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Senator Maria Sachs Senator Maria Sachs

State Senator Maria Sachs is a dynamic attorney,

civic leader, and a champion for her constituents. presents
She previously served two terms (4 years) as State A dialogue on the future of education in Florida
House Representative and was elected by her peers to
serve as Chairman of the Palm Beach County Legis-
lative Delegation. A long time supporter of educa-
tion, Senator Sachs previously served on the Educa-
tion Policy Council and the State Universities and
Private Colleges Policy Committee in the House of
Representatives, and currently serves on the Higher
Education Committee in the Florida Senate. Among her many awards for
service, she recently received the Independent Colleges and Universities of
Florida (ICUF) All Star Award. To meet the demands of the global econ-
omy, Sachs passed landmark legislation which expanded the number of lan-
guages taught in our public schools from four to fifteen. For our teachers,
she sponsored the law that allows Florida classroom teachers to enroll in
math, science and special education classes in our state universities free of

Thank you to our sponsors

Wednesday January 26, 2011
Lynn University, Wold Performing Arts Center
Simulcast at the Capitol in Tallahassee, Florida
and at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Thank you to the people of Florida for your involvement in this dia-
logue, and for your commitment to the best possible future for our
children and our State. 3:00:-3:10 pm Welcome
Thank you to Lynn University, its President, Dr. Kevin Ross, Jason Walton, his Maria Sachs, Florida Senator
Chief of Staff, Amy Greene, Director of University Events, Andy Vermes, Techni-
cal Support Coodinator, and William Testa, Chief of Campus Safety & Security . 3:10-3:30 Key Note Address
Diane Ravitch, Ph.D
Thank you to our panelists for their wisdom and guidance.
3:30-4:15 Curriculum and Accountability
Thank you to Rita Solnet, President, Corporate Diversity Strategist, for her help
in coordinating the event. Content, High-stakes tests, and Special groups
Thank you to the members of the Blue Ribbon Education Committee: Audrey 4:15-5:00 pm Race to the Top and Florida
Arian, Ed Berger, Karen Brill, Elliot Burns, Helen Byrd, Harriett Doctor, Lew Funding, Teacher evaluation, and the Intersection
Doctor, Leslie Goldstein, James Kidd, Eric Malkin, John McGovern, Stan
Kazerman, Kenneth Rosenblatt, Hariett Sol, Ed Sol, and David Zimet.
of State and Federal policies

Thank you to William Larocque, Bill Weg, and Tom Whatley, and to Gladys
5:00-6:00 pm Alternatives
Ferrer, Beth Kennedy, and Julia Wester, of my office. Vouchers, Charters and Choice
Panelists Fedrick Ingram; Secretary: United Teachers of Dade
Before becoming Secretary/Treasurer of UTD; Fedrick Ingram served as de-
Joseph Bernadel; Founder: Toussaint L’Ouverture HS partment chairperson, clinical educator, and has had extensive experience in
Major Bernadel is the co-founder of Toussaint L'Ouverture High School education leadership, and in community service. He also has 10 hears of class-
for Arts and Social Justice in Delray Beach, Florida, a charter high school room experience which was highlighted as the 2006 Miami-Dade Teacher of
that opened in August 2001, serving Palm Beach County students of the Year and Florida State Finalist.
diverse backgrounds. He is the first person of Haitian ancestry to have
opened a public school in the United States. In October 2002, the Arlene Lakin, Esq; President: FL’s Voice on Developmental Dis-
school launched Haiti Museum of Arts and Culture. abilities
Barney Bishop; President & CEO: Associate Industries of Flor- Arlene Lakin is the founding president of Florida’s Voice on Developmental
ida Disabilities, a statewide advocacy and networking organization for families and
Barney Bishop was name the Chief Political Officer in 2003 and Presi- friends of persons with developmental disabilities. FVDD advocates a full
dent in 2005 of Associated Industries of Florida (AIF), more than ninety range of educational, medical, programmatic, recreational, residential, thera-
year old business advocacy association. He has served on several boards peutic, and vocational options based upon individual needs and choices.
including the Board of Trustees for FAMU and most recently the Board Diane Ravitch; Professor: New York University
of Governors of the Leon Co. Research & Development Authority Diane Ravitch is Research Professor of Education at New York University and
which oversees the capital city’s research and manufacturing district. a historian of education. In addition, she is a nonresident senior fellow at the
Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. From 1991 to 1993, she was Assis-
Marion Brady; Education Scholar and Expert
tant Secretary of Education and Counselor to Secretary of Education Lamar
Marion Brady began his career in education in 1952. He has taught at Alexander in the administration of President George H.W. Bush. She was
every level from 6th grade through the university, has been a county- responsible for the Office of Educational Research and Improvement in the
level director of instruction, and consultant to states and foundations. U.S. Department of Education. As Assistant Secretary, she led the federal
He has authored several books, courses of study and academic journal effort to promote the creation of voluntary state and national academic standards. From 1997
articles and is now an invited guest blogger for the Washington Post and to 2004, she was a member of the National Assessment Governing Board, which oversees the National Assessment of Educational Progress, the federal testing program. She was appointed
by the Clinton administration’s Secretary of Education Richard Riley in 1997 and reappointed
Peter Cunningham; Asst Secretary: US Dept of Education
by him in 2001.
Peter Cunningham is the assistant secretary for communications and
outreach at the Department of Education. In this position, he leads the Robert Schaeffer; Public Education Director:
Office of Communications and Outreach (OCO), composed of more Robert Schaeffer has served as Public Education Director of FairTest, the Na-
than 125 employees and charged with broadcasting the president and tional Center for Fair & Open Testing, since its founding in 1985. FairTest
secretary's education agenda, as well as supporting federal education advocates for fair, open, valid and educationally beneficial evaluation of stu-
policy development and promotion. dents and teachers.

Mona Davids; President: NY Charter Parents Association Valerie Strauss; Journalist: Washington Post
Valerie Strauss is an education writer at the Washington Post, where she has
In 2009, Mona Davids founded the New York Charter Parents Associa- been worked for more than 20 years. She currently writes The Answer Sheet
tion, the first and only independent charter parent association in the Blog after covering education systems and reform efforts for more than a
city, becoming a leading advocate for the rights of the city’s 45,000 decade.
charter school parents.
Robert Dow; President: PBC Classroom Teacher Association Mary Jane Tappen; K-12 Deputy Chancellor: FL Dept of Education
Ms. Tappen's 27-year education career in Florida began as an instructional
Robert Dow came to teaching late in life from a career in the service
assistant in Tallahassee in 1981. She then taught for over eleven years and
industries. He served as a classroom teacher for nearly a decade and was
worked as a teacher trainer before becoming the Mathematics Coordinator of
a two time Dwyer Award nominee. He now represents teachers as the
Florida's Statewide Systemic Initiative. She also served as a Research Associate
President of the Palm Beach County Classroom Teachers Association.
and Bureau Chief in charge of School Improvement in Florida, as a Deputy
Chancellor for K12 Public Schools/Student Achievement, and now leads Flor-
ida’s Office of Mathematics and Science.

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