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D.O. No.

___, series of 2016 ANNEX B

DA-BOD Form No. 4
Date: September 21, 2016, Issue No. 1
Page 29 of 45

Republic of the Philippines



1. Project Information:

Name of Project:

Contractor (if any):  
Project Cost:  
Implementing Office (if any):  
Design Engineer:  

2. Findings/Observations:

3. Recommendations:

4. Annexes

Prepared by:

Team Leader Member
D.O. No. ___, series of 2016 ANNEX B
DA-BOD Form No. 4
Date: September 21, 2016, Issue No. 1
Page 30 of 45

Republic of the Philippines

D.O. No. ___, series of 2016 ANNEX B
DA-BOD Form No. 4
Date: September 21, 2016, Issue No. 1
Page 31 of 45



Checklists for Detailed Engineering Design (DED) Plan

for Bridges Project

Regional Office No   Dist. Engineering Office No.  

Name of Project :

V.1 Field Investigation Data (30%) Yes No N/A

1 Survey Data (Topographic/Hydrographic/Drainage) (15%)  

a.       Field data (Field book/Computer generated data)   
b.      Topographic Plan (To be incorporated in the design plan)

·        Major Contour Interval with Label

Flat Terrain - 1.0 m
 
    Rolling Terrain - 5.0 m
 Hilly/Mountainous Terrain - 10.0 m

·        GPS /BMs with Technical Descriptions *  

Project Control Monuments (with PRS92 Technical Descriptions) **

GPS / BM with Technical Descriptions

·        Existing Structures  
·        North Arrow  
·        Azimuth & Distance  
·   Right-of-Way Limits  
·        Elements of curvature  
·        PI Reference  
c. Profile along the centerline of the proposed bridge
·     100m (minimum) extended beyond both ends of bridge  
·        Ordinary water level (OWL)   
·        Maximum experienced flood level (MEFL)   

d.    Cross sections of upstream/downstream (200m min.) of the

proposed bridge showing the following:
·               Stationing   
·               Elevations   
·               Coordinates   
2 Geological/Geotechnical Data (15%) Yes No N/A
  a.  Soil Exploration Requirements
·     Boring
New Construction
·        One (1) boring at each abutment
·        One (1) boring at each pier
·         For ordinary soil, Boring depth of 20m   
·        In the presence of bedrock, Boring depth of 3m   

* Applicable for CY 2016 Design Audit Only

** Applicable for CY 2017 and onwards Design Audit
D.O. No. ___, series of 2016 ANNEX B
DA-BOD Form No. 4
Date: September 21, 2016, Issue No. 1
Page 32 of 45

·        1 borehole at a representative location
·         For ordinary soil, Boring depth of 20m
  ·         In the presence of bedrock, Boring depth of 3m
Complied as to prescribed location and number of boring : 4%
Not complied as to prescribed location and number of boring :2%
  b. Data Requirements
·  Boreholes
Boring log
Soil Profile 
Soil Classification   

N-Values and/or Rock Quality Designation

- Maximum interval of 1.5m   
- every change in soil stratum
Ground Water Table   
·  Field/Laboratory Tests
Mechanical Sieve Analysis (Grain-size Analysis)  
Atterberg Limits Test   
Soil Stratigraphy   
NGL Elevation   
Natural Moisture Content   
Soil Strength Test  
Triaxial/Direct Shear   
Unconfined Compressive Strength   

V.2 Completeness of Drawings/Details (40%) Yes No N/A

IV.2.1 Detailed Engineering Design Drawings/Details (30%)      

1 Cover sheet/title sheet  
·      Name of project   
·      Bridge ID   
·      Location   
·      Station Limits   
  ·      Net Length   
2 Index of drawings   
3 Location plan/Vicinity map   
4 General Notes  
·      Specifications   
  ·      Design criteria   
·      Construction requirements   
5 Summary of Quantities   
6 General plan and elevation
  Bridge layout showing the following:
·      Finish elevation   
·      Maximum/Design flood level   
·      Stationings of abutment and piers   
·      Freeboard/clearance
  
      (elev. Fr. MEFL/DFL to bottom of girder)
·      Ground/river bed profile   
·      Hydraulic design data   
D.O. No. ___, series of 2016 ANNEX B
DA-BOD Form No. 4
Date: September 21, 2016, Issue No. 1
Page 33 of 45

7 Foundation plan and Layout  

  ·      Type , number, spacing   
  ·      Size & length of piles   
  ·      Soil profile & boring logs   
8 Details of Superstructure showing dimension and steel reinforcement  
·      Slabs   
·      Girders   
  ·      Railings   
·      Sidewalks   
·      Details of trusses and bearings   
9 Details of Piers showing dimension and steel reinforcement  
·      Copings   
  ·      Columns   
·      Footings   
10 Details of Piles showing dimension and steel reinforcement  
  ·      Driven piles   
  ·      Bored piles   
11 Details of Abutment showing dimensions and steel reinforcement  
·      Wingwalls   
·      Backwall   
·      Copings   
·      Footing   
12 Abutment & Pier Protection Works (showing type of material & dime)   
13 Bridge Approaches   
14 Detour/crane way   
15 Cofferdam   
V.2.2 Road Safety Facilities (10%)  
Is the maximum grade for the vertical alignment (bridges and approaches) less than or
1   
equal 7%?
2 For bridges on horizontal curve, is it provided with superelevation?   
3 Is the roadway provided with a crossfall of 1.5 % - 2.0 %?   
4 Is the deck drain pipe spacing less than or equal 5.0 meters?   
5 Is the bridge railing properly connected/overlapped to the approach railing or guardrails?   
For conventional railings,  
6 Is the railpost spacing ≤ 2.0 meters?   
Is the railpost height ≥ 0.9 meter?   
Is the sidewalk width ≥ 1.20m (Urban Bridges)?
7   
Is the sidewalk width ≥ 0.76m (Rural Bridges)?
For bridge approaches,  
Are guardrails provided along the approach?   
8 Are white edge lines provided?   
Are yellow pavement markings provided along horizontal and vertical curves?   
Are center lines provided to separate different direction of traffic?   

V.3 Completeness of Design Analysis & Calculations (15%) Yes No N/A

1 Hydrologic (Discharge, Q)   
2 Hydraulic Analysis   
3 Scour Analysis (Depth of scour)   
4 Seismic Analysis   
5 Superstructure  
D.O. No. ___, series of 2016 ANNEX B
DA-BOD Form No. 4
Date: September 21, 2016, Issue No. 1
Page 34 of 45

  ·      slabs   
  ·      girders   
  ·      trusses   
6 Piers  
  ·      copings   
  ·      columns/shaft   
  ·      footings   
7 Abutments  
·      copings   
  ·      columns/shaft   
·      footings   
8 Foundation (Design of piles)   
9 Retaining Walls (sections, stationing)   
10 Detailed Quantity Calculations   

_______Name_______ _______Name_______ _______Name_______

Designation Designation Designation

Team Leader Team Member Regional Team Leader Date

Republic of the Philippines

D.O. No. ___, series of 2016 ANNEX B
DA-BOD Form No. 4
Date: September 21, 2016, Issue No. 1
Page 35 of 45


Checklists for Compliance to D.O. No. 56, s. 1995

Regional Office No   Dist. Engineering Office No.  

Name of Project :

I. COMPLIANCE TO D.O. No. 56, SERIES of 1995 (5%) Yes No N/A

1 All sheets of plan are in uniform and of standard size  

a. For building and other related structures, (508mm x 762mm)   

  b. For bridge, highways, flood control and drainage water supper
and   
other related projects, 600mm x 910mm
2 Drafting and lettering works are done in AutoCAD or with the use of
technical pens and leroy or similar templates   

3 All plans are properly signed by DPWH Officials concerned

a. Designer   
b. Checker / Reviewer   
c. Division Chief / Section Chief (Submitted)   
d. Assistant Regional Director / Assistant District Engineer
  
(Recommending Approval)
e. Regional Director / District Engineer (Approved)   
4 All plans are prepared using Mylar or other high quality tracing paper   
5 The title block were made an integral part of the sheet of plan and not
merely patched-up thereon   

________Name________ ________Name________ ________Name________

Designation Designation Designation

Team Leader Team Member Regional Team Leader Date

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