout incursions may earn his attention – and favors.


Perceived Goals: Strengthen and organize the Sabbat of Rio, proving their value once again in the city.
Real Goals: Dominate the city through intimidation, using the Sabbat as a weapon.
The keepers feel that Rio is their rightful seat of power and will fight for it until the end, even amongst them-
selves. Their nature as fallen nobles is especially noticeable in Rio de Janeiro, and they are hard pressed to fill
the shoes of the former Archbishop. In a sense, the arrival of Gratiano changed the clan significantly. While
very secretive, the methuselah seems to gather reports from the Lasombra of the city and remain well informed
and active. For them, it is clear that Gratiano’s title is part of a greater plan, possibly regarding the lost relics of
Teodoro. Other than that, the methuselah’s goals leaves them in the dark just like every other kindred. Despite
the challenges, the Lasombra are very skilled in such situation.
Lasombra antitribu: The prospect of existing in the same city of Gratiano is more than enough to drive most
Lasombra antitribu as far as they can from Rio. The Camarilla has little information or insight of the Lasombra
to ever consider such antitribu would be within or around their domains. A good negotiator may always see
what they can get, however. If they ever fall prey to the Lasombra of the Sabbat, they would be destroyed and


Perceived Goals: Bring Rio back to its former glory as a Free City.
Real Goals: Make sure their domains and interests in the city remain safe.
For such a traditionalist group, the Tzimisce have adapted very well to Rio. As a clan, the fiends kept rather
organized and true to their ideals. This allowed them to meddle in the politics of the Sabbat without compro-
mising their true nature, but still benefit from the Pact of Saint Sebastian. After the fall of the former Archbi-
shop, many neonates and ancillae looked up to them for directions. The Tzimisce quickly decided to enforce
the neutrality, aware that the Sabbat would not sustain a conflict with the Camarilla for too long. They pose as
stern mediators in Rio’s politics, but they too hide sinister concerns. Between rumors of werewolves, infernal-
ists, Black Hand spies and political backstabbing, the fiends try to keep Rio subtly under control. The threat of
Acemira and Don Victor’s fragile relationship with the Camarilla have worked towards that. Should the fiends
ever embrace an open conflict, they would be truly fearsome enemies.
Old Clan Tzimisce: Most Tzimisce are aware of Don Pedro II. While the elder has addressed Rio’s Tzimisce
with respect, there is some suspicion that the former monarch is in fact a member of the Old Clan bloodline. If
such lineage proves real, the fiends would be torn between pragmatic diplomacy and a sense of duty to dispose
the mysterious undead once and for all. Even more disturbing, the presence of Old Clan members could well
mean that the rumors about Black Hand are worst than expected. Tzimisce keep their pompous posture regard-
ing these matters. They would not hesitate to strike an old enemy if such is truly the case.


Perceived Goals: Remind the Sabbat of its survivalist nature, keeping the core beliefs of the sect.
Real Goals: Increase their influence among the Sabbat, making it an instrument of punishment once again.
Panders in Rio enjoy an unusual amount of prestige. Treated as disposable pawns, their violent practices and
radical views were dismissed by elders, in both Camarilla and the Sabbat. When conflict erupted in Rio, howev-
er, many of these leaders fell in combat, but the Panders endured. Porcelain, the crazed elder, is nothing short
of a war hero to many neonates. Not all undead in the Sabbat adhere gladly (or at all) to the values of neutrality,
and their ideals of revolution are often projected in the Panders.
Little do they know that the Panders of Rio are merely dogs chasing cars, acting on instinct rather than strate-
gy. However, their delusions of sanctity reach neonates in the Sabbat more than the traditionalist speech of
elders. They barely respect the laws of neutrality, encouraging neonates to test them at every turn. They went
from impotent threat to political instigators, for better or for worse. Between the admiration and caution of the
elders, the Panders remain a vital part of the Sabbat of Rio – a most dangerous one.
Caitiff: Caitiff of Rio often get caught as scapegoats for Camarilla’s misdemeanors towards the Pact. The few
clanless that do not leave the domain tend to migrate to the Sabbat, joining the Panders after a proper ritual.
Intimate Verses: João, Maria and Porcelain band together as a pack, the Intimate Verses. They stand for the
aforementioned Pander ideals to the extreme. Their practices are filled with perverted Christian symbolism,
even while offering valuable mystical and ritualistic advice to other kindred. Few Sabbat mystics suspect of their
interest in infernal practices; none would dare challenge the incestuous Priests openly.


Sabbat Bishops
Perceived Goals: Keep the Sabbat united under its core beliefs.
Real Goals: Keep the Sabbat united under their core beliefs; keep Gratiano’s influence in check.
Despite the Sabbat’s vicious and violent nature, there is no shortage of political struggle within it. Four Bi-
shops exchange favors and veiled threats frequently. They share the weight of Teodoro’s legacy, albeit their in-
terpretations of its significance vary wildly. Spades and Penelope have a nearly romantic view of the Sabbat, but
the Lasombra traditionalism often clashes with the Venture antitribu’s radical, ruthless views. Porcelain switches
his alliances among his peers on a nightly basis, taking whatever roles will sate his appetite for destruction.
Acemira is the most reserved and neutral of the group. She imparts her wisdom with them if requested, but her
neutrality towards the city politics is seem as either weakness or self-confidence, depending on individual opi-
The difference between the Sabbat leaders would have them at each other throats, if not for Gratiano. Ironi-
cally, the Bishops stand united against such higher threat. They try to keep their own bases of influence firmly
under control for sheer fear of Gratiano’s ruthlessness. It is very clear to these elders that Gratiano would not
hesitate to throw the Sabbat of Rio into chaos if that would fulfill his personal goals. Besides, they barely hide
their contempt at the Lasombra’s preposterous, self-proclaimed title. Circumstances made the Bishops firmly
adhere to the neutral policies of Rio. It works as a cover while they try to figure out Gratiano’s true intents over
their domain, while assisting in his personal investigation of Teodoro’s leftovers.
According to Acemira, it takes a greater monster to keep your own beast controlled. As usual, she is right.


Sabbat Pack: The Rebellities
Perceived Goals: Strengthen the Sabbat ideals through strong leadership.
Real Goals: Bring the Sabbat back to its former fearsome glory, making the Pact more important than ever.
The Rebellities represent one of the most influential packs in Rio. Penelope’s decided attitude and bloody
past remind many vampires of what the Sabbat truly is: a fearsome threat. They bring remind the sect that the
Pact of Saint Sebastian is not necessarily a way to neutralize them – the Camarilla actually should be very res-
pectful of it, lest the Sword of Caine rises against them stronger than ever. At least, that is what the Rebellities
seem to embody.
Their different backgrounds are all rather resentful of the Camarilla (or merely attracted to the prospect of
war against the sect). However, they are not dumb. They do enforce the rules of the Pact among the Sabbat. The
malignant presence and vicious behavior keep the neutrality into most elder’s best interests.

Hurts me but loves me


Sabbat Pack: Castle of Cards
Perceived Goals: Represent and command the Sabbat in its diverse identity.
Real Goal: Shield themselves with the Sabbat to survive Rio’s chaotic kindred politics.
The Castle of Cards is always composed of four kindred, ritualistically baptized after a playing cards suit. After
the conflicts of the 60s, however, two members met final death. Recently, a neonate Toreador antitribu earned
the position of Hearts; they still look for a new recruit worthy of replacing “Clubs”. Spades’ dignified attitude
brings much diplomatic power to the group. Diamonds is their deceptive leader, subtly spreading chaos in the
city through her charisma and bizarre creeds. Compared to other packs of notice in Rio (formed by belligerent
neonates, consanguineous insurgents and fanatic loyalists), the Castle of Cards offer a political counterpoint.
Their diversified natures, ages and lineages represent the ideals of independence and freedom of the Sabbat.
This prospect attracts the respect and alliances of more moderate vampires, even outside the sect.
The fragile balance implied by the pack’s namesake is not in vain. The elders Diamonds and Spades had
many differences through the centuries, splitting alliances more than once. However ironic, their mutual mi-
strust is more honest than they can expect from other kindred around them. Skilled instigators and political
agitators, these vampires see Rio as fertile soil for their intrigues… as long as the Castle of Cards does not fall on
its own.
It is a thrilling bet, nonetheless, and these undead go all in.


The Watchers
Perceived Goals: None; their existence is a well-kept secret.
Real Goals: Keep the “lost werewolves” threat under control (occasionally, under their control).
This cabal of conspirators results from a series of unlikely alliances. Octavia approached Fellini a long ago,
while both tried to keep tracks of the few werewolves lurking around Rio. Understanding that the situation had
deep political implications, Fellini introduced the Ananasi to Cintia, much to her amusement. The mysterious
Tzimisce claiming to be Don Pedro II was a secret contact of the Malkavian as well. Following his instructions,
Cintia brought the group together. Past initial animosities, the so-called Watchers combined their supernatural
talents to track and, on occasion, manipulate the wandering lupines. The group does not understand them
completely, and neither care for that. They simply try to keep the wolf packs away from places of their interest,
every now and then throwing them a proverbial bone (which often comes as a rebel neonate or foolish political
The neutral policy of Rio de Janeiro is greatly responsible for such alliance taking form. Therefore, the
Watchers indirectly articulate their actions to strengthen the Pact. Still, the uncommon coterie is a complete
secret to most vampires of Rio. Only Acemira is aware of the Watchers, joining their efforts from time to time
by Don Pedro’s request. She seems well aware of their goals, despite what her fellow Tzimisce chooses to reveal.
She has kept their secret, so far. If the elder is also interested in neutrality or removing lupines (or even under-
stands the political implications of such secret movements) remains unclear even to the Watchers themselves.


Chapter Four:
The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who
maintain their neutrality in times of crisis.
Dante Alighieri

Chronicles in Rio de Janeiro by Night are open to In a Camarilla city, for example, the Sabbat is un-
many possibilities. Its main themes, however, may rise iversally seen as a threat, judged with prejudice. If a
some questions on Storytellers. After all, how to in- member of the Camarilla is seem in company of vam-
corporate the ideas of neutrality in game? Why are pires of the Sabbat, the scandal could result in grave
alliances between clans that important? How would a punishment for the supposed traitors, and praise for
chronicle in Rio de Janeiro work, after all? whoever expose the indiscretion. In Rio, however, the
This chapter will explore some story hooks for Rio very denouncer may face ostracism and hostility. Such
de Janeiro. Storytellers will also find practical ideas on accusation is the work of agitators, attempting to dis-
how to incorporate the themes presented in previous rupt the fragile neutrality that some elders so dearly try
chapters into their chronicles. to uphold.
Vampires visiting Rio are wise to affiliate themselves
Rules of Neutrality with one of the local undead. Even a neonate may
help an outsider understand the city’s dynamics with-
The Traditions ruling a Domain are often simple. out offending someone (or embarrassing themselves).
Most kindred know the general rules enforced in terri- This hospitality may translate into minor favors to-
tories dominated by either the Camarilla or the Sab- wards the guiding kindred, keeping the local power in
bat. They offer guidance to nomad vampires about check.
their expected behavior, the consequences in challeng-
ing such demands, which values to bargain, and so on. The Pact of Saint Sebastian
Rio de Janeiro is not that black-or-white, but as co- Originally, the Pact lacked a formal document. Ela-
lorful as the Carnival. Certain acts considered impro- borated in secret, rumors of the Pact travelled the
per in other cities may not be as troublesome in Rio. courts of the undead before it became official. Angela
Likewise, accepted practices of outside Domains may and Teodoro presented it circa 1830, to a gathering of
come off as awkward or outright offensive. perplexed elders from both Camarilla and Sabbat.


The main concepts of the pact were straightforward
enough for all kindred to remember:
Non-Aggression: The Pact declared that vampires
from both Camarilla and Sabbat should not engage in
direct conflict;
Elders’ Duty: Elder vampires should observe and
enforce the terms of the Pact among their clans;
Safe Haven: Clans, coteries and packs should re-
spect the territories of each other. Retainers, herd and
general possessions also fall into the same rules;
Sovereignty: Disputes between individuals or cote-
ries should be brought upon and ruled by the leaders
of the Domain.
Angela and Teodoro enforced these rules by punish-
ing its transgressors with extreme measures. These
early examples served their image of power and no
tolerance against eventual rivals. They likewise in-
spired fear and hatred against the couple, even if in
Eventually, the tension between clans escalated. The
leaders were deposed and the clans engaged in war.
Some clans, however, kept their neutral posture and
therefore, suffered less losses from the upcoming con-
flict. Noticeably, Malkavians, Gangrel and Tzimisce.
These clans engaged and met with others, attempting
to reform the neutral environment. The Pact of Saint
Sebastian (or at least, a new version of it), once again,
was brought into attention.
This time around, the Pact is much more moderate
and depends more on diplomacy rather than brute
force… mostly. However, diplomacy among predators
is not always granted, or beautiful.

Playing Rio by Night

Rio’s political background allows for some unique
situations in and styles of playing the game. Here are a
few ideas on how to explore them with interesting
Mixed Coteries
The neutrality of Rio reflects in game with the op-
portunity for mixed, “cross-sect” coteries. A Brujah
and a Lasombra plotting for power? Tzimisce and
Toreador neonates seeking sinister pleasures? Maybe
joined by a Ravnos dealer or an Assamite mercenary?
This unique style of group is possible in this setting.


The Storyteller should assist during character crea- and ultimately, on the Pact’s rules. It is up to the play-
tion, or they may fall into mere “clan salad”. A good ers to prove them wrong.
hint for Storytellers is asking the group what binds
them together. It may be anything from accessing for- Sect Loyalists
bidden disciplines to collective protection against The opposition to the neutral paragons aforemen-
elders on both sects. Then, have players defending the tioned, this story style focuses on a group composed
neutrality that allows their alliance in the first place. entirely of either Camarilla or Sabbat vampires. In this
These stories may have the players trying to appease game, the troupe has chances to sabotage the fragile
rival coteries or elders before their conflicts escalate to neutrality of Rio. This certainly will face heavy opposi-
threaten the Pact. Investigation, diplomacy and pro- tion by both sects. However, no elder is without an
tection of targets are interesting elements to develop approachable enemy…
here. This takes the classic conflict of sects back to the
Maybe they will have to reluctantly favor one sect game. Players must assist their sect’s leaders while
over the other, at times, to protect the balance. Maybe avoiding supporters of the Pact, neutrality be damned.
they will face hard decisions where their diverse Mo- Evidence to discredit Teodoro and/or Angela (legiti-
ralities will clash (offering awesome roleplaying oppor- mately or not) would also be valuable in this context.
tunities). Aligned with the chronicle’s theme of temp- The stakes are high, rewarding players with a fast rise
tation, the Storyteller may test if the coterie’s ambi- in power and legendary status – provided they survive.
tions and bounds are stronger than their different
personalities. A Friend to All is a Friend to None
Finally, an interesting element of this kind of story The reestablishment of the Pact of Saint Sebastian
is how other clans and elders see the group. While lured more than a few unaligned kindred into the city.
some will celebrate its representation of neutrality, Most of them realize that the peace is tenuous at best.
traditionalists may frown at the group’s atypical al- Not claiming to belong to either major sect, Anarchs
liance. Some may ask them impossible tasks and and Independents tend to join their schemes (often
blame their failures on their incompatible natures – unwittingly) with tragic results. Besides, it may be


harder for a wanderer to appeal against unfair treat- runs free of outside influence, charging in herd or
ment if other undead do not consider them as kin- territory. Then, she uses a share of these resources to
dred. bribe other groups interested in interfering with that
However, some of them forge individual alliances gathering. Afterwards, she secretly hires agents of a
and thrive in Rio de Janeiro. Making deals with both third clan to harass a group that choose to not deal
sides, they become valuable assets. If they are loyal to with her. And so on and so forth. If anyone breaks the
no cause, then maybe they are the only agents one can agreement, Camille has the entire next year to make
trust. In games for a coterie fully composed of them repent.
Anarchs and/or Independents, exchange of favors This audacious diplomacy keeps the carioca carnival
with established locals grant survival, but they must be from eating itself, in a quite literal way.
careful of who to assist. Interesting starting premises
for this kind of story include the classical “group on Celebrations of the Flesh
the run after messing up in another Domain”. Rio Not only elders find Carnival ripe for social
may welcome them, but at what cost? schemes. During this time, most clans throw their

Carnival of Blood own versions of the celebration of the flesh. Invitation

to the right parties may earn neonates and ancillae
some status, contacts and other social advantages. In
Carnival starts by the end of February, lasting 4
the same vein, improper behavior in these events re-
nights and ending with the “Ash Wednesday”, over-
sults in unforgiving mockeries and reputation loss.
whelming and changing the entire city. Even the un-
Some kindred wait anxiously during the year for the
dead Traditions are affected (as pointed in Chapter
most celebrated (or profane) undead events:
Three). Exclusive parties, as well as popular events,
happen all across Rio. Most of the festivity however  Blue Blood Gala: Traditionally performed during
takes place on the streets, with people gathering Carnival Saturday evening, the Copacabana Palace
around marching bands. These diversified crowds ball is the apogee of luxury and refinement. The rich-
include the rich and the poor, locals and tourists, est, most powerful and distinguished figures of the city
mortals and undead. Appealing and dangerous, this gather in the Golden Room and the Noble Hall of
explosive mix of cultures (and bloodlines) inspires this iconic resort, luring the most privileged kindred.
special interest from certain kindred. Invitations may reach other clans, as long as the guest
reputation fits the Venture’s rigorous profile. Some
The Soul of the Party kindred make great efforts to earn such honor. Mortal
and ghouled bodyguards heavily guard the event. Jo-
The success of carnival depends on the machina-
seph sees his gala as a reminder that, despite all casual-
tions of multiple groups: politicians, newsgroups, or-
ties and attacks, the Ventrue still hold an impressive
ganized crime and, of course, the clans influencing
influence over the city.
them. In this scenario, the secretive Toreador Camille
plays an essential role. Similar to the samba schools, System: Kindred guests attempting to impress their
Camille spends most of the year planning the carnival. peers in the event must stay for most of the night and
She visits the elders of multiple bloodlines regardless roll Charisma + Etiquette (difficulty 8). They earn the
of sect, cutting deals with a silver tongue. Respected Merit “Rising Star” (V20, pg 489) for two months per
and persuasive, Camille negotiates hunting grounds, success (although stupid actions may end it premature-
herd and influence amongst the clans. Acting as a ly afterwards). Additionally, interaction with select
mediator, she manages an intricate social gear. Ex- mortals and upstart vampires offers opportunity to
changing favors between clan leaders, making sure raise the backgrounds Influence, Status or Contacts by
they all respect certain limits, and getting something one dot, at Storyteller’s discretion. Finally, the Ven-
on top for herself, Camille attained legendary reputa- true organizers make sure to invite mortals fitting the
tion amongst Rio’s undead. If her deals ever backfire, preferred victim profile of their clan mates.
Camille has the influence and the entire next year to  Bloco of the Flaming Circus: Malkavians celebrate
ruin the foolish detractor’s existence. the absurd with this street bloco. Its theme is not lost
Often, the Camille’s role is that of influence broker. on the crowd, dressed as clowns, acrobats, magicians
She negotiates with a clan, granting that their event and other circus performers – often, sinister versions


of it. A marching band plays popular songs with dark
humor twists in its lyrics, while the crowd follows it
around alleys in Lapa. It is open to everyone, but cai-
nites meet a twist in its hospitality. Regular titles of
status are “reversed” during the bloco. Neonates are
encouraged to mock and abuse their elders freely; in
turn, ancients are expected to submit and bring offer-
ings of vitae – often, live mortals. They exchange
blood, engage in degrading acts and abandon them-
selves among unaware mortals. Most traditionalist
elders despise this bloco, while others see in it a chance
to approach the neonates. Ironically, the absence of
the Masquerade in this festivity makes it extremely
effective. The bloco’s theatrical nature deceive mortals
while excited neonates drain their warm blood.
System: While in the bloco, regular Status is negated;
kindred without Status are considered with Status of 3
instead. Neonates owe a minor (1 point) Boon to-
wards the elders they abuse once carnival is over. Such
a favor is never mandatory but it is polite to abide if
ever requested. Particularly intense, imposing, creative
or cruel neonates may actually impress their elders,
attracting attention to their talents for the rest of the
year (for better or for worse).
 Black Veil Ballroom: This elitist ball occurs in a
different mansion every year. The Lasombra organize
most of the party and guest list, often with aid from
local Followers of Set. A kink playground for the rich
and famous, the party is notorious for its excesses.
Revelers wear all black: usual costumes include wi-
dows, BDSM outfits, nuns… and vampires. From time
to time, a planned blackout engulfs the whole party in
darkness for a moment as music gets louder. Shielded
by darkness, guests indulge in expensive drugs and
forbidden affairs. As the night goes on, sexual tension
and substance abuse increase, making each mortal
guest more irresistible for the cainite visitors – and
each blackout, more deadly. Debaucheries aside, the
party offers chance to approach some of Rio’s influen-
tial figures, from corrupt politicians and decadent
socialites and second rate celebrities. The intoxicated
guests of this party are easy prey for cunning kindred,
literally and figuratively. Their knack for shady busi-
ness, which can be exploited by cunning vampires.
Influential enough cainites say, maliciously: “Blue
Blood Gala to start the night, Black Veil Ballroom to
finish it”.
System: Aside from blood points, vampires may
harvest advantages related to shady types among the


mortal guests of the event, by rolling according the only by the Toreador (along with their most prized
chart below (difficulty 8). A character must score a victims and guests – often, synonymous). It takes place
number of successes equal to twice their current rat- in a different salon each year, attended by kindred,
ings in the chosen Backgrounds (two successes if zero) blood dolls and unaware mortals. Vampires of any
to have it increased by one dot. The new rating lasts clan may be invited, if able to entice the senses of their
for a single use in the chronicle: once the benefits are hosts in rather remarkable and inhumane ways. Sect
reaped, the Background returns to its original level. At and morals are of no importance – not this night.
Storyteller’s discretion, truly dedicated manipulators The event takes the form of a gala, with most kin-
may eventually increase the trait permanently. dred sitting by the walls of the salon. They watch as
Target Background Required Test mortal guests interact, indulging in vitae-induced plea-
Contacts Charisma + Subterfuge sures. At three o’clock, the music stops and lights go
out. Each undead, in order of status, select a mortal
Fame Appearance + Performance and drain their blood completely. The Toreador host
Herd Charisma + Empathy keeps the victims in ecstatic trance through disciplines
(although vitae-laced drinks or sheer panic also works).
Influence Manipulation + Politics
The pleasure carried by the flowing blood may drive
Resources Manipulation + Finance attending vampires to states of illumination, madness,
It is worth noting that identifying, persuading and or both. Cainites pledge a supernatural vow to never
conquering the chosen mortal takes time: kindred mention the event after it is over. Given its degene-
must pick a single target; two if they remain through rate, dark nature, few would dare to, anyways.
the whole event at it. Storytellers should work these System: The event toys with its guests in social, spi-
traits around the proper illegal/corrupt/decadent ritual and degenerated aspects, rewarding (or con-
concepts implied by the party. demning) accordingly.
 The Last Dance: For most cainites this party is mere Storytellers should request appropriated Social roll
legend; the few who did attended call it legendary. (suggestion: Manipulation + Etiquette) to evaluate
This ball’s secretive, almost ritualistic nature is known how the kindred blends with the city’s most refined


monsters. Alternatively, creative (and perverse) kin- renews their Willpower or even increases it. Some
dred may roll their performance of choice instead, vampires whisper about developing Disciplines such as
entertaining guests with anything from singing to body Auspex; other reports include derangements and in-
crafting. sightful dreams. The Storytellers should decide the
Successes Results possible consequences, benefits and costs.

Botch Ostracism by other kindred in the Story Ideas

event; may result in Status loss (and
curiosity regarding why the character  The group of players may be invited to a minor, up-
came to displease the elders so much) and-coming event of another kindred (or start one of
their own, as means to gain reputation). They must
1-2 The kindred is barely noticed, for take care of the preparations and security, as a rival of
better or for worse the host will attempt to ruin the efforts.
3-4 Elders find the kindred presence or  Camille herself may entangle the group of players in
performance amusing, treating them her web, asking them to negotiate (or intimidate)
with respect in later situations. While another group in order to guarantee that one of her
other kindred may not understand favored events is not disturbed. Alternatively, she may
why, they certainly notice it. It is ask the group to do some of her dirty work either
equivalent to the merit “Protégé” spying or somehow gathering information on a kin-
(V20, pg 488), but with the elders in- dred that owes her from last year. Dealing with Ca-
volved in the Last Dance instead of a mille often will involve great rewards (at the expense
Sire. of Humanity).
5 or more Guests are impressed with the kin-  A rival coterie has challenged or taunted the players
dred’s finesse (or debauchery). The in some way. Tension between the two coteries esca-
Toreador will whisper about such lated enough to drag the attention of the Primogen,
presence year long, granting the merit who may well intervene to keep the city under “con-
Clan Friendship (with the Toreador) trol”. The rivals plan to expose their case to the elders
or Primogen Friendship, if the vam- in the exclusive Last Dance, a few nights from now.
pire in question is a Toreador Players must bribe, negotiate or coax their way into
him/herself (V20, pg 489). the prestigious ball to have a chance at properly de-
fending from the rumors. A neutral elder may help by
All guests should face Frenzy checks that become in- inviting the player – as long as they are not above a
creasingly more difficult as the night advances. The little favor…
perversion of the event entices the Beast, so Morality
checks are required. Failing in the test has similar
consequences as the botch results above and the of-
The Archbishop’s Sin
fender is neutralized as quickly as possible. The “plea- The feats of Lasombra Teodoro were doubtlessly
sant death” of mortal guests allows for hypocrite kin- impressive… Suspiciously so, in the views of some
dred to go along with the event’s gran finale, but guilt undead. His closest allies (and most unfortunate ri-
may disturb them for months to come. vals) knew that Teodoro dabbled in the mystic arts. In
Guests may also bring “delicacies” for the event’s concerned whispers, some speculate that infernal
morbid conclusion. Those who bring the most ta- forces sponsored his meteoric rise to power (and his
lented, attractive or otherwise remarkable human eventual fall). Did the Archbishop, in the Sabbat’s
offerings earn a Boon with the Toreador host. Other sacred duty against the Antediluvians, bargained with
guests also recognize the gift as a display of power, even darker powers?
granting the donor one extra dice in Social situations In the recent nights, a few scholars or adventurers
involving them, until the next year’s gathering. among the kindred grow interested into this mystery,
Finally, the deadly buffet (coupled with the Torea- for many reasons. However, scavenging the secrets of
dor inspiring presence and strong vitae) is said to an elder is no easy task, even posthumously. Especially
grant supernatural insight. As the vampire savors the when the elder in question seemed suspiciously well
final moments of their victim, a wave of ecstatic relief prepared for the occasion.


a great honor – and grants much status, especially
The Relics among the Sword of Caine and its Inquisitors.
Fascinated by the religious syncretism in Brazil, Temptation: If Teodoro benefited from these pow-
Teodoro collected a few bizarre items he came across. ers, there must be a method to its madness. A vampire
Holy images that cried blood, native fetishes, tomes of with enough ambition (or despair) may learn sinister
forbidden knowledge, bottled entities, and more. It is powers from his ways and succeed where the Lasom-
difficult to tell apart simple folklore from actual magi- bra could not…
cal relics – but the initiated occultist knows that the
gap is very narrow. Each object hid a curious story, Sample Relics
spiritual insight or even the key to mystical powers.
For mystical research or cultural interest, the fact is At large, Teodoro’s collection remains a mystery.
that Teodoro prized his personal collection. All of The exact number of items, its powers and secrets are
which may be lost. left for speculation. A few rumors became more fam-
ous among scholars seeking them. If these are fact or
After Teodoro’s Final Death, his relics all but disap- fabrication is unclear, but it is certainly intriguing
peared. Those who entered the Archbishop’s haven in (and may serve the Storyteller as plot devices, rewards,
the past reported well over dozens of strange objects. or inspiration for their own relic creations).
It also included memoirs and letters (from himself and
from Angela as well) – documents that could shed Nuestra Señora Dolorosa
some light on the last thoughts of the fallen Archbi- A religious icon collected by Colombian mercena-
ries, resembling a female saint. A cainite may confess
Theories ran wild, from Camarilla looters to Black their sins in front of the statuette in attempts to
Hand agents. Whatever the case was, Teodoro’s se- cleanse their soul of supernatural influence. The vam-
crets were doomed to remain unknown… Or so it pire offers the icon 4 blood points and enter a deep
seemed. trance experiencing strange visions (heavenly in some
accounts, hellish in others). Each turn in such a trance
Scavenger’s Hunt requires the kindred to resist Frenzy. This ritual alle-
It was only recently that rumors about the collection gedly reduces effects of blood bonds, Dominate and
reached a wider audience of kindred. A mixed coterie even demonic influence, but rumors exist of Teodoro
of neonates reported to the Primogen about this using it to test the courage of his closest followers. The
strange statue that cried vitae. Allegedly, they found it statue is said to cry blood, supposedly when subjects of
in an abandoned building in their domain, near Man- its ritual have acted against the ritual’s conductor.
gueira’s favela. They decided to investigate after one of Stygian Candle
their own ghouls disappeared, only to be found evisce-
rated at the place in question. Apparently, it held These large candles are made from some alien, pitch
some vicious religious practices. Unfortunately, the black wax. It is part of sinister ritual: the conductor
story spread among ambitious kindred. An unknown burns the tongue in its flame (taking one unpreventa-
party destroyed the coterie, stealing their findings. The ble aggravated damage) and swallows most of the
holy (unholy?) icon is, once again, lost. smoke. Turning their back to the candle, the vampire
may talk and listen to their own shadow in front of
Nonetheless, the notion that these relics lay hidden them. The shadow may offer clever (if malicious) in-
somewhere in Rio stirs the ambition of many kindred, sights to its owner and even do their bidding. By
for a variety of reasons: spending three points of Willpower (and burning the
Politics: The items may discredit certain leaderships whole candle), the user may animate their shadow as
within Rio’s Sabbat, by offering evidence that sinister an independent entity. This effect is similar to the
forces (infernal or otherwise) taint the sect. This alone Obtenebration power Shadow Twin (V20, pg. 191).
would motivate certain elders to offer rewards for Users with no levels in Obtenebration must make a
these evidences (or to make sure they disappear). Humanity/Morality test, as the shadow subtly tries to
corrupt them during the process. Legends also speak
Devotion: Kindred know that infernalists rarely
of hungry spectres gathering to observe this ritual
work alone. Purging the city from this cultist threat is
from their dead realms.


Liber Venarum
Story Ideas
A strange book written in pitch black ink, but with
annotations made by Teodoro himself. It resembles an  A coterie investigating a lost relic got close to finding
old bible and supposedly leaves a trail of ashes where it. Too close, it seems: they vanished without a trace
it goes. More than a Sabbat has seen Teodoro studying before reaching their ultimate goal. The group was
the tome, which allegedly hides forbidden teachings of allied with the players, who decide to take on their
Necromancy. Rumor has it that it takes some mastery investigation. Alternatively, the players could acquire
of Obtenebration to advance in the tome, as the sha- this information through negotiation; or being ap-
dows themselves are involved in deciphering the proached by the elder formerly sponsoring the lost
book’s arcane sigils. coterie. Their motives may range from taking revenge
for their fallen comrades, to bargaining their findings
Shriveled Hand of the Hangman for influence, or even keeping the supposed power of
This mummified hand is rumored to connect with the item for themselves.
the realms of the dead. The name of a recently de-  The players are a group of Sabbat fanatics, devoted
ceased must be written in its palm, then trespassed by to uncover the truth about the Archbishop’s back-
a rusty knife tipped in vitae. The fingers magically grounds. Navigate Rio’s political scenario may be
stretch open, sometimes in spasms of pain. This ritual tricky to such loyalists, however. They must find bal-
damages the layer separating our world from the land ance between their convictions and the need for dip-
of the dead in the immediate area. Necromancy pow- lomacy, by the Pact’s rules. Players may portray fresh
ers have -2 difficulty, and ghosts find easier to manif- recruits of the Inquisition, the Black Hand or even
est in the region. The ritual is cancelled upon remov- Gratiano himself. These parties may also offer a rival
ing the blade from the severed hand. It is said that group for the players to dispute with, becoming a
angry spirits tried to do it themselves once, almost bloody race against each other.
taking the hand to the confines of their dead dimen-  One of the relics has been split to pieces – and the
sion, forever. players have only one of them. It may be pages of a
secret diary, some ancient gadget’s parts, fingers of a


mummified hand, jewels of a chalice. The players
must interact with multiple groups and figures of the
city in order to finish their puzzle and unlock its un-
holy prize. This game could break into short stories:
an elder may offer their piece if the players do them a
favor; another piece needs to be taken from the dead
cold hands of a rival group; yet another requires
breaking-and-entering some secure haven; or merely,
force players to interact with members of a distinct
sect. Whatever they do, once the relic is complete it is
up to them and the Storyteller.
 Storytellers may want to decide beforehand the real
source of evil surrounding Teodoro. This is an oppor-
tunity to introduce themes such as Infernalism, Abyss
Mysticism or elaborated forms of Blood Magic, at the
Storyteller’s discretion. After all, was Teodoro a pup-
pet all along? Was his plan just too morbid to involve
his own destruction? That’s for the Storyteller to know
(and properly set up), and for the players to discover –
preferably, in a pretty tragic fashion.

Other Plots
Many other plot hooks spread through this book
wait to become chronicles as well. The apparent mur-
der of Angela. The interests of Gratiano beyond Teo-
doro’s legacy. Rumors regarding Black Hand agents.
Werewolves prowling the outskirts of the city. Secret
tomes at the Federal University. These and other pos-
sibilities are there for Storytellers to fill in the blanks
and bring it as an interesting story for their players.
That said, this is probably not the last supplement
about the secret chronicles of Rio de Janeiro by Night.
Until then, however, make sure you drop a review at
the Storytellers Vault about this work, with your criti-
ques and opinions. See you on the Vault.



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