Listening - Speaking - B2 - Unit5 - Recording Our Lives

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Vocabulary building

unit five: recording our lives

Complete the following news headlines by filling in the blanks:

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.



In particular,/ Especially… Put differently,… Additionally,…
Case in point,… To put it another way,… On top of that,…
One example is… What I mean to say is… Also,…/…as well
Let’s say… This means… What’s more/ Plus/ Besides,…

TOPIC: RECORDING OUR LIVES (Inside Listening & Speaking 3, pp. 56, pp. 60)

What qualities do you think make a video interesting or appealing?

 Claim 1: (Well) Personally, I think.../ I believe…/ It seems to me that…/ In my experience…____________
__________________Supporting claim 1: (Illustrate/ Explain/ Expand)

 Claim 2:
__________________Supporting claim 2: (Illustrate/ Explain/ Expand)

Do you think most viral videos happen “by accident” or are designed to go viral?
 Claim 1: As I see it,…/ In my view,…/ As far as I can tell,…/ From my perspective,…
__________________Supporting claim 1: (Illustrate/ Explain/ Expand)

 Claim 2:
__________________Supporting claim 2: (Illustrate/ Explain/ Expand)

You will hear a photographer called Ian Gerrard talking about his career. Complete the sentences with a word or short

1. The subject that Ian studied at university was ______________

2. Ian did a presentation on _____________as part of his final year.
3. Ian worked for a _____________in the USA for a year after leaving university.
4. When he travelled around the USA, Ian chose _________ as the theme of his photographs.
5. Ian says that _________is the season when he takes the best photographs.
6. When Ian came back to Britain, he travelled around by ___________taking photographs.
7. Ian says he was surprised by how few photographers specialise in shots of __________communities.
8. Ian’s book will be available in bookshops in ___________next year.
9. The title of Ian’s book is __________.
10. Ian has chosen ____________as the theme for his next tour.

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