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Management issues

Treatment of bulimia likely that these research efforts were driven by the considerable
public interest in these disorders, fuelled by ‘celebrity cases’, but

nervosa and binge eating also by the increasing incidence and prevalence rates of bulimia
during the last two decades of the 20th century.2

disorder Psychological treatment of bulimia nervosa

Frederique Van den Eynde Cognitive–behavioural therapy and interpersonal therapy
Ulrike Schmidt A specific form of cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) was
developed by Fairburn et al. (1993)3 and focuses on address-
ing bulimic behaviours and cognitions, such as overvalued
beliefs about weight, shape and appearance. A schematic form
Abstract of the model underlying this treatment is presented in Figure 1.
Bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder are complex eating disorders ­Currently, this form of CBT is considered the first-choice treat-
with a major impact on the life of the patient and that of their family. Over ment for adults with bulimia nervosa.4,5 With 16 to 20 sessions of
the past two decades, increasing prevalence and incidence rates have this treatment, about 30–40% of people are symptom free at the
confronted primary care and mental health services with high ­demands for end of treatment, and these gains are usually maintained in the
treatment for these disorders that are difficult to meet. Psychotherapeutic longer term. CBT has been found to be superior to remaining on
interventions are the first-choice treatment. ­Cognitive–behavioural therapy the waiting list and to a range of comparison treatments.4 Several
(CBT) is efficacious in both bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder, but trials have compared CBT to interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT).6,7
there is a need to improve outcomes further. Interpersonal psychotherapy People with BN often present with interpersonal difficulties, thus
(IPT) has also been shown to have bene­fits, although in bulimia nervosa a treatment such as IPT, which focuses on these, appears highly
the response has been slower than with CBT. In general, delivering psycho- relevant. CBT has been found to be superior to IPT in terms of
therapy is costly and is often hampered by limited availability. Self-help reducing bulimic symptoms and achieving remission,8,9 but this
versions of CBT may help to overcome these difficulties. Although prom- difference disappears over time and longer-term outcomes are
ising, further exploration is required as to whether self-help strategies similar.7,9 A recent systematic review has confirmed that CBT
are an alternative to or can reduce therapist involvement. Alternatively, yields a faster reduction of bulimic symptoms, whereas IPT is
pharmacotherapy is a potential treatment option for bulimia nervosa and equally efficacious in the longer term.4
binge eating disorder, with evidence predominantly on antidepressants.
Fluoxetine in a higher dose has been recommended because it is relatively Modifications to cognitive–behavioural therapy, and what if it
better tolerated than antidepressants of other classes. Overall, combined fails?
psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy in patients with bulimia nervosa Attempts to dismantle CBT and determine the ‘active ingredients’
produces somewhat better outcomes than pharmacotherapy alone, but is led to identification of the ‘cognitive component’ as critical to
not clearly superior to psychotherapy alone. Data on combination treat-
ment in binge eating disorder are less conclusive. Although the therapeu-
tic arsenal for the treatment of bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder Cognitive–behavioural model of the maintenance of
is expanding, several domains required further investigation. bulimia nervosa

Keywords antidepressant; binge eating disorder; bulimia nervosa; Over-evaluation eating, shape
­cognitive–behavioural therapy; interpersonal therapy; treatment and weight and their control

Introduction Strict dieting and other

weight-control behaviour
Bulimia nervosa (BN) was first described by Gerald Russell in
1979, binge eating disorder (BED) was conceptualized a decade
later, and purging disorder (PD)1 has recently gained attention.
Despite the very recent recognition of these disorders, and in Binge eating
stark contrast to anorexia nervosa, a major body of research into
the treatment of these conditions has been produced and has
been summarized in several high-quality systematic reviews. It is
vomiting/laxative misuse
Frederique Van den Eynde MD is a Marie Curie Research Fellow at
the Section of Eating Disorders, Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK. Adapted with permission from Fairburn CG, Cooper Z, Shafran R. Cognitive
Conflicts of interest: none declared. behaviour therapy for eating disorders: a ‘transdiagnostic’ theory and
treatment. Behav Res Ther 2003; 41: 509–28.16

Ulrike Schmidt MRCPysch PhD is Head of the Section of Eating Disorders,

Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared. Figure 1

PSYCHIATRY 7:4 161 © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Management issues

therapeutic outcome (for review see Shapiro et al., 2007).10 Modi­ illness appear to predict a worse outcome from ­ psychological
fications to CBT such as the addition of exposure and response treatments. There is no evidence for differential outcome by
prevention did not enhance its efficacy.11 In contrast, translating sociodemographic factors.10
CBT into self-help modalities is promising (see below). Several
recent efficacy studies (e.g. reference 12) have compared group
Psychological treatment of binge eating disorder
with individual CBT, motivated by the notion that group treat-
ment might be more cost effective. These studies suggest a slight In BED the goals of treatment are two-fold: first, to help people
advantage for individual over group treatment in terms of clinical reduce or stop distressing binges and, second, as BED is often
outcomes. However, these findings are not clear-cut, as these associated with obesity, to reduce weight. CBT is the first-choice
studies are likely to have been underpowered. treatment in BED as its efficacy in terms of binge reduction has
In the management of CBT non-responders, several possible been well documented.28,29 However, CBT does not usually
strategies can be applied, such as switching from CBT to admin- lead to a significant weight loss in these patients. Modifications
istration of antidepressants, or another form of psychotherapy. such as additional spousal involvement28 and body exposure/
However, Mitchell et al. (2002)13 found that an augmentation cognitive restructuring of negative body cognitions29 were not
strategy with either IPT or antidepressants in CBT non-­responders ­beneficial.
did not significantly improve response rates. This led the authors Apart from CBT, IPT has also been shown to improve binge-
to suggest that offering lengthy sequential treatments to people ing symptoms.30 Other promising results that need further
with BN may be of little value.13 This needs further exploration, investigation have come from a RCT with DBT,31 and virtual
as others have reported a beneficial effect for augmentation of reality and psychonutritional control.32 It remains unclear
CBT with antidepressants.14 whether behavioural weight loss treatments are efficacious
Another approach is to alter or add to CBT to make it more for weight loss in obese patients with BED.33 Compared with
effective.15 For example, Fairburn and colleagues (2003)16 have guided self-help CBT, behavioural weight loss treatment was
described a new model of eating disorders, the so-called trans- less efficacious in improving BED symptomatology, but resulted
diagnostic model. This model and the treatment based on it, in in similar weight reduction.34 Overall, a systematic review35
addition to addressing symptoms of the eating disorder, tackle considered the evidence for the efficacy of behavioural inter-
other areas in which these patients commonly experience prob- ventions in BED to be moderate, but weak for self-help and
lems. These include clinical perfectionism, core low self-esteem, other interventions. Again, no consist­ency on predictive factors
affective instability, and interpersonal problems. Other research- was reached.
ers, such as Cooper and co-workers (2004)17 and Waller et al.
(2007),18 have also developed promising additions and adapta-
Self-help and guided self-help
tions to CBT-BN, although to date there have been no compari-
sons of CBT-BN with these more sophisticated approaches. As specialist psychological treatment is not always easily access­
ible, or only with considerable delays, self-help treatments might
Interventions for adolescents help to bridge the gap between demands and available resources.
The majority of treatment trials in BN have focused on adults, and Self-help treatments use audiovisual materials for the purpose of
the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) gaining understanding or solving problems relevant to a person’s
guideline identified the need for trials on adolescents as a research therapeutic needs.36 In guided self-help, guidance by a health-
priority.4 Since then, two randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of care professional or a layperson is offered, ‘to monitor progress,
the treatment of adolescents with BN have been published. Schmidt clarify procedures, to answer general questions, or to provide
et al. (2007)19 compared family therapy and CBT-based guided general support or encouragement’.37
self-help in adolescents aged 13–20 years with BN or eating disor-
der not otherwise specified (EDNOS)-BN. Guided self-help had a Is it efficacious?
slight advantage over family therapy in terms of producing a more Two systematic reviews have summarized the available litera-
rapid reduction of bingeing, lower cost, and higher acceptability. A ture on self-help treatments in BN, BED, and EDNOS in adults.
second, US-based, trial20 compared family therapy with supportive These reviews underline their utility as a first treatment step
psychotherapy in adolescents aged 12–19 years with BN. Family and regard them as potential alternatives to formal therapist-
therapy was superior to supportive psychotherapy, although these ­delivered psychological therapy.38,39 In comparison with wait-
effects appeared to wane by the 6-month follow-up. ing list, self-help, in particular with guidance, leads to a greater
improvement in eating disorder symptoms (but not bingeing or
Other interventions purging), other psychiatric symptomatology, and interpersonal
Dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT)21 and nutritional and stress functioning. There is also some evidence suggesting that guided
management22 in BN look promising as they reduce bingeing self-care may be as effective as other formal psychological treat-
and purging. Higher abstinence rates than for waiting list were ments,38 although others40 have cautioned that this area needs
observed in the DBT group.21 Preliminary findings on guided further study.
imaginary23 and light therapy24,25 are encouraging as well. The relative efficacy of self-help interventions compared
with pharmacological interventions remains unclear. Much is
Response prediction still to be learnt about who benefits from what kind of self-
Early response to treatment predicts the post-treatment outcome help, in what setting, and with how much and what type of
in BN.6,8,26,27 High frequency of bingeing and longer duration of guidance.

PSYCHIATRY 7:4 162 © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Management issues

Other psychotropics
Pharmacological treatment of bulimia nervosa
Numerous pharmacological compounds have been studied in BN,
Antidepressants although these trials were not always clearly driven by hypoth-
Efficacy: pharmacological intervention in BN has focused prim­ eses. Mood stabilizers (phenytoin, carbamazepine, and lithium),
arily on antidepressants. The rationale for this was high co- l-tryptophan, naltrexone, and fenfluramine have not been found
­morbidity between BN and affective disorders, and findings to be effective. In contrast, one small RCT found the 5-HT3 ago-
of serotonin system dysfunctions in BN.41 According to some nist ondansetron to be superior to placebo in the short term,
authors antidepressants have antibulimic properties regardless although the feasibility of this treatment is questionable as it is
of the presence of mood symptoms,42 but according to others it expensive and multiple daily dosing is required.51 Several RCTs
remains unclear whether this effect is direct or indirect by lower- (e.g. reference 52) have suggested that topiramate reduces binge
ing depressive symptoms.43 days; this warrants further exploration.
A systematic review of RCTs comparing different tricyclic
antidepressants (TCAs), a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
Pharmacological treatment of binge eating disorder
(SSRI), and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) concluded
that the use of a single antidepressant in patients with BN was SSRIs (citalopram, sertraline, fluoxetine, and fluvoxamine) have
clinically effective and associated with an overall greater remis- mainly been used as the active compound in pharmacological tri-
sion rate, but also higher drop-out rates than placebo.43 Differ- als of patient with BED. Overall, they generated a reduction of
ent classes of antidepressant did not differ in efficacy, although binge eating behaviour and were well tolerated. However, they
patients taking TCAs were more likely to interrupt treatment were also associated with higher discontinuation rates.35 A large
prematurely and fluoxetine was more acceptable. To date, only case-series has also provided promising results for venlafaxine in
fluoxetine has been approved by the US Food and Drug Admin- BED.53 Apart from antidepressants, topiramate54,55 and subitra-
istration in the treatment of BN. It is of note that promising find- mine56 reduce binge eating symptoms, but only subitramine also
ings for other antidepressants (mianserin, reboxetine, sertraline, improved mood symptoms and resulted in significant weight loss.
milnacipran, and trazodone) have been published, as well as
negative findings for others (e.g. lack of efficacy for fluvoxamine
Is combination treatment the answer?
in a large multicentre randomized placebo-controlled trial).44
Bulimia nervosa
Dosage, side effects, and duration of treatment: TCA and MAOI Findings on combined psychotherapy and antidepressant treatment
doses applied in BN are comparable to those in depression.43 For in BN are rather inconsistent and do not show a clear additive, let
fluoxetine, a dose–response study showed a high dose (60 mg) alone multiplicative, effect. Furthermore, complex study designs do
to be superior to a lower dose (20 mg) and placebo.45 Data on not contribute to a straightforward interpretation of the literature.
adolescent subjects with BN are scarce, but a high dose of fluox- Most authors have reported that addition of an antidepressant
etine has been argued to be safe and effective.46 Side effects can to CBT did not amplify the efficacy of CBT alone,57–59 whereas
negatively influence compliance and increase discontinuation others found that it did.14 A further question is whether combina-
rates. Fluoxetine was repeatedly reported to be the best tolerated tion treatment is more efficacious than medication alone. Again,
antidepressant with proven efficacy in BN.43 Its use is not associ- conflicting results have been reported, with positive14,58,59 and
ated with increased suicidality.47 negative57 findings.
A recurrent clinical dilemma concerns the duration for which Other forms of psychotherapy have been poorly studied in
a treatment should be continued. The literature is inconclusive, this respect. Neither the combination of an antidepressant and
but high relapse rates after treatment discontinuation48 and IPT in CBT non-responders,13 nor the combination of an antide-
improved relapse prevention with treatment continuation49 sug- pressant and psychodynamically oriented supportive therapy,14
gest that the effect of antidepressant treatment is most likely not proved to be superior to medication alone. However, the anti­
enduring. Based on these findings, the NICE guidelines4 recom- depressant and supportive therapy combination was significantly
mend that antidepressants can be tried as a first step in treat- better than psychotherapy alone,14 whereas this was not the case
ment, but should be discontinued if found not to be effective for a structured group therapy.60
quickly. Where combined self-help intervention and antidepressant
treatment were delivered, the active component reducing bulimic
Who is going to respond? symptoms appeared to be the antidepressant, whereas self-help
According to some authors, antidepressant responders can be interventions had no independent effect.61,62
reliably identified in the first 2 weeks of treatment.50 However, Kotler and Walsh (2000)46 emphasized that the modest gains
this does not enable clinicians to make accurate predictions on of adding medication to psychotherapy should be weighed
an individual level, as there is a subgroup of people who respond against the risk of side effects and the costs of medication and its
more slowly.8 The literature on predictors of treatment outcome monitoring. Conversely, the gains of adding psychological treat-
is inconsistent, but a high level of bulimic symptoms and a his- ment to medication must be examined in the context of costs and
tory of substance abuse/dependence were shown negatively to limited availability.
influence treatment outcome, whereas a good therapeutic alli-
ance increased the likelihood of remission.8 Greater concern for Binge eating disorder
body shape and weight, higher weight, and longer duration of The addition of antidepressants to CBT is a successful strategy in
illness have been associated with a more favourable outcome.48 BED63,64 and was shown to be better than medication alone.34,65

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Management issues

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bined with an antidepressant also resulted in weight reduction. 7 Fairburn CG, Jones R, Peveler RC, Hope RA, O’Connor M.
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behavior therapy. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1993; 50: 419–28.
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tic option, but does not reduce weight. Self-help interventions, 10 Shapiro JR, Berkman ND, Brownley KA, Sedway JA, Lohr KN, Bulik CM.
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