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Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; 32:121–141

Published online 19 March 2007 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/nag.612

Surface displacements due to batter piles driven in

cross-anisotropic media

Cheng-Der Wang1, ∗, † , Ming-Tang Chen2 and Tzen-Chin Lee1

1 Department of Civil and Disaster Prevention Engineering, National United University, Miao-Li,
Taiwan 360, Republic of China
2 Master of the Institute of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 106, Republic of China

This article derives the closed-form solutions for estimating the vertical surface displacements of cross-
anisotropic media due to various loading types of batter piles. The loading types include an embedded point
load for an end-bearing pile, uniform skin friction, and linear variation of skin friction for a friction pile.
The planes of cross-anisotropy are assumed to be parallel to the horizontal ground surface. The proposed
solutions are never mentioned in literature and can be developed from Wang and Liao’s solutions for a
horizontal and vertical point load embedded in the cross-anisotropic half-space. The present solutions are
identical with Wang’s solutions when batter angle equals to 0◦ . In addition, the solutions indicate that
the surface displacements in cross-anisotropic media are influenced by the type and degree of material
anisotropy, angle of inclination, and loading types. An illustrative example is given at the end of this
article to investigate the effect of the type and degree of soil anisotropy (E/E  , G  /E  , and / ), pile
inclination (), and different loading types (a point load, a uniform skin friction, and a linear variation of
skin friction) on vertical surface displacements. Results show that the displacements accounted for pile
batter are quite different from those estimated from plumb piles, both driven in cross-anisotropic media.
Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Received 5 November 2006; Revised 29 January 2007; Accepted 14 February 2007

KEY WORDS: surface displacements; batter piles; cross-anisotropic media; embedded point load; uniform
skin friction; linear variation of skin friction


In general, batter piles (or raked piles) are chosen to support the offshore structures, bridge
foundations, and towers [1–7]. In particular, when significant lateral loads are to be resisted by a
pile group, it has been common practice to use piles driven at a slope with respect to the vertical

∗ Correspondence to: Cheng-Der Wang, Department of Civil and Disaster Prevention Engineering, National United
University, No. 1, Lien-Da, Kung-Ching-Li, Miao-Li, Taiwan 360, Republic of China.


Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

122 C.-D. WANG, M.-T. CHEN AND T.-C. LEE

[8, 9]. There are situations where batter piles are desirable, such as where the new structure has
to be compatible with an existing batter pile structure, or have high service-level lateral loading
conditions, or the presence of ground movements in a pile group [6, 7, 10]. However, it should be
mentioned that, in many coastal or offshore areas, there are soft clay deposits nearby the structures
[1]. For many natural soils, such as flocculated clays, or varved silts, often deposited through a
geologic process of sedimentation over a period of time. The effects of deposition, overburden,
desiccation, etc., can lead to geological media, which usually exhibit the anisotropic deformability.
Under such circumstances, it is reasonable to consider that the elastic properties differ in horizontal
and vertical directions. Hence, in this article, an elastic loading problem of batter piles driven in
a cross-anisotropic medium is relevant.
It is recognized that plumb (or vertical)/batter piles transmitting axial/axial-lateral loads to the
surrounding soil can be divided into two major components, namely, the skin friction and end
bearing [11]. A pile in which the skin-frictional component predominates is known as a friction
pile, while a pile bearing on rock or some other hard incompressible soils is known as an end-
bearing pile [12]. Normally, for a friction pile, load distributions around the pile shaft are due to
the shear forces acting along the interface of the pile and the soil [13]. The loads practically could
be considered as a uniformly or linearly varying distributed with depth from the surface to the
pile length [13, 14]. However, for an end-bearing pile, which relies primarily on the concentrated
soil resistance at the tip of the pile, and the tip’s resistance, could be modelled as a point load
[11]. Based on the loading simulations, Wang [15] derived analytical solutions for calculating the
displacements and stresses induced by various loading types of an axially loaded plumb pile. The
loading types include an embedded point load for an end-bearing plumb pile, and uniform skin
friction, linear variation of skin friction, nonlinear variation of skin friction for a friction plumb
pile. A very detailed prior work on the subject (plumb piles) could be found in Reference [15].
Nevertheless, piles are often virtually inclined to the vertical in order to resist lateral loads, or
to provide bending capacity for lateral stability [16]. At present, only vertical stress solutions for
batter piles subjected to an embedded point load, a uniform skin friction, and a linear variation
of skin friction in an isotropic medium were proposed by Ramiah and Chickanagappa [13]. In
their solutions, the extension of Geddes’s solution [14] by an oblique co-ordinate system instead
of the usual Cartesian one was utilized. Therefore, Mindlin’s solution [17] was modified with
respect to the new co-ordinate system, and closed-form expressions were derived for the three
above-mentioned loading conditions. Then, they presented the results in terms of many stress
coefficients, which enabled the estimation of vertical stress for any reasonable type of skin friction
distribution along the batter piles. Thus far, to the best of our knowledge, no consideration is given
to the surface displacements by batter piles due to an end bearing, a uniform skin friction, and
a linear variation of skin friction in a cross-anisotropic medium. Hence, we derive the analytical
solutions of vertical surface displacements induced by aforementioned loading cases for batter
piles. The present solutions can be developed by integrating the embedded point load solution
of a cross-anisotropic half-space, which were proposed by Wang and Liao [18]. However, it
should be noted that the proposed solutions are not for the pile–soil interactions problems [19].
They are semi-coupled solutions where the influences of batter piles on the soil foundation are
simplified as various distributed loads. Additionally, in order to facilitate the derivations, the
present solutions involve the assumptions that the media are linearly elastic, the cross-anisotropic
has planes of isotropy parallel to the boundary ground surface, and the effect of batter pile’s
diameter (D) is not considered. In other words, the distribution of pressure along the length of
pile is a function of the length (L) to diameter (D) ratio [13]. Consequently, three loading cases

Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; 32:121–141
DOI: 10.1002/nag

are given as:

Case A: Point load case. A point load P (force) acting along the oblique axis, z, at the pile
length L.
Case B: Uniform skin friction case. A total load of Q (force per unit length), applied along the
oblique axis, z, in uniform distribution (Q(z) = P/L) from the surface to the pile length L.
Case C: Linear variation of skin friction case. A total load of Q (force per unit length), applied
along the oblique axis, z, in increments varying linearly with depth (Q(z) = 2P z/L 2 ), from zero
at the surface to a maximum at the pile length L.
An illustrative example is given to investigate the influence of the type and degree of soil
anisotropy (specified as E/E  , G  /E  , and / ), pile inclination (), and loading types (a point, a
uniform skin friction, and a linear variation of skin friction) on vertical surface displacements in
the isotropic/cross-anisotropic soils.



The solutions of three-dimensional displacements for a cross-anisotropic half-space subjected to

an embedded horizontal/vertical point load, Px /Pz , at depth, h, in a Cartesian co-ordinate system,
one can refer to Wang and Liao [18]. In this present article, only vertical displacement (u z ) due
to Px /Pz is represented below

p Px
uz = [−k( pd11 − pd12 ) + m 1 (T1 pd1a − T2 pd1b ) − m 2 (T3 pd1c − T4 pd1d )]
− [m 1 (kpd21 + T1 m 1 pd2a − T2 m 2 pd2b ) − m 2 (kpd22 + T3 m 1 pd2c − T4 m 2 pd2d )] (1)


(A13 + A44 ) (A13 + A44 )u j A11 − A44 u 2j
k= , mj = = ( j = 1, 2)
A33 A44 (u 21 − u 22 ) A33 u 2j − A44 (A13 + A44 )u j

k u1 + u2 k 2u 1 (u 2 + m 2 )
T1 = , T2 =
m1 u2 − u1 m 2 (u 2 − u 1 )(u 1 + m 1 )
k 2u 2 (u 1 + m 1 ) k u1 + u2
T3 = , T4 =
m 1 (u 2 − u 1 )(u 2 + m 2 ) m2 u2 − u1

x 1
pd1i = , pd2i = , Ri = x 2 + y 2 + z i2 (i = 1, 2, a, b, c, d)
Ri (Ri + z i ) Ri

and z i has three distinct forms, namely: (1) z 1 = u 1 (z − h), z 2 = u 2 (z − h); (2) z a = u 1 (z + h),
z d = u 2 (z + h); and (3) z b = u 1 z + u 2 h, z c = u 1 h + u 2 z. pd1i and pd2i in Equation (1) are the
displacement elementary functions for vertical displacement at any point due to a horizontal

Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; 32:121–141
DOI: 10.1002/nag
124 C.-D. WANG, M.-T. CHEN AND T.-C. LEE

Table I. The relationships of z i (i = 1, 2, a, b, c, d) and

u m z + u n h (m, n = 1, 2).
z i (i = 1, 2, a, b, c, d) u m z + u n h (m, n = 1, 2)

z 1 = u 1 (z − h) u n = −u m = −u 1
z 2 = u 2 (z − h) u n = −u m = −u 2
z a = u 1 (z + h) un = um = u1
z d = u 2 (z + h) un = um = u2
zb = u 1 z + u 2 h um = u1, un = u2
zc = u 2 z + u 1 h um = u2, un = u1

(Px ) and vertical subsurface loading (Pz ) in a cross-anisotropic medium. In addition, if we

set z i (i = 1, 2, a, b, c, d) = u m z + u n h (m, n = 1, 2), in another word, it is more convenient
to deal with the general form (u m z + u n h) instead of three ones (z i ). The relationships of
z i (i = 1, 2, a, b, c, d) and u m z + u n h (m, n = 1, 2) are listed in Table I.
• A11 , A13 , A33 , A44 are the elastic moduli or elasticity constants of the medium and can be
expressed as follows [20]:
E(1 − (E/E  )2 ) E
A11 = , A 13 =
(1 + )(1 −  − (2E/E  )2 ) 1 −  − (2E/E  )2 (2)

E (1 − )
A33 = , A44 = G 
1 −  − (2E/E  )2
For a cross-anisotropic material, the five engineering elastic constants, E, E  , ,  , and G 
are defined as [21]:

1. E is the Young’s modulus in the horizontal direction.

2. E  is the Young’s modulus in the vertical direction.
3.  is the Poisson’s ratio for the effect of horizontal stress on complementary horizontal
4.  is the Poisson’s ratio for the effect of vertical stress on horizontal strain.
5. G  is the shear modulus in the vertical plane.
• u 1 and u 2 are the roots of the following characteristic equation:
u 4 − su 2 + q = 0 (3)
where s = (A11 A33 − A13 (A13 + 2A44 ))/A33 A44 , q = A11 /A33 . Since the strain energy is
assumed to be positive definite in the medium, the values of elastic constants are restricted
[22–24]. Hence, there are three categories of the characteristic roots, u 1 and u 2 , as follows:

Case 1: u 1,2 = ± { 2 [s ± (s 2 − 4q)]} are two real distinct roots when s 2 − 4q>0.
√ √
Case 2: u 1,2 = ± s/2, ± s/2 are  double √equal real roots when s 2 − 4q = 0.

Case 3: u 1 = 2 (s + 2 q) − i 2 (−s + 2 q) =  − i, u 2 =  + i are two complex
1 1

conjugate roots (where  cannot be equal to zero) when s 2 − 4q<0.

• If a horizontal point load Px , and a vertical point load Pz , is applied at a depth L, then,
the vertical displacement for an end-bearing pile in the cross-anisotropic half-space can be
obtained by substituting h by L in the aforementioned z i (i = 1, 2, a, b, c, d).

Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; 32:121–141
DOI: 10.1002/nag

However, the vertical displacements induced by three loading cases, including Case A (end-
bearing point load), Case B (uniform skin friction), and Case C (linear variation of skin friction)
for batter piles driven in a cross-anisotropic medium are considered in this study. The deriving
procedures are described in the following sections.


In order to analyse the magnitude and distribution of surface displacement due to batter piles,
an oblique co-ordinate system, as shown in Figure 1, is utilized. In Figure 1 an inclined point
load, P (force), at an angle, , with respect to the vertical, along the z-axis of an oblique co-
ordinate system is considered. The point load, P, can be resolved into a horizontal component,
P sin , and a vertical one, P cos . That means the vertical displacement due to these components
corresponding to the new co-ordinate system can be obtained by modifying the point load solution
(Equation (1)) as:

p P sin       
u z(oblique) = [−k( pd11 − pd12 ) + m 1 (T1 pd1a − T2 pd1b ) − m 2 (T3 pd1c − T4 pd1d )]
P cos      
− [m 1 (kpd21 + T1 m 1 pd2a − T2 m 2 pd2b ) − m 2 (kpd22 + T3 m 1 pd2c

−T4 m 2 pd2d )] (4)

o x

PZ = P cos α

Px = P sin α
y h

(z − h) cos α
α z − h

(z − h) sin α

Figure 1. An inclined point load P along the z-axis of an oblique co-ordinate system.

Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; 32:121–141
DOI: 10.1002/nag
126 C.-D. WANG, M.-T. CHEN AND T.-C. LEE

o x o x

L P h dh

y y

(Z L) cos α L

(Z − L) sin α

(a) z (b) z

o x

y L


(c) z
Figure 2. A batter pile driven in cross-anisotropic media for: (a) point load case (Case A); (b) uniform
skin friction case (Case B); and (c) linear variation of skin friction case (Case C).

It should be noted that x in pd1i and pd2i (Equation (1)) is replaced by x + (z − h) sin , and
z i (= u m z + u n h) should be substituted by z i = (u m z + u n h) cos . Hence, the new displacement
elementary functions, denoted by pd1i  and pd2i , can be written as

 x + (z − h) sin 
pd1i = (5)
Ri (Ri + z i )

pd2i = (6)

where Ri = [x + (z − h) sin ]2 + y 2 + z i2 , z i = (u m z + u n h) cos  (i = 1, 2, a, b, c, d; m, n =
1, 2). Therefore, as depicted in Figure 2(a), for an end-bearing batter pile driven at an angle,
 (with respect to the vertical), into a cross-anisotropic material, the resulting vertical displace-
ment can be estimated from Equations (4)–(6) by substituting h by L. The proposed formulation
is identical with Wang’s cross-anisotropic solutions [15] when  = 0◦ .

Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; 32:121–141
DOI: 10.1002/nag



The closed-form solutions for vertical displacement in a cross-anisotropic half-space due to uniform
and linearly varying skin frictions can be directly integrated from the new displacement elementary
functions ( pd1i   , as shown, respectively, in Equations (5) and (6)) of point load solution
and pd2i
(u z(oblique) , Equation (4)). A total load Q (force per unit length) applied along the oblique z-axis
of a batter pile in uniform increments from the surface to the pile length L, as demonstrated in
Figure 2(b) is investigated. Taking an infinitesimal element dh along the oblique z-axis, the load
can be divided into a finite number of elementary forces as follows:
dQ = dh (7)
Nevertheless, since the variable h associated with z i (= u m z + u n h) has three different forms
as described above, the complete expressions of integrations for all forms would be lengthy. In
addition, the vertical surface displacement is usually the most interesting quantity in geotechnical
analysis. In this condition, z = 0, which would lead z a = z c , z b = z d (Table I). Hence, the analytical
solution for vertical surface displacement resulting from a uniform skin friction of a batter pile in
the cross-anisotropic media is presented below:

P sin 
u rz(oblique) = [−k(r d11 − rd12 ) + (m 1 T1 − m 2 T3 )rd1a − (m 1 T2 − m 2 T4 )rd1b ]

P cos 
− [k(m 1rd21 − m 2rd22 ) + m 1 (m 1 T1 − m 2 T3 )rd2a

−m 2 (m 1 T2 − m 2 T4 )rd2b ] (8)

In Equation (8), the displacement integral functions, rd1i and rd2i , can be obtained by integrating
h of the new displacement elementary functions, pd1i  
(Equation (5)) and pd2i (Equations (6)),
between the limits 0 and L as
 L  L  
p p P
u rz(oblique) = u z(oblique) dQ = u z(oblique) dh (9)
0 0 L
where the superscript r denotes the vertical surface displacement that is resulted from a uniform
skin friction for a batter pile. In this case, the displacement integral functions are given as follows:
u n cot   An  1  Cn   Dn 
rd1i =  
ln   + 
ln   + ln  
L sin2  + u 2 cos2  Bn 2L sin  En Fn

1  An 
rd2i =  ln   (11)
L sin2  + u 2 cos2  Bn

Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; 32:121–141
DOI: 10.1002/nag
128 C.-D. WANG, M.-T. CHEN AND T.-C. LEE


An = L(sin2  + u 2n cos2 ) − x sin  + sin2  + u 2n cos2 

× L 2 (sin2  + u 2n cos2 ) + x 2 + y 2 − 2L x sin 
Bn = x 2 + y 2 sin2  + u 2n cos2  − x sin 

Cn = −2x y(3 − 4 cos 2 + cos 4) − 4iy 2 sin (3 sin  − sin 3)

− 8iu n x 2 + y 2 (x + iy) sin 2 sin2 

Dn = −2x y(3 − 4 cos 2 + cos 4) + 4iy 2 sin (3 sin  − sin 3)

+ 8iu n x 2 + y 2 (x − iy) sin 2 sin2 

E n = −2x y(3 − 4 cos 2 + cos 4) + 2L y sin (5 + u 2n ) − 2iLu 2n x sin (1 − cos 4) − 12iy 2 sin2 

− 8iu n (x + iy) sin2  sin 2 L 2 (sin2  + u 2n cos2 ) + x 2 + y 2 − 2L x sin 

+ y sin 3(−5L + Lu 2n + 4iy sin ) + L y sin 5(1 − u 2n )

Fn = −2x y(3 − 4 cos 2 + cos 4) + 2L y sin (5 + u 2n ) + 2iLu 2n x sin (1 − cos 4) + 12iy 2 sin2 

+ 8iu n (x − iy) sin2  sin 2 L 2 (sin2  + u 2n cos2 ) + x 2 + y 2 − 2L x sin 

+ y sin 3(−5L + Lu 2n − 4iy sin ) + L y sin 5(1 − u 2n )

The proposed solutions are equivalent to Wang’s solutions [15] if a uniform skin friction plumb
pile is driven in a cross-anisotropic medium (i.e.  = 0◦ ).



A total load of Q (force per unit length) applied along the axis of the batter pile in increments
varying linearly with depth, from zero at the surface to maximum at depth L, as shown in
Figure 2(c), is studied. The load applied over a depth dh is given by:
dQ = 2P dh (12)

Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; 32:121–141
DOI: 10.1002/nag

Replacing Equation (12) in the new displacement elementary functions, pd1i  (Equation (5)) and

pd2i (Equation (6)), and integrating h from 0 to L as follows:
 L  L  
p p 2Ph
u lz(oblique) = u z(oblique) dQ = u z(oblique) dh (13)
0 0 L2
where the superscript l denotes the vertical surface displacement due to a linear variation of skin
friction for a batter pile. The associated exact solution and the new displacement integral functions,
ld1i and ld2i (i = 1, 2, a, b, c, d), for this loading case are derived and listed in the following:

P sin 
u lz(oblique) = [−k(l d11 − ld12 ) + (m 1 T1 − m 2 T3 )ld1a − (m 1 T2 − m 2 T4 )ld1b ]
P cos 
− [k(m 1ld21 − m 2ld22 ) + m 1 (m 1 T1 − m 2 T3 )ld2a
− m 2 (m 1 T2 − m 2 T4 )ld2b ] (14)

2 2u n cot 
ld1i = − + L 2 (sin2 +u 2n cos2 )+x 2 +y 2 −2L x sin − x 2 +y 2
L sin  L 2 (sin2 +u 2n cos2 )
2y y −1 y x  x 2 + y2 
+ tan −1
− tan + 
L sin 
2 2 x − L sin  x L sin 
2 2 (x − L sin ) + y 
2 2

2u n x cot  csc (2 sin2  + u 2n cos2 )  An  x − iy  Gn 
+ ln   − ln
L 2 (sin2  + u 2n cos2 )3/2 Bn L 2 sin2   K n 
x + iy  Hn 
− ln  
L 2 sin   L n 
2 L 2 (sin2  + u 2n cos2 ) + x 2 + y 2 − 2L x sin  − x 2 + y2
ld2i =
L 2 (sin2  + u 2n cos2 )
2x sin   An 
+ ln   (16)
L (sin  + u n cos )
2 2 2 2 3/2 Bn

G n = 4y sin2 (x − iy) − 2iu n sin 2 Lu n x cos  + (x − iy)

× L 2 (sin2  + u 2n cos2 ) + x 2 + y 2 − 2L x sin 

Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; 32:121–141
DOI: 10.1002/nag
130 C.-D. WANG, M.-T. CHEN AND T.-C. LEE

−L y[4 sin3  + u 2n (sin  + sin 3)]

Hn = 4y sin (x + iy) + 2iu n sin 2 Lu n x cos  + (x + iy)

× L 2 (sin2  + u 2n cos2 ) + x2 + y2 − 2L x sin 

−L y[4 sin3  + u 2n (sin  + sin 3)]

K n = 4 sin [(x − L sin ) − iy] y sin  − iu n x 2 + y 2 cos 

L n = 4 sin [(x − L sin ) + iy] y sin  + iu n x 2 + y 2 cos 

The closed-form solutions of linear variation of skin friction are also the same as Wang’s solutions
[15] for the plumb pile driven in cross-anisotropic media. Furthermore, since the assumptions
inherent in the analyses, vertical surface displacements for compound forms of loading can be
acquired by superposition. With results from the three types of loadings analysed a great deal of
loadings can be treated [14]. For instance, in the case of a friction load varying linearly from a
maximum at the ground surface to zero at the pile length L, the solution, u dz(oblique) , is obtained
from the following relationship:
u dz(oblique) = 2 ∗ u rz(oblique) − u lz(oblique) (17)


A parametric study to verify the derived solutions and examine the effect of the type and degree of
material anisotropy, pile inclination angle, , and three different loading types (Cases A, B, C) on
vertical surface displacements for batter piles pushed into cross-anisotropic media is conducted in
this section. For practical engineering, common pile batters range from 1:12 (horizontal:vertical)
to 5:12 [8]. In this investigation, it is assumed the piles inclined at an angle that varied between 0◦
and 30◦ with respect to the vertical. For typical ranges of cross-anisotropic parameters, Gazetas
[25] summarized several experimental data regarding deformational cross-anisotropy of clays and
sands. He concluded that the ratio E/E  for clays range from 0.6 to 4 and that as low as 0.2
for sands. However, for heavily over-consolidated London clay, the range of the ratio E/E  is
1.35–2.37, and that of the ratio G  /E  is 0.23–0.44 [21, 26–28]. Moreover, the hypothetical ratio
/ could assume to be varied between 0.75 and 1.5. Hence, the degree of anisotropy of London
clay, including the ratios E/E  , G  /E  , and / is accounted for exploring its effect on vertical
surface displacements. In this study, four types of isotropic and cross-anisotropic soils are chosen
to constitute the foundation materials. The elastic properties of geomaterials are listed in Table II.
The values adopted in Table II of E and  are 50 MPa and 0.3, respectively.
Based on Equations (4)–(6) (for a point load), Equations (8), (10)–(11) (for a uniform skin fric-
tion), and Equations (14)–(16) (for a linear variation of skin friction), a Mathematica®

Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; 32:121–141
DOI: 10.1002/nag

Table II. Elastic properties for different soils (E = 50 MPa,  = 0.3).

Soil type E/E  G  /E  /
Soil 1. Isotropy 1.0 0.385 1.0
Soil 2. Cross-anisotropy 2.37 0.385 1.0
Soil 3. Cross-anisotropy 1.0 0.23 1.0
Soil 4. Cross-anisotropy 1.0 0.385 1.5

x x
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 0


0.005 0.005

Normalized Vertical Surface

Normalized Vertical Surface


0.01 0.01




0.015 0.015

0.02 0.02

(a) 0.025 (b) 0.025

x x
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 0


0.005 0.005
Normalized Vertical Surface

Normalized Vertical Surface



0.01 0.01




0.015 0.015

0.02 0.02

(c) 0.025 (d) 0.025

Figure 3. Effect of soil anisotropy on normalized vertical surface displacement due to an end-bearing pile
in the cross-anisotropic media when: (a)  = 0◦ ; (b)  = 10◦ ; (c)  = 20◦ ; and (d)  = 30◦ .

program was written to calculate the induced displacements. In this program, the vertical sur-
face displacements at any point (x, y) in the media can be calculated. Figures 3–8 show the
effect of soil anisotropy and pile inclination on normalized vertical surface displacements due to
a point load, a uniform skin friction, and a linear variation of skin friction, along the batter piles

Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; 32:121–141
DOI: 10.1002/nag
132 C.-D. WANG, M.-T. CHEN AND T.-C. LEE

x x
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 0
Effect of pile inclination for Soil 2

(Soil 2)
(Soil 1)

0.005 0.005 10
Normalized Vertical Surface

Normalized Vertical Surface


0.01 0.01



0.015 0.015
Effect of pile inclination for Soil 1

0.02 10 0.02
(a) 0.025 (b) 0.025

x x
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 0
(Soil 3)

(Soil 4)
0.005 0.005
Normalized Vertical Surface

Normalized Vertical Surface



0.01 0.01




0.015 0.015
Effect of pile inclination for Soil 3 Effect of pile inclination for Soil 4

0 0
0.02 0.02 10
20 20

30 30
(c) 0.025 (d) 0.025

Figure 4. Effect of pile inclination on normalized vertical surface displacement due to an end-bearing pile
when  = 0◦ , 10◦ , 20◦ , and 30◦ for: (a) Soil 1; (b) Soil 2; (c) Soil 3; and (d) Soil 4.

for isotropic/cross-anisotropic soils. Regarding the effect of three loading types on the induced
displacements, Figure 9 demonstrates for that in a cross-anisotropic soil (Soil 2, as seen in Table
II) with the variations of batter angle.
Firstly, Figure 3 depicts the effect of ratios E/E  , G  /E  , and / (soil anisotropy) on normalized
vertical displacement (u z(oblique) /P) at the surface of the media (y = z = 0) vs the non-dimensional
ratio x/L from −2 to 0 (the negative or left side), and from 0 to 2 (the positive or right side),
resulting from an end-bearing pile when the inclination angle  = 0◦ (plumb pile case, Figure
3(a)), 10◦ (Figure 3(b)), 20◦ (Figure 3(c)), and 30◦ (Figure 3(d)). From Figure 3(a), it indicates
that u z(oblique) /P (1) decreases with the increase of x/L on the negative side (from −2 to 0) and
increases with increasing x/L on the positive one (from 0 to 2); (2) increases with the increase
of E/E  from 1.0 to 2.37 (Soils 1 and 2); (3) increases with the decrease of G  /E  from 0.385 to
0.23 (Soils 1 and 3); and (4). slightly increases with the increase of / from 1.0 to 1.5 (Soils 1
and 4).

Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; 32:121–141
DOI: 10.1002/nag

x x
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 0

0.02 0.02

Normalized Vertical Surface

Normalized Vertical Surface




0.06 0.06


0.08 0.08

0.1 0.1

(a) 0.12 (b) 0.12

x x
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 0

0.02 0.02


Normalized Vertical Surface

Normalized Vertical Surface




0.06 0.06


0.08 0.08

0.1 0.1

(c) 0.12 (d) 0.12

Figure 5. Effect of soil anisotropy on normalized vertical surface displacement due to a uniform skin
friction pile in the cross-anisotropic media when: (a)  = 0◦ ; (b)  = 10◦ ; (c)  = 20◦ ; and (d)  = 30◦ .

Particularly, the increase of ratio E/E  and decrease of ratio G  /E  do have a great impact on
the vertical surface displacement. In addition, it is shown that the magnitudes and distributions of
u z(oblique) /P for Soils 1–4 are exactly identical with those of Wang’s results [15] in the case of
 = 0◦ . As for the trend of Figures 3(b)–(d), results reveal that the distributions of u z(oblique) /P

are similar to those in Figure 3(a); however, the magnitudes of them are different. Consequently,
the effect of pile inclination with batter angles of 0◦ , 10◦ , 20◦ , and 30◦ on u z(oblique) /P due to

an end-bearing pile driven in Soils 1–4 is, respectively, presented in Figures 4(a)–(d). It can be
found from these figures (Figures 4(a)–(d)) that the effect of pile inclination on u z(oblique) /P on
the right side is more explicit than that of on the left one. It suggests that the left/right side of
x/L might have a considerably distinct form by utilizing the present solutions. Furthermore, the
results of u z(oblique) /P decrease with increasing  from 0◦ to 30◦ . In another word, calculations

by the proposed solutions for battle piles predicted nearly lower vertical surface displacement for
all inclination considered than those by using Wang’s solutions (i.e.  = 0◦ ) [15].

Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; 32:121–141
DOI: 10.1002/nag
134 C.-D. WANG, M.-T. CHEN AND T.-C. LEE

x x
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 0

(Soil 1)


(Soil 2)
Normalized Vertical Surface

Normalized Vertical Surface





Effect of pile inclination for Soil 1 0.08 Effect of pile inclination for Soil 2

0 0
0.04 10 0.1 10
20 20
30 30
(a) 0.05 (b) 0.12

x x
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 0

(Soil 3)

(Soil 4)
Normalized Vertical Surface

Normalized Vertical Surface



0.04 0.03


Effect of pile inclination for Soil 3 0.04 Effect of pile inclination for Soil 4

0.06 0 0
10 10
20 20
30 30
(c) 0.08 (d) 0.06

Figure 6. Effect of pile inclination on normalized vertical surface displacement due to

a uniform skin friction pile when  = 0◦ , 10◦ , 20◦ , and 30◦ for: (a) Soil 1; (b) Soil 2;
(c) Soil 3; and (d) Soil 4.

Figure 5 delineates the effect of ratios E/E  , G  /E  , and / on normalized vertical surface
displacement (u rz(oblique) /P) (y = z = 0) vs x/L from −2 to 2, subjected to a batter pile with
uniform skin friction for  = 0◦ (Figure 5(a)), 10◦ (Figure 5(b)), 20◦ (Figure 5(c)), and 30◦
(Figure 5(d)), respectively. Obviously, the estimated u rz(oblique) /P in this figure differs much from
u z(oblique) /P in Figure 3, that is, the vertical surface displacement could be intensely affected by
distinct loading types (point load case and uniform skin friction case). Additionally, the magnitudes
and distributions of u rz(oblique) /P for Soils 1–4 are the same as those from Wang’s solutions [15]
when  = 0◦ . It can also be found that the effect of ratios E/E  (Soil 2) and G  /E  (Soil 3) on
u rz(oblique) /P is clear; nevertheless, the effect of ratio / (Soil 4) on it is unapparent. Figures
6(a)–(d) clarify the effect of pile inclination on u rz(oblique) /P for Soils 1–4, respectively. The trend
of Figures 6(a)–(d) is similar, and u rz(oblique) /P decreases with the increase of  from 0◦ to 30◦ on

Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; 32:121–141
DOI: 10.1002/nag

x x
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 0

0.01 0.01

Normalized Vertical Surface
Normalized Vertical Surface


0.02 0.02




0.03 0.03

for the linear variation of skin friction case for the linear variation of skin friction case
0.04 0.04

(a) 0.05 (b) 0.05

x x
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 0

0.01 0.01

Normalized Vertical Surface

Normalized Vertical Surface



0.02 0.02




0.03 0.03

for the linear variation of skin friction case for the linear variation of skin friction case
0.04 0.04

(c) 0.05 (d) 0.05

Figure 7. Effect of soil anisotropy on normalized vertical surface displacement due to

a linear variation of skin friction pile in the cross-anisotropic media when: (a)  = 0◦ ;
(b)  = 10◦ ; (c)  = 20◦ ; and (d)  = 30◦ .

the left side (x/L from −2 to 0); however, the result reversed on the right one (x/L from 0 to 2).
It also can be discerned from Figure 6 that the variation of u rz(oblique) /P in the negative region is
more obvious than that in the positive one.
Figure 7 shows the effect of ratios E/E  , G  /E  , and / on the normalized vertical surface
displacement (u lz(oblique) /P) (y = z = 0) vs x/L from −2 to 2, due to a batter pile with linear
variation of skin friction for  = 0◦ (Figure 7(a)), 10◦ (Figure 7(b)), 20◦ (Figure 7(c)), and 30◦
(Figure 7(d)), respectively. The order of u lz(oblique) /P in Figure 7 is similar to that of u z(oblique) /P
in Figure 3. As well as the computed u lz(oblique) /P for Soils 1–4 are identical with those by using
Wang’s solutions [15] when  = 0◦ . Figures 8(a)–(d) illustrate the effect of pile inclination on
u lz(oblique)
u lz(oblique) /P for Soils 1–4, respectively. It is noted that when nearby the loading place, P

Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; 32:121–141
DOI: 10.1002/nag
136 C.-D. WANG, M.-T. CHEN AND T.-C. LEE

x x
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
(Soil 1) 0 0

0.005 0.01

(Soil 2)
Normalized Vertical Surface

Normalized Vertical Surface


0.01 0.02



0.015 0.03

Effect of pile inclination for Soil 1 Effect of pile inclination for Soil 2

0.02 0 0.04 0
10 10
(a) 0.025
30 (b) 0.05

x x
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 0

(Soil 4) 0.005
(Soil 3)

Normalized Vertical Surface
Normalized Vertical Surface


0.02 0.01



0.03 0.015
Effect of pile inclination for Soil 3
Effect of pile inclination for Soil 4

0 0.02
0.04 0
10 10
20 20
30 30
(c) 0.05 (d) 0.025

Figure 8. Effect of pile inclination on normalized vertical surface displacement due to

a linear variation of skin friction pile when  = 0◦ , 10◦ , 20◦ , and 30◦ for: (a) Soil 1;
(b) Soil 2; (c) Soil 3; and (d) Soil 4.

increases with decreasing of  (from 30◦ to 0◦ ) on the left side; nevertheless, it (u lz(oblique) /P)
almost increases with increasing of  (from 0◦ to 30◦ ) within the positive region.
Finally, Figure 9 presents the effect of three different loading types on normalized vertical
surface displacements (u z(oblique) /P, u rz(oblique) /P, and u lz(oblique) /P) for Soil 2 (E/E  = 2.37,

G  /E  = 0.385, / = 1.0) when  = 0◦ (Figure 9(a)), 10◦ (Figure 9(b)), 20◦ (Figure 9(c)), and
30◦ (Figure 9(d)), respectively. The trend of Figures 9(a)–(d) is similar, and the order of the
induced displacements almost follows: the uniform skin friction case > the linear variation
of skin friction case > the point load case. The maximum difference of the three vertical
surface displacements (u z(oblique) /P, u rz(oblique) /P, and u lz(oblique) /P) occurred at x/L = 0; how-
ever, with decreasing/increasing of x/L, the analysed displacements would eventually be
the same.

Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; 32:121–141
DOI: 10.1002/nag

x x
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 0
Normalized Vertical Surface Displacement

Normalized Vertical Surface Displacement

uz(oblique) uz(oblique) uz(oblique)

uz(oblique) uz(oblique) uz(oblique)

0.02 0.02


0.04 0.04

0.06 0.06



0.08 0.08

Effect of loading types for Soil 2 when α= 0 Effect of loading types for Soil 2 when α= 10
0.1 0.1

point load case

point load case
uniform skin friction case uniform skin friction case
linear variation of skin friction case linear variation of skin friction case
(a) 0.12 (b) 0.12

x x
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 0
Normalized Vertical Surface Displacement

Normalized Vertical Surface Displacement

uz(oblique) uz(oblique) uz(oblique)

0.02 uz(oblique) uz(oblique) uz(oblique) 0.02



0.04 0.04

0.06 0.06



0.08 0.08

Effect of loading types for Soil 2 when α= 20 Effect of loading types for Soil 2 when α= 30
0.1 0.1

point load case


point load case

uniform skin friction case uniform skin friction case
linear variation of skin friction case linear variation of skin friction case
0.12 0.12
(c) (d)

Figure 9. Effect of loading types on normalized vertical surface displacements due to a point load,
a uniform skin friction, and a linear variation of skin friction in the cross-anisotropic Soil 2, when:
(a)  = 0◦ ; (b)  = 10◦ ; (c)  = 20◦ ; and (d)  = 30◦ .

According to Figures 3–9, the magnitudes and distributions of normalized vertical surface
displacements strongly depend on the type and degree of soil anisotropy (E/E  , G  /E  , and / ),
pile inclination (), and loading types (a point load, a uniform skin friction, and a linear variation
of skin friction). Therefore, it should be taken the pile inclination into account when piles battered
into the cross-anisotropic media.


The analytical solutions are proposed to compute the vertical surface displacements due to various
loading types of batter piles driven in the cross-anisotropic media. The loading types include an
embedded point load for an end-bearing pile, uniform skin friction, and linear variation of skin

Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; 32:121–141
DOI: 10.1002/nag
138 C.-D. WANG, M.-T. CHEN AND T.-C. LEE

friction for a friction pile. The deriving approaches are according to Wang and Liao’s point load
solutions [18], which are in terms of two new displacement elementary functions in an oblique
co-ordinate system for the vertical displacement subjected to a horizontal and vertical subsurface
point load in a cross-anisotropic half-space. Integrating the new displacement elementary func-
tions, the oblique point load solutions can be extended to obtain the solutions of vertical surface
displacements resulting from a uniform and a linear variation of skin friction for piles battered
into cross-anisotropic media. A parametric study is conducted to examine the effect of the type
and degree of soil anisotropy (E/E  , G  /E  , and / ), pile inclination (), and loading types (a
point load, a uniform skin friction, and a linear variation of skin friction) on the vertical sur-
face displacements. Based on the results of present solutions, the following conclusions can be

1. The magnitudes and distributions of the induced normalized vertical surface displacements
resulting from an end-bearing pile (u z(oblique) /P), a uniform skin friction pile (u rz(oblique) /P),
and a linear variation of skin friction pile (u lz(oblique) /P) are all exactly identical with those
of Wang’s solutions [15] when batter angle  = 0◦ .
2. The vertical surface displacement (u z(oblique) /P) due to an oblique point load case (1) de-
creases with the increase of x/L on the left side (from −2 to 0) and increases with increasing
x/L on the right one (from 0 to 2); (2) increases with the increase of E/E  from 1.0 to 2.37
(Soils 1 and 2); (3) increases with the decrease of G  /E  from 0.385 to 0.23 (Soils 1 and 3);
and (4) slightly increases with the increase of / from 1.0 to 1.5 (Soils 1 and 4). Notably,
the ratios E/E  and G  /E  do have a great influence on u z(oblique) /P.
3. The effect of pile inclination on u z(oblique) /P on the right side is more explicit than that of on
the left one. It suggests that the negative/positive region of x/L might have a considerably
different form by using the present solutions.
4. The computed results for u z(oblique) /P decrease with the increase of  from 0◦ to 30◦ . That

means the calculations by the proposed solutions for battle piles predicted almost lower
vertical surface displacement than those by using Wang’s solutions [15] without considering
the pile inclination.
5. The vertical surface displacement (u rz(oblique) /P) resulting from a uniform skin friction case
would nearly unaffected by the ratio / (Soil 4). However, u rz(oblique) /P decreases with the
increase of  from 0◦ to 30◦ within the negative region, and the result reversed inside the
positive one.
6. When nearby the loading place of a linear variation of skin friction case, the induced vertical
surface displacement (u lz(oblique) /P) increases with the decrease of  (from 30◦ to 0◦ ) on the
left side; nevertheless, it almost increases with increasing of  (from 0◦ to 30◦ ) on the right
7. The order of the induced displacements approximately follows: the uniform skin friction case
> the linear variation of skin friction case > the point load case. The maximum difference
of the three vertical surface displacements (u z(oblique) /P, u rz(oblique) /P, and u lz(oblique) /P) oc-
curred at x/L = 0; however, with decreasing/increasing of x/L, these induced displacements
would eventually be the same.
The present solutions in the form of new displacement elementary functions for an end-bearing
pile, and displacement integral functions for a uniform, and a linear variation of skin friction pile

Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; 32:121–141
DOI: 10.1002/nag

enable the computation of vertical surface displacements for any compound type of distribution
of skin friction. Furthermore, the estimation of vertical surface displacements due to the derived
loading cases in an isotropic/cross-anisotropic medium is fast and correct since the presentation
of the closed-form solutions is concise and systematized. The results show that the displace-
ments accounted for pile batter are quite different from those estimated from plumb piles [15].
Hence, to obtain more desirable results, it is imperative to consider the pile inclination when
batter piles are required to transmit the axial-lateral loads to the surrounding cross-anisotropic


A11 , A13 , A33 , A44 elastic moduli or elasticity constants

dh infinitesimal element along the oblique z-axis
E Young’s modulus in the horizontal direction
E Young’s modulus in the vertical direction
G shear modulus in the√vertical plane
i complex number (= −1)
k, m 1 , m 2 , T1 , T2 ,
T3 , T4 coefficients
L the pile length
ld1i –ld2i displacement integral functions for the vertical surface displacement in
an oblique co-ordinate system due to a linear variation of skin friction
P force for an end bearing and a skin friction pile
Px a horizontal point load acting in the interior of the cross-anisotropic
Pz a vertical point load acting in the interior of the cross-anisotropic
pd1i – pd2i displacement elementary functions for the vertical displacement
due to a horizontal and vertical point load
 – p
pd1i new displacement elementary functions for the vertical displacement
in an oblique co-ordinate system due to a horizontal and vertical point
Q a total load (force per unit length)
rd1i –rd2i displacement integral functions for the vertical surface displacement
in an oblique co-ordinate system due to a uniform skin friction
u1, u2 roots of the characteristic equation
u lz(oblique) vertical surface displacement due to a linear variation of skin friction
in an oblique co-ordinate system
uz vertical displacement due to a horizontal and vertical point load in a
Cartesian co-ordinate system
u z(oblique) vertical displacement due to a horizontal and vertical point load
in an oblique co-ordinate system
u rz(oblique) vertical surface displacement due to a uniform skin friction
in an oblique co-ordinate system

Copyright q 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; 32:121–141
DOI: 10.1002/nag
140 C.-D. WANG, M.-T. CHEN AND T.-C. LEE

Greek letters
 Poisson’s ratio for the effect of horizontal stress on complementary
horizontal strain
 Poisson’s ratio for the effect of vertical stress on horizontal strain

The authors would like to thank J. Y. Hou, Y. T. Lin, Z. D. Yang, and P. C. Lee of National United
University for their great assistances.

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DOI: 10.1002/nag

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