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aata to prepare the

Hlttr:tr.trre defined population. Data

a' ho,'om Report (Ml) contains
indicators categorized [Irff"'"fi;a"_."x;r]:iT::#Jffi
mat"mur (DoH, ,;rr") The Department
care child ttt ",
planning, and r,* a""a.p"d and of Hearth
disease control. tTity -;i,i.li,,;
rn" ,"ia*ir" !opi", Hrv/AIDs ?d .hroni. registries for
the data from the su--"ryruui". djseases,
b' MorbidityRepon(M2).o"ruirrulj*or chronic ou.t*air" purmonary merituq
allcasesofdiseasebyage;*J;: disease, and
2' stroke (DOH_NEC, 2072;DOH,
Quarurly Forms are.usu.afr pr"pur"a -uy Renar bio*u^col,TJ program
2011a). The

In municipalities/cities *i,t
RHUs or health centers,
*i *rrlror"
is .orroua"tilri Census data
done under the air".,iorr--o?*,rr" A
Municipar/cirv H.eartl om...-b,i"r,*ry
enumeratio" :t, fr"
pi"ri".i"r webster onrine Dictionary T;"tft*rTffffff]
ITffi e[,jjo,,n to ,r,.
2o12a). Batas
a program REort
(Q1) contains
the 3-month totar- oi inaicators l"TFl?r:'f;;;xT#.:'#i"[xr::*
,1" *,iiini'11",
categorized as maternal
family pambansa, friol. ""w-ro-i"u,,
planning, child care, a".,t"i
and disease control'
h;I,h, rrre- rnfiffine statistical system (pss)
provides staiisticar information'und
b' Morbidity Report (Q2) is
a 3-month to the puutic. ihe se*ic"s
consoridation of Morbidiry is the poricy_making
(M2)' n"por, and coordinating rsgB
r "-Y body of the pSS, whereas
the NSo i. arr" pss arm that
3. AnnualForms purpose statistics: population,
generates general-
a' A-BHS is a rePort pnnrt F..,
by the _:;-
+1,^ midwife prices, and family income/expenditures
that conrains. a*ogru;hi., (Astrologo, 2oll).
environmen,ul natarity alr.
rg irpr:p."r"iuy,rr" Durint .u*ur, peopre may be
b' AnnualForml gr) "
to a.locllity-by assigned
nurse and is the report of a" jure or de iaoo me&od.
the nrru o, o" u.rig;-"rr, is based o, ,h" IegaIIy
health center. It contains
a"*osr"phil iy::
and environmental-data, "r,"ur.rr"a i1"." of residen." J peopre,
natality and mortarity for ""a
i",io' whereas a" i".to is according to the acnral
year' tt" physicar to.ati.i ofpeopre
".rtir" The Nso condrlcts ]-,Jil;;i.J*,,rrirg
1Ns-cr, 2012).
c' AnnualForm2 (A-.2),preparedbythe
(A-2r. n,n,rarr L.-.+Lthe de
nurse/ is the vearly ,";"-;;;.d. The census popuration
by age and sex.
-orbidity ,"pon
rEPU'I consists of filifino nationalq
to include those
residing i, o.rt of the philippines,
d' Annual Form 3 ,: ":, also :':*/prepared nationals of "rri-. and
.,(A-3), oth", countries having their usual
by the nurse, is the yearry r.pii'.?rir residence ir, trr" philippines
deaths (mortality) av -' Demographic (Nso, 2008).
charaaerisria, househord size
Drsease registries
^slr"i-r"*' and data on fertility and mortality
a.e .o-" of
.r:sr*t y.i,r",ll].,irrs. of persons
otagnosed *i;:H::::frT:i:tHff"Tffi::":$ffi
a specific typ" oldisease
in a

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