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Why forest bathe?

- Connect with nature through
our sense of sight, hearing,
taste, smell and touch
- Bridge the gap between
humans and nature
- Can be a restorative practice
3. Body Scan:
- Recognise tension areas
- 2 minutes to yourself
- Attempt to gain a By Aidene and Lisa
Health benefits: meditative state
- Can lowers heart rate and - Practise deep breathing
blood pressure “In a world that is increasingly losing
Seated Circle: its sense of touch with nature, the
- Can reduce stress - Share rose and thorn
- Can boost immune system outdoors is an excellent means to
- Debrief the day reintroduce that sense of
- Can improve overall
- Mentally prepare for connectedness.” - Froude & Polley.
Connecting with nature:
- Regular practise increases
benefits Nice picture
- Slow down and connect with
yourself and the forest

Indigenous Acknowledgement/ References and further reading

Conservation Council SA. (2019). Our work: Forest Bathing.
connection: Retrieved from:
- Wherever you are forest
Froude, C., & Polley, Scott. (2011). Outdoor education:
bathing be sure to pay Foundations for tertiary and senior secondary education (2nd
ed.). Cottlesloe, W.A.: Impact Publishing.
respects to the traditional
Good Living. (2020). Learn and Discover: How forest bathing
owners of the land and can bring you closer to nature. Retrieved from
acknowledge the significant
spiritual connection that they Landgren, E. (2014). Stretch your body, stretch your mind: Get With its roots in the Japanese practice
have with the land. Bendy.
of Shinrin Yoku, Forest Bathing is all
O’Brien, S. (2020). ABC Life: Japanese nature therapy: A
beginners’ guide to forest bathing. Retrieved from
about being mindfully present in nature. The practice is widely popular
t-bathing/10369284 in Europe and the US, and now, forest
bathing has landed in Deep Creek.
Guided Audio Forest Bathing Session in Deep Creek Link:
Open your mind, heart and this
ving/documents/forest-bathing-deep-creek-audio.mp3 pamphlet and join us on a journey.
20 Exhale as you move onto all fours with a
20 21
How can YOU get involved? Yoga and sense walk in Deep Creek neutral spine. Ensure your shoulders are directly
over your wrists and your hips are over your

follow along session. knees.

Yoga 22 23
21-22 Inhale as you drop your belly towards the
ground and lift your tailbone and chest upwards.
- Being outdoors can enhance your 1. Guided Senses Walk (on the way to Gaze forward. Exhale as you draw your belly to
your spine and round your back upwards. Repeat
yoga experience. Feel the elements open space for yoga routine): 3 times with breath to warm up your spine.

around you, breathe with the wind... - Ask group members what they can
Return to all fours with a neutral spine position.
23 Inhale as you gently shift your weight back.
24 25
Senses walk see, hear, feel and smell. Exhale as you place the back of your hands on
the ground to feel a stretch in your wrists and
- As you are moving through nature, 2. Yoga: 24 Inhale as you place your palms on the ground. Exhale as you gently shift
reflect on what you can see, hear, feel, - Recovery, prep for tomorrow, notice your weight forward to feel a stretch in your wrists and forearms. Inhale as
smell and taste. tension areas 1 2
you return to all fours with a neutral spine.
25 Exhale as you walk your hands forward and lower your chest and forehead
1 Inhale as you prepare. Exhale as you tilt your
Journaling head forward. Inhale back to neutral.
to the ground. Inhale as you stay in this position and take 2 breaths. Ensure
your hips remain directly over your knees.
2 Exhale as you tilt your head back. Inhale back
- Writing or speaking about nature to neutral.
26 Exhale as you tuck your toes, press your hands 26 27
3 4 into the ground and lift your hips high. Inhale as
experiences can help shape the 3 Exhale as you look over your right shoulder. you lift up on to your toes, bend your knees, and
Inhale back to neutral.
understanding you have of your 4 Exhale as you look over your left shoulder.
lengthen your spine.
27-28 Inhale and exhale as you ‘walk out your
relationship with the world. Inhale back to neutral. legs’ by bending and straightening one knee at a 28 29
5 Exhale as you tilt your head towards your right 5 6 time. Repeat on both sides for 3 breaths.
shoulder. Inhale back to neutral. 29 Inhale as you shift your weight forward into a
6 Exhale as you tilt your head towards your left high plank. Ensure your shoulders are directly over
shoulder. Inhale back to neutral. your wrists.
7 Exhale as you stretch your arms above your 7 8 30 Exhale as you drop your knees and slowly lower 30 31
head. Inhale as you stay in this position. your body to the ground. Keep your palms under
8 Exhale as you stretch your upper body to the your shoulders and elbows hugged to your body.
right. Inhale as you return to centre. 31 Exhale as you tuck your toes, press your hands
into the ground and lift your hips high
9 10 9 Exhale as you stretch your upper body to the
left. Inhale as you return to centre.
10 Exhale as you release your hands. Inhale as you 32 33 34
interlace your fingers behind your back and lift and
open your chest.
11 12
11 Inhale as you bring your arms above your head.
Exhale as you bend your right arm and bring your
left hand to your right elbow. Inhale as you gently 32 Inhale as you step your left foot forward between your hands. Exhale as you
stretch your right tricep. Stay in this position and
Tai chi take 2 breaths.
ground your right foot at 45 degrees. Inhale as you lift your upper body and raise
your arms above your head. Relax your shoulders away from your ears. Ensure
12 Inhale are you bring your arms above your
-Qi breathing (natural, deep breathing, 13 14 head. Exhale as you bend your left arm and bring
your hips are facing forward and your left knee is directly over your left ankle.
33 Exhale as you move your right foot to 90 degrees, open your hips and
your right hand to your left elbow. Inhale as you
box breathing) experience to heighten gently stretch your left tricep. Stay in this position shoulders to the right side, and extend your arms to shoulder height keeping
your shoulders relaxed. Gaze forward over your left fingertips. Ensure your left
relaxation and mindfulness and take 2 breaths.
knee remains over your left ankle.
13 - 14 Inhale as you begin to slowly move your upper body side to side 3 34 Inhale as you place your right hand on your right leg and extend your left arm
times whilst inhaling and exhaling in a comfortable rhythm.
Body scan 15 Stand tall on your left foot. Inhale as you bend your right knee and take
hold of your right foot behind you. Exhale as you gently stretch your right
up overhead and behind you. Gaze up at your left hand.
35 Exhale as you bring your left forearm to your left thigh and extend your right
- Paying attention to parts of the quadricep. Stay in this position and take 2 breaths. *Repeat on other leg*
arm up alongside your right ear. Inhale as you stretch keeping a straight line
from your right foot to your right fingertips. Exhale.
16 Inhale as you reach your arms above your head with your palms facing
body, sensations and senses. Being each other. 36-37 Inhale as you lift your upper body, lengthen your spine and move your
right foot to face forward in a comfortable wide stance. Exhale as you fold
mindful of your connection with the 17-18 Exhale as you fold your body forward. Bend your knees if your
forward over your left leg and place your fingertips on the ground. Legs may be
hamstrings are tight. Stay in this position and take 2 breaths.
earth through your senses. 19 Inhale as you lift your upper body away from your thighs and lengthen your
straight or bent. Inhale as you lengthen your spine. Exhale as you fold further.

spine. Rest your hands on your ankles or shins

15 16 17 18 19 35 36 37

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