Q1 - Answer The Following (Not More Than Two Sentences) (20 Marks)

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Q1 - Answer the following (not more than two sentences) (20 Marks)

1 5
Define 'Pacta Sunt Servanda'.
Define International law 5
What is Jus Cogens? 4
What is constitutive theory of recognition of States? / What is recognition of 4
states? /Give two Theories of Recognition of States.
What do you understand by the term Right to Development? 4
What treaty contract? / Define Treaty/What do you understand Bilateral TreatY 3
7 3
Rebus sic stantibus
What is non-use of force? 3
9 3
What is UNCLOS?
What is UNESCO? What are the two important features of UNESCO ? Where is 3
the permanent headquarters of UNESCO ?
Write two important functions of National Commission for women. / In India 2
National Commission for Woman is established under which statute
Two objectives of WHO 2
What is magna carta? 2
Write two issues of the Lotus case 2
What is Innocent Passage? 2
16 2
Name the four criteria of Statehood / What are the attributes of a state ?
17 2
What is continental Shelf ?
What is Ozone Depletion? 2
What is asylum? What is Asylum in International Law? 2
Define Arbitration. 2
Write two important features of Amnesty International 2
What is ICCPR and ICESCR/ Two rights concerning family guaranteed under 2
Write any two functions/objects of National Commission for children 2
What are ‘Land Locked’ States ? 2
25 2
State any two rights of aliens. Give any two rights that are not available to
Aliens in India.
26 1
Who according to the ICJ can interpret the provisions of the UN charter?
Why was John Austin the foremost critic of International law? 1
Explain the purpose of United Nations. 1

Q1 - Answer the following (not more than two sentences) (20 Marks)
29 1
What is CEDAW?
30 1
State the right to encounter ships without nationality.
What are the kind of Human Rights? 1
State the purpose of UNHCR 1
On whose recommendations, the President of India appoints the Chairperson 1
of the NHRC?
34 1
What is opinion Juris?
35 1
What is stare decisis?
Two rights of prisoners at the time of arrest 1
What is Monistic Theory? 1
Write two important functions of National Human Rights Commission. 1
Give two directive principles safeguarding the rights of women as laid down in 1
the Constitution.

Page 1 of 33
Write two important functions of UNICEF. 1
41 1
Give two differences between de-facto and de jure recognition
Explain the principle of "Equal Pay for Equal Work" enshrined in the Constitution 1
of India.
Give two directive principle safeguarding the rights of workers. 1
44 1
What do you understand by the term VETO POWER of the permanent members
of the security council ?
45 1
What is territorial sea?
International custom 1
What do you understand by the term Convention? 1
48 1
What is UNDP and UNEP?
Write any two qualifications of the Chairperson of the National Human Rights 1
What is 'right to education' guaranteed under Article 21 A of the Constitution 1
of India?
51 1
What was the main object of Stockholm Conference, 1972 ?
Give names of Noble Peace Prize Winners for the year 2014. 1
Give any two international regional treaties concerning protection of 1
human rights.
What is ‘State Territory’ ? 1
55 1
Give any four personal freedoms guaranteed under Article 19 of the
Constitution of India.
Q1 - Answer the following (not more than two sentences) (20 Marks)
What is the main objective of International Court of Justice? 1
What is Holy see ? 1
Write two important provisions of the Indian constitution on Rights of Children 1
59 1
Give any two legislations relating to protection of environment in India.
60 1
What do you mean by non-intervention ?
What do you mean by Agenda 21 ? 1
In which year International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was 1
adopted and when it came into force ?
63 1
Define 'child' as defined under Convention on Rights of the Child, 1989 ?
What do you understand by the term 'double jeopardy'? 1
65 1
What is Article 32 of Constitution of India ?
Q2 - Short Notes Attempt and 4 out of 6 (20 Marks)
66 5
International labour Organisation (ILO)
67 4
American convention on Human Rights
Essentials of a mediator / Mediation as method of settlement of International
Role of NGOs in the protection of Human Rights. 3
Custom as a source of International Law 3
71 3
European Convention on Human Rights
72 4
Exclusive Economic Zone / EEZ
National Commission on Minorities. 2
Rights on children under convention on Right of child 2
Corfu channel case 2
Rights of workers under Indian Constitution 2
77 2
Rights of Prisoners in India

Page 2 of 33
Composition of the International Court of Justice 1
79 1
Passage through International Straits.
KYOTO Protocol 1
National Human Rights Commission 1
83 1
Vienna Convention on Law of Treaty 1
85 1
Peaceful Settlements of Disputes
Directive Principles and Human Rights 1
Rights of Children under Indian Constitution 1
88 1
United Nations Environment Program
Amnesty International 1
Individual as a Subject of International Law 1
Right to education 1
92 1
93 1
Hot pursuit
Difference between contractual treaties and law-making treaties 1
National Commission for Scheduled Castes 1
Judicial decisions or right to privacy 1
Principle of Jus Cogens 1
98 1
International Court of Justice
99 1
Principle of Non- Intervention
Judicial Activism in environmental law 1
Plurilateral Treaties 1
International Bill Of Rights 1
Convention on Law of the Sea 1
104 1
Right to healthy environment
105 1
Universal declaration of Human Rights 1
Sovereign equality of States 1
European Court on Human Rights 1
109 1
Briefly explain any two sources of Public International Law
Explain the four mandates of the State 1
Q3 Solve any 2 out of 3 (12 Marks)
An inmate in police custody died. His family members alleged that the inmate
died due to custodial torture. The authorities are denying any kind of torture or
ill-treatment = (i) What are the rights of prisoners in India? (ii) Give any two
landmark judgments on the rights of prisoners in India (iii) Can compensation
be claimed in the cases of custodial death?
A man was detained in the local police station by the police. Later on his body
was found lying on the railway tracks. The police claim that he committed
suicide, but post- mortem report revealed that he died of internal injuries that
may have caused due to excessive beatings. = (i) Which Convention aims at 3
safeguarding the rights of prisoners? Give two case laws. (ii) What are the
guidelines given by Supreme Court in cases of custodial violence and custodial
deaths? Write the views of Supreme Court about compensation in the above

Page 3 of 33
In a central jail in India one of the prisoners wrote a letter to Hon'ble
Supreme Court about the inhuman conditions of living for the prisoners inside
the jail. = (i) Write any two rights of prisoners. (ii) Write any two landmark
cases on the rights of Prisoners.
In the State of OP in India, communal riots took place last month. Many instances
of atrocities against members of minority community were reported. Mr. Suraj
Kumar is a social activist who has decided to work for securing justice to the riot
victims. He has demanded inquiry into these cases.
(i) Which National Commission can take cognizance of Mr. Suraj Kumar's
(ii) What are the powers concerning injury of such commission?
(iii) Write constitutional provisions for protection of minorities. .
In a judgment, the Supreme Court of India reinforced the argument that all the
organs of the Government such as legislature, executive and judiciary must act
according to the constitutional mandate of equality between men and women. =
(i) Mention any two landmark judgments of the Supreme Court reinforcing the 2
right to equality for women. (ii) Mention some of the measures taken by the
Parliament to incorporate the above observation of the Supreme Court. Give the
names of few Acts on the rights of women.
The closure of many tea gardens in the state of Assam is resulting into loss of
job for the daily wage workers who worked in these tea gardens. Many laborers
and their family members are facing acute starvation many a times resulting into 2
deaths. = 1) Which rights of laborers are violated in the above case. 2) What
are your suggestions to improve the condition of laborers.
In recent times there have been ceasefire violations along the India Pakistan 2
border on many occasions resulting into loss of life of array mace and
civilians. = 1) What are the results of such ceasefire violations under
International law? 2) What are the rights of affected states in such situations?
A mail steamer collided on high seas with another ship. There were allegations
that the collision was caused due to negligence of the officer who was
commanding the steamer. As a result of the collision the ship sank and some
persons on board died. = (i) Write the name of the famous case relating to similar
circumstances. Which court gave the judgement. (ii) Explain the judgement in
short in the above case. 2
French mail steamer, Lotus collided on High Seas with Turkish ship. It was alleged
that the collision was due to the gross negligence of the officer of the watch on
board, the lotus. The result was that the Turkish boat sank and eight Turkish
national on board died. = (i) The above facts are based on which International
case ? (ii) What was held in that case ?
A mall in Kairobi, the capital of Senya, was attached by terrorists and 200
people were held hostage. Many hostages were international tourists and
100 captives were national the State of V.K. Senyan military failed to rescue the
hostages. In a covert military operation, special forces of V.K. killed the
terrorists and rescued the hostages. Senya protested and claimed that it was
violation of its territorial integrity.
I. What is State Territory? II. What is the international principle of non-
intervention? What are its exceptions? III. Did State of V.K. violated the
principle of non-intervention? Why?

Page 4 of 33
In the State of Unisia, a group of terrorists attacked a museum and held 250
people hostage. Most hostages were foreign tourist and about 100 people 2
belonged to the State of V.S. The siege continued for two days but Unisian
authorities failed to rescue the hostages. The terrorists threatened to kill all the
hostages belonging to the State of V.S. Unless the Stale of V.S. met their
certain demands. In a convert military operation, the special forces of the
State of V.S. Killed the terrorists and rescued most hostages. The State of
Unisia cried foul and claimed that conducting military operation in its territory
without its permission was violation of its "territorial intergrity and
claimed compensation from the State of V.S. for illegal intervention. = (1)
What is State territory? (2) What is international principle of non-
The owners of two separate fishing vessels sailing under the Spanish flags went
to the court claiming that their ships containing fresh catch of fish had been
captured by the United States. They claimed that they were not aware of the
existence of war and that their vessel was fishing on the coast close to Cuba. No
incriminating material like arms was found on the fishermen and they did not 1
make any attempt to run the blockade after learning of its existence nor did
they resist their arrest. = (i) Name the above mentioned case which deals
with customary laws. (ii) What was the decision made by the United States
Court in this case?
Mr. Raj was detained illegally in prison for over two years after his release
due to negligence of the jail authorities. = (i) Explain the violation of human 1
rights in the above case (ii) Identify the articles of the Indian Constitution
which has been violated in the above case.
The 1972 Stockholm conference had the effect of initiating worldwide participation
and partnership in creating the.awareness to preserve the environment from
further damage. = 1) State two major suggestions of the Stockholm
conference for improvement of Environment. 2) Write any two provisions which
were inserted in the Indian constitution as an impact of Stockholm conference.

Sarita, a middle class girl from a village got married to Mahesh who was a
class one officer in Maharashtra Public Service Commission. After her marriage
she went to stay with her husband in Mumbai. Mahesh did not take her to any of
the social gatherings and told her that lie feels ashamed of her gradually he
started abusing her verbally & physically. = i) Which Rights of Sarita are
violated in the above case? Explain.
ii) Write any two legislations which aim at upliftment of rights of women
passed by parliament.
Mr Santosh was a member of a Trade Union. Once while he was travelling he
fell down from the running train. He was admitted to the government hospital
in a serious condition. As required medical facilities were not available in the
Government hospital he was later on shifted to a private hospital. He claimed the
sum of money from the Govt, which he spent on his treatment in the private
hospital. (i) Can the claim be maintainable in Court in the above situation?
Why? (ii) Give examples of two legislations based on International Conventions
for improvement of workers condition.

Page 5 of 33
Bondana and Pacika are two neighboring states having boundary disputes.
To resolve their disputes both the countries decide to approach the International
Court of Justice. = (i) State the procedure followed by the countries to 1
approach the International Court of Justice. (ii) Write the two famous cases
decided by the International Court of Justice.
In a landmark Judgment the Supreme Court held that The National Human
Rights Commission shall act according to the directions issued by the
Supreme Court. = (i) Discuss the functions of National Human Rights
Commission. (ii) What shortcomings are there in the power granted to the
National Human Rights Commission as per The Protection of Human Rights Act,
Children below the age of 14 years should be given free and compulsory
education as per the amendment in the Constitution. The Supreme Court has
been instrumental in bringing the welcome change by way of its enthusiastic 1
judgments. = (i) Which convention deals with the issues related to children ?
(ii) Write a note on the rights of Children with the help of case laws.
Shriya Chellai is an environment activist and national of the State of Scindia. Her
organisation has conducted an environment audit of ecologically sensitive
areas in the State of Scindia. The audit report is extremely critical of the
Government of Scindia's policies on environment. Shriya has been invited to
submit her report at a prestigious international conference on environment to be
held in the State of Ukay. The Scindia Government apprehends that
submission report at the conference shall damage the prospects of
international investments in the country. Therefore, the Scindia Government issues 1
a lookout circular against Shriya Chelai to prevent her from travelling
abroad. Shriya has challenged this action by the Scindia Government in the
court of law by contending that its amounted to violation of her fundamental
rights. Scindia's Constitution is identical to the Indian Constitution. = (1) Discuss
right to freedom of movement guaranteed under the constitution of India with
special reference to provisions of ICCPR. (2) According to you, have the
fundamental rights of Shriya Chellai been violated in this case. If yes, what
131 rights? Discuss with reference to recent Delhi High Court Judgement.
In a remote District in the State of Battisgarh, a group of twenty five women
were forced by local District administration to undergo sterilisation Due to
medical negligence, fifteen woman lost their lives. A local NGO wants to
file PIL. = [i] According to you what fundamental rights have been violated 1
in this case? [ii] Under which Constitutional provisions can the NGO file
PIL? [iii] Can the Court award compensation to the families of deceased women
in PIL?
The State of Uraq annexes the neighbouring State of Suwait. The UN Security
Council passed resolution directing the State of Uraq to withdraw its forces
from the State of Suwait. When the State of Uraq refused to comply with the
resolution, the UN security Council passed further resolution calling upon all the
member states to provide support to military action against the State of 1
Uraq. = [i] Are the UN security Council Resolutions passed under the UN
charter binding on the States? [ii] Does the UN Security Council have power
to take military action against the States which do not comply with its
resolutions. [iii] Write a historical precedent governing the situation.

Page 6 of 33
Air India Authority made regulations and prescribed for different retirement
age and rules of service for male and female attendants. The petitioner Air
Hostess was terminated from her job on the ground of her first pregnancy.
The petitioner challenged this rule. = (i) Are human rights violated in the above
case? Give reasons with the help of case laws. (ii) Explain the provisions of Art 14
and Art 15 as laid down in the Constitution of India.
Aranjho was a national of the State of Synthia. The Civil war in Synthia
forced people to move to some other country. Aranjho along with his family
moved to a neighbouring country Burgus. Burgus allowed the people from 1
Synthia to stay, but declined to give them citizenship. = (i) Define
Nationality. (ii) Who are aliens ? What are the rights of aliens ?
A woman was appointed as a secretary to the Chairman of a company. The
Chairman made remarks on her dressing. While on a business meeting he also
tried to misbehave with this lady employee. = (i) What is sexual 1
harrassment ? (ii) Write important provisions relating to sexual harrasment at
Q3 Solve any 2 out of 3 (12 Marks)
As a result of the clashes between East Pakistan and West Pakistan a new state
by the name Bangladesh emerged. India became the first state to recognise 1
Bangladesh. (i) What is recognition ? (ii) What are the various modes of
recognition ? (iii) What is the effect of recognition ?
Ram and Lakshman are two brothers from a place called Sitapur. They are below
the age of 12 years. Their parents are very poor and can't meet their basic
needs. Both the brothers were sold to a man from town for Rs. 20,000 each. The
man in turn sold them to a wealthy industrialist for Rs. 50,000 each. This
industrialist employed them in his fire bricks industry. = (i) What is the
nature of crime committed in above case ? Trafficking or child labour ? Give
reason to your answer. (ii) Do children have Human Rights ? Define Human
In 1971 in the hills of Uttaranchal, a plot of forest land was allotted to a sports
company. Local villagers were denied permission to use timber to make
agricultural tools. Women, being most affected by the hardships of both the
ongoing devastation of their environment and their privatization of basic resources, 1
played a prominent and decisive role. This is often described as a 'women's
movement’ to protect the forest ecology of the Uttarakhand. (i) Give name of
the movement. (ii) Give names of two similar cases.
Q4 - Write any 4 out of 6 (48 Marks)
What is treaty? What is reservation in a treaty? Write stages of a treaty. Give 6
examples of two important treaties.
140 5
Explain Recognition and the various theories of recognition of States in
International Law. Explain the Law relating to Recognition of States in
International Law.
Peaceful settlement of disputes in International Law 5
Q4 - Write any 4 out of 6 (48 Marks)

Page 7 of 33
Explain the concept of Right to healthy environment with the help of Supreme
Court judgments. OR Explain the term Sustainable Development? Explain
various Acts which are enacted by the Central Government for the improvement
of Environment. OR Explain the principle of sustainable development and the
Polluter Pays Principle with the help of relevant International Declarations
and case law. OR Discuss the importance of various environment related
Conventions in improvement of global environmental conditions.

Define International Law? Write are sources of International Law. OR What is
international law? Compare international law with municipal law and discuss 4
if international law is a true law.
144 4
Explain the role played by Supreme Court in India for the protection of human
rights of people OR "Judiciary has always been active". Explain the concept of
judicial activism in implementation of International Conventions in India for
safeguarding human rights of citizens with the help of landmark Supreme Court
145 3
What are Human Rights? Explain the role of United Nations in preservation of
Human Rights. OR Define Human Rights. Trace the development of Human
Rights regime in modern times. OR Explain evolution of International Human
Rights Law and the role of UN in that process.
146 3
Explain the principle of Freedom of High Seas. What are the exceptions to this
What is UNCLOS? Explain the importance of UNCLOS in resolving the disputes
amongst disputing states. OR Discuss territorial water of a coastal state under 3
UNCLOS. What are the rights and duties of coastal state on territorial sea ?

148 3
"Special provisions for women in the Constitution of India aim at uplifting
women to higher position in all the dimensions of life." Illustrate with the help of
examples and landmark judgments OR Discuss with case laws Fundamental
Rights of women under Constitution of India.
Discuss rights of children in India by referring to CRC provisions, constitutional
provisions and important case law. OR Role of NGO's in Improvement of 3
conditions of Children. Elaborate with the help of case laws.
Critically examine the rights of the prisoners in India. Explain in the context of
some of the landmark cases decided by the Supreme Court. OR Elaborate the 2
rights of prisoners with the help of D.K. Basu and other Supreme Court
Q4 - Write any 4 out of 6 (48 Marks)
Explain the evolution of International Law and the role of the United Nations in 2
maintaining peace and order in the world.
Explain in detail the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its relevance in 2
the modern world.
153 2
Explain in details the functioning of the National Human Rights Commission
and discuss some of the recommendations made by the NHRC. OR Define
Human Rights under the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. Explain the
functions of NHRC.
Role of NGO in improvement of the conditions of women in India. OR Role of 2
National Commission for Women in the upliftment of rights of women in India.

Page 8 of 33
Write your views on abolishment of Capital (death) punishment? Justify your
opinion with the help of constitutional provisions, international conventions 2
and protocols and case laws.
Individuals as subjects of international law. Discuss its scope and limitation 2
with reference to provisions of UN Charter concerting rights of individuals

Explain State under the International Law. Enumerate on the different kinds 1
of State.
What are the rights of children as per the convention on Rights of Child? Discuss 1
Discuss development of law concerning prevention of sexual harassment at
workplace in India with reference to Vishakha case and subsequent 1
legislation on this subject.
Explain International Labour Organisation : Composition, role and function. 1

161 1
What is a land locked state ? Discuss the rights and duties of land locked
state and coastal state.
Write the role played by International Court of justice in world peace. Give 1
suitable examples.
Define Public International Law. Why Austin considers Public International 1
Law a weak Law ?
Explain :— = (i) Amnesty International (ii) UNICEF. 1

Page 9 of 33
Q1 - Answer the following (not more than two sentences) (20 Marks)

Define 'Pacta Sunt Servanda'.

Define International law
What is Jus Cogens?
What is constitutive theory of recognition of States? / What is recognition of states? /
Give two Theories of Recognition of States.
What do you understand by the term Right to Development?

What is a treaty contract? / Define Treaty. / What do you understand by Bilateral Treaty?

Rebus sic stantibus

What is non-use of force?
What is UNCLOS?
What is UNESCO? What are the two important features of UNESCO ? Where is the
permanent headquarters of UNESCO ?
Write two important functions of National Commission for women. / In India National
Commission for Woman is established under which statute ?
Two objectives of WHO
What is magna carta?
Write two issues of the Lotus case
What is Innocent Passage?
What is EEZ?
Name the four criteria of Statehood / What are the attributes of a state ?
What is continental Shelf ?
What is Ozone Depletion?
What is asylum? What is Asylum in International Law?
Define Arbitration.
Write two important features of Amnesty International

What is ICCPR and ICESCR? / Two rights concerning family guaranteed under ICCPR.

Write any two functions/objects of National Commission for children

What are ‘Land Locked’ States ?
State any two rights of aliens. Give any two rights that are not available to Aliens in
Who according to the ICJ can interpret the provisions of the UN charter?
Why was John Austin the foremost critic of International law?
Explain the purpose of United Nations.
Q1 - Answer the following (not more than two sentences) (20 Marks)

What is CEDAW?
State the right to encounter ships without nationality.
What are the kind of Human Rights?
State the purpose of UNHCR
On whose recommendations, the President of India appoints the Chairperson of
the NHRC?
What is opinion Juris?
What is stare decisis?
Two rights of prisoners at the time of arrest
What is Monistic Theory?
Write two important functions of National Human Rights Commission.
Give two directive principles safeguarding the rights of women as laid down in the
Write two important functions of UNICEF.
Give two differences between de-facto and de jure recognition
Explain the principle of "Equal Pay for Equal Work" enshrined in the Constitution of
Give two directive principle safeguarding the rights of workers.
What do you understand by the term VETO POWER of the permanent members of the
security council ?
What is Mediation ?
What is territorial sea?
International custom
What do you understand by the term Convention?
What is UNDP and UNEP?
Write any two qualifications of the Chairperson of the National Human Rights

What is 'right to education' guaranteed under Article 21 A of the Constitution of India?

What was the main object of Stockholm Conference, 1972 ?

Give names of Noble Peace Prize Winners for the year 2014.
Give any two international regional treaties concerning protection of human rights.
What is ‘State Territory’ ?
Give any four personal freedoms guaranteed under Article 19 of the Constitution of
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Q1 - Answer the following (not more than two sentences) (20 Marks)

What is the main objective of International Court of Justice?

What is Holy see ?
Write two important provisions of the Indian constitution on Rights of Children
Give any two legislations relating to protection of environment in India.
What do you mean by non-intervention ?
What do you mean by Agenda 21 ?
In which year International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was adopted and
when it came into force ?
Define 'child' as defined under Convention on Rights of the Child, 1989 ?
What do you understand by the term 'double jeopardy'?
What is Article 32 of Constitution of India ?

Q2 - Short Notes Attempt and 4 out of 6 (20 Marks)

International labour Organisation

American convention on Human Rights

Essentials of a mediator / Mediation as method of settlement of International Dispute

Role of NGOs in the protection of Human Rights.

Custom as a source of International Law
European Convention on Human Rights
Exclusive Economic Zone / EEZ
National Commission on Minorities.
Rights on children under convention on Right of child
Corfu channel case
Rights of workers under Indian Constitution
Rights of Prisoners in India
Composition of the International Court of Justice
Passage through International Straits.
KYOTO Protocol
National Human Rights Commission
Vienna Convention on Law of Treaty
Peaceful Settlements of Disputes
Directive Principles and Human Rights
Rights of Children under Indian Constitution
United Nations Environment Program
Amnesty International
Individual as a Subject of International Law
Right to education
Hot pursuit
Difference between contractual treaties and law-making treaties
National Commission for Scheduled Castes
Judicial decisions or right to privacy
Principle of Jus Cogens
International Court of Justice
Principle of Non- Intervention
Judicial Activism in environmental law
Plurilateral Treaties
International Bill Of Rights
Convention on Law of the Sea
Right to healthy environment
Universal declaration of Human Rights
Sovereign equality of States
European Court on Human Rights
Briefly explain any two sources of Public International Law
Explain the four mandates of the State
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Q3 Solve any 2 out of 3 (12 Marks)

An inmate in police custody died. His family members alleged that the inmate died due to custodial
torture. The authorities are denying any kind of torture or ill-treatment
(i) What are the rights of prisoners in India?
(ii) Give any two landmark judgments on the rights of prisoners in India
(iii) Can compensation be claimed in the cases of custodial death?

A man was detained in the local police station by the police. Later on his body was found lying on the
railway tracks. The police claim that he committed suicide, but post- mortem report revealed that he died
of internal injuries that may have caused due to excessive beatings.
(i) Which Convention aims at safeguarding the rights of prisoners? Give two case laws.
(ii) What are the guidelines given by Supreme Court in cases of custodial violence and custodial deaths?
Write the views of Supreme Court about compensation in the above situations.

In a central jail in India one of the prisoners wrote a letter to Hon'ble Supreme Court about the inhuman
conditions of living for the prisoners inside the jail.
(i) Write any two rights of prisoners.
(ii) Write any two landmark cases on the rights of Prisoners.
In the State of OP in India, communal riots took place last month. Many instances of atrocities against
members of minority community were reported. Mr. Suraj Kumar is a social activist who has decided to
work for securing justice to the riot victims. He has demanded inquiry into these cases.
(i) Which National Commission can take cognizance of Mr. Suraj Kumar's complaint?
(ii) What are the powers concerning injury of such commission?
(iii) Write constitutional provisions for protection of minorities. .

In a judgment, the Supreme Court of India reinforced the argument that all the organs of the Government
such as legislature, executive and judiciary must act according to the constitutional mandate of equality
between men and women.
(i) Mention any two landmark judgments of the Supreme Court reinforcing the right to equality for
(ii) Mention some of the measures taken by the Parliament to incorporate
the above observation of the Supreme Court. Give the names of few Acts on the rights of women.

The closure of many tea gardens in the state of Assam is resulting into loss of job for the daily wage
workers who worked in these tea gardens. Many laborers and their family members are facing acute
starvation many a times resulting into deaths.
1) Which rights of laborers are violated in the above case.
2) What are your suggestions to improve the condition of laborers.

In recent times there have been ceasefire violations along the India Pakistan border on many occasions
resulting into loss of life of array mace and civilians.
1) What are the results of such ceasefire violations under International law?
2) What are the rights of affected states in such situations?
A mail steamer collided on high seas with another ship. There were allegations that the collision was
caused due to negligence of the officer who was commanding the steamer. As a result of the collision the
ship sank and some persons on board died.
(i) Write the name of the famous case relating to similar circumstances. Which court gave the judgement.
(ii) Explain the judgement in short in the above case.

French mail steamer, Lotus collided on High Seas with Turkish ship. It was alleged that the collision was
due to the gross negligence of the officer of the watch on board, the lotus. The result was that the Turkish
boat sank and eight Turkish national on board died.
(i) The above facts are based on which International case ?
(ii) What was held in that case ?

A mall in Kairobi, the capital of Senya, was attached by terrorists and 200 people were held hostage.
Many hostages were international tourists and 100 captives were national the State of V.K. Senyan
military failed to rescue the hostages. In a covert military operation, special forces of V.K. killed the
terrorists and rescued the hostages. Senya protested and claimed that it was violation of its territorial
I. What is State Territory?
II. What is the international principle of non-intervention? What are its exceptions?
III. Did State of V.K. violated the principle of non-intervention? Why?

In the State of Unisia, a group of terrorists attacked a museum and held 250 people hostage. Most
hostages were foreign tourist and about 100 people belonged to the State of V.S. The siege continued for
two days but Unisian authorities failed to rescue the hostages.
The terrorists threatened to kill all the hostages belonging to the State of V.S. Unless the Stale of V.S.
met their certain demands. In a convert military operation, the special forces of the State of V.S. Killed
the terrorists and rescued most hostages. The State of Unisia cried foul and claimed that conducting
military operation in its territory without its permission was violation of its "territorial intergrity and
claimed compensation from the State of V.S. for illegal intervention.
(1) What is State territory?
(2) What is international principle of non-intervention?

The owners of two separate fishing vessels sailing under the Spanish flags went
to the court claiming that their ships containing fresh catch of fish had been captured by the United
States. They claimed that they were not aware of the existence of war and that their vessel was fishing on
the coast close to Cuba. No incriminating material like arms was found on the fishermen and they did not
make any attempt to run the blockade after learning of its existence nor did they resist their arrest.
(i) Name the above mentioned case which deals with customary laws.
(ii) What was the decision made by the United States Court in this case?

Mr. Raj was detained illegally in prison for over two years after his release due to negligence of the jail
(i) Explain the violation of human rights in the above case
(ii) Identify the articles of the Indian Constitution which has been violated in the above case.
The 1972 Stockholm conference had the effect of initiating worldwide participation and partnership in
creating the.awareness to preserve the environment from further damage.
1) State two major suggestions of the Stockholm conference for improvement of Environment.
2) Write any two provisions which were inserted in the Indian constitution as an impact
of Stockholm conference.

Sarita, a middle class girl from a village got married to Mahesh who was a class one officer in
Maharashtra Public Service Commission. After her marriage she went to stay with her husband in
Mumbai. Mahesh did not take her to any of the social gatherings and told her that lie feels ashamed of
her gradually he started abusing her verbally & physically.
i) Which fights of Sarita are violated in the above case? Explain.
ii) Write any two legislations which aim at upliftment of rights of women passed by parliament.

Mr Santosh was a member of a Trade Union. Once while he was travelling he fell down from the running
train. He was admitted to the government hospital in a serious condition. As required medical facilities
were not available in the Government hospital he was later on shifted to a private hospital. He claimed
the sum of money from the Govt, which he spent on his treatment in the private hospital.
(i) Can the claim be maintainable in Court in the above situation? Why?
(ii) Give examples of two legislations based on International Conventions for improvement of workers

Bondana and Pacika are two neighboring states having boundary disputes. To resolve their disputes both
the countries decide to approach the International Court of Justice.
(i) State the procedure followed by the countries to approach the International Court of Justice.
(ii) Write the two famous cases decided by the International Court of Justice.

In a landmark Judgment the Supreme Court held that The National Human Rights Commission shall act
according to the directions issued by the Supreme Court.
(i) Discuss the functions of National Human Rights Commission.
(ii) What shortcomings are there in the power granted to the National Human Rights Commission as per
The Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993

Children below the age of 14 years should be given free and compulsory education as per the amendment
in the Constitution. The Supreme Court has been instrumental in bringing the welcome change by way of
its enthusiastic judgments.
(i) Which convention deals with the issues related to children ?
(ii) Write a note on the rights of Children with the help of case laws.
Shriya Chellai is an environment activist and national of the State of Scindia. Her organisation has
conducted an environment audit of ecologically sensitive areas in the State of Scindia. The audit report is
extremely critical of the Government of Scindia's policies on environment. Shriya has been invited to
submit her report at a prestigious international conference on environment to be held in the State of
Ukay. The Scindia Government apprehends that submission report at the conference shall damage the
prospects of international investments in the country. Therefore, the Scindia Government issues a lookout
circular against Shriya Chelai to prevent her from travelling abroad. Shriya has challenged this action by
the Scindia Government in the court of law by contending that its amounted to violation of her
fundamental rights.
Scindia's Constitution is identical to the Indian Constitution.
(1) Discuss right to freedom of movement guaranteed under the constitution of India with special
reference to provisions of ICCPR.
(2) According to you, have the fundamental rights of Shriya Chellai been violated in this case. If yes,
what rights? Discuss with reference to recent Delhi High Court Judgement.

In a remote District in the State of Battisgarh, a group of twenty five women were forced by local District
administration to undergo sterilisation Due to medical negligence, fifteen woman lost their lives. A local
NGO wants to file PIL.
[i] According to you what fundamental rights have been violated in this case?
[ii] Under which Constitutional provisions can the NGO file PIL?
[iii] Can the Court award compensation to the families of deceased women in PIL?

The State of Uraq annexes the neighbouring State of Suwait. The UN Security Council passed resolution
directing the State of Uraq to withdraw its forces from the State of Suwait. When the State of Uraq
refused to comply with the resolution, the UN security Council passed further resolution calling upon all
the member states to provide support to military action against the State of Uraq.
[i] Are the UN security Council Resolutions passed under the UN charter binding on the States?
[ii] Does the UN Security Council have power to take military action against the States which do not
comply with its resolutions.
[iii] Write a historical precedent governing the situation.

Air India Authority made regulations and prescribed for different retirement age and rules of service for
male and female attendants. The petitioner Air Hostess was terminated from her job on the ground of her
first pregnancy. The petitioner challenged this rule.
(i) Are human rights violated in the above case? Give reasons with the help of case laws.
(ii) Explain the provisions of Art 14 and Art 15 as laid down in the Constitution of India.

Aranjho was a national of the State of Synthia. The Civil war in Synthia forced people to move to some
other country. Aranjho along with his family moved to a neighbouring country Burgus. Burgus allowed
the people from Synthia to stay, but declined to give them citizenship.
(i) Define Nationality.
(ii) Who are aliens ? What are the rights of aliens ?
A woman was appointed as a secretary to the Chairman of a company. The Chairman made remarks on
her dressing. While on a business meeting he also tried to misbehave with this lady employee.
(i) What is sexual harrassment ?
(ii) Write important provisions relating to sexual harrasment at workplace.
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Q3 Solve any 2 out of 3 (12 Marks)

As a result of the clashes between East Pakistan and West Pakistan a new state by the name Bangladesh
emerged. India became the first state to recognise Bangladesh.
(i) What is recognition ?
(ii) What are the various modes of recognition ?
(iii) What is the effect of recognition ?

Ram and Lakshman are two brothers from a place called Sitapur. They are below the age of 12 years.
Their parents are very poor and can't meet their basic needs. Both the brothers were sold to a man from
town for Rs. 20,000 each. The man in turn sold them to a wealthy industrialist for Rs. 50,000 each. This
industrialist employed them in his fire bricks industry.
(i) What is the nature of crime committed in above case ? Trafficking or child labour ? Give reason to
your answer.
(ii) Do children have Human Rights ? Define Human Rights.

In 1971 in the hills of Uttaranchal, a plot of forest land was allotted to a sports company. Local villagers
were denied permission to use timber to make agricultural tools. Women, being most affected by the
hardships of both the ongoing devastation of their environment and their privatization of basic resources,
played a prominent and decisive role. This is often described as a 'women's movement’ to protect the
forest ecology of the Uttarakhand.
(i) Give name of the movement.
(ii) Give names of two similar cases.

Q4 - Write any 4 out of 6 (48 Marks)

What is treaty? What is reservation in a treaty? Write stages of a treaty. Give examples
of two important treaties.
Explain Recognition and the various theories of recognition of States in International
Law. Explain the Law relating to Recognition of States in International Law.
Peaceful settlement of disputes in International Law

Q4 - Write any 4 out of 6 (48 Marks)

Explain the concept of Right to healthy environment with the help of Supreme Court judgments. OR
Explain the term Sustainable Development? Explain various Acts which are enacted by the Central
Government for the improvement of Environment. OR Explain the principle of sustainable development
and the Polluter Pays Principle with the help of relevant International Declarations and case law. OR
Discuss the importance of various environment related Conventions in improvement of global
environmental conditions.

Define International Law? Write are sources of International Law. OR What is international law?
Compare international law with municipal law and discuss if
international law is a true law.
Explain the role played by Supreme Court in India for the protection of human rights of people OR
"Judiciary has always been active". Explain the concept of judicial activism in implementation of
International Conventions in India for safeguarding human rights of citizens with the help of landmark
Supreme Court judgements.

What are Human Rights? Explain the role of United Nations in preservation of Human Rights. OR
Define Human Rights. Trace the development of Human Rights regime in modern times. OR Explain
evolution of International Human Rights Law and the role of UN in that process.

Explain the principle of Freedom of High Seas. What are the exceptions to this
What is UNCLOS? Explain the importance of UNCLOS in resolving the disputes amongst disputing
states. OR Discuss territorial water of a coastal state under UNCLOS. What are the rights and duties of
coastal state on territorial sea ?
"Special provisions for women in the Constitution of India aim at uplifting women to higher position in
all the dimensions of life." Illustrate with the help of examples and landmark judgments OR Discuss with
case laws Fundamental Rights of women under Constitution of India.

Discuss rights of children in India by referring to CRC provisions, constitutional provisions and
important case law. OR Role of NGO's in Improvement of conditions of
Children. Elaborate with the help of case laws.
Critically examine the rights of the prisoners in India. Explain in the context of some of
the landmark cases decided by the Supreme Court. OR Elaborate the rights of prisoners with the help of
D.K. Basu and other Supreme Court Judgements.

Q4 - Write any 4 out of 6 (48 Marks)

Explain the evolution of International Law and the role of the United Nations in
maintaining peace and order in the world.
Explain in detail the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its relevance in the
modern world.
Explain in details the functioning of the National Human Rights Commission and discuss some of the
recommendations made by the NHRC. OR Define Human Rights under the Protection of Human Rights
Act, 1993. Explain the functions of NHRC.

Role of NGO in improvement of the conditions of women in India. OR Role of National

Commission for Women in the upliftment of rights of women in India.
Write your views on abolishment of Capital (death) punishment? Justify your opinion with the help of
constitutional provisions, international conventions and protocols and case laws.

Individuals as subjects of international law. Discuss its scope and limitation with
reference to provisions of UN Charter concerting rights of individuals

Explain State under the International Law. Enumerate on the different kinds of State.

What are the rights of children as per the convention on Rights of Child? Discuss

Discuss development of law concerning prevention of sexual harassment at workplace in India with
reference to Vishakha case and subsequent legislation on this subject.
Explain International Labour Organisation : Composition, role and function.
What is a land locked state ? Discuss the rights and duties of land locked state and
coastal state.
Write the role played by International Court of justice in world peace. Give suitable
Define Public International Law. Why Austin considers Public International Law a weak
Law ?
Explain :—
(i) Amnesty International
(ii) UNICEF.
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