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STAINLESS STEEL This strong, tough, corrosion-resistant General corrosion resistance of Custom 465
stainless approaches that of Type 304 stainless. In
stainless steel improves performance both the H950 and H1000 conditions, exposure to
of equipment in aerospace, medical 5% neutral salt spray at 95ºF (35ºC) (per ASTM
instruments, oil drilling, firearms, B117) caused no rusting after more than 2000
hours. Double-cantilever-beam tests conducted
and marine applications. in 3.5% NaCl (pH 6) show inherently good resist-
ance to stress-corrosion cracking.
David E. Wert* and Ryan P. DiSabella* In addition, stress corrosion resistance improves
Carpenter Technology Corp. with increasing aging temperature, making it
Wyomissing, Pennsylvania comparable to that of Carpenter 13-8 stainless and
Custom 455, but at significantly higher strength,
and its resistance is superior to that of both when

ustom 465 stainless steel is a premium double overaged to the same strength level. Fig. 3 shows
vacuum-melted, martensitic, age-hardenable the relative strength, general corrosion resistance,
alloy that offers a unique combination of high and stress-corrosion cracking resistance of tradi-
strength, toughness, and corrosion resistance. tional PH stainless steels.
It is capable of ultimate tensile strength in excess
of 250 ksi (1722 MPa) when aged at 950°F (H950 Service conditions
condition). This strength is higher than that of any In today’s competitive business climate, more
other historically available precipitation-harden- manufacturers are focused on the lowest life-cycle
able stainless steel long product. Aging temper- cost, rather than lowest initial cost. This attitude
atures ranging from 950 to 1050°F can be selected has created a strong worldwide demand for ma-
to achieve the balance of strength, terials with high strength and toughness that are
toughness, and resistance to also relatively easy to fabricate and that provide
stress-corrosion cracking needed reliable, long-term service in corrosive environ-
for specific applications. ments. The patented alloy is a corrosion-resistant
The H950 condition is the most upgrade to high-strength alloy steels, and is a
common treatment for achieving higher-strength upgrade to more conventional
higher strength together with stainless steels. Composition is shown in Table 1,
good toughness and excellent and typical properties are shown in Table 2. Un-
notch tensile strength. The H1000 like alloy steels, Custom 465 stainless requires no
condition may be chosen for surface coating or metal plating to provide corro-
higher toughness at a slightly sion resistance. It thus eliminates the vulnerability
lower strength level. This condi- of treated surfaces to cracking and subsequent
tion provides a superior combi- corrosion attack.
nation of strength, toughness, In addition to the expense of coating or plating,
fabricability, and resistance to the environmental issues related to such coatings
stress-corrosion cracking. and their waste solution disposal are an even
Figure 1 shows the relative larger problem. For example, the European Union
strength and toughness of PH is considering a ban on cadmium plating. Even if
Partial view of a Black Max motor, stainless steels, while Fig. 2 shows cadmium plating is not entirely banned, new re-
(left), with cutaway revealing the the relationship between yield strictions and regulations could make the disposal
Custom 465 stainless steel drive shaft strength and fracture toughness of
(right). Image courtesy of NQL En- conventional PH stainless steels.
Fracture toughness KIC , MPa-m1/2

ergy Services. * Member of ASM International Custom 465


300 120
Ultimate tensile strength

UTS (ksi) 17-4

Fracture toughness KIC

250 Kic (ksi 100

sq. rt. in.)
150 15-5

100 60
13-8 Custom
50 455
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Custom 630 Project 70+ Custom Carpenter Custom Custom Yield strength, MPa
(17-4) 15-5 450 13-8 455 465
Fig. 2 — Relationship between yield strength and frac-
Fig. 1 — Relative strength and toughness of PH stainless steels. ture toughness of Custom 465 stainless vs. other PH steels.


cost of plating baths prohibitive. Corrosion
Asuperior strength-to-weight resistance 300 UTS (ksi)
ratio has driven the success of General
Better 250
several new products beyond Stress
aerospace. The very high levels 200

UTS, ksi
of strength that can be achieved Nominal
provide the part designer with 150

the opportunity to either add 100

strength to an existing design, or Lower
to reduce its weight or size. Even 50
with such high strength levels,
Custom 465’s superior fabrica- Custom 630 Project Custom Carpenter Custom Custom
(17-4) 70+ 15-5 450 13-8 455 465
bility has been key to the success
of critical products that could not Fig. 3 — Relative strength and corrosion resistance of PH stainless steels.
be made from alternative high-strength materials. ples for seven years before the alloy was fully ac-
The alloy is typically shipped from the mill in cepted and qualified. It has since been approved
a solution-annealed and cold-treated condition. and used for structural components such as flap
In this condition, Custom 465’s structure is a tracks, slat tracks, actuators, engine mounts, and
highly ductile iron-nickel martensite with low landing gear hardware. Custom 465 alloy is cur-
yield strength and a relatively low rate of work rently covered by the MMPDS-02, AMS 5936, and
hardening. As such, it can easily be formed or ASTM A564 specifications.
shaped via conventional methods before the The alloy can be considered as a corrosion-
simple one-step hardening treatment. resistant replacement for 300M, AISI 4340, and
similar types of steels that must be plated or oth-
Oil and gas drilling erwise coated to provide corrosion resistance. It
Drill rigs for oil and gas exploration are sub- can also be considered as a higher strength re-
jected to severe costs due to lost production when placement for stainless steels such as 15Cr-5Ni,
they are shut down to repair or replace failed 17Cr-4Ni, and Ph13-8Mo stainless steels that have
equipment. Examples of such critical components acceptable corrosion resistance, but less-than-
are the drive shafts for downhole drilling tools. needed strength and toughness.
Shafts made of EN30B or Astralloy alloy steel, tra-
ditional choices for this application, would typi- Medical instruments
cally last no longer than 150 hours in service be- Cold-worked Custom 465 stainless aged at
fore requiring replacement. 900ºF (482ºC) can provide maximum achievable
NQL Energy Services, a large independent tensile strengths approaching 300 ksi (2070 MPa)
drilling tool supplier in Nisku, Alberta, decided for parts with diameters less than 0.75 in. (20 mm).
to make the drive shafts on its Black Max line of This capability has been useful for making sur-
downhole drilling tools from Custom 465 stain- gical and dental instruments and needle wire.
less, as shown in the photo. As a result, the newly While the more conventional ferritic and marten-
designed shafts and mud motors now last up to
1500 hours before replacement is required. Table 1 — Composition of
Custom 465 stainless steel
Aerospace applications
Custom 465 stainless was originally designed Element Weight percent
to help meet demands from the aerospace in- Chromium 11 – 12.5
dustry for materials that could keep aircraft flying Nickel 10.8 – 11.3
for 30 years or more with minimum maintenance. Molybdenum 0.8 – 1.2
Carpenter and partnering aerospace companies Titanium 1.5 – 1.8
discussed and refined goals, and tested alloy sam- Iron Remainder

Table 2 — Typical properties of Carpenter’s PH stainless steels

Custom 630 Carpenter Custom Carpenter Custom Custom
Alloy 17-4 Project 70+ 15-5 450 13-8 455 465
Condition H950 H925 H900 H1000 H950 H950
Yield strength, MPa (ksi) 1069 (155) 1234 (179) 1296 (188) 1413 (205) 1551 (225) 1648 (239)
Ultimate tensile strength, 1172 (170) 1269 ( 184) 1351 (196) 1482 (215) 1620 (235) 1751 (254)
MPa (ksi)
Elongation, % 15 16 14 13 12 14
Reduction in area, % 50 57 56 55 50 63
Fracture toughness KIC , 110 (100) 95 (86) 78 (71) 127 (115) 77 (70) 98 (89)
MPa -m½ (ksi-in. ½ )
Charpy V-notch energy, J (ft-lb) 34 (25) 64 (47) 54 (40) 54 (40) 19 (14) 27 (20)


sitic stainless steels sufficed for a long time in good machinability of the iron-nickel martensite
making surgical instruments, that landscape has matrix provided additional advantages in mate-
At changed. rial savings and manufacture.
comparable New surgical techniques require instruments
of improved design that do not break, distort, or Marine engine shafts
strength otherwise fail during surgery. The new alloy’s Howard Arneson is known for groundbreaking
levels, combined high strength and toughness has al- marine racing designs such as the famous Arneson
lowed instruments to withstand higher opera- surface drive propulsion system. He knew he was
Custom 465 tional torque loads during surgery. These prop- pushing material limits when he harnessed a 4500-
provides erties have facilitated the design of the longer and hp Lycoming gas turbine, like those in U.S. Army
more than smaller-cross-section instruments that are typi- helicopters, to just one propeller shaft in his
cally required for minimally invasive surgeries. newest catamaran racing boat. This is three times
twice the Superior fracture and impact toughness are also the power load that is normally applied to a ma-
impact key properties for surgical tools. At comparable rine propulsion shaft.
resistance of strength levels, it provides more than twice the Zeiger Industries of Canton, Ohio, was asked
impact resistance of either Custom 455 stainless to fabricate the propeller shaft from 17Cr-4Ni PH
either or 17Cr-4Ni stainless, two alternative precipita- stainless steel. The finished shaft measured 40
Custom 455 tion hardenable stainless steels. inches long by 2.5 inches in the center, tapering
stainless or Instruments are autoclavable and resistant to down to 17/8 inch at both ends. After careful in-
oxidation in a steam environment. The alloy also stallation of the shaft, the powerful racer was
17Cr-4Ni has been found to be resistant to cleaning and ster- taken for a test cruise on the Pacific Ocean. Fol-
stainless. ilizing solutions as well as to body fluids, and is lowing 50 hours of running time at speeds around
included in ASTM F899, which is the governing 100 mph, the shaft broke off, dropping to the
specification for Stainless Steels for Surgical bottom of the sea with its propeller.
Instruments. A new shaft made from Custom 465 was pro-
Although not designed specifically for wear duced and placed into the catamaran. The engine
and edge retention applications, Custom 465 was tested under exceedingly severe loading con-
stainless is suitable for instruments such as ditions. The initial test involved accelerating the
scrapers and cutters with superior results when catamaran to 100 mph in just 12 seconds, which
compared to Custom 455 and 17-4. In addition, was accomplished successfully. The catamaran
the alloy has served well in suture needles due was then accelerated to 175 mph, and held for sev-
to its combination of high strength, ductility, and eral hours at that speed. For approximately four
corrosion resistance. months, the catamaran was cruised at sustained
high speeds, 50 to 100 miles at a time, several times
Firearms industry a week, without any trace of a problem.
When firearms manufacturer Sturm Ruger & After this extended period of intense service,
Co. Inc., Southport, Conn., developed the world’s the propeller was removed and no marks or signs
first six-shot revolver in a .454 Casull caliber (the of wear were found even where the propeller en-
Ruger Super Redhawk), it selected Custom 465 gages the spline. This serves to illustrate the ad-
stainless for the cylinder to withstand the enor- vantages of 465 over other PH stainless alloys, as
mous pressure generated when firing this pow- it matches them in resistance to stress corrosion
erful cartridge. Designers started with Ruger’s cracking while providing markedly higher
proven, rugged .44 magnum platform, planning strength.
to modify it to withstand the approximately 62,000
psi pressure produced by the .454 Casull cartridge. Mill forms
The highest chamber pressure produced by a Despite its highly alloyed content, Custom 465
typical .44 Magnum cartridge is about 42,000 psi. stainless can be produced with consistent prop-
Since the diameter of the chambers in the cylinder erties, in most long forms : flat, square, and round
had to increase to accommodate the larger .454 bar; wire; rod; strip; and forged billet up to 16 in.
cartridge, the cross sections between the cham- round. The company is also investigating the man-
bers were reduced in thickness. In other words, ufacture of hot rolled plate, having rolled a
the design required thinner walls to withstand number of trial plates. This development could
50% higher pressure. facilitate the fabrication of parts close to stock size
To determine whether this was possible, Ruger and reduce the cost of machining parts.
fabricated a cylinder from Custom 465 stainless,
then fired hundreds of rounds at a proof stress of
92,000 psi, approximately 50% higher than the
stress produced under standard .454 firing con-
ditions. After this testing, the chambers exhibited
no cracking, scratches, or other signs of fatigue.
The alloy’s full range of properties was required For more information: David E. Wert is Specialist, Stain-
to actualize this design — high tensile strength, less R & D, and Ryan P. DiSabella is Metallurgist III,
notch tensile strength, fracture toughness, and Stainless R & D, Carpenter Technology Corporation,
corrosion resistance. The clean micro-structure P. O. Box 14662, Reading, PA 19612-4662; tel: 610/208-
produced via premium melting and the inherent 2000.;


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