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Twilight Sector

Setting Update Alpha

Chris Stevens
with additional material by
Michael J. Cross (Adventure Seeds Dissent, Deep)
John Lees (Superluminal Drive, Char Gen, Bourlag, Tylen)


John Lees
John Lees (Cartography),
Emel Akiah, Mu Young Kim
Kenneth Fairclough

“Traveller” and the Traveller logo are Trademarks owned by Far Future Enterprises, Inc. and are
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Twilight Sector: Campaign Setting Sourcebook is published by Terra/Sol Games LLC under
the Open Game License version 1.0a, Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast Inc.
Terra/Sol Games LLC, the Terra/Sol Games logo and the Twilight Sector logo are trademarks
of Terra/Sol Games LLC © 2009 Terra/Sol Games.

K- Hely (order #5683568)

Table of Contents
Intro, Background Material ......................... 3
Galactic History .......................................................4
Stellar Nations (thumbnail sketches)............................6
Galactic Map, 2991 ...................................................................... 8
Twilight Sector Map .................................................................... 9
Republic of the Plains Timeline ............................10
Children of Orion (sample group) ...............................12
Superluminal Drives ...............................................14
Character Generation in Twilight Sector ............18
Life Events in Twilight Sector ................................................... 20

Adventure Seeds ........................................... 22

Dissent ......................................................................23
Hey! Hey! We’re with Che .......................................................... 25
The Deep...................................................................27
Need some Stats? ........................................................................ 31
Borlaug 21-Omega (location seeds) ...........................32
Tylen McGann ..........................................................34

K- Hely (order #5683568)

Twilight Sector

Terra/Sol Games
Because the Campaign’s the Thing

So, you’re new to the Twilight Sector, eh? You stepped off
the Mistress of Orion and into the Gateway at Terra/Sol and
you’re wondering if you want to check the place out further.
Well, we here at Terra/Sol Games may have the answer.
In our first official Setting Update, we bring you a free
guide to our universe drawn from the material in the
Setting Book and some of our online free downloads, put
together in a convenient book form. The Galactic Timeline
maps humanity’s journey through the next millennium.
The Stellar Nations gives you a succinct feel for the political
climate, some color and smells if you will. A few other
tidbits have been added, such as a brief sketch of the
Transluminal drive and Character Generation alternate
rules, to whet your appetite for some of our upcoming
The Alpha Update includes input from our Insider Forum and
our blog from the past year. By popular demand we have also
added free adventures! Send us your players, your friends and
other interested parties to our website at
to download Setting Update Alpha.
Chris Stevens
Creative Arts Director

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K- Hely (order #5683568)

Setting Update Alpha
2050 - Colonization of the Solar System
Exploration of the Sun’s solar system began and the moon saw its first
permanent settlers in 2059. Mars soon followed and by the end of the
century the solar system had expanded to several territories.
2073 - SIMS
The first Scientifically Induced Mutations (SIMs) were designed and created
by the leading biological engineering corporations. They raced to create the
best gene models possible. Belt modified or belt mod humans were the first
to arrive in 2073.
2132 - Gravplate Technology
The discovery of an ancient object under Europa’s ice in 2132 would prove to be
the most significant discovery of the solar system exploration era. The crystalline
object was first thought to be natural but later it was determined to be some sort
of alien spacecraft. Fifty years of study and reverse engineering finally revealed
the objects greatest treasure, gravatic technology. The ability to build a machine
that produced artificial gravity - now called gravplate technology.
2156 - Quantum Computer
The first major technology to be derived from the crystalline object
discovered on Europa was the development of Quantum Computing. This
led in a few short years to the first true Artificial Intelligences.
2182 - Superluminal Drives
Even more important to the history of mankind though was the application
of gravplate technology to the problem of faster than light travel. In 2182 a
multiple government effort by the United States of America, Great Britain
and Australia announced the discovery of the world’s first superluminal drive.
2185 - Dreadnoughts
With the discovery of faster than light travel, miles long dreadnoughts were
constructed to house massive superluminal drives. These vessels could carry
smaller ships attached to them as each time a ship enters T-Space a tachyon
envelope is created which encloses the ship and any attached objects.
2260 - Colonization
Five class one worlds had been found as well as thirty seven worlds capable
of being brought to class one level with minimal terraforming. Man had
expanded to the stars at last. Millions if not billions of humans were now
living away from the mother planet.
2261 marked the beginning of a war of independence for the space colonies.
After the Phoibe Incident of 2265, the UN voted to withdraw peacekeepers
from the colonies. The Phoibe Incident resulted in over four thousand dead
colonists and the annihilation of the entire 402 soldier peacekeeping force.
This move provided de facto independence for all of the colonies who wished
it, and they quickly set about declaring such.
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K- Hely (order #5683568)

Twilight Sector
2261 - 2501 THE LONG NIGHT
The Olive Branch War was mostly bloodless but its results left humanity
scattered, leaderless and paranoid. The colonies were left to fend for
themselves and for many that meant no support for their terraforming and
other development projects. It became a struggle for many of the outer
worlds just to meet the basic survival needs of their populations. The long
night lasted for approximately 240 years.
2502 - 2578 THE SECOND WAVE
By 2502 humans had spread out over a bubble of space with a diameter of 50
light years. Over the next seventy-six years human settled space expanded to
100 light years across. The expansion had come to a virtual standstill by 2578
due to a lack of dreadnoughts to explore new areas.
2582 - 2584 THE CYBER WAR
The Trans-Asia Socialist Alliance (TASA), consisting of Vietnam, Cambodia,
Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Chile and Peru went to war against India, China,
Australia and The South American Union. The war was a cyber attack on the
Aggrieved nation’s information networks using A.I.’s. The affects on Earth’s
web lasted for decades and led to a Known Galaxy wide depression.
2611 - 2689 THE THIRD WAVE
The latest Dreadnoughts marked the beginning of the third wave of human
expansion. By 2689, human space covers an area 400 light years across,
centered on Earth.
Professor Isao Sugiyama documented human mutation rates, reporting
spontaneous mutation rates of 2-4%. By 2730 the ‘pure-human’ population’s
prejudice had reached such momentum that laws were being advocated and
passed which limited the freedom of mutants.
A coalition of Outworlds declared its independence from the Terran Union.
The UN reacted harshly; unleashing its military might and unsuccessfully
tried to enforce the Union. The War for Independence lasted for 42 years.
2831 - 2872 THE FOURTH WAVE
In 2836 the Orion Confederation makes a discovery that shocked human
space. They discovered an almost exact duplicate of Earth, subsequently
named Terra/Sol. By 2856, human space had expanded to a bubble 700 light
years across with Earth at the epicenter. In 2872, the human occupied bubble
of space had expanded to 850 light years across.
2881 - 2981 THE MUTANT War
In 2881 outrage against the Mutant Immigration Acts could no longer be
contained. While most mutant issues were solved (successfully or not) within
5 years, several Interstellar governments, the Expansionist States, began a new
conflict, the Mutant War, directly on it’s heels. Their victims/neighbors eventually
formed the Free People’s Alliance. This war continued sporadically for the next 95
years, casualties of which are estimated at 25 billion. Our story begins in 2991.

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K- Hely (order #5683568)

Setting Update Alpha
The Stellar Nations, 2991
The Orion Confederation
A fractious nation, but one curiously united over the concept of independence and
liberty. The Orions allow a great deal of autonomy to their system and planetary
governments, which is often translated (as seen on Terra/Sol, but especially in the
Dorlass system) to the “local” (sub-planetary) governments. Given their fiercely
independent nature, the Orions are generally tolerant not only of religious
differences but also mutants (relatively speaking). They recently allied with the
Terran Union and other nations in the Free People’s Alliance during the most recent
interstellar conflict. More than any other nation, the Orion Confederation has a
huge fleet of exploration vessels now plumbing the depths of the Twilight Sector.
The Oster Republic
The Oster Republic of the 30th century is a place of strict laws and harsh beliefs. It
is ruled over by a senate of religious and scientific leaders that are constantly vying
for power with one another. The right to vote is strictly limited to those that have
earned such a right, primarily through scientific, religious or military service. Despite
this atmosphere of totalitarianism, amazing discoveries in genetic engineering and
medical technologies are common place. The Oster Republic has, by far, the most
advanced cybernetic and genetic technologies. The SIMs of the Oster Republic
are far more advanced than those found anywhere else in the galaxy. The Osters
formed one of the core members of the Expansionist States in the most recent
interstellar conflict.
The Deramus Enclave
The Deramus Enclave of today is an eclectic mix of mutants, AI, and humans
that believe the machines that guide them know what’s best. Members of
the Deramus Enclave’s populations appear to live well-adjusted normal lives
despite their peculiar politics, though some outsiders doubt this there are
no real indications to the contrary. Enclavers are technophiles one and all,
believing in the superiority of machines and the AI’s that rule over them. This
makes their technology cutting edge and cyberware very commonplace within
their populations. They allied with the Expansionist States in the most recent
interstellar conflict.
The Archenar People’s Republic
No nation can be considered more industrious, more ordered or more totalitarian
than the Archenar People’s Republic. Though a pseudo-communist state at its core,
the Archenar People’s Republic is in fact made up of a number of corporations,
trade guilds and manufacturing combines that all devote themselves entirely to the
continued wellbeing of the state as a whole. The people of the Archenar People’s
Republic are bathed in a constant stream of propaganda, and seem to be content
to be part of something greater in exchange for their individuality. The APR distrusts
SIMs based on “foreign” blueprints, and demonizes natural mutants and psychics
almost as much as the people of the other interstellar nations. They formed one of
the core members of the Expansionist States in the most recent interstellar conflict.

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K- Hely (order #5683568)

Twilight Sector
The Shenzhou Hegemony
The Shenzhou Hegemony is an enlightened culture of farmers, scientists,
intellectuals and religious masters. They are bound together by a faith or
philosophy that searches for a Divine Land which is as much a physical place as
a metaphorical one. Few understand the Shenzhou and fewer still understand
how they have gained so much power and influence across the galaxy with
their generally peaceful nature (on the scale of interstellar politics). Somewhat
surprisingly, the Hegemony allied with the Expansionist States in the most recent
interstellar conflict, a fact which caused much strife within the Hegemony but
allowed them to gather a significant amount of territory during the Mutant War.
The Free People’s Republic
The nation was forged from the fires of the Mutant Uprising and is the newest of
the major stellar nations. The Free People’s Republic is built on the ideal of freedom
and equality for all and is a haven for those otherwise shunned by others: natural
mutants. Still in its infancy, the nation is a place of opportunity for these outcasts;
but more generally it is a place where anyone can find justice free from prejudice
and hatred. Though the political system is a Republic with many political parties
making up their parliament, the state still borders on an oligarchy with the Equality
Party at its head. Mutants also make up a huge portion of the ruling class of most
colonies, whcih some non-mutants find troublesome. They allied with the Terran
Union and other nations in the Free People’s Alliance.
The Union of United Planets
The Union of United Planets takes pride in its heritage, tracing its roots back to the
United States of America on Earth, adopting the political and cultural attitudes
of this nation as its own. Upstarts and independents, the citizens of the Union
of United Planets are fiercely rooted in this heritage. In 2806, the United States
of America on Earth withdrew from the Terran Union to join the Union of United
Planets. Despite a false note sounded before the Mutant Uprising, namely anti-
Mutant Immigration laws they later repealed, the UUP government is generally
tolerant of mutants whether they are SIM or natural. As with any complex society,
individuals vary widely. The UUP recently allied with the Terran Union and other
nations in the Free People’s Alliance during the most recent interstellar conflict.
During the War, the UUP forged even closer ties with the Terran Union than had
existed previously.
The Terran Union
The Terran Union is the largest and oldest stellar nation and is, indeed, centered
on the cradle from which all human life evolved. Every nation, every colony –
whether they choose to admit it or not – owes its existence to the Terran Union. A
stable economic system, solid technological base and generally forward thinking
governmental policy make the Terran Union not a shadow of its former self, but
still a major power in interstellar politics. The Terrans have actually prospered
from Independence, which allowed them to develop their interior and focus
on technological growth; in fact, the general level of technology in the Union is
slightly higher here than the overall development of many of the other nations.

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K- Hely (order #5683568)

Setting Update Alpha

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K- Hely (order #5683568)

Twilight Sector

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K- Hely (order #5683568)

Setting Update Alpha
Republic of the Plains Timeline
The Seti-Tallos exploratory ship Mistress of the Belt,
2836 bypasses the Crescent Sector and discovers the Terra/Sol
system in the Twilight Sector.
Establishment of the first Mennonite settlement in the
2836 area around Salina.
Incorporation of the Mennonite Agricultural Cooperative
2838 (MAC) which will become a majorcorporation on Terra/Sol.
The Knights Templar accepts a Mennonite land offer and
2840 immigrates to Terra/Sol in what will become the Republic
of the Plains.
The Republic of the Plains is officially established. The
2842 newly formed government names Kansas City its capital.
The Republic of the Plains accepts immigrants leading to
2845 the ROP’s first population boom.
A Republic of Texas border incursion against the Republic
2846 of the Plains repelled by the recently arrived Sioux Nation,
an autonomous group within the ROP.
The mutation phenomenon of “Transformation” occurs all
2856 across Terra/Sol, it’s victims are called the “Emerged”. The
Republic of the Plains is only slightly affected.
The Republic of the Plains offers recognition and rights to
2881 all members of the newly “Emerged” population.
The Battleship Kansas, Terra/Sol’s last line of defense,
2882 is lost when it rams the APR dreadnought, May Day,
destroying both ships.
The Terra/Sol fleet, “Vengeance,” destroys the shipyards in
2884 the Helix system, eliminating Terra/Sol’s only viable threat
in the Twilight Sector.
Discovery of the Grand Moreau archaeological site in the
2887 Black Hills.
The 14th, 423rd and 82nd marine jump divisions descend
2890 on the jungle planet of Sologne in the Crescent Sector.
This invasion would turn into a 25-year campaign.
Shenzhou Hegemony meets with the Free Peoples
2895 Alliance to share Expansionist State’s secrets.
Incorporation of Sub-Atomic Incorporated (another major
2898 Terra/Sol Corporation) headquartered in Kansas City.
Numerous sightings of UFOs are reported across the
2899 lightly populated Mongolian heartland.

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K- Hely (order #5683568)

Twilight Sector

The campaign for Sologne ends, Orion ground forces

2915 prevail over APR forces.
The turning point of the Mutant War, the Battle of
2931 Songham is fought and Expansionist States are pushed
back after over 50 years of success.
Victory at the battle of Deneb secures the Crescent sector
2932 for the Orion’s.
The APR and the Orion Confederation conclude a bilateral
2934 armistice, bringing APR mass offensives to a halt.
The Dukett theory on the evolution of Terra/Sol proposes
2935 that Terra/Sol, contrary to popular belief is indeed a
naturally evolved world.
A wave of terrorist attacks occurs on Terra/Sol. A Des
2938 Moines induction engine plant explodes, killing 50,000.
Professor Dukett discovers an archeological site on King
2945 William Island and in 2946, Orion security forces promptly
take over the site.
Stellar instability on star NG-34493 (24 light years from
2946 Terra/Sol) is rumored to be related to the APR’s testing of a
new super weapon.
One thousand people claiming to be UFO abductees,
2951 disappear on the summer equinox.
Mutant War ends on paper, but 27 years pass before the
2954 treaty is ratified by all stellar nations and much blood
continues to be shed.
A copyright infringement dispute between General
Pneumatics and Sub- Atomic leads to a corporate forces
2961 raid, which in turn leads to a six month conflict between
Eastern Federal Republic military forces, ROP forces and
Orion peacekeepers.
Several buildings in the Orchish Ghetto section of Kansas
2968 City are destroyed when two rival gangs battle in the
streets. Those who caused the fighting are still unknown.

2971 Reconstruction of the Helix system begins.

The Treaty of Assent is finally ratified by all participants of
2981 the Mutant War. All formal hostilities end.
Veterans of the Mutant War begin pouring back into frontier
2982 areas like Terra/Sol, many not bothering to go home.

2991 Current year ... beginning of campaign.

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K- Hely (order #5683568)

Setting Update Alpha

Children of Orion
The Children of Orion are, as they like to call themselves, a ‘planet-free
political and ethnic nation.’ Most planet or system-based policing forces see
them as roving gangs at best, or more commonly as a dangerous criminal
enterprise with so many heads and such a complicated structure there is
simply no good way to stop them entirely. Like a hydra, if a family head is
brought to justice, two more appear to replace and avenge him.
They are brutal and violent in piracy, but also in politics. Most ship captains
and fleet admirals (or as they call them, family heads,) are law savvy and
know just how to protect themselves in case of arrest and find ways out of
even the most dramatic legal trouble. Most authorities see the Children of
Orion as such nuisances that they let them slip through the system rather
than get into the legal nightmare of trying to hold them. Less legally minded
systems tend to shoot first and would rather destroy a Child’s ship than
hassle with the law.
Of course, the Children have a means of combating that as well. Being
politically-minded, when such attacks are leveled against a Child’s ship, they
often start on a media-based attack on the planet or system involved, crying
out against the ‘racially charged’ assaults and accusing their attackers of
attempted genocide. This sort of assault has caused reparations be paid to the
pirates and many worlds just won’t risk having to deal with such an onslaught.
The Children feel no guilt in using any of these tactics, physical or political,
because they truly believe that they are the spiritual inheritors of the Terra/
Sol system. They believe that they are the decedents of Orion, and that
they were wrongly chased from their home world long ago. Much of their
patchwork ‘culture’ is based on an elaborate myth of the planet. They attempt
to stylize their clothing, ships, and even their elaborate tattooing to remind
anyone looking at them that they are ‘ancient natives’ to the region.
It is, of course, a lot of bunk. There is no scientific evidence of any original
inhabitants of the world, and all but fringe anthropologists are certain that
if there ever was prior human habitation of Terra/Sol it was certainly not
the Children. Though the media backlash the Children render to anyone
foolish enough to publish or speak about it is often not worth the effort to
demonstrate that fact. It is far more likely that early in Terra/Sol’s history,
ancestors of the pirates squatted in system.

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K- Hely (order #5683568)

Twilight Sector
Most likely they were driven off as the system developed and willfully chose
to create the myth of their origins in order to give credence to their criminal
activities. While there might be Children alive who are in on the gag, most
believe in their fake heritage with religious fervor.

Children’s Tactics:
While there are instances of Children Captains deploying any number of
tactics to get to their quarry, some general guidelines apply, especially when
it comes to attacks the characters will face in this encounter.

Do it fast:
The longer a combat goes on the more chance that the quarry ship will
escape. Extended chases do happen, but the longer that chase goes on,
the more likely other matters will confound the Children. Authorities or
allies might get involved. Something on the Child’s ship might break down.
As such there are no warning shots. No early messages for surrender. The
Children follow, and when they have an opening— as soon as they have an
opening — they swoop in and empty everything they have on their quarry.
That said, most survivors of a Child’s attack survive because they withstood
that first strike.

Cut and run:

If the first strike was unsuccessful, and the Children believe they were not
recognized for what they are, they may back off entirely, letting the ship
move on and harry the quarry until a more ideal time and place to attack
arises. If none does, the Children’s ship still lives to fight another day.

The tech is all that matters:

Ransom and slavery are little used tools in the Children’s philosophy. When
the Children attack their interest is in their quarry’s ship, its cargo and
technology. Usually all other concerns are forgotten.

Leave no trace:
Survivors create a witness to the crime, so misdirection is crucial. Massive
casualties would demand a reaction from the authorities so it’s imperative
for the Children to leave no trace of their actions. So identification of ships
or personnel has to be avoided. Electronic detection methods like video or
scanner recordings are wiped immediately. Personal recording devices like
Neural Computers are more problematic and that’s where the Children’s
expertise in Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) technology serves them well. No
captured ship is ever freed without being subjected to an EMP blast. Other
security measures like never revealing faces or leaving DNA evidence are
observed. And given the nature of Child culture they always have someone
to provide them an alibi. If no one can provide any evidence as to their
guilt any accusations cast against the Children must be lies or more likely
prejudice, right?
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K- Hely (order #5683568)

Setting Update Alpha

Superluminal Drive
Twilight Sector’s Interstellar Drive Mechanics
In the Twilight Sector Setting, the standard method of Interstellar travel is the
Superluminal Drive, which is also used outside of a gravity well; and also travels
at a speed of parsecs equal to the drive rating per week of travel; and also utilizes
10% of the Vessel’s dtonnage in hydrogen slush fuel. In fact, the tonnage and
cost of the Superluminal drives themselves is also equal to that of a Jump Drive.
So how is a Superluminal Drive different from a Jump Drive? The difference
lies in the fact that Superluminal Drives move at the rated speed until
they drop out of Tachyon Space rather than for a set amount of time, thus
continuing to move at the rated speed for perhaps several weeks.
For example: A vessel whose Superluminal Drive is rated at 2-Parsecs
makes a 2 parsec journey in a single week, but a 1-Parsec journey in only
3.5 days, and a 4-Parsec journey in two weeks. A Vessel which is rated at
3-Parsecs would make a 5-Parsec trip in 11.67 days or 280 hours, while the
aforementioned 2-Parsec ship would take 17.5 days or 420 hours to make
the same journey.
The Superluminal Drive operates by the Drive phasing the vessel into Tachyon-
Space or T-Space using Tachyon Particles released by the Drive. These Tachyons
are created by the consumption of the Fuel inside of the drive (which in turn
utilizes the still little-understood Precursor technology discovered in the
crashed alien vessel on the Titan Moon Europa). Despite the singular-sounding
descriptor, “Tachyon-Space” is actually a collection of dimensions where the
distances between points in normal space are compressed. How compressed
these distances are depends on the amount of Tachyons in the initial burst by
the Drive system (tied in turn to the drive’s rating).
Once a vessel enters into T-Space, the ship coasts at a constant speed through
T-Space until they reach the endpoint of the journey as calculated by the
vessel’s astrogator*. Then, a small reserve of Tachyon Particles are used to force
the vessel back out of T-Space altogether with a flash of Cherenkov Radiation
that announces the vessel’s arrival in conevntional space.
Astrogators thus have to make two checks (rather than the single check
listed in the Traveller Main Rulebook) when using Superluminal Drives, and
an extra optional check for better modifiers. The optional check comes first
* Although some researchers claim that it is Tachyon-Space which moves around
the vessel instead of the other way around.

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K- Hely (order #5683568)

Twilight Sector
(if used), followed by the two required checks: one to determine the path in
which they travel (and the potential for an anomaly), the second to allow for
the precise time in which they will emerge from T-Space.:
Number Crunching the Gravity Wells (Optional Check): Physical
Science/Mathematics (Education), 0, 0-60 minutes. These calculations
are “good” for all transits made during d6 days. Some ports (such
as Terra/Sol and Monument) have orbital firms which specialize in
performing these calculations (known as Void Reports) on an ongoing
basis in return for pay. They generally receive 100-6,000cr for their data,
depending on the presence and quality of competition.
Plotting Check: Astrogation (Intelligence or Education), +4, 10-60 minutes;
DM of -1 per Parsec of the intended course.
Drop Check: Astrogation or Starship Piloting (Intelligence or Education),
-2, 1-6 minutes
If the Plotting Check is off, the course itself is problematic, and the ship will be off
of their intended destination by a considerable distance. Alternatively, Referee’s
may simply argue that the journey takes significantly extra time instead. The
knurls and curves of Tachyon-Space have to be taken into account by the
Astrogator, and the mapping of interstellar space is a constant activity for the
various governments (only a part of which are the Void Reports mentioned
above). If the second check is off, the vessel has emerged from T-Space too
early or too late (falling short or overshooting the target). This can add a
considerable amount of time to the trip under conventional drives.
There is a small (1 in 36, roll of a natural 2 on Plot Check) chance for an anomaly
to develop during Transit, which ranges from the beneficial to the annoying to
the deadly. See Mistress of Orion for details, although Referees are free to come
up with their own ad hoc complications (tremors, radiation surges, strange
lights, vessels drawn or sent careening off course; truly deadly results are rare).
An ill-plotted course can be a serious problem, vessels which are a single light
hour off (missing the target number of the Plot Check by as little as 1 point) are
1.079 Billion Kilometers from their destination (the last line on the Interplanetary
Transit Times Table in Traveller Main Rulebook, pg. 145). Vessels which are this
far out may not be able to make it before they run out of fuel for their Manuver
Drives and may not be able to survive thereafter without power and life support.
Chart 1: Skill check results
Effect Plotting Check Drop Check (in diameters)
-6 d6 Light Weeks off (2d6*100) diameters
-3 to -5 d6 Light days off (1d6+1)*100 diameters
-1 to -2 d6 Light hours off 100+(2d6*10) diameters
0 d6 AU 100+(2d6*5) diameters
1 to 2 on Target 100+(2d6*2) diameters
3 to 5 +1 DM for Drop ~100 diameters
6+ +3 DM for Drop in parking orbit
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K- Hely (order #5683568)

Setting Update Alpha

Credit: NASA, ESA, and G. Bacon (STScI)

Most inhabited Worlds carry specialized Tenders whose function is to “reel

in” individual vessels, or at the very least help them refuel enough for a
microdrop (see below) back to the system’s inhabited planets. In well-
populated systems, these are often organized as Search & Rescue Vessels or
SRVs, and are generally government run or government sponsored.
An additional use of the Astrogation skill can reassure Spacers that they
have selected the right path in the first place. Because gravity wells are
exaggerated in Tachyon Space while the immense gulfs between worlds
are compressed, Astrogators can calculate whether they are on the course
or not as they go. These checks are rather difficult to perform, each layer of
Tachyon-Space is slightly different and so there are no fixed ‘constellations’
(both in a literal and figurative sense), thus on-the-fly measurements and
outright guesses are involved. Still, it does give the Astrogator something
to do during the trip. This is resolved as a Task Chain, first to make the
measurements involved and then to conduct the actual analysis.
Measuring the Variables (Step 1): Physical Science/Physics
(Intelligence or Education), -2, 1-6 hours; or Gravitics (Intelligence
or Education), 0, 10-60 minutes
Analyzing the Course (Step 2): Astrogation (Intelligence or
Education), -3, 1-6 hours
If the Analysis check is a Marginal Success, the computations will not add up
properly but there is no real information on how badly they are off. If the
Analysis check is a Success, then the Analysis should be able to read how far
off the vessel may be. The course may then be adjusted (a second Plotting
Check is made with a DM equal to the negative effect of the initial check -1).

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Twilight Sector
Chart 2: Microdrop Modifiers
Distance Time in T-Space DM
7-20 AU, 1-3 Light Hrs 2.38 to 6.8 Seconds -4

21 AU-60 AU, 3-16 Light Hrs 6.8 to 20.4 Seconds -3

1-6 Light Days 1 to 6 Minutes -2

1-6 Light Weeks 7 to 42 Minutes -1

While Microdrops are indeed possible, they are not very economical, nor
are they easy to perform with any accuracy. This is because Microdrops are
excessively short, ranging from just a fraction of a second in duration to
under 6 minutes (the usual prep-time required for a standard Drop per the
Drop Check above).
1 AU = .34 Seconds of 1-Parsec Superluminal transit.
Microdrop Check: Starship Piloting (Intelligence or Education), DM
from Chart, 10-60 minutes
The poor economy of the Microdrop stems from the fact that Superluminal
Drives do not function at less “speed” than 1-Parsec per week. A Microdrop
thus requires 10% of the tonnage of the rescue ship despite the fact that the
vessel may only be in T-Space for a few seconds or a minute. There are also
components which can wear (or blow out) in a Microdrop which do not in
regular drops (see below), which imposes long term maintenance costs as well.
The prep time for Microdrops is the same as any other transit: unless the Drives
have already been warmed up or the vessel has a Fast-Cycle Drive, it takes
approximately an hour to prep a vessel for the Microdrop, which is far less time
than they will spend in T-Space. Lastly, like any transit, there is a chance of an
anomaly cropping up (see Mistress for more details) which is actually much
higher than normal transit:1 in 6 (any doubles) rather than 1 in 36 (double 1s).

Component Loss Issue

How much does the “component loss” affect the use of Microdrops? The most
simple, accurate answer is that ‘it depends’. Referees can impose a special
maintenance fee for sustained Microdrop use as they think appropriate for their
game. While this seems like a non-answer, we want to provide Referees maximum
latitude to determine how much or how little the Microdrop is featured in their
games. Twilight Sector products will not feature Microdrops as regular features in
the setting books. Instead, our microdrops are desperate acts for rescue teams and
the like; they also increase the likelihood of T-Space Anomalies (see Mistress of Orion)
and thus are the providence of heroes like the players. Your game, your choice.

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Setting Update Alpha

Character Generation in
Twilight Sector
The design and creation of characters in Twilight Sector can be done as
any other Traveller game (using the myriad of excellent Traveller products
available), but the following alternate method will be further discussed in the
upcoming Twilight Sector Companion book (along with new options).
Stat Generation: This step proceeds as the Traveller Main Book, no changes.
Centennials: Some characters will be eligible to be Centennials (starting
characters of advanced age). The rules for this are located in the Twilight
Sector Setting Book on Page 58.
Careers: All standard Traveller careers are found in Twilight Sector, however
there will be additional Careers found in the Companion plus Extended Basic
Training packages.
 Make standard Survival and Advancement checks as listed
 If the survival roll is failed, roll on the mishap table and roll for a single skill
on a chart of your choice. Unless there is a special result on the Mishap
Table, you also muster out with a number benefits that does not take the
failed term into account. (This is as normal)
 If the survival check is successful, select one skill from a chart of your
choice and choose a second chart on which you roll for the other skill this
term. You cannot use the same chart for both skills in same term.
 Advancement rolls do not entitle PC to another skill (all T-Sec characters
get 2 skills/term), but Skill Benefits are acquired as usual at listed ranks.

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K- Hely (order #5683568)

Twilight Sector
Standard T-Sec Longevity Rule: Time’s Up
Because Twilight Sector has widespread longevity technology, characters
may be of advanced age which has led to some questions about how to
integrate this into the game. The
mechanism that is the simplest and IMportant Dates
easiest is to use the advent of aging There are a few dates that players
as an indicator that the character’s might want to keep in mind for their
personal timeline has reached the characters starting in 2991. Timeframe
agreed-upon start-date for the game. given as “minus term” (i.e. x terms
The standard Aging Check made after ago) The Mutant War formally ended
the character’s 4th term is then a simple in ‘54 (minus10 terms), but sporadic
way of saying that the character is fighting continues up to the Treaty of
“done”. In essence, the Character has Assent (minus 3 terms), although active
just began to “feel their age” (after the hostilities in Twilight Sector itself were
twinges come and before the stat loss significantly lower after ‘34’s bilateral
begins) and now has to find a way to armistice with the APR (minus 15
pay for their first longevity treatment terms). A major gang turf war occurs
(welcome to your new adventuring on Terra/Sol in ‘68 (minus 6 terms) and
career, Traveller). If they cannot or do mass UFO abdutions in ‘51(minus 11).
not within a few months, the Referee
begins to apply their stat loss for age.
If on the other hand, a character accepts the results of their aging check result
and continues on with their career path, they have for some reason not taken
Longevity treatments (which is fine, some cannot handle them even in the 30th
century, and some have ethical problems with longevity). They may still take
longevity treatments in the future, but these treatments will be less effective and
(at least initially) more expensive.

Optional T-Sec Longevity Rule: “Ten Minus“

Some Referees may want a more “metagaming” alternative to the issue of
longevity and character development for their games. If that is the case use the
following: characters get a number of terms equal to ten minus the number of
stats they have with a bonus (essentially 9 or higher). A Character with three
stats they get a bonus in would then have 7 terms for character development,
while a character with 6 (all stats over 9) would have just 4. If a character fails
their aging check in a given term, they must sacrifice one of their benefit rolls
to pay for the longevity treatments to stave off the skeletal hand of fate.
The only question for this method is what to do with characters that roll
bonuses to their stats during play. A character with all 8’s would technically
be eligible for 10 terms and yet will easily get 4 or more bonuses in that time.
The easiest thing to do is to count these as bonuses and adjust accordingly
(reducing the total number of terms). Optionally, Referees may reduce the
number of terms by half the number of these “acquired” bonuses, although
this requires more math (although it is probably more fair). Referees should
make the choice of which option they prefer and use that option consistently
for all characters.

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Setting Update Alpha

Life in the Twilight Sector

During the course of character Generation, Twilight Sector players may want to use
the following, T-Sec related Life Events Table. Our upcoming career-oriented book, the
Twilight Sector Companion, will include a more detailed version of this chart.

Twilight Sector Life Events Table

2 Accident: Roll on the injury table, your career continues as normal,
but if you change careers after this result, pick up an extra Benefit roll.
3 Setback: The character’s career suffers a setback of some kind. This
takes the form of lost rank(s). Roll d6: No loss, no advancement check
next term though (1); loss of 1 Rank (2-5); Loss of 2 Ranks (5-6). Any skill
the character picked up from the lost rank is retained, but if the rank
level is ever regained, they get no additional skill (they already got it
the first time). If the loss of Rank would reduce the character to less
than Rank 0, they are forced out of the career altogether at the end of
this term (although they can muster out this term with the previous
rank’s level bonus for their Benefits).
4 Sidelined: The character is sidelined in their career. It isn’t the same
as being forced out, often it is a mutual decision to “take a break” from
that career and start doing something different. If after the character’s
next career they wish to return, they may do so with a loss of one rank
(2 if the rank is higher than 4) but the character’s advancement checks
are automatic until their ranks are restored to where they left off.
5 Birth/Death: There is a change in the character’s immediate family
or close circle of friends. The Referee or the Player should adjudicate
this one to maximize their story. If some random element is thought
necessary, try these:
1-2 Unique Technology Angle: The birth is made possible by some unique
technology (genetic retrosequencing in vitro or cybernetics) or the death
has been caused by the same (retrosequencing gone wrong, someone
with a lot of cybernetics).
3-4 Mutant Involvement: The event involves a mutant in some way (as the
child which has been born or the cause of the death).
5 In Transit: The birth/death occurs during a Superluminal transit. Among
Spacers, a birth in transit is considered good fortune for crew and child alike
6 The Next Phase: The death was of someone who had their
consciousness recorded, either as a Dup (1-4) or as a Ghost (5-6). So
in a way, this is a death and a birth; but how does it affect the Player’s
relationship with that (new) individual?
6 New Contact: T he character make a new connection in their life or
career. The new contact is “unusual” in some way (an AI, a Mutant, etc.)
on a roll of 5-6 on a d6, or 3-6 if the character themselves are unusual (AI,
Mutant, etc.). Alternatively, the character can opt to have a new Ally and
an Enemy instead (roll separately to determine whether they are ‘special’)

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Twilight Sector
7 Relationships: The character’s romantic realtionship forms/grows/
declines. If they have no romantic attachment, the relationship is
formed, if they have one, roll d6:
1-2 Relationship Declines: The Relationship begins to decline in some way,
although this does not necessarily mean it is over it certainly can mean
that the two take a hiatus from one another.
3 Changes Foisted on You: Some event ocurrs which changes the nature
of the relationship: one of you is discovered to be a mutant, one of you is
injured and has to have extensive cybernetics in order to survive.
4-5 Relationship is Enhanced: The relationship either deepens or becomes
stronger. Marriage-contracts in Twilight Sector are common which give
people all kinds of leeway.
6 Conscious Change: One or both of you have changed the nature of
the relationship deliberately: deciding to have children or move to a new
location are traditional, but this can also be more unique like matching
cybernetics, or a psionic mind-mesh therapy which entangles your
thoughts for some period of time. As a result of this Conscious change,
some relationships deepen, some sour. Pick or roll again to determine.
8 Travel: Travel is a big part of Twilight Sector. The character either
relocates or goes to visit some other world than their “home”. If the
character wishes to change to a new career for the new place they
move to, they can do so with +2 on the Qualification roll.
9 Betrayal: The character is betrayed by someone close to them: if the
character has a romance, a contact or an ally it is one of these. If the
character does not, it is an aquaintence who was secretly out to get
them (add an Enemy to the character)
10 Good Fortune: The character is the beneficiary of some good
fortune. Either gain +2 to a single benefit roll or gain some
fundamental change in the character: such as the reduction of a
Negative Mutation or a new positive Mutation, a piece of cybernetics, a
house or other piece of real-estate. The Referee has full discretion.
11 Crime: The character either commits a crime (reduce Social stat by
1, next term they are a prisoner), is the victim of a crime (loose two
Benefit Rolls) or is accused of a crime (Make an Advocate Check at -2
DM or spend next two terms as a prisoner).
12 Unusual Event: The character experiences something strange:
1 Unique Technology:The character is affected by unique technology
(genetic retrosequencing, Consciousness Transfer, or cybernetics). Referees
should balance the good with the bad.
2-3 Psionic Awakening: The character experiences an “awakening” event
that gives them 3 PSI (if they have none) and +1 PSI (if they do). They also
get +2 to Qualify for any Psionic Career in addition to the normal PSI Bonus.
4 Weird Transit: Something truly awe-inspiring (1-3)/fearsome (4-6) ocurrs
during a Superluminal transit. This is a Moby Dick sized life change there Ahab.
5 Elite Brushing: The character either meets with or otherwise encounters
one of the Elites of Twilight Sector (a Stellar Nation President et al.)
6 Precursor Technology: The Character runs into Precursor tech or
artifacts. The Referee determines importance of this is to the campaign.

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Setting Update Alpha

Adventure Seeds
This section is for our friends at the website
Here Be Gamers. Be sure and check
them out they are one of our favorite
podcasts. In their review of the Twilight
Sector Campaign Setting Sourcebook they
lamented the fact that there weren’t more
adventure nuggets like the Echoes of the War
adventure outline. Space considerations left
a few of these pieces on the cutting room
floor and we’ll endeavor to bring them to
you from time to time. The first one is called
Dissent and set in the Helix system…
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Twilight Sector

The Karl Marx Habitat is home to over 400,000 former APR management
personnel. Although they are a minority they are one of the strongest and
most vocal populations in favor of reintegration with the APR. They are
only 40 to 45% of the population but work tirelessly towards their goal. So
obviously it would be a huge coup for the Pro Orion elements in the Helix
system to elect a Chairman of the Habitat sympathetic to their cause.
That is exactly what’s happening in the Marx Habitat: Eris Lee, a Pro
Orion politician has navigated the treacherous waters of Marx Habitat
politics. Appealing to some of the APR supporters less strident elements
and holding his base he stands at the precipice of election to the leadership
position of the Habitat.

Referee Info:
The pro-APR forces realize that the election of Eris Lee could push the Helix
Inter-Habitat Committee towards applying for membership in the Orion
Confederation. They aren’t about to let that happen without a fight. They
have several assets at their disposal. The Che Guevara Brigade is a
terrorist organization that will help, and an AI computer named Red 351 is
still loyal to them.
 The Pro-APR forces have already been using the Guevara Brigade to put
pressure on the political leadership of the Habitat. Three months ago
they set off a bomb at an elite school attended by the children of several
members of the Habitat Leadership Committee. The explosion was small
and no one was hurt, but several moderate politicians got the message
and are now actively campaigning against Mr. Lee. Despite this tentative
success, Lee still leads in the polls and the APR is ready to resort to more
drastic measures.
 Red 351’s loyalties are not known to anyone in the Helix system and he is
the APR’s ace in the hole. No one is aware; including the other Habitat AI
that Red 351 is plotting along with the Terrorists. The APR is now ready to
clear the field of opposition and the Che Guevara Brigade will begin the
offensive to assassinate Mr. Lee, backed up by Red 351.

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Setting Update Alpha
Getting the Players Involved:
Here are a few options to involve player characters in this adventure. Feel
free to come up with your own.
1) The players could be Orion operatives or they could be hired by the
Orion Security Service to keep Eris Lee safe.
2) The players might be hired by the Habitat’s Security organization to
protect Mr. Lee.
3) They could be hired by a Terra/Sol Mega Corp (Sub Atomic or the MAC
would be excellent choices) to check into the situation on the habitat
since they have a thriving export business to Helix. Realizing that their
employer’s business could be badly hurt if Mr. Lee is killed they need to
take action to intervene.
4) Maybe the players are innocent bystanders who become embroiled
when they get caught in the crossfire of the first assassination attempt,
possibly thwarting it and thus becoming targets of the terrorists.
5) You might want to start a campaign in the Helix system. If so, the players
could be natives of the Habitat, possibly Mr. Lee’s security detachment.

This outline is based on a logical progression, but after the initial encounter
which draws the PCs into the action these segments could be played in any
order. Referee’s should base their order on other complications they add in
and/or the actions of the players (particularly “Poking into the records” which
could be done any time there is extensive Net Pilot activity going on).
Of course, Referees will need to fill in considerable details here as well, such
as trails of evidence leading to the Brigade’s hideout for example. With this
basic structure however, Referees will have a considerable head-start in
creating a thrilling adventure.

Initial Assassination Effort

The first attempt against Mr. Lee could be a frontal assault on a meeting of
the Habitat’s Executive Council. Somehow the players find themselves in a
position to thwart the attempt. As guards or security operatives having them
in the right place is easy. If they’re passersby perhaps because a habitat isn’t
the same as a city or a planet with lots of space, they find themselves moving
by the suite where the Executive council meets just in time to be in the way
when the Terrorists strike it.
An interesting tidbit to learn from this attack is that the early warning
precautions (Gun sniffers, face recognition software etc.) were disabled. A
first clue that might lead them to believe an AI is involved but could also be
spun as the Brigade having infiltrated the Habitat’s security apparatus. All
the more reason to push the PCs to the front in defending Mr. Lee no matter
what background you’re using for them.
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Twilight Sector

Brigade Soldier (brawny) Hey! Hey!

STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 9 (+1) END: 8 INT: 7 EDU: 7 SOC: 6
Skills: Gun Combat (Pistol or Shotgun 2), Heavy Weapon
2, Melee (Knife 1), Recon 2, Stealth 1, Streetwise 2
Equipment: They are armed with a Machinepistol (2d6,
Auto 4, Recoil -1) or Shotgun (4d6, Recoil 2,) and Light
Cloth Armor (AV: 3).
Brigade Soldier (nimble)
STR: 6 DEX: 12 (+2) END: 8 INT: 7 EDU: 7 SOC: 6
Skills: Gun Combat (Pistol 2), Explosives 1, Hvy Wpn 1,
Melee (Knife 2), Recon 2, Stealth 2, Streetwise 2 We’re With Che
Equipment: Machinepistols (2d6, Auto 4, Recoil -1) and Light Cloth Armor (AV: 3).
Brigade Chief
STR: 9 (+1) DEX: 10 (+1) END: 8 INT: 8 EDU: 7 SOC: 8
Skills: Athletics (Coordination 1), Gun Combat (Pistol 4), Heavy Weapon 2, Melee
(Knife 2), Recon 3 Stealth 2, Streetwise 2
Equipment: Gauss pistol (3d6, Auto 4, Recoil -1), and Cloth Armor (AV: 5).
Battle ‘Bot:
STR: 12 (+2) DEX: 7 Hull: 3 Structure: 3 INT: 7 EDU: 5 (-1) SOC: 0 (-3)
Traits: Armor 8, Integral Weapon Pod (Laser, 4d6+3) Blade Punch: 3d6+3
(ignores 6 points of armor)
Onboard Skills: Flyer 2, Gun Combat (Wpn System 2), Melee (Punch 3), Recon
2, Sensors 2 (Onboard sensors include Radio Scanner, Telegraphic Audio, and
Thermographic Pulse which has a range of 30m and can pass thru partition walls).

The players now need to do a little investigation on the source of the attack.
This could land them in some of the more pro APR sections of the habitat
trying to learn what they can about the Che Guevara Brigade. Bribes or
threats might be necessary to get people to talk. A bar fight might be a likely
outcome of one of these attempts at information gathering. An attempt on
their lives from some Brigade members might also be in order.

Upping the Ante

Another attempt on Mr. Lee’s life. This time perhaps at a campaign event
(he’s speaking to the Rotation Society or something similar). This time it will
be by a combined force of Brigade members and robot(s) working together.

Counter-assault/Faux Climax
The players are successful in their investigations and learn of the Che
Guevara Brigade’s hideout. They assault the place and find both human and
robot opponents. When things start to look bad for the defenders the robots

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Setting Update Alpha
turn on the humans and kill them to prevent them from talking. Although
a brain peel of a dead human might reveal information, but that takes
time. Time that the PCs frankly don’t have. Also the robots might attempt to
take out the Brigade members in ways that destroy their brains (head shots,
actual dismemberment etc.)

An All-Digital Assault
At some point Red 351 could turn spiteful against the PCs and seek to
destroy them. An elevator accident, an exploding cleaning robot or a
sudden pressure loss in an area they are in would all be interesting obstacles
for the PCs to overcome.

Poking into the Records

A scene where the PCs computer expert is doing some investigation,
perhaps he’s getting to close to learning something about Red 351 and is
subjected to an online attack by the AI.

A culminating scene of the adventure could occur on election night at Mr.
Lee’s supporter’s party. The AI (Red 351) locks the area down and sends
in mouse robots with bombs in them (maybe treat them as mobile hand
grenades). At the same time send some armed robots charging in through
the front door. The scene of mayhem and confusion as screaming supporters
run for cover while robots take pot shots at the PCs and the little robots try
and maneuver themselves close to Mr. Lee before they explode themselves
could be a very memorable one.

“There is no problem so big it cannot
be run away from…*”
At this point Red 351 would have left to many electronic fingerprints on this
operation for it not to be found out. The other AI would be horrified at what
Red 351 is doing regardless of their political affiliations, not to mention the
people of the station. Once this emerges, the cause of the Pro-APR faction is
doomed, and there could even be long term blowback.
Referees could have Red 351 flee to be an antagonist in another adventure
(perhaps becomes vengeful and becomes the PCs ongoing antagonist for
awhile) or they could devise a suitable final scene where the PCs confront
him and destroy the computer bank housing his intelligence.
But is an AI ever really destroyed? Unless the characters get all of Red 351’s
backups (which is very hard to ensure), a rematch is possible.

*Charles M. Schulz (American cartoonist, 1922-2000)

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K- Hely (order #5683568)

Twilight Sector

The Deep
Ratan is the Disneyworld of the Twilight Sector offering a host of
amusements to visitors (see the Twilight Sector Campaign Setting
Sourcebook (Revised) pages 78 through 84). This adventure seed could
see the players as visitors on vacation, Monument employees leading a tour
(very good for one-offs), or even scientists studying the Marianas Trench
nature park (see TSCSS pg 81) where this adventure takes place. Heads
up for Referees: one thing that will be required is that all characters have
Vacc-Suit 1 skill or higher, unless the Ref doesn’t mind them faking deep
diving suit proficiency with Survival or something similar (“Oh look… one
experimental suit which doesn’t require Vacc training… who would have
To start the adventure the players are part of a diving tour of a shallow reef
on the edge of the trench. There are quite a few guests as well as several
guides and tag-alongs (your PCs) taking in the amazing variety of life on the
reef. You are close to the edge of the park, and the scientists are marveling
at the trench’s famous grav wall (see page 83 of the Setting Sourcebook)
which separates the park from the rest of Ratan’s oceans.

Scene one:
Describe the basic scene. Let the players wander about a bit. Go nuts.
The players will notice that there is a separate group on the other side of
the viewing area away from where the rest of the tour. The group consists of
three figures: a thin man in Monument standard-issue gear, a tall man and a
young woman (or possibly girl, hard to tell at range underwater). Separating
this group away from the players is important as the event that follows will
happen nowhere near any of the PCs. This is so as not to allow the Players
to stop it (otherwise, you’ll have no adventure). Still, the other group is
easily visible (so the PCs can witness what happens) even if they are not
particularly close.
Then the Kidnapping goes down: A heavily modified underwater Industrial
robot emerges from the depths and cuts loose with vicious metallic arm
on the tall man in the small isolated group. He is immediately seized and
then crushed with a gout of blood in the water as the other two figures, the
(skinny) man and the girl, struggle to get away. The robot however is easily
faster than they are with it’s grav thrusters. The ‘bot skims past the thin man,

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Setting Update Alpha
snatches up the young girl and then heads off back towards the edge of the
trench. The players can see that the robot is stuffing her into what looks like
a (once again, heavily modified) cockpit bolted onto its chassis. Before those
not immediately nearby (the PCs) can do much of anything, the robot then
disappears into the blackness down the trench wall.
The players should be made aware that they are not equipped to follow
as they’re only in ordinary dive gear (and thus couldn’t stand the pressure
very far down the trench wall). If the Players want to try anyway, let them
know that going in would be suicidal and if they become very insistent or
foolhardy, their next character can be one of Monument’s Rescue Divers.
The Monument Official who was with the woman who got kidnapped is one
of the Directors of the Trench Project, a “Senior Visioneer” named Lars Sakand.
Sakand ushers anyone who “wants to do something” to the dive boat, the
vessel in which they made their initial descent. He will let them know that the
gear they will need is inside. The Monument employees are mortified: This kind
of thing doesn’t happen on Ratan and they are determined to take care of it
right away. The only problem is that they will need help to do the job properly.
One thing the dive boat does have is enough spare suits for a number of
people beyond the Monument Employees certified to use them, so they ask
for volunteers to aid in the search.
Of course our heroes should be the first in line; If not however, Refs must
shame or bribe them into action. As things are happening, the dive crew has
been in communication with someone “up top” who turns out to be helpful
in this regard. The young girl turns out to be the daughter of a very wealthy
man from Terra/Sol. She was being given a private tour at the time of the
kidnapping and the man who was killed by the Robot was her bodyguard.
Understandably, the girl’s father is beside himself with worry and offers an
extravagant reward for her safe return. If the PCs are still reticent, have them
roll up the characters that are on scene who will go down on the rescue
effort instead.
As the Players prepare for a deeper dive, the Monument Crew is also in
communication with all other nearby Monument ships. Thus far, no one has
been able to pick up anything useful since the kidnapping which is itself a
good sign; No radar or sonar contacts have detected a pick-up ship for the
robot and the kidnapped little girl either. “That may not be all bad,” says
Sarkand, “at least she must still be down there and we might have some time.”

Scene two:
The Players will need to start suiting up in some high pressure rated suits
quick. Players being players however, thoughts will eventually drift towards
a little bit of the old ultraviolence. In terms of weaponry, most standard
weapons are unusable underwater without modification (especially at
depth) and the players should not have any with them anyway (Dude,

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Twilight Sector
you’re on vacation…). But the Dive Boat does have a few tri-barreled spike-
throwers for some of the larger aquatic nuisances found on Ratan (essentially
these are big-bore flechette weapons with limited ammo designed to
operate underwater, 3 shots, 4d6 damage, ignores 5 points of armor; use
pistol ranges and slug rifle or slug carbine skill for the weapon. There should
be one for each group but not one for everyone). There are also a number of
utility knives that can be used for combat but these are not much use against
a Robot. One thing that will not be in
evidence is any sort of EMP device, as Ref Note: The Deep Dive gear is where
this would cause the Grav fields to fail players will have to make use of the Vacc
and crush the tour; so these are kept suit skill; if the Refee has one, use the
well away. Players may of course also Ajax Z42t from Starfarer’s Gazette
carry some weapons inside of their #1* made specifically for deep dives;
suit or in “dive bags” (which the Boat The Z42t is a specialized HEV suit and
also has plenty of for carrying down requires Vacc-1 Skill to use properly. The
equipment), but Referees should allow suits have all manner of useful gear like
them to come up with this on their sonar scanners attached to them (cost
own, the Monument Employees will 450 credits, range 500 meters, 0.25 kg,
not be thinking along these lines. Truly the device is approximately the size of a
insightful characters may have recalled modern cell phone when detached).
the girl had a bodyguard, and search
the guard’s luggage. This should net
them a few solid weapons.
Once they are ready to begin their effort, the rescue party takes off down the
trench wall. The team of rescuers will split into a couple of groups to cover
more ground. Referees who don’t want too many headaches will want to just
make the characters one entire group. Sarkand tells them all to remain in
communications with each other (which should actually be obvious really).
During the search, Referees may want to set up some kind of a non-combat
challenge for the players such as a rockslide which will give them something
to do other than fight. If this challenge also presents some sort of difficulty
for them to have to overcome (a portion of the shield device is also damaged
in the slide and threatens the Dive Boat as well as the rather sizable
investment by Monument), all the better. Individual Referees may wish to
personalize this, have fun.
In the course of the search, have one of the groups without the players
get attacked by the robot or some other robot (this should be deliberately
unclear in the garbled communications of the group under attack, but the
Ref can decide for himself either way whether there is just one Bot or more
– there may need to be some additional firepower for the bad guys after all.
Someone in the other group is badly injured or killed and part of the rescuers
must take that person back to the boat for medical treatment. This should let
the character’s know their adventure is getting more serious.

*available cheap! Tell your friends!

Page 29

K- Hely (order #5683568)

Setting Update Alpha
If the players hesitate or if the Referee would like to add a time-crunch
component to the game, let the dive boat notify the players that
“…[S]omething large is headed this way on a direct path.” This would be the
conspirators ride out of the Trench and a major complication if something
isn’t done before the hand-over of the girl is complete.
Eventually, the players are able to get a break. If nothing else, let them use the
sonar with a successful skill check of Engineer/Electronics (0, 1-6 minutes) to
reveal an underwater cave relatively close to their position. If they can’t make
the roll and the Referee has not yet used the “other group attacked” bit, have
one of the Monument employees make a successful roll on their sweep and
broadcast this over the comm-link before the comm-link goes suspiciously
dead. If this is not possible, have the Kidnapper’s backup vessel pass by them
going to the underwater cavern. This way they can follow it to where the girl is
held and must simply deal with additional opponents once they get there.
Either way, the implication is clear: This is where the robot has taken the girl.

Scene three:
The players must now enter the underwater cavern (which could be a
challenge in and of itself… or not as the Referee determines the flow of their
adventure). If the night is still young, make them jump through some hoops
on this one. Otherwise it’s little more than a moon pool or something similar
and they must ‘simply’ defeat the robot and/or whatever other humans are
there in the pressurized space and rescue the girl. Depending on how the
Referee decides to adjust the tone of the adventure the resistance is either
significant or limited. If the initial challenge proves to be somewhat limited,
the other conspirator’s mentioned above might arrive in time to add some
zest to the player’s workout.

“If it wasn’t for you pesky travellers…”
The interesting part of this little side trek is figuring out exactly what is
going on here. This is left for individual Refs to determine but here are some
possibilities and mini-seeds: Is it really a simple kidnapping for ransom case?
Did whoever sent the robot want to blackmail the Dad? Was the whole thing
a ruse for some other nefarious purpose? The opening salvo of a hostile
takeover bid for Daddy’s company? The Referee can also pull a classic switch
with this adventure: The Robot is being run by the girl’s father, now a Ghost,
who was killed by the “Father” (actually a step-Father) who is not all he
appears to be…
Again, all this is for the individual Referee to decide and work into their own
needs. It would be best perhaps to first determine whether they want this
storyline to be a simple side trek, the start of a serial of linked adventures, or
the center of a vast arc revealing an elaborate sector-wide conspiracy.

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K- Hely (order #5683568)

Twilight Sector

Do you Need Some stats?

If the Referee has Beyond the Open Door*, any one of the opponents in
that setting book might be adopted (as well as the Killbot from the second
adventure of that campaign for extra robots that are dispatched to harry the
other rescuers). Referee’s can also use the combat drone Traveller Core
Rulebook page 95 or one of their own design. The following would also
work for the main robot:

Kidnap (Modified Work) ‘Bot:

STR: 30 (+8) DEX: 9 (+1) Hull: 3 Structure: 3 INT: 9 (+1) EDU: 5 (-1) SOC: 0 (-3)
Traits: Armor 8, Huge, Integral System (Grav floater), “Cockpit”/Kidnap
basket, Robot Punch: 2d6+3, Crushing Strength/ Melee (3d6+2, halves
effect of any nonrigid armor; damage takes place every round after a
successful Grab action), Onboard Sonar and Thermographic vision.
Onboard Skills: Flyer 2, Gun Combat (Wpn System 2), Melee (Punch 3,
Grab 3), Recon 1, Sensors 2

*available cheap! Tell your friends!

Page 31

K- Hely (order #5683568)

Setting Update Alpha

BorlaUg 21-Omega
Some adventure seeds grow out of particular locations. Borlaugs are hi-rise
farms and gardens in an urban setting. These are created sometimes for
aesthetics, but more often for productive purposes (food, CO2 exchange et
al). Borlaugs are very common on crowded Terra/Sol. Borlaug 21-Omega
is located in one of Terra/Sol’s Hive Cities, where the living areas have been
built one on top of the other to prevent urban sprawl. In these dense knots
of humanity, layer upon layer of neocrete, steel and spun polymers have
created cubby holes for human existence but they tend to be crowded, dirty
and prone to the worst sort of conditions (crime, poverty et al).
Borlaug-21 Omega is making that different, and might become hope for
more change. This Borlaug was enveloped by the creation of additional
layers of the city about 12 years ago. Even though it is 20m above the natural
elevation, it finds itself buried deep beneath the new artificial surface of
the urban environment (3-4 layers). But rather than fade away, Borlaug 21-
Omega has been transformed into an experiment for the future.
The lighting in Borlaug-21 Omega is all a mix of piped-in fiber-optic light
tubes, Metal Halide, and High Pressure Sodium fixtures, as well as more
modern (30th Century) technologies. As a result, it is generally more
“sunny” here than in some sections of the city where tall buildings and
Arcologies pinch off natural light. All of the plants here have been genetically
engineered to flourish in the lighting conditions as well as to utilize grey
water sources piped in subsurface and filtered through bacterial colonies
(to avoid harsh odors). As a result of the high metal and inorganic diet, the
planets tend to vibrantly colored, giving the whole area a bright, almost
festive, appearance. Unfortunately, some of the fruits here are also toxic
(which is considered a bonus, as it coaxes these toxins into a concentrated
form for easy removal).
The brainchild of Borlaug 21-Omega is Norman Ernst-Kaufmann-Bërg, an
AI who worked in the water recycling program for Kansas City until he was
replaced by a newer (faster) AI. Norman’s central operating system is located
underneath the Borlaug and his various drones and BioCons work in the
garden. Norman has been adopted by the residents of the Hive ‘urb (local
neighborhood) who also chip in what they can. Norman treats them like his
extended family.

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K- Hely (order #5683568)

Twilight Sector
As mentioned, sometimes locations call out for certain types of adventure,
here are a few mini-seeds for Borlaug 21-Omega:
 The Other Green Thumb: As an experimental facility, Borlaug 21-Omega
is very expensive, but the lessons of 21-Omega can be a gold-mine for the
right person. While Norman is interested in this aspect of the process, he is
concerned primarily with the garden over the business aspects. But any time
that there is a possibility for money,
there are people willing to threaten,
injure, maim and kill to get it. Any one In Memorium:
of a number of adventure possibilities Norman Borlaug (1914-2009) was an
could be based on this side of the American agronomist engineer and is
Borlaug. Corporate espionage in the widely thought of as the father of the
form of theft is probably the easiest Green Revolution. His work saved the
way to do this; but a recycling company lives of millions of people for which
that is desperate to stop the Borlaug he recieved the Nobel Peace Prize, the
technology about to supplant their Presidential Medal of Freedom, the
own (less efficient) process is possible. Congressional Gold Medal, the Padma
 Stormin’ for Norman: During an Vibhushan from India,the National
electrical storm, Norman’s central Medal of Science and many others.
computer housing is damaged. The Upon his death in 2009, Borlaug’s
program has survived intact thus far, family released this statement: We
but without the (very costly) computer would like his life to be a model for
housing getting repaired, serious making a difference in the lives of
program degradation will result. The others and to bring about efforts to
locals want to help, but they have very end human misery for all mankind.
little to give. Still, one of the locals has
a connection to the characters (unless A great sentiment, Borlaug’s name still
Borlaug-21 has already been used by stands for this in the 30th century.
the Referee in another adventure),
and asks for help. Interestingly, the
players maybe can help, as they have just recently heard where and how the
needed parts might be “acquired” from an old enemy. Bonus!
 Sub-Urban Renewal: The location of 21-Omega is in trouble, due to a
greedy corporation bid to take the section of the Hive over (indirectly
targeting 21-Omega to assist their recycling program as above). Legally,
they have already cleared several hurdlles, but they need to get rid of
the current residents due to the (pro-tenant) Orion Housing Laws. They
have managed to buy off about half the ‘urb, and they have started a new
campaign to scare off the other half. The Corporation has enlisted the help
of a local gang, as well as a “professional wrangler” who is no stranger to
violence. This could very easily lead to a Seven Samurai situation, although
characters who play in the street with cars might take it into a more
Yojimbo kind of direction (I’m not sure I would go for Batteries not Included,
but hey, that’s your call).

Page 33

K- Hely (order #5683568)

Setting Update Alpha

Tylan McGann
Tylan McGann was born on Athena, the moon of Terra/Sol, a third-generation
Belt Mod SIM. Tylan joined the Confed Army in 2967, as soon as he came
to the age of majority. He received a commission and was assigned to the
Quartermaster Corps. There Tylan became a liaison officer (where he befriended
his Naval AI counterpart, Captain Xai Rothwell-Singh-Lau). In 2972, when the
Helix colony was being rebuilt, McGann was pressed into service once again as a
liaison, this time between the locals and the army contingent that was assigned
to guard (and watch over) the ex-APR colony as it was rebuilt.
Tylan liked his duties in the Helix System, but came to dislike his superior
officer, a martinet and (as was later revealed) black marketeer named Yenna
Shan. With the help of Captain Xai, Tylan was able to chase down the
gunrunning racket that Col. Shan was operating out of the Helix system and
expose Shan and her compatriots. In the process however, Tylan gave up a
promising career, as the political backlash from Shan’s friends (and possible
silent partners) in the upper levels of the Confed Command rained down. He
eventually mustered out. Tylan then decided to pick up his formal education
again, and attended the University of Mars on Terra/Sol.
But McGann was also being eyed for a career in politics. The political leaders
of the Confed Relief Operation who had watched the Shan Situation escalate
into a full-blown whitewash saw a young man of hidden talents. Sarah
Vasquez, Director of Planetary Development, approached Tylan when he
was still a student at the University, and asked him to consider government
service. Tylan accepted the offer and after his graduation (Class of 2982)
joined the Planetary Development Bureau. During his first few months there,
Tylan met Rose Vajpayee, another new star in the Bureau and they began a
relationship which continues to the present.
Tylan showed great promise in the Bureau, and quickly become involved in
the politics not only of his department, but the entire sector. Tylan also gained
the confidence of Director Vasquez, who became his mentor and later selected
him as her personal assistant in 2987. He also gained his fair share of rivals,
including another up-and-coming District Bureau Chief named Jagen who Tyler
cut off from a lucrative trade deal. Jagen’s career survived, and he dislikes Tylan
intensely. After 12 years with the Bureau, Tylan and Rose have gotten restless
and decided to spend some time travelling in his 2-unit Stateroom Condop
onboard the Mistress of Orion. This is where they are in 2991.
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K- Hely (order #5683568)

Twilight Sector
Sometimes a character’s background is fertile
ground for adventure; here are a few mini-seeds
related to Tylan McGann as a patron (or victim):
 The Colonel’s Revenge: Colonel Shan is getting
out of prison for her part in the gunrunning
scheme and she is looking for some payback.
With her contacts from her days in the military as
well as her time in prison, she has the means to ruin
anyone’s day. Year. Decade. Life.
 Can you hear me Captain Xai?: Tylan has maintained
his friendship with Captain Xai, who it turns out has
mustered out of the Confed Navy himself and is trying
his hand at prospecting in Terra/Sol’s rich Cismorian
Belt. But when Xai’s ship goes missing, Tylan
will want to have his friend located. But what
if he happens to be on the far end of the Tylan McGannon
Mistress’ run? Time to contact someone to 7 Terms, (3 Army, College, 3 Nobility)
help out…
 Jagen Strikes Back: District Bureau Chief Jagen STR: 6 DEX: 10 (+1) END: 6 INT: 7
EDU: 13 (+2) SOC: 9 (+1)
is still nursing the wounds Tylan caused
him more than 6 years ago, and he has just Skills: Admin 1, Advocate 2
recently become aware of a way to strike Athletics (Endurance) 1, Broker
back. Tylan is funding a Deep-Drill effort with 1, Computers 0, Deception 1,
his friend Captain Xai on Apollo, looking for Diplomat 4, Gun Cbt (Slug Rifle)
Astrithyra Deposits. Jagen knows of another 1, Hvy weapon 0, Leadership
wildcat operation nearby who are all-too 2, Medic 0, Melee (Unarmed) 1,
willing to spike the Deep-Drill effort and only Physical Science 0, Recon 1, Social
need a little funding and direction that Jagen Science (Politics) 2, Space Science
is willing to provide them. The players may 0, Steward 0, Streetwise 0, Survival
have been hired as crew or security for the 0, Vacc-Suit 1, Zero-G 2
effort, or they may know the fellows who are Appearance: Tylan is 48, but
about to start this problem going. still looks in his 20s. While some
 Vasquez is Coming: Onboard the Mistress, of this is due to good genes and
Tylan and Rose are preparing for the arrival zero-g living, he also understands
of his mentor, now Sector Magistrate, Sarah the benefits of early longevity
Vasquez; but when she doesn’t show, treatments. He is also short and
Tylan needs someone to track down her thin like all Belt Mod SIMs.
whereabouts in the system while he checks Note: As a Belt Mod SIM, Tylan
with his former political contacts. The players has Atmospheric Tolerance (Very
stumble on a kidnapping plot gone horribly Thin), Low Gravity Tolerance. His
wrong on one of the workshacks over Terra/ notable/weak stats are already
Sol which is now powerless and drifting. The factored above. Tylan also possesses
Players will have to rescue the Magistrate as a waferjack cyber-implant (TL 12).
well as the Kidnappers before time runs out!

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K- Hely (order #5683568)

K- Hely (order #5683568)

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