Resume Webinar LPJK Nasional (K3 Konstruksi)

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Nama : Valentina Ayuwandy

NIM : 051001600116

Tugas : Resume Webinar LPJK Nasional

Teknologi Konstruksi

K3 Konstruksi

Pembicara : Ir. Bimo Prasetyo, MM.

Dampak Kecelakaan Kerja :

1. Korban jiwa baik SDM perusahaan/masyarakat

2. Jatuhnya citra perusahaan
3. Penurunan produktivitas dan laba
4. Peningkatan absen dan turnover pegawai
5. Punishment (mutase, pemotongan gaji, pemecatan)

Safety Philosopohy :

- All incidents are preventable

- Safety management start with management
- Safety is a condition of employement
- Recognizing that there will always be threats to safety
- It is possible to safeguard all operating exposures that may result in injuries
- Safety is everyone’s responsibility
- Safety as a way of life for 24 hours/day
- Legal obligation will be the minimum requirements for our health and safety standards


WIKA HSE Management System

Leadership : - Planning

- Support & Operation

- Performance Evaluation
- Improvement
HSE Planning

a. Perolehan kontral
- Tender
- Perolehan Subkon
- Mandor
b. Pelaksanaan
- SHE Plan
- Stakeholder

HSE Programs :

 Komunikasi
- Safety induction
- Safety morning talk
- Toolbox meeting
 Inspeksi
- Damkar
- Kelistrikan
- Pesawat angkat angkut
 Simulasi Keadaan Darurat
- Tenggelam
- Kebakaran
- Bekerja di ketinggian
 Training dan Pengembangan Kompetensi
 5R
- Rapi
- Resik
- Rawat
- Rajin
- Ringkas
Pencegahan Covid-19

Pencegahan Covid-19 di proyek :

- Rapid test pekerja

- Pemasangan banner
- Disinfektan material yang datang
- Pembatasan tempat tidur di barak dengan physical distancing
- Penyediaan kamar isolasi/karantina

Pencegahan Covid-19 di Pabrik :

- Physical distancing saat makan

- Physical distancing saat ibadah
- Pengecekan suhu
- Himbauan
- Protokol Kesehatan lainnya
- Pemberian vitamin
- Sosialisasi dan edukasi COVID-19
- Penyemprotan disinfektan

Transformasi Digital dalam K3 Konstruksi

- QHSE Patrol Online

- Laporan & Inspeksi Online
- Audit Online

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