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CTE Te | pe TT | TTA eo ‘Expressions used before challenging contradicting “Perhaps 1 didn't clay that well ‘enough 4s Teidn't Say that. what 1 said was. {think you might be mistaken. ‘To be far, you do have a point, but say that Will 1 don't see i that way. ‘understand what you're saying, but. From what I understand, that’s not ‘That cant possibly be rue But wnat about.” * Now, that brings us to. Lets move on to the next subject. * As Thave shown / stated already. ‘Signposting phrases: Sequencing (1)) Inferring '* To begin with.. / First of al. / ‘© Wouldn't you think that? | Lees star with. Now, iit was me, 1 would. | + Lats teave that and go to / get would Imagine that back to, ‘Based on my own experience, 1 would say Itseems to suggest. don't you think? Justifying an argument a Expressions for downplaying * {think most people would agree that Host evidence seems to point to. ea 8 well-enown fact that {The Information I have suggests As far as mest (people) are concerned, ‘Will, is difficult to say (one way or other) wouldn't go so far as to say that "You might be jumping to concusion. Uni we know all the fact, ‘would: want Eo Tt probably best that we dont. Expressing reservations Expressing beliefs Moditying words + Lam convinces that * basialy + realy 5 personaly I eel that + gure S fity 1 Treally belove tat. + Sraiy 5 partly 1 As far'as 1m concerned, Sssonnaly 3 mainly Expressing ideas tentatively vivid adjectives #1 seems to me that Postve gat “Tone be wrong in saying this, | © inspiring faatless bite erie S tremn impractical 4 Tend to thine that. S eiauiste —$ fasty oes this suggest (hat)..2 S spectacular aferior {ont you think R might be's good | + tasteful + dull ten to + Sete + functional ‘+ Ym not entirely sure about that. ‘+ You have a point there, but. {know what you're saying, but, + That might be true, but. The passive resent Simple: The game is played every Fiday. | Present Continuous: The game ls being played right now. Present Perfect: The game has been played alreaty. Past Simple: The game was played yesterday. Past Continuous: The game was being played when arrived Past Perfect: The game had been played before I arived, Infinitive: The game will be played iter Perfect invnive: The game should have been played before tocay. Defending a point Intransitive verbs Transitive verbs of view + iT you look atthe facts, | Last year unemployment. Ths bank ralsed interest ates, you can see rose. (Subject afected - (Subject affects object ~ * Teseems clear that... | no cause). fuse and eect) * Perhaps you are overisoicng the fect | ge/be up decine _pu:/push up. cut aa increase decrease Ingease decrease # Tean't accent that, | expand drop ‘expand crop. | = Tehink you are mistaken,| 9fOW — 90/be down boost Ut/ push down Affirming ‘= however but ‘© L must say, I eulda’t agree with therefore © as a result you more. athough = whereas 4 Tcompetely agree with you. inadattion © besides Thave to admit you're probably right. family” > Inthe same woy | + Thats s very good paint / srgument. Taterrupting ‘Signposting phrase Arguments (2) ‘© Hold on a second ‘As far as Im concerned Walt just a moment, {The point 1am trying to make Is that * Could I Just stop you there? On the ather hand {50 you mind if say something? | * Whether we agree or not, the fact * True/ Maybe, but could Tjust point | remains (tat) ‘ut one thing something? | 4 tfe took at.ore closely, we find * Ityou look at the fects, they would show..| * : ‘The evidence simply doesn’t support your | © 5 argument. Where's the proof? © completely utterly ‘absclutely efintely clearly totally ' Regardless ofthat, the fact rernains (that) That can't be true. What about? extremely, ‘wholsheartecty entirely fly Evaluating different standpoints Tentative expressions * While I respect your postion, 1 think ‘© Well not (20) sure © On the other hand, you need to + Maybe, you're right. Who | © consider (that). knows? # Ifyou look ati from another perspective,...| « Well I guess wel (have to # Historically speaking, (t was) walt and) see TC aata ake atlecala Ch and oe| |” paitane ire pera te tay, Maurice Forget Series editor: Duncan Prowse Consultant: Rosemary Harris Editor: Picot Cassidy Glossary: Mary Rigby Designers: Wendi Watson, John Anastasio Research and permissions: Veena Holkar Artists: Cedric Knight, David Lock, Sami Myllyniemi Recordings: John Green QSE Advanced ‘Comman European Framework Level B2-C1 ‘Student's Book and Workbook ISBN: 978-1-905248-75-9, Also available: (QSE Advanced ‘Student's DVD ISI 978-1-905248-03-2 Teacher's Guide ISBN 978-1-905248-26-1 ‘Teacher's DVD 15H 978-1-905248-02-5 Student's Audio CD ISBN 978-1-005268-22-2 ‘Exam Practice Audlo CD ISBN 978-1-905248-23-0, Other books In the QSE Series: (Q5E Pre-Intermediate (CEF A2-B1) Q5E Intermediate (CE* I-02) Published by Brookemead English Language Teaching, London, UK Sedaohenesdeat sesaeer tos the pio ite pion the Acknowledgements iter Sho tai Ay © na Ror Ay ha, at Sten Cone etre, ‘Sa sara: aero nes, stat er sian, Haran wenger comme: Ae ‘nero Pt in, 8a Rd on ees YE Fo ees ‘erring om rs et eh Coen pyr mpc: © Ca wae ‘Gat puay ps Svan tn Frac tan by rau geen it Lv bit cum on ‘krona Trt 0 2 howe Oun (ene bcunao pean wt eres Furr cy a Signet nk! OS som TXT sm ra, i ec Mpeg! SHS. D1 St ont tu, rile: Cnr oe apna ar Past, ney arma wana cm "umcausam, ps hte esac er, te a fag, Pst, Hel ema rt tei rey pa ah na mod ous powdery oer Te Ts a TENT: © ms re it rt sy BB DAP. 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Tre oan at wasn oe ut Pa Aan, hear (ean up et orn Ary = hen Grate Rat po Wot otro a hte Ae ‘ot owatonna Unt ¥5 (9670 tA a ay age Sena amp Pris Pe UUsanamy thew eon TET ep enuay Thee tn, TX 2 Py News, st 20 ovo, ier rer Rowdy wie, pr yt tert Facey he he showcase the rz Tar pak oa xP ade se Pty © Nam al Cin ret ha Sa {sho STE snes), TXT © nC wn hres conan mh npr. Tut ope red net cessor 2ssen ek ly opments, Sa es oh So {mye ame Ses ELEA ion Ptt eigen Pe ao A Fag. Ui orem paso MOTRNE naan. Cranes tarp RATER a,b © Ose i TXT Ne ‘So Ts he yep 2 Mtr MW Maon”we es by ee et dee Freitas win fo Soap. Frat wt Hsia BD hare ere Bs MST Eat Orta gerne ov hwo vag ages en 08, be lec ha eran ot ‘ve meal ot Eee Sa) Ua pO) pyar Lage rage it Co ‘sons eh ay TEx 1: opt ean wpe Ue Ds ar TERT ean Pa past eto ws tum pn hrm =a home mae ale A es ane \tecinervanwan nt abt om i Constante Foe Pass Gt Un Spon Rar, TE ‘Sic hw ot bene repaind apormtaner cpg ees pes bg! pt ‘irik ete? Bots TAT: ore con fa ae tea, rey A ar ‘Serge ot sa Ha a eee by al amp it se Fey bon Por ase, Reedaed ‘rmisine tehsrlan eda aeration ine © NO. Ags ard The Vi mate egress ne penn 05m nk 20 (pw rata, Ope res up ck Fein ancy wero, Crepes Fe eas eB, TE Rte wf pion Aare. ‘ara ein nsw si Canoe eon Depa napa = tee apm 9 se Fee, {rae ra fr Mo aby cose ers © 2 are el a ad BLE ae Rag a ‘nica ote eben by Ne Cpt a Ln We pred y permis. bee 3 92994 ‘Sepeinehamy ex oer er nthe ran ad we toms aera rnp, Th rt Mais a, ‘vy fr ae me oe dense he ait helen of al ater ed sk: The ses aoa ‘inane ps ane any argent wen bso US SUE Te PUL 1 unit Title Buy now, ‘think later Express yourself x = the limit ‘Are you looking atime? Frills and thrills Playing towin Profit and Toss, Extended Readi Into the future Free to choose Dot get a say? x: face around the world liek here! Subject advertising Treats tions Bulying ner goods Fashion CCompetiveness| anomie sues qual opportunities Future ofthe planet Tedependence Individual on ‘young people's rants aeeratiral vents sig the internet The BIG question Is aero a re the ats relevant? What woud you do to succeed? 4s buying ust part ote? ‘Ave we a fashion reins? ow impartant ‘mnning? Does economics rely afect me? ae Roce Independent? ‘cant we ust do what we nant? Wille ever ave peace? ‘Are we al enlne row? Reading Marketing: Desine of TV commerils; Celebrities out of a ab ars: Monarchy and high calture; Spl of wer irs ‘Sucess stories: Jackie ‘Chan, Sha Rukh Kan Youth cuture: Satire: delinquent murders ‘wach; Stefi use ‘mang veins of buying Fashion: Japanese women and {esignerfestion etoserual man Sport and ies an versus machine; Spars and compettiveness Business Farm subsides; © Vital realty eonomy By the vampire Slayer and epidemics Sect ESsving home} Regional Independence movements Human ahs: Slavery In ates Crackdoun on ant-socal betaviour Tnterational news: ‘Chivez Latin American revoltionsry; Peaceful protest Gyter Professional computer gamers; Ineret dating Language Expressions Used before challenging Signpsting Expressions for downplaying oifyina words ‘vanstve verbs Signposting word gue) a Ketan Intersiirs Grammar Insranattve and Functions raed ying an ment jesng es ding 3 ote rupting [Gratenaing | aunens| ‘Trends havea strong eect om getting people to bus new products. What have been recent trends in fashion, music fod, drinks o sports? Who creates, tends: advertisers, companies, or ordinary people? ‘Wisi might advertising be like nthe future? 10 Your answer: |S ADWERTISING ALLA CON? Is advertising necessary to sll products, or would we buy things anyway? Ist necessary foe the economy, oF ‘sia waste of money that shouldbe spent oa other things? Could we do without advertising? vulgarian patronage performance ‘monarchy ‘emotion ealletion © Use Language Bank 2 to ner how each person In might el about the art, SERENE ‘© Landon’s British Museum contains Trillion artworks and artefacts, ‘The National Museum of Greece has 17,500. In his lifetime, Vincent Van Gogh (1853-30) sold only one painting {and died poor. In 1990, his painting Portrait of Dr Gachet (lef) sold for $82.5 million. Bayon ay art The prabion & how ‘ero an ats ence Negron oo. Pablo Picasso @ What makes Van Gogh's art more Popular now than in his lifetime? 2 READING A. Skim through the fist article Yo find three arguments to sugges that te British Queen is not interested in hearts, 'B_Inboth artctes, how has history affected the debate today? How are today’s values aiffrent from those of other ties? © 1. Why do you think the cities are so harsh in their ericism of the Queen? 2 Why do you think the British government does not want to return the Parthenon Marbles? 3 SPEAK YOUR MIND ‘A. What desi take to be a sccesfil arts: natural talent, marketing sks lack, hard work. help fom ‘others, choosing shocking subjects, or something se? 1B What do you think of modern art? How i iffrent {om tradional art? Should art try to give an. important message? (© Why are opera, ballet and casseal music not as popular as pop hip hop or rock music? Wl here ever be opera on MV? 1D Shonld ar and artefucts tke the Parthenon Marbles ‘besont ek tothe counties they were taken from? ‘Should things taken in war always be turned? e's not a fan of easel music, has bought only 20 paintings ing her reign al ian avid wear fofthe Racing ost. When I comes to the ats, the Queen, itscems, is nota huge fa, ‘The Queen may be patron of such listinguished institutions asthe Royal Shakespeare Company and the Tonuan Symphony Orchestra, but cule, atleast in the tactlonal sense, is 0 one of her greatest Joves. When the Queen takes her seat athe Royal Albert Hall fora concert to celebrate the oth anniversary of her eronation, cil be only the second time she has been to the Prom in her reign, the fescue Jeng in 1994, One might also Incl the Prom atthe Palace, staged as pat ofthe Golden Juice (eleeations. Buc chef that, 0 hight later, she aso sat through performances by the likes of ome ‘Kten, Emma Bunton and Ozzy COsbouene, only mules the ptore ‘of what Ma'am likes and dislikes. ‘Norman Lebrecht, music exe of Tondon’s Evening Standard, is unambiguous about Her Majesty's aude to classical muse she desa' ike ia al” says Lebrocht. "Ben in those orchestas ‘of whic she i patron, she would Decome patron on the condition that she would never have to atend, or ar least not more than once every couple of yes ‘Whether itis an aversion of, a8 some believe, mere indiference, i tars her out from many of her Trebears on the throne, who passionately supported new compositions ata composers. Henry AUIS love of music was lege, and he ws known ro be handy with Ine, harpsichord, harp and recone Ws ot only music where che ‘Qucen's cultural credentials have Deen questioned Lat year twas revealed that in her 50 yeas on the Ace throne, she has purchased just 20 | landlady™ new works ofart forthe prestigious | _ But the pictureis more Royal Collection, The ealection | complicated, says lasscal masie comprises 7.000 paintings At times, | Waiter Andrew Stewart. The Qucen's critics have painted her attiude to | Fegn has been a missed opporunley high artasa neglect of Fer potential | for those who belewe i's the orwers of patronage ‘monarch’s role to push the cultural “The Queen isa wulgxian, She | boundaries. But those with more could be the most impo-tan patron | tacitioal tastes in classical music OF the arts. Instead she collects lass_| will perhaps be pleased that she has fanimal” ssid the wrterand eric | not taken this opportunity” he sys Germaine Greer some years ago. And | "Now, the majonty of people's ‘wntng inthe Sunday Times las year, | exposure to musi sdhrough pop o€ Cie Waldemar Januszeni, said she | rock,” says Stewart. So, would we ‘would "he remiembereas a monarch | rather the monarch commissioned an ‘with nex to no aesthetic sense. tlbum from Rabie Wilms? 8 Nan UK The Elgin Marbles were token rom Grace ‘wo hundred yeors ogo. _A ini oe he en marbles Greece hs een ud Run by umbrella organisation Narbes Reunited, i based on research ‘gesting three ov of ever four Batish people want them returned. The ‘roup wants them pat alongside the ther surviving Parthenon seulpcues in| museum specially bulefor the Athens Olympics. Betsh ambassador to the ‘Ottoman Empize, Lard Hain, took them fom the Geeek eaptal's Parthenon ‘1801, The seventh Bal of Hgin, Thomas Bruce, then sold the marbles the Baits Maseum in 1816 ‘The British government has repeatedly efused Greek government requests torrets them, And! the Beth Museum insists the marbles, which dept fds, men and monster, ae seen more in an ternational context in Tonclon than they would be in Athens Diector Nell MacGregor sid “The Bish Museum is the bast possible place forthe Parthenon sculputes to be ‘on csp. The Parthencn marbles have been centeal to the museum's flection and tots purpose, fr almost 200 years.” He aided, "The British ‘Museum i try uniesal museum of humanity, accessible to ve milion ‘sits from around the word every year entirely free of entry charge. Only here can the worldwide sgnifcanceof the sculptures be fully grasped" © 4 waren ano usten @ A. Look at this photo ofa real person frm the Body World exhibition and stswer 1. In yourculture, what are the attitudes t death and human bods? 2 Do you tink the ody Worlds exhibition fart, Science or something else? Wh 3 What is your reation to the photo? 4 Doyo think this exbton is educational? Should children seit? Why / Why not? 'B_ Before you watch, decide wt reasons you tile Gunther von Hagens wil give for resting theexhiition? © Education © The Renaissance (Check your answers alter watching {© Wate the video ci. When ft pauses, decide what the people ae thinking about the exhibition, D_ Watch the video clip and answer the questions 1 What idea is suggested by the exhibition? 2. How ean tis exhibition help people? 3. Who inspired von Elagens to do this 4 What did Andreas Vesalus do for the frst tine? EYou declde: Would you be interested in seen the Body Worlds exhibition? Why / Why not? Shou! human bodies be used in this way? What connections are therebetween the arts and sence? low can artist nd scientists earn from each oer? ‘5 TEAMWORK ‘Workin groups of three. Read the Teamwork Scenario for Unit 2 Presont your art manifesto to the clas, which votes on tbe most success manifesto G CONTROVERSY Work in grouns of four Prepare ‘debate with another group. Use expressions feomLanguage Bank 2 In Afghanistan, rug weaving sa tradtional frm of atisic expression Since the 19805 ‘wemers have also tsedimages of var icing sunsand tanks Recents rugs havetnladd | images ofthe World Trade September 2001 Group A: ou want to import and sell Afghan rugs, Including some with war images. Some points yo cou ‘© Atand reodom of spech ‘Traditions low incomes snd ificlky of ie fn Alhanistan # Discrimination against other cultures Group B: You ae from a group of familes of World Tele Centr victims. You want to ban the import of the rugs. Some points you may wish to mention: «Possible links between Afghanistan and 9/11 | 7 PORTFOLIO WRITING | A. Choose an arts, writer or actor and write a short ‘biography about them (220-260 words) se the library. magazines or the internet to help sou, Remember to mention any sourees you use. B_ Vistoa proposal (180-220 words) an bell of the Greek government tothe British peime minster to ry and ge the Hig Marbles returned to Grose 8 DEO in Engtisn A. Work in groups of three. Read the timeline of African-American musi. Bach person gives short presentation on one or more aspects (or example: the 1870s or rap mus), Use your fn Knowledge snd sequencing pases Irom Language Bank 2, BB Other students ak questions and dscuss which ofthe styles is high culture o pos ‘Alrcan muse, sia Alcan mis, ragtime uli (1858-1963) to demand civ rights for black Amercans. | 1964 Cha igs Act ended segregation. 1968 Martin Luther King shoe. 1970s Iocagration mover. Discus in pairs, Use the words and phrases rom this unit and Language Bank 2, taking turns to develop and justly your kas and arguments A Do traditional arts die fromonecountry to C_Howhas technology flected the arts? Analyse some another If show? examples to show te effect. Leonardo da Vinci was considered @ Renaissance D_Soms political groups and religious groups believe their x ‘man for his interest in many subjets. Are there ‘mony shoold not be spent on contraverstal art, Could thie any Renaissance men or women today? beaform of censorship? 10 Your answer: ARE THE ARTS RELEVANT? 1 traditional supporters of the arts suchas the Queen of Brita no longer seem interested, why should we support the arts? Is publicfunding of the arts a wasteof money? rn @ How do people from disadvantaged backgrounds become successful? Ditferent people measure sucess in diferent ways: ‘career ‘respect ‘ possesionslumury-ear, — # admiration home) fae ‘fay and fends stats * power ‘Tesure time ‘happiness * wealth 1. How important are each ofthese you? To your family and friends? 2 What are some other measures of success? 3 Describe asuccosfl person. In which ways is he or she succesful? Maich up the collocatons 1 floundering determination 2 calebity b espe 3 meteoric © personality 4 charismatic gesture 5 token fe tee 6 grim {career ‘Using the colocations in Band Language Bank 3 develop at east three short dilegtes about careers Person A juste an argument using each collocation an Person B downplays the argument Example: A Is elbinown act that, would go fr as tos tat. Read the articles, Which statment reer to Jackie ‘Than, Shah Rukh Khan, both oe nether? 1 Hogrew up economically disadvantage, 2 Hismovies have all been box-office it, 3. Hetriumphed over adversity. 4 Heplace a strong emphasis on fay ie 5 1 Henearly abandoned acting altogether How do you think Jackie Chan fels about his eildhood? 2 How do you think each actor's childhood shaped thee personalities? 1 What does it take to become a movie star? 2 ‘Musical lms are popular in ind: action ins are popular in China Is there a cultural explanation fo why certain movies are more popular in some countries? 3 SPEAK YOUR MIND What di you dream of becoming when you were a :hild? What do you think of those dreams today? hat would yo keto be dong in ten years? In sventy years? What willit take to reach your goa Why do you think itis important fo Jackie Chan and ‘ah Rh Khan to make tin America? Some carers are very secure and some are very sky. Sivesome examples. What are the benefits and aback of each? av a Ga A hard enough, you were Eeten At ‘ight we al pt under one blanket Phe man whose fice sas faite | That blanket! The dog had lp on tothe Chinese as Mo Zeong’s, | "Chan was made part a tou of anxdwho hasbeen cae the most." boy stage pertormers know a the ices actor in histor began hte Seven ttle Fortunes, en 8 Chan neatly sl by his pares fr $26. | tain fort, the elaborate Pking ‘According Bey Logan, author of | Opera was djing out asa popular ‘Hong Kong Acton Stove, the | form ofenteriameat ar the time Jacke Chan was born, i fai | burgeoning Hong Kong fi Industry ‘v8 0 poor he seriously considered Was becoming a much more key role 0 Sell his baby to one of the_| source of employment fer the doctors. In fact, Chan wasn't sold | fearless Academy graduates. Chan ‘uni his seventh birthday Ie was then, | tually mace his frst appearance in een thachis mother was pak! a token sum | 2 motion picture atthe age of eight b by Situ Yu Chan Yuar to enrol her | 181982. seemeal about 1 fae when he was Teas the eaty "708 when Chan | given the lead in ae in tbe Eagle's went ot on his own looking or | Show Sensing that this was work nthe movie busines. He | perhaps his lst chance for sucess began in cheap action pictures, doing | Chan was determined to avoid doing Sant wore Although Re managed t0 | soother grim Brace Ls mation ia {et sey supporting mls, Chan’s | fvor of something closer to ison farce he een Rounding; he was | furlong penn. Ale so many ready to gve up the Himbusines | years of aes ferocity and the andj is parents in Aste | depan pete ofthe historical ung ‘were he hoped to startanew ie. | fwaetiones, Chan's spice mari Then Hong Kong peoiucer Lo We, | ars innovation and the warm lovable signed him wo do.asequd oa Brace | character he brought tothe screen Lec hit calingt New Fs of Fury. | nade Snake inte Eagles Shadow CChansrieFmomentin te imeight | s smashing success Marin stn performances isthe emake of the . ‘asc Dera about a heartbroken Ditinis ssh h toan ‘man who tuens to alcohol, Boy in his Peking Opera Academy Tn Hong Kong's Peking Opera Academy; contingents of Hong Kong chikien were consigned to ten years fof rigorous taining inthe performing rts, Students followed grinding feglmes of gymnastics and martial fats fighting, nonstop, yea afer year puc through thei paces by disciplinrian Mastes "i wns bad” Chan told Logan IFT fell you how bad it was maybe you wont believe me, IFyou did't train the reigning King of Bollywood, 4 ‘While he's che chainsmmoking, Born on November 2, 1965, 0.2 . ‘wisecracking, charismatic pecformer middleclass Muslin family in New in publi this superstar sa Delhi, Shah Rukh Khan's ise to Fame ‘consummate family man i private fas been characterised by breaking BY)! | forgoing the ypical Numba celebty ‘down many tational barriers in lest, he peers spending his fee the Indian fm industry. time with his wae, Gaus, ancl theit Aferstcying atthe National School two children rssting that his ie ff Drama in Delhi, he underwent a very tiddle assis, is mille {woyear stint on Indian television clas lifestyle affords him probably before breaking nto fim. As many mone than most, wih hxury homes, Indian TY actors wll cone, joining [BMI and his own preduction ‘the celluloid elite is no ile feat. From Bellywood to Hollywood? company. India’s film indusiry as long been | fst twelve years, he made close xo_| Afr successfully showing Devdas {ominated by ating family dynasties. | fy lms. While some ofthese have | at Cannes it now seems Shah Rukh ‘Coupled with his eligions hen flops, Shah Roki’ fs have | has his sighs set on Hollywood. background, ew would have Tergly heen profitable unique | Given his ability to break down expected his meteoric rise. Yet, in his | quality in indian fl. Ang his best | bariers, don't ber against hi © 4 waren ann usten @ Socenshl ‘ol show host, Oprah Winky [A Look atthe photos and answer the questions. 1 Doyou think people have a better hie inthe US 2 Whats the Ameriean Dream? lita universal dream? 3. Why do people emigrate to Westen countries? B_ Watch the video and choose the answer (A. B.C) which fis best aoordng to what yu hen. 1 Whats the pis idea ofthe American Dream? A. She can become a Musle Television ost. 1B Shean become fous tke Angelina Joi Stncan pay ust or large ere 2. Whats the woman's reaction to the statistics ‘on ethnicity and poverty? ‘A. People can blame themselves fr belng poor. Education would solve many problems © ‘The ot ofthe problem is larg fais 3 Which was described as na making succesful person? ‘A. Having enough money for food and housing, BB Hlaving a lot of playthings ie cars, C Hlaving a goal and working towards (© You decide: Is the American Dream myth or reality? ‘Why /Why not? Are people individually responsible foe theisown success and falar? ‘Workin groups of thee, Rea the Teamwork See and create a problem tree to share with another group. 6 CONTROVERSY PM SORRY JIMMY, BUT I DONT THINK & PARTY ANIMAL Work in groups of four. Prepare a debate with another group. Use expressions from Language Bank 3 ‘Wost develop countries have some kind of weliare ‘system Iams to keep the poorest from starving and being Ihomaess. Same groupe argue that welfare simply encourages people to belay. ‘Group A: Yon ae conservative polticans ane business leaders, You favour reducing welfare benefits an forcing peopl on welfare to work. Sme points you could mention: ‘Higher taxpayers should decide how taxes are spent Work ethie versus lanes ad tart for children on welfare {© oourages migration {Group B: You represent single mothers, police ad anti- poverty orgnnisaions, You favour keeping wellare benefits Some points you could meation: f npact on crime rates if welfare removed ‘Reasons why long-term unemployment exists Impact on children and recent immigrants {Compassion for people with disadvantages, 7 PORTFOLIO WRITING A. Imagine you are your countrys leader Write a newspeper article (220-260 swords) to say why yo ‘Would make a good leader and what you woud do 1B Whiten article (220-260 words fora company ane about very successel person who has just retired rom the company: Mention his/her ackgound, career and aml. The sky's th 8 EON minoiish Bioinformatician: Adventure travel guide: uses computers to predict guides people onextrome | ‘which druge work best on travel adventares. hich diseases, ny (Curttictal Intelligence) A Workin groups uf tres hice, Oe suet ee uaneer comma; ne Programmer: up oe jobs and give a one minute presentation on them. Explain the jobs and develops software so machines how someone might g nto that career, can respond more 1B The others) are university students, who respond by asking questions and ike humans. government ata, Some questions yo coald ask ‘Don’t humans instinctively seek acceptance In a rou? Wouldn't soca collapse into chaos without Don't large, specialised organisations produce more gods and servies than informal, unstructured ones? PORTFOLIO WR Imagine you come frm a country that has recently become independent. Write a letter (180-210 words) toa rend about your feelings on your country's independence day. Creative writing: White a diary entry (220-250 ‘words for tuident who has just spent tele st ‘week in university accommodation eis thee fies time living away from home. C0 fn Engtisn ‘A. Workin pairs The United Kingdom is made up of Eagland, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Since 1997, Scoland and Wales have their own paliaments, Gne student give formal presentation on decentralisation, using the example of Seotish devolution (slt-government) ‘The other student’ presentation covers the British, or central gernmen, perspective 1B Afterwards discuss the presentations from the poin of view you presented UA rors Key dates Since devolution, ithas is own parliament and more | 1 oa oan oo Control over some areas of government. Eagpanad aad sootland 7 Act of Union: ofically united Scotland to England, Scotish Pasiament closed, Bish Parliament voted against having a Scottish Parliament 940s Several Scotish nationalist groups created, including the Scottish Nationalist Party. The Stone of Destiny traditionally used forthe ceremony of crowning Scotland's Kings, stolen from Westminster Abbey, offically returned to Scotland in 1996. 1970s North Sea oll discovered off Scotland, but the money goes direct Scolands vl modern Ferborent bung in Eanburgh The Scotish Parliament now [| The UK government keeps to the UK government. Ths spurs has responsibility for contol aver Scottish nationalism. agriculture, industry, education, [J defence and foreign policy 1979 Scotland voted against devolution, health, culture, the environment, J taxation policy, immigration, ir sendin voted tot devon: transport and roads, housing, trade, energy, employment fours socll sevice, socil secur, conanuonal_ 198 The Scatsh Fartamont opened, economic development ‘matters, gambling and some vwith a Fist Minster and 129 MSPS Sed ores $epecs of tans and nds inert fe seh ree 9 FURTHER DISCUSSION Discus in pais. Use the words and phrases rom inthis unit and Lamguage Bank 9 taking tras to develop and justly your eas and arguments A. How doos money affect personal independence? © When Americans dumped Hritish tea into Boston Can people be independent f they got hep trom Inaourin 1775, they were protesting eainat unfair parents o the government {exes bu the English considered i trvorism. What s Bf children move far away fom chets parents how the iference between freedom fighters and terri? oes it affet family relationships? 10 Your answer: NDEPENDEN _Do people Just not like being told what todo? Why does t matter whether we leave home? Does it matter whether we have oar orn place or our own land? 1 a Legal ease; 1 person weongly shot and killed by police ‘© People who believe 'S necessary to believe in Gon ta be moral and have good values’: Indonesia 99% Brazil 80% USA 58% Canada 30% Russia 26% France 13% WORD POWER Which rights are ffcted in these legal cases? Match the legal cases with the cocrect eights Right t0.. a pavacy, 2 person detained fora year b ie without beng charged 3 woman refused a promotion © atemaly uc to her gender 4 grouparrested for picketing equality anembassy 5 political rfage arrested hold poltialoce sing into another country 6 immigrant not allowed to bea candidate i an election asylum 7 biker arrested for erossing own property © a nae ope Poparazzo arrested for spying on aceletety 9 drug dealer's houses taken away away on arest be fae ial 1 fice movement Imagine you were the lawyer representing the person or People in each ease in . I's the challenging phrases in Tanguage Bank 10 to object to evidence in the cases 1 Which rights could you ite without? Which could you not live without Use intensfers fom Language Banke 10 to explain your answer 2 Do you think these rights shoul be universal for all People all ages and all countries? Why / Why not? SE (© US teenagers who feel adults are trying to Fostret thelr fraedem too much: 70% @ Do you feel restricted In your ife? What are the restrictions? 2 READING A. Four sentences have been removed from the artis onthe oppsite page. Choose from the sentences (A)() the one which fis cach gap (1}(4)- Theres one extra sentence which you do not need to use 'B_ Imagine you area journalist who Interviewee Assi, se reported speech to explain to television viewers what she told you about her experience a a slave and her escape © 1. Slavery isa taboo subject in Nig Why do ‘you think itis taboo? 2 What percentage of yobs do you think are there among young people? 3 What are the connections and differences bowen the two stores? 3 SPEAK YOUR MIND A Aterights worth fighting for? Give examples. B_ Why isitimpoctant for people to be abe to say wit they think? Should there be limits free speech? {© Should people be allowed to live wherever they want? How easy or difielt is for immigrants to So this? D_ Dogon know of any counties where there used to be slaves! What would fleas a slave be tie? E Would the Betis public aecept the Anti Social Behaviour Acti targeted senior eltizens, women o ethnic rows? : Some race groups sid it coud alo lrg ec minrites whose cures ee paeasereris os By Netcare lenient mores [Cl lls gives pole sb powers opie ocr guard forthe ist BD ive fhay re ictal cote © ae 1) Chin nen yw se ce pret er now shat happened thom Te a in cloned rey buh AxsbiteatasineinngerforS0__ | sinvery as long itor Ne years She was born askive, her | Reople tela are born into a slave ‘mother was ase, as were her | class and are fered to work without husband and children, She had to | pay throughout thei lives. They ‘workall day from easly in the are used as heners, agacultuel morning, preparing food for the | labourers and ss domestic servants master and his fail milking camels | everthing that a housctold needs and doingall household chores, | to have done s done by slaves, the including moving their tent. This is | master and his fmaly dono labo, heavy work, the tent alone can be | they do aot even ia cp, ‘made up of around 200 goat skins Regardless of thei age, slaves are_| esearch that AncSavery and has to be moved four times a day | under a master's total ecetrol They | International cased out with the toensure that the musterand his | ate not allewed to malesny teal onganisation Timi, In Familyare always shaded from the | decisions for themselves whether it | conducting te fist national survey song sun : is deciding when to eats sleep or | Of this abuse, over 11,000 people (On 28 June 2004, she escaped, | whom they marry. @2)..... The ___| Nere nterieweed, most of whom walking 30 kilometres to freedom. | caldren of saves are ernoed from | Were Kentified as slaves. The "We were never pad, I as only given | theie mothers when the are as ee a ‘ne tenth ofthe camel mi and | youngasewo yeas old and ae given | 43000 people are in avery cross Dehoret Voie cre kn ‘oother masters, aomiog happiness unt his mooth of Despteits presen the ue |” Slavery ilagal in Niger ond fetom. (1) Now at Lam | scleofaiveyn Ng on Decne | effi fs eimed tol hore free, Ican lve a I pleas clear last year, following int | ‘are no slaves. POLICE POWERS EXTENDED IN YOB CRACKDOWN government's erackdowa en them shut forupto sie months, The tiraocal cru Butte cle | area novel ner wll nor nso have commited ay | police pomers alos the pie offence be moved ony ofr | spre rou of peone who have the area hasbeen desgncedan an | gathered nan aca deg a s0cal hoopor bythe al eeune. | sca etapa bythe el cous in Mc ra oct ieee Mw cares tic power ata pres conference in west_| who ny be dpsed rom unl | london, asthe fst powers under he | the 180 Public rier Ac to wo Antec Behaviour Act) Tbanenpert oe Ace | Ate ths wlallnethen ta stop | objected oy chien’ cares | ‘ches sidingon the paement | an omelet ns sald would | cease eee ieee eae ores rata | | he police were given new powers to break up groups of wo or more teenagers, x pat ofthe and the new communitysupport | commited no-erime (4)... The ‘fiers wil get farther powers under | host of new powers were designed to | the same ac, tagger yobs, nuisance neighbours, ess controversial police aficers| vans ani drug dealers who make wall he ale to cose dota crack Ife misery for abiding residents Will SEO: hep coal yeh behavior? | houses within 48 hours, and keep yr Guan Newser Lite 204 asay? @ austin © ‘8 Look a the photos and answer 1 What s the worst thing you've heard abont teenager doing? 2 What kindof punishment did they recive? Was this far? 3. How should parents and schools deal with troubled teenagers? 4 What rights do ter situations? 8 Lscen to the audio and choose the answer (A,B,C) which fs best according 1 what sou heat 1 How are stadens often delivered to the schol? A Police officers transport stadents in the night B They are handeuffd in their homes. © ‘They ly out of Miami 2 How much did this cost $11,000 pee yoor $40,000 per course $40,000 per year 2 Why mere some students sent there? A” Smoking marijuana B Drinking alcohol (© Fighting with thee parents © Acthe end, decide how David and Peter wil respond to Mary's question. D_ You deco: What do yo thinkt would be ike to be ty Tranquility Hay? Should any teenagers be sent ‘there? Does behaviour mosieation work? Do 900 think parents have or should ave the right to sond their cad there? agers have in these ‘5 TEAMWORK Workin groups of tree. Pooplin your country have found a new way of choosing palitians. Read the ‘Teamwork Scenarto for Unit 10 . Share your ideas srk Gastar ct el Hats for a otery ofthe people yout have chosen. Who ‘wll be your country's leader? 6 CONTROVERSY ‘Work in groups of four Prepare adscussion with nother eoup. Use expressions fom Langage Bank 10. Teis now legal in the Netherlands and Belgium for very pation to seck euthanasia under very strict conditions, Should peopl have the right to choose when they dic? Your government has set up a committe to investigate the oss bility of leplising euthanasia Grow A Youare a group of concerned ctizns. You do not want ‘ont government ta allow eutbanasia, Some pols you may wish fo mention and questions task ¢ Isn't compassionate marr still murder? ¢ lsita slippery slope? Wil enthanasia be just for sick ple? Wil itbe used wrongly? ‘+ Won't some people use ito commit sled ‘© Tomany religions taking human ile a sin Grow B ‘You area group representing doctors, terminally il patents and ther families. Yaa want to convince your fovernment to allow euthanasia, Some points you may ‘wish to mention and questions to ask ¢ Isr'titmore humane to allow someone to def they nee {na lotof pain? 4 i last resort for very tl patents ¢ Euthanasis should only be used when a person agrees, *# Dea't most cligons believe i compassion fr others? 7 PORTFOLIO WRITING A. Wistea report (220-260 words) for your government on the rights of women. Explain any dilrences Ietioen men's and women’s rights and how this bas ‘hanged over the years. B_ Imagine you have boen sent to a behaviour nnofcation camp. Write a ete or ema (180-220 words) toa friend about your experience. 8 CU] m English A. Workin pairs. In Canada thee isan Engih-speaking majority and a French-speaking mlnorly, but tn the Canadian province of Quebec theresa majority of French speakers. One stent makes formal presentation from the point of slew of « French speaker rom Quebec talking about minokty language rights n Canada. The other stent talks about how an English speaker living in Quebec views minority language eights in Canada, B_ Afr the presentation, your partner challenges your point of wew with questions, Discuss whether minority languages shouldbe given equal status with majority langungs, Canada is officially bilingual (English and French). © English speakers 59.3%, French speakers 23.1%, other languages 17.6% © All federal agencies must provide services in English and French. All the provinces are offically English-speaking except Quebec (oficialy French-speaking) and New Lake Louise ens Brunswick offically bilinguaD,Billngual services vary Same eee telly between local ancl provincial governments. eae ais Quebec ma SE & Quebec is officially French speaking, © French speakers 82%, English speakers 8%, other languages 10% * © Relations between Quebec and the rest of Canada have been difficult since the 1960s, as some people want ‘Quebec to be independent from Canada, © Ina 1995 referendum 50.6% of Quebeckers voted in favour of staying in Canada, Language Laws “©1969: Canada becomes offically bilingual, © 1977: Quebec passes the Charter of the French Language, banning English commercial signs on the outside of buildings and limiting children’s attendance ‘at English schools. The ban is rejected by Canada’s Supreme Court (1988) “© 1962: Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms makes bilingualism part of Canada’s constitution, “1993: Quebec allows English signs on the outside of buildings, ifthe lettering is half the size of the Frenes, 9 FURTHER DISCUSSION Discus in pais. Use the words and phrases rom this unit and Ramguage Bank 10 o develop and jstify your ions and arguments. A. Which of these shoal be gu toad as individual Bo poliical power, wealth and socal status afect, rights abortion, alcobol use, drug use, Individual rights? I 0, how? employment. feedom of religion, gun ownership, After school shootings; many US schools use metal hhving children, healthcare marsage, petson, Aktectrs, security guards andl drug testing, Do you think sexually, wellare? these measures improve security and students Ives? 10 Your answer: CANT WE JUST DO WHAT WE WANT? Should everyone have complete redom? Where are the limits? Who should set these mits? lye: Internati ‘pyicoon: Evaluating diferent viewpolns “lenavege Tentative expressions The BIG question: WILL WE EVER HAVE PEACE? Ecologia! Wongori Machi Te ee acess og headed by Mohamed El Boral (Eye is women and cidren in kan Lawyer rd humen sighs acs! Shiro Ebocin (an) for defending tha rights [Kenya] fr her werk on reversing the UN agancy working fo ensure nuclear Alrican deforestation energy iso Used oe miltery purpoes @ Compare each of these people’s contribution to world peace. |who'do you think does the most important work and why? A Give the adjectives, then match the callocations 1 nature natural a envoy 2 diplomacy Nb soning 3 population easter ‘Heror 4 corruption 5 reson, © protest 6 fnance feiss 7 polities cone, peace h attack 1 What news stores would these collocatons appear in? Give examples 2 Choose three collocations in A and write three alogues about them (50-100 words) between fn optimist and a pessimist. Use to oF more ‘expressions fram Fammguage Banke 11 in cach dialogue © 1 Isitpossble tbe a strong leader and apis Why? / Why not? 2 Think of arecent cone. What attempts to solve it have there been? The ahi alstnction ofa dakomat is tat he can say ro sch away | matt coun ie Lester 8. Pearzon ‘READING ‘Who supports or opposes President Chaves? Give reasons why. Example: Many Brains would suport him because Ihe has elped he sam paras: ‘Who are the Mothers ofthe Plaza de Mayo are their politcal / social bets? 1 Doon think the US might invade Latin ‘American country (again)? Why / Why n 2 Whatcan peopl do for reconelation after violence of war? ‘SPEAK YOUR MIND ‘What ave been the important word events of the last year? Do you think the world got beter Should the UN be involved in peace-making Why Why not? ‘Do ou think etzens’ protests in the strects ex ‘change governments and resolve conflicts? Make two lists of government sitions you think make a government good or bad. What makes tact this way? Who benef rom these actions? What CHAVEZ, SEEKING resident Hugo Chavez spending lions of dollars ofis countrys ‘il windall on pet projects abroad, aimee! at seting up his leftist. ‘gosernment asa political fountespoin to the conservative Ish acininistration in the region With Venezuela's ol revenues sing 32 percent las year, Mr. Chavez has ibeen subsilizing sama parades in Braz, eye surgery for poor Mexicans and even heating fel for poor Families from Mane to the Bronx to Philadelphia, By some estimates, che spending now surpasses the nearly 82 billion Washington allocates annually to pay for development programs and the drug warn ‘western South Ameri The new spending has given more porter ta leader who bas been provocatively building a bubware Against what he has calle American ‘imperialistic aims in Latin America HOPE ENDS 29-YEAR MARCH OF gh Moe Sn Face Ove, LSA ‘One month ago, a historic event ook pce in Buenos Aires when the Mothers of the Paza de Mayo staged ther 1 00¢h, and hs, sdemoosteation, “The Mothers began their protests during the Dey War in Argention, ‘waged from 1976 o 1983, when the military government abducted, tortured and killed lefe-ving miltans, stole babies born to pregnant psoness, and obliterated any records that would heip the families find the bees or claim their srandehildren. Dunng this period, the word disappeared’ entered the lexicon. Ic efered to the kidnapped people who were never heard from gai, ‘On April 30,1977, fourteen ‘women went 16 the Phiza de Mayo, crs from the Pink Howse, the presidential palace, walking around Mr Chivez frequent dries Mr Bush and his top aides. (.) He has called Me. Busha donkey’ a “drunk anda ‘coma dating im Me Chrvez celebrates the spending as evolutionary largesse, intended ta further his dream of unifying tat America ina way Simén Holvar could to invade the county. ‘only dream of But wth the biggest oil reserves ‘ursice the Middle East Me Chive 4 mote than an iran eis ase rising as the next Fidel Csto, a hero forthe masses who is intent on ‘opposing every move the United States makes, but with an important advancage He's managed to do what Fide Castro never could” sid Stephen Jolinson, «scholar atthe conservative Heritage Foundation. "Ctr never had an independent source of income the way Chivez does, hive Isfling vod thar Cas efor him, leading nonaligned nations” (.) Antonio Ledezma, an apposition leader and one ofthe preslen's move determined foes, sid the policy's aim was to build'a politcal | capngh 6200 The Now Tins Co With the price of Venemuelan crude rising fivefold since Me Chiver was ft electel in 1958, the spending has not hut international reserves of Vencavelasereit worthiness. Oi analyst say the sustainability ofthat situation depends on the ow of revenues, the price of ol and the amount of erude Venere’ oi, lusty is able to produce. While the president enjoys the support ‘ofa majority of Venezulans, pols by Greenberg Quinlan Resner a Washington polling company that bas worked for Venezuel's ‘opposition movement, show that fewer than 30 pescent of Venezuclans believe the country shoul spend its cl revente abroad.) patiorm with an international reach’. | Ste wih cn ‘the pjramid in the centee ‘They | identi themselves by veering white head scarves, symbolizing the tapers oftheir chien, Theie ‘ontilent witness ined them prestige abroad and earned them ternational awards, They became an inspiration for others who suffered similar stuations under eepressive governments. They also Fecame victims of harassmeat. Thre ofthe founding members eventually ‘dsappeared too ‘So why was last mooth's major demonstration their las? One of the mothers, Hebe de Bonafin in an interview with La Nacon, put it ths ‘way. “We no longer have an enemy in the Pink House. This government has ood intentions Kirchner isa friend ‘ofthe family” She was referring to Nestor ‘irchnes, a Peronst wt leftist Jeanings, who hecame president of Acgentna in 2003. Shor after taking oie, Kirchner suspended fof immunity for former military leaders and announce chat he woul rot oppose extricon for had eseaped justice by fleeing the ‘country. The Mothers say about 30,000 disappearances remain lunresolvec The military elms 9,000, ‘Agoveenment commission the number chaser to 1,000. oO Research, the laws those who has put | cal ‘A. Lovie atthe photos and answer: 1 What kindof natural disasters can occu? 2 Have any of these happened in your country? 3 Are people prepared for disaster in your country 4. What do you know about Hat? B Before you listen, decide which ofthese willbe ‘mentioned as posible problems i Halt © Disease Forest fies © Poverty Drought (Check your answers ale listening. Usten tothe ado clip and complet these sentences (emaximum three words): 1 Weather satelites measured the rainfall in the mountains 1 Be vn one day. 2 USAID reports hat lion tees are cut down every yt 3. Difleent cores have offered to export {it fr flare housing ned esting D_ You decide: Who or whats to blame for the deaths in ait? What role has armed confit had on Hit and ‘other developing countries in mes of ers? Do your think things wil gt better in Halt? What can Individuals and iflerent countries doto help Hait's problems? 5 TEAMWORK ‘Work n groups of three. Imagine you are members of the newly-formed World ence institute Read the ‘Teamwork Scenario an come up with some des about resolving conflicts, The class decides which are the two best ideas fo cone resolution 6 CONTROVERSY ‘Work in groups of fou. Prepare a debate against another graup. Uscexpressions from Tanguage Bank 11 The United States and the Buropean Union seem tobe at eds on many subjects Such as rade forming, Ira terrorism). debate is being arranged between politicians from the US andthe EU, The epinions from both sides range om seeing the Band the US as streng vals to wanting mote cooperation Group A YoU are pessimists who thnk the EU and US will eventually become bitter rivals Some points you may wish ‘¢ Nomore common enemy (Communist countries, such tsthe Sov Uinon) to unite them ‘ Usis increasingly religious: BU, increasingly secular ‘© Many Europeans agaist the wari rag (and resolving cenit by fore) ‘© U1 supports envionment initiatives ike the Kyoto rotocol US wgainst ‘Most EU countees promote socal equality and welfare: US prefers fee-market capitalism, Group B ‘Yor are optimists who think the BU and US wll boone later alles Some points you may wish to mention: 1 Shared history Democratic tradiuons Close economic ties Cooperation in many areas (for example: secu ‘evironmentel protection, peace heeing miso) ‘US and tain share alangunge * oth face economic and poltial competition fom China and india 7 PORTFOLIO WRITING A Write pros release (180-220 words) fr the last demonstration bythe Mothers of the Playa de Mayo B- Choose an international event fom the past year and write an actcle (220-260 words) for alocal youth newspaper about Peace around thi 8 COU mm Engiisn A Workin pars. You each ea formal presentation about how drama can make people think boul about war ands elects. The rt students abot the orgs of ant war drama in Western theatre. The second student resents anwar thai ae 1950 2 Ater the presentations, improvise min scenarto fo a ply tooppos war and promote peace, You ea use songs. Origins of AntiWar Drama (GREEK DRAMA AGAINST WORLD WAR I The Trojan Women ~ Euripides (415 BC) About the Journey's End - RC Sheriff (UK,1929) defeat of Troy and enslavement ofits women by Athens. About life and death amon, Lysistrata Aristophanes (410 BC) Comedy about Greek British soldiers in the trenches. Women Who withhold sex from their husband to stop, them fighting in a war AGAINST WORLD WAR IL WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE 1564-1616) A My Sons— Arthur Miler (U5, 1945) Experts disagree whether Shakespeare was pro- or anti Abou family who discover thei war. He often glorifies war, but also shows war's many _ father was a secret war-time profiteer, Unpleasant aspects. Plas often performed as ant=ar ploces: Henry Trolas and Cressda and Coniolanus. Post-1950 Anti-War Theatre. AGAINST THE WAR IN VIETNAM US (US, 1966): Play critical of US involvement in Vietnam, instrumental in keeping Britain out of the Vietnam War Hair (Us, 1968: Broadway musical about the hippie (anti-war) generation. Street theatre: Various groups. Ithas since become a major part of antisvar demonstrations AGAINST THE WAR IN IRAQ The anes of Cer Dalya (UK 203: When 2 US ger decides oem Tees Gea: pe Oi 2 Wiens ale ee eer Re anc vine Tope | a tedta as eee Lysistrata Project (US, 2003): 029 readings ofthe Greek pay across the US. Discus in pais. Use the phrases fom this unit and Language Bank 11, ‘aking turns to develop and justly your ideas and arguments A What confit has your country been involved i © How has technology change the nature of war since 1940? How have these conflicts changed And the search for peace? Give examples. sour eountey? D_ What are ‘rogue states? What threat do they pose? B. How are clilians and netre affected by wat? Should anything be done about them 10 Your answer: WILL WE EVER HAVE PEACE? Will we exer have universal peace? Do you think peopl really care? ett 300 250 200 150 lige.... ae 1 Hlave you used the internet for any of these? ‘© Downloading musi, videos or software ' Looking up information with a search engine 4 Talking to peoplein achat room Sending emals ‘Buying something online Accessing your bank account Using internet phoves or webcams 2. Usethe Language tank 12 uncountable nouns brother uncountable to desenibe how the Internet has changed the word. Example oink cere mch more formation null for people 3. What language do yo useto surf the net? Make a deduction about these statements using Language Bank 12, 1 Hackers have shut down the website again, 2. We googled him and found over 300 pages about his ite, 3. Abroadband connection iemueh faster when you are surfing the interne. © 1 How have emails, chatrooms and texting changed the way’ people communicate? 2. What is neuguette? SS Re © Cost of computer Viruses to businesses | Gra cay Tachi fo use the Net in 2008: “Suject Using the internet ‘unetion: Uneaurtable nouns ‘danguege: Desucing The BIG question: ARE WE ALL ONLINE NOW? ‘aie a mana ih and yov oa hi 55 billion | ac/he mar boter you fr Woks @ Can anyone lear to use the internet? @ 00 you need to speak English to surf the net? a Read the ist article. Which statement() rete to Lim Yortwen? 1 Hes koen basketball player 2 He practises 10 hours every night. 3) ets sponsored by Samsung Hlectronics 4 Heisup tocight times faster than a casual payor plain how each person feck about the other person / thing 1 Andy — Katina Katrina — Andy Katrina's grandmother. —> Andy Karina's randmother. —> Venus Doyou se vdeo games asa career option? ‘What would be dificult to understand about Katrina and Andy's relationshipe ‘SPEAK YOUR MIND Why do poople use the ineenet? What do you ike ot Aishke about? ‘Should we be worried that ot of people da have ‘cee othe internet or computers? Do you play any video games? What do you like shout ‘them? Ist beter to play against a person or ‘computer? ‘Why is internet dating becoming so popular? Where ‘ese do people go to meet someone? Ae un ott plays computer games all day makes a shefgure income fling ic and has thousands of Adoring fans. Computer games have become a spectator sport here, ane Me Lim isa star tna packed Seoul television studio cently, M. Lim stood combat- Feady a miltarysyle white tune with epaulets, hls spiky hao set off by shiny siver headphones. “Tapping fanteatly ata keyboard, Mr. Lim built virtual empire and launched a daring attack on enemy forces in an imaginary electronic galaxy ~ and was defeated ~ all within five minutes. Broadeast on cable This | Tobe a winer im YoHwon moves were also displayed on frcins 10 hours doy. Sercen before 300 fans in the solo, Who cheered, cred and smacked | pros to earn ting and maybe even hoisemakers to show support. ‘etch, Thre Korean ble TV ‘As clectonic games attnet big | channcls broadcast matedes 24 hows lll deals with sport legues, | a day live matches take ace every Hollywood and advertisers, more | week here in Seoul, and draw as many gamers are starting to face offin | exstomers as moves. Ths gaming professional venues. The pays are | mecra is even deawing young men ppciclal ich here in Korea, where | from allover the worl, who ae lee there's enough commercial and | by prospects of fame anc fortune cultural support fora community of | Last year Me; Lim made about [DRO THOREFUCNNT | sent her a sory hed writen, she lost Ther heare completely and artnged to Kass 2iciusatoutco gre | meen up om intemet dating when ‘Cockfosters tube staton in noth Yenus intervened. Venus isthe ‘onalon is’ the most obvious place matchmaking program on for love to blossom, but Andy 31, match com, the website she stated | had to.come down fiom Notugham using after her st relationship broke | ro meet her and it wis te nearest up. On the very’ clay Katrina thought, | landmark they could thirk oft the “This sil: 'm not doing tis any | M50, He brought fawers which more,” Venus sent her Andy's protile | Katrina thoughe was a vey good start, and suggested she take look and, contrary to what he: mother ‘era few emails, she realised her | thought of his photo, helt look search was ower.“ knew he could be | like convict, Lunch led toa walkin the oae. He made me lugh and |_| the park, which was follcwed by 300,000 from player fees and ‘commercials. Another top earner, Hung je-Ho, whase fingers are insured for $69.00, recenty signed a three year deal with telecom provider KTE Co, that wl pay him $480,000 altogether, ‘Computer games began waking off In Roeva five years ago when the fovernment rolled cut a nations high speed internet system, Instead bof buying expensive consoles or handheld games, which weren't ‘widely avalale here then, teens began facing off on the internet, Companies ranging from Samsung Fleceonics to Coc Cola Co, started sponsoring tournaments. like most serous gamers, MM Lim plays through mach of| the night and sleeps most of the day. He used to play basketball but stopped about ewo years ago for feat of hurting his ages, hich have to move fst o win ournaments, A measure peogramers se 10 gauge ability APM, or actions per minite. APM is the average fhumer of maneuvers a payer can execute in 60 seconds, Most casual players have an APM of between 50 nd 70, Mr Lim bas been known hic 400 APM at some games, 6.66 ‘moves per second, Katrina remembers thinking getting late. Why Is he sul here” And, of course, was sl here ‘because he ad fallen for es, 100. “They haven’ told Katrina's ‘¢ypsiot grandmother how they met because she woulda aderstand, ‘but exeryone ose has heen very positive shout Andy proposed luring a weckend in Vienna after hiding the ring in a par of shoes — the only place Katrina wouldn't look Katrina say, "We neary cl find teach other But ance we did, the ste became redundant. could seca sensitive side." When he | coffee before they went the pub ‘Copy Observer /Deeo'Conse 2002 4 waren ann usten @ 8 Per Ce rae | eee res occ ee A. Tonk at the photographs and answer: 1 Istheinternet Anglocentic? 2 Can you find everything you need on the net in your language? 3 Which foreign language websites do you lke? 4 Do online transation programmes help wen you aresuring the New? Before you watch, decide what will be sald about: ‘© Non-English speakers and the internet * Chinese feelings about using Chinese earacters ' Probloms with using Chinese characters The future of the Chinese language online ‘Check your answers ater istening. © Watch the videoclip. When it pauses, try to answer Paul Twome’s question, D_ Watch the videoclip and answer the questions 1 Hows Kuala Lumpur ike the internet? } 2 How many variations of Chinese characters re tere? 3 Why might using Chinese characters bea problem for business? 4 Hw many broadband usors are there worldwide You decide: Should we use more than one kind of script for email and web addresses? Will there bemoce than ‘one internet in the future? ‘Workin pas See the Teamwork: Sento, You are nebste designers creating a website Share your eas with the clas The class ean voe om te two websites they think would be the most interesting and the most popula. 6 CONTROVERSY Work In groups of fou. Prepare a debate with another roup. Use expressions from Language Bank 12 ‘Gambling has become a major internet business ‘ith peopl betting on everything from horseracing to «ard games lke poke As problems increase, peopl are calling for an end to online gambling. Group A:You are group representing the gambling industry. Here are some questions ou could ask #'Ne one forcod to gamble. Isnt an individ choles? 4+ Doesn't gambling provide lat of jos + Can't most online gambling sites be tered oat with parental control sofware? * Shouldn't companies be allowed to operate anywhere they want? Group B: You are agent the gambling industry. Here “re some questions you could ask: 4 Isn't gambling a dangerous adaction lke alcoholism? + Tsonline gambling made even more additive when it is presented Ike a vido ga ‘Ist zwlly posible to mse sure that noone whois underage can place bls online casinos? + Doesn't the government lose a ot of tax income ‘whe these companies operate from tax-havens? PORTFOLIO WRITING A maine a friend has decided to join an internet dating service. Help your frend write a personal profile (220-250 words) fr the net. include Aeseription ofthe Kal match B_ Wittean artiele(220-250 word) for an ‘magazine with predictions fo te ature ofthe Internet. How do you think it wll develop? 8 CTT in Engtish A. Workin pairs You are computer consultants. Givea Ble the presentations ask questions and discuss formal presentation abou either hacking or viruses. how secure the internet Is. Can hackers or viruses ‘ever be stopped completely? Hacking techniques : # Guessing / Hacking ino passwords o accesso computer vebork, | *# Sociol engineering Pretending to be someone ele fo chin Sensitive information, such as bank deta ‘¢ Dumpser diving: Locking trough rubbish for old computer disks cand documents Famous backers x 1982: ln Murphy changed telephone company computer ee eerie ie 1995; Kevin Mick sole 20,000 credit cord rumbers, Afr fur yoo in prison, Minick become conpuierecurly conan. Viruses or malicious codes ' Macro vis: Found in oppizations ke MS Word ond Excel spreods by opening a computer fle 1 Worm: reales copies of sal, ues emeilo spread ' Trojan horse: Disquized as another programme, like « game dowload: I can le a hacker info your computer. 1 Spyware: Nota virus, but sends information about yu ta enethor ‘se It can slow down and crash your computer. mech lo eh infected © NyDocm: Hihes ae of replication ovr (infected one in 12 cori worlwide Ber Seathugo unt of na, suing dom mai eres # BugbeorD: Reco rokes lke passwords or credit numbers ler ocoed by he viv wir 9 FURTHER DISCUSSION Discus in ales. Use the word and phrascs from tis unt and Language Bank 12, ‘king curs to develop and justly your ideas and arguments ‘A. Whatare your favourite websits? What do ou like New mobile phones are becoming more lke computes about the wah internet acces and other features, What ure the 1B Isthe ntemet a safe or dangerous pace? How can advantages and disadvantages ofthis parents protect children and teenagers using the 1P_Gevernment and corporate websites have boen hacked Internet? What are the advantages and ew for politcal reasons. What could happen If disadvantages of anonymity online? important sites are accessed ileal 10 Your answer : ARE WE ALL ONLINE NOW? Con the world function without the internet any more? Could pecple manage without emails? Will the internet be even more important in ttre? RUE ad The BIG question: DO YOU TRUST THE MEDIA? Forget about “who; what, where, whery why, What should the media be for? Finding ‘out the truth or entertaining people? Complete the newspaper headlines with thecorrect Scan through Italy Trails a Press Freedom tnd repo. cut wha Sitio Busco owas about for tom B Compare and conta the slination for an etor Senet foc aV news programme ona channel med ty Brisconl and the er of the paper in Ci 1 Arve slag go at ‘Which editors more edo fo chowe news 2) Pansoner ought shares sk el ree Test tend ©. What do you thnk SvoBerhscons views of 2 What’ rong the Prime Minster? ee 4 Coot ving too sens? Tied ing 2. Who shuld choos news storie: journalists tnd ears or the pu? Whit vonage or 5 clctorl aud Gindvontages wold there be? tH? 3 SPEAK YOUR MIND A. Where do you get your news from? Why does 1 Make these headlines more sensati collogulalisms trom Language Bank toreplace the underlined words. ‘knowing about current events mater? 2 What could you imply abou the content of B_ What do you like an disike about television? What cach story? Use Language Bank 13 to help are your favourite TV programmes and channel? you answer (© What would it ike to be a journalist. a foreign Mpls Haman tle sciar cies) correspondent? Would you lk either of these Jobs? 2 Resides news, what does the media offer ws? D_ Why the media an important part of democracy? 3. Isall news biased? ‘Why would politicians want to influence the media? Media ITALY TRAILS IN PRESS FREEDOM i | er Spi. Oy ees SS Piisetees Fee eer ears we |(ctooncl Gains ee [inisiwoaneaspestnatine un, | cot he conta showlike news’ program TG4,and | General Assembly in 2003, former | concentration of media power in the | you'll get an idea ofhow extended || PineMaitersivoBetuwcon | tandsofPanc Nmiacrsivo | hiscona ere pu option spoke in font of ery few people TGI, the main Ieaian pubic TV Journal, edited the TV camera §ngles so that che assembly looked crowded, with people enthusiasteally appluding the prime minister In the relative Sileace of othes TV jouenals, only a saticical evening show would Berlusconi, who, though his prvate_| His media empire i not only televsual. Though Bininvest, holding company contri by Beclsconi’s Family he also ‘controls lage share of che Publishing and newspaper | marker, with Mondadori, || Italy's largest book and magazine publishing gop, Find out the truth — the oxations and ll Giornale, leading were for the U.N. Secretary ‘ational newspaper, iso General Koll Anna's speech, and ame a few y | ‘TGI's editing distorted the fits Some commentators bolieve the center-left coalition Jed by Romano Prodi managed to win recent elections bya rzoe’s edge thanks “This problem has: passed by unnoticed, eeedom House has released a report about the Freedom ofthe press in the woe I ‘emerges that out oF the 194 counties | media holdings and poical power | Italian votes abroad who, because So Baruscon subjected 0 the research 54 are | orerthe sate television aetwr,_|of beter media cversty a thelr pur fee” GO perent of werd | contos90 perent ofthe country’s | respetve counties of residence, population, 73 free (17 pereen), | broadcast media” oul get more complete and din 7 are'not Tee GO percend | Bescon owns Mase, dhe | ut peur f the alan Soc the thi yearin ar, tly has been | main priate TV company in aly nd | nd politi situation and teseore . placed among the party fee as prime minister he hare co | vote! forthe "gh sie . ‘countees. Controle the nahonal pale ai TV | "Now, many lector are wating Freecom House, points the Hager | networ by insaling sve people. | foe things ta change Welle if the actheanomalous conceoteaion of | whoa loyal to him both chief | new government wl be sbi 0 themassmeda in the hards of one | editor ofthe beadeassand inthe | sus these hgh nd eghiate penn: "Freedom ofspecch and the | management commie expectations ——— | in etn. other wor, the | Joust, They constany mono | Wehste act as marke rsearch for | Noes to se who gets he most «he newsrooms continue wy | what stores people want readin | clicks andthe publisher ing 10 {0 ajst toa werld in which the | thee nemspaper. and apparent, | offer cares based on how tary internet exis (fea, k's aking them | the pipers doing ate well because | clicks they ge In other words i's uitea whie oceme w terms with | of the change pypercce jours, which (o this), then’ an interesting ‘While some decry thetowest__| Course) i going to promote mote | expecinenthappeningdown in| common denominator atoms | senstionatic stores. le also makes Chie. The publser ofthe paper set | ths brings ot, the pulser ckims | you wonder how lngit wil take upasjstem where everyone inthe | he's just showing people what they | before we get stores of journalistic ‘ows room gets eal time sets about | want ater than tying lecture | click au wheres journalt hes what tries readers om the em about what they shouldbe | one ofthese cc fad series to newspapers website are dcking on, | reading about. What's even more | repeatedly elk on his oc her ares, 1 those ccs deve what news | interesting, However, omit jin co make them sem mare Stores willappearia the next y's | appears to be impacting ie popula A. Look at the photos of 9/11 in New York and answer 1 How would you expecta news interviewer to ‘neat a person who iad us lost relatives o friends na tern 2 How would you expect news interviewer to ‘rea an interviewee with politcal views that hh / she did not age with B Watch the videoclip fom Outfixe, a documentary lm about Fox News, 24-hour US'TV news channel ‘and read our review of it oupored-doyon gee TT ‘We found the documentary extract very dramatic television. The body language ofthe pica was sometimes even more significant than the ctl dalogue Jeremy Glick Kept his hands clasped tightly together while Bil OReilly used his hands vo point snd gestculate. We don’ thnk that © Rely was realy interested in what Glick had to say, andl he was ‘more concerned to communicate ta his viewers that Giick’s view was unpatriotic. Glick kepr his cool under pressure from a profesional broadcaster Fox News’ slogan i ‘Fair and balaned n this case swe doa't agree 1 Doyou think we hive rites Fax News fly? I not, what was yone understanding of what was ‘bing said and what was boppenkn in the clip 3 Do you thnk the documentary presented the erdence fly 4 Ino, explain why. © You decide: Do you thin that news is generally reported with oF without bas? Give sine examples 5 TEAMWORK ‘Works in groupe of three. Read the Teamwvork Scena. ‘When you have come up with your stores, discuss: Should nenspapers be used to report ition Does tis change your view of newspapers? 5 col ROVERS’ ‘Work in groups of four Prepare a debate with other troup. Use expressions irom Language Bank 13. ‘Government intligence agencies have at times reeruitel journalists as spies. Athough repentdly asad ty Journalist organisations o stp this, some agencies Group A Youare trom an intalligence agen: Some points you may wish to use ‘Journalist ean got into places that most others cannot ‘© ational security isthe most important su; not al ries should be tol the news ‘© The government shouldbe able to aka ofits tien fer bop. Grow 8 Youare journalists Some points you may wish to use Journalists lves are pt in danger urns ntogelty the Important stories shoud be tod «Polen should not used their own aims © Good. quality journals requires lack of bias, even hen writing sont your own county. RTFOLIO WRITING A. Write an emul (180- newspane in Chile lick journalism 'B-Shoose un article from a ma Winte 220-250 words about why you thought the nticle was god or bad words tothe eto of the eiving your views about pay-per- | 8 CHEST 1 beets When people argue about a lack of media freedom, they olen refer to novels aboot fare

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