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PI FORM Answer Hacks

1. Tell Me something about yourself.

- When you actually write the answer, it should be the last answer you write so that you can draw from other answers.

Think of 4-6 bullet points you want the interview to be about.

- A 60 – 90 second summary for your life
Speak about
- Education (never forget to mention scholarships)
- Family background (avoid if possible, not more than 1 sentence if used)
- Hobbies
- Talk about achievements.
- Any Social Work / Diplomas / Additional Courses/ Internship.
- Ideal tool to “lead the interview”

2. Why do you want to apply for this role?

- Talk to your seniors or anyone who has worked/working in the similar profile
- Use linkedin profile descriptions to understand the exact role requirements
- Link your strengths to the requirements of this role
- Talk about your projects (if any) closer to this role
- Talk about the kind of career progression you aspire for after this role (You will know this by talking to people and
linkedin examples)

3. What are your short term and long term career goals?
- Using the understanding about career progression from linkedin research and talking to people, you can talk about short
term career goal by mentioning about 1-2 realistic designations you expect to get in the coming 5 years.
- For long term career goal, it is really OK if you are not very clear. You can broadly speak about the domain you want to
grow in to a higher level. You can mention about certification or qualification you wish you take to move ahead in that
Do not
a. Do not mention you want to be an entrepreneur, if you have no clear business idea to talk about.
b. Do not mention that you will work for 5 years and then join family business/start your own business
You will
a. Read about the Top 2-3 companies in your chosen profession

4. Why should we hire you? / Tell us when each of your 3 strengths has helped you achieve
success and how?
- You need to write a particular strength and also write an incident wherein you used the strength to achieve success.
- Always use the ‘ CAR’ Approach. Mention Challenge/Context , Action Taken & Result.
- Avoid writing commitment, hard work and being positive as your strengths
- E.g. of strengths – Communication Skills , Leadership Skills, Team Membership skills, Natural Curiosity, Decision
Making, Multi tasking, Ability to learn quickly, Attention to Details

Address - G-9, Purab Paschim, Near Andheri Recreation Club Azad Nagar, Andheri (W), Mumbai 400058

Email - | Phone - +91 816-9189237 |

5. Mention 2 weaknesses and how are you working on them / Why should we not hire you?
- Mention a weakness and an incident where that particular quality led to failure/ suboptimal results.
- Do not exaggerate your weakness – instead underplay it . E.g Do not say I am very short-tempered. Say I am a little
- Focus on how you will improve your weakness
- Avoid writing procrastination as a weakness. Do not say – No weaknesses at all or I cannot think of any weakness now.
- Egs – Introvert , Fear of Public Speaking , Short-tempered, Hasty Decision Making, Cannot make decisions on time,
Fear of being rejected, fear of failure

6. What are your biggest achievements?

- List all achievements (academic / extracurricular) in order of relevance
- Can mention about all scholarships, awards you have won
- Participation is not an achievement. Only winning can be an achievement
- If you have been a part of any national level event / competition (which is a rare thing), you can mention here.
- Completed any additional course / certification with exceptional grades

7. Describe your extra-curricular activities

- List all activities (academic / extracurricular) in order of relevance
- Can mention about organizing, participation, committee member of events / sports
- Volunteering in NGOs
- Any significant hobby areas which you can discuss in detail

8. What is your biggest failure?

- Avoid mentioning personal or emotional failures
- Try mentioning something related to academics / projects etc.
- Always add your learnings from it

9. Describe one situation where you had to lead a group / work with a team and you were
- Focus on leading… and your own contribution
- More than the events focus on how you managed to make it successful.
- In most cases, these events will be consistent with your strengths.
- If you have no leadership experience, talking about leading a project in college.

10. Tell me something Not mentioned in your resume

- This is the answer where you can speak about something interesting about yourself
- Eg. Some social activity, adventure activities etc.

11. Are you willing to relocate anywhere in India?

- Answer to this question should always be positive at this stage of your career


12. Which are your 2 favorite subjects from your specialization?

- Mention the 2 subjects you are most confident about
- Both the subjects have to necessarily be from the specialization and atleast one should be closely related to the role you
are applying for.
- Make sure you have brushed up the basics and prepared the subject well before the interview

Address - G-9, Purab Paschim, Near Andheri Recreation Club Azad Nagar, Andheri (W), Mumbai 400058

Email - | Phone - +91 816-9189237 |

13. Have your academics ever gone below 60% in X,XII & Graduation? ( If yes, why?)
- What is done is done. So do not feel low because of this. Instead be ready to face this question
- Prepare for a justifiable reason
For Eg: My grades in graduation were not really up to the mark as I was not comfortable with xyz subject in the 1st year.
Then I coped up gradually. Also during my graduation I was a part of (mention significant extra curriculars like
management of fests, committees, sports etc.). But definitely I could have balanced both better.
- In short, your answer should shift their focus towards your positives till the end and they should no longer doubt your
capability because of your scores.
- But make sure not to sound arrogant.

14. Do you have any gap year in your academics? (If Yes, Why?)
- What is done is done. So do not feel low because of this. Instead be ready to face this question
- Prepare for a justifiable reason
- If you had a genuine reason, go ahead and share with them.

Summer Internship

15. Where did you intern and what were the project deliverables?
- Mention about the project title
- Brief description about your role and responsibilities in the project. Try to quantify your description as much as
- Result of the project
- Future scope of the project
- Any significant appreciation / award you won / target achieved during your internship should be definitely mentioned

16. Tell us more about the company & sector?

- Mention the broad areas company is into
- How is the company better than the competitors. (Quantity if possible – like comparing sector avg growth rate to
company’s growth rate)
- Some unique thing about the culture of the company you liked (if any)

17. Top 3 learnings from the internship

- Any professional quality you have developed from the experience
- Some personality aspect you have improved on.

Pre-MBA Work Experience (Only for those who have had work experience prior to MBA)

18. Describe your Job Profile and Job Responsibility at last workplace (100 words)
- Mention about various projects you have worked on (starting from most significant ones first)
- Quantify your description
- Any significant appreciation / award you won / target achieved during your work experience should be definitely

19. Why did you leave your job?

- You can mention a reason like further studies / career growth / stagnancy etc.
- Never say negative about your boss or your company in the interview.

Address - G-9, Purab Paschim, Near Andheri Recreation Club Azad Nagar, Andheri (W), Mumbai 400058

Email - | Phone - +91 816-9189237 |

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