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How to Master Telemarketing?


Introduction-Telemarketing 03

Categories of Telemarketing 03

Services Offered in Telemarketing 04

Focus on Sales Pitch in Tele Calling to Collect Maximum Leads 04

What is Sales Pitch?

Why Do You Need a Sales Pitch?

How to Create a Winning Sales Pitch? 05

How to Become Successful Telemarketer? 06

What Qualities a Telemarketer Should Develop

to Become Successful Telemarketer?

How to Win B2B Lead Generation Game? 08

Successful Hacks for Telemarketing Lead Generation 10

How to Select Right B2B Telemarketing Vendor? 11

Future of Telemarketing Industry 13

Regulation – GDPR and CCPA 15

Contact 17

What is telemarketing?
Telemarketing, also called as inside sales, is a modus operandi of direct marketing. In this
method a sales person in which a salesperson solicits prospective customers to purchase
products or services. This is done over the phone or through web conferencing appointment
planned and scheduled during the call. Telemarketing can also comprise of recorded sales
pitches to be played over the phone via automatic dialing.

Definition (Source: Wikipedia)

Telemarketing is defined as contacting, qualifying, and canvassing prospective customers
using telecommunications devices such as telephone, fax, and internet. It does not include
direct mail marketing.


The telemarketing industry is broadly classified into Business to Business (B2B) and
Business to Consumer(B2C)

Subcategories Of Telemarketing:

Lead Generations Collection of contacts and gathering related information.

Persuasion to sell a services or product

Sales Proactive Marketing, prospects or customers are directly


Outbound Receiving incoming orders or requests for information.

Demand generated by Advertising, marketing and

outside salespeople efforts.

The telemarketing is the most thriving and powerful sector in the market and business area
today. It is the deep rooted and most effective way of generating leads. The transformation
seen in this industry is due to the great evolution of telemarketing services. Below listed are
the most impactful and majorly used telemarketing services:
• Cold Calling : This is a rooted and the very first process of every telemarketing business.
This is a solicitation act of convincing the potential customer to purchase the services or

• Appointment Generation Services: This service arranges a face to face or telephonic

appointment with prospect for the sales. This builds trust and creates an impression of
well-organized firm.

• Surveys: Information collection is the primary point of telemarketing. This information can
be analyzed and used by the specific targeted market for research purpose.

• Customer Services: The primary point of the customer service is to resolve the customer’s
issue regarding the product and service in a very timely and efficient manner.



4.1. What is sales pitch?

According to Wikipedia definition of Sales Pitch is – In selling technique, a sales presentation
or sales pitch is a line of talk that attempts to persuade someone or something, with a
planned sales presentation strategy of a product or service designed to initiate and close a
sale of the product or service.
A sales pitch is essentially designed to be either an introduction of a product or service to an
audience who knows nothing about it, or a descriptive expansion of a product or service
that an audience has already expressed interest in. Sales professionals prepare and give a
sales pitch, which can be either formal or informal, and might be delivered in any number of

4.2. Why do you need a sales pitch in the first place?

• Sales Pitch helps in designing the flow of the conversation with your prospects. (A word of
caution – It should be used as a guide and not verbatim.)
• It helps to avoid using wrong examples, unrelated stories and jargons which might add to
losing a sale.
• With a well thought Sales pitch you won’t miss out on important information or notice.

There are seven important factors while creating a successful Sales pitch. These factors if
implemented or adopted correctly will deliver the desired results. Take a look at the below
vital points to get success in calling.

While conversing always be Precise Never stray from your topic
and to the point
Never talk bad about your
Talk about – How your products and competitors
services will add values to their
business. Try not to sound like a robot. Try to
initiate a good ‘conversation’
First Listen and then respond

5.1. Be short, precise and to the point

Whenever you start with a sales pitch know that your introduction should not be more than
2 minutes. A lengthier introduction will create a perception in prospects eyes that you are
more about me, my company and my product. Instead, the conversation should be more
about the prospect, their needs and pain points your product/solution can solve.
For Instance, Introduction of OnlyB2B -:
Only B2B’s premium demand generation campaigns proliferate growth, awareness, boost
sales pipelines and accelerate deal progressions for Technology companies.

5.2. Be sincere
Sincerity is something that can be gauged in your voice. When you sound like someone who
is trying to push the sale, chances are you will lose the prospect for ever. It is very important
to be honest about the values your product has to offer and the problem it solves for the
customer. Forceful selling or confusing the customer will lead to dissatisfaction and
impairment beyond control.

5.3. Talk about benefits and business value your product/solution has to offer
On average a prospect receives 7-12 sales calls in a day. When someone is swamped by so
many sales calls, it is obvious that they won’t entertain every sales call and salesperson.
To get your prospects attention it is important you inform them of values your solution has
to offer early on the call. If the prospect can resonate with your product as a solution to their
problem, you WIN. Most prospects will stick around and listen to what you have to offer;
others might ask to schedule a call at a convenient time.
5.4. Talk less and listen more
Many Salespeople are trained to talk more about their companies, product benefits, owners,
awards, etc. giving less time for your prospect to tell their stories. This is one reason why most
sales people get early hang ups and uninterested prospects.
When you listen, you learn more about your prospects and their needs. This helps in
presenting the right solution and information that your prospect is interested in. Good
Listening is also the most important skill great leaders possess. Moreover, when you listen to
your prospects carefully and attentively, they feel they are heard and you care about what
they have to say. This indeed is the start of building great rapport and relationships with your
future customers.

5.5. Story Telling

Human mind is programmed to connect with past experiences and make decisions.
Storytelling can help trigger that past experience & imagination of your prospect. It also
helps in building rapport with your prospect and makes the conversation memorable.
Storytelling succors to provide context to the facts you provide in your sales pitch.

5.6. Never talk bad about your competitors

It’s always a good idea to talk about your competitors and compare product benefits while
on a sales call. But sometimes sales reps go far and start talking negatively about the
competitors and their products. https:/ saleshackerThis
hips makes you appear unprofessional in front of
prospective customers, but you also look weak. Instead, the Sales rep should focus on their
product benefits and problems it can solve for the prospective client.


Telemarketing is all about

creating new opportunities for
your business. It can be used for
market research or simply to
collect accurate information for
deploying other marketing
tactics. Considering it involves
talking to different types of
people at various levels, it is
important to have telemarketers
with certain specific traits. If you
already have a team, you can
train them to develop these
traits with constant training and
quality control.
6.1 What are the qualities a telemarketer should develop to become successful
6.1.1. Follow-ups and taking actions quickly
Did you know that 80% of the sales requires at least 5 follow-ups? But, 44% of salespeople give
up after that first attempt. A lead generation specialist always follows up with the lead after
suitable intervals and does not use the same script (but, notes from the previous
conversation). This makes the communication personal and shows you are sincere in your
efforts. This gets me to the next point – A good telemarketer is the one who will send the
marketing material to the lead as promised. Ideally, send it right there and then; and never
leave it longer than the end of that day. What happens when you leave it more than that?
The lead may forget the communication with you or start thinking of your words as a bunch
of hollow promises. In such a scenario, not only are they are unlikely to buy your products or
services in the future but it may also hurt the reputation of the company you work for.

6.1.2. Have a sales script ready

A successful marketer never sits on a call without a sales script to guide him through the
conversation. Noticed that I said ‘Conversation’. As a telemarketer, you are supposed to
make conversations with the lead and ease them into giving you the required information. If
you stick to the sales script heavily, you may come across as stubborn and the lead will
never be interested in talking to you further.

6.1.3. Knowing the background and personalizing the conversation

The one BIG difference between a successful telemarketer and other telemarketers is the
knowledge of prospects and ability to use that information to personalize the call. A quick
look at the company website to understand their values, goals, and services can go a long
way in showcasing yourself as a sincere telemarketer. Alongside the script, keep notes
about the company you are calling and you will notice a difference.

6.1.4. Not too impulsive or temperamental

If you are a telemarketer, you know sometimes people (prospect) on the call can be rude.
But, the key to being a successful marketer, is to keep yourself calm and not get upset over
anything. You can politely keep your points, and if the prospect seems disinterested, then let
it go. Thank the person for taking the time to talk to you and try again some other day. Not
only do successful telemarketers have a lot of persistence, but they also have lots of

6.1.5. Making a conversation

Companies often put receptionists or secretaries to put off such calls for later. They are also
taught NOT to give away the information over the phone. A smart telemarketer strategizes
to approach such businesses and comes up with innovative ideas constantly –
He/she knows that calling the business before the working hours or after the working hours
is the best time to get hold of the manager or c-suite.
He/she tries other ways to talk to someone who can indeed share the information. For
example, customer care or helpdesk.
To pull this off successfully, it is important that you are a conversation maker (without
sounding too robotic or salesy). Which gets to one more point – The person on the other
side of the call may have questions for you (the answers to which are not in the script). You
should be prepared to talk, resolve issues, answer questions or address concerns they have.
Meaning, you need to have knowledge about the company you work for and their
products/services in detail.

6.1.6. Talk slowly and clearly

As a newbie telemarketer, you may be a little nervous, while cold calling prospects.
Unfortunately, we end up talking fast an unclear on such calls and the person on the other
side does not understand a thing. So, take a sip of water and be mindful of your speed. If you
talk slowly and clearly, you come across as sincerer and that works well in conducting
The above mentioned are the 6 qualities a tele caller should possess in order to become
successful in his telemarketing career.



7.1. Research:
Picking up the phone and ringing 100 numbers a day doesn’t sound like a big deal. It isn’t
actually! With new emerging technologies and CRMs, agents can make 500-600 calls
without breaking their backs.
However, this approach won’t yield results that tele agents or their managers are looking for.
To get the best results of their efforts a B2B telesales agent has to be good at doing research
on the companies and prospects they are calling.
Research might include what companies do, their products and services, decision makers
within the company, competitions they might be working with, your prospect’s previous job
roles, school and college they might have attended. Any or all of these information on your
prospect and their company will give you an upper hand than your sales counterparts.

7.2. Timing:
Many researches have been conducted to find out the best days of the week and time to
call prospects. Almost all research suggests Tuesday and Thursday to be great days to
make prospecting calls and morning 8-10 am and afternoon 2-4 pm are the best times to
get hold of the prospects. This information certainly helps callers to increase their
connections percentage and convert connections into leads. Mondays and Fridays are
considered to be least favored days to make telesales calls.
A little more information on countries that you call, will also add an advantage to your
telemarketing efforts. For example, knowing which state/city falls under which time zones.
Calling the right person at the right time will certainly make you look lucky.

7.3. Database:
A good and clean database is the heart of telemarketing. Without a database, it’s like having
a gun without bullets. You can’t shoot! For the Sales reps to outperform it’s important they
have a good set of databases with phone numbers handy. Databases with direct phone
numbers can improve reps productivity by upto 30%. It also improves the overall connect
percentage by 400%. But most importantly a clean and updated database helps save a lot
of time and money that sales reps invest in finding or updating existing databases.

7.4. Communication:
Communication is the key to engaging prospects and converting them into paying
customers. We need to understand that people buy from people and not companies.
A sales rep with good vocabulary and clear communication can attract more prospects
and build relationships. But most of all, communication with sincerity helps achieve more. It
doesn’t end here. A good communicator also needs to be a good listener.
Listening to prospects and responding with relevant information and solutions creates trust
with your prospects, which turns into win deals. Good communication also helps sales reps
to ask better questions and handle objections from prospects. So good communication is
the number one skill that Sales reps should work on.

7.5. Product/Service Knowledge:

It is a no brainer that you can’t sell something that you don’t know enough about or are not
confident of. A lot of Sales reps lose interested prospects just because they don’t have
enough knowledge/information on the product they pitch. Hence, mastering this skill is
highly important for Sales rep.
Sales rep needs to know about the features, advantages and benefits of the product and
how they can solve pressing issues their prospects face in day to day life. It is also imperative
that Sales reps know how their product is different or better than their competitors.
The Sales rep with good information about the product can sell 5 times more than their
counterparts. Sales reps with good product knowledge sounds more prepared and
confident as compared to someone with half or no knowledge about the product. Last but
not least, continuously reviewing your performance and finding out things that work and
don’t work is important for growth and learning. So keep reviewing what’s working for you
and throw what’s not out of the window.



A great strategy and Selecting the Right B2B Telemarketing Vendor is crucial to succeeding
in your telemarketing campaign. Without one, even the best campaigns can fail.

8.1. An updated database

Yes, a list is important. But an updated list helps you target your client/audience better. It also
ensures you focus on the quality and don’t waste your time and resources in contacting
people that will no longer be useful to you. An adequate and accurate list increases your
chances of success. Telemarketing agencies claim to roughly make 300-500 calls in a day.
Even if your list is updated not all your ‘contact people’ will be on their desk to answer your
call. The conversion percentage is somewhere between 5%-10%. Making an abundance of
calls in a day increases your chances for higher conversions and sales.

8.2. Create a stellar script

A compelling opening is inviting. It’s important to build a rapport with your prospect. When it
comes to following your script- be more natural and less rigid. When conversing with
prospects ensure it’s a two-way conversation. Nobody likes being interrogated. A prospect
who engages with you is likely to give their nod of approval for receiving a mail or a demo.
8.3. Always ask for feedback from your sales team
Do not just funnel leads to your sales teams. Make it a two-way pipeline, by regularly asking
them which kinds of leads are receiving the best results. Your in-house sales team can tell
you which leads are genuinely interested to do business. And the assigned outside sales
force will tell you loud and clear when they need more or better leads. Engage them for
more details. The better you understand their needs, the better you can generate leads.

8.4. Always follow-up to nurture

You must follow up in a way that conveys promptness and relevancy toward your
prospect’s needs. Keep in mind when you follow up that you also need to ensure you do so
in the manner requested. If they decline a follow-up phone call but ask you to email them
then make certain you do so. Tele prospecting is a much more rewarding way to reach out
and initiate contact with potential prospects/ clients. By originating an engaging and
meaningful conversation, you are also building the bridge to a much longer relationship. In
sales, always think about building a bridge and taking another step toward a
client/customer relationship.



One of the chief reasons businesses fail to get the most from outsourced telemarketing is
because they are not clear about what they want from the offset. There are abundant
telemarketing companies but not all of them will be right for your business goals

The First step is to identify the services your business will need. Here’s a list of B2B
Telemarketing Services:

• Account Based Telemarketing

• Appointment Generation
• Content Opt in Telemarketing
• Confirmed Call Back Telemarketing Leads
• Lead Generation, Branding, Building/Adding Subscribers
• BANT Leads
• Highly Qualified Leads
• Customer Service

Once you decide what services your company needs, you then need to research potential
telemarketing agencies that suit your needs the best.
Key categories to evaluate when hiring a telemarketing partner.
9.1. Skillset:
A great advantage of outsourcing telemarketing is access to a qualified workforce on a
budget. Services like inbound marketing, outbound marketing, B2B, B2C, event promotion or
content marketing, demand a specific set of skills. Once the skill set is identified, make sure
you evaluate potential telemarketing firms.
You may also want to give equal attention to language the workforce specializes in. Is the
mode of communication in sync with the target audience where you plan on outsourcing
your telemarketing needs? Fluent language is what connects you to your customers/clients
and ensures smooth delivery of the message.
For example, if your target audience is in Europe, ensure the workforce is fluent in English.
French and German language can be considered a bonus.

9.2. State Of-The-Art-Technology

Another significant factor is the technology the telemarketing services vendor is employing,
including their ability to evolve and customize the technology to meet your needs. Is the
outsourced telemarketing company armed with all the necessary software?

9.3. Budget
Straight up, budget is an essential factor before locking up any deal. There are various
pricing models in B2B telemarketing.
ningpartnerships pricing structures may produce different
results. The trick is to select an agency that fits well in your budget and ensures you get great
returns on your investment. At OnlyB2B, the pricing model is structured in such a way where
clients/customers only pay for the qualified leads and not for the efforts. This ensures you
are vesting a budget aside for approved & quality leads that are likely to bring you sales and
conversions, no fluff!

9.4. Experience
Having relevant sector experience is vital to the success of a targeted telemarketing
campaign as the company has previously worked with other clients within your industry. The
more knowledge that they have of your sector, higher the probability of sending results your
way. Websites are the best places to discover a companies’ work. Before deciding on a
company, you must first go through their portfolio, recent case studies, and testimonials.
Also, reading reviews about the company online to see what the other people have to say
about the vendor is also helpful. Be sure to check that the company is a member of any
relevant professional bodies. In the United Kingdom, membership of the Direct Marketing
Association (DMA) is a testament to the standing of telemarketing companies and
showcases their standing within the industry.

9.5. Discuss Reporting And Feedback

After assessing the workforce, experience and budget, discuss their method of reporting. As
a paying client with a vested interest, you should be kept up-to-date at each pivotal stage
of your campaign and you should expect a formal reporting process that will monitor the
number of calls made and the response rate. The right company will agree to supply both
quantitative and qualitative feedback that gives you meaningful insight into how the
campaign has been received. Taking the time to assess all the above parameters can set
you up for a productive long-term relationship with a telemarketing firm.

10.1. Artificial Intelligence

As we know, telemarketers strive for nurturing the prospects for products and services. Also,
the way of business is changing, so are the methods the prospects want to associate with

Many telemarketing firms are thinking upon the incorporation of speech recognition
technology to cold call customers. If we specifically talk about china, the bots are already
chasing the leads. The huge business of telemarketers using AI is based in China.

Since the inception, the AI bots are capable to manage the responses for individual
prospects. AI automates many tiresome tasks. It can collate and customize sales facts and
figures based on a prospect’s interests and needs, acknowledge to basic email requests
and schedule and plan phone calls. Even if, the prospects are unsatisfied or want more
clarity over the issues, then they are connected to the marketer of specific domain

AI, helps to streamline the business operations and encourages the engagement. AI based
applications also help to create a blueprint of the next steps to be taken in business.
10.2. Power Of Analytics In Telemarketing
As the world of telemarketing consist of calls, data, figures, and statistics. This means, it has
to deal with a lot of data but, if you can’t analyze the data, it is of no use. Use the power of
analytics to predict the behavior of the prospect.

Hence, telemarketing companies are utilizing strong analytics tools in order to receive
meaningful cognizance from the metrics. There are different types of analytics, proficient
and adept persons in the related field are stating:

• Descriptive Analytics – What happened

• Predictive Analytics – What will happen
• Prescriptive Analytics – What are the measures to be taken

The above analysis is done if you map your data correctly. This will help marketers evaluate
and predict the next step.

10.3. Omni Channel Experience In Telemarketing

As the prospects and marketers both are developing savvy, it is the need for an hour to
remove the confinements. Prospects now a days expect multiple touchpoints to get the
preferred brand. Structure the multiple communication channels, is the necessity for today’s
telemarketing field. The prospects are expecting more as the marketing is the field
leveraging with the help of technology.

This will not only provide prospects with an amazing experience, but also helps
telemarketers track their behavior so as to take the further action. These insights allow
telemarketers to improve their services to their prospects’ wants and needs, and this will
generate a riveting experience and builds the trust towards their company.

10.4. Adoption Of Cloud Technology In Telemarketing

The Coronavirus wave is changing the protocols and way of work telemarketers were
confined to. There were many businesses who incorporated the cloud technology before
COVID outbreak, but during this pandemic it has become a point of thinking. Still many are
reluctant to infuse or integrate cloud technology due to the data sensitivity and
confidentiality issues.

However, many firms are getting bolder to adopt new technology as this is the need for
today’s situation. They abandoned the run-of-the-mill methods and process of
telemarketing and are incorporating the cloud based platforms allowing agents to
communicate with their prospects. This not only lessens cost of in-house agents but also
reduces the infrastructure expenditures.

OnlyB2B adhere to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) guidelines.

According to Hubspot survey, just 36% of marketers have heard of GDPR, while 15% of
companies have done nothing, and are at risk of non-compliance. Do you know that the
potential fine for non-compliance can go upto‚ 20 million or 4% of their global annual
revenue (whichever is greater)

For more details Check this Link

ht ps:/ el=Wal Stre tJournal

The European Parliament adopted the GDPR in April 2016, replacing an outdated data
protection directive from 1995. GDPR is a regulation that demands businesses to protect and
shield the personal data and privacy of EU citizens. It is a regulatory protocol for businesses
to handle the transactions that takes place within EU member states.

GDPR exists to protect the personal data or information of the public. Europe is very stringent
and inflexible when it comes to the companies using personal data of the citizens.


The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is a state regulation intended to magnify
privacy rights and consumer protection for citizens of California, United States. The CCPA
was signed by Governor of California, Mr. Jerry Brown on June 28, 2018 and became active on
January 1, 2020.

The intentions of the Act are to provide California residents with the right to: (source- Wiki)
• Know what personal data is being collected about them.
• Know whether their personal data is sold or disclosed and to whom.
• Say no to the sale of personal data.
• Access their personal data.
• Request a business to delete
gpartnerships information about a consumer collected
from that consumer.
• Not be discriminated against for exercising their privacy rights.

On a Final Note
Telemarketing is the evergreen way to generate leads. years by years, telemarketing
industry is growing rapidly as the technology unfolds many ways to approach prospects.
Telemarketing expands sales territory, as it provides broader reach to the contact and
influence. One of the biggest trump card of telemarketing industry is that it is very much cost
effective and efficient.

In this EBook we have exposed a complete guide on telemarketing. Hope you enjoyed
learning about telemarketing and got much explore to this industry.
Thank you for being such a wonderful and consistent reader!
XII. Contact Us

Only B2B ITeS Pvt Ltd

INDIA Address :
3rd Floor, 301 B, Bldg - Alpha 2, Giga
Space, S No 198/1B, Viman Nagar, Pune,
Maharashtra - 411014

+91-7028141730 | +91-7028141720

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