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(c) 1994 Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Excerpts from Game Genie(tm) Code Updates made available for the
private use of Game Genie owners. NO COMMERCIAL USE WITHOUT
AUTHORIZATION. This file may be freely distributed for PRIVATE,
NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY as long as it is not altered and all text
remains intact.
Game Genie is a product of Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc., and is not
manufactured, distributed or endorsed by Nintendo of America Inc.
Game Boy is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. Game titles are
trademarks of their respective owners. Game Genie is a trademark of
Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc. U.S. Patent No. 5,112,051.


1. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle(tm) Game
2. Bases Loaded(tm) Game
3. Bill Elliot's NASCAR Fast Tracks(tm) Game
4. Bo Jackson Two Games In One(tm) Game
5. Donkey Kong(tm) Game
6. The Empire Strikes Back(tm) Game
7. Nintendo Golf(tm) Game
8. Q Billion(tm) Game
9. Quarth(tm) Game
10. Rampart(tm) Game
11. Roger Clemens MVP Baseball(tm) Game
12. Swamp Thing(tm) Game
13. Xenon 2(tm) Game

The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle(tm) Game

1 001-5CA-E62 Start with 1 life
2 091-5CA-E62 Start with 10 lives
3 0E1-5CA-E62 Start with 15 lives
4 001-61A-E66 Start with 1 mooseberry--1st life
5 041-61A-E66 Start with 5 mooseberries--1st life
6 091-61A-E66 Start with 10 mooseberries--1st life
7 004-BCE-E66 Start with 1 mooseberry--2nd life
8 044-BCE-E66 Start with 5 mooseberries--2nd life
9 094-BCE-E66 Start with 10 mooseberries--2nd life
10 FA4-96E-4C1 Infinite energy
11 014-53E-08B 1 hit and you die
12 FA4-28E-4C1 1 hit and you're invincible
13 C94-4CE-E69 Invincibility
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle is a trademark of Ward
Productions, Inc.

Bases Loaded(tm) Game

1 00C-63B-19A No walks
2 00C-66B-F7A 1 ball and you walk
3 02C-66B-F7A 2 balls and you walk
4 03C-66B-F7A 3 balls and you walk
5 04C-66B-F7A 5 balls and you walk
6 00C-77B-19A Outs aren't counted (baserunners will still be
taken out)
7 003-8F8-E66 Number of outs to retire the side varies
8 00C-43B-3BA Strikes aren't counted
9 01C-46B-E66 1 strike and you're out
10 02C-46B-E66 2 strikes and you're out
11 05C-46B-E66 5 strikes and you're out
12 008-1FF-E6E + 008-11F-E6E No scoring--switch off to
Bases Loaded is a trademark of Jaleco USA Inc.

Bill Elliot's NASCAR Fast Tracks(tm) Game

1 003-C5B-3B7 + 002-3FA-3B7 + 000-BDA-19E Collisions
barely affect speed
2 00D-46B-3BE Collisons with cars don't affect speed
3 1E7-31B-B37 + 027-32B-A26 Start with 1 lap--ignore lap
timer and counter
4 1E7-31B-B37 + 047-32B-A26 Start with 3 laps--ignore
lap timer and counter
5 1E7-31B-B37 + 0A7-32B-A26 Start with 9 laps--ignore
lap timer and counter
6 XX1-069-19A Start with burst of speed
7 004-65A-3BE Infinite fuel
Bill Elliot's NASCAR Fast Tracks is a trademark of Konami Industry
Co. Ltd.

Bo Jackson Two Games In One(tm) Game

1 01F-13C-F7A 1 ball and you walk
2 02F-13C-F7A 2 balls and you walk
3 05F-13C-F7A 5 balls and you walk
4 00E-C5C-3BA Strikes aren't counted--ignore message, you
need 4 balls to walk
5 003-E88-3BA Outs aren't counted
6 01E-87C-E66 1 strike and you're out
7 02E-87C-E66 2 strikes and you're out
8 008-3C8-3BA + 008-268-3BA No scoring--switch off
effects to score
9 F05-6EC-6E9 Infinite time
10 010-68B-E66 Start with 1 timeout
11 020-68B-E66 Start with 2 timeouts
12 0A0-68B-E66 Start with 10 timeouts
13 000-12A-3BE Infinite timeouts
14 F07-D0B-6E9 Always 1st down
Bo Jackson Two Games In One is a trademark of THQ, Inc.

Donkey Kong(tm) Game

1 009-4DF-3BE Infinite lives
2 882-64F-F7A Start with 36 lives
3 00C-34F-E6E Infinite time
4 02C-34F-E6E Timer is 2x faster
5 3E4-F3D-081 + XX4-F4D-4CE + 004-F5D-C49 Practice stage
XX--level indicator doesn't work, can't go on to next level
Donkey Kong is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc.

The Empire Strikes Back(tm) Game

1 00E-A1F-19E Infinite continues
2 011-D7F-E6A + 001-CFF-5D4 Start with all force
abilities in inventory--still need to get force power to activate
3 011-D7F-E6A + 001-CFF-5D4 Infinite energy--Tautan
4 011-D7F-E6A + 001-CFF-5D4 Infinite energy--Luke
The Empire Strikes Back and related names are trademarks of
Lucasfilm Ltd.

Nintendo Golf(tm) Game

1 3ED-87E-08A + 5ED-88E-C4E Wind power is 10 mph
Nintendo Golf is a trademark of Nintendo of America Inc.

Q Billion(tm) Game
1 00B-9FE-C42 Pressing Select in Game B once gives you 246
2 007-55E-19E Infinite timer
3 3EB-61F-08A + 0DB-62F-B3E + 00B-63F-08F Level select --
Game A
Q Billion is a trademark of Seat USA, Inc.

Quarth(tm) Game
1 054-9EA-E66 Select up to level 5
2 00B-31D-08F Super turbo ship
3 AF6-32E-A28 Blocks don't drop (push Up to bring blocks
4 3E6-2BE-081 + 506-2CE-2AB + 006-2DE-F79 Blocks drop
5 3E6-2BE-081 + 806-2CE-2AB + 006-2DE-F79 Blocks drop
super fast
Quarth is a trademark of Ultra Software Corporation.

Rampart(tm) Game
1 003-9CF-3BE Infinite time--levels don't end, switch on
effects at game play screen, off after battle mode, on to rebuild
castle, off to go on
2 3E0-29B-081 + 090-2AB-7F5 + 000-2BB-F7D Have 6 sec.
to rebuild castle walls
3 3E0-29B-081 + 440-2AB-7F5 + 000-2BB-F7D Have 66
sec. to rebuild castle walls
4 3E0-29B-081 + 770-2AB-7F5 + 000-2BB-F7D Have 118
sec. to rebuild castle walls
5 3E0-40B-081 + 1A0-41B-B32 + 000-42B-F71 Levels last
10 sec.
6 3E0-40B-081 + 2A0-41B-B32 + 000-42B-F71 Levels last
25 sec.
7 3E0-40B-081 + 430-41B-B32 + 000-42B-F71 Levels last
50 sec.
8 01E-B3B-F79 Infinite cannons
9 017-0EB-F79 Infinite lives
Rampart is a trademark of Atari Games.

Roger Clemens MVP Baseball(tm) Game

1 014-68A-F7D No walks
2 014-87A-F7D No strikeouts
3 016-B4C-F7D Infinite outs (except strikeouts, baserunners
will still be taken out)
4 016-AFC-E66 + 01B-87C-E66 No outs are called, except
5 009-46B-3B7 + 009-61B-3B7 No scoring--switch off to
score runs
Roger Clemens MVP Baseball is a trademark of LJN, Ltd.

Swamp Thing(tm) Game

1 205-5AF-E6B Start with half energy
2 105-55F-6EA Start with 1/2 environmental meter
3 FAF-CF9-4C1 Infinite environmental meter
4 FA3-8FF-4C1 Infinite lives
5 C92-85E-A28 Invincibility
Swamp Thing is a trademark of DC Comics Inc.

Xenon 2(tm) Game

1 FA4-16D-4C1 Infinite energy
2 013-08F-A22 Start with very little energy
3 053-08F-A22 Start with 1/3 energy
4 093-08F-A22 Start with 1/2 energy
5 002-04F-5D4 Start with 2,222,222 points
6 011-75C-F7E Start with 1 life
7 051-75C-F7E Start with 5 lives
8 0A1-75C-F7E Start with 10 lives
9 FA2-EBF-4C1 Infinite lives
10 002-F4F-5D4 When you die you get an awesome ship--for a
11 C96-DBC-6EE Purchases at shop are free
Xenon 2 is a trademark of The Bitmap Brothers.

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