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Muzzy in Gondoland. Episode 5 Practice.

I. Make up words from the letters:

1. r, a, n, j, u, a, y ______________________________

2. u, t, u, a, n, m ______________________________

3. d, w, e, s, d, y, n, e, a ______________________________

4. t, e, r, m, b, e, p, s,e ______________________________

5. g, i, s, n, p, r ______________________________

6. u, a, g, u, t, s ______________________________

7. r, f, i, d, y, a ______________________________

8. p, i, r, l, a ______________________________

II. Answer the questions using the following phrases:

Go roller-skating, go skiing, play snowballs, play football/basketball/hockey,

watch TV, do my homework, help my mother, walk, listen to music, draw, ride a bike,
swim in the river, go to the country, have breakfast, go to school, etc.

1. What do you do on Sunday?


2. What does your friend do on Tuesday?


3. What do you do in winter?


4. What does your friend do in summer?


5. What do you do in the evening?


6. What does your friend do in the morning?

III. Match the question to the answer:

1. Why does Sylvia say that she has a headache? ____

2. Why does Muzzy ask for clocks? ____

3. Why is the boy crying? ____

4. Why are there so many Sylvias in the palace? ____

5. Why is Sylvia frightened? ____

6. Why does Bob go to the computer room? ____

a. because he can’t reach the apple.

b. because Corvax’s computer makes them.

c. because he likes them.

d. because she wants to go to Bob and Muzzy.

e. because he wants to see Corvax.

f. because there are hundreds of Sylvias!

IV. Fill in the word combinations: in the middle, on the right, on the left

1. The Queen is _____________________.

2. Sylvia is _________________________.

3. The King is ______________________.

1. Alice is _______________________.

2. The cat is ______________________.

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