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Republic of the Philippines


Puerto Princesa City

Taytay Campus

First Quarter Examination

CORESUB-PD: Personal Development

Test I: Multiple Choice (1 point each)

Direction : Shade the letter that corresponds to your answer on the answer sheet given.
1. Philosophy comes from the greek word sophia which means ______________?
a. Love b. Wisdom c. Wise d. Wonder
2.Growth: Quantity, ____________: Quality
a. Personality b.Personal c. Development d. Learning
3. He proposed the Hierarchy of needs.
a.Abraham Maslow c.Erik Erikson
b. Sigmund Freud d. Carl Rogers
4. The following are example of covert behavior, EXCEPT?
a. Feeling b. Gestures c. Emotion d. Thinking
5. Which of the following example shows the concept of growth?
a. Maturity in reasoning skills
b. Ability to make just decisions
c. Progressive qualitative change
d. Weight gain after childhood stage
6. He first studied the role of conditioning to dogs, which gave way to Behaviorism perspective
a. Sigmund Freud b.Ivan Pavlov c. Wilhelm Wundt d. Carl Jung
7. Pre-Socratic Philosophers are called __________________.
a. Agora b.Persona c. Sophos d.Socrates
8. He proposed the 3 components of Soul
a.Socrates b. Plato c. Descartes d.Anaximenes
9. Increase in size and weight are example of_________________?
a. Physical Changes c. Growth
b. Mental Changes d. Development
10. The following are example of physiological needs, EXCEPT?
a. Food b. Warmth c.Love d. Water
11. This soul is govern by reason and intellect
a.Rational b.Appetitive c.Moral d.Spiritual
12. “an unexamined life is not worth living”
a. Socrates b. Gandhi c. Plato d. Aquinas
13. He is known as the father of modern Philosophy
a.Socrates b. Rene Descartes c. Immanuel Kant d.Plato
14. Which of the following phrases came from Socrates?
a. “ I think, therefore I am”
b. “ there is no self”
c. “ Know Thyself”
d. “ Self is not an entity one can locate”
15. Which of the following is the focus of appetitive soul according to Plato?
a. Reason b. Intellect c. Emotion d. Desire

1st Semester, AY 2019 – 2020 Page 1 of 3

CORESUB-PD: Personal Development 1st Quarter Examination
Test II. Matching Type (2 points each)
Direction: Match Column A to Colum B. Write Test II at the back of your answer sheet and write the
Capital letter of your answer from items 16-25.
Column A Column B
______16. Self-Image a. The thing that thinks (mind)

______17. Plato b. product of maturation and learning

______18. St. Augustine c. Socrates
______19. Anaximander d. heaven
______20. Intelligible realm e. “body is inferior to the soul”
______21. Cogito f. Actual Self
______22. Awareness of self g. Self-Concept
______23. Matter h. “I think therefore, I am”
______24. Development i. Anything in the world can be counted
______25. Descartes j. Universe is a boundless something
k. hyle; common stuff in the universe
l. 3 components of soul
Test III. Fill in the Blanks (2 points each)
Direction: Supply the missing word from the table below. Write Test III at the back of your answer sheet
and write your answer for items 26-35.
Schools of Thought Proponent/s Assumptions
Psychodynamics 26. 29.
Humanism/Humanistic 30. 32.
Perspective 31. 33.
34. 35. The role of reward and
A ______________36. State University that provides excellent and relevant Higher Education for
The Palawan State University is committed to __________________38. The _____________39. of life of the people
by providing _____________40. education ____________41. through excellent _________42. Research, ___________,43.
production services and ___________44. collaboration and _______________45

Test IV. Modified True or False (2points each)

Direction: Write the word Happy if the statement is correct or change the underlined word if the
statement is false.
46. Physiological Needs is the highest needs according to Maslow
47. Growth refers to qualitative changes
48. Rewards and Punishment was proposed by Ivan Pavlov
49. Behaviorism focuses on human capacity to change and the so called free will .
50. Growth is a subcategory/ part of development
51. The need for self-esteem means having food.
52. Psychodynamics focuses on covert behavior; childhood experiences
53.Positivism aims on knowing how to attain happiness in life
54. Esteem Needs is the second need according to Maslow
55.Rational soul deals with reason and intellect
56. Thales states that everything in the world can be counted or represented by number.
57.Plato is one of the brilliant student of Socrates.
58. Soul according to Socrates are perfect and permanent.
59. Heredity and innate physical characteristics are concern of the argument nature.

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60. Belief about fate and luck is a concern of the argument free will.

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