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Great Lakes of USA = Homes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior)

Countries bordering Seas

Adriatic Sea  "Infinitely Slim Cockroach Bit My Aunt"

 Italia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania.

Black Sea GURR BuT = Georgia, Ukraine, Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey

Baltic Sea= RuDe Germany SELL Poland & Finland

        Ru- Russia
        De- Denmark
        S- Sweden
        E- Estonia
        L- Latvia
        L- Lithuania

Caspian Sea  = KazRATI (Kazakhstan, Russia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Iran )

Red Sea = DESSEY= Djibouti, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia,Sudan (not somalia), Egypt, Yemen

Mediterranean sea = Africa k METAL ki LIST asia me Europe Ke FSI ne SCY BAG ko di.

African countries = METAL = Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt

West Asian countries = LIST = Lebanon, Israel, Syria, Turkey
European countries = SCy BAG + FSI = Spain, Cyprus, Bosnia, Albania, Greece, France, Slovenia, Italy,
Malta, Monaco, Croatia, Herzegovina, Montenegro

Formation of states in Chronological Order:

AaM GuNaH Hi Meg ManTri Si GArMi de sakta hai
        A = Andhra Pradesh (1953)
        M = Maharashtra (1960)
        Gu = Gujarat (1960)
        Na = Nagaland (1963) 
        H = Haryana (1966)
        Hi = Himachal Pradesh (1971)
        Meg = Meghalaya (1972)
        Man = Manipur (1972)
        Tri = Tripura (1972)
        Si = Sikkim (1975)
        G = Goa (1987)
        Ar = Arunanchal Pradesh (1987) 
       Mi = Mizoram (1987)
       CHH=   Chhattisgarh

Official languages of UNO = FACERS= French, Arabic, Chinese, English, Russian, Spanish
Principal organs of United Nation: GS IS ECONOMICS    
          G- General Assembly
          S- Security Council
          I- International Court of Justice
          S- Secretariat
          ECONOMICS- Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

Arrival Of European companies in chronological order = PD BD FS

    P = Portuguese (1498)
    D = Dutch
    BRITISH (1600)
    D = Danes (1616)
    F = French (1664)
    S = Swedish (1731)

SCO countries =  TRUCKK - IP

          KK-Kyrgystan and kazakhstan
          I= India

NCERTs Based Geography section

1. Tropical( Kharif) Crops
     CoBaMa की TuJoRi (Cobama की Tujori)
     Cotton, Bajra, Maize, Tur, Jowar, Rice

2. Temperate ( Rabi) Crops

   Whe Ba G Ra M ( Vibha Garm)
Wheat , Barley , Gram, Rapeseed, Mustard

3. Tropical Evergreen Tree REMA

   Rosewood, Ebony, Mahogany, Aini

 4. Semi Evergreen Trees- CHK (check)

         cedar, hallock, Kail

 5. Tropical Deciduous Dry

   PAKka TABela ( Pak ka Tabela)
   Palash, amaltas, Khair, Tendu, Axlewood , Bel

6. Tropical Deciduous Moist  SSS AT ( 4- SAT KuHu Mahu)

Sandalwood, Sal, Shisham, Semul, Amla, Teak, Kusum, Hurra, Mahua

Tropic of Cancer via 8 states: West Me Gujarat Rajasthan, Mujhe Jharkhand Chahiye Tha

Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh (Shajapur), Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Tripura and
Mizoram in that order.

KINGS who Followed Buddhism: BAPU Ka Hath = Bimbisar, Ashoka, Prasanjeet, Uday Sen,
Kanishka, Harshavardhana

Important fold mountains: U ARe A Himalaya

      U :- Ural Mountain.
      A :- Alps Mountain.
      R :- Rocky Mountain.
      A :- Andes Mountain.
      H :- Himalaya.

Jainism 5 Vows = COAST (Chastity, no Own property, Ahimsa, no Stealing, Truthfulness)

Length of Boundary India Shares In Decreasing Order

Bipin Chandra Pal Ne MBA किया (Bangladesh >China> Pakistan >Nepal> Myanmar > Bhutan

15. States With Bicameral System = KATUMB

Indian states bordering-
Bhutan = SAAB = Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh,  Assam,  Bengal
Myanmar =  ARUNA MAMI =  ARUNAchal,  NAgaland,  MAnipur , MIzoram

17. 8 Core Industries of India  = Decreasing share

Refree (ne) Electric ShoCk (de kr) Crude oil (se jalaya) Gas (nikli) Cement (m) Fertilizer (daala)

Refree - Refinery products

Electric - Electricity
S - Steel
C - Coal
Crude oil
Natural Gas

Human started using metals in sequence= CBI = COPPER, BRONZE, IRON

Horn of Africa = SEED = Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti

Three Principles of Jainism (Triratna)= KFC = right Knowledge, right Faith, right Conduct

Dalhousie made annexations (Doctrine of lapse) only on weekends i.e. Saturday and Sunday.

Sat and SUN = Satara, Sambhalpur, Udaipur, Nagpur & then Jhansi

States through which IST passes = UP in COMA = UP, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, MP, Andhra Pradesh

States having ILP system= NAMaMi = Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Mizoram

Buddhist councils in sequence = RaVaPaKa = Rajagriha, Vaishali, Pataliputra, Kashmir

Delhi Sultanate = Sab Khao Tamatar Sab Lo Maze

S : Slave (Mamluk)

K : Khilji

T : Tughlaq

S : Sayyid

L : Lodi

M : Mughals

Arctic council members = RUN a Floppy DISC = Russia, USA, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Canada

IndianOceanCommission= Mom See Mad Cat in Room = Mauritius, Seychelles, Madagascar, Comoros, Reunion island
Hills from south to north= CAN She go JaPaN = Cardamom, Anamalai, Nilgiri, Shevaroy, Javadi, Palkonda, Nallamala

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