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5 Things Every Marketer

Should Know About The

Consumer Path to Purchase
What you will gain from this report
The path to purchase is the concept of how and
where people shop and the best way to reach
them. It’s important for marketers to understand their
consumer’s path to purchase, because it allows us
to engage them with the right message at the right
time to impact their decision process.
In today’s always on environment, where consumers
have access to information at all times through
smartphones, computers, and tablets, each person’s
path to purchase is complex and unique. This has
made it increasingly difficult for marketers to reach
target audiences. Do you know YOUR consumer’s
path to purchase? This report will highlight five things
every marketer should know about their
own shoppers.
What every marketer needs to know about
their shopper
The introduction of new devices, platforms, content Analyzing online consumer behavior allows
and all around new ways to engage consumers marketers to answer unlimited questions about their
has fundamentally changed the way consumers consumer’s individual paths to purchase, the how
build relationships with and become customers and where they shop, to reduce millions of possible
of brands. In order to meaningfully engage with shopping variations down to a few key paths
consumers at moments when they are most to help focus marketing dollars. This report will
receptive to brand messaging, understanding the highlight the 5 things every marketer should know
consumer’s path to purchase has become a need about their shopper’s path to purchase.
to know rather than a nice to know. 1. Where did they begin their shopping process?
New technology means there are unlimited path 2. What resources did they use throughout the
combinations consumers can take prior to ever research process?
reaching the brand site in consideration. Search,
3. What other types of websites are they engaging
third party, review sites, social media, any or all
with, outside of my category?
of these can impact and influence the consumer’s
purchase decision. The lack of visibility into these 4. What brands are in their consideration set in the
sources can be alarming for marketers. beginning, middle and end of the process?
5. How intensely are they shopping prior to

#1. Where did they begin the shopping process?
There are an unlimited number of ways consumers Knowing which type of site your shoppers started
can begin the shopping process. Did they search on before they found you is key to aligning your
for your product – was it a generic or branded online marketing efforts. Below we see the majority
search? Did they start on a third party site and of converting consumers in this segment started
compare products? Did they click on a link you shopping on a third-party site while only 10% of
sent in an email campaign? them searched. Where did your consumers first
start to shop for your product?

Share of converting consumers who began shopping process at each category

Third Party

10% 32%


#2: What resources did they use throughout the
research process?
Each person consumes information differently and Do you have new moms, social media users,
therefore uses different combinations of resources comparison shoppers? Knowing how many
during the shopping process. Some shoppers engage different paths exist and which ones are most
with brand and product pages while others read common allows marketers to spend dollars where
reviews and rely on social media. While each person’s they will be most effective and efficient. Below we
individual path is unique, there are similarities across see shoppers who take path 1 not only represent
cohorts of consumers. Segmenting consumers based 29% of this brands total shopper base but also
on behavioral patterns helps pinpoint commonalities in engage with more resources than those in path 2.
shopping patterns. Do you know what share of your shoppers use the
different resources available to them?

Example of Distinct Pathing Combinations for Two Segments of Customers of the Same Brand

Path 1: Visited


Visited competitor
brand site

Path 2:



#3 What other types of websites are they engaging
with, outside of my category?
Smartphones, laptops and tablets have created an visit during the shopping process helps inform
“always on” environment where consumers are reach and frequency strategies. This allows us
constantly engaged. This means at any given to be more deliberate about where to place ads,
time during the shopping process consumers are targeting consumers when they are most receptive
engaging with sites in and out of the purchase and already spending precious time. The image
category. Not all sites visited will impact or influence below illustrates a consumer segment’s propensity
the decision to buy, but it does pay to know where to visit different categories relative to the broader
else your consumers are spending time online. Internet Browsing Population. Do you know what
Understanding what types of sites your consumers types of sites your consumers spend time on?

Example of Consumer Segment and their Propensity to Visit Different Categories vs the IBP

Magazines Recreation
Entertainment Blogs
26% 3%

Music/Video Enthusiast
File Sharing reads reads up on cars, crafts,
sports, etc.

visits checks score online

1.4x 3.8x
Online Theatre
1.4x 3.3x
Classes visits buys
15% tickets online
1.5x 2.7x

visits 1.7x 2.6x

Socially News
Generated 1.7x 2.5x 22%
24% 1.9x 2.3x
likes to learn visits
to play music dating sites
visits visits
Hobbies automobile Networking:
& Interests Dating &
3% Relationship
Coupon & Automotive
Bargain Search Magazines
15% 3%

#4: What brands are in my shoppers consideration
set in the beginning, middle and end of cycle?
The internet has created an environment where The path to purchase allows us to determine
consumers can cross-shop and comparison shop when individual brands come in and fall out of
easier than ever before. Third party, review and the purchase funnel. Knowing this can help fuel
aggregator sites are common in nearly every category messaging and conquesting strategies. Below is
providing consumers a wealth of information to help an example of shoppers for three different brands.
them make decisions. Wouldn’t it be great to know We see that Brand C had the most initial shoppers
how many brands are being considered and at but also the highest abandonment leading to the
what point in the shopping process your brand fits? fewest number of buyers. Do you know when you
are losing shoppers to the competition?

Brand Consideration Waterfall Chart – Where Brands Enter and Exit the Shopping Cycle

Brand A Brand B Brand C

Initial brand
54 62 67
Shoppers lost/gained
in the later stages -7 abandoned -11 abandoned -25 abandoned
+11 started looking +5 started looking +5 started looking

Total brand
65 65 72
Shoppers purchasing
the brand

13 19 13
Total consideration
20% 28% 18%

#5 How intensely are they shopping prior
to purchase?
Studying how and where people shop helps identify Below we see that for a particular segment,
how and when to engage with our consumers. shopping intensity increases as the purchase date
Understanding how many visits to a particular approaches. This could mean messaging too early
category occurred prior to the purchase event will result in your brand being lost in the clutter or
exposes whether pre-purchase visits were evenly messaging to late and your consumer may have
distributed over time or grouped close to the date already made up his or her mind. Do you know
of purchase. Identifying shopping patterns allows when your shoppers are most engaged with your
marketers to time their messaging to coincide with category and brand prior to purchase?
when consumers are researching.

Number of Visits Made to Sites in the Category Prior to Purchase/Booking:

7 visits
Distribution of visits by week and day prior to purchase

Number of total visits
made to category
prior to purchase
3 visits

1 visit
2 visits

3% 3% 3% 3% 4% 5%
week 4 week 3 week 2 week 1 day 7 day 6 day 5 day 4 day 3 day 2 day 1 same day

week day

The introduction of new technologies has made the combinations of how and where people shop almost
infinite, making shopping almost as individual as our DNA. As marketers we have the privilege of creating
great messaging and the desire to get it in front of our consumers when and where they are most receptive.
Understanding the path to purchase, segmenting consumers based on behavior allows us to begin to
see where we fit into the shopping cycle and how to move interactions with brands from good to great.
When you think about your consumers and how they shop, can you answer the questions posed here?


About Kantar Media Compete
Kantar Media Compete is passionate about understanding consumers to inspire great marketing. Kantar
Media Compete helps the world’s top brands improve their marketing based on the online behavior of millions
of consumers. Leading advertisers, agencies and publishers rely on Kantar Media Compete’s products and
services to create engaging online experiences and highly profitable advertising campaigns. Kantar Media
Compete’s online panel-the largest in the industry-makes the web as ingrained in marketing as it is in people’s
lives. Kantar Media Compete is located in Boston, MA, with offices across the US, UK and France. For more
information, please visit

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Managing Director, Sales, Transportation Managing Director, Sales, Technology & Entertainment & Retail
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Managing Director, Sales, Agency & Publisher Solutions

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