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1. I ______________to New York tomorrow. 21. ____________________you help me move?

2. _____________you please get me a coffee? 22. Yes, I____________________.

3._________ you answer the phone? Yes, I________. 23. We__________________________meet at 8:00 p.m.
4. Watch out for the hole! You______________fall. 24. Jane________________to Harvard next semester.
5. There are clouds. It’s____________________rain. 25. Jane_________________________be a mother soon.
6. I think Jim ____________________be back soon. 26. I_______________________________work right now.
7. Sam is____________________the doctor’s tomorrow. 27. My car broke. I______________________ fix it this
He has an appointment. afternoon.
8. Sue__________________be at the party tomorrow. 28.____________________you get me a glass of milk?
9. The phone is ringing. I____________________get it. 29. No, I_______________not get you a glass of milk.
10. I_____________________to be a lawyer one day. 30. When __________________your brother arrive?
11. Perhaps, I__________________go to Spain one day. 31. I think the next bus_____________be here soon.
12. Maybe, I__________________buy a computer soon. 32. You_______________________have many children.
13. I____________________to my brother’s house now. 33. Obamah________________be the next president.
14. Where are you going? I__________________home. 34. I _____________________be in Rome tomorrow.
15. ____________________you walk to school with me? 35. Maybe, I__________________________buy a dog.
16. Are you______________________ Paris tomorrow? 36. Mary is pregnant she________________have a
baby soon.
17. It_______________________be a few minutes before 37. I_____________________to a concert tonight. I
we arrive. have my ticket.
18. I_________________________ the office. I have lots 38. Ron is______________________ be a father soon.
of work to do.
19. I_________________________type the letter for you. 39. I___________________prepare supper soon.
20. I________________make an appointment for you. 40. _______________you go to the movies with me?
Fill in the blanks with will or going to.
1. Watch out! You’re ___________________fall. 14. What time________________________to play golf?
2. If you are having difficulty, I_________help you. 15. I_________________________at 6:00 a.m.
3. We___________________invite many people to 16. Is your husband______________________with you
our party. We have sent out the invitations. too? Yes, he is.
4. I’ve decided I_______________________Spain. 17. ________John________________at school tomorrow?
5.Did you clean your room? I forgot mom, I 18.Why are you running? Because
______________________do it now. I__________________________be late.
6. It’s hot. I___________________get you a drink. 19._____________you______________ work tomorrow?
7.Do you need a ride? No, John_________take me. 20. Yes, I___________________________to go very early.
8. Did you eat? No, I__________________right now. 21. _____________you__________________study English?
9. I ___________________be there in five minutes. 22. Yes, I_________________ study English this year.
10. I can’t hear the radio. I_____________turn it up. 23. The plans are that
they_______________________arrive next week.
11. I think he_____________________be home later. 24. They____________________play cards tomorrow.
It’s already decided.
12. Why are all your books out? Because I 25. John is moving next week.
_______________________do my homework soon. He________________________live in a big apartment.
13. I promise, I_______________call you tomorrow. 26. What is something you_________________ do this

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