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HIMACHAL PRADESH UNIVERSITY AAC Acco “A” Grade Universiy “Resumes Branch” No. 3.220194HPU Rect) Dated: hil, the 16% tbe, 2020, Nonice (On te recommendation ofthe Commitee cnsuted fr the purpose, the Vice-Chancel is pleased 10 approve 16 pla te it! marks snarled by te Sereening-cum Evasion Commies slngwit discrepancies pointed Mt on the "plication form ofthe anaes on hi respective Ue ID's, wha had pied apt the posts) of Assistant Profesor and Aswcite Profesor in UIT in response 10 ‘Advisement No Rest 172019 date 30-12-2018 1 3 Cis rgincsring let Engineering Exetonis& Communication Engnering (Compute Scene Engineer! Informa Tecaolgy ‘The candidates are lve to submit eet dimen a viene in uppeet af ny chim for removal of dcepancy (es) if ay by personal st 6 the Office of| Assistant Reps (Rect) we 11020200 21-10-2020. Thera, ey clam shall abe etesines “Te candats ar aio vise 1 oe the lowing for tit hi concered Ison! auosty aoe the lst date of submasion of eaie ‘seplisaton form 500-2020 ‘The candies are required 0 submit dicuentary proof in supper of hie him only in wring. Further, eal verbal tepone! whasapp mesages il ot be eerie ‘The lis sche of ote subj! post sal be uplouded on the University -Recratnent poral separately fro ime oti. (SUNEET SHARMA), HAS REGISTRAR Ends, No: Even Datd16-10.2020 Cony 2 ‘The Publi Relations Offices LP. Uaiversty, Sumer, Shims fo information lease ‘The Web ncargelncharge, Compute Cee, HP. University, Summer, Shiml'slonawth scopy of ist of andes in PDF fora oug ema) for uploading marksemars onthe Use I's ofthe oncemed eas, The SPS, Vie-Chanello, HP, Unversity, Smmehil,Shiml for ao a: REGISTRAR,

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