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F Teaching notes 12

F Photocopiable activities 94

End-of-unit tests 95

End-of-term tests 104

Fnd-nf-voa r fectc 108

f vs, LvJLJ

Pairwork activities 112

Vocabulary extension 123

Answer key 132

F Test answer key and tapescripts 132

F Vocabulary extension answer key

Workbook answer key



fln introduction to Top Score
rop Score is designed specifically for students who have had a
solid foundation in English at primary school and who want to
kc S::re S:udent's Books 1 and 2 include two extensive and
!rogress rapidly. Each level of Iop Score builds on the preceding
srin- a:;rg reading texts per unit. These are exploited through a
evels qulckly, both revising and focusing on the more challenging
rariel of ivhile a full page in each unit develops writing
ianguage areas. Students who complete the course will have a =sks.
skiiis. This practice is amplified by the extensive Workbook
strong foundation in grammar and vocabulary.

Top Score is a flexible course which can be completed in one

school year by groups studying on a regular programme of 2-4
f lexible
hours of English per week or an extended programme of 5-6
Each level of the course is designed to be completed in a school
hours per week. year. However, teachers can tailor the course to their students'

Fs# $ssre ssmssm*xsts:

The extra suggestions in the Teacher's Guide can be
Student's Book
used if your class works quickly or if there are early
fin ishers.
Teacher's Book with photocopiable tests and
The ohotocooiable Pairwork activities require minimal
setting up and could also be used by the whole class,
Two Class CDs

or by early finishers, to give extra speaking practice.
The Vocabulary extension worksheets can be used
lll etho dolo gg either in class or for homework.

fast-pueed Student's Booh

Tap Score has a fast-paced syllabus to ensure that students
reach a high level. Top Score Student's Books and 2 start with an eight-page

introductory unit called Getting started. In Student's Book 1,

i*i*rsstinry, **&tst!cnal icpics Getting started revises the most important concepts from
primary. In Student's Book 2, Getting started revises the main
The topics in Top Score focus on cultural and educational
areas of grammar and vocabulary from Student's Book 1.
themes, and are designed to appeal to teenage learners and to
contribute to their all-round development. Each unit develops
Top Score Student's Books 1 and 2 both contain nine theme-
and fully exploits its own theme.
related units. Each unit is eight pages long and each double-

page contains:
New language in Top Score is presented within clear,
. Reading; VocabularY (1)

meaningful contexts which help the students to understand and Grammar
assimilate the new language. All skills and language work is
. Communication: Listening, Vocabulary (2) and
ihoroughly practised within each unit with a wide range of Speaking;
exercrse types: Culture focus (Readi ng)

. Writing; Quick check

**scli$ctinq There are three four-page Revision units, after Units 3, 6 and 9.

S<rllswork is related to the topic and encourages students to
use the vocabulary and grammar from the unit. The language is At the end of the Student's Books there is extra practice and
recycled throughout every unit of Top Score, and regular reference material:
cumulative revision sections ensure that this new language is
activated and tested.
. Pronunciation activities for each unit
. A comprehensive Grammar reference
' A unit-by-unit VocabularY list
. An lrregular verbs IISt

t Unit slruclure Tslh *b*ut il

fleoling section
The Talk about it boxes contain stimulaii'rg iCeas :^":
encourage students to react to the text b"' re a:'-g:'a :13
their own experience. They are an excelleni r'.a', oi:-'c'3
students' confidence in expressing themselves in r:g s^.

F.egtr -'g

F -. .- :'= -arr
-- -.-.-::
-- --::-: :::..'a
Reading text which
,.,ar.._up questions
asc allorvtheteacherto
Talk about it boxes appear at the end of each Reading section,
and also after the Culture focus reading texts.

|| +^^;-
-i -^^trlvptL.
:::- :. _.:_a:, -
Grcmmor section

F --=:=-t: --: !::: :-: :=='

a--:'=-=-: -' -'a':::: r.- :-
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= =- -:3
':e'es:ing texts with
S:-CertS tO develOp SkillS
;--- - :. -'aaa'= ;::-^ -:. a-: :-:c'catirgcontent. sothat
The Grammar sections always start with a short reading text in
which the unit's grammar is exemplified naturally. Brief pre- and
post-reading exercises focus on the meaning of the text as well

F --'=. a.' -a-: : I -:'e-::-.3es l''eac 'g :exts confidently. The

r.?: -3:::::-s a:o co\e'a',','Ce lariel' of exam-style reading
::!.j )-:- 3: 3':e: lg rceas. matching information or headings
- . a-. =-.:' >. a- c':rltLple-choice questions. Comprehension

?^: -.'-. ':. .: ere'c ses require students to explain their

as the function of the grammar.

The first exercises after the text help students to analyse the
grammatical structures. For example, students may be asked t0
find examples of the structure in the text, and to match these
|| : :,'-: , .-
examples to rules.
i.,; !! ^: - .;- The subsequent exercises provide controlled practice in clear
t;:'J lii

contexts, and then freer practice. The grammar exercises are

|| always challenging and test usage of the grammar, as well as the
I, :< :'l 3cxes aopear ;n the Reading, Grammar and

T l:---- catrcn sections of the Student's Book and they have form ofthe structures.

- L_u
-: -
Most Grammar sections present and practise more than one
I ' :-€i g'',e advice on how to approach a task that grammar point, although the grammar points are usually close ;'
related. For example, a focus on the present continuous is
:-,ce.-r are about to do. For example, Quick tip boxes
followed by a contrast between the present simple and preseri
|| :-.<g::: 'ov,' to answer different types of questlon, or
continuous tenses.
I ::. )e c- skiils such as skim reading, organising written
:. r'r. 3' ,21;ig rotes tvhilst listening.

F . --:-. 5 ,e g:ne:a: s:ggestions for Iearning strategies. All of the Grammar sections end with a Consolidation exercise
that revises all of the grammar points from that unit.

:-- :'.a-:,e . Q; c<:ro boxes help students to develop
j,-l-. sr s a^3 e\a- -a:rol technlques.
. -'.-:: ): -:3 .'. :^ c -c,:
assects of language.
Communicotion poge
Voce:ulorq The Communication page includes Listening, Vocabulary and

Speaking, usually in that order.

I List*x!nq
The listenings include authentic text types such as radio
programmes, dialogues, interviews, adverts and fictional stories.


The tasks start with an exercise that orientates students and

introduces the thematic focus of the text. The practice involves
I listening for gist and then listening for more specific

information, as well as a wide range of exam listening tasks,
including putting ideas or pictures in order, matching, note-

- -':-=' -..'a^a;o record
. -=:--.-:::-: also devise
-- -::-:!::-::OSeehOW
taking, multiple choice questions, and identifying true/false

{ 6!SOsa$!':riiti F;rvtq
S lUriting
The unit's second vocabulary set is used in the listening and,/or The Writing page builds students' cor^' :
speaLing activities, and is related to the unit topic. The lexical sets texts. Writing is a difficult skill to mas,e'
on the Communication pages have an emphasis on word-building irregularities in English spelling and :^: '
skiLls. sequercing words to make rr'itte^ :=':i

For each unit, there are the photocopiable Vocabular, Students often find it difficult to cc*: ,:
exiension worksheets in this Teacher's Guide. The activities wrilino qn in Tnn \rnrp (lrlde nI; ,. _'.
l-esenr and practise extra vocabulary related to the unir topic. are guided towards complet ng a s - .-
, he-v can be done in class or at home. Writing can take a long time. so s'-::-:j
writing preparation in class anc f - :- :^
if necessary.
're The Writing section covers a v' ce
spea<ing exercises develop oral fluency and confioence. At
including wriring a desc.ipr:c^ :' .
:r s lereL, the speaking activities are guided and students are
Instant messages. po5tcards a-:
asked to role play everyday situations based on models. and magazine interviews. as ..:
Encourage your students to expand their repertoire of useful
rnrases by using the vocabulary in the dialogue boxes. Students
snould also be encouraged to use the grammar and vocabulary
from the unit, wherever possible.
Tnn lrnro nl:rec : lnt nf +^ -' -.
Speaking practice is particularly important in monolingual groups
as to properly consolidare ::-::-.
because students have few opportunities to use the language previous lessons must be reac: ,.,
outside the classroom. To develop a culture of target-language use
it to remain active.
in lessons, use pairwork and insist that, whenever possible, only
Eng ish is spoken. During pairwork, monitor by walking round the
Throughoutthe main units o':^= i,-:.-:
classroom lrstening to the students. Individual help can be given
,and peneral nrohlems can he identified and dealt with after the
Workbook, ianguage is revisec .-. .'.:.:
lvays. To complement this s;s:e^-a: : '=--

For extra speaking practice, use the photocopiable Pairwork

there are two formal areas of re, s
Book and the Workbook: the Q-,c< c-e:.
-: :'
Revision units.
activitres in this Teacher's Guide. The Pairwork activities are
nformation gap tasks in whjch students complete a table or a
Remember to warn your students before ire; a-.. ..: -:
,ext Students practise asking and answering questions to find
Quick chec(s. Revision units. or even srmp,e ,2cz? - :' .

:re missing information from their partner. it is motivating for students to get good marks '^ a-,. .
test for which they have revised.

Culture f ocus

--- J, :-.e focus texts provide substantial additional reading
Sui*k sh**k
:-::. --; a-d rocabulary input, both of which are important atthis The Quick check pages atthe end ofeach unitfeat-r- =.=
: -. which ensure that students have assimilated the roca:, :-

-: .:' .j reature rnteresting topics which may be related to

..-,. .. -e:e ,n ihe English-speaking world. The topics include
'=.:_. :s. schools and learning, television and popular culture, and
:-:.-a:rers from flction. The texts promote understanding about
:, ,-:es outside the students'own lives, and they broaden
).-cen:s' lvorld-knowledge.
grammar from the unit. The final Vocabulary revie.''. a-:
Grammar review exercises offer cumulative pract.ce c'.-=
Student's Book until that point.

The Student's Book Quick checks have the sarne :or^ .-- ,- -
function as the Workbook Quick checks, and car o:
e.ther as homework, or in class as a test. Alterra: .=..
individual exercises can be given to earlv-finishe's.
Each text has warm-up questions which focus the students on
rhe topic, or which require them to predict what they are going

to read. The texts are followed by comprehension exercises, *

which practise readlng for gist and for more specific information

The Talk about it boxes encourage students to reflect on the

text. Students can compare aspects of what they have learn: :c
their own experiences, and give their own opinions.

Revisi*?r t:s;??s lrregulor Yerbs
There are three four-page Revision units, after Units 3, 6 and 9.
They offer a chance for students to revise the grammar and
vocabulary they have learned in those units, and can be used
by teachers as a progress check.

The first three pages of each Revision unit revise the vocabulary lUorhbooh
and grammar from the preceding three units, item by item.
Top Sccre '
\\,o:(3cf,.s e'a 2 inoloughly revise and practise all
At the end of the Revision units, the Consolidation pages test the language anc gra-r.nar from the Student's Books. Each
a' ci ,he grammar and vocabulary from the preceding three \Vorkbook unit is six pages long and has the same topic as the
unit in the Student s Book. The Workbooks start with a four-
-r^':s of the Student's Book together.
page inuoduc:ory' unir. Geftirg started. which covers tl^e same
material as the Student s Book Getting started unit. Each unit
contar ns:
r: :^e end of the Student's Book, the Pronunciation section
.-.---:ir'< <pveral nractice exercises for each unit. The exercises
i::-s on areas of difficulty for learners, such as past tense
The texts are related to the unit topic and are accompanied by
e ^c :gs. ;rtonation. word stress and short forms. The exercises
a variety of challenging comprehension tasks, There are
:.e^ re'are to difficult words or structures from the
exercises such as ordering events, matching headings and
:c"espoiding unit.
true,/false, as well as exam-style comprehension questions
which students should answer using full sentences. Students are
required to demonstrate that they have really understood the

Reference section ICXIS.

0rommur reference 0rummur

There are two pages of exercises practising the same grammar
The Student's Book grammar presentation pages indicate where
points covered in the Student's Book, with a clear progression
students can find the relevant page in the Grammar reference.
from controlled to more demanding exercises. The Workbooks
avoid mechanical exercises which do not require students to
Top Score's comprehensive Grammar reference includes all of
think. Each Grammar section ends with a Consolidation exercise
the forms that are taught in the Student's Book, with full tables
that revises all of the grammar points from that unit.
and rules. There are also clear explanations about how and
$'hen the structures are used, with plenty of examples.

This page covers vocabulary and speaking, but there is no
The Vocabulary list is a unit-by-unit list of all the new words listening in the Workbooks.
rvhich appear in the course. The Vocabulary section offers practice of both of the vocabulary
sets from the Student's Book.

The l:st gives the phonetic transcriptions of all the nerv words so The Speaking exercises teach a different function from the
that siucen-s can check the pronuncia:ion. \\'here appropriate, Student's Book speaking type. The speaking is thematicalll'
oiher useiui forms of the root \\ord are gir e:. for example linked to the Student's Book unit and the practice includes
medicine (r) ard rredlcal (cc,^: T'e o::cs::es a'C rarious forms ordering, gap-fill and matching exercises.
of ad-eci,,es a'e l's:ec. alc e\a-3 3 -\.3'=:: c^s a'e glven for less
CO':-O^ .',C'a:.'.'a\: :-': :-:: . :-' i:-::---< ---:'S:a1d the
This page contains further practice of the Student's Book
writing task. The initial exercises practise the Student's Book
writing focus. The subsequent writing tasks are carefully
designed to give meaningful practice that is controlled and easy
to mark. Students are not expected to produce a full-length
piece of writing, as in the Student's Book.
0uich chech End-of -term le$ts
There are two End-of-term tests. End-of-term test 1 ls :: :€
This page tests the vocabulary and grammar from the
corresponding unit in the Student's Book. The final Vocabulary after students have finished Units 1-3. End-of-term tes: I : ::-*-:
review and Grammar review exercises offer cumulative practice be used after they have finished Units 1-6.
of the whole Student's Book contents until that point. .-
The tests are in four sections with B0 marks available ::-
Vocabulary (20 marks), Grammar (40 marks), Listening '-
There are three four-page Revision units, after Units 3,6 and 9,
which revise the vocabulary and grammar from the preceding marks) and Speaking ('10 marks)'
tnree unlts.
Listening: the students should listen to the recording orce a-':
The Culture focus the last page of the Revision units. This is a
is answer the first question for gist. They should then !ister:r' =
quiz which tests students' knowledge of the facts that they have more and answer the comprehension questions.
learnt in the preceding three units of the Student's Book and
Workbook. Speaking: this section requires the students to compleie a

dialogue using the promPts.

Teucher's (iuide End-*f -g*er ?ssts

Tott Score Teacher's Guides 1 and 2 include: There are two End-of-year tests. Students should do End-of-;ea'
test 1 when they have finished all nine units of the Student's
. Background information on the topics in the units. Book. End-of-year test 2 can be used with students who do no:
. Detailed suggestions on how to approach the Student's pass End-of-year test 1 and who need more practice of the
Book activities. grammar and vocabularY.
. Language notes and keys to all exercises in the
Student's Book. The tests are in four sections with B0 marks available in total'
. Plenty of extra suggestions for vocabulary, grammar, the same as with the End-of-term tests: Vocabulary (20 marks).
writing, listening, translation and discussion activities. Grammar (q0 marks), Listening (10 marks) and Speaking (10
. Transcripts of all the Student's Book recordings. marks).
. Workbook keY and model answers.
. Photocopiable tests and worksheets (see below)
Puirulorh octivities
Photocopichle Iesoulces There are nine Pairwork activities in Teacher's Guides 1 and 2'
one per unit. The photocopiable worksheets provide controlled
speaking practice which reflects the themes and grammar
Tests points of each unit. Each activity is an information-gap exercise
in which students ask each other for information to complete
There are thirteen photocopiable tests in Teacher's Guides 1
the task.
and 2. Each test is accompanied by full answer keys and
:r'anscripts of the ListeninB sections (where applicable). Each activity is supplied with sample answers

End-ef -unit tests

VocobuloTU extension ulorhsheets
There are nine End-of-unit tests, one for use after each unit. The
There are nine photocopiable Vocabulary extension worksheets
End-of-unit tests revise and consolidate the grammar and
in Teacher's Guides 1 and 2, one per unlt The worksheets
vocabulary in each unit, but there is no skills testing.
provide useful extension of one of the vocabulary sets in each

There are 20 marks for vocabulary and 20 marks for grammar, unit.
making a total of 40 marks for each test.
The worksheets are accompanied by full answer keys.

Closs CD
:_ - -c<i raan ralindq 2rp nn

I v olu stio n
- -: :: r able continuous

Self -evsluotion
, : ': __.t_ -. '- - . --::-:. :c 'e'ect on their own progress
...^ --: - -'e S:udent s Book. This type of
a-- . _' : ::_ .-- '; 'a :'- - ;o-. siLdents' development as

- :-:3-'aies r*er io take responsibil,ty for

^:'. s : .^l:l:3: ac e Seif-ei,aluation sheet on page'10 of

r^ s ,ea.:-:'. G- ce. \!nich can be used by students to keep a
reco:c cc i.e r o,', r cerformance during the year. Each
pio,occriaole Self-eraluation sheet covers one Student's Book
unit. Stucents use the sheets to asses how they found the
grammar r,ocabular),. reading. writing, listening and speaking
from thai unit. Students tick the appropriate box for each
categor.v (easy / OK / difficult) and make a note of areas of
grammar and vocabulary that they need to study more. Then
they make a note of the five most useful words from that unit.

Continuous ossessmenl
You ma-v wish to assess your students'progress on a regular
basis. in addition to usingthe tests provided. This can be done
b1, giving marks for students' homework and for their
performance in class. Many teachers feel that students respond
rvell to continuous assessment and make an extra effort if they
are reminded that their homework and classwork will influence
their final grade. There is a photocopiable Student evaluation
sheet on rage 11 ofthis Teacher's guide, which can be used to
keeo a reco'd of students' progress during the year. The sheet
r^c,des; ots for continuous assessment and the test results
Top Score - Self-evuluotion sheet
llame Ilote Unit

Grammar and vocabulary that I need to study more: The five most useful words from this unit were:

Top Score

- Self -evoluotion sheet
llote Unit

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Grammar and vocabulary that I need to study more: The five most useful words from this unit were:

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Travel on.d prepositions of
Personality adjectives, paslimes, travel, prepositions of
movement, television; extreme adjectives, place nouns
@ Explain the task to students, and encourage them to reac
the whole text through once for general meaning betore
oT town ano country, aojectves ol emoton, coilocattons
they try to complete it with the words in the box.
of go, make, do ani'hoie,,uocabular:y of the .

environment, school Answers

1 Catching 2 up 3 check-in desk 4 ticket
Grammar: 5 boarding card 6 gate 7 get on
B takeS off

Present simple or present continuous? 9 through 10 flight attendants

Adverbs of frequencyr
Comparatives and superlatives

Studv skills: Television ond exlreme

How to use a dictionary : odje ctive s
@ R.t"r students to the TV guide and the types of shorv in
the box. Explain that students must match the types of
show to the programmes, and warn students that they rr.
have to read the TV guide quite carefully to get the
answers right.

@student's Book page 4
University Challenge - quiz show, The Simpsons - cartoo.
Debs Trickster's Kitchen - cookery programme, The Woric
r Tonight - the news, Wimbledon Week - sports
Perspnulitg udjectives 0n 0 programme, lsland tnferno - reality show, Smalltown
p0silmes America - documentary, Horror at Hogwarts - film

Q some personality adjectives from the class first. @ StrOents find the extreme adjectives in exercise 4. With
weaker students, check understanding of the adjectives
Students choose the correct answers.
before students use the adjectives to describe their
Check answers with the class and check understanding of favourite TV shows. Alternatively, tell students to look up
^ll +L^
dil ^!i^^+i.,^^
U ttr aujELUvtr). in their dictionary any adjectives they do not understand.

Answers Answers
1 shy 2 sociable 3 meeting 4 has 5 fun 6 generous great, hilarious, fascinati ng, bri Iiant, astonishing,

7 sends 8 honest wonderful, terrifying

@ StuO.ntr write five sentences to describe their best friend.

Encourage students to use adjectives from exercise 1. Ask
some students to read their answers to the class. Touln ond countlu
Students' own answers blstro"nt's Book page 5

@ f.ffstudents to use their dictionaries to check the

meaning of any words they do not know. Students match
the words to the pictures

1 trainstation 2factory 3 cinema 4 stadium
station 6 farm 7 field 8 stream 9 valley
5 fire
10 hill 11 village 12 woods 13 cottage

Getting started
fltjectives of emotion $StuOent's Book page 6

c :- ,: -- .'. :' ihe c{ass first

Pres.ent siqple or presenl
€F Students read the text and answer the ques: c^s

5 anxious 6 afraid 'l Carina's 2 Vancouver, Canada
3 lt's about her typical day.

go, mahe. do, sntl hsve a Students read the text again more carefully and ansrver the
q uestions.

@ -,:: - --:=j. ,.--- ?'. a'. ;lem that they must

Check answers with the class. Elicit which answers use the
'::: :-: ::-::- .:: ,:-., ::':', '1 and look at the present simple, and which use the present continuous.
: -- -_'-::- -.- --a -: :i -n.reetlv
Ansrrers 1 She lives in Vancouver, in Canada.
l: 3- 5: 6C 75 8e 2 She gets up at seven on every school day.
3 They cycle to school in summer.

4 lt is too cold to cycle in winter.
tnvrronmenl 5 lt's snowing today.
6 No, she's writing the web page with her friend
I a., s:-oe1-i :c lse -re;: d:ctionaries to check the
-ea. rg o'ary rou:'rs ihev do not understand. Students
cor-c ete ine iex-i \\'ith the nouns. @ neaO the uses of the two tenses with the class and make
sure that students understand. Students match the uses
Answers and tenses to the eight sentences.
1 poilution 2 demonstration 3 petition 4 letter
\ n2.k^oino 6 hnttlg [36(
1 fact: present simple
2 habit: present simple
3 fact: present simple
4 happening at the moment:
present continuous 5 happening at the moment: present
School continuous 6 habit: present simple 7 happening at the
moment: present continuous B habit: present simple
@ answer the questions about their own school.

Students check their answers together.

$ complete the text using the present simple forms
of the verbs. Warn students to think about the spelling
Ask some students to read their answers to the class and rules of the present simple when they are writing their
correct any mistakes. answers.

Students' own answers Check answers with the class and revise the forms of the
present simple and spelling rules with the class.

1 is 2 am 3 have 4 drives 5 doesn't work
see 7 goes B get up
6 don't 9 live 10 study
11 play 12 doesn't like

@ Students write the questions and then answer the

questions about themselves.

'1Where do you live? 2 What time do you get up?
3 Who are you sitting with today? 4 How many lessons
do you have every day? 5 What do you do after school?
6 Which book are you reading at the moment? 7 When
do you go to bed?
fldverbs of f requencg @ U* some examples of superlative adjectives from the
dass. and revise the rules for the formation of superlative
$stroent's Book page 7

Students complete the sentences using the superlative

@ nevise the meaning of adverbs of frequency with the class. forms of the adjectives.
For example, write these adverbs of frequency on the Answers
board and ask students to put them into order of less 1 ls Tokyo the biggest city in the world?
frequent to most frequent: 2 You are the friendliest person I've ever met.
sometimes often alwoys usuolly never 3 He's the most fantastic player in the team.
4 They are the proudest parents in the world.
Read the task with the class and tell students that they 5 ls she the best singer in the band?
must think about the correct form of each verb and also 6 King Kong is the most terrifying film l've ever seen.
the position of the adverb of frequency in each sentence.
Students write the sentences.

Check answers with the class and elicit the rule that Revieul
adverbs of frequency come after the verb be but before
other verbs. *stuoent's Book page I
1 Ali sometimes plays football after school. @ Explain to students,nu, rn,, is a quiz, andthe answers to
the questions are in different units of their book
2 Ali often passes his exams.
3 Ali always gets up at seven a.m. This exercise could be a competition to see who can
4 Ali usually enjoys school. complete the quiz first.
5 Ali is sometimes tired in the evenings. Answers
6 Ali never eats pancakes. 1 False - She died when she was 122.
7 Ali often sends emails. 2 True
8 Ali is usually happy with his life. 3 False - it's a seven-star hotel.
4 True
Q) Explain to students that they must decide which tense is
5 True
correct in each sentence.
6 False - About B0% of people have never seen a
Students complete the conversation. computer or a Prlnter.

7 False - The Navajo are the largest Native North
American tribe.
1 Are you using 2 Are you sitting 3 aren't working
4 am using 5 Do you play 6 play 7 practise
8 False - They have lessons everyday.

B am wearing 9 Do you like 10 prefer

9 True
10 True

@ Strd"ntr write their own texts, using the two texts as


Students'own answers

Comuorutives ond
superlutive s

@ some examples of comparative adjectives from the
class, and revise the rules for the formation of comparative

Students complete the sentences using the comparative
forms of the adjectives.

This exercise is harder than the first one.
l'm glad the weather's a bit cooler today.
This sofa is much more comfortable than that one.
t I

4 His jokes are funnier than yours.
5 The situation is terrible; it's worse than yesterday. I
6 The fire station is farther than I thought.

GeEErng srarEeq
I EIS:uCer:'s Book page 9

I Hour to use o dictionorU

tieu,* fii:d * rry*r'*,
The phonelic ol.ilhsbei

PRoxuxctanoN Nort

I O t.- r'ead
-. students that using a dictionary is a very important
ihe explanation with the class Students look up
:^3 t. c',',ords in the sentences and write the base form
a : :-.: aa" '3 -cv; io use the Phonetic
.:-. -s:'- r:'-: o.:i that the Phonetic
::':--o - -ost diciionaries and are a

I .:..-.
-a_ ,^.4u.
,,u : : ;: :--' 're io rvith learning the

'1 (.33 2 begin
i .-a"ge B krorv 9 carrY
3 shelf 4 baby 5 silly
10 friendlY
6 leave
o lrco;rage s:uder'is to say the words aloud and circle the
uord uith ihe sound that matches the phoneme.

*-= Pluy the recording. Students listen, repeat and check

ilcu .e f !::d * Ei:r+sg
their answers. Practise any of the indlvidual sounds that
the students are having difficulty with.
examples of phrases and phrasal verbs from the
@ =tr. sc-e Answers
: a-:. ?ead ;he explanation with the class.
/r:/ sheep 2 ltl fish 3 lel leg 4 ltl

1 cat
S:-:e-:. oo< Jc the phrases in a dictionary and wrlte 5 /o:/ aunt 6 /,r/ under 7 lol clock B /c:/ horse
3r..- :^e'.','ord rvhere they found the expresstons 9 lal foot 10 lu:l you 11 lz:l bird 12 letl train
3o-':a'e a^s\\'ei's rviih the class lf students are uslng 13 latl eye 14 lctl boy 15 /aul out 16 leal road

I : -='=':- cic:loraries, they may get different answers'

:': '
a :l"a: cifferent diciionaries have different rules for
.'..': are trsted. Some list phrases at the first
- :1e p^rase. some at the main noun in the phrase'
17 /oa/ tourist '18 /ee/ bear 19 lrcl hear complete the words with the correct symbol for

the vowel sounds.
r^-asa ','erls are usLla l\'llsted at the end of the main verb
f, Strdentt listen, repeat and check their answers.

-- ):-len:s:rey rnust get used to the system used by


I u: 2t 3a: 4a 5I: 6n 7au 8er 9ra

- ^ air.ta>n
10 au 11 o 12e 13 o: 14't'. 15 ee 6 ar "l

S:-ce':s' o''.' n ans\verS 17 ar 18c: 19t 20ct

I :,:'*; - l,=i,;S;': i i1=giiie+

& Students complete the list with the words from the bor c\
matching the consonants to the letters in blue.

strdents listen, repeat and check their anslvers Tell

!| -_:. :^el check their

students that in English the spelling often doesn't te I us
how to pronounce a word, e.g. through and fhls


1 best 2 photo 3 Bive 4 yes 5 generous 6 cottage
7 fun B quiz 9 ticket 10 relax 11 through 12 thls
13 pleasure 14 rs

F Q. --- - : -" hp rrenl

- ..:':s ,'. :n similar
=,:mn p fnr

F :^e(-[ lnelr


-----:- 5i3set 6soon


Getting started
Sentence 1

'Live lonq. stav strong'

@ neaO the task with the class and make sure students
understand everything. Explain the meaning of socioble
(question 5) if necessarY.
Vocabufary: ' , ,
Students read the text again more carefully and complete
Lifestyles and stages of life; character:,adjectives,
the task.
give and make
Grammar: 1 Jeanne 2 Antonio 3 Jeanne 4 both

Past simple or past continuous? '' ' 5 Jeanne 6 Antonio
Infinitive of purpose

o Explain to students that they must answer the questions
from memory first, then check their answers in the text.
Listeni ng'Phone-i n',' Speaki n g lMaki n g su ggestions' Read the ouestions with the class and make sure students
understand all the vocabularv in the questions.


Studying English in England
1 He wanted to buy paints. 2 She recorded a rap CD.
3 She rode a bicycle, didn't worry about things, talked to

lots of people, and led an active life. 4 She was sociable,
A postcard, Capital letters
outgoing and optimistic. 5 He was quiet and shy.
Pronunciation: 6 He thought he lived for a long time because of his diet.
ltl or lt:l
@ neaO the Quick tip with the class. Elicit other forms that i

students should record when they learn new vocabulary,

e.g. irregular plurals, comparative and superlative forms of


Students find the words in the text and decide what part
of speech they are.
*student's Book page 10

Check answers with the class, and then elicit the irregular
plural lives for the noun /ife.

Live long, stou stTong Answers
alive - adjective life - noun lifestyle - noun live - verb
Q R.t"r students to the title of the unit and elicit or explain
the meaning of the word lifestyle. Elicit some different Extra activity:, revision of prepositions
words to describe someone's lifestyle, e.g. heolthy,
unheolthy, busy, relaxed, etc. Diciate these sentences from the text and ask qtudents
to complete them with the correcli,preposition: Students
Refer students to the words describing different stages of then check their answers in the text.;''
life. Students put them lnto the correct order.
Check answers with the class.
baby, child, teenager, adult, elderly person 1 Jeanne Calment was born .........Arles .......1875.
2 He came . my uncle's shop one day.
q") Refer students to the photo and the title of the text 3 He only went...... school .......ayear. *
and ask what they think the text is going to be about. Tell 4 He started working.......a farm.
students that when they read a text for the first time they 5 His favourite meal was pasta .......rneat.

should not worry if they do not understand every single
word. Students read the text. 1in,in 2 into 3 to,.for 4 on 5 with, of

e Read the options with the class and ask students which
sentence rs true.

I Vocobulorq Churscrer adjecrives

I -)
O - ,::-e
S:-cent's Book page't


ciaracter adjectives that are used in the text to

ieanne butgoing, optimistic) and Antonio (shy
4 sensibly

I j--:=-- -al:'lLe adiectives with their opposites.


r l-=-. :-, :. " --- :-: : ::S : :;: that sensible iS a false
- 1- : '--: :: --::- - :-:,. - -:: .emembef itS meaning
- a-= .-
Tnrr nrour rr

Read the questions and the words in

the box with the

' Write the phrase 'Living to be '100' on the board, then the
1', :' .!- 3. a- - 8d th '10e words Advantoges and Disadvantages underneath. EIicit

o j.-::-= ---. ::=-:-: ::-::-:e: using the adjectives ideas from the class, using the words in the box as

prompts, and write them on the board.
qr rddc<tpd i.lar<'
' : :-:-::: ? z:, tessinisi:c

3 4 sensitive Advantages Disadvantages
i _ --;- _: ; -^t'---
lot of

You hove o Poor health

0 i:--=-. --:::::^a a3'.eCi anSwers.

experience of life

You can share your Friends moy be deod
I Answers
knowledge with others
1 ::: -::: : 2 c^eei; 3 generous 4 sensitive
5'-ce 6 ro:esi You have time to enjoy Out of touch with
life (no work)

l the modern world?
@ ,i:-ce^.s choose six adjectives and write a description of

You can enjoy children,
As< some students to read their descriptions to the class.
Elicit phrases for agreeing and disagreeing and write these
Aliernatively. collect the descriptions from students and
on the board.
'ead some out to the class without saying the name of the
srucent. Students guess who it is from the description.

I Explain to students that they are going to discuss the
questions in pairs, and tell them that they must try to talk
Extra vocabulary reinforcement for three minutes (set a shorter or longer time limit
depending on the ability of the class).

Students write five 'clues' for the other students to guess
the correct character adjective. Do some examples with
the whole class first, for example,
lf I on like this, I smile oll the time. (= cheerful)

lf I on like this, I steal things. (= dishonest)

lf I on Iike this, I enjol, meeting people. (= outgoing)

Wl.rle students are i;:i:!ng i^eir c'ues. go round the class

moritoring and heioirg ',.. -e:e necessary. Students then

:es: eacl o:re'.

Extra vocabulary: Character adverbs

!,','i:e:-€'c i:.,, -_: ac'ec",:-< c^ :;e 'ioard.
Ask students
:c'a'- ag,.e':s '':- :^e-. :^e - c^ec<:he spellings in a

crc: t^a.r_
a'a.-' a:: - :: : :i:,-'- :€.t i'e oalite
- -: - . ___ :- i : _a_ -^--:Lt., - ^r:!:l\/
- -,. := ) J !. puitLL.J

T -- :-.
::2.::^: ask students to

r -_ _ =
J.-:- ^:
- -=-=
^ ^:- ::)udl.
-ia'V me.

- --: <ahn^l iri^



1 re 31o1e rang while we were watching the DVD' f
@student's Book Page 12
your text
2 r rr?s s:::ing on the bus when I received

@Gru**ur reference, Student's Book pa$es 101 / 102 ::essage.

3 ne cecame ill while he was visitin$ his
I saw her in
4 She \\'asn't doing her homework when

Past simPle oI Post continuous? 5

ihe library.
li started to snow while they were cycling to school'
6 You weren't listening when the teacher called
a * R.t., students to the photo and the title ofthe text'
Ask what they think the text is about' Students
listen to the text and check

their answers'

fticitthat wos and wereare the pasttense

read ano

be.Elicitsome examples of their use Students complete

the text with wos or were and then listen to check
of the verb

name. complete the questions using the correct

Students check their answers together' Ask
to read out their answers to the class'

some studbnts
answerS. Answers )

1 When did You start school?

1 were 2 were 3 was 4 were 5 were 6 was 2 Where were You last week?
3 Were you studying at nine o'clock last night?
with the class and make sure students 4 What were you doing at eight o'clock this morning?
$ neaO the questions
understand them.

Explain that students must read the text again

the questions.
and answer

O *
When did you arrive at school today?
When dld this lesson begin?

Explaln that students must choose the correct

verb rr
1 Japan 299 3 cheerful and outgoing
for each sentence and put it into the correct
must then arrange the pictures into the corred
tense' They
4 quiet and simple Warn students that some of the verbs are irregular'
Students listen and check'
StrO.nt, read the rules Write a simple verb on the board'
@ ploy, and elicit the past simple and past Answers
e.g. walk or
that some verbs are irregular in the 1 was walking saw 3 was selling 4 bought
.-tinuort Elicit

forms. I
5 was looking 6 waited 7 started B was raining
past simple, e-9. sly - said, go - went'
'10 broke
9 was singing
past continuous
@ StuOents find examples of past simple and Order of Pictures - b, d, a, e, c

verbs in the text in exercise 1'

were, led, appeared, began' became' started'
Past simple - Inf initive of PuIPose
met, said, was, enioyed
Past contlnuous - was visiting, were visiting

Explain that in each sentence one ofthe verbs

is in the
*stuoent's Book Page 13

@ other in the past continuous' *Gtutrnur reference Page 102
past simple and the is
Students read each sentence and choose the the rule with the class and make sure that
@ neaO
understand lt.

Check answers with the class, then elicit that
the past
Read the task with the class and do the first example with
for a longer action' and the past simple
continuous is used
the whole class.
for a short action that interrupts the longer action'
is used
words in the box
Students answer the questions using the

page 102 for
Refer students to the Grammar reference on and the infinitive of Purpose'
more exPlanation.
Answers 1 You use a dictionary to look up new woros

1 was walking,
3 was raining,
5 Did you see,
saw 2 called, were watching
4 didn't say' was asking
doing 6 did you meet' was working
7 was practising, broke I was studying' went

explain that students must choose which tenses

to use to
2 People use umbrellas to stay drY'
3 You go to school to learn'
4 People visit libraries to borrow books'
5 You go to a sports centre to go swimming'
6 People visit cinemas to watch films'
think about
complete the sentences Remind them to
ffl Students correct the mistake in each sentence
Each )

action ihat
which is the long action, and which is the short - corrected sentence should contain an infinitive of purpose
interrupts it' Check answers with the class' Check answers with the whole class'
1 Ler's go to tne gym to play basketball. Listening
2 | like going to the beach to swim.
3 People read books to enjoy the story. $StuOent's Book page 14
4 | was studying to pass my exams.

Q fticit some types of problems with friends from the whole
@ # Students complete the text with the words in the box class first, for example a friend borrowing something and
forgetting to give it back.
Remind students that for this type of task it is a good idea
to read the whole text through once before they start, to Students then discuss the question together.
understand the general meaning.
@ n"t r students to the text in exercise 3. Students read the
Students listen and check their answers. information and predict what the listening will be about.
Read the Quick tip with the class and tell students thar rr
is always a good idea to read the questions in a listening
1 were living 2 came 3 didn't like 4 was talking
activity before they hear the recording.
5 understand 6 thought 7 helped 8 feel
O S Allow students time to read the questions and make
Extra translation sure they understand them, before they listen and answer.

Dictate these sentences to students and ask them to Answers

translate them into their own language. Check answers, 1 Amy's friend wanted to copy her homework.
then discuss any interesting differences between English 2 He tells Amy to be generous and help her with her
and the students'own language. homework. 3 Ben can't eat or sleep. 4 He suggests
he should make a plan, to help with his studying, and only
1 | went to the cinema to see a'film.
do one thing at a time. 5 He watches TV and plays
2 She bought a new book to read.
computer games. 6 He suggests that Carl should play
3 We used the internet to find information.
a team sport, so that he can make some friends.

$Grurrur reference pages 101 / 102

*Workbook page B
Presenter: On 'Phone in' today, we're talking about
problems with friends. Our first caller is
Amy ... Hello, Amy, what's your problem?
Amy: Hello. Yesterday, my friend wanted to copy
my homework. She decided to go to a
picnic on Saturday and then she didn't
have time to do her work. But I didir't ih;r-<
it was fair for her to copy rny \.,.c-<. : .'. 's
studying all weekend. I r.,,as dc -g --.
homework while she was at the c :- 3.
thought it was better to say 'no'. ','.'a: ::
you think? Can you give me any ac.-::?
Presenter: Welt, copying isn't a good idea. of coi:se.
But why not help her with her homeu,ork?
You could make her an offer and then ask
her to do something for you as well. That's
what friends are for.
Amy: Really? OK, l'll remember that! Thanks for
the advice!
Presenter: Thank you for calling, Amy! Now, our next
caller is Ben. What's your problem, Ben?
Ben: Well, l've got two! | can't sleep and I can't
eat. There's an important exam at the end
of term, and I think l'm a bit nervous.
Presenter: Do you work hard, Ben?
Ben: Yes, I study every night. There's so much to
Presenter: Then let me make a suggestion. You
should make a plan and then do one thing
at a time. That will help you relax, and
hopefully you should start to sleep better
and eat normallv too.
Than<s.i l11.
Presenter: OK, we've got just e.3-g^ : -e ':' :-=
3-"' :'

more caller. Hello? Yes. \','e .Ars* ers -
line three. What's Your P'oc e-. 3a' : : ,: -:,-e advice, an explanation, a warning, an example
Carl: Well, I don't have many friencs l cc^ : -.rri - i confesslon, an offer, a noise' a decision, a
know why l'm so unPoP.llar. \"in; : ::r -ggestlon


PeoPle like me?

Presenter: Let me see... What do you do in yourfree @ S,-..n,t complete the sentences using expressions from
time, Carl? For examPle, what were You exercise 5.

doing last weekend? Were you out making
1 advice 2 make 3 suggestion 4 explanatton
Carl: No ... I was doing what I always do - | was
5 make 6 offer
watching TV and playing computer games'
Presenter: Did you go out?
Carl: No, I didn't. I don't have any friends to go
out withl Speohing ffi?xkixtg sffiq$*s?iilft s I
Presenter You can't make friends watching TV. Why
don't you start PlaYing a team sPort? @student's Book page 14
Playing a sport like football is a really good
way to meet peoPle. @ complete the conversation with the words r- --'

Extra listenin$
OK, that's a good idea. box.

L& Students listen and check their answers, then lrs:e-

again and repeat. Stop the tape after each line. Encou'a;' I
*.1 Write these sentences on the board, or dictate
them to students.

Ask students to Iisten to the recording again and


1 Why 2
to use the correct intonation

about 3 not I
complete them with the adjectives.

| didn't think it was .....,.for her to copy my work.
| think l'm a bit
@ Explain to students that they are going to write thelr
dialogues about a problem, Refer them back to exerc
and elicit the expressions used for giving advlce, Ho"'
3 ldon't know why I'nl so ................

Check answers with the class and check understanding

about..., Why not..., Why don't you
expressions on the board.

Elicitthat How about.. is followed bythe -inq forr' .'

. Write these

-'-= I
of the adjectives, for example by asking students to
verb, but the other expressions are followed by tfe 3as-
translate them into their own language.
form of the verb.
Refer students back to exercise 4 and elicit other

1 fair 2 nervous 3 unPopular
expressions for making suggestions, You could. Yc '

ffi n t
should. . . Write these on the board.
Students complete the sentences from the
programme, then they listen to the extracts from the Elicit some ideas for problems with the whole c ass "'.
recording and check their answers.

1 give 2 not 3 could 4 make 5 should 6 don't
e.g. I haven't got any money. I hoven't got m0nJ/ lrte'i:

Elicit some suggestions from the whole class' e g. i"

get a lob.
-- '
Vo c ub ulorg mrwe sxns ;rss&e
Students work together to prepare their dialogues.

Go round the class monitoring and helping where t


practise their conversations together' Moniic'

@ Write on the board the two expressions: @
give odvice r,vhile students are speaking, then correct any interesl r 1 :
r;'pical mtstakes with the whole class aftertvards

moke a suggestion

Elicit that the expressions have similar meanings but use Ask some students to perform their dialogues to the c a:)
different verbs. Explain that the verbs give and mlk€
€Workbook page 1o
collocate lvith different nouns.

Explain the task in exercise 5 to students

Students put the words into the correct columns acc:-3

-: I
to their collocations.
$stuoent's Book page 15 llstuoenrs Book page 16

Brighton llome stoU fl postcord Scpitul letters

Q StrO.ntr look at the texts quickly, without reading them, Q look at the postcard quickly and answer the
and answer the questions. queSuons.

Students then read the texts quickly and check their Check answers with the class. Point out that we use Dear
answers. ... to begin a postcard or informal letter, and rye use lofs
of love, at the end when we are writing to a friend or a
member of our family. Point out the comnn after Lots of
1 An advert 2 A company which organises homestays in
love, ...
England A diary or letter about the homestay
4 A student who went on the homestay Answers
1 You can see the coast and beach atBiarritz in France.
@ Strd.ntr read text 1 more carefully and match the 2 Henrietta 3 her parents 4 her holiday / tripto
paragraphs 1-5 to the headings a-e. France / French classes

1b 2e 3d 4a 5c @ * read and listen to the postcard and answer
the questions.

@ StrO"ntr read the text again and answer the questions. Answers
1 She is having French classes. 2 She was walking along
'1 the beach when she met her friends. 3 She knows them
You can see how British people live by staying with a
from her primary school. 4 France 5 Anna is generous.
6 Carol is a bit mean and never shares anything.
2 Homestay families are friendly.
3 No, you can also eat international food.
Students tick the boxes to indicate where the-v need io ;se
4 The Globe Theatre is in London. G)
capital letters.
5 You can study English at Victoria Academy
6 You can contact them by post or by email. Check answers with the class, or ask studel's:c ':ar :-:
postcard again to find the answers.

@ stro.ntr read text 2

@ Students decide ifthe sentences are true or false You need to use capital letters for the following:
1 months 2 days of the week 3 people's names
4 names of places 6 nationalities / languages
1 False - The speaking was really difficult at first. B the start of a sentence 9 the subject pronoun
2 False - They took Alex everywhere with them, and he
met a lot of their friends.
Extra activity
3 False - He met James while he was playing football.
4 True - lt was fantastic. Refer students to the postcard again and tell them to
5 True - The British love pets. look at how exclamation marks and question marks are
6 False - He thinks it's horrible. used in English. Discuss differences between the use in
7 False - Nothing compares to his mum's food. English and in the students' own language.
Dictate the following sentehces to students. Tell them to
Tnu mour n make sure they use the correct punctuation, and capital
letters where appiopriate.

Ask whether any students have been to England to study

English. lf so, ask if they stayed with a family and if they
1 l'm having a wonderful time in England!
enjoyed their stay. 2 The weather is great! .:
3 | met mv old friend Anna in London on Saturdav.
Write the heading Studying English in Britain onthe 4 Can you believe it?
' '
board, then elicit advantages and disadvantages. Write 5 Anna's here to study English, like me.
these on the board. Suggested ideas: o Lots o1 rove, )am.
Advantages Disadvantages
Students check their answers together. Check answers
Leorn authentic English Miqht be homesick with the whole class.
Learn obout the culture Might not enjoy the food
Moke friends Exoensive
a Students must now think of ideas to write their own
postcard. Students imagine that they meet a friend on
Elicit some ideas from studen's on the differences
holiday, and use the questions to help them write notes.
between the British llfesJle a:d the students' own
Elicit some ideas from students and write them on the
lifeslvle. for example. :c co ',',':- tood and family life.

@ StuOent, organise their answers from exercise 4 into DS:-cer:'s Book Page 17 I
sentences. Look at the example sentence beginnings with
students and elicit that the first uses the past continuous
and the second uses the past simple. Remind students of Vo cubulorg
the difference between the two tenses.

@ explain to students that they must now write their own

postcards. They should use the postcard in exerclse 1 as a
model, and include the sentences they wrote in exercise 5'
Q S=c"ltt read the descriptions and write the adjectives'
Re'er students back to page 1 if they need to revise the
neanings of the adjectives.

Read the reminders with the class, and tell students that it
is very important for them to check their work after they
have finished writing.
1 cheerful 2 shy 3 impatient 4lazy
6 generous
5 insensitive

Students can write the postcard in class, then check each
other's work. Alternatively, students can write the postcard
as homework.
@ complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs give or make.

Model answer
25th August
Deor Mum and Dqd
'l gave 2 made 3 giving 4 made 5 $ive 6 make

Yoccbulcrg revie$.r
l'm hoving a wonderful time here in Englond! The school is
very good, ond the English lessons ore fun. My teocher rs
@ StrOents choose the correct answer
reolly nice. She's very patient, ond she tells us lots of good

stories. Check answers and check understanding of all the
Guess whot? My friends ond I were ot the librsry yesterdoy vocabularY in the sentences.
when we met Helen. Do you remember her? She's an old
friend. I knew her when I wqs at primqry school. She's reolly
1 2 explanation 3 Sensitive 4 good 5 Dishonest

nice. She's olways so cheerful ond optimistic, qnd she's never
6 sensible 7 gave B give 9 Bave 10 make
miseroble or pessimistic. She alwoys mokes me feel reolly
I'll write ogotn soon.
Lots of love, Emmq.

@Workbook page 11
@ write the sentences with the past simple and past I
contin uous.

Check answers with the class and refer students to the

Grammar reference on pages 101 102 if they need to

revise the tenses.

1 She was reading a book when her mobile rang'

2 Were you having lunch when someone stole your
3 | had an idea while I was doing my homework'
4 We were running along the road when it started

They didn't see anyone while they were walking to
the cinema.
6 Did he eat anything while he was waiting for us?

@ complete the sentences, using the infinitive of

purpose and the verbs in the box. Check answers with the

class and refer students to the Grammar reference on
Page 102 if necessarY'


'l to get 2 to have 3 to 4 to do 5 to stay
6 to send

\....r- ^.
GPStudent's Book page 95

-=;r ihrnr roh thA tAYt tu *r /l:i?

-: rnmnlaie f ha f ,(L

o ;.$ StuOents look at the pairs of words and then listen

and repeat, copying the two vowel sounds.
: -ses 5 weren't
::-ec 9 saw 10 talk e $ Students listen to the sentences and circle the words
from exercise 1 that they hear.

t he'll 2 sit 3 this 4lt 5 leave 6 feel 7 ship
8 been

Tnprscnrpr 7lr
1 He'll be late if he doesn't run.
2 Do you mind if I sit here?
3 | don't understand this question.
4 lt is seven o'clock.
5 Can I leave my bag here?
6 They feel very tired.
7 The ship sailed across the ocean.
8 Have you ever been to London?

@ f Strdents listen again and reoeat the sentences.

paying attention to the vowel sounds. Get some individual
students to repeat sentences to the class.

@ read the text again and answer the questions
their own words.

'The biglest smile in football'
1 He became famous in 1999, when he became Brazil's
national hero. I
Vocabulary: 2 He fell in love with football when he was eight.
Sport, sports equipment, do, go and Blqy 3 He played in France from 2001 to 2003'
4 He comes from France.
5 They can buy a pair of black and white qristbands.
Present perfect (1), been or gone?;evgr and never

6 He relaxes with friends and plays samba music.

StuO"ntt find the words in the text and match them to the I
Listening'Triathlon', Speaking Asking about experiences' meanlnSs.

Cufture focus: Answers

Mountain sporis 1e 2c 3d 4b 5f 6a

A biography,llinking words
Extra vocabulary: collocating prepositions
Write these sentences on the board and ask students to
complete them with the correct preposition. Students
Contractions: :ve and's ',

' 2
then check their answers in the text.
He's played
He came
......... the world's
a Poor home.
best teams.
He developed a passion .. ........'.....r football.
Thierry Henry started a campaign .,....-...'.... raclsm.
His sister and brother both work ............ him. I
@student's Book page 18 Answers
1 for 2 from 3 for 4 against 5 for
The biggest smile in f ootbull
# Elicit that
R.f.r students to the picture and the title. Vocobulurg spori I
the text is about Ronaldinho. Students read the questions
and discuss the answers. They then read the
l*student's Book page 19

text quickly to check their answers.

O f Students look at the pictures and match the sports

Remind students that they should read the text quickly places in the box to the sports. Students listen and check
when they just want to check information, and that they their answers.
should not worry if they do not understand every word.
pitch 2 pool 3 track 4 sloPe

Answers 1 5 court
1 Porto Alegre, Brazil2 FC Barcelona
3 an anti-racism in football campaign @ neaO the sports with the class and elicit the meanings. Tell
students to use their dictionaries to check the meanings of

the Quick tip and then the task with the class any words they do not know, and remind them of the tips f
@ neaO
for using a dictionary in the Study skills on page 9.
Students underline the life events in the text and then put
Students then match the sports to the places.
them into the correct order.

1e 2c 3b 4d 5a 6f t hockey, rugby 2 badminton, basketball
3 qcling athletics 4 snowboarding

='= ,,-::--> lo the words and explain that they all
refer $StuOent's Book page 20
:- :: ---: ::- cment. Tell students to use their dictionaries
:- ,-:-.. :^e 'neanings of any words they do not know. Scrammar reference pages 102 /103
::--=-:: -:tch the equipment words with the sports from
::: -::: ,= a.^Au L

Present perfect (t)

I Answers
'- -:a-. -,5:r '.ockey boots, swimming costume,
:. -: :i -- -: :-1.'.:ca'ding goggles, football,itennis,/
:.:- '---' ^ - :.:-, -:: ... -g cc'es. tennis/badminton
Refer students to the text. Students complete the text
with have, has, haven't or hasn't, then listen and check

I =:.:: :. .. .

---- ^5 a:^ e:lCS tfainers,
:.'. ^.- -::'--..s '3::3a :erris' basketball,zhockey/
:.. 5 lcJ
their answers.
1 Have 2 have 3 haven't 4 has 5 hasn't 6 have

/ nave
P.eac:he Quick tip rvith the class and explain that
reco'dirg vocabulary well is a very important skill they o Students read the text again and answer the questions.

have to learn.
AIlorv time for students to record the new sporting 1 They play all over the United States and in Europe.
vocabulary they have learned, and remind them to record 2 Fans can collect souvenirs such as match programmes,

it in a structured way. T-shirts, and autographed basketballs.

l*Workbook pages 13, 16

€) Students look back at the text in exercise 1 and complete
the rules for the present perfect. Check students

I Tnrx asour rt

:-e cuest,ons rvith the class and elicit ideas from the
understand when we use the present perfect.

t has 2 past participle 3 haven't 4 hasn't

I : : ass. \,\'rite good ideas on the board.

-: :-'a:.!
5 past participle 6 Have 7 Has B past participle

Remind students that the present perfect uses the past

participle form of the verb.

'c'agreeing and disagreeing and write these
Write on the board the verbs:
visit catch eat

Elicit or teach the past simple and past participle forms of
each verb. Elicit or explain that for regular verbs (e g vrslf)
the Dast DarticiDle is the same as the past simple form. For
some irregular verbs (e.8. cotch) the past tense and past

I participle are the same, but for other irregular verbs (e.g
eat),the past simple and past participle forms are drffereni
Tell students that they must learn all the parts of rrregula'


Explain that the verbs in this exercise are all irregula' a^c

refer students to the irregular verbs list on pages 1'18 9

been, bought, done, got, been/gone, had, ridden. mei.
seen, spent, swum, won

I Ssex l:r gs$s?

r )t

reference page 103

Strdentt look at the rules and example sentences. Ensure

that students understand we use been when someone has

I @
returned from a place, and gone when the person has not
returned yet. complete the sentences wtth been or gone,

following the rules in exercise 5. Students must use the
context of each sentence to help them decide the answer
1 gone 2 been 3 gone 4 been 5 been 6:=='
:: !:-e':ore
questions from the class. Tell
rvork in pairs and should ask and
-::::-S ? ,ernatel!.

@ Fxplain that students must decide for each se::e-::

lvhether the verb should be affirmatlve or ne3a:
then form the present perfect of the verb in brac..-.
:- :
.\ir si\ e15
' -a.? -.:,:t'er played basketball?
- -:.; .J- e\er visited another country?
t bought 2 has won 3 hasn't played
4 has driven 5 hasn't swum 6 hasn't been
3 -:,: io.J ever seen a famous person?
-i :i.e )ou ever asked for an autograph?
5 Hare lou ever won a race?
6 Have you ever bought a football shirt?
Extra grammar
Dictate these sentences or write them on the board Ask C *asslidstisxs I
students to complete them with the present perfect of
the verbs in brackets. Warn students that all the verbs are
O f Students read the whole text through once first to
irregular and refer them to the irregular verbs list on understand the general meaning, before they complete
pages ll9 / 119. text with the present perfect. Students listen and check
David Beckham (write) a book about his life.
I (not read) his book.
Roger Federer can't play in the final because he
'1Have you ever driven. 2 have 3 haven't cycled
4 have 5 have never ridden 6 have said
(hurt) his foot.
They (choose) a new captain for the team.
The club (sell) some players to make money.
7 has ever won B have raised 9 Have you ever seen

Extra grammar I
t has written 2 haven't read 3 has hurt
4 have chosen 5 has sold
Write on the board the two sentences:
I never met him.
I ve never met hlm. I
-,ii.';iilli ;l;3u*rl
Elicit that there is a difference in meaning between the
two sentences (past simple refers to a period of time that
is finished, present perfect refers to a period of time that I
includes the Present).
b;@Grammar reference page 103
Model the pronunciation of the two sentences and point
@ n.t.t students back to the interview in exercise 1. Students out that in speech the difference between the two is verl
find ever and never, and then complete the rules


Answers Dictate these sentences to the class and tell students to

1 ever 2 never listen very carefully and write them down accurately'

Make sure that students are clear about the position of
1 | read his book.
@ 2 She's sold her bike.
ever and neverin a sentence. To check, write on the board
Have you been to England? Gver)
3 I've sPent all mY money
4 Maria's won a comPetltion'

I've been to England. (never)
5 He spent f50.
Elicit from the class the position of ever and never in lhe
two sentences and insert them. ktsGrumrnur reference page 102

Refer students to the example question, and the addition

of evar. Students write the questions and sentences in the
exercise, usingever or never and the present perfect
h*workbook page 1+

Have you ever Played tennis?
I have never been good at runnlng.
Have they ever swum 100 metres?
He has never enjoyed swimming.
| have never seen the OlYmPics.
Have you ever watched the UEFA CUP? I
@ Read the task and the example with the class. Point our
the short answer: Yes, I have. Elicit the negative form: \0.
Interviewer So, how can someone become a top
Listening athlete?
Mary Well, to be a top athlete you need three
]student's Book page 22 things. First of all, you have to be healthy.
Secondly, of course, you have to be very
Tristhlon fit. That means training all the time. But to
be a really top athlete, the third and most
important thing is to have a positive mental
O e Refer students to the photos and the questions.
attitude. But that's the most difficult thinq
Students discuss the questions together.
of all!
Explain to students that they are going to listen to an Interviewer What do you mean by 'positive mental
interview with an athlete. attitude'?
Students listen and check their answers. Mary Well, it's really hard to do training when
your friends are having fun ... having a
Answers 'normal' life. They talk to their friends after
1 photo 1 running, photo 2 cycling, photo 3 swimming school every day, while I go running. My
2 triathlon friends watch TV in the evening, but I go
3 Having a positive mental attitude swimming until ten o'clock. So it's difficult
to motivate yourself. Staying positive can
Taprscnrpr be really hard sometimes!
Interviewer lt doesn't sound like much fun ...
Interviewer Mary Gallagher was twelve years old when
Mary ... And as well as that, I never know when
she entered her first sports competition.
to stop. Athletes often find it a problem to
Today, she's one of the top athletes in the
stop training for the day, because you
country. So, Mary, how did you get
never really feel like you've done enough.
You can always do a bit more! Always
Mary Well, I started doing sport when I was four. competing against the clock and against
I was a very active child and I loved to
yourself is tough.
keep busy! First of all, my parents sent me lnterviewer Gosh. lt sounds terrible!
to swimming classes - simply to use up my Mary No, no, it isn't terrible! | love it. But it isn't
energy! | went swimming five times a week. the easiest job in the world!
Then, when I was seven, my parents
bought me a bike, and I started to go
cycling.'When I was twelve, I started to go
f) * Students order Mary's life events from memory, and
then listen again to the recording to check their answers
running. I was completely in love with
sport! Answers
InterviewerTell us a little bit about what you actually 1d 2a 3e 4c 5b
do. Have you specialized in just one spor.t?
Mary Well, no, I haven't. I do'triathlon'. That O * Students answer the questions, and then listen again
means that I specialize in three sports. to check their answers.
Interviewer What are the three triathlon sports? Check answers with the class, and if necessary plal' the
Mary Triathlon includes swimming, running and recording again for students to hear the correct ans\\'e.s.
Interviewer So, have you been in many competitions? Answers
Mary Yes, I have - loads. I joined the school 1 seven 2 thirteen 3 two 4 at least twentl,-6t. ^.-.-
' running team when I was thirteen. Then I 5 You need to be healthy, very fit, and to have a pos;tire
was the City of Manchester schools' mental attitude. 6 Because they never feel like thel'r'e
done enough training.
swimming champion. After that, I joined the
Great Britain athletics team and I competed
Extra listening
in international triathlon competitions.
InterviewerAnd how many competitions have you th,E Dictate these sentences to students, or write them on
won? the board. Stuilents'listen again and fill in the gaps in the
Mary I've won two gold medals in international sentences.
InterviewerThat's amazing! And have you done a lot of
1 Mary Gallagherrwas twelve years old when she
,....,,.,,....,rher first competition.
2. , My pgrents sent me to swimming classes - simply to
Mary Yes, of course I have! I train for at least ' ase' up ITIY ..r,..;......::.
twenty-five hours every week, and I try to
do some spod every day. lt's hard work.
3 I do triathlon. That means that | ............ ..... in
three sports.
Interviewer Do you have much free time?
Mary No, I don't, but I usually go out at the
4 Have you been in many competitions? Yes, I have -
weekend. I love my friends.
It's difficult to ....
can be really hard Speohinf ffshing sbs*t sKp*ri*ffi*es
Check answers with the class, then chec< -:cs's.:-: -=
of the vocabulary, for example by asking s:rce^- ::
translate it jnto their own language. Elicit or exp,a,n ;-a:
@ .---.-- -:::^:re questions with the answers, paying
::.:-::^:: ::e subJect in the sentences. check answers
z'. = : - c' explain that we use the present perfectto ask I
': : -: :r:elienceS-
loods is an lnformal word for lots.

Answers Answers
1 entered 2 energy 3 specialize 4 loads 5 motivaie 1e 2d 3a 4c

Vo c ubulorg dxr, g* wnd pf*g

@ R.f.r students to the example questions and answers.

family members to find out how much sport they have

Students ask questions about their partner and his her
@ neaO the rules with the class and make sure that students
understand them. Elicit an example of a sport in each of
thc thrpc r:tcdoric<
done. Remind students to think about which verb to use
with each sport.

lf necessary, elicit some more examples from the class I

Refer students to the sports in the box and tell them to
check in their dictionaries for the meanings of any sports
they do not know. Students complete the table.
before students work in pairs.

Ask students to report to the class iftheir partner has a

very sporty family. Students can then vote on who has the I
Check answers and ask lf students can add any other
(nnrtq tn the t:hlp
sportiest family in the class.

Swort<oook page 16
do - gymnastics, judo, karate, triathlon
go - horse-riding, ice-skating, jogging, windsurfing
play - baseball. squash, volleyball

Sp Students complete the sentences with the correct form of
do, go or p/oy. Remind them to check with the table if they I
are not sure which verb to use.

1 play 2 do 3 went 4 played 5 done 6 go

7 B go

Extra vocabulary: win and beot

Elicit or explain that win and beat have very similar
meanings. but that they are used differently.

Write these sentences on the board and ask students to

complete them using the correct form of win or beat.
1 Who the football match last night?
2 Real Madrid .................. Manchester United.
3 | hope they .............:. the Champions' League. I
4 They have to Liverpool firsti

Check answers with the class, then elicit or explain that I

we win a competition, a medal, a game, etc., and we beot
a person or a team.

Encourage students to record the verbs in their

vocabulary notebooks with example sentences, to shorv
how each verb is used.

won 2 beat win 4 beat

1 3

D @student's Book page 24

IIll:-i::oin sports s biogruphg l;txnt*g $r*{r:.s

I . -: ::=3:^ef.
and tnen
@ Students discuss the question together. Ask
to report back on what information they think slo-;
sore s:,r.:-,:
i :: ^

r : -- I -rra<f rnn<

lr ^ot know the

a biography. Write good ideas on the board.

Students read the biography to see which of iSei: iceas a.e

incl uded.

r 3 :-::s-cc.tntry
-' .- -.: :tac bikes
: a'a z'e easier tO ride
Students' own answers

StrO.nts read the text again more carefully and ansrarer the

I - ::: :^' '=)^

-.- "= . Arrirlz
- ?^l:a. ':^e sentences are
She's one of the world's best femaie cyclists.
He's her manager and coach.

:=: 3 He's got a lot of cycling experience.
:,-::-,s erc ain their anSWerS, 4 She has worked hard to be a champion.

r Ansrrers
'-: -: ^..-,:: ,-:- ^ S Ca.igntef.
:. .= - --=,. ,::: ,^: :^--e'On y On SnOW.
-- - --:l:-..':. - :-e \\ trter OlympiCs in 1998.
Extra vocabulary

Ask students to read the text again and complete the

defin itions.

:. !: - Someone who cycles is a ..............,
,,c^-er men have tried it.
"':': \'.ere nard to ride because the front
-'-: - l'e,. 2 Someone who organizes and helps a sports oersor 's

. _i: d.,.,.,...,........
ri :< a coFr

-'-e - \iountain blkes are smaller. 3 Someone who trains a sports person is a

-rie - \'lountain biking became an Olympic sport in

'996 4 Someone who has won a competition is a

5 Someone people admire very much is a ......,
False - You can see mountain bikes everywhere,

Tntx lrour rr 1 cyclist 2 manager 3 coach 4 champion
5 hero / heroine

I Er,:ra
: to srudents that they are going to ta k about sport
,ie 'country.
?eac :^e cuestions and elicit some answers from the class
& Read the task with the class and make sure siudenis
understand that they are looking for words that link ideas
or sentences together.

I i,',- -e good iceas and vocabu ary on the board. Students

a-:.',e r:he questions together.
Students read the biography and find the Iinking words.


Add similar ideas - and, also, so
Contrast ideas - However, but

r @ Students choose the correct answer. Explain to studenrs

that they have to read each sentence carefully to decide if
the second idea is similar to the first or a contrast. They

can then choose the correct alternative.

1 but 2 He's also 3 and 4 However, she's 5 and 6 so

Extra activity

I Tell students to look at the way in which the link'r-g

words in the biography are used. Point out the use of the
comma after however and the use of the comma before
so. Point out that o/so is used after the auxiliary verb

Write the following sentences on the board and ask

students to join the sentences together, where possible.
using the linking word in brackets. Tell students to'use IIS:-::-:'s Bcok page 25
.o*Lu, where necessary.

Check answers with the class and make sure that

students have used commas correctly. Vo c obulorg

He has had a lot of disappointments. He is still
Q S--..n.s complete the sentences with the words in the
determined to become a champion. (However)
2 She has always loved horses. She is a very good rider.
(ond) Refer students back to page 19 if they need to revise the
He realised he wasn't fit enough. He decided to train meanings of the words.
harder. (so) Answers
4 She's won a lot of competltions in her own country. 'l pool 2 racket 3 slope 4 goggles 5 court 6 track

She's won two Olympic medals. (a/so) 7 poles B pitch

Answers StrOents complete the sentences with the correct form c'
1 He has had a lot of disappointments. However, he is
0o, go o( ptqy.

srill determined to become a champion.
She has always loved horses and she is a very good
He realised he wasn't fit enough' so he decided to
Refer students back to the rule on page 22 if Ihey need :c
train harder. 1 done 2 played 3 go 4 do 5 PlaYed 6 go
4 She's won a lot of competitions in her own country.
She's also won two Olympic medals.
Vscsbulers r*wi*er: Uxx{*s ?*X
Students make a list of their sporting and other heroes and
heroines. Students compare their lists together. @ complete the text with the correct words in
Students each choose one person from their llst and
answer the four questions. Check understanding of the vocabulary.
(p Students organise their answers from exercise 5 into Answers
advice track pool 5 go 6 pa: =-:

sentences. Remind students to think about which tense 1 optimistic 2 3 4
they should use, past simple or present perfect. 7 make B sensible

Check some answers with the class.

@ Explain to students that they must now write their own

biography. Tell them they should use the biography in
exercise 1 as a model, and they must include the
@ correct themistakes in the sentences. A lr: I
sentences they wrote in exercise 6.
sentences should have the present perfect. Refer s:uc:-:.
Read the reminders with the class and tell students it is to the Grammar reference on pages 102/103 if the'' ^:=:
very important to check their work after they have finished nel p.

Studenis can write their biography in class, and then check 1 She has never played hockey. 2 Have they finishec :-=

each other's work. Alternatively, students can write the exam? 3 Have you had breakfast? 4 Has he done !-.s

biography as homework. homework? 5 Have you driven your parents' car?

6 I've played tennis three times this week. 7 He has ra:
@Workbook page'17
a sports accident. B Ben has never won a race

Model answer
@ write sentences or questions with the presenl
I want to write qbout Tiger Woods becouse he's one of the

perJect and ever or never. Make sure that students

best golfers in the world.
understand that the sentences marked with quest on

Tiger was born in Orlondo, Florido, in 1975. He has alwoys marks should be made into questions, and the sentence:
loved golf qnd he storted playing when he was only two marked with crosses should be made into negative
years )ta. sentences.

He first ployed in o tournqment in 1995 but he didn'tfinish Answers

the competition because he hod an iniury. However, this 1 We've never played football for our school.
did not stop him and he soon stlrted competing agoin. He 2 Has your mum ever run a marathon?
has now won over 60 tournoments. 3 N1y dad has never seen an international rugby maich

I admire Tiger Woods because he is young ond exciting to
watch. He hos olso mode golf o much more populor gome
and has encouroged o lot of young people to stort pll.virQ

Have you ever been cycling with your friends?
l\e never done athletics at my school.
-'lar'e you ever visited the Olympic stadium in Aihens?
I 3'l--::' -ev'ieur: Unils 1-'2
Sstudent's Book page 95

r I c Cgnircclioas: 'irg {!?x* 's

Point out to students that we often shorten have and has

I .-:
'a'?'students to the
--i tthpv heve m:dc
when we are speaking.

f, Strdents listen and repeat, noticin ghow have and hos

are shortened to 'ye and s,

I 3 :'o<e 4 to run
*# point out that we do not shorten hove and hos in
questions. Students listen and repeat.

StrO"ntr match the questions with the answers and decide

I -:a sed B ran which forms of has and have can be shortened.

@ # Students listen and check their answers.

1d 2a 3b 4c

r Hove and has can be shortened in each of the answers:

a, b, c and d.



'The seven wonders of the world'
@ StrO"ntr read the text again and put the six places in the
correct age oroer.

Stonehenge Great Pyramid Great Wall of China Pharos

Burj al-Arab Burj Dubai
The Great Wall of China is 2,200 years old, the same age as

Vocabulary: . , ' Antioater's list. =
butt0lngs ano structures, negauve prelrxes
@ StrOents answer the questions, then read again to check
their answers.

. :.., - :
Present perfect (2), for or since?, olreody or ye{|, just Answers
. :.,.t 1 They were architectural / man-made buildings and
,: ., ' ","'
Culturefocus:, .
structu res.
Country|iving:..||..|.'..'':.. 2 lt was a lighthouse and its light shone 50 km over the
Writing: 3 They built it to bury King Khufu.
An interview, Ordering ideas

4 Antipater didn't know about places such as the Great
Wall of China and Stonehenge. I
Pronunciation,...... 5 Bur.i al-Arab is the tallest and most luxurious hotel in the
Weak vowels: /a/

6 lt will be the tallest building in the world.

f) g,? Students find nouns to match the definitions

1 storey
2 sailors
3 palm tree
4 villa
5 dhow
6 sail
$student's Book page 26

The seven wsnders af thc rssrld Vocobulorg Suildings ond

{} U& Refer students to the photos and the questions. Read
the Qulck tip with the class. Remind students that they
should read the text quickly to check their answers, and
@ StrO"nts listen to the interview and find the answer

that they should not worry ifthey do not understand every Answer
word. The correct answer is 'b'.

The Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt Tapsscnrpr

read the text again and find the names of the
places in the photos.

1 a palm island
The Great Pyramid
Burj al-Arab

Welcome to the programme. Today's guest
is Magnus Larsson, the radical Swedish
architect, and here to interview him is our
presenter, Madelaine Smith.
Tell us, Mr Larsson - what is architecture?
That's a good question. Basically,
architecture is the study of ihe design of
uNrr 3
buildings and structures. Most people
assume that architecture means making
atfactive buildings, Outifris isn't strictly
Dstroent's Book pqe 28
tue. Obviously, architects try to design
buildings and structures that look good,
but... bgra-tt* r*rerrce page 103

$rith: Do architects sometimes make unattractive

l-ansson: Of course! Look around your own town. Present perfecl (2)
Some buildings are terribly !91Y, but an
architect designed every one of them. Q StuO"ns look at the five qualities listed and choose the
three that they think make straw a good building material.
O Students add the words to the table They should then listen and r:ead and check tTieir answers.
Buildings Structures Answers
block of flats bridge 1b 2c 3e
castle monument
mall motorway @ StrO"ntt tick the boxes to show what is already complete
skyscraper port Answers
tower* tower* 1 doors
tunnel 2 windows
* Tower can go in both columns.
Bridges, motorways, ports and tunnels are for {sr sr since?
@ Uting the words from exercise 7, students complete the $Grurrur reference page 103
@ Explain thatfor and since are commonly used with the
1 motorway present perfect but that they are used differently from
2 monument each other. Read the example sentences with the class.
3 castle Students complete the rules for the use of for and since.
4 block of flats
5 bridge Answers
6 tunnel A2 81
7 port
B mall @ StuO"ntr complete the table with the time expressions.
Encourage students to study the rules again if they are
9 Students'own answers
unsure where an expression should go. Explain that 2005,
@ Stro"ntr'own answers for example, refers to a point in time when something
started, rather than a duration of a year. Check answers
with the class and elicit other time expressions to add to
the table.

for - along time, 40 minutes, a week, three days, ten years
since - 12th April, 2005, last Sunday, my birthday, two

@ Students complete the sentences with for or since.

Encourage students to use the table in exercise 4 and the
rules in exercise 3 to help them.
1 for 2'for 3 since 4 since 5 for 6 since 7 since
B for

@ Oo the first example with the whole class if necessary

Point out that students must look at the time expression in
the sentence in order to decide whether to use for or

1 People have live in skyscrapers for only a hundred years.
2 Ali Karimi has played football for lran since 1998.
3 This building has been famous for a long time.
4 Students have studied at Oxford for nearly 900 years.
5 Pakistan has had a cricket team since the 1950s.
6 Mohamed al-Fayed has owned the Paris Ritz
since 1979.
l-1otel Ansrters
' l-= -..- - ::?i :le Eiffel Tower yet. 2 Have you had
::-'-z::: ass yet? 3 I've already read that book'

7 Has David Beckham lived in Madrid for longr
B Petra in Jordan has existed for more than 2,500 years. -1:-:.: :lei rad lunch yet? 5 l've already emailed my
" e-c.. 6 \\e haven't played hockey yet.
Extra grammar ,. - some examples of things that students have done
@ =
Write these questions on the board and ask students to recenily and also things that they plan to do soon, and
write answers for them, using both for and since rvrite these in a table on the board. Draw attention to the
examples and point out that students should just write
long have you lived here?
long have you been at this school?
long have You studied English?
long have you been in this classroom today?
ns1s5 (give homework... ) and should not put the verbs
into the correct tenses. Students write their lists
individually. Elicit a few more examples from individual a
students and write these on the board.
5 How long have you known your best friend?
Students' own answers

*fr**dry *r ff#f? @ n.t t students

to the example dialogue. Using the table on
the board, from exercise 10, elicit some questions from the
@stuo.nt's Book page 29 examples, and point out that the question form is the
same for items in both columns, but that the answer will

@Gturnrur reference page 103
be different. Elicit some examples of answeis from both
columns so that students can see the difference. Students
@ StrO.nts find the examples of already and yel in the
work in pairs and swap their lists from exercise '10 with
dialogue in exercise 1, and look at when the two words are
their partner. Students then ask and answer questtons
used with the Present Perfect.

Students then complete the rules with alreqdy and yet

Check answers with the class and make sure that students
based on their partners' lists. Ask some pairs to perform
their questions and answers for the whole class.
understand the rules. jusr
1 already 2 yet
l*Grurtur reference Page 103

Extra translation.

To check that students understand the meaning of

@ ntt students to find an example of iustin themake
dialogue in
exercise 1. Read the rules with the class and sure
that students understand that we use lusf with the present I
alreody andyet, ask students to translate these sentences perfect when something has happened very recently Get
into their own Ianguage. students to translate we have iust started to fill the wqlls
with bqtes 0f strlw, to check their understanding
1 Don't phone Maria. I've already phoned her.

Have you finished your homework yet? @ write sentences to describe the pictures using the
3 The football match hasn't finished yet. present perfect and iusf' Refer students back to the rules in
exercise 12 to help them.
@ R"te, students to the example sentence. Students decide

which word fits the meaning of the sentence, qlreldy or
1 He's just closed the shop. 2 He's just missed the bus'
yef, depending on whether the sentence is affirmative,
3 He's iust listened to some music. He hasn't just opened a
negative, or a question. They must ihen add the word into

the correct position in the sentence.
Encourage students to use the rules in exercise 7 to help Cens*lidst**x
@ ff is exercise contains examples of grammar points
1 | haven't helped her yet.
2 Has he finished yet?
3 You've already borrowed enough money. 4 Have they
arrived yet? 5 She's already drunk her coffee.
covered in this unit. Encourage students to refer to the
rules and examples in the unit, and to the Grammar
reference on page '103 to help them choose the correct I

students to the example sentence. Students write

@ n.t.t
1 just 2for 3 since 4 Yet 5 just
sentences with the present perfect and alreody or yet
Remind students to look for a tick, cross or question mark
before they answer.
reference Page'1 03

uNrr 3
So much architecture these days is
Listening unoriginal. lt looks the same ... it looks like it
comes out of a packet! lt's modern, but
$Stuo"nt's Book page 3o impersonal. But Zaha Hadid has never tried
to be like other architects. Her designs are
unconventional, and always exciting, fresh
IIlg hero and new.
Smith: Why is ZahaHadid so good?
Q n"t"r students to the photos and elicit suggestions on
Larsson: Perhaps it's because she's different to other
what the different buildings are. Then listen and check
architects. I mean, the typical British
Answers architect is a white male - very different to
a ski jump Hadid. Maybe being foreign has helped her
b fire station succeed in the UK, I don't know.
c science centre Smith: Do a lot of other people admire Zaha Hadid,
or is it just you?
@ StrO"ntr listen and answer the questions.
Larsson: No, no! I'm one of many fans! Zaha Hadid is
Answers the best female architect in the world! She
1 Because it is informal to use a first name rather than a won the highest international award in
surname. architecture in 2004: the Pritzker
2 She's lraqi, from Baghdad. Architecture Prize.
3 She's an architect. Smith: Where can we see Hadid's architecture
She's never been afraid to be original. then?
The typical British architect is a white man and Zaha Larsson: That's the crazy thing: it's impossible to see
Hadid is a woman. her work in this country! The English are
Nobody has asked her to make anything for England very unadventurous, and nobody has
yet. Her only UK work is in Scotland. commissioned Hadid to build anything in
They both attended the same architecture school in England yet. She's just won a commission
London (the Architectural Association). for a building in Scotland, which is good
news, but apart from that, you need to go
abroad to see her buildings. One of her
most famous desiqns is the Beroisel Ski
Jump in Austria...
Smith: Thank you and welcome to Part 2 of today's
Smith: A ski jump?
Larsson: Yes, you know, skiers go to the top of the
Magnus Larsson is the director of
slope, and then they go really fast down a
'Stockhomes', an architecture collective in
track and at the end, they jump as far as
Sweden. Larsson is the architect who
they can. Hadid's also designed the Phaeno
everybody is talking about at the moment,
Science Centre in Germany - it looks like a
and we have him here in the studio. Earlier
huge ship, I think! And she designed a fire
in the programme, we asked Mr Larsson
station for a company called Vitra, also in
what 'architecture' really means. Now we're
Germany. The Vitra fire station looks a little
going to get informal! So, Mr Larsson ...
impractical. ln fact, it looks more like a
Larsson: Call me Magnus - that's informal!
monument than a building! That's Hadid's
Smith: So, Magnus, who is your hero?
skill. She can turn an ordinary idea into an
Larsson: That's another very good question! Let me

incredible buildinq.

I've been an architect since 2001 , but before

Smith: You say thatZaha Hadid is your hero. Hor.r
has she influenced you?
that, I was a journalist. And the person who
Larsson: She inspired me to become an architect. for

inspired me to give up journalism and to
a start. I even followed her to the same
become an architect was Zaha Hadid.
architecture school! When she arrived in
Smith: Who's Zaha Hadid?

London, Hadid studied at the Architectural
Larsson: She's an lraqi architect. She was born in
Association, so I went there when I was
Baghdad in '1950, but she's lived in the
studying to be an architect. lt's a brilliant
England for nearly 40 years. She studied
architecture in London in the 1970s, and she
Smith: Well, it must be a good school, Mr Larsson!

was young and still relatively inexperienced
Your success is almost as dramatic as
when she got a job at the famous Ofiice for
Hadid'sl Good luck and thank you for talking
Metropolitan Architecture. She's taught
to us today.
architecture in the world's best universities.

I and now she has her own architecture

company in England.
Smith: So, why is Zaha Hadid your hero?
Larsson: Because she's unafraid of trying new things.
Vo cobulurg Ilegntive prefixes Gountrg living
Reier sludents to the photos' Elicit some answers to
O -e Make sure that students understand what negative O Sa
dre ouestions about the people in the photos and write
prefixes are. Read the list of adiectives with the class and
.lseful vocabulary on the board'
make sure students understand them, for example by
asking them to translate them into their own language' Students answer the questions together, and then read
and listen to the text to check their answers'
Students add a negative prefix to each adjective' and then
listen and check their answers. Answers
1 Greenland

1 unadventurous 2 unafraid 3 unconventional

2 lreland and the UK

4 inexperienced 5 informal 6 unoriglnal 7 impersonal

3 Thailand

B impossible 9 imPractical
4 Mongolia match the words in the box with the letters

@ match the negative prefix adjectives, 1-9' from @
exercise 4 to the meanings, a-i. Check answers with the Answers
class and check understanding of all the adjectives' a igloo
Answers b caravan
a3 b5 c1 dB e2 f7 g9 h6 c tunnel
d horse
e palm leaves
Sp euhing llcing intervieus f hut
g stilt
@ match the questions 1-6 with the answers a-f' h ladder
$ Students listen to the dialogue to check their answers' i ger
then listen again and repeat. Stop the tape after each line j thick material
and ask students to repeat. Encourage them to use the
@ answer the questions, referring back to the text
correct intonatlon.
where necessarY'
1c 2e 3f 4a 5d 6b
1 Huts have roofs of Palm leaves'

() StrO"ntt think of their own answers to the questions in

2 Sothat animals can't climb into the hut to steal food'

exercise 5. Students then interview each other about

3 The materials (ice and snow) are good for insulation'
and the entrance tunnel keeps the cold winds out'
architecture, using questions based on those in exercise 5'
4 Nomads move house a lot and gers are easy to
Ask some pairs to perform their interviews for the class' transport on a horse'
5 The live in caravans and they pull the caravans with
*WorkbookPage22 cars or horses.
$stuoent's Book Page 31
6 Most of the materials are natural (wood; bamboo;
leaves; ice; snow; material)'

Read the questions with the whole

class and elicit some answers. Write
good ideas and useful
vocabulary on the board. Students discuss the


lr irtcrvieu 0rdering idecs
I srt bok at the photo and discuss what is unusual
ttE pbne- They then read the interview to check
t-ffi. .

Q ltfsb*dthefour phrases and decide what order
trrynftaear ln atext.
| fuofal,
2 Seuxtry,
3 ll€rtt'
4 tud finally.
@ SurOe"s put frc phrases into the correct order, from first
to hst. Check undentanding ofthe phrases and point out
the comma after each of the ohrases.

First of all, Secondly, Next, And finally

@ StrO"ntr look at the interview again and answer the


1 She uses the present perfect
2 He uses the past simple.
5 Students'own answers
6 Students'own answers
7 Students'own answers
@student's Book page 33
Vo c ubulorg
@ StuOents complete the sentences with the words in the
page 27 if
box. Refer students back to the vocabulary on :


1 tower 2 porl 3 mall 4 castle 5 motorway

6 bridge 7 monument

@ add the correct negative prefixes to the

adjectives. Refer students back to the vocabulary on
30 if necessarY.

1un 2un 3in 4in 5un 6un 7im 8im I
Y**mfustsrli rsvist&$: i.$nits tr:3
I choose the correct alternatives
1 goggles 2 made 3 lnexperienced 4 shy

5 sensible 6 Pitch 7 PlaY B tunnel
9 give 10 dorng

@ R.te, students to the example sentence' Students rewrite
the sentences with the present perfect and for or since Do
another example with the whole class if necessary
students back to the

rules on page 28 if necessary'

My mum hasn't drunk coffee since I was a baby'

2 He's been in Morocco for three weeks' )

3 We haven't seen her since yesterday'
4 Simone has lived in London since she was 12'
5 I haven't seen my cousins for two years'
6 They've lived near Algiers since 2006'
7 I've had a bicycle for three years'

@ R.t.t students to the example sentence Students choose )

the correct word in brackets and write the sentences uslng
the present perfect. Refer students back to the rules on
page 29 if necessarr.
1 | haven't asked him Yel
2 She's alreadY told me uOor,,nt t"t
3 We haven't eaten all the plzzas yet'
4 l've just Pressed the button.
5 They've already built three bridges'

I 6-rnnr' -cvicu: Units l-i L*stuoent's Book page 95

rrt --:: :-: -: - :ext througn
'-:.---. a
-:--a:,.es. Check answers
lllenh voulels: i'el
O * Tell students that some vowels are pronounced /a/'

I --::-= :: :^: 'elevant Grammar

the 'schwa'sound, when they are not stressed. Students
listen and repeat the two versions of each word: the
second version in each case has the weak form.

e t Students listen and repeat the sentences, paying
attention to the weak blue words.

S eoint out that the /o/ sound is very common, for

I example in words such as auxiliaries. Students listen and

circle the /a/ sound in each sentence.

r Answers
The following words in the sentences are unstressed and
contain the /e/ sound.

1 do 2 does 3 can 4 were 5 can

I * Students listen again and repeat the sentences,

paying attention to the weak forms.


Remember that this section is not a test. lt is simply to make teacheG and students aware of areas that need more work and
to give students confidence in the areas in which they are progressing. You can do the revision section all together
as a class,
in small groups or individuallY.

@StrOent's Book page 34 *StrO"nt's Book pages 35 and 36

StuOents choose the correct character adjective in each Q Remind students to think about the difference between
@ the past simple and past continuous lf necessary, elicit the
difference with the whole class first and revise the use of
Check answers with the class and check understanding of the two tenses. Students.write the story, using the prompts
all the adjectives used. under each picture.

Answers Answers
sensible 2 hard-working 3 honest 4 Pessimistic
5lazy 6polite 7mean Bsensitive
1 Jane was talking on her mobile phone when she saw a :
. robbery. 2A thief stole a guitar while the owner was
reading a magazine. 3 While the thief was running away.
Q StrO.ntr answer the questions about sports. Jane took a photo of him with her mobile phone. 4 The
Answers owner of the guitar was running after the thief when he I

1 Any two of: swimming, skiing, snowboarding. fell over. 5 Jane was helping the owner of the guitar to
2 Trunks are what a boy or man wears for swimming get up when she recognized him. 6 While Jane was

3 on a rugby pitch. describing the thief, Liam gave Jane a ticket to his next )
4 Any three of: football, tennis, badminton, hockey. concert.
5 skiing 6 on a ski-slope 7 tennis, badmlnton
B football, tennis, basketball, hockey, rugby @ ReminO students to read the text through first and think
9,10 Student's own answers. about which is the longer action and which is the shorter
action in each sentence. Students complete the text with
neminO students to think about the rules they learned in the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in
Unit 2 about when to use do, go and ploy. Students brackets.
complete the sentences with the correct forms of the Answers
verbs. 1 saw 2 was waiting 3 was standing 4 saw
5 were watching 6 asked 7 was working 8 enjoyed
'l played 2 goes 3 played 4 done 5 go 6 plays 9 was performing 10 offered
7 did I went
R"t r students to the example sentence. Students write

ReminC students to read the text through once for general sentences using glo to ot use with the infinitive of purpose
meaning before they complete it with the words in the Answers
box. 1 Chefs use riceto make paella. 2 Runners go to a track
to go running. 3 Skiers go to the mountains to go skiing.

1 mall 2 port 3 bridge 4 blocks of flat 5 skyscraper 4 Students use a dictionary to find words. 5 Taxi drivers ;
6 monument use cars to drive people. 6 Tennis players use rackets to
olav tennis. 7 Writers use novels to tell a story

Gt Students add one of the three negative prefixes to each

adjective and then complete the sentences with the

1 inexperienced 2 unconventional 3 impractical
4 impolite 5 impossible 6 impersonal
@ StrOentt complete the sentences using the present perfect
form of the verbs in the box. Remind students to think
about which verbs are regular and which are irregular.

t haven't visited 2 Have, seen 3 haven't bought
4 has read 5 haven't given 6 Has, designed

7 unadventurous B informal
'\e hought 8 has slePt

REvrstoN: uNrrs I -3
e' :
0n and answer.
O''rS for the answers.
$student's Book page 37

\=f4- @ net"r students to the photos and the question. Students

: --
-l:: -ttC^? 2 Have yOU read the first line of the text to check their answer. Elrcrt
-i: --: :-: :,ef WOn the the meaning of iron and ironing.
a, = :-:-:.',ed lefe?
-- -- = . -'de France? He is ironing his clothes.
: -' - -:.:',JU evef dfiven
Q StuOents complete the text with the words in the box.

o using the correct form of the verbs. Some words are

needed more than once. Remind students to read the rexr
through first for general meaning, and to think about the
\-r€-: grammar of each sentence as well as the meaning when
deciding which words fit each gap.

1 already 2 hasn't ironed 3 isn't ironing 4 since
5 went 6 formed 7 organises B silliest 9 never
'10 was ironing 11 use 12 possible ,13 jrons
14 yet
15 ironed 16 ever 17 do 1B frlends 19 inexperienced
20 sensible

,_::-- :: :-: ::-3 3:ec example at the beginning

: a ::-:. S:,:e^: col t e:e the conversation with
..:: .' ,,.: a-c :^e D.esent perfect of the verbs in

1 : aie ).ou ftnished, yet 2 've just said 3 has just taken
4 :ave. spoken to, yet 5 has already called
6 ha',,en't had, yet

@ Students complete the questionnaire with the present

perfect form of the verbs and then answer the questions
about themselves.

1 i'ave vou lived 2 have you been 3 have you studied
4 !a'.e !'ou done 5 have you spent 6 have you played
the questions with the class and explain to students
@ neaO
that they must answer them in their own words if possible'
Remind students that for this type of task they must find
Readin$: the relevant part of the text and then read it very carefully
'Climbing to the toP'
in order to find the right answer'

Phrasal verbs ('1), meanings,of get 1 His nickname is Spiderman. 2 He doesn't use ropes'
3 He lost his keys and his parents were out
4 He wasn't
Grammar: able to climb and he fouhd it hard to walk'. 5 They are
Future forms, Future forms (1) . going to made of glass and metal. 6 The 508-metre Taipei 101 tower'
Future forms (2): Present contlnuous
Future time exPressions @ find words in the textto match the definitions'
Check answers with the class and check understanding of
the new vocabulary.
Listeni n g'Keepi ng in touch', Speakin g lMaking arrangements'
Culture focus: . 1 unique 2rope 3 nasty 4 scaled 5 challenging
Dream holidaYs, HolidaY habits 6 exhausted 7 ascent I crazy

Writing: Extra activitY: PrePositions

An informal letter, Parts of a letter .

Dictate these sentences from the text and ask students

to complete them with the correct prepositions' Students
then check their answers in the text'
Silent letters
1 Only'spiderman'Alain climbsskyscrapers
2 He lostthe keys ....'.'..:" his parents'apartment'
3 metres
He fell 15 a building'
4 The towers are made . . .. . " ' glass and metal'
5 This is the tallest building "' " ': the world'
@stroent's Book Page 38 6 The windows were wet . .""'":' rain'

Climbing to the toP 1 without zto 3 from 4 of 5 in 6 with

* Ref.t students to the title of the unit and elicit or

explain the meaning of Hopes and dresms
Vocobulorg fhrsssl verbs {3}
Refer students to the photos and the title and elicit ideas
about what the text is going to be about. Remind students DstrOent's Book Page 39
that when they read a text for the first time, they should
read it quite quickly, and should not worry if they do not @ fUale sure that students understand what phrasal verbs
understand everY single word. are. Elicit some phrasal verbs that students already know'
for examPle get uP, sit down'
Students' own answers
Students find the phrasal verbs in the text and translate
the Quick tip with the class. Students match the them into their own language. Explain to students that
@ neaO
they must use the context around the phrasal verb to
headings to the Paragraphs.
understand its meaning.
1F 2A 38 4D 5E 6C Students' own answers

r A\
,', th the phrasal @stro.nt's Book page 40

I .-C check their

@Gramrar reference page 104

r Q.
.,- . : _.". ).
--- :-,_^---:^ .errsin English,
:-'-: = i ,._'l^.asalverbs.
5 take off
tuture forms
{p nef.r students to the photos and the title. StucJenLS g-e:s

! :: ': the meaning of tall ships.


Elicit or teach the verb sail.
_-_, Answer
:_ :. Tall ships are old sailing ships with several masts and
many rectangular sails.

I '-:-
-. -:
-' --j
: ,:: : --::: ::-::-:3S:O
-:.. : -:. j:-::- . -jCOfnpr€te
the CIaSS @ i= Students read and listen to the text and answer the
questions. Remind students that they should write jn full

__ "a _:.'_-- :':-: :^-asa'.etbswith sentences.

1 There are going to be about thirty people.
you should 2 Yes, the sea is going to be rough and they aren,t

going to get much rest.
... the 3 The race is thirty days long.

. .. ieople who cheat in

'.a'? 1c-., .. so her grandmother

tutu re f orms (l) ryss,'r,r rt

.. ....4e!..
5 -^:,eac^c:s going to ....
ar-e the @ neaO the rules about gotng to wrth the class anc maKe
sure that students understand everything Stuclents tf\,
:--! e-: of buli_ving at school _.J

remember how to form negatives and quest ons. Reie,

Answers them to the grammar reference on page 104 for he r
'i to
cc< ^g fon^,,ard 2 look, up 3 look up to @ StuOents underline the uses of going to in the text aic
4 crk dolvn on 5 looked after 6 look into decide whether each use is a plan / intention or a
prediction based on evidence. lf students are finding tn s
*\t'orkbook pages 29, 32 difficult, tell them that only one of the examples is a piar

I Tlrtt nsour lr

He's going to be the youngest person to take part ... _
S:,::^--. nake a list of five things they would like to do
- '-e ':t';r.e. uslng the lvords in the bor or their own
What is it going to be like, paul? - prediction
::.: :, c,., s:!dents time to think of ideas and make

It's going to be great! - prediction
'^:' :': -: i Cua lS'. and then elicit ideas from the class There are going to be about thirty other people ... _
..' -: ;tl. :eas a.c useful vocabularv on the board.
p red iction

i:-::^:. : sa-!> cJes: on 2. itsing t;eir- rsis of hopes ls the race going to be difficult?

- prediction
'' ' :,=s-- t- - ,: -e i i^e-. The sea's golng to be rough ... - prediction
We aren't going to have much rest. - prediction
Are you going to miss anything ...? - prediction

l'm going to miss my mum's cooking. prediction
She's goingto cook a big meal ... - plan / intention

S net r students to the example sentence. Students rvrrte

r sentences with going to using the prompts. Remind

students to notice if the affirmative, negative or questton
form is required.

r Answers
I'm going to buy a new cornputer.
Are they going to get up earll'?
Emma is going to write a lette: :o i.e" a_.-:
4 Zidane isn't go:n3 io 3 a-. -- s .,-1- Errra grammar: present continuous or going to?
Are we going to a'ri',e J^ -
You aren t go,r^g to iln'si
'c" : --- :.'. -'

Remind students that they should reao iil-c-:- :^: "'

-: :
text once, for general meaning. before ther coi-3 ::3 :-:

i=- -;
:: :- =>=
sen:ences on the board and ask students to
;:a:^em using the present continuous or going to
siucents to think about whether each sentence
io an arrangement (present continuous), a plan or t
-:er:ion (going to) or a prediction (going to).
text with the going fo form of the verbs in the box
1 \1y uncle ..... . (come) to visit us at the
Answers weekend.
to win 2 are going to prepare

1 Are, going
2 | (work) in a bankwhen I'm older'
3 are going to work 4 'm not going to climb 3 Sam is playing football at the moment. He
5 'm going to cook 6 ]s, going to be 7 're going to wear . .(be) tired later.
4 I'm sorry. lmust leave. 1 ..... ...... . . (meet) . .

Sara at three o'clock.

tuture forms (2) Pr*sen! e**tisusus 5 Look at those black clouds. I think it

Book page 41

reference page 104

is coming - arrangement
'm going to work - Plan / intention F
@ neaO the rule with the class and explain to students that
this is a new use of the present continuous. Elicit that
usually ihe present continuous describes an action that is
's going
'm meeting
's going 1s
to be - Prediction

- arrangement
happening now.

Students read the text in exercise 1 again and find

sentences in the present continuous. Students then answer Futur e time expressions
the questlons.
1 No, he is sailing on the ship next month. 2 No, the
0 Students find five of the future time expressions in the
in exercise 1 and answer the question.
ship is going to England. 3 His parents are meeting him Answer
at the end. 4 After the ship leaves Spain, it isn't stopping We use the present simple after future time expressl0ns'
until it arrives in England.
@ Students complete the sentences with the correct form c'
Extra grammar: Present or future?
To help students identify the present continuous for
future use, dictate these sentences to students Ask
students to read the sentences and write P (present) for
those that refer to present time and F (future) for those
the verbs in brackets. Each sentence has a future time
expression, and so the present simple is needed in each

1 gets 2 leave 3 is 4 comes 5 have 6 arrtves
that refer to future arrangements.
1 again and choose the
@ read the text in exercise
I'm studying English at the moment'
l'm meeting my friends after school.
We re leaving at six o'clock.
lt's raining.
correct future time expressions. Tell students to think ve^
carefully about the meaning of each future time express;o-
before they choose. I
My uncles coming to visit at the weekend.
Maria's wearing a lovelY jumper'

1P 2F 3F 4P 5F 6P
1 when 2 until 3 as soon
6 by the time

Extra translation
as 4 after 5 until
To check understanding of time expressions, dictate )
@ ;3 Students read the diary and complete the dialogue
these sentences or write them on the board and ask
using the present continuous. Do the first question with
the whole class if necessary. Students listen and check
tnelr answers.
students to translate them,into their own language.

Check answers with the class and compare the tenses

that are used in the students'own language
1 l'm going to play football after I finish my homework'
1 'm flying 2 're having a family reunion
3 'm going to the cinema 4 'm preparing for the race 2 She's going to meet us as soon as she finishes school )
3 lt's golng to be dark by the time we get home.

5 'm not doing
4 l m staying with a friend until my parents get home.
5 He \rants to be a doctor when he's older.
6 ! i',ant to visit London while l'm in England.

uNrr 4
I Liste ning

r I -:-- -jOUS example.

,- .-::rcressions ln the
: - :'=s:i: continuous fornl
$stuoent's Book page 42

*{eeping in taucir

I :.! soon as
-5:o spend
# Ref.r students to the photo and elicit the expressron
message in o bottle.

7 until
Students discuss the questions together, and tfren listen
l):----;: =.!-1'<-
and check their answers.

il I) .r : -.:':,:< :.:3: : -
1 People send messages in a bottle to ask for many
different things.
2 People usually find them on beaches.


lmagine that you're sailing across the Atlantic Ocean next

I week. How are you going to contact your family?

These days, most people at sea would use a satellite
phone to contact their family and friends. But two

I hundred years ago, there weren't any satellite phones, so
people at sea wrote messages instead. They put their
message into a bottle, and then they threw the bottle

I Into the sea.
People who send a message in a bottle don't know who's
going to read it. Most bottles get lost, but some bottles
travel thousands of kilometres before another person gets

I the message. They usually appear on beaches, where
they can be difficult to spot!
Two hundred years ago, most messages in a bottle were

asking for help. Nowadays, people who send messages in
bottles ask for all kinds of things. Some people are even
looking for love!

ln two thousand and one, John Newton sent a message in
a bottle from a beach in Florida, USA. In two thousand
and three, John's bottle appeared on a beach in Cornwall,

I' England! Mary White found the bottle and she read his

letter. She decided to write to him and, after many more
letters and phone calls, they visited each other - and they

fell in love. Now they are getting married.
A lot of messages in bottles have unbelievable stories, but
the most amazing messages are in space. In nineteen
seventy-seven, the American space agency, NASA, put a
'message to the universe' inside two Voyager space rockets.

t Each 'message to the universe' contains pictures, music and

messages in fiftyJive languages. NASA hopes that one day,

l- one ofthe messages will reach another planet, and that

space travellers will read it and learn about Earth.

a Read the questions with the class and make sure that

l- students understand them. You may have to explain NASA

in question 6. Model the pronunciation to help studen:s

listen for the answer to the question. Students ans\\,er :^e
questions and then listen again to check their ansrvers.

l- Answers
1 They can use a satelllte phone. 2 Most messages as\ec
for help. 3 lt took about two years to get to Cornwall.

4 He is getting
message. 5
marr.e::J:-: ,r a-a- t,- _.:--: -_-:
a:e p c-'t:. --: : a-J -=..'-=a, -
The-"- Spe ohing III ahing rlrxnye g ams rit s
fifty-five languages. \\hicn \.,e:e c-: -s :e :,'.: ::a:-
rocLets. 6lt hopes rnat space ira\e.,e-s e- 2_- --.-e- 5\ S:.o.nts listen and repeat the conversation. Stop the
planet will find one of the messages and learr acc-: ia:- -pe afier each line. Encourage students to use the correct
in:onation. Students practise the conversation in pairs. Ask
Extra listening: collocates of message some pairs to perform the conversation to the whole class.
au) Write these sentences on the board or dictate them
to students. Ask students to complete each sentence
with a verb. Students then listen again and check their
@ nllo* students time to prepare a conversation similar to
the conversation in exercise 5. Students should only
change the green words in exercise 5. Point out that they
must use an -ing form of the verb after the expression Do
1 There weren't any satellite phones, so people at sea you fancy... Get students to practise their conversations in
messages instead.
pairs. Ask some pairs to perform their conversations to the
2 People who ... whole class.

a message in a bottle don't
know who's going to read it. b*Wort<book page 32
3 Some bottles travel thousands of kilometres before
another person ........., the message.
4 ln 2001, John Newton a message in a
S Nnin |,opes that space travellers will ............. the

message and learn about Earth.

1 wrote 2 send 3 gets 4 sent 5 read

feft students that the verb get is used a lot and that it has
three common meanings. Read the rules and examples t
with the class. Students match the three common
meanings of getto the sentences.
1C 28 3A 4C 58 64
@ R.t r^ students to the example and point out that the verb

received has been replaced with gof. Revise the present
continuous and past form of get. Point out the irregular
past form and the double 't' in the present continuous.
Students rewrite the sentences using the correct form of
g et.

1 l'll get you lunch. 2 She got angry quite quickly. :
3 l'm going to get him a present. 4 What time are you
getting home? 5 Yes, I got my trainers there.

6 We all get older every day.

.:: 'idogs
t:: '

@student's Book page 44

tl D
o :.::-: --:<eSUfethey
0n inf ormal lgttel i?r.qits iii f,. ,,",.,;

I & StuOents look at the photos and make a list of all the
- .:-.-=' :-o then read the activities you could do at a summer camp.

rI e ,--
c ass an0
reao Ine
':.'<.3ess and
Typical answers
CIimbing, canoeing, rafting, walking
abseiling. sailing camping
/ hikrng read the letter to see how many activities

mentioned from their lists.

Climbing, trekking, canoeing, cooking on a camp-fire,
/ trekking.


, --
learning karate, going to a film, taking part in an
,nternational spo'ts competition

neaO the eight parts of a letter with the class and make
sure students understand them. You may have to explain
closing phrctse. Students match the parts of the letter.

2 She's going to

3 He's leaving 1a 2d 3e 4f 5h 6c 7g Bb
4 He's going to
Extra activity

I '-.: -.^? :,.::: lrS',,,:ih

Explain to students that when they write an inforn ai
letter they should use informal vocabular;r and "0"^'a
sentence structures.

fne CIaSS and e iCit SOme
:::::: a.-S,.e'S. Read out these words, expressions and sen:e.::: a-:
ask students to find informal equivalents ir:"e ,:.:
'--::s:a-_,. r-e', se ihe names and pronunciations of
- -; -^. .l-." 1 Hello

___ -:: - -lcLtd>).
2 Thank you
: : , ,'.:'cs a.nd expressions that students will need to 3 lam writingto tell you what I have been c:'.
-: -a . el3-: iot rany oeopls 16 someth'ng. for 4 | have some bad news to tell you.
You can visitus in Oxford. However. \'ou ca'i . s: -.s
in July.

Check answers with the class and point out the informal

I vocabulary, e.g. Hi there, and the informal punctuation

and sentence structures. e.g, the use of a colon :.
number 4 and the use of a dash (-) instead of a comma

in number 5.

1 Hi there

^oliday? 3 This is an update on what l've been doing.
4 The bad news:

5 You can visit us in Oxford - but not in JuTyl
I r n:rpntc?
@ Exptain to students that they must now plan the r o,,r,n
informal letter, to tell a friend about their plans for a dreanr
holiday. Read through the planning steps with the c ats

I and allow time for students to plan their letter. Studenis

could change more than just the red parts of the letter. if

r they need a bigger challenge. but they should ensure ihar:

they have included ali eight parts of the lerte'.


Strd"ntr now write their own letters, based on thd iener'
in exercise 2, either in class or for homework.

Remind students that when they have finished writing thel

lStuO"nt's Book page 45 I
should check their spelling, punctuation and grammar. Vocobulorg

@Workbook page 33
@ choose the correct phrasal verb for each gap and
then decide which tense to use. Remind students to read
Model answer the text through first for general meaning before they
25 Rose Lone

complete the task.
4th Morch
t has looked forward to
2 puts on 3 looks for
5 go back 6 doesn't give up
7 carries on

Dear Chris, 4 takes

Hi there, thanks for your emoil. I con't email you atthe match the meanings of gef with the uses of get'-
moment because our computer isn't workrng. Here's qn
the sentences.
updote on whot I've been doing qnd whot I'n planning for
the summer.

The bad news: my porents ore staying at home this

summer becquse my dqd's going to be reolly busy with his
a3 b1 c3 d2 e1 f2
business. The good news: I'm going on holidoy to Fronce
with some friends! Can you believe it? My dreom holidoy!
Vocabulcrg revieur: tlnits
?*s& choose the correct alternatives. Check answers I

We're staying in q summer cqmp in the Dordogne in
and check understanding of any difficult vocabulary in the
August, ond there ore going to be loqds of octivities to do. sentences.
We con go swimming and conoeing in the river, or we con
ploy tennis, footbotl, badminton ond volleyball We're olso Answers
made 2 goI 3 looking forward to
4 rehearse

going on some really long bike rides. I'm reolly Iooking 1
forward to it' lt's going to be great! 5 Put on 6 do 7 Mean 8 uncomfortable

Hove you got ony plans for the summerT

Remember, you cqn visit us in Manchester


Wite soon,
- but not rn
@ StrOentt complete the sentences with going fo' Check
answers with the class and refer students to the Grammar
reference on page 104 ifthey need to revise the forms'

Answers I
1 I'm goingto make some sandwiches. 2 She's going
to buy a horse. 3 Are they going to get tickets for the
match? 4 He isn't going to travel by plane.
5 Are you
to be a TV producer when you're older? 6 l'm not
going to help you.

StrC"ntt complete the conversation with the present I -

continuous form of the verbs in the box. Check answers
with the class and refer students to the Grammar refere^::
on page 104 if necessary.

1 're meeting 2 isn t arriving 3 're leaving
4 is he staying 5 's going 6 are flYing

@ facn sentence contains an error. Students correct the

errors. Check answers with the class and refer students -:
the Grammar reference on page 104 if necessary I
1 Let's play tennis as soon as it stops raining' 2 When:-:
taxi arrives, we're going to get in it. 3 She's going to ea: I
uNrr 4
after she has a shower. 4 I'm going to swim while I'm o'
roliday. 5 As soon as the lesson ends we're going home

Enlrrr r:vilul: Units i-tl Dstudents'Book page 96

| -,"-r4 rri3-= : ---3:-: :-: r,-cie text through once Silent lelters
:- :' = -n:- :=':': :^ey complete the task.
=tz. :--
_ _ _,_- ;__::,1:).

fo=: O $ Explain that in some words certain letters are silent

Play the recording for students to listen and repeat
r -::: 5 ^ever
-- -E
: -= :: :\r?:
o @ etay the recording. Students listen and cross out the
silent letters.

1 siy'n
2 ansv/er
3 shoLr/d
+ might
5 rnocK
6 $rong

o @ Students listen again and repeat.

o @ Strd.ntr listen to the sentences and try to find a

letter that is not pronounced.

1 w in wristband 2 b in climbing 3 h in honest
4 c in scene 5 9 in foreign 6 s in island

O * Play the recording again. Students listen and repeat

Computers can't: mix records, think for themselves, wor<-..
as a receptionist
'Meet Hal'
@ StrO"ntt read the text again, decide whether the
sentences are true or false, and explain their answers'
giving evidence from the text. a
Vocabulary: Answers
Digital technology, Phrasal verbs (2) 1 True - They can also learn from experience'
2 True - One day programs could think independentll

will and first conditional

Future forms G)'. wilt, First conditional, if or when?
- A teacher is teaching Hal to speak English'
- Hal's language level is the same as an 1B-mond--
old baby. a
Listening'Mobile TV', Speaking'Giving instructions'

Culture focus:
True - Hal enioys games and bedtime stories'
False - AnYbodY can talk to Hal.

@ answer the questions from memory, using their
'The digital divide', technology
own words as much as possible, and then read the text
again and check.

Instant messaging, Colloquial expressions Answers
1 Deep Blue is the IBM computer that has beaten the
chess world chamPion
Intonation: Expressing feelings 2 Hal is a computer program which learns a language
ln the same way as numans. l
3 His leacher is the person who is teaching Hal Englisr
4 She feels Proud of Hal'
5 She clicks the mouse and tells Hal what the right

answer is.
6 Hal can speak English like an 1B-month-old baby' it

'Thank you'
likes games and stories, and it replies

Sstro.nt's Book Page 46 mummYl'

fxplain to students that learning collocations is very
IIleet llol important, and they should always learn and record the
collocations of a word as well as its meanlng'

f R.tet students to the title of the unit and elicit or Students match the verbs to the nouns, and then check
explain the meaning of digitat technology. Elicit or teach their answers in the text.
the word com7uter.
Read the task with students and make sure students 1d 2a 3c 4b
understand all the vocabulary in the box.

Refer students to the model sentence beginning Students

discuss together what things in the box they think
computers can do, and form sentences using con and cont
@ complete the sentences with the verbs from
exercise 4.

1 solve 2learn 3 find 4 develoP
Students read the text, or listen and read, to check their

The text says computers can: design cars, learn
languages, learn from experience, talk like a child,

uNrr 5
I :-€
-,-:-: : -:

=.:-:=S'onS from the text.


Speaker lt's fantastic. You can take a photo ard
look at it immediately. When you dor';nlcao
your pictures to your computer. your
printer will produce your own beautiful

I :^ of the time
,'.-:ch refers to the

Speaker 2: I like sending messages to friends. lt's
faster and easier than talking. You just
write your message and then click on
'send' with the mouse.
' :. :-: ': --: : :-:-- -': ::.'?'efstOthe

Speaker 3: This is really good, You download music
from the internet and you save it on your
:-r== i:cr- .:1: :.esos:lons player. You can copy music from your
CDs, too.
-.:.: _ ::: :: .: !=) vil t -L^
L|tr +^,,+
Ltr L,

TT -:-: ::::-:- :- :-: ::--:,-:':COSltiOnS. StUdentS

Speaker 4: I have my own space on the internet. I
keep pictures of my family and friends on

: - :-' _ : : : ,= i - = lcXL.
it. You have to log on, because it's
' -=. -'a:- password-protected.
=-1'^ ............... experienCe.
: -= ::--. , Z':-a::......... theSameWayaS
-*a'. Extra listening: verbs to do with technology

II 2
- 1
-. aZ^
^i .,.
. .-
-a<e ,,.
^... rd

Dictate these sentences to students, or write them on
the board.

Students complete them, and then listen and check their
2'3o:4into answerS.

h Vocubulorg Digirol reclinclogg

You can ......:.....a photo and look at it immediaie
(speaker 1 )
You just write your message and then
send'. (speaker 2)

*S:uCert s Book page 47 3 You .....,..........,.music from the internet. (spea<e'3
4i- 4 You have to ......... ... , because it s passu,ord-
[it ):,::-.: -a.c^:he aouns in the box with the numbers in Drotected. (soeaker 4)
,-: : - - -:

Ans* ers Answers
.'.::):3 3slea<er 4ke;,board 1 take 2 click on 3 download 4 log on

='. 5 -:^ --)' ; screea @Workbook pages 35,38

9'.'rl :..:''l0-cJse llcable

I| Tnrlt nsour I
F o
Read the questions with the class. EIicit expressions for
expressing frequency, e.g. every doy, all the time,
once/twice q week, on Saturdays.

Elicit some answers to question 2 from the whole class,
and write good ideas and useful vocabulary on the board
Students discuss the questions together.

F o
@student's Book Page -3
' :::: - :'ediction 2 will help - promise ,/ offer I
b@Grarrnur reference page i05

3 ..:- .':'5e:- promise 4 will win -prediction
: .. -4.: - instant decision 6 will meet - instant decis c'
-f S:-cents write the questions in the correct order' a': I
willond f irst conditionol
'*.ii Students make a list of things you can co n a^
:-:- ;sten and repeat. Check that students have formec
::e questions correctly.
I '

@ Answers
internet caf6. Ask some students to read out iten-. ";- 1 Where will you be at seven o'clock? 2 Which sublec-s
their lists. Students read and listen to the text to coir pa'e rvill you study next year? 3 How old will you be in 20: l
their answers. 4 What will you study at university? 5 When will you 3-'

Answers married? 6 Which team will win the league this year?
Find facts for school project, play online games, lnstant
messaging, checkinB emalls, emailing, looking at o Refer students to the example question and answer'
Students write personal answers to the questions in
websites, surfing the internet, downloading music

@ answer the questions from memory and then

check their answers in the texts
exercise 6, and then they ask and answer their quesiior;
in pairs.
Extra dictation
1 Luke and Carrie 2 Jess 3 Carrie 4 Luke 5 Sophie Write on the board the two sentences:
I see him on SaturdaYs.

l'll see him on SoturdqY.

tuture forms (3) sdrrff Read the two sentences out to the class quite qulckll' a:
normal conversational speed. Point out that in spoken
English the form witlis usually shortened to l/ and the

Read the rule with the class and make sure that students
difference in speech between I see and I'll see is qttte
understand the terms prediction' promise, offer and instant
decision. Get students to look up any of the words that
they don't understand in a dictionary. For the purposes of Dictate these sentences to the class. Warn students to
this grammar section, a promise and an offer are the same listen very carefully to hear if a futur:e with w// is used'

1 We'll pay you later.

Extra grammar
2 | do my homework in the evening.
lf necessary, write these examples on the board or read
them out to the class, and ask students to say which is a
They'll staY for an hour.
We see them in the summer.
prediction, which is a promise / offer and which is an 5 I'll Iisten carefullY.
insrant decision.

1 Don't worrY. l'll helP You.

This homework will take hours!
'We're going to the cinema.' 'Good. l'll come with you"
tirst conditionol
1 promise ,/ offer 2 prediction 3 instant decision
Book page 49

reference Page 105 I

# Students find examples of predictions, promises ,/ offers
and instant decisions in the text from exercise 1.
@ StuOents complete the rules for forming the first
conditional wtth present simple and infinitive' Chec'k
answers with the class and tell students that we do not sa:'
I C.
predictions a Iong time to finish, I won t
- it'll take quite lf I wilt/won't. Get students to read the other rules Check
have many, l'll come back again tomorrow, I probab'i students understand that in the example I'll come bock
won't leave here until quite late ogoin tomorrow if l have time,itis possible the person

promises offers - I'll show You speaking will have time tomorrow. Ask students the
instant decisions - l'll play some online $ames rrnen i question Will he/ she have time tomorrow? and elicit the
finish, I'll check my emails, l'll look at the BBC answer perhops. Remind students that the if clause can
come first, or it can come after the main clause: the order

children's website
does not change the meanlng.
Students complete the sentences with r'vill a( "''' :
@ '': ' Answers
the verbs in the box, and then decide lf each o^e s 1 cresent simple 2 infinitlve 3 infinitive

predictron, a promise / offer or an Instant cec's :- 1 rresent simPle

Extra translation
e -: -:-.:- ::. -: :g the first
^,+h^- +L^ Write these sentences on the board, or dictate them to
:- : - -'-: .e. Remind students students, and ask students to translate them into their
. .- - -- -:-i:::l Jse, and tO lOOk own language.

Check answers with the class and discuss any difference ,

q,=rry: between English and the students'own language
-- -,: : ::^:feel,won'tplay 1 l'll phone you when Tom arrives.
.: ,---:: ------= 6rvill win, 2 We'll go home if it rains.
:-:- i: .; ;:'=--- : .. :e. celebrate 3 When l'm eighteen. l'll go to university.
4 lf I pass my exams, l ll be very happy.
-, - : :-: '-.: cc"ditional, using
'=: -
:'=:':-l:S. Tellstudents to
: ---:=: r:- -c students to use
$Grurrur reference page 105

@Workbook page 36
: : 3,' :^e Sea.

- .-'..'a b'Jm?
: - .'a (nnd
-J -!Jv'b.

: 3- ,.'. In ihe

: -C: eXPenSlVe.
go io ihe wedding.
's- if \,ou visit London this

if ot wnen! f]l

a Reac :he rule lvith the class and make sure students
tncers:and the difference in meaning between lf and

Reac :he example sentence with the class and point out
:r:,:he rerb tenses are the same as for first conditional
se^:e'ces rvith i/,

@ j:-:=---s corplete the se'^tences with i/or when.fe

:,,::^:s ;n3i igr each sentence they must ask themselves
.. ^::-:' :^e ac:'o: :s definrte or not definite in order to

::: l: '. ^::^a' :a "Se 'i Of \','hen.

An srve rs
'"-:- 2' 3.'.^e^ 4' 5\l,'hen 6When

Cans :lrdution
@L\ :'< -a anmnltrta tha

- ask
'@Strdent's Book page 50
:. s. Ic other channels by selecting
a 3x.
Vocobulurg Fhrsssl vsrbs {2}
Cassie OK ... that looks easy! But it's very quiet " '
Richard That's because you need to turn up the
volume! Press this button here. J
vd>rv Argh! Turn it down!
R.t t students to the example phrasal verb tune in andthe Richard Oops! PerhaPs that was too loudl
@ Cassie Yesl There don't seem to be many boxes on
picture ofthe radio. Students match the phrasal verbs in
the box with the other pictures. Students identify the three the screen. WhY is that?
phrasal verbs that are not in the pictures, and try to think Richard Well, at the moment, you can only see ceftain
of opposites for them. Check answers with the class and channels on Mobile TV. There are fewer
check understanding of all the phrasal verbs' channels than on normal TV.
So what kind of programmes can you watch ;

Answers on Mobile TV?
1 log on 2 shut down 3 turn on 4 turn over Richard Well, it's best to watch short programmes on
5 turn up 6 plug in log off (opposite - log on), start up your mobile, as the screens are still quite

(opposite - shut down) and turn off (opposite - turn on) small. On Mobile TV, soap episodes are
are not in the Pictures. slightly shoder than on normal W, which

'1 makes them easier to watch. Mobile W lvill ce
the phrasal verbs from exercise to complete
@ use
great for sports fans, because it will show ail
the sentences.
the most important parts of major sporting
Answers events. For example, it will show all the goals
1 turn up 2 turn over 3 tune in 4 turn off 5 Log on in a football match. And if customers are
interested in music, they'll have a wide choic:
Extra activitY of downloadable videos to choose from'
Working in pairs, students wrhe five sentences using the
Cassie lf they're so good, when will they appear in
phrasal verbs from exercise 1. Ask them to bring their
the shops in this country? -
Richard There's a lot of interest in mobile TV' but
sentences to you to, be checked for accuracy when they
there's still one problem to solve - the price'
have finished.
At the moment, you'll pay more than fofty )
Once their sentences have been checked, students euros for one short programme. At that price
rewrite them leaving out the phrasal verbs. They swap most people will continue to record their
sentences with another pair, and each tries to complete favourite programmes on a video or DVD'
ihe other pair's sentences..Students check and correct )
the sentences when both pairs have finished. * Students answer the questions, and then listen a3a
and check.

Answers )
Listenins ?x&mbils TW 1 No, mobile TV hasn't arrived in the UK yet
2 No i^'
screens are quite small, so they are difficult to watch'
@ # neter students to the photo and the title Mobile TV' 3 Normal TV has more channels. 4 Soap operas on
EIicit answers to the question from the class. Students mobile TV are slightly shorter, to make them easter to
listen and check their answer. watch. 5 Mobile TVs will show the most important pa'-:
Answer of big sports events. 6 Mobile TV programmes are vel'
You can watch TV on the Phone expensive. ;
Cassie Wow, what's thai? A new games console?
$ e*tta listenin$: verbs
Dictate these sentences to students, or write them on
the board, and ask students to complete them with the
Richard No! lt's a new kind of mobile phone. lmagine
that you're going home on the bus. You get
out your mobile phone, but you don't call a
correct verbs. For weaker students, w.rite a list of the
possible answers for students to select from'
friend or send a text message. Instead, you Students listen again and check'their answers.
watch TVI Soon, we'll all be doing it' 'Mobile 1 You don't ......... a text message.
TV' isn't an invention of the future - it's 2 First, turn on the phone here. Then .. "" the
already popular in Korea and Japan. lt hasn't

arrived in the UK yet, but it won't be long Mobile TV will ......... all the most important parts of
before we'll be able to watch our favourite major sporting events.
shows on our mobiles here, too' A
When will they ............ in the shops in this country)

Cassie How does it work? ls ii hard to use? There's still one problem to .....'...
Richard No - watch thisl First, turn on the phone here'
Then select the channel. You can see the Answers
selection of TV programmes in these boxes on 1 send 2 select 3 show 4 appear 5 solve
the screen. Select a box - and enjoy! Turn
uNrr 5
Spcrlirf 6iv,''i g instructicns The digirul divide
-:- _:
:-: -::-,:: ons. Remind students
:-: :-: - : a \\ays read thrOUgh
$StuUent's Book page 51

::- :- -:;-' ^ g before they start. * R.t r students to the photos and the title of the text
. -:' :-:,'.:'s and then identify Students answer the questions together.

Students' own answers

- 3 5 press
@ read the text and find words to mat&r the
'^ : mnhilp nhnnp

.-' -'- :' :^e verb to give Answers

:':-= -:e'a:il'e. Read the 1 ringtone 2 revolutionary 3 software 4 illiterate
: =i: a-: -ake sure Students 5 alphabet

-'. ': , :,ar v to rvrite their

@ neaO the questions with the class and make sure students
understand them.
: >rr=:
Students answer the questions from memory, in their orvn

o ' :a': : , -. :-= ' ^-itructions from

:,::: -.:-:::. , r'. Siudents COuld then
words if possible, and then read the text again to check.

1 Mobile phones are more common. 2 A'hole in the
:,:-: :: j ':-:-: ' :z:'a':3 3,ess. Asksome students to wall'has only a touch screen. 3 They called it'the thing'
--a: :-- ,-: ' -s:--::--< ic':ne w'hole class to quess.
because they didn't know the word for 'computer'.
l}t\orkbook page 38 4 They learnt to log on to websites within a week.
5 They started to learn the alphabet from websites and
computer instructions.

Tlu nrour r
Read the questions with the class. Elicit examples of
technology that students use and write them on the board.
Elicit some answers from the whole class for question 2
and write good ideas and useful vocabulary on the board.
Students discuss the questions together.

Extra discussion
ln pairs. students discuss these questions:

Some charities and governments are spending money to

provide computers and internet access in poor countries.

1 ls it a good idea to spend money in this wav?

2 ls technology as important as food and medicine for
poor countries?

S ,,i:=*
&*FStudent's Book page 52 Ansv' er
- --:,',?
: -:. ,',.: : -
getting 4 ur bdaY?

tr,nk my dad's going 2 give me a new mob.
Instonl messoging \
\ ^^a- Oiie.

**i *e:quiaan exprcss{mns

@ S:-Oenis make a list of the presents they would like to
@ make a list of forms of communication and then :eceir e.
compare their Iists together.
to read out items from their list to i-3

Ask some students
Ask students to report back on any interesting items on class.
their Iists.
Students choose two presents and invent tlvo ques:io:. '-

Students' own answers each one.

n.t.r students to the expressi on instont messoging and Ask some students to read out their questions to the c a:r
@ e.g. Will it ploy gomes?
elicit or explain the meaning.

Students discuss the questions together. @ write an instant message conversation betrree-
three people, using their answers from exercises 7 anc 3
Students' own answers Two of the speakers describe the presents they want fc'
their birthdays. Refer students to the reminders, and ;
@ Explain to students that this text is an example of instant

Students read the text quickly and answer the questions.

ensure that they use the colloquial expressions.

Students write their conversations, either in class or as

homework. Remind students that they should alwai s
1a 2three 3a
check their work for spelling and punctuatlon wnen
have finished.

@workbook page 39
@ flicit or explain that we use short forms in text and instant
messages. Model answer
Speaker 1 - Wot do you think u'll get 4 ur bday?

Students match the short forms in the box to the full forms
1-10, and then read the text again to check. Speaker 2 - | want a new mob.
Speaker 3 - Nice 1l Will it have a TV?
Answers Speaker 2 - | want 1 with a TV but I dunno if l'11 get o'e
bday 2dunno 34 4mob 52 6wot 7 u

1 They cost 2 much.
Bur 9r 101 Speaker 1 - Wot about u?
Speaker 3 - | want a handheld computer 2 play games :-
@ Refer students to the example. Students match the Speaker 2 - That's so cool! Will u get 1?

informal expressions in the box with the more formal Speaker 3 - Dunno. My dad says he's going2 buy me a
meanings '1-4. Check answers with the class and point out new computer, but I think it'll be a normal compute'
that many of the expressions are followed by an not a handheld one.
exclamation mark in the text. Speaker 1 - Will it have a DVD PlaYer?

'1 That's so cool. 2 Nice one. 3 No way,

Students design a smiley which they think is appropriate

4 | can't wait.
Speaker 3
Speaker 2
- Yeah.
- Nice one! U can play games and watch filrns
3 - Yeah. I can't wait! I
for each informal expression from exercise 5.

Students' own answers l|

Extra activity
With books closed, explain to students that you are going
to dictate a message in 'ordinary' language and they must
write ir as an instant message.

Students should use short forms where possible, and use

lt 3r

the correct punctuation.
Hi. haw ore you?
Fine. Whar ore you getting for your birthdoy?
I don't know. I think my dod's going to give me a new
That's good!
uNrr 5
r D i: @stuaent's Book page 96

I (
Ys: I r:. t?rl
!ntonsticn: Expre$$iG$ {e*iiaerys

I e ,^ :^e louns In Ine PnoxuxclnnoN Norr

ln English, colloquial expressions are often used when

l,':. **,-: the speaker wants to show his/her feelings. For example,
- -::::^i^e 4pnnter when he,/she is excited, shocked, surprised.or angry. ln
this situation, special types of intonation (high and low
pitch) are used, even if onlv one or two words are said.
e :-:-.. Cleck

I -:i - ,-e exercrse. $ f Exptain to the students about how high ancj tow
pitches are used to show feelings. Students listen and

match the words to the feelings. Point out that sonre
feelings can be used twice.

llniiq i-E 1 Really?- surprised 2Peter! -shocked 3 Cool1*happy

I -
4 Stop! angry 5 Brilliant! - happy 6 Never!- surprised

o ,^ :^e \vords in the

@ q] Strd.nts listen again and repeat, copying the

I f Explain that the difference between the higher and

lower pitch in sentences can be quite dramatic. Students
listen to the example sentences and notice how the
intonation rises (high pitch) and falls (ow pitch).
at &3 StuOents listen and repeat the sentences, paying

ur0mm0r attention to the intonation.

@ S.-..-..
a.s',.,er ine questions according to whetner tney o Students mark where they think the intonation rises anc
falls in the phrases.
:^ :^a e,.eiis w,il happen or not. Refer students to the
3'z^^-'z,.eierence on page 105 if necessary. f

ftay the recording for students to listen and repeai
S:ucents o\vn answers and to check their answers to exercise 5. Dralv attenticr :c
1 .. ,.,,o^r go 2 will,z won't give 3 will / won't start the rising and falling intonation. Encourage the students lo
j ,'. i pdsS 5 r,vill ,/ won't win 6 will ,z won't speak make the phrases sound as dramatic as possible.

@ ,-,.:"rs the quest ons and answer them with a first
l', r'iie ,SI
::' l ' cna. sentence. Remind students to think carefully 1 Nice one!
aa: -.: :.e tenses that they use.

Students own answers

2 No way!

1 .', -a. ','. I vou do ,,vhen you get home today? 7\t tl
2 3 What a shame!

,'.'e :e i, r, vour fannilv go lf you have a holiday next
- --^-) s|, sl
:- -l

.'.'a-. ,', I hacoen '' you pass your exams?

4 You're crazyl
j ., -a: ,', I 5o-r
do if you meet your friends later? 1\t,

That's so cool!
I 5 .', ^a: ;,. 11 vou rvear if it is sunny tomorrow?

5 .'. ^e'e ,.', I you go lvhen this class finishes? t z:tJ\l

6 You're pulling my leg!

Gramn{ir revieur: Units }-5
::* -r s:Jients to read through the text once for general
-:'^ -: reiore they choose the correct answers.
' ^3.= 2 disagree 3 yet 4 tf 5 won't
I : -- :: ^.e i:gent T ever B have 9 for l 0 clever


asks for any either.
True - Life there was too dangerous.
4 True - In 19BB he decided to move to England.
5 False - He didn't have a passport.
6 False - One day he wants to have a house in Englacc.
7 False - The authorities say he will soon have a netr

Household nouns, llove and make True - Airport staff say he is afraid to go.

Grammar: StrOents should answerthe questions using their orvn

Second conditional and quantifiers: words where possible.

Communication: Answers
1 He gets up at 5.30 and has a shower in the men's

Listening'Bedroom bluesi, rSpeaking rDiscussing habits'
. :.. .

focuq; . z He reads and writes in his diary.

Cufture ,
'Navajoland', Native Americans, traditional ways of life 3 He doesn't have a passport, so he can't leave the
transit area of the airport.
WritinE: Steven Spielberg made a film about his story.
A lifestyle description, Mod1f1ery l 5 He thinks it is OK and interesting because he sees
l people from all over the world.
Pronunciation: . :
He's got a small sofa which airport staff gave nirn.
Word stress -fiori
@ StrO"ntt match the nouns to the definitions. Tell stucen-

to find the words in the text and use the context arounc
each word to help them identify the meaning.

1f 2d 3b 4a 5c


@StrOent's Book page 54 Read the Quick tip with the class.

Students check the meanings of the easily confused lvori:.
Rood to nourhere Extra vocabulary revision: expressions of frequency

Write on the board these sentences from the text.
(} t} Refer students to the photo and the title of the text.
Students discuss the questions together. Students read the 1 Nasseri gets up at 5:30 ......... (lines 2/3)
text, or listen and read, to check their answers. 2 He is very smart. (line 7/B)

3 He ............ has much money. (lines'B/9)

1 Charles de Gaulle airport, Paris 2 He doesn't have a

Students complete them with the correct frequency
passport, so he can't leave. 3 In the top photo, you
words or expressions from memory, and then check their
can see a sofa and the man's belongings. In the botlom

answers in the text.
photo, there is a plane in the background, and the man
appears to be wearing ear-plugs, so he can't hear any noise Check answeis with the class and then elicit other
possible frequency expressions from the class and revise
@ StrO"ntr read the text again and decide whether the their meanings , e.g. usaally,, often, sometimes, every doy,

sentences are true or false, giving evidence from the text from time to time,
to support their answers.
Answers 1 every morning 2 always 3 never

1 False - Nasseri gets up at 5.30, before passengers
arrive to catch flights.
2 False - Although he never has much money, he never

uNrr 6
pz\. $asn't 4 wouldn't help, were 5 you won,
E*Student's Book page 56 *wld you buy 6 would speak, practised
$Grurrnur reference page 106
@ neaO the example with the class. Students write sentences
in the second conditional. Do the first question with the
whole class if necessarv. Remind students to use a comma
Second conditionol und after the rf clause.
quontif iers Answers
1 lf I had some money, J would go to the cinema.
t some ideas from the whole class on what 2 lf I went to the cinema, I would see a horror film.
problems Nasseri might have. Students discuss the 3 lf I saw a horror film, I would be scared.
question together and then read and listen to the 4 If I was scared, I would close my eyes.
interview and check their answers. 5 lf I closed my eyes, I would fall asleep,
Answers 6 lf I fell asleep. I would miss the end of the film.
He'd be healthier lf he didn't eat any fast food, and he'd 7 lf I missed the end of the film, I would be annoyed.
be hapoier if he went outside for a few walks.
@ neaO the questions with the class and make sure students
understand them.
{} StuOents answer the questions from memory, and then
check their answers in the text. Students write their owR answers to the questions.
Answers Students compare and check their answers together.
1 No, he doesn't eat healthily because he eats fast food. Check some answers with the whole class.
2 No, he doesn't go outside at all. 3 He spends his time Students' own answers
reading books. 4 He spends his money on food.
Extra activity
Secsnd rsn*itis*sl Write on the board:
What would you do if ' Whot wguld you say if ...
@ Students find the second conditional sentences in the
Tell students that they are going to write three questions
interview and complete the rules with posf simple and
to ask each other. Elicit some examples from the whole
infinitive without'fo'. Check answers with the class and
class first. Allow students time to write their questions.
make sure that students understand everything. Point out
the use of a comma when the lf part of the conditional Before students ask and answer questions, explain that
comes first in the sentence. they must use full sentences when they reply and they
must use the second conditional.
Elicit that we use the second conditional for a situation
which is very unlikely, or impossible. Ask some students to perform some of their questions
and answers to the class.
Refer students to the example I'd be healthier if I didn't eqt
ony fast food, and ask students if Nasseri is able to find
food whlch is not fast food. Answer: No, or unlikely, {}:;*r:t€f iers
because he is in on airport.

Refer students to the example lf I went outside, l'd be istrount's Book page 57
happier, and ask students if he is able to go outside.
Answer: No, this is impossible, because he cannot leove the
llGrur.ur reference page 106

tronsit orea inside the airport.

@ Strd.ntr find two examples of countable and uncountable
Answers nouns in the interview from exercise 1. Revise the
Second conditional sentences: lf people asked you, how difference between countable and uncountable nouns.
would you explain your situation? lf someone asked me, I'd
Students complete the rules wilh some and ony.
explain... lf they lived in the airport, they would like it. l'd
be healthier if I didn't eat any fast food. lf I went outside, Answers
I'd be happier. I wouldn't enjoy it at all if I didn't have any I do have some problems, I can afford some food, Do you
OOOKS, have any problems...? if I didn't eat any fast food, if I didnl
have any books.
1 past simple 2 infinitive 3 infinitive 4 past simple
1 some 2 any
@ StuOents complete the sentences with the second
conditional form of the verbs in brackets. Do the first @ StuO"ntt find phrases from the interview in exercise 1 with
question with the whole class and refer students back to the n r r: nf ifier<
the rr rlpc if nerec(rr\/
Answers some problems, some food, any problems, any fast food,
1 lived, wouldn't be 2 would you eat, you lived 3 would any books, much money, many possessions, a little money,
a few walks, a lot of people, a lot of books, a lot of time

uNrr 6
o .- :-e': fiers in exercise 8
,- :liniable nouns,
@student's Book page 58

- : - :' can be used with

ListeniIg ff**;'**rx !:]ii*r;

@ 1] Students listen to a radio programme, in rvhich a qr.i
describes her room, and find two differences betrveen -e"
description and the picture.

I -::-::s:irecorrecl
There is no TV in the picture. The walls are dark biue n

the picture, rather than dark green.

:" 5a^', 6some Taprscnrpr

Tim Hello and welcome to another edition of
o -i':ifiers.
:-. arstver. Tell
Remind Bedroom Blues, the programme that makes
your home life better. Are you uncomfortable
:-: ^cJns In the in your room? Give us a call, and join the
:. a^d \,rhether the programme ...
:' : -es:ions. Students Tim Hello Anna! Can you tell us about your room?
-::-:es before choosing. Anna Sure. Well, I like relaxing in my room, but it
isn't pedect. My room s really small and it s
got a lot of things in it, so I always make an
-^-:- 4 any/many
etfort to keep it tidy. I have a desk where I do
- -a' my homework. Sometimes I eat my lunch

a :tt,, :-: " -?.t':s uslng the words in the there, too! Next to the desk there's a table. On
the table I have a TV and a DVD player, The
s:-ce-:s :o -se as man-v quantifiers as
TV is very impodant! Between the desk and
so :c -se both affirmative and negative
the door there's a bookcase where i keep r1
books and DVDs. I love watchinq fllms v,'iih
S:ucents o\\,n answers my friends.
Tim Carry on.
Anna OK. There's also a large wardrobe behinci :-e
door. My bed's in front of the window. Or, arc
the walls are dark green - | love green.
@ :-c- -.'age s:udents to read the whole text through once
Tim Right. Sounds nice! So what s the o.ob er"r?
Anna Well, the room's OK when l'm on my own. I

like making phone calls and listening to

Answers music. But I have a blg problem: there isn't
- ::! ,,a..'. 3a otof 4a'er'" any space for my friends to sit and watch
:_.4 .4, DVDs and, you know, have a laugh ... and
when they visit, we always make a mess!
,^a 3 ci-fe. llorking Tim Well, it sounds like you still have funl So. do
you have any ideas about how to make your
room feel bigger?
Anna l'd like to put the table outside the room. but
then if I put the TV on the floor it would be too
Er:.: a-r', J difficult to see the screen. I don't know what
:-.a r00m to to do. Can you give me any advice?
a -:-- a' :'::,:3^:S COUI0
Tim Anna, it's your lucky day. l've got some g'eat
--: :: -: - -----
---, .^^1t/ advice for you. First of all: change the colour
- -
-- '- - - ::: l^ ifelf
of the walls. Dark colours make a room feel
-:---' a:
Anna Really? | didn't know that.
:-:--:". Tim Trust me. lf I were you. l'd paint the wal s
white. Next: the W. You need to move the
D table outside the bedroom. Then people can
sit on the floor. You can pJt your W or a
shelf. Then your frlends will be able to see tl.e
screen from the floor.

Anna Wow. That's a really good idea' l'll ask my
mum about that. Vo c ob ulorg hsve sn$ ms&e
Tim Good. Now, the bookcase. How many DVDs
and books are there? O U1 -^ . ererciseinvolves collocations of hqve and moke

Anna I haven't got many books - about twenty, I S:,:.^:scomplete the table, and then listen again to the
think. But the DVDs ... 3-.3'anme to check five of their answers.
Tim How often do You watch each DVD? Answers
Anna I don't know. Maybe every six months. Why? have - lunch, fun, breakfast, a laugh, dinner, a problem. a
Tim lf I were you, l'd put the DVDs in a box under rest
the bed. Then you can get them out again
when you need them. And why not put your
books on the desk? Then you don't need the
make - an effort, a mess, a Phone call

StrCentt complete the sentences with have, had, moke c lI

bookcase any more! mode. Refer students back to the table in exercise 4. if
Anna Wow! That's such good advice. Thank you so necessary.
much for that.
Tim No problem. lf you make a little effort, you'll

1 make 2had 3 have 4 make 5 have 6 had
soon have a perfect room. I hope you enjoy
being in your new bedroom - and enloy 7 made B have
watching DVDs with your friends. OK, next,
we have a ladY with a very unusual ...

@ -* Students read the sentences and choose the correct

answers from memory.
O *
Sisausstxxry Sxmb{ts
Get students to read the dialogue quicklv. Teli J
Students then listen again and check their answers

perfect 2 bookcase 3 window 4 has got 5 dark
students we use the -ing form of a verb after verbs tie
to talk about what we enjoy doing, such as hke' lo'"e e'.: '
etc. Students listen and complete the dialogue wrtn i^:
-ing form of the verbs in the box. Check answers, the^
students listen again and repeat. Stop the recordirg a-:-

each sentence and ask students to repeat it Encoura3e
q1 Students answer the questions from memory, and
students to use the correct pronunciation. Ask some ca
then listen again to check their answers. ;
to read the dialogue to the class.
1 She loves watching films. for her
2 There isn't any space -1
1 spending 2betng 3 making 4listening 5" a:c- ;
friends to sit and watch DVDs with her. 3 She wants to

6 doing
put the table outside her room. 4 lt would be too difficult
for them to see the screen. 5 She's got about twenty the example dialogue with the cia..
@ neaO the task and

books. 6 He advises her to put her DVDs in a box under Elicit other verbs and expressions that students ca. -s: -:
her bed. talk about what they enjoy doing, e g enioy, prefer. r: ''
don't really like, quite /ike. Remind students to use .'e
q] E*tru listening: listenin$ for contracted forms
form after these verbs. "

Write these sentences on the board. Ask students to s:r:.-::
Elicit some examples from the class of things that
listen again and complete the sentences. Warn students
,ir€ ?nd oon t like doing.
that the missing words are all contracted forms, eg I'll, I'd
etc. so they must listen very carefully to get the right Students prepare their lists individually and then crsc-::

answer5. their habits in pairs. Ask some students to perforr :'=
conversation for the whole class.
1 11 ......... paint the walls white.
| were you,
2 That's a really good idea, ......... ask my mum ailout @Wortoook page 44

lf I were you, ......... put the DVDs in a box.
lf you make a little effort, ......... soon have a perfect J

l'd 2lll 3l'd 4 You'll a
uNrr 6
ilttYI'! 3:0 Tau lnour tr

D Read the questions with the class. Elicit some local

tourist attractions from students. Write good ideas and
e :-e rneaning of the
useful vocabulary on the board.
Elicit arguments for and against the idea that people n
::r:. Remind
cities are unfriendly, e.g. because people in cities are too
:^: not to worry if
busy, the pace of life is faster etc. Write good ideas on
the board. Students discuss the questions in'pairs.
o -: a.d make sure
Ask some students to report back to the class on their
a^s\\,er the
'c'',,'n words, Extra discussion
In pairs, students discuss these quest'ons.
!-_ _
_. -:
. :_: -,.' nter.
1 ls life changing in your country?

_:,:= _-e'e are scnools

2 What traditions are disappearing?

::; :: :c see the red-rock

3 What traditions are still alive?
4 ls a modern lifestyle better than a traditional lifestyle?
Why? / Why not?

- : : .; :'-,-".-c . ard dont understand

l-=:. --::'s:;-c -g oi cecklaces and synthettc. StudentS

:--::::^: .:.'eci ans'',,ers and then read the text again to
-^::.. ,^:'' ?.'),'.e's. Creck ansrvers with the class.
' * z' ,. 2 ork 3 necklaces 4 aren't
',,, 5 natural
i :.' --'a'ese1'atton
Extra vocabulary

".C ',..'or-ds in the text with the following

^ Teanrng


o L
€6!FStudent's Book page 60 !:-:=-:. : .- a 'epiy to Amanda's letter. Read through Ire
:.-.-=-1.^'^::es'.vlth the class. Students write notes for
-2.' .?'73ta)n. and then check and compare thetr noie;
R lif estule description -::: -- 3'

,::;l*; ii*gX i.:ac :re reminders with the class and elicit examples o'
e acrr of the grammar points. Students write their replr" :o
R.f.r students to the photo and the questions Students
@ \n"anda's letter. either in class or as homework

predict the answers to the questions together, and tnen
Remind students to check their spelling, punctuail0n anc
read the letter and check their answers.
grammar when they have finished writing.
bp wortuook page 45

1 In a village near Aberdeen, in Scotland. 2 Amanda, her
sister Joanna, and their parents. 3 They enloy watching
Model answer
TV in the evenings, and Amanda also likes being outside,
Deor Amando,
walking her dog on the beach, and reading.

Hetlo, I'm Hasson and I'm thirteen years old. I live tn
Extra grammar Alexondrio, in the north of Egypt. Our house is qutte nec'
to the city centre.
Ask students to read the letter again and find

a second conditional sentence
four quantifiers
I live with my parents an'd my brother, Ahmed Ahmed ':
fifteen yeors old. I work hqrd at school, but Ahmed is
extremely lazy. He never does his homework!
Answers Our house is quite big, so I've got my own bedroom l n:
1 lf Joanna did some tidying, our room would be nlce. not ot qll tidy, so my bedroom rs olways extremely mess;
2 any (Have you got any pets?), some (lf Joanno did like my bedroom, but our living room is very smoll, so '::
some tidying...), a lot of (there ore a lot of feels very crowded when we ore all in it. Also, our kitche"

cupboords...), much (/ haven't read very much ..) isn't particulorly big, so there isn't much room for eattre '
our kitchen wos bigger, I would invite my friends to ha'e
@ f or explain that the words in the box modify the dinner with

meaning of other words, especially adjectives. Students
I love ploying footbatl and I spend a lot of trme ployinE
find the modifiers in the letter and complete the table.
footboll with my brother and my friends l've got 0 iot ar
Answers reolly good friends. I prefer being outsrde ond I hote
1 really 2 quite 3 not ParticularlY staying inside, especiolly when it's worm ond sunny l oisc
-5s, -
@ Students choose the correct modifiers in the sentences
Tell students to think logically about the meaning of the
enjoy reoding.

Write soon!
sentences. n0sson
'1extremely 2 really 3 not at all 4 not particularly
5 really haPPY 6 not ParticularlY

Extra activity
Write these questions on the board, or dictate them to

1 ls your house big?

2 ls your house modern or old?
3 ls your bedroom tidY?
4 Was ihe last film You saw exciting?
5 Was the last CD You bought good?

Students prepare their answers individually, uslng the

modifiers from erercise 2.

Students work together to ask and answer the questions,

ls your house big?
No, it's not porticularly big. / Yes, it's quite big. I
:.. r:t:r'l11
ri l ' I t:

@stuoent's Book page 97

It-a---o.-- ES*r* $€rs$$ -frsm

r ( o :^e correct
,::he vocabulary
to] Explain to the class that some syllables of a t,orc a.:
stressed more than others. lt is important to learn hc,,..
pronounce long words to improve rhythm and make
speech more fluent. Students listen and repeat tlie \^.o.cs

I -; ,:.rle 4 cooker
3 srelf
Draw attention to which syllables are stressed.


1 information 2 condition 3 organisation 4 sriuai c^
e ,^ :^e correct form of
5 accommodation

S StrOents read the words aloud and underline the svllabies
that they think are stressed. Get students to compare rnelr
answers rn pairs.

& q.] Students listen, repeat and check their answers.


1 production 2 competition 3 prediction
4 introduction 5 conclusion 6 celebration

I -1:.ack 5 tune in
I Students ciiscuss the questron rn pairs and tben u,,rrte
rule to answer the question in their notebooks.

9 - ace 10 carried on
Words that end in -tion are stressed on the syllable
at before the -fion

u r0mm 0r
@ StrO.nt, read the sentences ancl put the nouns inio r:he
O ,, :-:: :---3 e:e:he sentences with the verbs in the correct sentences.
: , _,: j - _l s:_derts that they must use the second
-_ , . , -, . -..='e.:.enr IO the Grammar reference on
& ,tt Students listen and check their answers no: c -::-:

stress on the syllable before _tron in each case
-..: .i-.'-cl -^eCeSSa.).
- 1 demonstration 2 pollution 3 attraction 4 recep: o .
: ':'::: 2 go. snorr,'ed 3 bought, take
^- :.

5 suggestion 6 solution 7 tradition B exp anaiior
: - _ a -?." : cC. ,,'s .ed 6 not turn over. were
O , - :-:i :',:: :,: .^3 -.C..ect ouantifier jn each

r :- :-,: ::. -=:..--::S) 3: CtantifierS. ReferStUdentS

j . -: .-a-''.' :- :a5:5- :'lecessary.
i : jorr A m' 'rA

h -
_ _e



5 -a<e

Remember that this section is not a test. lt is simply to make teachers and
students aware of areas that need more work and
the revision section all together as a class'

to give students confidence in the areas in which they are progressing. You can do
in small groups or individuallY. )


@StuOent's Book Page 62 *Student's Book Page 63

eticit the affirmative and negative forms of going to t":

@ fticit some examples of phrasal verbs from the class, e'g' Q
the class. Students complete the text using the goinE ::

get uP, sit down.
form of the verbs.
Students complete the texts with the particles For some
phrasal verbs they must add two particles' Answers
1 's goingto do 2 is goingto save 3 is he
gotnS:o ::
Answers 'm going to climb 5 'm going to have 6 're go;^g:: =i
I to 2 on 3 up 4 forward 5 into 6for 7 after
7 is going to film B isn't going to do 9 'm gotng:o -.':
B back 9 off 10 or'

@ StuO.nts write sentences about themselves, using tF=

€ Remind the class that get is one of the most common affirmative or negative forms of going to'
verbs in English and that it has several different meanings
Students replace getinthe sentences with the correct
form of one of the verbs in the box, and rewrite the
'1 1'6 (not) going to watch TV this evening'
sentences. Some verbs are used twice
z l'm (not) going to do my homework tonight'
3 1'6 (not) going to send my best friend a tex: -es-;: {
1 We didn't arrive at school until half past nine. +
I'm (not) going to email my grandparents soc-
2 Summers are going to become hotter this century' 5 l'm (not) going to play computer games tnls 11-':- :
3 We didn't receive our passports until today. 6 I'm (not) going to phone my friends on Sunca'

4 She's never received our text messages.

5 | always buy my shoes in that small independent shop'
@ e the forms of the present continuous from :': : ":
-=-- -i

6 They're arriving home late. and revise the rule for when it is used with future
Students write sentences using the affirmative ':-: ': :r I
o Students complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs in
the box.
question form of the present contlnuous'

Answers 1 I'm visiting my uncle this summer'
1 turn on 2 log on 3 turn up 4 tune in 5 turn over 2 Are you going to London in the holidays?
6 turn off 3 We're doing our homework tomorrow n 3:-'
4 ls she taking her exams again next ternl
6 Remind students that they should read the text through
once for general meaning before they complete it with
5 They aren't playing football on Saturday
6 He isn't studying sclence next year'
household nouns.

sink 2 fridge 3 cooker 4 desk
armchair 7 sofa
5 shelves

Students complete the sentences with the correct form of

have or moke.
7 ls she meeting her friends later?
B We're cycling to school next week'
9 They aren't coming to the wedding tomorl: l'
eflcit that we use the present continuous when 'r'e = '
about future appointments in our diaries' Students wr':=
sentences using the afflrmative or negative form of the
present continuous.
t had 2 have 3 have 4 make 5 had
7 made B make
6 have Answers
1 Alex is playing tennis on Tuesday 2 Alex is doing
nothing on Wednesday. 3 Alex isn't playing tennis on
Thursday. 4 AIex is revising for exams on Friday 5 Alex
isn't having lunch at Jon's on Saturday' 6 Alex is visiting
the science museum on SundaY.
REvlstoN: uNtrs 4-6
c '- :- t 'and revise the rules
SStuOent's Book page 65

Q neter students to the photos and the questions. Ask the

questions with the whole class and elicit answers. Students

rrfT-re!': then read the text and check their answers.

4 rvill snow Answers

: 1 They are speed eating. They are trying to break the
world speed-eating record. 2 The title is a piay on words.
@. i It doesn't really mean fast food, such as hotdogs, but it
refers to the world speed-eating record.

@ ReminO students to read the whole text through once

before they complete it with the words in the box. Remind
them that they must think about the grammar of each
sentence as well as the meaning when deciding which
@ - -r=--, word fits each gap.

l--:.€-: 1 lfwould 3 few 4 any 5 forward 6 hard_working
'-. - .- I t\ 7 will
B ever dreamt 9 court .10 rehearsing 11 go on
12 record 13 never wanted 14 always wanted 15 srnce
'16 While 17 made 18 yet
19 going to 20 pitch
o :^err orvn ideas,

o € secorc conditional and revise the

),-l:--i c'ce: :ie second condrtional sentences.

f io-r passed all your exams, would your parents be
'ea lv happy?
2 ' \.',archester United won the cup final, they,d play in
E;rope next year.
3 ld use the Internet if I had a computer.
4 r,\ould they come with
us if they had more time?
5 'I w,ent to Switzerland, I'd go snowboarding.
6 'rou a lot of money, would you lend me some?

@ r.,r.-tr conclete the second conditional sentences wtrn

.^: :J':ec: fo:n of the verbs in brackets.

- ..:- -. ,', c; c^ : 'eel 2 cycled. 'd get
3 ,',: - :^: ae. out on 4 told. would. be 5 wouldn,t pass,
::-: s:-.r 6 sa',.,,. d love 7'd be, ran

@ !.,,=-. .,..:: s€i:€^ces aboui then selves using the

>:,3a-- 0',., r"i ansr,etS

@ :-- -:: -^: ::":: :--r- _':.S to Complete the

-: : -,::-:i :, -:a: _-: :a\: ia.OUgh fOr general
:='- -. :^=." :- - ::: :-: ::'.e- anS\VefS.


1b 2b 3b 4b 5c 6b

Reading: @ StuOents read the text again and answer the questions in
'Online in the outback' their own words.
:: : ': :
Vocabuf ary: I The text mentions religious education, science, and
At school, Adjective + preposition
chemistry. 2 She works in The Birdsville Hotel" 3 lt's too

far way. 4 She visits mu.seums on virtual excursions.

5 She often uses the internet. 6 She couldn't go to the
Modai ver:bs, Ability and permission: con and could
camp last year.
Obligation and necessity: have to and must,
Advice and suggestions: shotuld '
@ StuO"ntt find the opposites ofthe words in the text

Listening 'The right job', Speaking 'Giving advice' 1 outside 2 tiny 3 virtual 4 dangerous 5 qutet
Culture focus: Extra vocabulary: prepositions
'Education UK Eton Cof ege;school,and education
Write theselsentences on the boa.rd,and,ask students to
complete,them with the correct preposition' Students
then check their answers in the text.
An opinion es9ay, Giving opinions
, ,

I Serena is writing an email ........ home

Pronunciation: '
2 Students hand in their homework..... ...,. email.
Sentence stress and rhythm (1) ' ' 3 She can't vlsit zoos and museumt .. .'-.,
4 She doesn't have to catch a bus .. ..:,. . ..... school.
5 She couldn't go ....... camp last year.

Anr*"rr ' '

Sstudent's Book page 66

llit zny 3io 4to 5to l

0nline in the outbuch
Vocubulorg st s*hscl
Dstuoent's Book page 67
$ nefer students to the map and ellcit information about
Australia from the class.
@ Students match the verbs to the nouns to complete the
actions. Remind students that some verbs can be used
more than once.
€ # Refer students to the photos and the tiile and ask the
whole class the questions. Students read the text quickly Answers
to check their answers. t have 2 do 3 have 4 do, revise 5 go 6 copy, do,
hand in 7 get 8 do, research 9 bully 10 visit

1 Birdsville is in the outback of Australia, 1,550 km from
Brisbane. O g1 Students complete the text with the words in the box

and then listen and check. Encourage students to read the
2 The 'outback' is the part of Australia that is far from
whole text through for general meanlng before they
the sea, and where very few people live.

complete the task.

$) neaO the Quick tip with the class. lf your students need Answers
help with this type of task, look at question 4 with the 1 break 2had 3 homework 4 cheated 5 doing
class and elicit the keyword in each alternative. 6 copying 7 research B excursions 9 exams

Students choose the correct answers.

uNrr z
I =ffi
Fr"h'=s e.aCr other
--- -4. .3^ Senlence5 ,,.;^d+L
USlng Ine
@student's Book page 68

I l -::< students' sentences $Gru*rur reference page 107

I 3r=e v=:rar!: s{iool subjests

Illodol verbs
{} ff fticit ideas about the advantages and disacvantages

. -^!.-,-;+^
trt dt tU WttLtr of being a doctor or a waiter. Students read and listen to
the texts to check and compare their ideas.'


Advantages: doctor - You can help people with thetr
health. Waiter - You can c-hoose your ol'vn timetable
and don't have to start early.

Disadvantages: doctor - You have to work long hours. and
you are often on call at night. Waiter - Sometimes
there are rude customers.

tr :a3:s 31. 5{
$ StrO.ntr read the texts again and answer the questions.
1 Paula 2Paula 3 All day, every day 4 Luke
5 NO. lt s a no-smokins rcctarrrant 6 | tkc

Tru mour n
-:::"i:,:;: l-: -.-.--e
,'. CaSS.
&&!?i?r3 *nd p*r$?!ss*sn: ##,rI {x$,€ s*sii'{'
' : --.::*: t:as '':- :"e c ass about what students
. - :-: ::- . r€ z3c-i --re,r schOOl. Write good @ ,f,lut. sure that students understand the terms ability anC'

! a-c -se:rl rocaoulary on the board. permission.
2 - :'- ceas'ror tne class about how students' Tell students to find the examples, 1-4, in the text, so that
.. -aa, schools ivere different from their present
- -:^co. Stuoenrs 0 scuss the questions together.
they can see and understand them in context. Students
match the examples to the uses, a-d.

1c 2b 3a 4d

@ Refer students to the example. Students rewrite the

sentences with can, can't, could and couldn't. Tell students
- they must think about whether the sentence is affirmative
or negative, and also whether it refers to the present or
the past.

F Answers
1 We couldn't watch
2 | couldn't play basketball at
that box. 4 We could play
3 You can't open

football at the weekends. 5 You can't smoke in here
6 Can we go home now?

@ Refer students to the example sentences. Students join the
sentence beginnings and endings wilh can, can't, could or
couldn't. The beginnings suggest whether the sentences
should be past or present, but students can choose either

the affirmative or negative, to make each sentence true for

Students'own answers

Extra activity Enra activity: Guess the personality

Write on the board the expressions: j:-:=-. .',c:< in groups. Explain to students that ther'
Now... --:: c-.rise a famous personality and write six
When lwos nine... j:-:c^:es acoLrt that person. without giving their nan'=
Explain to students that they must write about three
: -re rney should write:

:.', i seniences saying things the person must/has to cc

things they can or can't do now, and three things they
could or couldn't do when they were nine.
';' :reir job.
:i,o sentences saying things:the person mustn't do.
Students write their sentences and then compare theii ir,o sentences saying things the person doesn't have to

answers together. Ask some students to report back to do.
the class.
Ask groupsto read out their sentences, and the other
members of the class try to guess the name of the
*biirym€r*xi effid x?wtr*ssit$:

j;ii&ri* f# #ga* $?gf$f Extra activity: What's my fob?

Brainstorm as many job names as possible with the cla::
@StuOent's Book page 68
and write them on the board.

@Grurrnur reference page 107 Select a student, who must choose one of the jobs bur
not reveal their choice to the class.
@ nead the ru es with the class and make sure that students
understand them. Point out that we usually use hove to
rather than must in questions. For example, we say Do you
The remalning students are allowed ten yes/no qresr,ons
fn rlicrnvor tho inh Fp6ggrage Students tO USe qUeStiOnS
with hove to. J
have to welr school uniform? rather than Must you ...?

Read the Quick tip with the class and remind students
that musf and other modals do not take -s in the third
&dvie* s?r* $$rySs*t*cams: s*sgsfr
person srngular.

@StuOent's Book page 69
@ Ref., students back to the texts in exercise 1. Tell students
to find examples of have to, must, mustn't and don't have to @Grurrur reference page 107
in the texts. Students use the examples to complete the

1 | must be ready to go in. 2 I always have to be polite.
@ neaC the rule with the class. Students find examples of
should and shouldn't in the texts from exercise 1.

Answers I
3 I mustn't switch off my mobile. 4 The staff and
customers mustn't smoke here. 5 | don't have to stay at
the hospital. 6 | don't have to start work early.
I shouldn't work24/7, they should smoke outside,
shouldn't get annoyed with them

$ complete the sentences usingshoulcl or shouldnt
and the verbs in the box.
@ Students choose the correct verb from the box, for each
question, and then decide whether to use has to or doesn't
have to. Remind students that for this type of task they
worry arrive

1 shouldn't 2 should 3 shouldn't speak
should read the text through once for general meaning
4 should study 5 shouldn't use
before they complete the task. Refer students back to the
rules in exercise 6 and the example sentences, if necessary.
Extra activity
t has to read 2 has to spend 3 doesn't have to worry
4 doesn't have to drlve 5 doesn't have to cook
Explain to students that they are going
each other advice.

Elicit some examples of problems from the class and

to practise giving

6 doesn't have to buy
write them on the board, e.g.
€t Refer students to the example. Students choose betrveen I'm alwoys tired. I don't have enough money.
musl (obligation) and mustn't (prohibition), and write Students each write three problems that they have.
se nte n ces.

1 She must arrive on time. 2 She mustn't forget her I res
Elicit advice to solve the problems on the board, using
should or shoutdnt. e.g.
You should go to bed eorly. I
3 She must listen to the director. 4 She mustn't m ss:-: You shouldn't go to bed so lote.
mov,e premiere. 5 She must look good. 6 She r -':- - 'rbu should get a job.
be rude to the other actors. 7 She must rehearse a ::
S::denrs work in groups. They read their problems to

B She must rvork hard.
:-e,r group, and the group gives advice using should and

uNrr z
II (
tl:T ??'r-

II tt- '- :

. '.' : :-: -lca 5 ffOm thrS
: - :-: : ass and elicit the
-: -.-::-:: :3 read the whole
&d*student's Book

Th* rirykt
page 70

! -:: :-: COffect 3*h

@ R.t r students to the photos and elicit the words teocher
\=€ rhof and, nnliro nffiror
Students discuss the questions in pairs.

: e * Students listen to identifythe job of each speaker


Speaker 1 - teacher, speaker 2 - chef,
speaker 3 - ooliceman

Speaker 1

Teacher: l'm a [beep]. ln my job, you have to be
good at explaining things and be very
patient. The best thing about the job is the
students. That's also the worse thingl
Interviewer: What's your job like?
Teacher: Well, I teach science, and that's quite a
difficult subject. Not many students are
brilliant at science - and some are very
bad at it! But when students work hard it
can be really rewarding. Some students

really improve a lot, and get brrlliant exa-
results. I love helping them learn.
Interviewer: What do you find difficult about your rcc?
Teacher: Er .., lt's awful when you can see ihai

students are bored of studying or not
interested in the subject. lt's also bad
when students have arguments.

Sometimes they argue because they're
jealous of other students' possessions -
their clothes or thelr mobile. Sometimes
they cause problems because they're

F Speaker 2
worried about their marks. I usually try to
give these students a bit more help.

Chef: I work as a [beep]. You have to work very
quickly in this job - it's difficult to get
everything ready on time.
Interviewer: What makes you good at your job?
Chef: l'm interested in food and l'm experienced
in cooking. I enjoy making the food look
nice, and I like it when people enjoy what

they eat. That's when you know that you're
good at your job, really - when people tell
you they had a great meal!

Interviewer: What would you say to a listener who
wanted to do your job?
Chef: Hmm ... lf I were you, l'd get in the kitchen
now. Get a feel for what's in there. What

T does the food look like? What does it

smell like? Then, if I were you, l'd stad
watching how expefts cook. The more tips

you can learn, the betterl
Speaker 3
Policeman: I became a [beep] because I was
Ai'ls* ers
' =.. :: 2 ivrjte 3 should 4 writing
interested in helping people. That's the
best thing about the job - meeting
different people and solving their
o -::-:: !irite a dialogue about one of the four problems
::,Jenrs to find three ways of giving advice in the
problems. ::-e n exercise 6. They should find: lf lwere 1ou. lo

Interviewer: What's the worst thing? , :.cLld... You shauld try...+ -tng
Policeman: Probably the danger. I try to stay relaxed
about my work, but I do get worried about
,',':e rhese on the board, and point out the use ofthe-lnEi

the danger sometimes. There seem to be a

'c::r of the verb in the third expression. Encourage

lot more people who are involved in crime

these days, and the number of serious
crimes is increasing. But in my job, you @
s:;dents to use all three ways of giving advice in their
d ialogues. practise their dialogues in pairs. J

should try not to be scared of ditficult
Ask some pairs to perform their dialogues for the class.
situations, and you shouldn't get too upset
about the things you see. You need to stay @Workbook page 54
calm and confident so that you can

@ '*]
protect yourself and the public.

R.fe, students to the example. Students try to match J

the phrases to the speakers, from memory, and then llsten
again to check.

a-2 b-1 c-3 d-2 e-3
qF .*
' ^
Students answer the questions from memory, and
then listen again to check.
1 She teaches science. 2 They get jealous of other
students' possessions, such as thejr clothes or mobiles. )

3 You have to work quickly, and it's difficult to get
everything ready on time. 4 He enjoys making the food
look nice. 5 When people enjoy whai they eat, and they
tell him they had a great meal. 6 Meeting different
people and solving their problems. 7 The danger.
B They should stay calm and confident.
Vocobulur{ &*}***!w* 6 sr*wesiricxt
@Stud.nt's Book page 70

@ Ut ReminO students that different adjectives are followed

by different prepositions. Students complete the sentences
with the adjectives in the box, and then listen and check
tnerr answers.

Answers I
1at 2at 3at 4of 5of 6in 7in
9about 10 in 11 of 12 about

Speohing Siwinry **wi*si
@student's Book page 70

.&r 'h
qS =
Students complete the dialogue. Students ljsten to
check their answers, and then listen again and repeat. Stop
the tape after each line and ask students to repeat.
Encourage them ro lse the correct intonation.

uN,r t
I iir:r:'l: UH

Tarx anour lr
D Read the questions with the class and ask some

individual students what their favourite subjects are and
Jmi*:rlr.o why

Write the words Advantages and Disodvantages on the

: costs about
board and elicit ideas about the advantages and
disadvantages of wearing a uniform at school.

I - cl'
Write good ideas and useful vocabulary on the"board.

Typical answers:

Only Advantages Disadvantages
:c-r d aftend.
It's chea p It's boring
as ong as they
Helps students who Students have no indivtduality

I don't have much money

Helps students feel Makes students feel like

l':a;n offer courses senous about children rather than
school work young odults

o Students discuss the questions together.

r Extra discussion
Students discuss these questions together.

Are there private schools in your country?
2 is it fair that some students go to state schools and
'=-zc a^ar sle^ to rhe text and answer the some go to private schools?

3 What makes a good school?

An srve rs
' .-: 2 \c!r'parents must pay for you to go to a private

::-:l . c-i siate schools are free. 3 Boarders live at the
sc^co,'oi'the school term, and they sleep ln dormitories.
4 -:on College is a public school: a type of private school
\\nere most students are boarders. 5 No, nrost state
school pupils take their own lunch. 6 Maths, physics,

I chemistry and biology are compulsory, but geography isn't.

7 Siudents take the r pre-university exams, or A-levels, at 18.

Extra vocabulary

Students find words or expressions in the text with the

,'ol lor,,,i nB meanin gs.

F 1
a room where pupils sleep
ao: to do with academic subjects

3 er:'ere15' erpensive and not used b5, many people
1 -.'a: e,, e1'ore has to do
a -.'a-...c, .:a^ ctco=e:o co

' :a'- .,'; ?:,.-2.:-":- z- 3:': -: .e
I : ^-- ---

&i#Student's Book page 72 Students can write the essay in class, and then check each
other's work. Some essays could be read out to the class'
fln opinion essutJ ffi{w:itry op!ni*::s
Alternatively, students could write the essay as homework'

@Workbook page 55
I or explain the meaning of essoy and opinion essay. Model answer C
@ f
Being good 0t sport is o really good idea for three motn
SL,dents read the essay quickly and answer the quest ons re0sons.
Remind students that for these questions, they do not '

have to understand everY word I believe that everyone should try to be fit ond heolthy
you do sport when you are young, you will be much fitter
and heolthier and you won't have os many health
1 Andrew Jones 2 He thinks studying foreign languages is
problems when you ore older. For exomple, pelple who do

a good idea. 3 three Paragraphs
more spart are less lrkely to suffer from heart attocks'

Sruclents complete the table with the expresslons and then ln my opinion, being good 0t sport also makes you more
self-confident. Everyone can find q sport they ore good ot
You don't hove to ploy a teom sport like football if you
don't like these gomes, you could ploy tennis. There ore
in my opinion 2 | think that
lots af other sports you can try as well.
4 such as 5 for examPle
; too B also I think that being good 0t sport also helps yau get on \'/eii
with people. Some sports, such as volleyball, are really
Errra punctuation (commas) good fun. You con hove fun and you con make a lot of ne"'

friends, too.
. : - -'.: : :::; I ::a:e :l,S text:O Students
it cjorvn. tell them t0
misrakes and also for the correct use
:' cc:- ntas.

i beiieve it is very importont to study foreign longuages

Some longuoges. such as English, ore extremely useful
French, German ond Arobic are very useful, too
For exomple, if you go to Fronce on holiday' then it is
helpful if you can speok French. ln my opinton, everyone
should study at least one foreign Ionguage.

Check answers with the class and point out the use of
commas: I
around a clause containing such os (Some languoges,
such qs English, ...)
2 in lists (French, German ond Arobic
3 aller For example Gor exomple, ...)
4 after a clause beginning wtth if (lf you go to Fronce ort
holidoy, ...)
5 after ln my opinion (ln my opinion, ...)

@ Students dlscuss the ideas together, When students have

finished, elicit some ideas from the whole class Write good I
ideas and useful vocabulary on the board.

@ Students choose an idea from exercise 3, work individually

and write notes on their chosen toptc.

@ neaO through the essay plan with the class and make sure
students understand everything. Students pian thelr essays
ind ividually.
+ now write their opinion essays. Read the
reminders with the class and tell students that it is very
important to check their work after they have finished

writrng. Refer students backto the essay in exercise 1 as a
model for their answer.

UNIT 7 rl
r D @Student's Book page 97

I 'ft 5*ntsn*e strss$ mre* rhry{3amt {}}

€ o PnoxuHcranoN Nort
ln English the important words in a sentence are stressed
and the other words are spoken more softly to fit the

I o
rhythm. Between the stressed words the time b the same
however many 'softer' words there are.

^^-i.,^- i^ +L^
:L.l\g) iltLJ tc
)'ai. $ q.3 Look at the example sentences with the class and
point out that some words are stressed more than others.
Students listen to the sentences arrd notice how some of
the words are stressed.

I Un its l-7
The most important words are stressed, i.e. the words
which carry the meaning of the sentence.

€ -:! :^:^e ",OrdS in the @ StuOents predict which words are stressed in the
qentcnacq Fncnr rrape ctr rdentq tn s,av thp centenaFs a-d

r - --
-::c 4tnstalled
3 ca11, on 9 jewellery
compare their answers together.

f Students listen, repeat and check their answers.

Students may notice that sometimes only part of a word

I ll
u r0mm 0r
1 Wow, what a great idea!
2 You should come to the match on Saturday.

h O t=^
- -:
- r s.-:.^is

, :'3s3^'. atd
r,, ::-cel:s
;hat use can for ability or permission
could for ability or permission in the
$'rite questions and their own anslvers.
3 We couldn't go surfing.
You shouldn't worry about it.
| think we can win the match.
I'm interested in working with animals.

I Ansrvers
t C:,, d ,vou write essays when you were seven?
2 Ca' _vour parents speak English? 3 Could you watch
@ Students predict which words are stressed in the
questions, and compare their answers together.

I T\ "n,il midnight when you were eight? 4 Can you ride a

orcrcle _vet? 5 Could you play football when you were
e f Strdentt listen, repeat and check their answers.

eigf:? 6 Can you choose which days you go to school? '1 What's the best thing about being an actor?
2 What should I do if I have a problem?
@ ReminO students of the difference in meaning between
3 What do you do when you're not at school?
and don't hove to. Refer students back to the rules

r 1^ .;9F AQ jr rprp<<2.1 (- rdpn-< ra-. p+e tf,tr (,trntFnCeS 4 Which caf6 should I go to in town?
.'.:- -.'e.e'3; -:^e lo\. 5 What job would you like to do?
6 Which do you think is the most dangerous job?
Ansrve rs
_ : u J -- .- : -- r
-- -: -- - -:.

I 5 ^-,.:,- , 5 :-:,. :

rr .*lri:,'l!i igvieri': U:ii:s ;-;

o- : - di u

- : srecialised

I :.. 9 anv



tt I

o Students find the words in the text to check their meaning,*

and then match them to the definitions. Check answers-
t t
with the class and check understanding of all the words.
'(tr:noc ananr rntar<'
1d 2a 3c 4e 5b

The natural world, Verb + preposition
@ read the text again and decide whether the
sentences are true or false. Students give evidence from
Grammar: the text to support their answers.

Relative clauses, who, which and thlt I
wno or wnose! Answers

1 False - There are thousands of mysteries in the
Communication: natural world that we can't explain.

r I

Listening 'Fact or fiction?l; Spqaking Agreeing and True - In 2003, scientists found another colossal squid
u,JubrL!,,,b in the Antarctic Ocean.
', t ''
3 True - They have killed and eaten humans, too.

Cufture focus:
True - The scientists who examined the dead animal
I ne space race thought that it was a joke.
False - There is controversy about the existence of
Writing: the yeti.

True - The scientists who examined the hair didn't
A description of a place, Sentence adverbs
know what it was.

-s endings: lsl,lzl and lvl @ StrO.ntr answer the questions on the text. Encourage
students to answer the questions using their own words
mrrrh ec nocqihlp


1 They often live in places where humans can't get to
High mountain peaks, the deepest areas of the
oceans and dense jungles are the final frontiers.
Book page 74
Norwegian fishermen spoke about the colossal squid
for a long time.

Stronge en c 0unl ers The colossal squid was 18 metres long: twice the

O O\ Students look at the photos, read the text and match 5

length of a bus.
They are very large, dangerous lizards, up to three
metres in length, and they eat anything, including
the animals in the photos with the paragraphs. Remind
students that when they read a text for the first time, they other Komodo dragons
should read it quite quickly and should not worry if they 6 A climber saw the yeti in 1951, climbers have found
do not understand every single word. very large footprints, and another climber recently
found some hair from the animal.
Answers j
A Colossal squid B Komodo dragon C Platypus D Yeti Extra activity: prepositions

o Students put the animals in the order in which they were

Dictate these sentences from the text and ask students
to complete them with the coriect prepositions. Students
then check their answers in the text.
' II

Platypus - 1797, Komodo dragon - 1912, 1 Scientists found one ......... a whale.
2 Scientists found another one ......... the Antarclic I
Colossal squid - 1925,Yeti - 1951
3 A Dutch pilot crashed his plane ,...;.... an island. -

uNrr I
Extra listening
Wrlte these sentences on the board and ask students to
listen again and complete the descriptiorrs of where the
places are.

rI 1
The Pacific Ocean is
The Sahara Desert is

Fl t
D :
*'! ur *r1 d
1 west of the 2 in North

Check answers with the class and revise the four points
of the compass (north, south, east, and west). MaLe sure
students understand the difference between:
It's in North Africa and lt's north of Africo.
o : :', :o tfte
::. Creck answers Elicit or teach that we usually use northern, southern elc.
- r'a the nouns, rather than north, south etc. when describing a part of a
:.:e ihem into their country, e.g. lt's in northern lrctq.

Students can test each other by maktng a list of five

- countries, cities, islands etc. and asking their partner to

describe where they are. For example:
Where is London?

It's in southern England.
o .-., --, -,: -: ::'-::: ?.-a",ef n gaCh SentenCe Extra listening

Str rdents listen asain and write down the four descriptive
{ :.r::>
3 : a- cs 4 oese't 5 forests adjectives that are used to describe son e of the p'aces
|,rlJ s'v rrqpd io describe The Mediterrans3n (l) The
Sahara (4), and The Amazon (5).

F €
O =- .
: .:=.
- ', : ^'e 'or students to read the names of the
I of habitat each place is, e.g. The
.:'.'.rat t-vpe
):: ' . 3ceie. Siudents listen to descriptions of the six
Check answers with the class, and then elicit more
descriptive adjectives that could be used to describe
these places.

ts r ?::s a1c i.'rite the number, 'l-6, next to each place


'?.-e For tleaker classes, elicit descriptions and locations Answers
:'e:.c" of the habitats before students listen. hot, dry, sandy, wet
other possible adjectives: wild, huge, impressive.
Answers beautiful, remote etc.
1 T'-e Pacific 2 The Pyrenees 3 The Mediterranean
4 T^e Sahara 5 The Amazon 6 The Nile Extra activity: animal challenBe
Students work in groups and write down as many English
Tnprscnrpt words for animals as they can within a two or three
1: lt's full of fish, and ships sail on it tool lt's west of minute time limit. Students may use dictionaries. The

the USA. and east of Australia and China. group with the most correct answers is the winner. Elicit
2: These separate trrarce fron: Sca -, Deoole go answers from the class and write all the vocabuiary on
skiing there in lhe r','i'ier, a'c -a-i ::ccle climb the board.
r! i^ !^- - 6- -.

ts 3: l: SeOa"a:es .!":"-,-'c !--::: @Workbook pages 57,60

Tnrr lnour n

Read the questions with the class. Elicit some examples
of places and natural features from the whole class first,
and write good ideas and useful vocabulary on the board
Srudents d;scuss the questions togethe'.

5 ls this a rock which / that you found in the desert?

@student's Book page 76 6 A composer is a person who ,/ that writes music.

@Gru*rur reference page 1oB

@ StrO.ntr work individually or in pairs to compiete the

flelutive cluuses
Students' own answers

Extra translation
@ R.f.r students to the photo and the question.
Students read and listen to the text to check their answer Dictate these sentences to the class and ask students to

They got married in the highest place on Earth: at the
top of Mount Everest,
translate them into thelr own language.

Check answers with the class and discuss any interesting

differences between English and the students'own It
read the text again and answer the questions

Mr Jones is the teacher who we IiLe best.
This is the book which I read last week. I
They wanted
co J io.
to get married as far from Earth as they

-oJrrsts and all serlous climbers also want to climb

That's the chair which he sat on.
That's the film which I told you about.
She's the girl who Sally was talking to.
1.. erest.
3 --: s;mmrt is the top of the mountain.
ceftrg cr gg*ese?
- ..,::. ai ii;t-ti -l'id f*gf @ neaC the rule with the class and make sure students

@ , ,,.=-
:-),, -r'S
-t :a:ch the sentence halves and then check their
,: the feXt.
understand the difference between who, wha's and whose
Students find the sentence wtth whose in the text from
exercise 1. ll
1a 2d 3a 4c
Meet the couple whose wedding happened in the
hiohcct nlarc nn Farth I

neaO the rules with the class and make sure that students
understand the term relative pronoun. Students use the @ Students choose the correct alternative in each sentence
sentences in exerc,se 3 to complete rhe rules. Refer students back to the rule in exercise 9 if necessan..

Answers Answers
We use the relative pronouns who and fhof to talk about 1 He's the pilot who flew the plane.
pe0p re. 2 Can you tell me whose book this is?
We use the relative pronouns which and that to talk 3 She's the girl who's helping me.

about things.

Students use either who or which {rot that) to complete

the sentences. Tell students not to use fhof in this exercise
They don't want someone who's young.
You never know who's listening.
They're the class whose teacher is ill.
He's the man who's climbed Mount Everest.
because it could be used in each question.

'1which 2 who 3 who 4 which 5 who 6 which
:i -.
Students complete the sentences with who or
Students listen and check their answers.
ri.: j:
7 which B who

Students choose the correct alternative in each sentence.

'1 rvho 2 whose 3 whose 4 who 5 who 6 whose
Extra dictation
1 that 2 which 3 who 4 which 5 that 6 that Read out some of the sentences from exercise l0 ar^c
7 lvho B that elicit that in speech who's, whose and who followed br
rrord beginning with s- (who song) all sound very sin; a'
@ Students write sentences with the relative pronouns. Some
students may realize that they can use fhof for all the
sentences, so encourage students to use a variety of
Dictate these sentences to students and tell them to
rhink carefully about each sentence to decide whether :': I
;:se who, who's or whose.
relative pronouns in their answers.

1 ls she the girl who's staying
with Maria?
1 Maths is the subject which / that I like the most.
2 ls hethe boy whose brother is a footballer?
3 Hes the actor who's in the new film.
Is rhat the muse.m wnich / that you visiLed last rea-
3 lt's a type of animal which / that doesn't eat meat.
r He's the friend whose bike I borrowed.

4 Mary is the lady who / that has had a new baby.

5 S^es rhe girl who gave me her phone.

al'.., r:i:,::
i: .: : il. 'J;r UNIT 8
I Irlsr'istion

Liste ning
Q ---:--: ::-:
::3 :ae text using the correct relative bstrd.nt s Book page 78
--. -: t;t that sometimes there may be more
- -- :-- d )wgl.
Fscl ot f iclisa?

I \-sr€as
that 3 which / that
2 rvhich ,/
/ that 7 which / that
4 whose
O * Students match the descriptions of the films to the

5 .', rich film tiiles. Students then Iisten and check their answers.
: - -- '--':a " " .,. r:'X / th?t
I) .=- -,a' -:':-::c: page 108 1b 2c 3a

I I) .'.:-.:,:':< 3age 58 Tnpescnrpr

Welcome to the Everyman cinema. Here is this week's

On screen one: Ihe Day AfterTomorrow. The world is

getting warmer. Natural disasters might destroy the


On Screen twoi Batman Begins. A film which has the

most amazing special effects! See the story of the man

I who spends his life fighting crime.

On Screen three: Sfar Wars lll. The final episode of the

best science-fiction story ever. Why did Dafth Vader

F become the most evil man in the Galaxy?

For times, press one lor The Day After Tomorrow ..'

{) # Allow students time to read the statements. Explain
the meaning of scenery and model the pronunciation if
necessary. Students listen to three people talking about
the films a-c, and match the six statements to the films

1b 2c 3c 4b 5a 6a

I love films which have good special effects, and this
film had the best special effects that l've ever seen!
There are huge battles with spaceships which look
amazing. George Lucas really specialises in special

l,I effects, and they just get better and better with each
I also thought that the scenery was really good. We see

F enormous futuristic cities and then deseds with huge

mountains. Unfortunately, the acting isn't very good,
apart from Ewan MacGregor, who plays Obi-Wan

Kenobi. But I don't think that the acting is quite as
imoonant in science fiction fllms. lt's the action which
everyone comes to see!

F B.
This is a really interesting film. lt makes us think more
about global warming, because it shows us what might
happen if the Earth gets hotter. In the film, the world's
leaders argue about global warming. Some of them say

E that thev don't believe in it! But in the film, the Arctic
Ocean freezes and a tsunami destroys New YorktCity'
1 talk about 2 argue about 3 worry about
So the film made me think about the natural disasters
which could haPPen in the future' 4 Wait for 5 sPecialise in 6 look at

But the film had some bad parts too' The main
was that the characters weren't very good' They iust
weren't believable. The disasters looked real, but the
characters didn't seem real at all!
Speahing f,greeing &n$ disaryreeing
() # Students read the dialogue individually' or read rt
c. aloud in Pairs.
The first half of the film is about how the character
Students llsten and repeat. Stop the tape after each
line *
Bruce Wayne becomes Batman' Some criminals kill his
and ask students to repeat Encourage them to use the
parents, so Bruce Wayne decides to look for criminals
and to fight crime. He goes to some wild mountains
in correct intonation. Students practise the dialogue in
Asia where he learns to be a ninja' Then Bruce Wayne phrases that are
@ eticlt from the class some adjectives and
returns to Gotham City and he becomes Batman used to talk about films, TV programmes or books' for
I really enjoyed this film' I thought the characters were example interesting, exciting, reolly good' rubbish' good
great, especially Batman. There are some car chases Write useful vocabulary on the board' Elicit
specio! effects.
which were really exciting, and the film is very realistic' expressions for agreeing and disagreeing and
write these
There were a few funny parts that I laughed at, too' on the board, e.g.

f Students answer the questions from memory and Agree Disagree

then listen again to check. I ogree Well, l'm not sure I qgree wtth You

Answers Yes, you're right I don't agree

1 He specialises in special effects. 2 There were futuristic
cities, deserts and huge mountains. 3 They argue
about Definitel( I disogree

the existence of global warming. 4 The characters

I couldn't agree more I completely disagree
weren't very good because they didn't seem believable'
5 He learns to be a ninja in some mountains in Asia' Students write a dialogue about a film, TV
programme or
6 The car chases are exciting in Batmon' book, using the dialogue in exercise 6 and the examples in
7 as models. In their dialogue students must agree
pairs to perform
and disagree with each other' Ask some

Voc obulorg \ferb * prep$$ition their dialogues for the class'

hlworkbook page 60
* Students match the verbs with the prepositions In the
box and then listen to the sentences and check their
answers. Do the first example with the class if necessary'

1 about 2 about 3 at 4 for 5 about 6 to 7 tor
8 to 9 in 10 for 1'1 about 12 about

1 The world's leaders argue about global warming'
2 | don't care about the acting'
3 Look at the names at the end of the film'
4 Bruce Wayne decides to look for criminals'
5 He talks about the environment'
6 Don't talk to me until the film finishes'
7 Let's ask for somebody who speaks English'
8 Listen to the music.
9 George Lucas specialises in special effects'
10 I'll wait for you outside the cinema'
11 The film made me think about natural disasters'
12 | worry about the future'

@ complete the sentences using verbs and

prepositions from exercise 4 Remind students to use :^e
ma)' t€
correct preposition with each verb, and that there
more than one correct answer'
D @strdent's Book page 8o

t:e sDoce
',,- r0ce
drscrip.tion of o ploce
O :- .-'; - -.:.^:-.-etitleofthetext.Elicit * *dlftr*s
: : :. ''-: - : :-. :'slacetravel.Students
- : - I -' :- -- '.-: :::::as in the box to the @ StrOentr describe the three photos together. Encourage
students to use as much descriptive language as possible.
, : -- .---.-.- -'--:-,-.:-:saragraphsintOthe
: - :: Elicit some examples of descriptive language for.the three
places in the photos. Students read the description quick/y
: -: -:- to see which photo it matches.
: :., : :-, l'--_. E:980s A1990s B2000s Answer
photo c
@ ,.- :-:r -::l l-: ii,i a3a I and answerthe multiple
-- - :: :-::, !^! 13r'16 Students that for this type of
::j. :-:. s^:_ : 'ead each question and the possible Q) StuOents read the description again and answer the
:-) :-:. :- .(,. 'nd the relevant part of the text for that
:,:r- :- a'3 ihen read that part ofthe text very carefully Answers
:: j -t :-3 aofrect answer. 1 Wales 2 lt's part of the island of Great Britain
3 the beaches 4 Llanfynydd
1b 2c 3a 4b 5c
$ f.f f students that sentence adverbs describe the r,vriter's
attttude to a statement. Students find phrases frorn the
Tlrr nnour lr text rn exercise 1 with the four sentence adverbs.

Expiain to students that they are going to discuss space Answers

:rave l.
Obviously, there aren't ony deserts!- The writer thinks thrs
statement rs obvious.
Revise the names and pronunciations of the planets in Unfortunately, most of the time it's cold though. -The
Englrsh. Read the questions with the class and elicit some writer thinks it's unfortunate that the weather is cold for
ans\'1/ers. Write good ideas and useful vocabulary on the most of the time.
b oa rd. Luckily, ldon't like big cities! - The writer is happy to live
Students discuss the questions together. Ask some there because there aren't any big cities jn the area.
students to report back to the class on thejr discussions. Honestly, this is the best place to live! - The writer wanrs
the reader to believe it's the best place.
Extra discussion
In pairs, students discuss these questions.
S Strd.nts match two ofthe sentence adverbs in exercjse 3
with the adverbs a and b.
1 Some countries spend a lot of money on sending Answers
people into space. ls it \,.orih the money? a luckily b obviously
2 ls it rmportant for peco e :o co-:inue exploring

3 ..'e-c:^,'.- .:'"''.* ..'::"=;::.-e] $ complete the sentences with the sentence
adverbs from exercises 3 and 4. Remind students to think
logically about the meaning of each sentence. Sometrmes
there may be more than one correct answer.

1 Luckily,zFortunately 2 Obviously/Clearly
3 Unfortunately 4 Luckily/Fortunately 5 Honestly
6 Obviously/Clearly

@ now plan therr own descriptions of the area they

live in Read the reminders with the class and get them to
make notes for each paragraph. Remind students to Llse
some sentence adverbs to describe their attitude to where
they live.

$ StrOents now write their descrrptions. using thetr notes

from exercise 6. Tell students that it is very important for
them to check their work when they have finishec lt:iting

Students can write the description in class, and then check
each other's work. Some descriptions can be read out and
the class can vote on which is the best.
Alternatively, students can write the description as

Vo cubulorg
Book page 81 ila
Model answer
page 61

I live in a small village in the north west of Scotland.

Q Students complete the sentences with habitat words.

Desert jungle 3 Ocean 4 river, stream 5 islands
1 2

The weather here is not as hot as in the south of Europe.

6Sea a

In summer, from May to September, it can be quite

€) Students complete the sentences with the correct forrn of
warm, about 20'C. Luckily, I don't like the weather to be

the verbs in the box and a preposition. _t
too hot. Unfortunately, there is quite a lot of rain, too, so
it can be rather wet sometimes. Answers
'l argue about 2 worry about 3 waited for 4 looked at
This region has a beautiful rocky coastline. There are a lot
5 ask for

6 specialise in
of tiny fishing villages and beautiful sandy beaches which
are very popular with tourists. Inland, the countryside is
green and wooded, with some magniflcent forests. There lfocnhslsr$ revis{tr: Snits tr*$

are lots of hills and valleys, and there are beautiful rivers
which flow through the valleys. High mountains surround @ ff''ris exercise tests vocabulary from this unit and previous
the region. In winter there is snow in some of the units. Students complete the sentences with the
mountains and you can go skiing there. prepositions in the box.

The most interesting animals in this region are the sea Answers
labout 2on 3at 4up 5of 6over 7to
birds which live along the coast. Clearly, it's a good place Sfor
for birdwatchers. Obviously, there aren't any animals 9 in 10 off
which like really hot climates.

Fortunately, I really like nature and going for walks in the
countryside. Honestly, I think this area of Scotland is 0rummor
great if you like the outdoors.

@ Reter students to the example. Students write sentences

with who or which.

1 An umbrella is a thing which is useful in the rain.
2 Homework is work which you do after school.
3 An email is an electronic message which you send.
4 A teacher is a person who helps you to learn.
5 An album is music which is on a CD.
6 A parent is a person who has a child.
7 Basketball is a sport which you play on a court.
B You are a person who enjoys grammar.

@ complete the sentences with who, who's or


1 who's 2 who 3 whose 4 whose 5 who 6 who's I
0rummar revie:.g: ffnf*s l*E I
@ exercise tests grammar from previous units in the
book as well as this unit.

Students should read the whole text through once for I

general meaning before they fill the gaps. Students
complete the text with the words in the box. Not all the
rvords are necessary, and there may be more than one I
correct answer.

'1 rvho 2 looking 3 which/that 4 eating 5 looks
6 called 7 that/which B seen 9 much 10 would
r - and vl

I :-= : COmmOn area Of

:- :^'ee different sounds

E ' :-c ngs. lsl, lz/ and lvl.

::' z and pronunciation
2'3 'nishes can also be

E r- :derts io nrndrrce the

^ =. - --2- -^ev shorrld in itate a
sc;rd. and a bee to make the /z/

:.-:-- -. '=:=a: :^e verbs, paying attention tO the three

I A\-
et i'
: " -- ]:
-':-Je^is isten again and write the correct symbol

-::dLi ^a.h vgtu.

1 viarches 'rz,r 2 plays 3 employs lzl /z/ 4 eats /s/
5 cractises 'rzl 6 happens lzl

Fr f) read the sentences and decide which sound each

verb in bold shouid end with. Get them to say the words in
order to choose the correct sound.

Fr @ i*1 Srudents listen. repeat and check thei' answers.

Check that they are articulating the lzl and /s/ sounds

1 shares lzl 2 misbehaves /z/ 3 lets /s/
4 practises /rzl 5 attends /z/

o Ask the students. in pairs. to read ihe sentences and write

s . z o!' rz abo\'e tl'e :^''c 3e'son -s verb endings.

11 S:ide-ts l s::-. 'e::a: a^: c'ac<:heir answers.

l:\:: : i -- -i : - :: - -.: L

4 ^^ --- --
+ a- :::

uNrr s i'-*riH
Reading: ,t,
.Sel|,sel|,seI|;|.|... . :
1c 2e 3d 4f 5b 6a

Students read the text again and decide whether the

sentences are true or false. Remind students that thev
must give evidence from the text to explain their answers.
Vocabulary: ' , ,' ',,,1
. ,' -.

Money verbs, ed and,;ing adj:O|t*,
. . I 1 False - Adverts are most successful if they are

Gfammaf: . : ', 1: ,.,,.,,.

2 True - Adverts which use celebrities are expensive to
Communication: . . ,,. t, I
Listening'Extreme advertising', Speaking'Describing
False - On busy beaches the adverts are destroyed by
midday. I
4 False - Product names are painted on students'faces :
by an advertising agency, and the students are paid
for this.
Culture focus:
'Made in the UK', Inventions 5 False - Adverts get more personalised every year.
6 True - They suddenly appear while you are logged on
Writing: to the internet.
A discussion e5say,.Wr:itingrreview

@ Encorrage students to answer the questions using their
own words where possible.
Sentence stress and rhythmr(2). Answers

You can see adverts in the street, on TV in
supermarkets, newspapers and magazines, on
beaches, on faces and on the anternet.
2 Advertisers use celebrities because the adverts are

$stuoent's Book page 82

Beach adverts are destroyed quickly, so they need to
be replaced regularlY. I
Students can easily make some money by doing this. i
5 Pop-up adverts are often annoying and difficult to

Sell Sell Sell stop.

$ R.t r students to the title of the unit and elicit or teach
the meaning of advert. Students read the questions and
discuss the answers together.
Extra activity

Write these headings on the board. Students match them

to the five paragraphs in the text. I
Students' own answers a
Paying people to advertise
Targeting individuals
t read the text, or read and listen, and check c Using dreams to sell Products ,

their answers to exercise 1. Remind students that they d Forcing people to take notice
should read the text quite quickly, and not worry if they do e What makes a successful adv€rt?
not understand every single word.

o Tell students to find the nouns, 1-6, in the text, before

they try to match them to the definitions. Encourage tre:r
a-paragraph 4 b -paragtaph 5 c- paragraph2
3 e-paragraPh 1,,''

to read the sentence containing each noun carefull-v. lo
guess the meaning from the context. Do the first exanp e
with the class if necessarY.

ffi uNrr e d
I t: ! 3'- iulu rJln:r9il
Tnrx anour lr
D --:- --
Read the questions about aclverts and elicit ideas from

o - :--' ': ' j^ ^\ vcrh( tO dO With the whole class. Write good ideas and useful vocabulary

- --

, - - , -: :^: lairs of words in their

on the board. Students discuss the questions together.

:-; Lllc )trJtLcILtr). @Workbook pages 63,66

r.-: $*':
" --
: : -'
IT o '. -
=-'=' :^e \ erbs from exercise 6 are
: - .-:
.: - :: O'i"regular verbs On pages
:':-::,-::^:S BOOk.

E o -:-:=- -. --:::::^e verb from exercise 6 with the correct

-:.- -. :-=:<,,,,hether it is regular or irregular, and then

FI 0
-- - := -,'= :t"eci form for the sentence.
,Ansrr ers
' :.:--.
r:ar :'e
2 ent 3 bought 4 pay

Quick tip with the class.

5 afford 6 borrow

;.e'e' siudents to the example. Students write five

F sentences about their money, to help them remember the

t'ocabulary, and check their answers together. Tell students
to include as many of the verbs from exercise 6 as possible.

Ask some students to read their sentences to the class and
correct any mistakes. Write good example sentences on
the board. Tell students to record the new vocabulary and

the example sentences in their vocabulary notebooks.
Students' own answers

Extra vocabulary
Renirnd stuCen:s if'at as ,,..e': as lea:ninS the meaning of
.e\,, ..e'bs. ihe'. --s: a sJ e2.. :^e g,ammar and
co'loca:iors a' a .e'a ,',':a :-3s: :e^:ences on the

F :ca"a ),'C ?Sr Si-ti-ii :- :^,:!: :-3 Cot'j'ect alternative

F 'er,; CD.
-,. birthday

-- -- ,^^+-
:- -- i-:-iugt
- :i^.a:ll\/

:--: -:-

FI -: a:- Tfrom

$student's Book page 84 1 are written 2 is visited 3 ls, paid 4 are advertised
5 ls, taught 6 isn't spoken 7 Are, produced
@Grurrur reference page 108 8 aren't grown 9 are bought '10 are painted

@ StrC"ntt re*rite the sentences in the passive. Including

The possive information about who does the action is optional, if the
person is mentioned. lf necessary, write these sentences
{} * ReaO the question with the class. Students read and on the board.
listen to the text to find the answer to the question. The potice cought the thiAf bst niqht.
A fifteen-year-old boy cought the thief lost night. 3
Pop artists are being paid by McDonald's to mention Big Ask students to rewrite the two sentences using tne
Macs in their songs. passive and elicit that in the second senteRce it is better to
say who does the action because it is surprising and
@ Students choose the correct answers, and then read the interesting.
text to check their answers.
Check answers with the class. 1 We are given a lot of homework (by our teacher).

Answers 2 The BMW Mini is built in Oxford. 3 Where i'5 the best
13 2a 3b 4b ice-cream made? 4 Fish isn't served at the new
restaurant. 5 Are mobile phones sold heie? 6 Hundreds
6l =:.: :-e ': es rvith the class and make sure that students of criminals are arrested every year (by the police).
- ::':--3^ I et elthing. 7 Japonese isn't spoken in Russia. B Some great CDs
are sold on that website.
-:a3 :-e aclive sentences, and then they find the
@ .--==--
:::! .= ::---:^:es .l :re text which express the same @ StrC"ntr complete the active sentences, so that they mean
:='. l.: :-e "- er:::pie s'ith the class if necessary the same as each passive sentence. Do the first example
Ansrers with the class if necessarv.
' --, --: :':.:-:-j a.e oien referred to in pop songs. Answers
" --€ a--= a:e:': ca:c io do this. 3 A song that 1 send 2 pay 3 sell 4 doesn't own 5 eat 6 spend
-.-::-s 3g lacs ,s pla-ved
on national radio.
4 .-e a:tsr are paid about $3 by McDonald's.
@ S:-"e"n find the verb forms and decide whether the
seilences are active or passive. Refer students back to the O e Refer students to the photo and elicit or teach the
ruies in exercise 3 if necessary. meaning of grqffiti. Ask for students' opinions on graffiti.
Students decide if each verb in the text should be active or
Answers passive. Remind students to read the text through once for
1 are made - passive 2 make - active 3 refer to - active general meaning before they complete it. Students listen
4 are referred to - passive 5 sell - active and check their answers.
6 are sold - passive 7 are played B play - active
o Tell students to read the rules in exercise 3 again
them answer the question
to help 1 are
5 love
caused 2 is used 3 are painted 4 is hated
it 6 are chosen 7 like B aren't placed
9 are put 10 begin
ln sentence 6 we don't know or care who sells the Extra grammar
products and in sentence 7 we don't know or care who
plays the songs. Writerthese sentences on the board and'ask:students to
rewrite them in the passive.

a Students complete the sentences with the present simple

ne<<ivp n{ ihe verhc
1 They usually sell milk in litres.
2 Young people often buy designer clothes.
Remind students that some of the verbs are irregular. 3 They sometimes use celebrities in adverts.
4 They never sell cigarefies to- qhildren.
1 are served 2 are held sold 4 isn't used
3 Are, Check answers with the class and elicit that frequency
5 are taken 6 isn't spent 7 Are, made B is stolen adverbs go between the present simple of be and the
9 is provided 10 are designed past participle,ln passive sentences,:
' '.' :.: -..: ',
' ':: '.,
..:'. , .': . .'- , .t ' . :

Answers,. :' ,

@ StrO.ntr complete the sentences with the present simple

,. -.
passive form of the verbs in the box. 'l Milk is usually sold in litres. 2 Designer clothes are
often bought'by young people. 3 Celebrities are
sometimes used in adverts. 4 Cigarettes are never sold
to children.

uNrr e
TT :,:': se 3 and remind

tl = -- ^:<ar nA : nrnap<(
@stuclent's Book page 86
: -: exc ain that they
: -::. .Ask students
$s€r*m* m$w*r?tslxry

I ::: :
: :.^C gUgSS WhiCh

@ Refer students to the photo and elicit the word shork.

SLudents discuss the questions together. Ask son'e

students to report back to the class on their discussion
butter. q"} fxptain to students that they are going to listen to a

radio interview with a model called Carmen. Allow

students time to read the events. Explain any vocabulary
that students do not understand. Students listen and put
I :-em to the shops.
the events into the correct order. They then listen again to
check their answers.

I lried to the factory

th 2g 3b 4d 5f 6c 7a Be

r ': :-::essed to make a rich butter

lvan: What's your idea of a dangerous job? Being a
policeman? A soldier? Perhaps being a

!l t
Formula 1 raclng driver? What about
....acting? Surprised? Perhaps you disagree.
Perhaps you think that acting is a very safe

quiet job. That's what I thought too - until
6 Grarnrur reference page'1 08 I

met Carmen.
b\vorkbook page 64 Carmen, welcome to the Programme.
Carmen: Hi, lvan. Thanks for inviting me.

lvan: Carmen is an actress from Estonia. On one
job with an advertising agency, Carmen had to
do a photoshoot ten metres under the sea
with very dangerous sharks! Not small sharks,

!l either. These were terrifying Great White

sharks - the most frightening type there is! Tell
me, Carmen, how did you feel about doing a

I ohotoshoot with sharks?

Carmen:Well, when I heard the photoshoot was with
sharks, I was really excited. Usually
photoshoots are very boring, but this one was

!l different. The advertising agency was looking

for something really dramatic and exciting l
was very glad they asked me!
lvan: And were you frightened?
! Carmen: No, not at first. l'm not scared of animals -
think that people are more frightening! And
anyway, there were experienced divers there

!l and I was in a cage.

lvan: Tell us what hapoened.
Carmen: OK. When we arrived at the dive site it was
nice and sunny. We sat on the boat and the
E photographers put on their wetsuits and
diving equipment. Then I got into the cage
and they shut the door. I felt fine. Then the

cage was lowered into the water.
lvan: So weren't you scared?
Carmen: No, not really. I was in the cage, but I wasn't

alone. The photographers jumped into the
water. and soon they were swimming around
the cage. A shark was swimming and looking

at me and the photographers were takin!
pictures. Then somebody opened the door of Q S,, express their own opinions about the photo and
lne advert. Elicit some ideas from the whole class first.
the cage to take a closer photo of me. At the
Studer'ts discuss the questions together.
same time, a three-metre shark suddenly
swam into the cage and opened its mouth. lt
was terrifying! But luckily another diver
Vocobulur{ -ed and -rrxry e diwc;€{w**
jumped in front of me and the shark decided
to escape. lt quickly swam out of the cage
again. One of the photographers took a photo @ fefl students that adjectives ending in 'ed and'ing are
common, and that there is an important difference

of what happened and we went back up to
the boat. between the two endings. Read the example sentences
lvan: You were luckY, then? with the class. Students complete the rules.
Carmen: Yes, I was very lucky. Usually the worst thlng Answers (

that happens on a photoshoot is that your
dress doesn't fit or you fall over - this was
definitely more dangerous!
Adjectives ending ln -ed describe how somebody or
something feels.
Adjectives ending in -r,ngr describe somebody or I
So, the next time listeners at home fancy a something.
challenge, maybe they should try acting?

Thanks for coming in, Carmen, and next we StrOentt choose the correct adjective in each sentence.
have... Remind students that if'the adjective is describing a
feeling, they should use the -ed ending.
i+- ^
$ !:.loents decide if the sentences are true or false,
pr'oviding evidence from the listening to support their
1 amazing 2 interesting 3 surprised 4 frightening

answers. Students then listen again to check their answers
5 bored
1 False Carmen is from Estonia. 2 False - She
- Extra activity
wasn't on a beach: she was ten metres under the sea.
3 False - She wasn't scared at first, and she's not scared of
animals. 4 True - She says 'l think that people are more
frightening.' 5 True - Luckily, another diver jumped in
Write five verbs on the board from which -ed and -rng
adjectives can be formed , e.g. annoy, disgust, borc, excite.
disoppoint, I
front of Carmen and the shark decided to escape. Tell students to work in pairs and write three sentences
6 False - She said that this photo shoot was definitely more using-ed and'ing adjectives from the verbs on the board
dangerous. Elicit some examples from the class, e.g.
is sometimes very annoytng.
lily little brather
Extra listening: past simple and past continuous
Write these sentences on the board and ask students to
That film
wos boring becouse nothing happened far two

I wos disoppointed becouse I failed the test. I

complete them with the past simple or past continuous
of the verbs in brackets.

1 Tell me, Carmen, how ................ (you feel) about

Check students' sentences, then tell them to rewrite
them leaving out the adjectives.
They pass the sentences to another pair, who must
doing a photo-shoot with sharks?
The advertising agency ............ (look) for
something really dramatic and exciting.
When we ............ (arrive) at the dive site it was
complete them with the correct adjectives. Students pass
the sentences back and check answers'
Ask if any pairs got all the sentences correct
nice and sunny.
The photographers iumped into the water, and soon
they ...
.. .. (swim) around the cage. Sp e ohing €3ss*:ih{'xig i,htaerys
5 suddenly
A three-metre shark (swim) into
the cage.
O .=' Ret.t students to the six objects in the pictures. r\laxe
which shot.'s
>-': s:Jcents notice the flag on each object,
Students then listen and check their answers. Revise tr= ..^:'3 i',',as made. Pre-teach the materials plastic,fabr;c
rules for the use of the past continuous and past s n

1 did you feel 2 was looking 3 arrived
:; - :.:
a'i ieother. Students listen for which object is bei:3
_:: _ ^^^
4 were swimming 5 swam '=.r'ciliaLianshoes

s tsook page 87
Sam ls it made in the USA?
Lucy No, it isn't.
Sam ls it made in Europe? lllade in rhe Uil
Lucy Yes, it is.
Sam ls it made of plastic? S StuOents match the inventions to the years and then
Lucy No, it isn't. read the text quickly to check their answers.
Sam ls it made of leather?
Lucy Yes, it is. Answers
Sam ls it the pair of ltalian shoes? computer - 1822 crossword - 1913 telephone - 1 876
Lucy Yes, it is! television -'1926 umbrella -'1852
World Wide Web - i9B9
@ StrO.ntr choose the correct answers to the questions. Tell
students to think about whether the objects are singular or €! StuOents answer the questions from memory and then
clural. Point out the passive structure to be made of a read the text again to check their answers.
moteriol. Answers
Answers 1 English 2 telephone 3 wateiproof umbrella
1 Yes, it is. 2 No, they aren't. 3 Yes, they are. 4women 5game 6adiamond

@ StrO"ntr choose another object from exercise 7 ano @ neaO the example with the class. Do the first question with
prepare a description of it. the whole class if necessary. Students choose the correct
invention and write sentences using the passive,
Students work in pairs and try to guess their partner's
object by asking them questions. They should use Answers
questions similar to those from the listening and exercise 1 Telephones are used for talkingto people who are far
8. e.g. Are they made in Europe? ls it made of plostic? Tell away. 2 The World Wide Web is used for finding
strcents to reply with short answers, and to pay attention information from all around the world. 3 Umbrellas are
:0 \i hether it is a singular object, or a pair. used for keeping dry when it rains. 4 Crosswords are
used for providing entertainment in newspapers.
iworkbook page 66

@ nefer students to the exampte sentence. Read the list of

materials with the class and explain the meaning of ar_1.
that students do not know. Students write sentences usrg
the passive.
Typical answers
1 Cloth is used for making clothes, sheets and towels.
2 Steel is used for making cars, lorries, buildings and
bridges. 3 Glass is used for making windows, glasses,
televisions and vases. 4 Plastic is used for making
telephones, computers, cameras and CDs.

Extra grammar
Ask students to find two examples of the passive in the rexr.

1 33 million,umbrellas are sold every year in the UK.
2 One of the most famous British crosswords is
published daily in The limes newspaper.

Tau noour r
Elicit some answers from the whole class. Write good
ideas and useful vocabulary on the board. Students
discuss the questions together Ask some students to
report back to the class on their discussions.

Extra discussion
In pairs, students discuss these questions.
'1 Who are the most famous int,er:o'> fro.n vour- courtr.v?
2 lVhat did the-v invent?
3 What do _vou think !s the nc:: -.---:a--- - .:^: ,- e,. e-?
people's homes from all over the world. Additionally'
ELStudent's Book page BB
there are lots of eltremely interesting programmes about
nature and 6cience on TV and people can learn a lot

fl discussion essuu lllriting revieut from watching TV.

On the other hand, TV has some disadvantages. Flrst of

l$ neaO the questions with the class and make sure that all, it stops people from talking to each other. When the
students understand them. You may have to explain the TV is on, families don't communicate with each other,
meaning of orguments, in fqvour of, agoinst and conclusion. which is a very bad thing Secondly, TV makes children
lazy. They spend too muih time sitting down watching
Students read the text quickly and answer the questions.
TV when, in my opinion, they should really do more
Check answers with the class and make sure that students exercise and sport. Finally, I think that a lot of very silly
understand the difference between a discussion essay and and boring programmes are shown on TV for example
an opinion essoy. Refer students back to the opinion essay game shows and reality TV shows such as Big Brother
they wrote in Unit 7 if necessary.
I believethat TV has a lot of advantages, especially for
Answers people who live alone. However, it also has some
1 Three - They are easy to use, memory cards can hold disadvantages, especial ly for children.
hundreds of photos, and it's easy to delete unwanted
photos. 2 Three - They are expensive, most photos are
never printed, and photos from some digital cameras aren't
as good as those from normal film cameras. 3 Digital
technology will improve constantly and digital cameras are
the future of photograPhY.

Extra vocabulary
Ask students to find words in the text with these
',.;,,::';",t' t"t'': -,:.':1"' ::-: ';1 r
':'- ' -

1 advantaggs,and dl5aQvin1.4ge's:{palagraph ,1)

2 ordinary; not special or modern (paragraphs 2 and 3)
3 to remove sometntng (paragrapn l)
. ,:',;.;;,",,,,,
1 pros and cons 2 conventional 3 delete

@ rulafe sure that students understand all the types ofwords

in the table. Some of these phrases appeared in the text in
exercise 1. Students find the phrases in the text.

@ StrOents work in pairsto list the advantages and

disadvantages ofthe four objects in the box. Check
answers with the whole class and write good ideas on the

Students' own answers

@ neaO the task and the reminders with the class. Students
choose one object from exercise 3 and describe its
advantages and disadvantages in a discussion essay.
Students can write their essay in class or, alternatively'
students can write the essay as homework.

@ can checktheir own and then each other's work

using the checklist.

$workoook page 67

Model answer
These days, nearly everybody has a TV. I believe that TV
has many advantages, but it also has some important

On the one hand, TV entertains people and it also allows

them to see what is happening in the world. For
example, pictures and news reports are brought into

uNrr e
t lD::'e*
$StuOent's Book page 98

Vrcr lu lo $entence stress s!?d rh:}thm {A}

C r:-1 r-i- ::"::i answers. Warn students to O * Students listen to the phrases and mark wrtrch words
or syllables they think are stressed.
:-= -eaning of each verb.
q-sr- Answers
1 you and me 2 go on holiday 3 promote a product
4 pay 5 lend 6 paid
4 make an advert

@ -- ::-: -: -: ::: .-: -:.r rvith either -ed or -ing

:: -_: :r ::'=- l,::-:: OaCk tO the rUle On page 86 tO A * Students listen again and repeat. Draw attention to
:- - how the last sound of one word links with the beginning of
the next word if the next word starts with a vowel. This
\-srers helps the rhythm of the sentence.
' ..:--: i -:=-:s:irg 3 shocked 4 surprised
: - "' : ---=- f) fett students to read the sentences and find the svilables
and words they think are stressed,

Yocc t'Jlorr1 reviexs: #xi** 3-* \.\ -.

)rucents trsten. repeat and check their answeri.
:.-::-:i :t-plete the sentences with the words in the 'l Celebrities are used to sell products.
2 The jeans are nice, but they're too expensive.
Answers 3 He wants to buy a new computer.
1 :-o-ghfful, about 2 disorganised, mistakes 3 give 4 Don't spend all your money on clothes.
4 of. dorvn 5 going, having 6 copy, get
@ tn pairs, students read out the expressions and underline
the words and syllables that have the main stress.
ur0mm0r G) tF Students listen, repeat and check their answers

@ StrOents complete the sentences with the present srmple 1 In my opinion 2 l'm in favour of
passive form of the verbs in the box. Remind students
to 3 One advantage is that 4 Another advantage is that
think about whether the verbs are regular or irregular. 5 On the one hand. 6 On the other hand,
7 For example
1 is sent 2 is made 3 are taught 4 are not designed
5 ls, spoken 6 wasn't written

@ neaO the example sentence with the class. Students wnte

sentences using the present simple passive.

1 rnuch 2 is sce^: 3 are ac,.e.::sed 4 that 5 often
6a'e nfl:ercec -'..,^c^ gs-ctid grvill 10ate

revieul; units l-3

r -:.::.e lext through
,-:.. :c-rlete the task.

5 often
10 ate

more work and
Remember that this section is not a test. lt is simpry
to make teachers and students aware of areas that need
you can do the revision section ail together as a class'
are progressing.
to give students confidence in the areas in which ilrey
in small groups or individuallY.

Dstudent's Book Page 9'l

*stuo"nt's Book Page 9o
Q f ticit that can and could are both used for ability
Q complete the sentences wlth the correct form of is used in the present and could
will oermission. Elicit that con
the verbs in the box. Point out to students that they past. read the text and complete it'
than once' in the Students
need to use some of the verbs in the box more
1 could 3 could 4 couldn't
couldn't 2 5 can't
1 done 2 copy 3 have 4 taken 5 cheat 6 have
6 can 7 can't B can 9 can't 10 can
/ or0

net"t students to the pictures and sentences 1-6

StuOents correct the prepositions in the sentences'
Remind It)
@ particular that sentences 1-6 are all rules' Students match the
students that the adjectives collocate with with
oictures to the rules and then complete the rules
prePositions. verbs in the box Remind
have to, must or mustn't and the
in the
Answers students that rnusl and hove fo can both be used
'1 about 2in 3 about 4 at 5 at 6 about same ouestions'

in the Answers
@ Students complete the sentences with the adjectives
preposition for each 1 e mustn't walk 2 f must have / have to have
box and then choose the correct
3a mustn't use 4 d mustn't drink' eat
5 b must put / have to put 6 c must / have to

1 bad at 2 bored of 3 involved in 4 experienced in
@ eticit the difference between mustn't and don't
hove to'

5 scared of 6 jealous of using the affirmative or

Students rewrite the sentences
negative forms of must and hove to'
@ StrO"ntt match the verbs in the box with the
about, for, in or to.
1 mustn't smoke' 2 mustn't drive a car' 3 don't
have to

Answers come here after school' 4 must / have to wear a school

argue about, ask for, care about, listen to' specialise in' uniform. 5 doesn't have to do the homework this week'
think about, wait fot worry about 6 mustn't oPen this door'

@ StuOents complete the sentences using the verbs @ fticlt lhat should and shouldn't are used for advice and
prepositions from exercise 4, using the correct form of the - suggestions students complete the sentences
with should
verb. or shouldn't and the verbs in the box'

Answers Answers
1 listen to 2 argue about 3 've waited for 1 should do 2 should visit 3 shouldn't order 4 should
4 specialises in 5 worry about 6 asked for buy 5 shouldn't accept 6 shouldn't be 7 should go

@ Strd"ntt choose the correct money related verb' @ fri.itthat who and which are relative pronouns' and elicit
the difference between tnem'
1 cost 2 buYing 3 lend 4 spend 5 earn 6 afford
Students comPlete the sentences'
7 costs
-ed or 'tng 1 which 2 who 3 which 4 who 5 which 6 which
@ complete the sentences wilh
7 who 8 who

1 excited 2 interesting 3 surprised 4 terrifying
5 tiring 6 embarrassed 7 boring 8 frightened
r o :' : -- l:^:5 \\'fite the

-, :,: a . that thot can be Sstuoent's Book page 93

- -=--: :':. d aiSO use who R.t r. students to the photos and the questions. Students
answer the questions and then read the text to check iheir
ta."e- anSwers_

I ...- -e some advtce,

-- :-.
--:- :: -:: ! nafQ. '1 underwater 2 on the sea 3 The car in photo o is from
-- -.^ :-...3 SOrrOWed. a film and isn't real, but the car in photo b is real
- -:, ,,:':.;^d on Tuesday.

I @ StrC.ntr complete the text with the correct f6rm of the

words in the box.

( o --: - ::: i- -:^-( inin the
:'-----: -,: a ^ that thotcanbe
:,: : ,::--i :^cuid also use who
designed 2 driven 3 can 4 uncomfortable 5 which
got 7 travelled B was 9 cost 10 yet 11 a lot of
12 in 13 sell 14 becoming 15 River 16 look

-.'- a^a,.^: :^ai lives in Rome.
: - .- :-:: -eed for my computer
A- -:--: j
\17 ---' -:
-- - :.. - - ie1:enCeS ,,.i-d.
USlng a relallve
"^l-+i.,. prOnOUn
., ,-:-: - : ,'. - a3as.

I : -.. :: s:-:
'' -: - r::
ais\,,'ers for the first sentence from the

r S:-le ars own answers

I 3 isn't used

Photocopiuble uctivities

End-of-unit tests Puiruorh octivities

There are nine End-of-unit tests which are designed to
grammar point of each
Book. The tests are divided into two students a chance to practise the main
each unit in the Student's gap
grammar, with 20 marks for each unit in a communicative way They are all information
sections, vocabulary and for information in
activities, so students nave to ask each other
order to complete a task.
give each student
For each activity, put students into pairs and
their part of the worksheet. Explain the task and then do a
tnd-of-term lests couple of questions as examples Elicit the questions and

answers students will need to use'

There are two End-of-term tests. The first is designed to be

after Units 1-3 and the second after Units 1-6' The tests are

into four sections: vocabulary, grammar, listening and

speaking. There are 20 marks for vocabulary'
40 for grammar' 10 Vocubulorq extension
for Listening and 10 for Speaking, making a total of B0' The for each
will need There are nine Vocabulary Extension worksheets' one
Listening sectlon uses a recording, which the students present and practise additional
they listen they should unit. These worksheets
to hear at least twice. The first time
gist vocabu|aryitemsthatareIinkedtooneofthevocabularytopics
listen for the answer to the first question, which is a designed to be
third times they should listen for in the Student's Book unit. The worksheets are
question. The second and
to used by students working independently
detail. The Speaking section does not require the students
prompts' You can give them to students for homework'
or to do in class'
speak, but to construct a dialogue from
You can give them to the whole class, if you want to expand the
who have finished other
vocabulary topic, or iust to students
activities more quickly than the rest of the class'
End-of-UeoT tests
There are two End-of-year tests They are designed
to be used
1-9 have been completed End-of-year test 2 could be
after units
used to retest students who failed the first test
The structure
the tests and the marking scheme are the same as for the End-

of-term tests.

|r ttrit I Test

:^e sentences with the correct character o Complete the dialogue with the correct fornr of the
verbs. Use the past simple or the past continuous.

Its 11 a.m. and Sarah ls anything wrong? You
n 0e0.
(1) (9rY) when
. You never give me any
| (2) (c0me,
into the room
person. She never

lI ^ate meeting new people because we're

Grandma No, | (3)
cry). | (4)

r 5 - ceisverys
r nr,4hino <illrr
She never does
(laugh). I (5)
(think) about my old school friends
(6) (you /

r 6

\1y dad is worried about the future He's very

I hate bad weather. I feel m

when it rains. Grandma
know) Grandpa when you
(be) at

No, I didn't. We first
B [s p to shake hands when you (B) (meet)
meet someone. while we (9)
9 Rebecca spends hours at the office. She's so

(study) at university and we
(1 0) (get)
10u/aitl l'm nearly ready. Please be more married two years later


10 marksl
t 10 marksl

@ Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use
@ Comptete the sentences with give or moke. the infinitive of purpose.
1 \ly parents always me good watch :talk have cook study catch stay
advice. borrow send play

2 rhink it's difficult to new
friends. 1 We come to this restaurant every weekend

3 Sshl Don't a n0rse: dinner.
You can use my computer
4 Can anyone a < ope<tion7 2 emarls

People use phones

5 Can vou ;r cramnle nf a to each other.
cr-raracter acjecl ', e? Iwear a hat and scarf in winter

I 6 'ria.k's incec's .a -3 :a^: warm.

cec s c^. 5 My sister went to the station

: trai n.

o Let's go to the cinema a filml

.::^'ession. She 7 The students use the school library

ll They go to the sports centre

9 Some people use a microwave

I 10 marksl
10 James went to university

[ 10 marks]

Total marks]

Unit 2 Test

Comptete the sentences with the correct sport words' @ Complete the dialogue with the present perfect form of
$ the verbs.
1 Footballers wear on their feet
(ever /
Laura ('l) You
and they play football on a
go) to a football rnatch, Tom?
Tennis players use and balls
Tom No, I haven't. l(2)
and they play on a (never / like) football, but I

(3) (watch) a few

It's a good idea to wear a
cricket matches. What about you? (4)
protect your hair when you are In a swlmmlng (everlsee)acricket
Skiers usually hold when they Laura I haven't, but my cousin, Matthew,
(5) (be) a cricket
ski down a
fan for a long time. He
Athletes wear on their feet and (travel) all over
they run on a the world to watch England PlaY.

I to marks] Tom Really? Which countries (7) .-'- he

o Complete the sentences with the correct form of do' go
or ptay.
Laura I can't remember all of them, but I know he
to India and Pakistan last Year.
Tom | (B) (go) to India,
1 Have you ever volleyball?
too. lt's a fantastic placel The Taj Mahal is the
2 I've never karate most beautiful Place | (9)
(ever / see).
3 Did you windsurfing on holidaY
t^-L ..^^-a
ld5L yudl : Laura lt's not fair. We (10)
4 My sister iudo every Saturday
hever / have) a holiday outside England!

morning. [ 10 marks]
5 Sam jogging yesterday before
worK. @ Ct'toot" the correct answer.
Mary was here a minute ago. Where has she been /
6 We're tired because we've
horse riding.
2 Jake isn't here. He's been ,/ gone to the clnema.
7 Sue squash with Ann everY
3 She has been / gone to Paris three times this year'
month. A
Have you ever been ,/ gone windsurfing?
8 Does your brother triathlons?
5 You're late! Where have you been gone? /
swimming five times a
9 Jake
[ 5 marks]

10 Do they baseball at that school?

@ Correct the error in each sentence.
I to marks] 1 Have you ever went to France?

2 | have never saw a dolPhin

3 He hasn't never been to ltaly

4 Have you read ever a book by Charles Dickens?

5 We have had never a holiday in Australia'

I s marks]

I Total marks]

e Oxford UniversitY Press 2007

r IH3TcE

C --'.:- -: t l* H -: -:'- ::-: ::: sentences. @ Cnoor. the correct answer.
1 I've worked for the same company for
/ since three

2 They haven't been on holiday for / since 1999.


She's lived in Oxford for ,/ since a long time.
4 John has read two books for ,z since yeste.-lay.
5 Katherine has loved bananas for / since she was a

r 6
We've been on this plane for ,/ since fifteen hours.
You haven't listened to that CD for / since a week.
Have they worked for ,/ since half an hour?

I've spoken English for / since I was ten.
I s marks] 10 They haven't seen each other for,/ since '1 1th Febrrrarv

o :- :-: ,'.o:Cs in the box. [ 10 marks]

I - z :3':
s a sKyscraper In
@ Write sentences. Use the present perfect and ntready
or yet.

r '- ^ 'raa rvirhnr rt stnnnino




/ that book

/ in Australial

in Europe is In

-crecs of shops in our nearest 3 The film / not / start.

5 S:-e :r;rldings in New York have more than thirty 4 l/have/dinner.

5 David ,/ not / finish ,/ his homework

[ 5 marks]


o Choose the correct adjective and add a negative prefix. [ 5 marks]

1 I can t sit in this chair. lt's so @ Comptete the sentences with the words in the box..Use
I (formal,/ comfortable) the present perfect and just.
2 He en has never done this befo re. She's very begin eat ,/ a lot of chocolate go / to Tunisia
(polite / experienced) hurt / my arm start ,i raining
-ler brother is so I tc
1 I need to go to the doctor's. I

-e\er sa!'r hello to me (friendly / cool)

-^ : bor is .,en' heavy. )
2 The film , but you

to mo\e i:. (possible / haven't missed much.
ot;\ a:e i
3 We can't play tennis. lt
'.:::-:' -. 'e. ^gs. Hes very
4 My sister is suntanned. She

F ln :_e <\ m nath6f ;.\

I to marks] 5 The children feel sick. They

[ 5 marks]

Total marks]

E ffi :--: :. ifeSS IUUl TESTS
Unit 4 Test

of the
@ Comptete the sentences with the going to form
Q Comptete the sentences with the correct preposition'
You can use some prepositions more than once'
(study) maths at
ou.r,.,.roi i{*,li$i**ti :,,''''
university in September.

1 The hotel was wonderful We're going to go Be careful! Your bike

(fall) over.
next year.
2 Oh,no! l've got an exam tomorrow. I'm not looking
3 -=.-You
that film on TV tonight?
to tr.
4 They're tired so they
3 | think my dad is amazing. I really look (not stay) for a long ttme
to him. (travel) round the
+ Stop talking and carrY wrtn your
world when we leave school.
5 marksl
5 Sam looks two children on
Saturday evenings. form
@ Comptete the dialogue with the present continuous
You look hot. Take your jumPer!
6 of the verbs.
7 When did you give smoking? Mike (1) .- Yo-
anythin! tomorrow? Do you fancy going to the
I Are the police going to look tne
problem? cinema?
(see) my
Andy Well. l(2)
Ifeel silly when I Put
cousin after school. We
swimming caP. (play) squash at four
10 Can I borrow your dictionary? | need to look lnor
a word. do) anything in the evening, though
't0 marks] Mike I'm busy in the evening. Jeff
(5) (come) round to

get' play some computer games. Then my aunt and

@ Comptete the sentences with the correct form of (6) (have) dinner
Then match 1-5 to a-c, dependinB on the meaning'
with us on Thursday evening. How about Friday?
a = receive/obtarn (7) (go) to
Andy Friday? |
b = become the dentist's after school and then mY dad
c = arnve at (B) (take) me to the
1 My teacher to school at eight airport at seven o'clock.
o'clock every daY. =-.- Mike (9) =__.-- You
(meet) someone there?
2 | fifteen emails Yesterday'
Andy No, l'm not. | (10)
(stay) with my sister in Scotland for a week and
Can you me some orange Julce' my flight leaves at half Past eight'
please? Mike Oh, well. See You when You get back!
They really good results in their I to marks]

- married in November 2005 @ Choot" the correct answer'

I'm not going to leave while / until the concert
2 He's going to phone me while / as soon as he finds a

10 marksl hotel.
We're going to be hungry by the time / while we get
Lisa isn't here yet. Let's have dinner until / when she
Are you going to see Mike while / by the time you're
on holiday?
I s marks]

I Total marks]

e Oxford UniversitY Press 2007

r tlnit 5 Test

Q feaO the definitions and write the correct woros.

l- a computer, you look at information on the

'l'm not sure, but I
you (live) when you're

(stay) here. I

don't like- iI here.' -

I 2 :o-r click on information with the 'That film is terrible. You

(enjoy) it.'

\ou type on the k 'oK. r (choose) a different one
I \bu listen to music and sounds throush the then.'

[ 5 marks]

r tr YOU

can download photos from


@ Complete the sentences with the first conditional.
1 lfhe (log) ep to that website,

(find) lots of information
sl 6 The messages you send on your computer are
zl (be) upset if Steven
(not send) an email
There are lots of electrical c AL

the back of your computer.

3We (get) home late if we

I You can copy information from your computer onto

4 lfit
(do) karate after school.
(rain) tomorrow, they

(cancel) the match
You can copy information from paper onto your
lf she (run) quickly, she
computer with a s
(not miss) the bus
10 You can download songs from your computer onto an

I M [ 5 marks]

[ 't0 marks] Choose the correct answer.
1 We'll send you a postcard if / when we arrive.
@ Cf'oor. the correct answer. Two prepositions are correct
2 I see Mary every day. lf / When I see her today, I'll give
in each sentence.
her the message.
1 You can log over / on / off a website.
3 l'll turn over the channel if ,z when you don't like this
2 /
You can turn up in / down a radio. programme.
3 /
You can turn on off / over a light.
4 lf / When you like chocolate, you'll Iove these sweets.
4 /
You can plug in up and start down up a computer. / 5 I'm sure he'll be famous if ,/ when he's older.

5 /
You can tune on ina radio programme and turn up /
over a channel on TV I s marks]

I t0 marks]
@ Correct the errors in these sentences

1 When this film finishes, we have dinner

2 Mary will go shopping when Peter will come home.

I -
.eaily'rvorried. l'm sure
-i' exams,'
3 lf I read this book, I get another one tomorrow

r . rard.'
:o I,or :hink you
(do) well. You've 4
When he'll go to university, l'll be sad.

if t ra:'s :omorrow. we don't walk to school

r :-^ 3^:?
: l:( 3.o^1t5e I


(do) it for you

[ 5 marks]

Total marks]

ffi C Oxford University press 2007 TESTS
Unit 6 Test
@ Wf'at are these household nouns? @ Uutch 1-5 with a-e. Then complete the sentences with
1 oasbeokc
the correct form of the verbs.
Sophie would Pass her exams
We'd sPeak Englistt fluentlY
A resdwihsah
lf my mum won a lot of
lf we didn't do anY exercise,
money ra


o efslh
5 We'd be reallY hungry

7 oreoKc awe (feel) lazy.

b ifwe (live) in England.

d gnniid belta
c ifwe (not have) any breakfast.

d if she (work) ha'rder.

9 nwisagh hmiecan
e Sne (give) up her job.

10 scteh fo rrweasd [ 5 marks]

@ Write sentences in the second conditional'
10 marksl
1 lf / | /have / enough money/ | /buy / acar
@ Cf'ootu the correct answer.
2 /go/toAustralia /if /they /notbe /scared/

/ have an excuse if you can't go to They
You should make
of flying
the picnic.
I needto speak to my mum. Can I make / have a
phone call, please? 3 lf / be / warmer / we / swim / in the sea

My grandparents like making / having a rest after
My sister always makes / has a mess in my bedroom'
Nlck made / had an effort and lifted the heavy box'
4 She / finish / quicker / if / they / help / her

5 lf / he / not have / a cold / he / go swlmmlng

o Did you make ,/ have fun at the Party?
7 We're going to make / have lunch in town today'
lf you make / have a problem, Lisa will help. [ 5 marks]


9 My mum can't cook. My dad always makes / has the

di nner. ctroot" the correct answer.
/ had a laugh with Emma last night. lt was
10 I made A Do vou eat (1) many / much ,/ a little vegetables?

Yes, l do. I eat (2) a little / a lot of / much vegetables

[ 10 marks] every oay.

I don't eat (3) much / many /
a little vegetables, but I

eat (4) a lot of / much / many fruit. Do you eat

(5) many / much / afew fruit?
No, I don't eat (6) a little / some ,/ any fruit' I don't
like it.

A What do you drink?
B I like to drink (7) some / any / many water every day
and (8) a little afew / much orange iuice'
A I don't drink (9) some / many / much water' I know
you should, but I prefer to drink (10) a lot of / many /
much tea.

I to marksl I
I Total marks]

rEsrs e O<ford UniversitY Press 2007
t nil 7 Test

Q :-."0t" the correct answer. @ Comptete the sentences with con, con't, could or couldn't
' ^e students are having / going on an excursion. and the verbs in the box.
I ,',e have / do abreak at eleven o'clock.
turn down, ride do: drive- play
: T going to revise ,/ take an exam next week.
I :mma will be late because she has ,/ does detention. 1 Sue her hemework
5 om is going to visit / go the college's website. because it was too difficult.
5 Did you take ,/ get good marks in the test?
2 He's brilliant at football. He
; \Vill you pass / hand in your homework tomorrow?
8 We are doing / cheating a project on Egypt this term. really well
9 Sally is upset because she failed ,/ passed her exams. 3 My mother a bicycle
10 | never have / do my homework when I get home from when she was young, but she can't now
school. _ you the radio? lt's
10 marksl
too loud.
I the car because

Complete the sentences with the words in the box. haven't passed my test

bored.jea|ou5at'inVo|Vedabout [ 5 marks]
relaxed I of. in abouf brilliant
1 Are you worried your exams?
@ Rewrite the sentences with have to, don't have to and
2 Emma is of my new mobile 1 Taking photos is prohibited in here
p hone.
? el:rc;< \/cr\/ dn^d 't necessary for you to come, but you can voLr
design ing 2 lt isn 'f
\ /epsrtes. want to.
4 Let's turn over. I'm of this film YoU
4 -loanna will be upset the news 3 We must wear uniform at our school
6 I feel about the test tomorrow We
7 Are they interested art? 4 lt doesn't matter if you don't finish your dinner
Kyle will show you. He's AL YOU

rqind anmnrtprq 5 We aren't allowed to stay in the classroom at

9 1 ve always been scared horror
films, We
\Vl-i- r:nnpntrda
10 \\/trrc \ nrl
I s marks]
ihe accident?

10 marksl
{$ eut the words in the correct order and write sentences
'1 you go if doctor's should You are to ill the

2 about He his not exams worrv should

3 do Students homework on their should time

4 school wear She not those should at trainers

5 it you not is You smoke bad should for because

I to marks]

I Total marks]

.e'siN Press
Unit I Test

@ Comptete the sentences with the correct words.

@ Comptete the text with who or which / that.
1 The Thames is the in London.
The TV programme (1)
2 Everest is the highest rn the
I love

world. most is lhe X'is a show

J Cyprus is in the Mediterranean (2) allows members of the

You find unusual tropical birds in a public to sing on TV lt is really funny because
sometimes you see people (3)

Beaches are usually made of are terrible at singing. lt is also exciting to see peopie

o Crete is the largest Greek do something (4) they have

7 I fell over and cut my knee on a always wanted to do.
B Hawaii is in the Pacific There are three judges on the programme :
9 The Sahara is the largest (5) ' choose the bes.t people to
go into the next round. Then, each week, the viewers
104 is a place where there are a
vote for the person (6) they Iike
lot of trees.
best. The one (7) gets the
I t0 marks] smallest number of votes has to leave.

@ Put the words in the correct order and write sentences. lf you are a really good singer, The X Factor is definitely
1 worries She about children always her
a competition (B) you should
enter. Winning it is something
(e) will completely change your
2 not for wait me They did
life. Last year's winner immediately recorded a CD and
signed a record contract (10)
worth millions!
3 at I specialise microbiology to in university want

10 marksl

4 brothers argue music about My often pop

@ Cnoose the correct answer.
1 ls that the girl who ,/ who's is in your class?
These are the children who ,/ whose I told you about
5 radio to the listening bath in likes She the 3 She's the woman who's / whose been friendly to me.
q This is the man who / whose lives next door.
5 That's the person who ,/ whose dog bit me.
6 He's the one who ,/ who's won The X Factor last year.
7 They want people who / whose can sing well.
10 marksl
8 ls that the boy who's / whose bike was stolen?
9 This is James who / who's had two detentions so far.
10 I don't know anyone who's / whose appeared on TV.

I r0 marks]

I Total marks]

TESTS Ox'ord
F llnit I Test

F @ Comptete the sentences with the correct money woros. @ ere these sentences active or passive? Choose the

I '1 How much does that coat c

f200? That's too expensive. I can't
correct answer.
English is spoken / speak in Australia.
Mobile phones are made / made of metal.

I 3
it.' The winner is given / gives a gold medal.
2 lfls my old bike for 1100, I'II 4 My father is owned / owns that car.

have enough money to b a new ls fruit grown / Grows fruit in this part of Argentina?

6 Computer studies isn't taught / doesn't teach here.
7 They are made ,/ make perfume in France.
3 You should s some money each B Everyone is taken ,/ takes an exam at the end of the
week. Then you'll have lots to s year.
I on holiday. Computers are used / use by miliions of businesses.
'10 How much food is eaten / eats everv dav?
4 You have to e a lot of money to
p for luxury products. 10 marksl

I 5 Can you
I me f10? | promise
any more money from

@ Complete the sentences with the present simple passive

of the verbs in the box.

drink tearn :wailn' ,wearl not bulild

F o Complete the sentences with the -ed or -ing form of the

I t0 marks]
Golden boots
by some

I words in brackets.
1 Let's
turn over! This film is so
How much water


from the age of

I That's the most

done. (terrify)
Everyone was
thing I've ever

when they heard


that nropramme
here any more

the news. (shock) millions of people?
We weren't so we turned off
5 marksl
the TV (interest)
I @
it's to see Mark on The X Rewrite the active sentences in the passive.
Factor. He can't sing! (surprise) 1 They serve dinner from six until eight

6 Listen to that music! lt's

7 lf you're , you should go to bed 2 The company buys tea and coffee
earlier. (tire)

r 8 Don'tread that article! lt's


Everyone was

to see me on TV
3 They sell stamps in the post office

(surp rise)

10 \re you of spiders? (frighten)

4 Do 1,ou repair computers here?

I t0 marks]

5 Lols ci cecr'e I isit this nebsite every day

r I s marks]

r @ Oxford University Press 2007

I Total marks]

[nd-of+erm Test | (unirs t-s)

$ neaO the definition and write the correct worc. @ Comptete the text with correct form of the verbs. Use
the past simple or the past continuous.
1 An adiective to describe someone who doesn't tell the
(run) the London
Last Sunday, | (1)
Marathon in just under fwe hours. I am quite an
2 Skiers wear these to protect their eyes. inexoerienced runner so | (2) (be)
very pleased with my result. A year ago, | 'n
(3) (watch) the London Marathon
3 To practise before giving a concert
(decide) to enter
on TV when | (4)
myself. Most of my friends (5)
You play tennis on this (think) | was silly and theY (6) (not
R The opposite of experienced. believe) it was possible.
6 The opposite of optimistic. The race itself was extremely hard, but it was good fun. I

7 You... a promise (7) (see) lots of famous people

while I (8) (do) it. Thousands of
8 Footballers play on this.
people run the London Marathon every year, so imagine
9 A sport lvhich involves swimming, cycling and running. (turn) on
my surprise when | (9)
the TV to watch the news that night and I

10 The opposite of cheerful (1 0) (finish) the race!

10 marksl
20 marksl

@ Cnoo." the correct answer

@ Cr'oose the correct answer.
1 Can you make / give us an explanation?
1 We went to the library borrow / to borrow some books
We didn't sleep well. The bed was so uncomfortable /
2 Let's choose a different film. I already saw / 've
already seen that.
George is sensitive / hard-working and always does
his homework.
3 We've never / ever been to China.
4 Have they finished dinner just / yet?
I can't play tennis because I've lost my poles / racket.
5 We did / went skiing last winter.
5 'Why has he gone to the sports centre?' 'Go / To go
Clara never tells lies. She's very impatient / honest.
6 Ouch! I've just / already hurt my foot.
Have you ever played ,/ done karate?
7 She didn't do / hasn't done her homework yet.
I can't do this exercise. lt's possible ,/ impossiblel

Don't be so patient / impatient. l'll be ready in a

8 They played /'ve played volleyball since 2004.
9 | was sleeping when you arrived / were arriving
10 This is the bestpizza we've never / ever eaten.
10 Archeologists designed ,/ discovered some ruins in
Qatar. I to marks]

[ 10 marks]
@ Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of
the verbs and for or since.
1 t_ (live) in this house

I was a baby
My parents (know) each other

thrrty years
3 John (not read) a book
ten oays.
How long (you ,/ learn) English?
a long tlme.
5 She (not speak) to Matthew
last year

10 marksl

m tEsrs 3 ox"ford University Press 2oo7 ffi


I e 1\ -t-=-,t
' :::2:-
@ Complete the dialogue with the correct words.

ever How Whv vet have For

, Which about traven't just
A (1) long have you been
interested in sport?
B (2) about twenty years now.

is your favourite type of

I love water sports best, but there are some things I

haven't tried (4)
Really? Have you (5)
been kite-

I 7

ierecca doesn't think equipment is important.

Sne has two or three pairs of trainers

No, l(6)
friend, Joe, has (B)
, but it looks amazing.
never done it either. My
bought ali

I 9

She enjoys playing basketball.
She goes horse riding to keep fit B
the equipment.
don't you have a go with

I 10 marksl
A Good idea! How (10)

r Great! l'd love to.

I t0 marks]

r I Total marks]






End-of-term Test 2 runirs 4-6)

(! Complete the sentences with the correct words. o Complete the sentences with verbs in the box. Use the
affirmative or negative forms of going to.
1 We haven't got a d so we do the
. :.:". .. '
washing up in the sink. ryin ,frgyg

. rain invite'
' '
':, : i.: ..:,..: ' . t....
2 | downloaded the Photos from mY
1 Oh, no. Look at those black clouds! lt
very soon
the comPuter.
2We that film because
3 I can't hear anything because I haven't got any we hate comedles.
for my computer 3 What time
-- we
A Put the milk in the f to keep cold. dinner tonight?
5 Do you wear glasses when you look at the computer 4 She isn't verY good at tennis. She

s-? the match.

You should do your homework on Your Sally you to the

, not on the floorl ---


7 Your jeans are dirty. Take them off and put them in the 5 marksl

@ Complete the dialogue with the present continuous form

B I can type really quickly on this new
of the verbs.
A See you tomorrowl
9 Don't make a mess! Put your clothes in the B No, l(1) (not work)
c o- tomorrow.

A Really? (2) You
(do) anything sPecial?
10 There's a big sofa and two a
B --
Yes, my sister (3)
our living room. married and we (4)
10 marksl (have) a big reception after the wedding.
A Fantastic! (5) =-- theY

Complete the sentences with the words in the box' (go) on holiday afterwards?
@ They (6) (not have) a
There are two verbs You do not need. B
.:'.''.'-.'a honeymoon immediately because Joe
put on tup 6O*.;:.fp!,1,,.fo8, on
go bact.:, (7) (take) some
look shut down have give up
forward important exams at the end June. TheY
look after . look uP make (B) (fly) to Singapore at
tne beginning of JulY. TheY
You should those new words in (spend) a few days
a dictionary.
there and then theY
'Did you any emails yesterday?' (travel) round
(1 0)
'Yes, three.'
MalaYsia for two weeks.
You need to the computer A lt sounds great. See you on Monday, then!
when you have finished - I t0 marks]
4 We to the summer holidaY
5 My brothers alwaYs a mess In
@ Complete the sentences with wll/ or won't and the verbs
their room. in the box.
I can't to the website because
l've forgotten my password
7 the music! lt's too loud 1 Lara is terrible at maths. She

You can borrow my MP3 player, but please

the answer.

rt 2 I've got your address. I Promise I

an email to you every

9 Helen will helP You if You
problem. day.

10 l'm bored. Let's home now.

[ 1o marks]

TESTS @ Oxford UniversitY Press 2007

3 They chicken! They're
vegetanans. O * Shirley Farrar has just passed her driving test. Listen
to an interview with her and complete the sentences.
'l can't carry this box.' 'l
'l Shirley's biggest dream was to pass her driving test and

We round Europe when

we're older 2 Her husband is called

5 marksl 3 Shirley is years oro now.

4 She started learning to drive when she was

@ Write sentences in the first conditional. years old.

1 tf / | / see / Lucy / | / give / her /the message 5 She took her first drivinA test in

z we / miss,/ the train / if / we / not / hurry

6 She her first driving test.

when / he / arrive / we / havel dinner 7 A lot of people the test

the first time.
be / Monica / angry / if / wel not go / to / the Shirley took the test
picnic / ? umes.
9 She passed the test
5 if / they / speak,/ French / he / not understand
10 Her husband is happy because he doesn't need to
her everywhere now.
5 marksl
I ro marks]

@ Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

verbs. Use the second conditional.
1 How (you / feel) if you
(appear) on TV? @ Complete dialogues with the correct words.

2 lf Martin (be) taller, he see first fancy what busy finally love

(play) basketball
next about fine
5l (tell) the teacher if someone A l'm going to Jamie's house tonight to watch a DVD. Do
(bully) me. you (1) coming too?
4 (it / cost) a lot if you B Yes, I'd (2) to. (3)
(buy) that car? lime are you going? I'm
5 tIWe (not see) you every day, (4) until seven o'clock because
we (miss) you I'm working in the caf6
What (5) half past seven, then?
I t0 marks]
B Yes, that's (6) I haven't been to
@ Uut.h 1-5 to a-e to form complete sentences. Jamie's before. How do I get there?
1 Would you like (7) , leave the caf6 and walk
2 We haven't got ... towards the school. (B) , cr05s

3 Could you buy some the road and go past the park. Then take the first
I need a lot turning on the left. (9) ,80
5 She hasn't got'r-c-- down the second road on the right. Jamie Iives at

a any food in ihe c;:::a-: number 11.

of time to do :;'s e':: s: Great!('10) you there at half
c money for the'*-..:-: past seven!
d some fruit :'ear----
e chocolate fo'-e. : =:<:- I to marks]
5 marksl I Total marks]

End-of-geur Test I

o Complete the sentences with the words in the box. @ Comptete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs. Use the past simple, the past continuous or the
decision monitor give stream inexperienced present perfect.
detention impolite spend track excuse
4l (know) Laura since we were
1 We need a new for our computer. five years old.
2 I know you broke the window. Don't make an 2 Martin isn't here. He (go) to the
sporIS centre.

3 She's very because she's never 3 They (take) a test when I

been horse riding before. walked into the classroom

4 My younger brother is often rude and you
(finish) reading that magazine yet?

How much money do you

5 Those people (just / do) a
clothes every month?
Tea or coffee? Hurry up and make a
6 Someone (steal) my phone
while I was writing a text message
_! rfl (know) her address, l'd go to
lf you don't hand in your homework tomorrow, you'll
her house
nave a _ you
My feet are wet because I had to walk through a (watch) TV when Jason arrived?
9 How are you? We (not see) you
o Can I you some good advice? for ages.
10 We jogged around the running 10 lvan (not have) any dinner
ten times. yesterday

I to marks] 10 marksl

€ Rewrite the sentences with the prepositions in the box. @ Cnoor" the correct answer.
Use each preposition twice. 1 Nadia is the person who ,/ whose sits next to me at
at for to of about 2 Who ,/ Who's has drunk all the milk?
1 Do you ever argue money? 3 Where is the homework which / who you promised
to do?
You don't have to / mustn't do that. lt's illegal.
2 She is waiting me at the cinema.
5 When I was a baby, I can't ,/ couldn't ride a bike
6 Send an email if you want, but you have to / don't
3 They never listen the teacher when she is talking.
have to.
7 'Here's some chocolate.' 'That's enough. I don't want
4 John is really bad maths. manY,/ much.'
8 Katy wanted to drink some / any water.
5 My mother worries the bad news on TV. 9 | only have a few / a little milk in the fridge.
10 Can you get me a few / a lot apples, please?

6 She's really jealous his new car.

I to marks]

7 Are you looking forward the holiday?

B I think you should look a better job

9 Sophie is really scared spiders

10 Daniel is brilliant speaking English.

10 marksl

TESTS 3 Ct'ord Universitv Press 2oo7 ffi

I @ :---:-:-€ €.ror in each sentence.
' -- --,: :c r;de a bike when he was three years old

k3 List,

Thp \lieo Cttv<

are a f:r^ .

t -:

-Js.s leave now to catch the train at seven o'clock.

be late by the time we're getting home.




Gary writes

Therr <nenrl :cc<

r.cs: c':t.

5 She shouldn't to wear that green dress together.

7 They can all play
6 -le have to wear a uniform when he is at work c They all studied at music
7 Are this food made in Scotland? Gary says you shouldn't dL

I Do vou know anvone which can write French? 10 to be

You have and realistic.

9 Diana will going to Egypt 0n holiday next December I to marks]

10 lhey have gone to Africa three times this year

($ Comptete the dialogue with the correct words

[ 20 marks]
not ,afford r.isnlt think:r idea disagree
agree r buy cos! made :

A What do you (1) of my new bag?

B i like it. ls it (2) of leather?
A No, it (3) , but rt looks like
leather. Leather bags are too expensive!
B I couldn't (4) more. I wanted t0
(s) a new bag for.Jane's

wedding, but it (6) 1150. I can't
(7) those prices!
whY (B) borrow a bag from a
B That's a great (9) ! How about
your bag? lt'll look really cool with my outfit.
A No way. lcompletely (10)

[ 10 marks]

[Total marks]
End-of-geur Test 2

Complete the sentences with the words in the box. o Rewrite the sentences.

beach forestl deserf l.,,,affold ',river-, ,, , tl 1 | know Harry. I met him five years ago.

borrow cost lend sell, :garn '', , ,

Harry for five years
She wa nts to buy those shoes. She hasn't got enough
1 The Nile is the longest tn Ine
world. tl -^ ^
il )t ltr , she'd buv those
2 I can't it because I haven't got
enough money.
Do tney sell comPulers here?
3 lt is extremely hot during the day in the
computers here?

I haven't seen Jane for two daYs.

4 I didn't bring any moneY. Can You
I last ____=-=_-- two daYs ago.
me some?
It started to rain. We.were playing basketball.
We love going to the when
We were playing basketball
we're on holiday.
The girl wanted to a pen from
her friend. Clothes aren't manufactured in Britain any more

She wants to her ticket for the They in Britain any more
concert because she can't Bo. 7 Why don't you join a sports club?
There were a lot of trees and we got lost in the How a sports club?

8 lt is prohibited to talk in there

He doesn't a lot of money in You in there.
his job.
9 lt is not necessary for you to put on your coat
10 How much did those shoes You put on your coat.
10 marksl 10 This is the first time we've done karate.
We karate before.
$ Cnoot. the correct answer.
t 10 marks]
1 Our summer holiday was really bored / boring.
2 The children couldn't carry on because they were too
tired ,/ tirlng. @ Choose the correct answer.
3 She was surprised ,/ surprising by what he told her. 1 By the time she 's ,i 'll be sixteen, l'm going to be
4 Clara was frightened / frightening after watching the twenty.
film. 2 l'm not leaving until he arrives / 's going to arrive.
5 They were bored / boring in the lesson and they fell 3 We'll wait here by the time / until the train comes.
asleep. 4 lf he 's finishing / finishes on time, he will come with us.
6 | think George is interested /
interesting in football. 5 She promises that she 'll tell / 's telling me later.
7 His books are often terrified / terrifying to read. 6 It'll rain ,/ 's raining tomorrow, I think
B I thought the film was shocked ,/ shocking for young 7 Mr White will 9o / is going to London at ten o'clock
ch ild ren. tomorrow.
9 My visit to Alaska was amazed / amazing. B They think the team aren't winning / won't win the
10 Working all day is very tired / tiring. World Cup next Year.
9 lf she waits here, the doctor will see ,i is seeing her in
I to marks] five minutes.
10 Susan is having / has lunch with us today.

[ 10 marks]

rEsrs 3 lr'crd UniversitY Press 2007

nr" the ,/ or
8 The first phones were popular with young
@ sentences right wrong X? Write the correct
a business people b studen's.
c children.
1 I was walking in the park when I was meeting Francis.
Vodaphone had one million custore= ale-

2 His songs are often play on the radio.

a nine weeks. b nine rrorts.
c - -€ -.ei.:
10 Vodaphone now has more than fel.:ee. - i-
3 lf I won a lot of money, l'd buy a horse. customers tn
a the USA. b the LK. Jre so- d.

4 She has bought that dress on holiday last year [ 10 marksl

5 Fred couldn't drive a car until he was thirW vears old.

6 She promises she is cleaning her room later.

7 They haven't arrived already.

8 I think she should to tell him she is sorrv. A Help! | need some (1)
(2) revise for my exams.
9 That's the unfriendly man whose lives next door. (3)
B 's the problem?
A It's really difficult to concenrrare
10 Margaret has been my best friend for ten years.
B First, you (4) panic. That'll only
make things worse.

[ 20 marks] A Well, what (5) I do?

B (6) not listen to music to

relax you?
A No, l've (7) tried that. lt doesn't
a3 to an article about mobile phones and
choose the correct answer. B How (8) revising with a friend?
You can ask each other questions
1 More than
a 30% b 40% c 90% A That's a great (9) ! Why don't
of people in Britain have a mobile phone. you revise with me?

2 The first mobile phone call in Britain was on ... B |d (10) to, but l've already
a 3rd January 1985. b 13th January '1985 finished my revision!
c 3rd January 1986.
[ 10 marks]
3 The phone call was from London to ...
a Newbury. b New York.
c Newcastle [Total marks]
4 The first ever mobile phone call was in ...
a London. b Newbury. c New York.
5 Mobile phone companies had to establish a ...
a number. b business.
c network
6 Vodaphone was the
a firstb third c ninth
mobile phone company in Britain.
7 The first mobile phones were ...
a small and expensive. b big and expensive.
c small and cheap.

C OCord University Press 2007 TESTS

Teucher's lloles f or Puiruorh flctivities
There is one pairwork activity for each unit. These activities give
students a chance to practise tlre main grammar point of each Puiruorh sctivitu 3
unit in a communicative way. They are all information gap
activities, so students have to ask each other for information in This activity provides further practice of the present per-fect.
order to comDlete a task. Students read the text through once to themselves, not out loud
because that will give the ansWers away. They then read the
For each activity, put students into pairs and give each student text again and ask appropriate questions to fill in the missing
their part of the worksheet. Explain the task and then do a information.
couple of questions as examples. Elicit the questions and
answers students will need to use. Answers
'1 music 1 <c\/trn \/p2r(

Poirruorh octivitg I 2 concerts 2 three

3 a national competition 3 the final
This activity practises the past continuous. Students take it in 4 three hours 4 his friends

turns to ask and answer what Laura was doing at certain times 5 Over the last six months 5 the album
yesterday. They should write down the information they find out
before going on to the next question. Poiruorh octivittJ 4
STUDENT A This activity practises the present continuous for future
1 She was reading a magazine. arrangements. Students fill in a diary page with five activities.
2 She was eating dinner with her family. They then ask and answer questions to find out each other's
3 She was talking to her friend on the phone. arrangements and see if there are any times when they are both
4 She was havlng a shower. free.

STUDENT B Students'own answers.

1 She was writing an email.
2 She was doing her homework.
3 She was lisiening to music. Poiruorh octivitg 5
4 She was watching a DVD.
This activity practises the first conditional with if and when.
Students write the questions first and then take it in turns to ask
Poirurorh octivitg 2 and answer each other's questions. They should write their
oartner s answers.
This activity practises the present perfect with ever and never.
Students take it in turns to ask and answer questions in order to
co!'nolete their table.
1 Where will you llve when you're older?
Answers 2 lf your family goes on holiday this summer, where will you
STUDENT A Alex Vicky & Pete
3 What will you watch on TV when you get home?
meet Ronaldinho x 4 lf you don't pass your exams, what will your parents say?
Students' own answers.
win a competition x
swim in the Mediterranean X
1 What will you study if you go to university?
go to London x 2 lf you meet your friends tonight, where will you go?

ride a motorbike x
3 lf you have dinner in a restaurant, what will you wear?
4 lf you get a DVD, which one will you choose?
Students'own answers.
STUDENT B Rose Jane & Danny

run 1Okm x
Painuorh octivitg 6
go snowboarding x
This activity practises the second conditional. Students have to
speak to a famous person x )(
match the beginnings and endings of second conditional
cycle 50km sentences, but without looking at each other's sheet.

see the Olympic Stadium x Answers

1c 2e 3a 4d 5b

PATRTY'RK AcrtvtrtEs
r Psirurorh octivitq

-^ s activity practises modal verbs of ability, obligation ano
-:cessity. Students ask their partner questions
and write the

a^s1,,, er5.

{r srvers

!,-ierts'own answers.

Poirruorh octivitg I
- s actrvity practises relative clauses with who, which

and whose. Student A reads Text A out several times. Student B
rstens and finds the answers to the questions. lf necessary,
Siudent B can ask student A to repeat certain parts of the text.

Student B then reads Text B out and student A answers the
q uestions.

1 Duke 1 Butch
) Polar 2 fom
3 Miff and Chip 3

4 tr4ichael 4 Freddie
5 Sally 5 Harry

F Pairruorh octivitg g
^ s activity practises the simple passive. Students comptete the

c; z ouestions for their partner to answer. They should circle
:re'. cartrer's answers and then work out the score.

was written
is made
are used
is held
is given
is spoken
are eaten

is published
are used

are made

lt 6 is played 6 aren't spent




Pairuorh octiviru | ,,

Student R
What was Laura doin$ at certain times yesterday? Ask and answer qtrestftrm with yorr partner.
Then complete the sentences.
You Whot wos Loura doing at four o'clock?
B She wos wolking home from schoor. what wos she doing ot hqrf past four?
You She wos moking something to eat. What...

SI.e was *alki.g l.or,e f.orn sc'Aool.

G make ,/ something to eat

@ write,/ an email

'@ @ do / her homework

,o @ listen / to music

,o o watch / a DVD

Student B
What was Laura doing at certain times yesterday? Ask and answer questions with your partner. Then
complete the sentences.
A What wos Lauro doing qt four o'clock?
You She was wolking home from school. what was she doing ot half past four?

She was moking something to eat. Whlt...

walk,/ home from school SAe was makirg sor**hirg lo eal.

@ read / a magazine

@ eat ,/ dinner ,/ with her familv

@ talk / to her friend / on the phone

have / a shower

o Oxford UniversiW Press 2007
I Prirrnl rctivitg 2
h Strtnr I
l:rOe- '3.8e
3e. f,.fe:E€: -*1 .{sk and answer questions with your partner.

AC t .rC- :€ ::r-€t: -tO':-atiOn.
-:. - fi a.{ -;: ::': : " _-
3 '": '€ ?=--- +-: 'e:,:- -:: )a-: S'rhO. HOS ROSe ever rUn 10 km?

You Ybs. sne hos. Have ...
Table A Alex Vicky & Pete

r meet Ronaldinho x
win a competition

swim in the Mediterranean

) go to London

ride a motorbike

i Table B Rose Jane & Danny

run 1Okm X -
I go snowboarding x

F spea< to a lamous person

cycle 50Km
x x

T see tf-e Oi', mpic Stadium X

I =

--L =


Have the people ever done these things? Ask and answer questions with your partner.
Complete table B with the correct information.

Hos Alex ever met Ronoldinho?
No, he hqsn't. He's never met Ronaldinho. Hos Rose ever run 10 km?
Yes. she has. Hove ...

T Table A
meet Ronaldinho

Vicky & Pete

win a competition


swim in the Mediterranean
I go to London x
ride a motorbike x
I Table B
I Rose Jane & Danny
run 1Okm

I go snowboarding
speak to a famous person
I cycle 50km

see the Olympic Stadium

I @
Puirulorh octivitg 3

Student 0
Read the text. Ask and answer questions with your partner to find Ute nisilg irfqmation.

You Who has just hqd his tweffth birthdoy?

B Ben Anderson. What hqs he become fqmous os?
You A guitar ployer. Whot ...

(who?) Be+, A+'derso-tn has just had his twelfth birthday, but he ha5 already become famous as a guitar

player. Ben has always been good at (1) (what?) and he has played the guitar for

and has
seven years. Over the last few years, he has given a lot of (2) (what?)

appeared on TV three times.

This year, he has entered (3) (what?) for young musicians. He has not won lt yet,
but he has got into the final and he is feeling optimistic! 'Ben is extremely hard-working', says his mum'

the last month, he has rehearsed for (4) (how long?) every day. He hasn't Played

with his friends for ages.'

(s) (when?) . Ben has composed his own music for a CD. He hasn't recorded the

album yet, but he hopes to later this year. Good luck, Benl

Read the text. Ask and answer questions with your partner to find the missing information'

A Who has iust hod his twelfth birthdoy?

You Ben Anderson. .Whqt hos he become fomous os?
A A guitar ployer. Whot ...

Ben Anderson has just had his twelfth birthday, but he has already become famous as
(1) (how long?)
a gu,la. playe. . Ben has always been good at music and he has played the guitar for

. Over the last few years, he has given a lot of concerts and has appeared on TV

(2) (how many?) times.

This year, he has entered a national competition for young musicians. He has not won
it yet, but he has got

into (3) (what?) and he is feeling optimistic! 'Ben is extremely hard-working', says
played with (4) (who?)
his mum. 'Over the tast month, he has rehearsed for three hours every day. He hasn't

for ages.'

Over the last six months, Ben has composed his own guitar music for a CD. He hasn't

(s) (what?) yet, but he hopes to later this year. Good luck, Ben!

Universitv Press 2oo7 ffi

I Poirulorh sctivitg 4

Student R

Choose five acrivities in the box and write them in your diary. Then ask and answer questions with your partner.

I Write the activities Student B is doing. When are you both free?

1o swimmlng with Terry .play basketball look after my cousins
: _.: :.
see film at cinema :
r+eetsFtataliea+eafe listen to CDs at Leslie's rehearse for school concert


tve Sludenl B

I Y{ednasday morning meei N;c al cafd

afternoon do KaraTe

Ihursday morning

I /


Saunlay morning

I You
I ,',' i: ore you doing on Wednesday?
B ^ ',t dorng anything in the morntng, but l'm doing korate in the afternoon. Are you doing anythrng on Wednesdoy?
You '.:

,n meetrng Nic qt the cof1 in the mornrng. Are you ...


I Student B

Choose five activities in the box and write them in your diary. Then ask and answer questions with your partner.
Write the activities Student A is doing. When are you both free?

F go shopping with Tony d.d<arate take books to library watch David in tennis match
nark have lunch at Joe's Caf6 ,,. , ,:,plav lquash
do homework .:,;,{11fir-6et friends- in


I wednesday morning


I Thursday morning

I triday morning

F Saturday


T afternoon

IL A ',\,'rit are you doing on Wednesdoy?

You o ",ct doing anything in the morning, but I'm doing karate in the ofternoon ),re )ou doing anything on Wednesday?
A -'zs 'n meetrng Nic ot the caf1 in the morning. Are you ...
Poiruorh aclivitg
Student fl
5 ,
Write the questions in the first conditional. Then ask and answer questions with your partner. J I

if/ you / buy / a new CD,/ which one / you / get?
I{ you buy a CD *omorrow, which orp will you get?
tf you buy a new CD, which one witt you get?
I t

I'll get the Snow Potrol olbum. lf the weqther isn't good on Soturday, what will you do?
I'll stoy in bed.

where / you / live ,/ when / you / be ,/ older ?

I F_

2 if / yourfamily / go / on holiday/thissummer/ where / you / go?

3 what /you/ watch/ onfY / when/you/ Eet/home?

4 if / you / not pass / your exams / what / your parents ,/ say ? J

Studenl B
ffie tE qr€sfiors in fte first conditional. Then ask and answer questions with your partner.
if / the rrcather,/ not be / good / on Saturday / what / you / do?
I{ lte wezlls isn'+ gpod on Sah.r,-day, wA# wili you do?
lf W buy o new CD, which one will you get? I
You l'll get the Snow Potrol album. lf the weother isn't good on Saturday, what will you do? b
A I'll stay in bed.

1 what / you / study / i'f / you / go / to university ?

2 if / you / meet/ yourfriends/tonight/where / you / go? I


3 if / you / have dinner / In a restaurant,/

4 if / you / get / a DVD / which one,/ you / choose ?

what / you / wear?


PAI RTYO RK ACTIVITI ES G,l oxroro unrversrty Press zuu| ffi
I| Poirtuorh aclivilq 6

to Studenl S
Compier* ;e :egrr,:rgs of sentences 1-5. Use the second conditional. Your partner has endings a-e for these sentences.

iR, Read ou: '-i rr-u::lsi:i to your partner's suggestions. Do you agree?
You ,-' - :,,;: .iL:-- : . :s chonge onything in the world,

B :' -r :. i :'*l really miserable.
YOU r,:: :,',,t,.-: .:<e Sense!
B , --' j ,:--: :i;mote chonge
You -':'. : " :


(be) possible to change anything in the world,

(give) a lot of money to charity

(not ask) for an autog'aph

hr (rain) every day for a month,


h (steal) my bag,


Student B

Complete the endings of sentences a-e. Use the second conditional. Your partner has begi:lnings 1-:
your par:ner's sentences and suggest an appropriate ending.

A '' ,','as possible to change onything in the world,

You : :-:.,k it's d, I'd feel really miserable.
A : 't: doesn't moke sense!

You ;s : c? !'d stop climote chonge.
A lr tt s it! 1 c. Number 2 is ...

a ifl (see) a famous person.

p (phone) the police immediately

(stop) climate change.

I _d I
(feel) really miserable.

e ifl (win) the prize

Puirulorh rctivitu 7

Student fl
Ask and answer the questions with your partner. Write the answers.

You Whot do you have to do at home that you don't like doing?
B / hove to clean my bedroom every week. Which musical instruments can you ploy?
You I con't play ony musical instruments.

What do you have to do at home that you don't like doing?

Lisa Aas lo clean Fer bedroom erery *eek.

1 What could you do when you were two years old?

2 How far can you run?

3 What time do you have to go to bed at night?

4 Tell me three things you mustn't do in class.

j ',', ra: co- in t 1ou do last year that you can do now?


Student B
Ask and answer the questions with your partner. Write the answers.

A Whot do you have to do at home that you don't like doing?

You I hove to cleon my bedroom every week. Which musicol instruments can you ploy?
A I can't ploy ony musicol instruments.

Which musical instruments can you play?

John can'* play any musicai instrun'enfs.

1 What couldn't you do when you were a baby that you can do now?

2 What do you have to do to help at home?

3 At what age could you ride a bike?

4 What time do you have to get up on a school day?

5 Tell me three things you mustn't do in the school library

Press 2oo7 ffi

Pairuorh octivitu I
Student S
You have information which your partner needs. Read tE ffi qrt streral times. Then check the answers.

A \,Iark has got a big dog, Butch, which has rc4- long ears \{ark is a typical teenager who likes listening to music
and plaring football at the weekend.

Har6' has got rwo dogs, Bill and Ben, which are both very small. They don't like walking and they si* in the
lrring room and watch TV Harry spends a lot of time sending emails to his friend Tom, who lives in America.

Louise has a brother called Freddie who lives near a beach. He's got a friendly dog Lucy, that has small ears and
big eres. They both enjoy going for long walks along the beach.

]Irand MrsJones are friends of mine who have three children and two grandchildren. They've also got a dog
Kipp.., which is really big and strong. They live near a river and in the summer the dog goes swimming.

Now listen to your partner's text and answer your questions.

1 Find a dog which lives with a family of four children.

2 Find someone whose dog is black.

3 Find two dogs that are very old.

4 Find someone who can't walk his dog because of his iob.

5 Find a dog which loves water.

Student B

Listen to vour partner's text and answer the questions. Check your answers with your partner.

1 Find a dog that has big ears.

2 Find someone who gets a lot of emails.

3 Find a dog that can swim.

4 Find someone who lives near the sea.

5 Find someone whose dogs are lazY.

You have information which your partner needs. Read the text out several times. Then check the answers.

B \.Ir and Mrs Baker have got two dogs, Miff and Chip, which are both black and white. They've had them for
about fourteen years. The dogs aren't very friendly and don't like playing with other dogs.

Michael has got a three-year-old dog that is called Buster. He's a teacher so Buster has to spend a long time on
his own. This means he's become rather lazy andfat.

is quite old and can

Jill has got a brother and two sisters. Jill's brother, Chris, doesn't like their dog, Duke, which
walk very far. He never takes Duke for a walk.

Peter lives in Scotland with his mum, dad and brother. He's got a really big black dog Sally, which he takes into
the mountains every weekend. Sally loves running down the slopes and playing in the streams.
Poirulorh activitq I
Student fl
Prepare the quiz by putting the verbs in the passive. Read the sentences to your partner
and circle the answers. What is the score? Then answer your partner's quiz.

How much do you know?

(write) by
@ Hamlet .

a Dickens b Shakespeare c Jane Austen

(make) from ...

@ euper
a wool b glass. c wood

o (use) in sudokus.

a Letters ... Numbers... c Letters and numbers ...

o The World Cup (hold) every ...

a year. b three years. c four years.

€) t-:^e o-1l:c,c Ga:nes. a bronze medal (give) for

a '-s: b second place. c third place.

!t =-.---, (play) on a ...

a :: - course
q9 lg )t q€ )z qL

Student B
Prepare the quiz by putting the verbs in the passive. Listen to your partner's sentences and choose the correct answers. Then read
)our sentences to your partner and circle the answers. What is the score?

How much do you know?

Q Spanisrr (speak) in...
a Brazll. b Mexico, c India

(eat) in
@ Traditionally, fish and chlps
a England b France. c ltaly

(publish) in
@ On" of the most famous British crosswords
a The Sun. b The Times. The Finqncial Times.

@ oigitutcameras (use) to look at photos on a ...

a DVD player, b video. c computer.

o Ferraris (make) in ,

a ltaly b Germany. c Australia

o Euros (not spend) in ...

a France. b Britain. c Germany

q9 P9 )' q€ ez qt

PATRwoRK AcrrvrrrEs O Oxford University Press 2007 ffi

I UrffiqEnension
Charocter udjectives

I O t=.= E':r-::E
=:?:::-: :':er
people' Write their
-a-€5 -€r: :: :a ::-3= al ectlve.
. .-- ::,:--:=..:- :-: ::"ers and prefers to spend
@ Comptete the crossword with the character adjectives in
exercise 1.

! a
-, :
:: s a o: c';okes. He's very amuslng.
.:: -ee: rg oeople and is happy

: a ,',a',s excited about everwhlng.

to talk to

a !::^ a s good to talk to if you are unhappy.
::- a a",';a!s wants to be the best at everythlng.
I ::a Coes things without thinking

- 3e coesn't laugh much. He spends a lot of time
:- rnking.
a Roger always gets very good marks at school.
Peter isn't confident and thinks that people don't like

Itr 1

3 extroverte0

2 This person doesn't find things funny and thinks
6 insecure carefully about things.
7 introverted 5 This person listens to you if you have a problem

I competitive
7 This person makes You laugh.

9 This person is intelligent.
9 cl
10 This person is outgoing and frlendly.

E 10 funny
This person is often nervous and worries a lot.
This person is interested in things and is excited by
4 This person does things without thinking first.
6 This person ahvays l'<es to rvin
B This person ts shv and coesn: lrke speaking to people

Unit 2

Sp ort

$ Writ" the names of the sports in the box under the pictures.


4 You need snow and a sledge for this sport.

@ Wit" go or playfor the sports.

1_ American football 5 You fight with a sword in this sport

2_ fencing
3_ baseball 6 You wear white and use a bat and ball with this sport.
4_ canoerng
5_ cricket 7 You play this sport in America with a bat and a ball.

6_ rafting
You are in a boat with other people, on a fast river.
7_ mountain biking

B- ice hockey
9 You need a river, lake or sea for the sport.
9_ fishing
10 bobsleighing 10 You use a special type of bike and go off road in this
@ Wit" the names of the sports from Exercise 1.
1 You need ice skates and a stick for this soort.

2 You are in a boat by yourself in this wet sport.

3 You use a ball which isn't round in this soort.

VOCABULARY EXTENSION @ oxford University Press 2oo7 @

Il e gotive pref ixes
cr dls- to each @ Complete the sentences with the negative adj.ectives in
exercise 1. .
1 He's very Hc nrpfprc

to work alone.

2 Stealing from people is against the law. lt's

3 Those shoes are so

You can't walk far in them.

a--' 4 Leo is 16, but he always does silly things. He's very
9 -
0 -::oendent
1 'roral
5 'Why is Clara crying?'

- negative adjectives
@ ltut.n 1-10 in exercise 1 with 'She's because she's lost
dei.nitions a-j. her bag.'
a radly planned or arranged
6 I'm so . I can never
choose what to have for lunch!
b ?:ean. not nlce
7 Paul worked hard so it was

c rot sensible enough to behave properly that he failed his exam

8 Joisso She always

d rad. dishonest forqets to hand in her homework.

e naving bad luck

9 You're very . You don't

believe anything I tell you,

f arle to do things by yourself 10 Don't be so I You

shouldn't say those terrible things to me!

g suspicious of other people

h sad. miserable

i rot able to make decisions

j rot sensible, not useful

Unir 4 _l
Phrusol verbs (l)
$ Undertine the phrasal verb in each sentence.
1 lt will take a long time to get over your operation.
@ Comptete the sentences with the phrasal verbs in
exercise 2.
1 I
2 l'm tall and dark-haired. I take after my father. I'm listening. with the story

3 The number of students at university will go up 2 Who do you ? Your parents or


next year. your grandparents?

4 'Do you get on with Tania?' 'No, she's very unfriendly.'
5 3 Did you to your brother on the
My mobile doesn't work so I'm going take it back to
the shop.
6 I get together with my friends every Friday night. 4 Temperatures in winter

7 I'm so tired. I can't go on any more.

5 lt took him six months to the
B I want to take up kite surfing.
She's tried phoning, but she can't get through.
Does the number of tourists go down in winter?
6 Let's

aren't doing anything.

at the weekend if you
@ Writ" the phrasal verbs in exercise 1 next to the correct
1 to return something
7 Sara doesn't like her new bag. She wants
and cfloose
a different one.

2 to decrease, become smaller 8 They think unemployment will

again next year.

to meet and spend time with someone

to start doing a sport or activity

9 Ella is a good friend. We
other very well.

5 to have friendly relationship with someone
10 Why not
karate? lt's really good


6 to continue

7 to increase, become bigger

8 to contact someone by telephone

to look like a relative

10 to recover from an illness, problem or difficulty

oxford Universiw Press 2oo7 ffi
Iligitol technologg
@ t ra:ctr tlre verbs in the box with definitions 1-10. @ Comptete the crossword with the verbs in exercise 1.

2 to move text from one place to another

3 to get an email

4 to click on a word twice so you can change it in

some way

5 to copy a picture or document onto your computer

6 to keep a document on your computer

7 to copy songs onto a new CD

8 to send an email you have received to someone else Across

2 Don't forget to your work before you log 0ff.
You don't want to lose it.
9 to copy a document from your computer onto paper
5 'Do you many emails?' 'There are usually
about 20 in my inbox.'
10 to remove a file from your computer because you do 6 -
You'll need a scanner to that document onto
not want it any more your computer.
7 lf you don't need that file any more, you can
- it
9 | can't the letter because the printer isn't
10 ls it illegal to CDs?

1 -
You should cut that paragraph and it at the
end ofthe letter.
3 'l got an interesting email from Joe yesterday.' 'l didn't
get it. Can you it to my email address?'
4 youlf the title, you can make it bigger.
B I've clicked on the document, but it won't

Unit 6

tlousehold nouns
{$ wh"r. do you usually find these things? Write the words @ Complete the sentences with words in exercise'1'
1 You can cook food verY quicklY in a

2 When it's cold, I always sleep under a thick

3 I don't like the floor in the living room. Let's buy a

4 Change the on your bed! It's dirty

5 Can you turn on the please?

kitchen anvwhere in the house I'm cold.

6 lt's night. We should close the

7 There are lots of on the walls

because Sara is an artist

Ben turned on the lo do the

e Write words in exercise I next to the correct definition
washing up.
1 You put your head on this in bed.

2 You can put drinks on this low piece of furniture

3 You look at yourself in this.

4 You use this to cook food on a cooker

5 You can put a lamp on this next to your bed.

6 You close these at night

7 You turn this to get water

B This is a shelf above a fire.

vocABUIARY ExrENstoN O Oxford University Press 2007

fldjeetive + preposition
a.5wer. @ Uutatl 1-5 with a-e. Then cornole:e:;€ s:^::-::-r ,. :-
:.,,e up French. He's terrlble with the correct preposition.
1 Let s play a diferenl CD. - ' :.
-:- ::: :,-'":sed about / in the pronunciation of
2 Mark always rvins. Hes'.e.. si
: =
.: :r-3 inis exercise three times. We're sick of / at
3 I don't know the answer. I'm confused

I : , -- :,e'feel depressed with / about the furu'e?

:, - , ,',:ris to study history. Shes always been 4 Our neighbours are so noisy. We always get disturbed

',.i: ^ared in ,/ by the subject.

"' 3'orvn isn't tolerant at / of bad behaviour in his 5 Stop! That sounds awful. You're terrible


-".]s is really skilful at / with resolving problems

'.tri-rpen other ncnnlc a_ playing the piano.

larrry has travelled all over the world so he's o_ the present perfect tense

" ^':r,;ledgeable in / about geography. c_ listening to this album.

alt often disturbed by / with my younger sister when d_ them at night.
-- dorng my homework. e_ playing tennis.

10 -.'r rs petrified of / at taking exams. She gets

-,.:-ernely nervous.

@ Con rlete the sentences. Use the adjectives in the box

with obout, at, of or by.

ic;enant depressed petrified

knor,edgeable fascinated

1 ':-" should ask Mary to help with your English

- -'ervork. She's very
r a lldl,

2 ::lllm spiders and

:-.:€'s a big one over there!
3 '.i s-r Peters is such an interesting teac her. Everyone is

ner stones.
' ': all my exams, l ll feel really

',': cad often gets angry. He isn't very

nthpr ncnnlF


Unit I I
The noturol uorld
@ mut.l'r the words in the box with the definitions.

cave coast volcano waterfail cliff

wood national park lake valley
@ Choore the correct answer.

Have you ever been swimming in that coast
Let's have a rest at the top of the wood ,/ hill
/ lake?
1 An area of trees that is smaller than a forest. 3 There's a small village at the bottom of the volcano
I don't want to go underground into the cave /
This is not as high as a mountain

3 A stream or river falling over the side of a mountain Don't go near the edge of the cliff / coast! lt's very

4 An area of water The volcanoes / national parks in Britain are very


5 A hole in the side of a hill or cliff

@ these sentences true or false?
1 There are usually large cities in national parks
6 Low land between two mountains

2 An active volcano can be very dangerous.

7 Mount Vesuvius, for example.

3 There isn't any water in a waterfall

B Sreep rock next to the sea.

4 An island does not have a coast

9 The land next to the sea.

5 Mount Everest is not a hill.

10 A protected area of natural beauty that you can visit in
the country.
6 Some fish can live on land.

vocABUrARy ExrENsroN O Oxford University Press 2007

Illoneg und shopping

$ neaO the text. Then comprete sentences 1-6 with some

@ Cnoor. the correct answer.
of the bold words.
A shopaholic is someone wno ...
My mum is definitely a shopaholic. If she
couid, she would go shopping for ciothes every a loves shopping.
day! Designer clothes are very expensive b hates shopping.
though, especially with VAT, so she buys a lot
VAT is money that ...
of things in the sales in summer and. winter. In
the supermarket, if certain food is on special a the government pays us.
offer, my mum will buy a lot of it, even if we b we pay the government.
don't really like it! She loves getting a bargain
when things cost less than usual! Shops usually have sales . .

a at the beginning of a season.

At weekends, my sister, Gina, works on the till
in a clothes shop. However, she doesn,t b at the end of a season.
actually touch much money because most lf you buy things with a credit card, you
people pay with credit or debit cards these
a don't pay for them immediately.
days. Gina loves her job and she puts the
money she earns into a savings account. She b pay for them immediately.
spends her money very quickly though, People have a savings account ...
especially on clothes in the shop she works in.
That's because she gets a discount on those a in their house.
clothes so they are a bit cheaper! b in their bank.

I only paid 140 for those shoes. What a

2 lf you want that CD, you'll have to pay for it at the

over tnere

YOU should buy your books in that shop. Students get a

10% there

4 The DVDs are on in that

supermarket. You get three for the price of two.

5 lf you pay wlth your the

money goes out of your bank account immediatelv

6 Why don't you go the

January? That TV will be much cheaper then


Vo c abulorg Vo c ub ul urg
6 pessimistic
7 miserable
o 1 3 d 4 e 5 b
c 2 a
B polite @ 4 3.Port
tower 5 storeYs
3 honest
2 motorway 4 mall
4 shy t hard-working
5 sensible 10 patient
o 1 uncomfortable 4 imPossible
2 inexperienced 5 unsympathetic
@ r give 5 give 9 make
3 unfriendly
2 make 6 make 10 give
3 make 7 give
4 make 8 make 0rommor
@t for 5 since 9 since
0rummar 2 since 6 for 10 since
J IOT 7 for
@ r were crying 6 Did you know
4 since 8 for
2 came 7 were
3 wasn't crying 8 met
@ f Ella has already read that book.
4 was laughing 9 were studyrng 2 Have they arrived in Australia yet?
5 was thinking 10 got 3 The film hasn't started Yet.
4 I've already had dinner.
@ t to have 6 to watch
5 David hasn't finished his homework yet.
2 to send 7 to borrow
3 to talk B to play @r 've just hurt mY arm
4 to stay 9 to cook 2 has just begun
5 to catch 10 to study 3 'sjust started raining
4 'sjust been to Tunisia
5 've just eaten a lot of chocolate

Vo c ubulorq
($ r
boots, pitch poles, slope
2 racket, court 5 trainers, track
3 cap, pool Q r back 5 after 9on
2 forward 6 off 10 up
@ t played 5 9 3up
went goes 7 up
2 done 6 been 10 play
4on 8 rnto
3go / plays
4 does Bdo @t gets,c 5 oPf 2

got,a 4 got, a

@ I 6
Have you ever been 'stravelled
2 've never liked 7 has he visited @ r 'mgoingtostudy
3 've watched 8 've been 2 is going to fall
4 Have you ever seen 9 've ever seen 3 Are you going to watch
@ t)
has been

gone 3
10 've never had

5 been
@ t
aren't going to stay
're going to travel

Are you doing 6 are having

d^nc been
2 'm seeing / m gorng

@ r Have you ever been to France? 3 're playing 8 is taking

2 I have never seen a dolphin. 4 'm not doing 9 Are you meeting

3 He has never been to ltaly. 5 is coming 10 'm staying
4 Have you ever read a book by Charles Dickens?
5 We have never had a holiday in Australia. @r until by the time 5 while
2 as soon as 4 when

Vo cobulorg Yocobulotg
Q r screen 6 emails Or bookcase 6
2 mouse 7 cables 2 cupboard cooker
3 keyboard B printer 3 wardrobe 8 dining table
4 speakers 9 scanner 4 dishwasher 9 washing machine
5 digital camera 10 MP3 Player 5 armchair 10 chest of drawers

5 @t 5 9
Q t on,off 3 on, of{ in, over

2 up, down 4 in, up make have had

3 having 7 have
4 makes 8 have
@ r won't pass,'ll do 4 will you live, won't staY 0rommor
'll get, won't be 5 won't enjoy, 'll choose
'll open,'ll do @r d, worked 3 e, 'd give 5 c, didn't have
2 b, lived 4 a, 'd feel
@ t logs,'llfind c rains,'ll cancel
2 'll be, doesn't send 5 runs, won't miss @ t lf I had enough money, l'd buy a car
3 'll get, do 2 They'd go to Australia if they weren't scared of flying
3 lf it was/were warmer, we'd swim in the sea.
@r when 3if 5 when 4 She'd finish quicker if they helped her.
2 When 4lf 5 lf he didn't have a cold, he'd go swimming.

@r When this film finishes, we'll have dinner.

@r many 5 much 9 much
2 Mary will go shopping when Peter comes home. 2 alotof 6 any 10 a lot of
3 lf I read this book, l'll get another one tomorrow 3 many 7 some
When he goes to university, I'll be sad. 4 alotof 8 a little
5 lf it rains tomorrow, we won't walk to school.

Vo cobulorq Vocabulorg
Q r

earn, pay
$r z
9 failed
10 do 2
sell, buy
5 lend, borrow
+- l,^
L4Ng 7 hand in 3 save, sPend
q nas B dorng
@ t boring 5 surprising 9 surprised

9of 2 6 amazing 10 frightened

@t about terrifying
about 5
2 relaxed 10 involved 3 shocked 7 tired

lealous 6
J dL 7 in 4 interested 8 shocking

4 bored B brilliant
0rammur @r isspoken 5 ls ... grown 9 are useo

4 2 6 isn't taught 10 is eaten

@r couldn't do
Can you turn down
are made
is given 7
2 can play can't drive
3 could ride 4 owns takes

o 1 You mustn't take Photos in here.

2 You don't have to come, but you can if you want to'
are worn
is drunk
is learned
aren't built
5 ls ... watched

3 We have to wear uniform at our school.
4 You don't have to finish your dinner'
5 We mustn't stay in the classroom at lunchtime'
@ r
Dinner is served from six until eight
lea and coffee is bought by the company'
Stamps are sold in the Post office' I
o 1 You should 9o to the doctor's if you are ill.
2 He should not worry about his exams.
3 Students should do their homework on time'
4 She should not wear those trainers at school'
Are comPuters rePaired here?
This website is visited by lots of people every day

5 You should not smoke because it is bad for you'
Q r
5 sand
6 island
@ I
7 rock
8 Ocean
She atways worries about her children'
They did not wait for me.
| want to specialise in mlcrobiology at university'
My brothers often argue about pop music' I
She likes listening to the radio in the bath'

/ that
which / that I

which / that 9 which / that
5 who 10 which / that

@t who 5 whose 9 who's

2 who 6 who 10 who's
3 who's 7 who

4 who 8 whose

Vo cobulorg Vocabularg
$ r 6
$ r 5 inexperienced 9 triathlon dishwasher desk
2 goggles 6 pessimistic 10 miserable 2 digital camera 7 washing machine

3 rehearse 7 make 3 speakers 8 keyboard

4 court 8 pitch 4 fridge 9 chest of drawers

5 screen 10 armchairs

@ t give 6 honest
2 uncomfortable 7 done @t look up 5 make 9 iuu"
3 hard-working 8 imPossible 2 geI 6 log on 10 go back

4 racket 9 imPatrent 3 shut down 7 Turn down

5 went 10 discovered 4 look forward 8 look after

0rammor 0rommar
6 @r 's going to rain 4 isn't going to win
@r ran 7
didn't believe
2 aren't going to see 5 ls Sally going to invite
2 WaS saw
3 was watching 8 was doing 3 are we going to have
4 9 turned
@I 6 aren'i having
decided 'm not working
5 thought 10 was finishing
2 Are you doing 7 is taking
3 B 're flying
@I to borrow
've already seen
6 iust
7 hasn't done 4
is getting
're having 9 're spending
3 never I 've plaYed 5 Are they going 10 're travelling

yet 9 arrived 5
@r 3 'll travel
won't know won't eat
To go 10 ever
2 'll send 'll help

@r 've lived, since

@ r ff | see Lucia, l'll give her the message.
2 have known, for
2 We'll miss the train if we don't hurry.
3 hasn't read, for
3 When he arrives, we'll have dinner.
have you learned, For
Will Monica be angry if we don't go to the pary?
5 hasn't spoken, since
5 lf they speak French, he won't understand-

Listening ll I would you feel, appeared

2 was/were,'d PlaY
1 true 5 true 9 true 3 d tell, bullied
2 false 6 true 10 false 4 Would it cost bought
3 false
1i' t^|.^
t>c 5 didn't see, U miss
4 false 8 false
@r d 2 a 3e 4b
Sp e ahing
o 21 How' For
haven't 10
9 Why
about @r buyherowncar 6 failed

3 Which 7 have 2 Ken I don't pass

4 yet 8 just 3 fifty 8 thirty-three
4 seventeen 9 today
5 1979 10 drive

Sp eahing
@ 1 fancy 5 about 9 FinallY
2 love 6 fine 10 See
3 What 7 First
4 busy B Next

Vo cobulurg Vo c ob ulurg
$r monrtor 6 decision $ r river beach 9 earn
z CXCUSE 7 detention 2 afford o borrow 10 cost
inexperienced I stream 3 desert I sell
4 impolite 9 give 4 lend d fore st

5 spend 10 track
@ t boring 5 ooreo 9 amazrng

@ I Do you ever argue about money? 2 tired 6 interested 10 tiring

2 She is waiting for me at the cinema. 3 surprised 7 terrifying
3 They never listen to the teacher when she is talking. 4 frightened B shocking
4 John is really bad at maths.
5 My mother worries about the bad news on TV
6 She's really jealous of his new car.
7 Are you looking forward to the holiday? @r 've known
B I think you should look for a better job. 2 had enough money
9 Sophie is really scared of spiders. 3 Are ... sold
10 Daniel is brilliant at speaking English. 4 saw Jane
5 when it started to

0rummor 6 don't manufacture clothes

7 about joining
@r 've known 6 stole B
mustn't talk
2 's gone 7 knew don't have to
3 were takrng B Were... watching 10 've never done / haven't done
4 Have... finished t haven't seen
5 have just done 10 didn't have
t5 5 'll tell 9 will see
2 arrives 6 'll rain '10 is having
'1 who 5 couldn't 9 a little 3 until / rs 8orn8
2Who 6 don't have to 10 a few 4 finishes 8 won't win
3 which 7 much
4 mustn't Bsome @ f I was walking in the park when I met Francis.
2 His songs are often played on the radio.
@ r He could ride a bike when he was three years old. 3,/
2 We'll meet you at six o'clock if we're ready. 4 She bought that dress on holiday last year.
3 He must leave now to catch the train at seven o'clock. 5./
4 lt'll be late by the time we get home. 6 She promises she'll clean her room later.
5 She shouldn't wear that green dress. 7 They haven't arrived Yet.
6 He has to wear a uniform when he is at work. B I think she should tell him she is sorry.
7 ls this food made in Scotland? 9 That's the unfriendlv man who lives next door
B Do you know anyone who can write French? 10 ./
9 Diana is going to Spain on holiday next December.
10 They have been to Africa three times this year.
Listening o 2a
1c 3a
10 b

@r (boy) band 6 rehearsrng

2 tour (of the UK) 7 (musical) instruments
Sp e ohing
3 album B (classical) music
music 10
9 leave school
o 1
3 What 7 already

Sp e ohi ng 4 shouldn't B about

o 1 think
2 made
3 isn't 7 afford
4 agree B not

ffi KEY

[nd-sf -lerm Test I End-of -U e or Test I

Narrator Sixteen-year-old tennis player, Rebecca Marsh, has Presenter We're really excited to have world famous boy band
;rst won her first tennis tournament. Todav. she is The Nice Guys with us today. They're starting their tour
:alking about her experiences. of the UK tomorrow evening, but today they're going to
Rebecca I ve played tennis for a long time now. I first started talk to us about their new album. They're also going to
p'aying when I was five years old. lt's good if you can talk about what you can do if you want to be a pop
siart young, but it isn't absolutely necessary. lt's more star. Sd stay tuned! Hello and welcome to the show.
important to be hard-working and not lazy. I mean, I Boys Hi! Hi, there!
get up at six o'clock every morning and go to the Presenter First, Eddy, I'd like to ask you about the new album.
tennis courts for two hours before school! You also Who composed the songs?
need to be sensible, eat good food and drink lots of Eddy Well, Gary writes most of our lyrics and Shane usually
rvater. Oh, and go to bed earlyl composes the music. Then we spend ages rehearsing
You meet a lot of different people when you play the songs together before recording them in the studio.
tennis, so it's good if you're sociable and outgoing. lf Presenter You and Gary are the singers in the band, but can
you're a shy person, it can be very difficult because a you play any instruments?
lot of people watch you all the time. Eddy Yeah, definitely. Everyone in the band can play
It's a very important to have the right equipment to musical instruments. You see, we all went to music
be a good tennis player. Buy an expensive tennis school and studied classical music.
racket, not a cheap one. ln fact, if you play every day, Presenter Really? So, you're all clever too!
you should have two or three rackets. I also have Eddy Yeah, you could say that!
four pairs of good trainers because my feet need to Presenter There are lots of young fans out there who want to
be comfortable. be like you. Gary, what do you want to say to them?
It's a good idea to do other sports too. not just Gary Well, I think that if you want to be a professional
tennis. For example, I play basketball to keep fit. I singer or musician, you shouldn't leave school at
really love it because it's a team sport and it doesn't sixteen. You should stay at school, take your exams
matter if we win or losel I also go horse riding every and then study music at college or university. You
Sunday to help me to relax. have to be hard-working and you must be realistic.
You can't all be famous!

tnd-of-term Test 2 Presenter That sounds like good advice to me. Thank io- cc- -3
in and talking to us and good luck with :ae:c--.
Presenter ln 'Real Life Story' today, we're going to talk to
Shirley Farrar. Shirley's biggest dream was to pass her
driving test and buy her own car. Hello. Shirley.
End-of-Ueor Test 2
Welcome to the programme. Presenter In Britain, the mobile pho-e Fa: 3€::-: =z-_:' :=
Shirley Hello. life. More than 901i of i^e ccr: a: c- :,.,-: . - _: -
Presenter Now, Shirley, today an important day for you
is phone and most of us probac -r -se ': e.:--. :3,. .:-
because finally your dream has come true. Can you may think that mobile phones ^eie E:- .,. :- -. ': -
tell us why it is such a happy day for you and your a long time. but have )'ou an! 'Cea erac , -.,,, -z^ ,
husband, Ken? years? Thirty? Forty? \rc|I. you ma! be surpr sec :o
Shirley Oh, yes. lt all started when I was seventeen ... know that, in Britain, we hane onl-v had robile p::ones
Presenter Well, I think we should tell the listeners that you're a since 1985. To be precise, the first phone call on a
Iittle bit older than seventeen now! mobile in Britain was on the third of January 1985
Shirley Yes, l was fifty last wee(! between London and Newbury. The first ever mobile
Presenter So, you started learning to drive when you were phone call was actually in New York, but mobile phones
seventeen. Then what happened? were not available to the public until ten years later.
Shirley Well, I took my first driving test in 1979, but I failed. Before members of the public could talk to each
Presenter A lot of people don't pass the first time. other on mobile phones, the companies had to set
Shirley Yes, so I took my test again, ... and again and again up networks. Vodaphone established the first
and again. network in Britain in 1985. For nine days, they were
Presenter So how many times did you take the test, Shirley? the only company with a network. Then another
Shirley Thirty-three times, until I passed today! company started another mobile phone network.
Presenter And Ken, what did you feel about this? Nowadays, mobile phones are extremely small and are
Ken I've waited a long time for this day. I knew that if quite cheap to buy. However, the first phones were
Shirley passed her test she'd buy her own car and I very big and expensive. They quickly became very
wouldn't need to drive her everywhere! popular and every young business person wanted one.
It took Vodaphone nine years to get its first million
customers and then only another eighteen months
to get the second million. Now Vodaphone has over
fourteen million customers in the UK alone.


9 6 unkind
@t 5 Sophia Roger 1 rmmature
2 Joe 6 Peter 10 James 2 indecisive 7 distrustful
3 Jasmlne 7 Matt J unfortunate B unhaPPY
4 Julie B Paula ^ impractical 9 indePendent
, 10 immoral

1l "t o tl
1 e 3 g7 i 2
Qu5 cd10f9h8j4
al N b6
-) o6
@ r independent 6 indecisive
rtr Y H o 2 immoral 7 unfortunate
lrr 3 impractical 8 disorganised
U N N M 9 distrustful
4 immature
U S P N 5 unhappy 10 unkind
t\ I E T


S o
Q t getover 6 get together

E 2 take after 7 goon

tg 3 goup 8 take uP
4 get on with 9 get through

TI 5 take back 10 go down

Q t take back 6 goon
0rtr X T R \-, E R T E D 2 go down 7 goup
3 get togetner B get througn
4 take up 9 take after
5 get on wlth '10 get over

@r Goon 6
get together
2 take after take back
Q r fencing 6 rafting
3 get through 8 goup
2 American football 7 canoeing
4 go down 9 get on wltn
3 bobsleigh 8 cricket
5 get over 10 take up
4 ice hockeY 9 baseball
5 fishing 10 mountain biking

Q t play 5 play 9go

2go 6go 10 go

3 play 7go
4go B play
@ I ice hockey 6 crlcket
2 canoelng 7 baseball
3 American football B rafting
4 bobsleigh 9 fishing
5 fencing 10 mountain biking
@I open 6 save @r2 at 5by 9bv
2 cut and paste 7 burn about 6of 10 of
3 recetve B forward 3of IAL
highlight 9 print 4 about B about
5 scan 10 delete
@ I knowledgeable about
2 petrified of
3 fascinated by
A E 4 depressed about
3rT 5 tolerant of

o +H
T @r c of

E C E I E 3 b about
G 4 d by
"5 C N-l H

ro H Q r wood 6 valley

2 hitl 7 volcano
R N T 3 waterfall B cliff
r 4 9
lake coast
5 cave 10 national park

Q t take 4 cave
2 hitl 5 CiliT
3 valley 6 national parks

@r Fatse 4 False
2 True 5 True
Q u"droor living room kitchen anywhere 3 False 6 True
bedside table coffee table mrcrowave oven mtrror
pillow fire tap pictures
duvet mantelpiece frying pan curtains
sheet rug

Q) t piltow 5 bedside table

Q r bargain 4 special offer
2 coffee table 6 curtarns 2 rill 5 debit card
3 mirror 7 tap 3 discount 6 sales
4 frying pan I mantelpiece
@t a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 b
@r microwave oven 5 fire
2 duvet 6 curtains
3 rug 7 pictures
4 sheet 8 tap

lItIRltB00il RnsutB lltY
hesent simple oI present continuous?
Q For.t""n-year-old schoolgirl, Emily Hunt, lives with her
Vo cobulorg family in Chatham, Kent. She soes to Chatham Girls'
Personolitg udiectives ond pastines School she isn't wearinq her school uniform in the photo'
4 but she usually wears it to school! Three times a week,
Q r having
sociable OR friendlY
Emily doesn't do any homework after school because she
2 meettng lazy
trains fortwo hours at her local running club' She is a
3 friendly OR sociable
brilliant runner. In fact, Emily is training to participate in
Trcvel und prepositions 0f movemenl the 2012 Olympic Games. Training so frequently isn't easy'
but Emlly is always enthusiastic and she often imagines
@ fhe mystery travel noun is passport. winning an Olympic gold medal Good luck, Emily!
P N f

A T Q I Where do Emily and her family live?

2 Do boYs go to Emily's school?
D E S N 3 What do students at her school wear?

T T E N n N T S
4 How often does Emily run after school?
5 How long are the training sessions at the running club?
U P 6 What does Emily want to do in the future?
o F F 7 What is EmilY doing in the Photo?
8 ls Emily wearing a uniform in the photo?
T H R o U G H

G tr T @ Srgg"tt.d answers:
1 Emily and her family live in Chatham, Kent
Television ond extreme odjectives 2 No, they don't. Emily goes to a girls' school'

2 c, cookery programme 5 e, sports programme 3 Students at her school (usually) wear a uniform

3 f, documentarY 6 d, cartoon
4 Emily runs after school three times a week'

4 a, quiz show 5 The training sessions at the running club are two
hours long.

@rd 3a 4e 5 c 6b 6 In the future, Emily wants to participate in the

OlymPic Games.
Tourn und countrg 7 Emily is running.

@r factory 3 stadtum 5 stream B No, she isn't. She is wearing sports clothes'
2 train 4 woods 6 cottage
edverbs ol lrequencq
Sdjectives of emotion @ stuoents' own answers.

@r relaxed 3 afraid 5 grateful

4 6 Somparolives cnd suPerlutives
2 tense proucl upset
@ r Tom gets uP later than me.
go, nshe, domd have 2 Those flight attendants are friendlier than the others'

llt have 3 do 5 make 3 They live further / farlher from school than us'
2 make 4 go 6do 4 Your book looks more interesting than mine'
5 ls this textbook longer than yours?
Invitonmenl 6 James works harder than Ben'

@r factory 3 petition 5 bottle bank

@ r) thelargest 4 the shortest
2 demonstration 4 letter hidder 5 the funniest
3 befter 6 more intelligent
@ I We never go to the cinema'
o T U E S 2
Mark sends me emails everY daY'
Do you live near the stadium?
4 Eva is taller than Laura.
E X E K C S E tt o o N 5 We're watching cartoons at the moment'

6 I don't understand this question

o E Consolidation

a @r2 go 5 don't walk 9 's PlaYtng

o N
never 6 lazier 10 the best
n c S T 3 gets up 7 usually
4 goes 8 plays


@r didn't know 5 was looking 9 was sitting

2 went 6 found 10 to say
fleading 3 spent / sato
4 to look for B looked
@tnotneeded 2A 3D 48 5C
@"o answers: Communicotion
1 He made a film. Yoccbulcrg Charocter a{jectivas
2 At the end of the month, Spurlock felt very ill.
3 Adams did his experiment in 2004 for one week. Q fhe mystery character adjective is impatient.

4 Adams was healthy but he became overweight and P A T E N T

5 Adams was cheerful and ootimistic but he became

miserable. P o I T E

Gr 0mm0r n T N G
?ost simple or p[sl continuous?
o 21
Did you leave 6 were you doing 1
didn't know
7 was tryrng
3 were B were they talking n N E S T
4 wasn't listening 9 were planning
5 gave 10 Did they mention

@z were you Q t sensible 4 honest 7 sensitive

3 Did the bus arrive

2 polite 5 mean

4 Were the other students working

3 lazy 6 patient

5 did you say glvs anl nahe

€)ru 3g4a 5f 6e 7h Bc
@ a 4, were having c 2, was waiting
b 3, didn't arrive d 5, said
Speahing ller:.r {ris*ds

@ I lt started raining while we were waiting for the bus @ ru 3h 4g 5e 6b 7f Bd

L Max was watching a DVD when he fell asleep.
3 Who did you see while you were walking home
I didn't go to school yesterday because I was swimming
fl postcnrd Copitcl l**ais
in a competition. $ f The British love visiting Spain in summer.
While Kate was doing her homework, she received a 2 'When is your birthday?'
text message. 'lt's in February.'
6 Were your parents having dinner when they heard 3 'ls Sara American?'
the news? 'No, she's from England.'
4 Laura and James speak French.
@r The phone rang while I was listening to some music. 5 Did they send you a postcard from Biarritz?
z They were having dinner when I arrived. 6 We went skiing in the mountains in January
3 It's 10.30 and the lesson started at 10.15.
Everybody was talking when the teacher came in. Q I made lots of good suggestions
2 visited a spectacular place
Infinitive of purpose 3 sun was shining
@ f People do exercise to keep fit. 4 didn't swim for long
2 People go to picnics to be sociable. 5 borrowed the family's bikes
3 People read newspapers to find out the news. 6 were cycling back
4 People use buses to travel to places.
() ro our French is getting better. Lisa and Tom are going to
5 People wear coats to stay warm.
Narbonne tomorrow to buy some souvenirs. There's a big
6 People go to supermarkets to buy food.
market there on Wednesdays which sells lots of French

@ t We waited at the station to catch a train. products.

2 Jim borrowed my phone to ring Fran. See you on Saturday.
3 He went to the cinema to see a film. Love, Billy xxx
4 They went to the shop to buy a DVD.
5 | bought flowers to give to my mum.
0uich chech @z has your brother had 5 Have you visited
3 has Paul watched 6 has he collected
Yocsbularu 4 has Elena cycled
1 rude J nnlitp 5 honest
2 impolite q Senerous 6 sensitive @u 6, 's found d 5, 've visited
b 4,'s decided f 3, 's bought
@t noise 5 make 5 giving c 2, hasn't missed
2 give 4 grve 6 a warnrng
beenot gane?
Yoccbularg revieul

@r advice 3 hard-working 5 impatient @r been 3 gone 5 been

2 cheerful 4 offers o warnrng 2 gone 4 been 6 gone

0rcmmor SVer onl nevel

@ I
were having,/ started
met / was working
o 21 That was the best match they have ever played.
Have you ever played rugby?
3 Was she cycling,/ saw 3 Has he ever competed in the Olympic Games?
4 did you leave / wasn't enjoylng 4 You have never run a marathon.
5 was listening / called 5 This is the hardest thing they have ever done.
6 | have never collected souvenirs.
@ r to invite 3 to make 5 to buy
2 to answer 4 to do Consolidotion

Ersrnncr rsvieu;
(l I 'You look well.' 'l've been on holiday.'
2 Have they ever worn wristbands?
1 was walkrng 4 didn't get 7 opened 3 'Have you seen Mary?' 'No, I haven't.'
2 went 5 arrived 8 started 4 We haven't run 400 metres before.
3 to catcn 6 to help 5 I've never heard of that footballer.
6 'Where's John?' 'He's gone to school.'

@ r has done 6 've collected

2 's travelled 7 hasn't forgotten
3 has read 8 's brought
4 's decided has he learnt
fle oding 5 've never been

o 2b 3f 4g 5e 6a 7c
o1 qIddacfaal rn<\l/ar<'
J v bbLJLvv

Children can visit the academy on school trips or in

Yocabulorg $port

the holidays.
He played professionally at Manchester United for ten Qz boots vR
ovoo'sJ B court
9 trainers
3 skis racket

3 Yes, he does. He has never forgotten Charlton.

4 pole I Oatl

Charlton's school inspired him. ila, garnd ploy

4 Beckham can't teach there every day because he lives
in Spain. o 21 do
5 play
5 He has made all of the decisions about what the
3 do 6do
academy is like.
Speohing tsotbsll tsns
0rummar @r cap 4fan 7 pitch
Present petlsct (l) play
2 5 stadium B net
3 team 6
$ r
've finished 5 have you trained
2 have you swum 6 've forgotten
3 've done 7 has competed lUriting
4 haven't missed B 's won I biogrophU Linhing uords
@ I How much money has he spent? r also
Q 2so 4 and
2 We've met Ronaldinho twice. 5 However
3 | haven't ridden a motorbike. 3 also 6 but
4 Have you bought any souvenirs today?
5 My team hasn't won a match this year.
@t 2
started the first Arabic newapaper
3 doctors

I c $e road 2 Have you studied English for many years?
5 rE siE was only thirteen 3 She's designed skyscrapers for 25 years.
4 He's lived in Southampton since he was nine
Qr io 4 but 7 she has won 5 We haven't ridden our bikes for a long time.
2 -r-fr 5 started B However 6 Have they known each other since2004?
3 .a lirrcd 6 and 9 Hasn't been
@ r They've studied English for five years

0uich chech 2 She hasn't done Karate for a / one month.

3 We've been in a maths lesson since ten o'clock
Ynhlary 4 He's played tennis since he was five.
@ r rack 3 pitch 5 costume .6

2 trunks 4 anoalp< 6 net olreadyor geQ

@t did 3 play 5 goes @ I Have you already emailed your friends?

2 been 4 playing 6 done 2 They have already been on holiday this year.
3 They haven't finished the building yet.
Yocobularg revieu; Unils i*2 4 Have you spoken to your parents yet?
1 rackets 4 gives / pores 5 | have already practised the piano today.
2 rude 5 miserable B makes 6 We haven't bought Simon's present yet.
3 cycling 6 ice-skating
@ I The architects already designed two towers
Srsmmor 2 I've already visited Burj al-Arab.
3 Have you seen the Great Pyramid yet?
@ t have played 4 hasn't started 4 They haven't finished the palm islands yet.
2 have you collected 5 've walked 5 Have you already bought the insulating material?
3 haven't done 6 Have you read 6 The straw for the roof hasn't arrived yet.

@r never 3 been 5 gone just

2 been 4 ever 6 ever

Srnnmcr rsvieur: lrnits l-2 @r 'rrp ir r<f rr rt 4 's just gone

2 've just won 5 has .iust started

@r joined 5 was working t has ever had 3 've just surfed 6 has just finished

2 played 6 lost 10 has won

3 to become / teo
4 has had 8 won @ I They haven't stolen anything yet.
2 That man has just been very rude.
3 Have you done this exercise yet?
4 We haven't spoken to each other for days.
5 | haven't gone to the beach since May.
6 Have vou iust finished this book?

Re uding @ r2 since 3 yet 5 already

ir rqt 4 yeI 6 since
$ srgg.rt.o answers:
1 False. Millions of people chose to live on water.
2 False. Huts are common on lakes.
Co mmunicotion
3 True. Canals are man-made. Voes bulcrg
False. Narrowboats are popular in
False. Narrowboats are floating homes.
the UK.

@ answers:
1 Huts on stilts are typical. L

2 Some Cambodian huts float, they are not on stilts

3 Floods do not affect floating huts.
4 Plants in floating gardens have a lot of water.
5 Narrowboats are narrow so that thev fit in canals. S K Y S a P E R

o S

0rammor F T U N N E L
Present pedect (2) for or since?
1 for 4 5ince 7 since
2 since 5 ior 8 for L E

3 since 6 'o'
@ I I haven't sooke-:c (* s''ce her birthday. p
M o T o
llegctive prefixes
g im-
cobulurg I
@r unadventurous/unoriginal
2 informal / impersonal U N F A I D
) N


Speahing Ssubie Secher Livi*g
@,o2b3a4c S

0n inlervieu 0rdering idecs
$ r



did you get into 4 have you chosen

2 has the sphere been 5 did they make

3 have thev out @t tennis 5 pores
2 track 6 football
Q uo bs c1 d2 e3 pool
3 swimming, 7 d^ddlp<
i court
net, B trainers

[luich chech @r play 4 give 7 do


$ r
2 make
3 go
5 make
6 PlaY
slope, goggles
@t2 warning, 4

offer, contract

@ I
mall / museum 6 block of flats
tunnel (a structure, not a building)
mall (a building, not for transport / a structure)
album 6
generous, racKet
cheerful, outgoing
@ r
castle (a building, not a structure)

inexperienced 4 unoriginal
@ r
didn't speak, was doing
Were you having, phoned
2 unadventurous 5 informal 3 didn't make, was studying
3 impractical 6 impersonal 4 were watching, knocked

Yoecbalarg rcviesi: l}nits I*3 5 lost, was running

6 was raining, started

5 impractical
6 sensible
7 made
@t2 We went to Dubai to practise skiing.
Did they join the club to make new friends?
My parents went to a caf6 to have a meal.
4 given B sensitive 3
I I waited outside school to meet Kevin.
5 She wore goggles to protect her eyes.
0rammur 6 He spoke to the teacher to get some advice.

@ r
haven't played, for
's designed, for
haven't gone, since
have you lived, For
as been, since
've waited, for

You went to the park to play football.

have just
has gone
finished 6
've waited
has already landed
@r just
2 yet
4 yet
have you seen
have come
has been
has walked
've ever done
8rs!n$inr revies: Units l*3 t\-
rEI hasn't scored 4 have they eaten
Q) t Have 6 yet
2 have you known 5 haven't made
2 to raise 7 has just finished
3 've learnt / learned 6 've finished

have played 8 asKeq
4 since o were
@r ever 4 for 7 already
5 haven't 10 was giving 2 yust 5 since
3 never 6 yet


@ r We often go to the cinema to watch a film.
2 l've never eaten fast food. future foms {2}: Present cantiwous
3 What were you doing when the phone rang?
@ I 're meeting 4 are participating
Chris isn't here because he's gone swlmming. 2 Are they looking after 5 isn't having
5 They saw a friend while they were jogging. 3 aren't getting 6 Are you going
6 My parents haven't met my boyfriend yet.
@ f She's watching DVDs at Mark's house on Tuesday
Q) t have just joined 6 were walking 2 She's playing volleyball after school on Wednesday.
2 to get 7 saw 3 She isn't having a piano lesson on Thursday.
3 has done B to ask 4 She's travelling to Oxford on Friday.
4 have never done 9 was looking 5 She's spending the weekend with Aunty May.
5 've always been 10 haven't bought
future time expressions
Culture f ocus 2 f, hear 4 a, appears 6 b,is
? .l daf 5 e, feels
$sectionAta 2c 3b 4b 5b 6c
0on solidatian
Section B I Nagoya,Japan
2 30 days ,/ one month
5 England
6 a house of snow
o 2'l 'm running
Are you going to win
5 're going to go
6 isn't going to be
3 seven 7 Cambodia 3 'm doing 7 're going to get
4 1885 B 1$-20 metres 4 aren't going to wear B 'm going to watch

Vocobulorq Phrnsnl verbs {l}

te uding o F F

o 2'l has not

are not
times 5 not

Q) srgg"rt"o answers:
1 Including Cracknell and Fogle, 26 teams are entering. B
2 They have known each other for only a few months
and they have not prepared.
3 Cracknell was planning to row in the Olympics, but
o U o N
instead he and Fogle are rowing across the Atlantic. K T
4 lt is 40 days, five hours and 31 minutes
5 Their boat has a TV camera in it so the BBC can make L o o K

a film about the race.

Q t go back 4 look forward to
2 look after 5 Carry on
0rommor 3 Take off

tutute fcrns lll: ssins to get

$ r are going to give up 5 is she going to spend

@tg 3a 4d 5f OD IE
2 're going to join o 'm going to look up
Speuhing Plons ts neel
3 're going to hurt ; 's going to give
4 'm not going to take off B Are you going to do @ I forward 4 while / ADOUT

2 morning f, soon 8 then

Q z How are they going to find the answer? 3 time 6 fancy
3 ls your sister going to go to university?
4 Are you going to speak to Matthew later?
5 ls it going to be cold tomorrow?
6 ls Emma going to use the computer now? An informol letter ?srls of s lener

@ u 5. 's going to rain e 3, 's going to get Q r Road 5 Write soon

c r'. rn going to send f 6, isn't going to be 2 Manchester 6 Love
d 2.
're going
to look 3 16th July / tmma
4 Dear Grandma and Grandpa

@ Cress what? Last week, Mum and Dad organised our

holiday. We're going trekking and horse riding in the
mountains in May. lt's going to be brilliant! We aren't going
camping because Mum doesn't like sleeping outdoors.

r t
0uich chech tirst conditionol t
Vocobulrrg 5
@ 2 e, doesn't work f, logs on
tl) r look after 3 go back 5 look up 3 c, will improve 6 d, borrows
2 look into 4 carry on 6 look forward to 4 a, buys


Voeabuiurg revieur: Unils


@ r
lf Tom sees that film, he'll get scared
Will your brother help us if we ask him?
Ms Ross won't be, happy if you arrive late t
lf I send an email, will you reply soon?
@r play 4 puts on 7 give up
2 advice 5 pitch B gets if sr when?
3 sensitive 6 look up to
@ r lf 2when 3when 4tf
@ t) is going to win
aran't dnind in c2r
'm not going to speak
Are you going to watch

ll I
I won't say anything, I promise.
This exercise is very hard, but I won't give up.
@ f
is she going to get

Are you doing anything this weekend?

We're giving a concert on Saturday.
We'll feel miserable if nobody comes to the match.
lf it's sunny tomorrow, Greg and I will play tennis.
'My bag is heavy.' 'l'lltarry it for you!'
Jake plays music all the time. I hate it when he does
She isn't going on tour next year.
Are they preparing for their exams tomorrow?

l*{ @r

'l find 4 willplay 7 won't believe I

€ramntr revieu: Unitr
2 when 5 won't get
@ r 'm working 6 never 3 vote 6lf
2 was reading 7 got
3 saw 8 As soon as
a .a
Co mmuntc0Il0n
4 9
was looking for for
5 to apply 10 're going to have Voca bulorg ligirutrechnrlogg

o 21 keyboard 45
digital camera mouse / pflnler

3 speakers 6 MP3 player

lhrqssl verbs i2)

@ra 3a 4e 5f 6r
Re uding
O,ls 2E 3D 4notneeded 5A 6C Speohing s digitolrcdio
@r First a plug in
@ Suggested
'Blog' 'web'
comes from (internet) and 'log' (diary).
2 Next b turns on

z A diary is similar to a blog.

3 Then c screen

3 There aren't any limits. Anybody can write a blog and

4 Finally d turns up

everybody can read it.
They became popular in this, the 21st century.
Everybody blogs, from politicians to schoolchildren.
Instont nessogitlg Sallcqiricl expressions
tulute forms (3): ririil
Qtt zc 3j 4i 5d 6b 7g Bagh
@ z I don't know, When is his birthday?
On Saturday. He sent a text to your mobile yesterday.

1 Will ltaly win the next Word Cup? 4 I didn't get one. My mobile's broken.
2 Will your brother be a teacher? 5 Why is it broken? What happened?
3 We won't eat anything, thanks. 6 I was talking to Kath when I dropped it in the bath.

l'll send Kate an email every day. 7 No way! Are you going to get a new one?
5 You won't like that film d Yeah. I really like your mobile. lf l've got enough
6 Which book will you read next? money, I'll get one like that.
Good idea! See you at eight on Raj's birthdayl
@ I
won't understand 5 won't tell
2 'll write 6 'll have
@r Wotrudoing4urbday?
3 won't become 7 'll go back 2 R u going ztown2look 4 a new mob?

4 'll open 8 won't forget 3 Dunno. Wot r u going 2 do?
4 lcangiveul4urbday.

@r He won't enjoy it 3 She won't speak to you.

5 See u on ur bday.
2 l'll study more

Ouich chech @z e, practised J b, had
3 g, 'd use o f, went
Vocobulcrg 4 a, wouldn't listen 7 d, lost
1 speaker 5 keyboard 5 computer
2 MP3 player 4 MOUSC @t 'd enjoy, saw wouldn't stay, visited
2 read, 'd take 5 cycled, 'd get
Qt plugin 3 turn off 5 log on 3 Would Lisa feel, went 6 'd do, had
2 tune in 4 start up
Yocrlulurg revisrs: Unils l-5
@r website 5 give up
@r2 any
a llttle
7 much

2 snowboarding 6 goggles
3 afew 6 many
J inavnarionrarl
" 'v^Pv,,!,,rvv
7 cool
4 patient B get
@ r Crisps? Oh, yes, please. Just a few.
0rammsr 2 | haven't got much homework. lt'll only take ten
@ stuoents' own answers:
3 He's spent everything. He hasn't got any money now.
1 will use / won't use
4 We've got a little ,/ some food in the fridge.
2 'll rain ,/ won't rain
5 That's too much! | only like a little milk in coffee.
3 will develop / won't develop
6 There are a lot of books on the shelves.
4 'll live / won't live
5 'll get / won't get Csnsslidation

@r presses, will start up 4 log on, 'll visit Q t wanted 5 mucn

2 'll get, don't turn over 5 will you say, breaks

2 'd want 6 some

3 'll reply, get 3 Afew 7 downloaded

4 many B would increase
$rcnnar l*viaur: Units l-5

@ r haven't visited 5 Wilr Communicotion

2 just 6 when
Vocohulorg lfausehsld nriins
3 press 7 're going to spend
4 will open 8 get 2 bookcase 7 cooker
3 armchair B cupboards
4 sofa 9 sink
5 dishwasher '10 fridge
6 washing machine

hsve a$l nske

te oding o 21 make 4
have 7

$r won't 3 Less 5 keep have make have

2 doesn't know 4 hasn't 3 make 6 have

Speo hing R foothallnatch

@ srgg"rt"d answers:
He'd feel nervous sleeping underwater.
The chairs and the beds are made of ice.
0 21 Do you fancy coming to town on Saturday afternoon?
Sorry, but I'm going to a football match.
3 The Gaudix caves are the same temperature in winter 3 Really? Do you like going to matches?
and summer because they have very thick walls. 4 for my team!
Yes, I love shouting
4 The floor and furniture in the Gaudix cave house were 5 Do you ever go to any matches?
very similar to a normal Spanish house. 6 No, I prefer watching sport on TV
7 | don't Iike standing outside in the cold!

Second conditionol lUriting
1 wouldn't tidy 5 would annoy e fifestgle description lllodi{i*rs
2 'd miss 6 listened
3 'dbe 7 wouldn't sleep Q t really 4 not at all 7 extremely

4 slept 8 did
2 not particularly 5 really
3 quite 6 not at all

@ I They wouldn't understand you if you spoke in German.

@ n dining room C garden
2 I'd have a bigger room if we moved house.
B living room D bedroom
3 lf you won the big prize, what would you do?
4 lf Carl left school, he rvouldn't get a job.
@r really large 4 at all comfortable
5 Would you feel shy if you met a famous person? 2 extremely light 5 quite rich / not particularly old
6 lf you looked on the in:en-'et. 1ou'd find the answer 3 quite modern 6 not particularly old / quite rich

Ouich chech 0rummor
you going to make 5 is going to buy
$ r Are
2 're going to carry on 6 Are you going to revtse
@ t bookcases 3 desk 5 oox
3 're going to get 7 aren't going to worrY
2 slnK 4 cupboard 4 are You going to do I 're going to enjoy
@ t 3 having 5 make 4 aren't going
4 have
@ I are you meeting
5 'm flying
make 2 discussing

Yaenb:rlurg revieu: Units l-b 3 is staying

@ t computer 6 unmotivated
@ t by the time 34 As soon as 5 when
2 dining table 7 screen 2 until while 6 after
3 hard-working I washing machine
7 'll log off
4 getting 9 rest @ t 'llexplain 4 drop
5 warning 10 turning on 2 'll speak 5 win
'll 8 'll enjoY
3 serve 6 won't get

@ t had, wouldn't know 4 wouldn't like, lived
Q t saw,'d ask
2 bought, find
'd 5 met, would You say
2 'd be, snowed
3 'd be, snowed
3 would Your dad do, gave uP
4 would buY, had
@t afew 3 alotof 5 any
5 read, would we learn 2 many 4 alittle 6 much
6 lived, wouldn't share

5 () I As soon as it stops raining, we'll go out'

@r2 any 3 alotof afew
2 lf I liked swimming, I'd go to the pool every day'
a little 4 many
3 Look at the ticketsl We're flying to London on Monday
&lst'it :nrr levictli; llnil* tr*S 4 Here's some water. You won't be thirsty if you drink some'
5 Jake is shy so he's only got a few friends'
o 1
'm going
'll show
got 10
O dat<
. 6v'J

are 6 lt'll be dark by the time the match finishes'

3 wait 7 was looking
@ r Are you doing 6 buy
4 Have You B found 2 'm meetlng 7 won't have
3 're going to get 8 alotof
4 any 9 'll be
5 manY 10 decide

Cu Iture focus
Vo cubularg o Section A
$ ff't. mystery household noun is cupboard
S c E E N
,M L Y S I


B o
K E T B o R D
R L n R

Section B
Suggested answers:
t itarts: Alicante (Spain), finishes: Portsmouth
I 7rn 2 The Atlantic Rowing Race, from the Canary lslands
Qt 2 up
down 5
off 8to (SPain) to Antigua (Caribbean)
3 into 6 over 3 lt speaks in a simPle language'
4 Hal is a computer Program'
@ t make, get 3 have, have
make, get
5 I don't know what to get you for your birthday'
2 have, maKe 4
6 Since 1988
7 speaKer 7 The Navalo
@r2 tos
website 5
i turn
computer B put 8 lt is in the Bahamas and it is underwater'

3 furniture 6 dpt

Vocabularg Rt school

te oding o A D @- R o E c D C] D

o 1E 2C 3A 4notneeded 5B 6D @ E B S T ? E H R o E E

r= X c
- tt T
o1 T U
g R S S
Suggested answers:
lt became a familiar sight during the 2000 Olympic H T E K B D M N R o E

Games in Sydney. E N L G M S X E A S N N
2 They wear special suits, trainers and a safety cord.
3 Nobody under the age of 'twelve can climb the bridge.
L T H X A o lr S T

It is important to be fit, too. - 5 A T R E o S E I

Parts of the arch are very steep and the bridge is very U n
E o P U o K K R E S

Nobody can take any personal possessions in case they S N G E s S o D tK B T o W

drop something onto the cars or people on the brid$e. 1 exam 4 marks a detention
2 lesson 5 homework I test
0rummar 3 excursion 6 website 9 course

Illodol verbs &bililu and pemission: csns*d coald 1 course 3 DTEAK 5 pass

Q z Can - f, can't 5 Can - a, can't 1

bully 4 copy 6 ctasSes

3 Could - b, could 6 Could - d, couldn't

Sdjective + preposilion
4 Can - e, can
@r brilliant (at) 5 involved (in)
@t could drink 4 can't start up 2 relaxed (about) 6 bored (of)
2 couldn't cycle, can ride 5 can't llsten 3 upset (about) 7 scared (of) I

3 couldn't understand 4 interested (in)


0bfigction cnd netessitq: kave la snl mast 1 scared of 3 interested in

0 1
don't have to
doesn't have to
2 upset about 4 brilliant at

Speching I sirnple solulis*

o 1
mustn't touch
don't have to do
Do you have to get uP
don't have to have 9rt3c 4e sg 6a7d
3 ..nustn't make 6 mustn't forget
AiY lce aiC suggesligns: siould
8n opinion essog Siving opinions
o2 1 snould join a youth club
snouldn't stay up so late $r 2 opinion 4well / IIKC

3 should wear a warm coat

believe 5 think that B Also

4 should become a doctor

3 too 6 example

5 shouldn't go near them

@ tn ty
opinion, music clubs are a great idea, too. At these
6 should turn up the volume clubs, you can try playing a lot of different instruments. For
example, I am learning the saxophone now because I first
]rrss Hotion
played one at a music club and I really enioyed it. People
o 21 You mustn't smoke in here. lt's prohibited.
Jim couldn't speak Japanese last year, but he can now
should not be scared of playing unusual instruments. After
all, if you do not try something, you will never know what
3 Do we have to switch off our mobiles in class?
it is likel
4 \\''e're late. We should hurry.
5 tt'll be OK. You shouldn't worry.
6 \{y friend doesn't have to wear a uniform at school. 0uich chech
@ r We can't use MP3 players (at school).
2 You should look for the information online o 2'l got, copled
to research
4 n2qccq

3 Can I watch TV now?

\\'e couldn't apply for the job.
You should revise before a test. o 2lat3of
good 4 of
6 They could go on the excurston.
Yoco bulorg rovieur: Unils l-7
@ r
don't have to go 7
can surf
have to be I 1
turn off
8 forward
3 can help mustn't be
3 rude 6 bored
4 shouldn't start 9 couldn't think
5 should plan
0rcmmnr Q t whose 5 which ,/ that

@t Could you play 4 can't carry on 2 who / that 6 who / that

2 can't leave 5 could have 3 which / that 7 which / that
3 Can you study 6 couldn't understand 4 which / that

@r haveto I mustn't
2 must 5 should
3 don't have to Voclbulorg The nsturnl worl{
Grcmmar ravieui: lJniis l-? $ fhe mystery natural world'word is mountain.

@r just 4 a little / cant S T R E A M

2 gels 5 to speak a '.1
o L C
3 won't 6 for

J U N u E



B E A a H

Re oding R I E R

o 'l babies
2 similar to
3 large
4 smaller
5 100

Verb + prepssilion
o Suggested answers:
1 An automatic camera took the photos. Q I argue about 4 care about

2 Borneo has jungle and rainforest.

2 wait for 5 talk about

3 44 species of mammal live only on Borneo.

3 Think about
Indonesia wants to replace Borneo's forests with farms.
lt will affect the wildlife and the native people of
@re 3c 4a 5f 6b 7d
Borneo. Speching * boch revieur

@t long 5 exciting 9 Really

0rommar 2 ending 6 comPletelY 10 way
flelstive clluses wha, whichaxd t&st
3 couldn't 7 bit
4 characters 8 shouldn't
s rt 3b 4c 5a 69 7e
Q t which 4 wno 7 who lUriting
2 which 5 which 8 who
e description of a place Setlonce adverbs
3 who 6 which
$ r honestly, it looks just

@r who gave 5 that includes 2 fortunately, it does not get too hot
2 which translates 6 which is 3 unfortunately, an umbrella is as useful
3 that he thought 7 that live 4 luckily, they are not as crowded
4 which have B who go 5 unfortunatelY for hoteliers
6 obviously good news for the tourists
u;l|o sr wttss{?

6 12 Does anybody know whose money this is? O ,, zb 3 a

the new actress whose films I love.
| wouldn't marry anybody who is famous. @r2 No 3No 5 Yes

4 That's the neighbour whose dogs are really noisy.

Yes 4No 6 Yes

5 I've got a friend who has touched a quokka.

6 Do you know anybody who can tell a good ioke? (luich chech
@r whose 4who 7 whose Tocrbulorg
2 who's 5 who's 8 who's 1 island 3 river 5 forest
3 whose 6 who 2 stream 4 rocks 6 utraLl rq)

fanscllidation @ 1 listen to 3 talk to 5 worry about

@ r The person who's talking now will have detention' 2 Think about 4 Wait for 6 ask for

2 Where's the fish which ,/ that James caught? Yocubulrrg revieul: Unils l-G
3 We aren't sure who lives here.
hand 7 revise
4 ls this the film whlch / that he liked? @r 4 carry
5 ls she the girl who / that is interested in animals?
2 look 5 give argue

6 Where is the CD which / that you borrowed?

3 plug 6 turn

Grcmmrr Consolidction

@t that 3 that 5 that @ I appears

2 which 4 who 6 who 2 are written
3 Are certain mobiles chosen
@r who's 3 wno who's 4 insist
2 whose 4 wno 6 who 5 aren't affected
Srsmmcr isvieur: lrnits l-8 6 believe
7 are influenced
@ r 'm doing 4 'm travelling 7 'tl
8 is spent
2 always 5 to work B discovered
9 are connected
3was 6 wno

Vocobularg monug

o S S E

te oding A P E

o 1C 2notneeded 3E 4A 5D 6B E N

@ Suggested answers:
1 Gum sticks to the ground when people drop it. r n
2 The police will give you a fine if you drop gum on the
ground, instead of sticking it on a special board.
3 lf gum is more expensive, we can use the extra money
to pay for street-cleaning. o R K n
4 ln Singapore, you will go to prison or pay a big fine if
you import gum. U D S


0r 0mm0r
-edand -ingodjectives
The pcssive

o 21 are new songs played

is played
are downloaded
aren't needed
@ tn tiring
2a frightened
3 is created 8 is copied 2b frightening 4a amazed
4 are sold 9 aren't given 4b amazing
5 isn't downloaded
Speahing Ccn gou guess?
@ I Millions of computers are made in Asia.
1 made in 4 it isn't 7 Are they
2 Cars aren't produced here any more.
2 itis 5 Are there B they are
3 A lot of money is spent on education.
3 made of 6 there are 9 lsit
4 ls he taught by a professional?
5 I'm not paid much.
6 Are these adverts seen by many people? lUriting
Rd rscussr0n 8ss0u llldting revieul
@r is visited 4 this book published
o 21
2 aren't used 5 aren't worn but 5 such as 9 not at all
3 is exported o Are these T-shirts made one hand 6 for example 10 Also
3so 7 | think 11 Finally
@ I The music is composed. 4 extremely 8 other hand 12 my opinion
2 The songs are rehearsed.
3 The album is recorded in a studio. @ t netieue that the internet is really amazing technorogy
4 The CDs are produced. However, we should not use it for everything. Also, we
5 The songs are played on the radio. should not presume that everybody is connected.
6 The CDs are distributed to shoDs.

@r is played 3 is made 5 pays

0uich chech
2 don't use 4
are designed 6 don't grow Vocnblhrg
buy 3 afford 5 set
@ f \e\r i^sec{ are C,scorered every year.

2 save 4 cost 6 <npnd

2 Corrcu:es a'er'i sold here.
3 ',ioi o'3e . so Es a.e su'rg in English. @ 1 shocked 3 boring 5 terrifying
4 f,e:o. s.: -oo/:ec '-to Saudi Arabia. 2 tiring 4 interested 6 amazeo
5 T.e \r,crc Cc s s-orrn or TV all over the world
6 -e-r_. . tr6€C Zl ',ll-lledOn in JUne.

Yarabrlcrg reviau: Units l-9

@ f
sensitive 4
cheat 5
borrow, up
of, getting
is played
don't wear
are used
do we get I
is taught are drunk
3 mountain, amazing 6 lazy, makes
0rcmnar @ f Have you seen the new boy who's started at our
@ I aren't made 3 ts she paid

5 are useo
2 Cheese isn't produced in that region.
2 are sold 4 Are you taught 6 are sent
3 I can play the piano now, but I couldn't when I was

@ I are influenced 3 cost 5 makes

2 are involved 4 is produced 4 It's extremely hot, so you mustn't eat it yet!

6 lsn't played
5 They've got a cousin who ,/ that is really friendly. *
6rornmcr revieur: Units l*S 6 Newspapers are sold here.
@ r 've just seen 4 are paid 7 did
2 is called 5 to buy wouldn't like @t hasto 7 's made

3 to advertise 6 haven't saved g isn't allowed
2 mustn't / shouldn't 8 is imported
3 shouldn't,/ mustn't 9 couldn't
4 can 10 should
5 who 11 have to
6 which 12 doesnlt have to

() r

Culture focus
@seaionAtb 2c 3a 4b 5a 6c I
island amazing Section B 1 astateschoor
4 scared B involved 2 sixteen

3 2000
Q t terrifying 3 bored 5 surprlsing

4 the Himalayan mountains
2 worried 4 relaxing 6 interesting 5 into space

6 Neil Armstrong
@r for 5 about 9in
2of 6 to 10 for
7 the Romans' 'magic squares'

3 about 7 about
8 the Mayans
4 for 8 dL

0r 0mm0T
o 21 couldn't
can I
o 2t
have to
don't have to I
can B weather forecaster

o 1
which ,/ that
who / thal
/ that
who ,/ that
@ I
who,/ that 6 which /
A lot of money is spent on fashion.
Tea is grown in China.


Football matches are watched by millions of people
every weekend.
French is taught by,/ at schools in the UK. t
5 Cheap trainers aren't sold in that shoo.
6 Are BMWs made in Asia?
7 Basketball isn't played at all UK schools.
B ls English spoken here?


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