Materi ISO 45001 - 2018 Versi English PDF

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ISO 45001

Current status of
July 2015

ISO/PC 283

 Verbal statements made by the presenter may

represent personal opinions and/or
 The presentation includes information related to
the drafting process up to and including
July 2015

Internatonal Or"an#aton for
Standard#aton $ISO%
 !" is based in #ene$a%
& 'ith 1(5 member national standards bodies
& 20500 published standards
  )ll !" standards are based on consensus
 !"*s 'or+ in$ol$es all rele$ant sta+eholders and
includes e,perts from: industry and commerce%
go$ernment% consumers% labour% academia% standards
applications% -#"*s.

Internatonal Or"an#aton for
Standard#aton $ISO%
 !"*s roect ommittee -o. 23 4!"/ 23 is
responsible for the de$elopment of !" 5001
 !"/ 23*s membership currently includes:
& 56 participating countries%
& 15 obser$er countries%
& 1( liaison members.

&'s presentaton
 t pro$ides an o$er$ie' of the current state of
de$elopment of !" 5001
Occupational health and safety management systems
 – Requirements with guidance for use

 t is being de$eloped by !"/ 23 for use by its

members for communication purposes

 t 'ill be updated as the de$elopment of !" 5001


(ey perspe!tves
&'s ne) standard s *en" developed to+
7elp organi8ations minimi8e the ris+ of harm to all those
'or+ing under their control 4defined as 9'or+ers 'ithin the
ro$ide a platform for continual impro$ement in
occupational health and safety performance
ntegrate "7;! 'ithin an organi8ation*s o$erall business
management system

,an fo!us

&'e draft standard puts emp'ass on+

Top management :

& being accountable for "7;! management

& needing to demonstrate leadership.

 =or+er participation in:

& the identification of ha8ards and ris+s

& the de$elopment and operation of the "7;!
management system%
   3 and indicates these are essential for success.
,an fo!us

&'e draft standard puts emp'ass on+

 The need to pre$ent ill&health 4including mental

ill&health% as 'ell as inuries

The need to recogni8e that the causes of ill&health and

inuries can be through

& immediate impacts 4e.g. accidents or epidemics
& longer term impacts 4such as repeated
e,posure to radiation or carcinogenic chemicals% or to a
constantly stressful 'or+ing en$ironment
-"' level stru!ture
 ) ne' common format has been de$eloped by !" for use
in all its management system standards% and is being used
by !" 5001. This is often referred to as 9)nne, !>% and
     ̶ a common top level clause structure (or sequence)
     ̶ standardized core text
     ̶ standardized core definitions
t is intended to enable organi8ations to achie$e easier
implementation and better integration of multiple management
systems 4e.g. @uality% en$ironmental% information security
   C The high le$el structure and common te,t is public information and can be found in .nne S of the
!" !upplement to the !"/? Directi$es art 1% see: '''$es
Stru!ture of ISO/CD 450012
1 S!ope
2 ormatve referen!es
3 &erms and defntons
4 Contet of t'e or"an#aton
.1 Anderstanding the organi8ation and its conte,t
.2 Anderstanding the needs and e,pectations 'or+ers and other
interested parties
.3 Determining the scope of "7;! management system
. "7;! management system and its processes
5 eaders'p% )orer part!paton and !onsultaton
5.1 >eadership and commitment
5.2 olicy
5.3 "rgani8ational roles% responsibilities and authorities
5. articipation% consultation and representation
   8  Plannn"
(.1 )ctions to address ris+s and opportunities
   O (.2 "7;! obecti$es and planning to achie$e them
Stru!ture of ISO/CD 450012
 Support
<.1 Besources
<.2 ompetence
<.3 )'areness
<. nformation and communication
<.5 Documented information
8 Operaton
.1 "perational planning and control
.2 Canagement of change
.3 "utsourcing
. rocurement
.5 ontractors
   2 .( ?mergency preparedness and response
Stru!ture of ISO/CD 450012
6 Performan!e evaluaton
6.1 Conitoring% measurement% analysis and
6.2 nternal audit
6.3 Canagement re$ie'
10 Improvement
10.1 #eneral
10.2 ncident% non&conformity and correcti$e action
10.3 ontinual impro$ement
Stru!ture of ISO/CD 450012

The numbers gi$en in brac+ets refer to the clause numbers in this !
7s *ased t'nn"
 "7;! management traditionally uses a ris+&based
approach to e$aluate and address the ris+ of harm
 !"*s 4)nne, !> format for management system
standards no' re@uires organi8ations to also consider the
ris+ that the "7;! management system itself may not be
effecti$e% and to loo+ for opportunities for impro$ement
 The re@uirements for 9ris+s and opportunities in clause
(.1 ha$e been adapted in !" 5001 for both "7;!
ha8ards and for the "7;! management system itself 
7s *ased t'nn"
 !"/D 5001.2 uses the terms:

& 9"7;! ris+ and 9"7;! opportunities 'hen it is

referring specifically to the control of ha8ards

& 9ris+ and 9opportunities 'hen referring to the "7;!

management system

ISO 45001 development pro!ess
 There are se$eral distinct stages 'hen de$eloping an
!" standard the +ey ones being:
1. -e' =or+ tem roposal
2. =or+ing Drafts 4=Ds
3. ommittee Draft 4D
. Draft nternational !tandard 4D!
5. 4"ptional Einal Draft nternational !tandard 4ED!
(. nternational !tandard 4!
"nce a standard has been published it is re$ie'ed at regular
   2 inter$als after'ards to ensure it remains current
ISO 45001 development pro!ess
Sta"e &melne
e) or tem proposal  )greed June 2013
orn" Draft ssued January 201.
Becei$ed c. 1300 comments
suggesting impro$ements.
Commttee Draft ssued July 201.
-ot appro$ed.
Becei$ed c. 2500 comments.
2nd Commttee Draft ssued Carch 2015.
 )ppro$ed June 2015.
Draft Internatonal Standard January/ Eebruary 201(
$Optonal% 9nal Draft To be determined
Internatonal Standard
   8 Pu*l!aton To be determined
ISO 45001 development pro!ess
 !"/ 23 initially agreed a 3 year de$elopment
9timeframe for !" 5001
 This targeted publication of !" 5001 for
"ctober 201(
 The appro$al of the second D means that the  is no'
'or+ing to prepare the Draft nternational !tandard 4D!. f
the  is able to complete this acti$ity at its meeting
planned for !eptember% then follo'ing editing and
translation% the D! may be a$ailable in late January / early
Eebruary 201(.


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