Radio Retailing 1947 08 PDF

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'3N1 'SIN3W313-773AACI7Va

ISOM Lt,61.
Inside and out...

rilHE Mallory vibrator is a collection of wire, the other exactly. All Mallory vibrators are
I steel, contacts, insulation, rubber and "selectively assembled" to give you depend-
other materials - so assembled that it adds up able performance.
to the finest product of its kind in the world. Extra heavy cans that deaden sound - high-
Clever engineering and precision manufacture
grade clock spring steel that eliminates reed
tell the story in part. But it's PREMIUM breakage -105 -strand wire that defies vibra-
QUALITY that adds the final touch.
tion-special Mallory contacts that make for
For instance, the specifications covering all longer life - yes, Mallory vibrators include
materials that go into Mallory vibrators are them all. But it's because every part is
the most rigid that can be met by modern exactly matched that you get a true "Approved
manufacturers. In addition, the materials are Precision Product." Mallory distributors are
carefully matched item by item according to conveniently located and able to help you on
tolerance, sp that each component "balances" all your vibrator problems.

See Your Mallory Distributor for a free copy of the 1947 Replacement Vibrator Guide




efts. U. S. Pot. ON.

A pzaayu??111S111211
Es obhshed in 1922 as ELECTRICAL RETAILING

eluding RADIO & Television TODAY

Editorial Director
Radio, 7911, 7deciedeoff
Executive Editor EDITORIAL-Corner on Cash 31
Managing Editor TELEVISION 32
Assistant Editor

Art Director
Sales Manager
RECORD COVER-Platter Profit -Pointers

...... . .

Business NEW PHONO LINES . . . . 60
Production Seeeltecal tfivideaweed
APPLIANCE COVER-One Sale to Bring in Others
. . ...... . 69
Circulation Director 72
201 N. Wells St.RAN. 9225
Service awe Soaget
THE ROBERT W. WALKER CO. SERVICE COVER-Save Time on New Set Trouble 87
684 S. Lafayette Pork Pl. OPEN-AIR CONCERTS NEED PA
Drexel 4388 89
68 Post St. Sutter 5568 HOW NEW TELE SWEEPS WORK
August 1947 Vol. 46, No. 2. 25 cents NEW HELPS FOR BUSY SERVICERS
a copy. Published monthly by Cold -
well -Clements, Inc. Publication Office NEWEST SOUND ITEMS FOR PA PROFITS 102
1309 Noble St., Philadelphia 23, Pa.
Editorial, Advertising and Executive
Offices 480 Lexington Ave New York JOBBERS IN ACTION
17, N. Y.

M. Clements, President; 106

Orestes H. Caldwell, Treasurer. Sub-
scription rates United States and Latin
American countries $1 00 for one year,
$2.00 for three years. Canodo $1.50 for
29.000 COPIES
one year, $3,00 for three years. All
other countries $2.00 for one year, $4.00
for three years. Printed in U. S. A.
Entered as second class matter March
20 1947, of the Post Office at Phila-
4 leAate.0 0:A1(0W r'.1e Member of
delphia, PcL, under the act of March
3 1879. Member of Audit Bureau of 111111111111111111 111 AUDIT BUREAU
Circulations. Copyright by Caldwell - OF CIRCULATIONS
Clements, Inc. ,1947.
'Trade -Mark Reg. U. S. Pot. Off.
Publication Office 1309 NOBLE ST., PHILADELPHIA
Editorial, Advertising & Executive Offices..480 LEXINGTON AVF Kivu/ vnale 23, PA.
Has Bakery Inventory
oQ 0
Simplify Oil one compleie
"aeiworR4o/o eArreRes.f
Do you ever feel your radio -battery stock owns you?
Plenty of dealers do. Because they're loaded up
with "specials"... odd brands ... mushroom -growth
additions to the radio -battery field!
If you're up that kind of a tree ... here's the way
down :
Specialize on "Eveready" radio batteries. They fit
virtually all makes of sets-with less inventory and
more customer confidence. And, size for size,
"Eveready" "Mini - Max" batteries will outlast any
You can get them NOW-in don't
/is have to buy any other items! And you can sell them
more easily-and more profitably!
The registered trade -marks
"Eveready" and "Mini -Max"
distinguish products of
National Carbon Company, inc.





30 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y.
Unit of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation

Go to a Radio Manufacturer for Radios -a Battery Manufacturer for Batteries!

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947



...designed for selling!

Here is a new, compact quality radio at a price that is FEATURES THAT YOU CAN SELL!
sure to stimulate consumer buying today ! The Air King Four tubes (including rectifier) superheterodyne Automatic
Minstrel "has everything"-amazing power-rich tone- volume control Exclusive Air King Circuit Alnico V PM
quality construction-and a price that will overcome Speaker AC -DC Size: 7" long x 51/2" Ifgh x 41/2" deep
consumer resistance. Model A-400 Ebony $13.95. Available in three colors.

Another Alit K I 11 G spectacular value!

Perfection in plastic cabinet design plus superb tone, ex-
treme sensitivity and precision engineering make the Air
King Prince the outstanding radio value of the year-one
of the best buys in the entire industry.
Precision die -cut antenna Modern, illuminated airplane type dial
Five tubes (including rectifier) superheterodyne Latest Air King
circuit design Alnico V PM Speaker 2 Gang rubber mounted
tuning condenser Beam power pentode audio system AC -DC
Sire: 91/4" long x 6" high x 51/2" deep Available in Walnut (model
A-511) and Ivory (model A-512; $21.95).

tx, m74 mad,. rfgWe


* We Have a Limited Number of Distributor and Dealer Territories Open

Write or wire ( New Address) : Air King Products Co., Inc., 110 53rd Street, Brooklyn 32, N. Y.
Export Address: Air King International, 15 West Street, New York 6, N. Y.

RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947

The Publishers
Sound Off . . .

BIG -SCALE DRIVE by the Radio

Manufacturers Association, in the in-
terests of "Radio in Every Room"
promises to teach the trade a thing or
two about saturation. In this business,
which is capable of a monthly crop of
new circuits, designs and developments,
there's practically no such thing as
"sold" families. Smaller sets are indi-
vidual equipment for kitchen, bedroom,
den and travel; consoles are home en-
tertainment centers with pictures, per-
sonal recordings, shortwave, record -
playing and full -range radio. Improve-
ments cook forever in the heat of com-


trade on the subject of FM. Manufac-
turers are adding new models and the
set business shows potentialities of a
Fall boom. The broadcasters got several
nice breaks on programming. Dealers
are sailing into FM merchandising be-
cause of brand new business, higher unit
prices, traffic in accessories, etc. Smart
radio men-suppliers and retailers alike
-are deciding just what their commer-
cial position is, and making it known to

SIT-DOWN SELLING, which is the

kind of drowsy merchandising left over
from the seller's market, still haunts
some corners of radio. Some of the
arch -experts are recommending a faster
return to the fiercely aggressive call -on -
TRANSFORMER everybody style of merchandising. One
way to accomplish this is to give the
retailers something to work with, and
to advertise the fact that the selling
"A device for transferring en- tools are available. It requires a cer-
tain amount of action on the part of
ergy in an a.c. current from manufacturers' and distributors to get
action out of retailers.
one circuit to another." But
now being listed for the big Septem-
what characteristics must be ber Directory issue of RADIO & Tele-
vision RETAILING. It will be an up-
provided before the trans- to-the-minute and accurate listing of
merchandise which makes money for
dealers and jobbers. To help the mer-
former fulfills your needs! chandisers of the country learn the rest
of the story, we believe that the sup-
pliers should give the readers the com-
Include Merit QUALITY! plete "dope" on the individual promo-
tional energy behind these products.

TV CAN'T REST, now that the pic-

tures have been sampled by thousands
of eager fans. When news reports in
these columns mention 73 transmitters
in 25 states, readers write hastily to
asking for the details. There's a real
band -wagon interest among retailers in
MERIT COIL & TRANSFORMER CORP. most territories. Already 25 million
TELEPHONE people are in television reception areas.
4427 North Clark St. Long Beach 6311 CHICAGO 40, ILL. -THE PUBLISHERS

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947

"Selling Days
are HereAgain r

he one theme The buyer's market is coming back
that was stressed in the Philco Con- ...but Philco isn't waiting. Official news-
vention at Atlantic City in June was paper advertising figures for the first
'Back to Normal.- At one point, the quarter of 1947 showed that Philcc,

entire assembly of Philco distributors advertising lineage totalled more than

broke into song to hail the theme ... 50% of the radio industry !
Selling Days are Here Again! . And that's only the beginning ! Sell-
it was the high spot of the presen ing days are here again ... and wise
tation of Philco's advertising and pro- radio dealers know that those are

motional plans for 1947 and .48. It the days when it pays in sound sales
brought back memories of Philco's sales and profits to concentrate on Philco.
achievements when everybody said
that -times w re tough.. in the radio For 17 years, America has said...
lousiness. Those were the days when
Philco rose to leadership and showed When there's a choice, it's a
the industry what it means to sell.


Typical of the quality built into the Brewster line is this Model
6D, beautifully styled in rich ivory plastic. Features improved
selectivity . . . increased output and higher selectivity on both
broadcast and shortwave bands. Broadcast 540 to 1400 kcs, short-
wave 5.75 to 18 mcs. Built-in loop antenna... 5 tubes plus recti-
fier. Operates on 110 volts AC or DC.

Here in these new Brewsters is the outstanding line you have been waiting for! Superbly
designed, unmatched for sheer beauty of tone, these completely new sets reflect the
skill and craftsmanship that have made the name Meissner a byword for quality in the
trade. Encased in cabinets of surpassing charm, they are easily superior to anything
now being offered in this field.
Smartly designed, quality engineered, these sets are being manufactured by
Meissner for exclusive distribution through parts jobbers only. No quotas,
no high-pressure tactics, no "special deals", no sales direct to dealers or
special distributors . . . in fact, nothing that might even remotely interfere
with your merchandising this new, exclusively -jobber line to the hilt. More
than this . . . Meissner unconditionally guarantees the prices on these new
Brewsters against reduction for the balance of the year.
This complete line is available for delivery NOW. Wire or
write today for full information, prices and illustrated folder.



RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947
Says the service expert
who values his good repu-
tation and the repeat busi-
ness that goes with it-

-asserts the tone -conscious

radio owner who appre-
ciates the superior quality
of Ken-Rad tubes.

puts profits in the repairman's pocket
You're glad to install Ken-Rad tubes playing life. You prefer to sell Ken-Rad
because their reputation stands high with tubes-customers want to buy them! It's a
you, as well as with other service experts. favorable meeting of minds, creating more
And Ken-Rad tubes reward this enthusiasm sales and greater profits.
by helping you secure a bigger repeat busi-
ness-based on clients' faith in your stand- NOW is the time to impress your name and
ards of work as shown by the quality tubes high-grade repair facilities on your neigh-
and parts you use. borhood! Radio -set production is large;
owners' service needs will grow. Ken-Rad
DOUBLY ACCEPTED ... by you and your cus- tubes can help you gain wider, friendlier
tomers! That's why Ken-Rad tubes hold a local recognition, with the increased busi-
coast -to -coast margin of popularity. Radio ness "take" that will result. Install and sell
owners endorse their finer tone, their long- Ken-Rad doubly -accepted radio tubes!

HELP! Ken-Rad Booklet ETR-
62 illustrates and tells about
the big, elaborate line of dis-
play and promotion material
(it's tops in the trade) available
to help you sell more radio
tubes as well as more repair
service, Write for your free copy! Schenectady 5, New York

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947

Westerll Electric announces a complete

728B-12" direct radiator. 756A-10" direct radiator. 754A-12" direct radiator.

755A-8" direct radiator. 75413 ( not shown)12" direct
radiator for outdoor use.


713B & C-High frequency KS-12024-Sectoral high frequency KS - 12027 - Sectoral high fre-
receivers horn. 50' coverage angle. KS-12025-Sectoral high frequency
quency horn. 90° coverage angle. horn. 80' coverage angle.

757A-dual unit


for indoor and outdoor use.

RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947
line of High Quality, wide range loudspeakers
0 Sizes and combinations to meet every sound radiation problem ...

Power capacities from 8 to 120 watts ...

O Frequency ranges as wide as 60-15,000 cycles ...

0 All units designed by Bell Telephone Laboratories ...

IT'S a thrilling, satisfying experience to listen Whatever your loudspeaker needs, there's a
to reproduced sound that is truly high quality. Western Electric loudspeaker to meet them .. . to
The new line of wide range Western Electric loud- provide you with sound that's based on a whole
speakers was designed to make that experience new concept of high quality reproduction. Ex-
available to all . . . to provide a complete line amine the following table to see how your require-
of loudspeakers with the ability to reproduce ments are met, or mail the coupon below for
sound of unmatched brilliance and tone. literature describing this new line of equipment.



733A I Wall% 70-13,000 4 ohms 70. ELS db above 10.. Speaker -4% lbs. Dia -111%' 2 co. ft. Width -14'
III" direct wags per sq. ow. Depth -3%. Height -21'
radial. at 11 watts input lolfle Hole Dia.-7' Top Depth -111("
totem Depth-l2'
756A 20 watts 65-10,000 4 ohms 19.5 db above 10"1e Speaker -10 lbs. Dia.-10%. 2% as. ft. WINK -19'
10 di" direct watts per sq. no. Depth -31e Height -22'
re of 20 wags imp. Raffle Hole Dia.- Wit .I" Top Depth-EV
Bottom Depth-H./se'
7285 30 watts 6040,000 4 ohms 30° 03.5 db above IO. Speaker -17 lbs. Dia.-12"/.' 3 . If. Width -21
12" ditest watts per sq. on. Depth
- -3../."
MiIle.? at 30 wafts input

12" dirod

12" direct rod)

to Dealers
(outdoor type)

2 unit system

Profit Notes
hiss hequiretty
and Demand for these speakers-particularly
This is the first in a series of ads in trade the new, smaller, finer direct radiators-is
technical magazines to publicize the sensa- will be
high frequency already widespread. Your customers
tional new line of high quality loudspeakers asking for them.
KS -12027.
high frequency
designed by Bell Telephone Laboratories Call the nearest Graybar Electric Co.
and manufactured by Western Electric. (located in 95 principal cities) or write
KS -12024
high frequency Under a new distribution policy, these Graybar, 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17,

KS -12025
loudspeakers will be available to dealers- N. Y., for prices and additional information.
good profit.
high fr....
horn you can stock and sell them at a
High Level
Speaker Sys
(For Ind., or
IsuMettr so.)
KS -1202,
70' x 32' x 4E'
KS -I2025


Graybar Electric Co. RI

420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y.
SEND FOR Gentlemen: Please send me literature describing the
new line of Western Electric loudspeakers.



RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947


hen your
sales message
Chicago dea/er
are attractedeighborhood,
the nazne
in the prospect's high-
of your
times to his stoe.more customers own
cao Market throughout Multiply
tine's and
Selective you l/ the Great this
Tribune's promises
It's designed
the kind
Area see why the Chi-
results. Advertising Trib-
to give P/an
both of sales you and
want. -winning your
Under dealers
the plan eanvaign
Selective EACH
1 Selective
-- You

2 Prominent rage of
his local

3 The low ol his name
rate of just and location
YOU 2%sc
GET: a line!

1 Better
Advertising Join forces
3 Advertising

of your

off right

Tribune's with away!

to corral Selective

Plan ket
a Market
or the greater
more of theArea Advertising
so large
part it

use the
can best production. of many can take all
revealed implementThrough manufac-
Your advertising dollars do a far better job study in the 7'ribune's the Plan
the signincant
when you identify your dealers in their local anlorlg you
markets under the Tribune's Selective Area To /earn consumers Durable facts
eeds, how Goods
Advertising Plan. No medium penetrates the contact this Pl an nts and dealers.
Great Chicago Market like the Tribune. your nearest your
Tribune rates per line per 100,000 circulation as shown Tribune spectac
are among the lowest in America. be/ow. rep

Chicago Tribune A. W. Dreier, Chicago Tribune

810 Tribune Tower, Chicago 11
E. P. Struhsacker, Chicago Tribune
220 E. 42nd St, New York City 17
PIA,e 917U; &,e,eded eltete4, Fitzpatrick 8 Chamberlin
155 Montgomery St., San Francisco 4
June average net paid total circulation: W. E. Bates, Chicago Tribune
Daily, over 1,035,000 Sunday, over 1,500,000 Penobscot Building, Detroit 28

RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947
'Lily Pons made the above statement to Paul L. Chamberlain, Manager of Sales, Receiver Division, after hearing G -E Model 417A in her own home.

Your customers will agree with Lily Pons

when they hear G -E Model 417A! This powerful endorsement by Lily
Pons will be featured during Sep.
tember in smashing full pages in ...
DEMONSTRATE! That's the easy way to and push-button tuning of standard
sell G -E Model 417A. Let prospects broadcasts. The beautiful 18th Century POST LIFE
hear how much better favorite records period cabinet, veneered in genuine Hon- LOOK COLLIER'S
sound when touched by the magic of the duran mahogany, has generous storage
G -E Electronic Reproducer. They listen,. space for approximately 120 records. COUNTRY GENTLEMAN
and they're ready for the dotted line. For full information write today to your FARM JOURNAL
Model 417A is loaded with other sales General Electric radio distributor or PROGRESSIVE FARMER
points, too. It has genuine FM (both General Electric Company, Electronics
bands), two short-wave spread bands, Park, Syracuse, New York.



RADIO Cy Television RETAILING August, 1.947 11

A Farnsworth Table Model


Model GP -350

Farnsworth Chairside

Farnsworth Combination

Television Table Model
It's a tuneful, colorful personal portable that model-phonograph-radio, teleset, portable
looks and carries like a smart vanity case. In or table model-is built to exacting standards
rich, brown leatherette. Contrasting, easy -to - of quality. Each reflects traditional Farns-
read dial. Plays like a dream-at home or on worth craftsmanship. There's a Farnsworth
the go. Remarkably -clear tone. Battery, AC radio for everyone-proving that excellence
or DC operation. And when your customers need not be expensive . . . combining quality
see the name, Farnsworth, they'll know it's with modest cost in every price range.
dependable. They'll buy it for gifts-they'll With protected prices, proper margins and
buy it for their very own. `'room to sell," the Farnsworth dealer finds
Customers count on Farnsworth for fidel- his franchise more valuable every day. Farns- Farnsworth Heppelwhite
ity, for performance, for style, for superb en- worth Television & Radio Corporation, Fort
gineering. They know that every Farnsworth Wayne 1, Indiana.

e,,e;i-e4.0-1, ,w,%b-
Farnsworth Radio and Television Receivers and Transmitters
. Aircraft Radio Equipment
Mobile Communication and Traffic Control Systems for Rail and Highway . Farnsworth Television Tubes .
The Farnswcrth Phonograph -Radio .
The Capehart The Panamuse by Capehart
Farnsworth Chippendale

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947
A fine watch-delicate Italian lace-these are develop the versatility of the expert mounter.
synonymous with superb craftsmanship. But Every possible aid is given to the Hytron
imagine such hand -to -eye co-ordination at mass mount operator. Work simplification helps her
production speeds. The mount operator who co-ordinate smoothly and efficiently motions of
assembles with a small spot welder the tiny eyes, hands, and feet. Parts design is simplified;
internal parts of your Hytron tubes displays just supporting micas serve as templates. Welding is
such craftsmanship. Despite painstaking engi- automatically timed. Tight spacing tolerances
neering and intricate machinery, it is finally her (.003") and frequent engineering changes pro-
accuracy, speed, perseverance, and appreciation hibit widespread use of jigs and fixtures. Magni-
of fine tolerances which build Hytron quality. fication is impracticable, because of width and
Assembly mistakes once sealed within a tube depth of field. Major effort must always be to
cannot be corrected. train the mounter's keen eyes and nimble fingers
That is why Hytron is so fussy about selecting to assemble delicate parts to fine tolerances,
and training its mount operators. Each appli- despite varying materials and machine set-ups.
cant must pass exacting tests for eyesight and Yet the Hytron mounter works so effortlessly
for finger and tweezer dexterity. Then begins a that it all looks easy. It is easy only because she
long training cycle: two months to master a has the know-how. Next time you pick up a
single constructional step; up to two years to Hytron tube, examine her handiwork.



RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947


TELL HIM, 130SS...

For Quality Tubes that give Peak Perform-

6:reet4nee electeonir4

14 RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947


FADA P80 - 3 way personal portable has

captured the small portable market. Job-
bers and dealers everywhere acclaim it as
the acme in style - performance and pop-
ular price appeal.

4 95


* Unusual sensitivity and selectivity. * Four colors in FADA glamour -plastic . . .

sparkling ebony . . . rich walnut . . .

*New SELINIUM long -life rectifier ... heats
up instantly. translucent maroon . . . genuine ivory.

*Iron core I. F. transformers and oscillator * With genuine leather carrying handles.
coil. All controls on front as illustrated.



RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947
Delivering good quality, intelligible speech with maximum "punCh"
override high noise levels, the Model VH-91 Speechmaster is recom- to
mended for paging and intercommunication applications. Hypex horn
formula gives useful output over a 100° angle.
Especially efficient for voice, the VH-91 has a frequency range of 400-
5,000 cycles. Power handling capacity: 15 watts maximum speech signal
input. Designed for both inside and out-of-door use, VH-91 will withstand
extreme weather conditions, including exposure to salt spray. Nominal
voice coil impedance 8 ohms. Transformer number Z-3345, with 5/8" x 5/8"
core available for 45 -ohm use. Bell diameter, 87/13 inches; height, 9-1/16
inches; weight, 41/4 pounds.
Universal mounting bracket adjusts projector to any direction, locks
securely in position by a single wing nut, has facilities for mounting
Jensen VH-91 Speechmaster Projector (ST -171) $32.50
'Trade mark registered

JENSEN MANUFACTURING COMPANY ge4eknot4 erattiateptulaelee4ekt

6625 S. LARAMIE AVE., CHICAGO 38, U. S. A.
In Canada: Copper Wire Products, Ltd., 11 King St., W. Toronto 1
cif Xote tfinotedic tfreelAineni

RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947

CROS-L-Ez-Y pee ator

...the perfected TELEVI eiver with FM sound

table mode priced for Mass Selling!


cazosLEY- pectator
on your floor in your w ows featured in your ads!

Are you one of the many Crosley Dealers lucky enough to be located
nity within range of telecast 'programs? Then here is wonderful in a commu-
-the Crosley SPECTATOR-the perfected table model Television profit news for you
Receiver with FM
sound-is priced for mass selling! Not an, experiment, the amazing Crosley
SPECTATOR is the triumphant result of years of development
and research by
the very electronic engineers who filled many of our Country's wartime television
needs. The Crosley SPECTATOR is a major scientific
tion now-you can make immediate deliveries! And every victory-it's in full produc-
you sell makes new friends for you-important profits today and inSPECTATOR
the future!

radar_40- . The amazing Crosley SPECTA- a...

4G TOR is cased in a richly grained The Crosley SPECTATORi,
walnut table cabinet (143(" x 26" x 19" ). The "Global as easy to operate as a table
model radio. Stations within receiving range an
View" Picture Screen is 52 square inches in area, framed
in darker walnut to improve viewing, and protected by
represented by numbers from one to 13 on the dia
of the All -13 Channel Selector. To tune, simply tun
a sheet of plate glass that minimizes light reflections. Selector switch to the number assigned to the desire
The Lok-in-Tune synchronizer automatically "locks"
the SPECTATOR in tune with the selected station; station-and pictures from that station are automat
ically locked in tune-clear, bright, lifelike, on the
holds pictures steady and clear through electrical dis- "Global View" Screen. Precision control of high fidel
turbances caused by appliances, signs, door bells, ity FM sound is provided by a radio -type knob o
storms. All -13 Channel Selector provides quick, easy the front panel. So brilliant are the steady, perfe
tuning of all 13 television channels. The SPECTATOR focused pictures seen on the "Global View" Sc
produces clear, brilliant pictures and static -free natural that it is never necessary to darken the
quality sound even in weak signal areas. perfect reception. room


27 tubes, 3 rectifiers. All -13 Automatic Channel

aterefe4,Are4? Your best Selector.All -13 Channel coverage -44-216 m.c.

prospects for Area of "Global View" Picture Screen, 52 square
'wonderful Crosley SPECTATOR are . . everyone
inches. Image size, 6 Ye" x 8 V2'. Pictures electronically
can afford a medium priced console -type radio -
no combination! Remember-every Crosley SPEC- stabilized by Lok-in-Tune Synchronizer. Pictures ore
roR you sell almost immediately sells several more bright and clear without room darkening. High sensi-
The new owner, proud of his SPECTATOR, in- tivity. F -M sound system. 5" Speaker. All controls on
s friends to see the big show in his living room. front panel. 4 watts maximum power output. Smart,
;..e the Crosley "Global -View" Picture Screen is large
ugh to afford as many as 12 persons a perfect modern walnut cabinet, 251/2" wide, 14-11 16" high,
erved seat view," each set you sell becomes, over - 19-1 16" deep. AC power requirement: 105-125
It, the talk of the neighborhood-seen, heard, Volts, 60 cycles. Power consumption: 380 Watts.
,iced and wanted by scores of people with the Weight, 85 lbs. Shipping weight, 98 lbs. Underwriters'
ley to buy! The SPECTATOR in your window, on
r floor or in your customer's living room, is its own Laboratories Approved. Guaranteed by CROSLEY Divi.
salesman! sion-AVCO Manufacturing Corp., Cincinnati 25, Ohio.

CRAISLEY- pectator
on your floor in your w featured in your ads!

Are you one of the many Crosley Dealers lucky enough to be located in a commu-
nity within range of telecast programs? Then here is wonderful profit news for you
-the Crosley SPECTATOR-the perfected table model Television Receiver with FM
sound- is priced for mass selling! Not an experiment, the
SPECTATOR is the triumphant result of years of developmentamazing Crosley
and research by
the very electronic engineers who filled many of our Country's wartime television
needs. The Crosley SPECTATOR is a major scientific victory-it's in full produc-
tion now-you can make immediate deliveries! And every Crosley SPECTATOR
you sell makes new friends for you-important profits today and in the

The amazing Crosley SPECTA-

raderr_44. ,
4G ea TOR is cased in a richly grained # 44...0,6006 The Crosley SPECTATOR
walnut table cabinet (14%" x 26" x 19"). The "Global as easy to operate as a tal
model radio. Stations within receiving range a
View" Picture Screen is 52 square inches in area, framed
in darker walnut to improve viewing, and protected by
represented by numbers from one to 13 on the d
of the All -13 Channel Selector. To tune, simply to
a sheet of plate glass that minimizes light reflections. Selector switch to the number assigned to the desir
The Lok-in-Tune synchronizer automatically "locks"
the SPECTATOR in tune with the selected station; station-and pictures from that station are autom
ically locked in tune-clear, bright, lifelike, on t
holds pictures steady and clear through electrical dis- "Global View" Screen. Precision control of high fid
turbances caused by appliances, signs, door bells, ity FM sound is provided by a radio -type knob
storms. A11-13 Channel Selector provides quick, easy the front panel. So brilliant are the steady, perfec
tuning of all 13 television channels. The SPECTATOR focused pictures seen on the "Global View" Scr
produces clear, brilliant pictures and static -free natural that it is never necessary to darken the room
quality sound even in weak signal areas. perfect reception.


27 tubes, 3 rectifiers. All -13 Automatic Channel

Your best Selector.All -13 Channel coverage -44-216 re.c.
Oeerete470090/0ea prospects for Area of "Global View" Picture Screen, 52 square
wonderful Crosley SPECTATOR are . . everyone
inches. Image size, 6%" x 8 1/2". Pictures electronically
so can afford a medium priced console -type radio -
ono combination! Remember-every Crosley SPEC - stabilized by Lok-in-Tune Synchronizer. Pictures are
TOR you sell almost immediately sells several more bright and clear without room darkening. High sensi-
s! The new owner, proud of his SPECTATOR, in - tivity. F -M sound system. 5" Speaker. All controls on
:es friends to see the big show in his living room. front panel. 4 watts maximum power output. Smart,
ce the Crosley "Global -View" Picture Screen is large
ough to afford as many as 12 persons a perfect modern walnut cabinet, 251/2" wide, 14-11 16 high,
served seat view," each set you sell becomes, over - 19-1 16 deep. AC power requirement: 1 05- 1 25
ht, the talk of the neighborhood-seen, heard, Volts, 60 cycles. Power consumption: 380 Wattis.
mired and wanted by scores of people with the Weight, 85 lbs. Shipping weight, 98 lbs. Underwriters'
ney to buy! The SPECTATOR in your window, on
ur floor or in your customer's living room, is its own Laboratories Approved. Guaranteed by CROSLEY Divi-
st salesman! sion-AVCO Manufacturing Corp., Cincinnati 25, Ohio.

C---ROTS-zLEY pectator
on your floor-in your w featured in your ads!

Are you one of the many Crosley Dealers lucky enough to be located in a commu-
nity within range of telecast 'programs? Then here is wonderful
profit news for you
-the Crosley SPECTATOR-the perfected table model Television Receiver with FM
sound - is priced for mass selling! Not an experiment, the
SPECTATOR is the triumphant result of years of developmentamazing Crosley
and research by
the very electrOnic engineers who filled many of our Country's wartime television
needs. The Crosley SPECTATOR is a major scientific victory-it's in full produc-
tion now-you can make immediate deliveries! And every Crosley SPECTATOR
you sell makes new friends for you-important profits today and in the

rada40.. The amazing Crosley SPECTA- # reeeth The Crosley SPECTATOR

4C TOR is cased in a richly grained
walnut table cabinet (14r x 26" x 19"). The "Global as easy to operate as a tat
model radio. Stations within receiving range a
View" Picture Screen is 52 square inches in area, framed
represented by numbers from one to 13 on the d
in darker walnut to improve viewing, and protected by of the All -13 Channel Selector. To tune, simply ft
a sheet of plate glass that minimizes light reflections. Selector switch to the number assigned to the desir
The Lok-in-Tune synchronizer automatically "locks" station-and pictures from that station are autom
the SPECTATOR in tune with the selected station; ically locked in tune-clear, bright, lifelike, on t
holds pictures steady and clear through electrical dis- "Global View" Screen. Precision control of high fid
turbances caused by appliances, signs, door bells, ity FM sound is provided by a radio -type knob
storms. All -13 Channel Selector provides quick, easy the front panel. So brilliant are the steady, perfec
tuning of all 13 television channels. The SPECTATOR focused pictures seen on the "Global View" Scre
produces clear, brilliant pictures and static -free natural that it is never necessary to darken the room
quality sound even in weak signal areas. perfect reception.


27 tubes, 3 rectifiers. All -13 Automatic Channel

Your best Selector.All -13 Channel coverage -44-216 ni.c.
V/k aeer~/210611,044 prospects for Area of "Global View" Picture Screen, 52 square
fe wonderful Crosley SPECTATOR are . .. everyone inches. Image size, 6 Ye" x 8 Pictures electronically
lo can afford a medium priced console -type radio-
ion° combination! Remember-every Crosley SPEC- stabilized by Lok-in-Tune Synchronizer. Pictures ore
ATOR you sell almost immediately sells several more bright and clear without room darkening. High sensi-
s! The new owner, proud of his SPECTATOR, in- tivity. F -M sound system. 5" Speaker. All controls on
Ses friends to see the big show in his living room. front ponel. 4 watts maximum power output. Smart,
w..A-ice the Crosley "Global -View" Picture Screen is large
ough to afford as many as 12 persons a perfect modern walnut cabinet, 251/2- wide, 14-11 16' high,
rserved seat view," each set you sell becomes, over- 19-1 16" deep. AC power requirement: 105-125
kght, the talk of the neighborhood-seen, heard, Volts, 60 cycles. Power consumption: 380 Watts.
mired and wanted by scores of people with the Weight, 85 lbs. Shipping weight, 98 lbs. Underwriters'
ney to buy! The SPECTATOR in your window, on
ur floor or in your customer's living room, is its own Laboratories Approved. Guaranteed by CROSLEY Divi.
tst salesman! sion-AVCO Manufacturing Corp., Cincinnati 25, Ohio.

73 leh
"You're really THERE with your-CROSLEY- pectator
TELEVISION PROMOTION MANUAL . . . Packed with sure fire ideas

and suggestions you can use to promote TELEVISION and the

sale of the Crosley SPECTATOR in your territory. Contains
tie-in ideas for dealers and television stations, ad patterns for
dealer and station use, radio spot announcements, publicity
releases-all in one bundle to boost your sales and store traffic!

NEWSPAPER ADS . . Co-operative ads in mat form to run over

your signature. They'll arouse interest create store traffic-
. . .

put money in your till! Readers of your local newspapers will

see and read these compelling messages-come to your store for
a demonstration of the Crosley SPECTATOR!

COLORFUL PASS -OUT PROMOTION Eye -attracting folders tell

. . .
the SPECTATOR story in dramatic, sales -stimulating words
and pictures. Ideal for store pass -out and to use as direct mail
promotion. Include one with each monthly statement to your

BIG, ALL -COLOR NATIONAL AD . . . Hard-hitting - the type of ad

that will really make people want the SPECTATOR! Builds sales
for you, too! Think of how many of your customers read the
Saturday Evening Post, Colliers, and the magazine supplement
in leading Sunday newspapers. These mass circulation publica-
tions will carry the SPECTATOR story-your story-to homes in
your territory. Reprints will be available for mailing-and blow-
ups for window, store and counter display. It all adds up to a
spectacular promotion for a spectacular money maker - the
SPECTATOR - by Crosley!



-C-ROSLEY Division -4''O Manufacturing Corporation
Cincinnati 25, Ohio

Sheleador. Refrigerators Prestmosters Kitchen Sinks and Cabinets Ranges Radios Radio -Phonographs PM-Tele viiion Short Wave Home of WLW

*Tradc-mark Rcg. U. S. Pat. Off.

Model 2432
Signal Generator

2:21? 7513?,,

;-5 224KC:


Another member of the Triplett Square Line of controls, to zero for all practical purposes. STABIUTY-
matched units this signal generator embodies Greatly increased by use of air trimmer capacitors,
electron coupled oscillator circuit, And permeability
features normally found only in "custom priced" adjusted coils. INTERNAL MODULATION-Approxipaately
laboratory models. 30% at 400 cycles. POWER SUPPLY - 115 Volts, 50-60
cycles A.C. Voltage regulated for increased oscillator
stability. CASE-Heavy metal with tan and brown ham-
FREQUENCY COVERAGE-Continuous and overlapping 75 mered enamel finish.
KC to 50 MC. Six bands. All fundamentals. TURRET
TYPE COIL ASSEMBLY-Six-position turret type coil switch- There are many other features in this beautiful
ing with complete shielding. Coil assembly rotates in- model of equal interest to the man who takes
side a copper -plated steel shield. ATTENUATION-Indi-
vidually shielded and adjustable, by fine and course pride in his work.

LI Triplett

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 21

Westinghouse Radio
brings you a POWERFUL
\ 5 1(1 5v ell()



POST, Sept. 13 & 27 LIFE, Sept. 22 & Oct. 6

28,000,000 Readers ANNOUNCEMENTS


RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947
ma back -to -school promotion

The console radio in capsule form that has

plenty of sales appeal and plenty of sales ad-
vantages you can demonstrate.


The revolutionary new radio -phonograph with

lift -out, carryabout radio that's pa 31(ed with
features for you to sell.


Here's big radio performance at small radio

price that you can demonstrate to any prospect.

$ 3 dimensional, 9 piece
full natural color dis-
play features five fast
moving Westinghouse


Has three big sales features in one

. . lift -out radio, automatic record

changer, more record storage

space than most consoles . . .



Loaded with selling features, this
distinguished looking, 3 -way port-
SELLING HELPS WINDOW DISPLAY able has twice the sensitivity of
pre-war models.

Westin house TELEVISION

Tune in Ted Malone, Monday through Friday,
at 11:45 A. M., E. D. T., A. B. C. Network

Home Radio Division, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Sunbury, Pa.

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 144i

The demand is for the


There's no denying it: Never in all the his-

tory of auto radio manufacture have so many
wanted so many! You're seeing it happen
more and more each day as Motorola auto
radio production shifts into high.
Your Motorola sales activity has the com-
bined support of an almost unlimited car -
owning customer potential and a powerful
national advertising campaign ... plus the
inescapable fact that there's no finer auto
radio than Motorola .. at any price.

tike&Ithigne. CHICAGO 51, ILLINOIS

RADIO & Television RETAILING August; 1947
Illustrated: The Westminster-
with Television, FM -AM Radio,
Automatic Phonograph -Cabinets
designed by Herbert Rosengren.
Interior by W. & J. Sloane.

Vet the mod eat teieweVen meth lu aient Aieate

Du Mont ... the most -sought franchise in the television field, because:
Du Mont carries the prestige of leadership;
Du Mont enables the dealer to demonstrate television at its finest;
Du Mont dealerships are restricted to a
few outstanding stores in each market.



is broodiosiing all the home mimes of the


Copyright 1947, Allen B. Du Mont Laboratories, Inc.

RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947 25

. __liorld'sargest
NESo bi
fromWg. roar casrom
square incher Will see Screen
in the
es of brinianttavern
detail - 3'4 Sq.
et club
Television ! 475

NEW ...UST Visual Static Suppressor Kills

no blurred images.
No flickering pictures.
ringing doorbells, retriget -61/11161
static caused by
other electrical devices p
°tors, elevators,

N 3°1.4%4°e:4 1)N1.%!(

00"° ,ciV.e5° ow0C

0, "e

(0'0' 00,
0, <es'
A <,
sow v 0,

4'0 v e
...AW' V,
W./ ,,sois
,Vso9 i"
(plus 5 rectifier tubes/. Gets all stations in
Decorator model in leatherette. all cities. Only UST has the famous Bausch
Some television features as PIC & Lomb television coated lens and the
MODEL. Available in a rainbow of unique UST refractive optical projection
colors: wine, blue, green, brown
and cream. Blends delightfully
system. Controls lock and disappear under
with any color scheme. Includes sliding panel. Includes FM, AM, Short-wave
FM, AM, Short-wave radio. Imme- radio. Immediate delivery!
diate delivery!
including federal tax, plus $100 in-
$1995 stallation charge with 3 -month serv-
ice guarantee. (Unconditional parts
guarantee.) X1995
including federal tax,plus
ice guarantee.
(Unconditional parts

Big Profits for You! The beautiful UST

America's need for a moderately -priced television Telesonic answers
console. It is stocked
by leading dealers from coast to coast. Almost
potential customers for the Telesonic. every dealer has a dozen
The UST TELESONIC, graciously styled in a
beautiful period console cabinet, offers brilliant The UST Tavern Tele-Symphonic is
10" direct -view pictures that can be seen with-
out dousing lights. Includes FM, AM, Short-wave
a big money-maker for dealers
everywhere! Small aggressive dealers have earned
radio plus automatic phonograph. It's the com-
plete entertainment instrument for the home, than $10,000 a month on just gross profits of more
a 5 -in -1 console available for immediate deliv- one UST Tavern model. Three out of
ery. Also available in distinguished modern cob - every four public -view "Big Picture" projection television
ucts of the United States Television Mfg. Corp., sets are prod-
Including federal tax, plus $100 in-
stallation charge with 3 -month serv-
vision. Cash in on the big demand for television pre-war pioneer in tele-
$895 ice guarantee. (Unconditional parts
guarantee.) Dealers! Send for free booklet, NOW-represent UST!
"How To Sell Television Sets Profitably."

3 WEST 61st STREET, NEW YORK 23, N. Y.

Telephone Circle 6-4255

RADIO & Television
RETAILING August, 1941
AS Clear as aBeil
for doret/


04E3E341010N Backed by SONORA'S

COM111..E.It. Sound Dealer Policy

5 Great Hew 11 Magnificent

includ- Instruments-
new 'table
ing striking floor and
plastic table

MODELS 9 Beautiful
7 Distinctive bers, in
Crea- and wood
Furniture plastic
with triumphs
tions-each design




325 North Hoyne Ave., Chicago 12, Illinois
Please send us a copy of your brochure presenting the 1948
SONORA Line of Radios and Phonographs. No obligation.




RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 27

New Sparton Challengers
of the Chicago Show

"nON'T mind our puffed -out chests! We're just

1./ back from the Summer Furniture Show in
Chicago, and we're bustin' with pride!
The new Spartons are the hit of the Show!
We told you that we'd surprise the radio
world with this new Challenger line . and . .
the crowds at the show responded with an
emphatic "Yes!"
Yes, we've really got something here . . .
and offered right in the middle of the industry
off-season, too! What handsome models these
new Sparton Challengers are!
The performance of these stunning new
Spartons measures right up to their good
looks! The fidelity of tone and reception
an adventure in sound! is
If you didn't get to the show, remember
can drop in anytime at the permanent you
THIS BEAUTY is the Period Model of the
new Sparton Chal- exhibit in the American Furniture Mart Sparton
lenger Line. Other models: The Modern . . The Contem- Chicago (Space 509-B). Check these in
porary . . and a variety of table and utility models. We amaz-
wish this picture could show the wonderful quality of recep- ing new Sparton Challengers point
tion as well as the obvious quality of against anything on the market. for point
but believe us, it's there, too. Yes, thetheSparton
handsome cabinet,
offer you, in every way, more selling features than any
other radio.

229 95
Price is
Sweet Listening Selling, too

(All prices East of the Rockies)

SCMP* makes value like this

* Sparton Cooperative
secret! Without SCMP, Sparton Plan is the
could never give
you all the brilliant sales features
Challenger Line. See why it in the new
ton dealer. pays to be a Spar-
One exclusive dealer in each
area Factory prepared and
Radio's Richest Franchise National advertising that distributed promotion helps
works locally Seasonal promotions
Direct factory to dealer Uniform retail prices
JACKSON, MICHIGAN Low consumer prices Products styled by outstand-
ing designers

RADIO & Television
RETAILING August, 1947

*anis attars
Announcing Latest addition to the famed
series of world's finest home
recording instruments:

the arrival of the newest - Automatic record changer

that glides out at a finger

COOI Records from self-contained

microphone or built-in

Pushbutton selection .of

radio recording, micro-
phone recording, radio,
phonograph or public ad-
dress system.

New type, lightweight crys-

tal microphone fits into
palm of hand.

NAME ...... `The Maataitom.

emolz Crystal pickup with replace-

sat ..... \ by," able needle.
llte Waco/L-0aq.
Electron -ray tuning and re-
tZadja, PI,g,400aj",
IPLESIS . .. cording volume indicator.

011IS1104DING Iv(
ATTRIBUTE oaclopliakte Lightweight tone arm with

spring -action needle.

`llifIc I
fuleitt"' Rec,644;'
4t 100."
Shock -mounted, recording
turntable assembly with
heavy duty motor.



RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 29

It's the Greatest Advertising Backing
in Stromberg-Carlson History
!it/ mg\ AI
at the magazines! Life, Saturday Evening Post, American, AtIGA/INE
National Geographic, New Yorker, Collier's, Better Homes
and Gardens, House Beautiful . . all great national maga-
zines read the country over!

at the circulation! The combined circulation of these maga-

zines is nearly 20 MILLION! Not only mass coverage, but
specialized audiences of home makers!

how often these advertisements appear! Every month from

September through December. Consistency that clinches
their effectiveness!

at the audience they reach! Over 72 MILLION sales -stimu-

lating ad impressions covering prospective radio buyers
from coast to coast !

at the "extras"! You'll not only be getting this great national

advertising support, but hard selling merchandising and
sales promotion programs will help make this a mighty
profitable year for all authorized Stromberg-Carlson dealers!

It's all designed to make your customers There is nothing finer than
LOOK and BUY! And you can LOOK for a
greater Stromberg-Carlson sales and profits rtt
than eves'

Rochester 3, N. Y.
RADIO & Television
RETAILING August, 1947
Established in 1922 os ELECTRICAL RETAILING

Including Radio d Television Today

0. H. CALDWELL, Editorial Director M. CLEMENTS, Publistici

A Corner on the Cash

The Fall months of this year have a come -and -get -it signal for the
radio/appliance retailer.
It happens that this Autumn is the season which has the sharpest
impact on the profitable handling of radios, appliances, records and
service. Events begin to take place in each of these departments. Un-
usual forces begin to operate in all four sections of the store just as the
first signs of Fall appear, and it's all beneficial to the aggressive retailer.
Under the circumstances, if a dealer does not take the fullest advan-
tage of this set-up, he is missing the chance for some slick promotion.
It is one of the spots where the retailer can best rush into action against
the freshly competitive character of the market.
As for radio, the 39,000,000 families of this country are winding up
their outdoor activities and are now thinking of inside -the -house enter-
tainment. Radios, combinations and records provide the finest answers.
With the added luxuries of FM, television, new recorders, and "radio
for every room" the appeal is universal. In the stiff words of the analyst,
the surface factors of the radio market are extremely favorable; in the
words of the field merchandiser, sales are a cinch.
In the appliance market, an essential fact is that an enormous number
of new homes are being completed one way or another and they all
need merchandise. Plus the indisputable rule that a long string of
seasonal appliances, led by multiple products connected with full-time
indoor living, will move by the millions.
In servicing it is enough to say that the U. S. radio receiver must be
in proper shape when the million -dollar broadcasts hit the air for the
new season. It means a strong spurt in the repair business, in addition
to the extra work in installation and maintenance of oncoming video
and FM.
Changes for the better are thus operative in all parts of the store.
If a retailer is looking for a smart spot for the opening of an even -
better go -out -and -sell program, this is it!

RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947 31

What's Ahead! in Radio,
of slow -moving, too -high-priced merchandise dwin- Source of Local Radio Advertising" is the title of a
dle throughout the nation. Most of those who fea- large, comprehensive printed presentation which has
tured loss -leaders lately reported that results were been sent to radio station managers in 160 communi-
not good, but that business on regular -priced items ties by the Columbia Broadcasting System. The data
continued to be satisfactory. for this air -time selling aid was prepared solely from
material appearing in RADIO & Television RE-
MANUFACTURERS AND TRADE ASSOCIATIONS be- TAILING's nation-wide survey which was published
coming more and more helpful to dealers in the proper in its issues of January and February, 1947.
merchandising of FM. Meanwhile, those merchants who
put sizzle into their salesmanship on high-fidelity re-
ceivers are finding out that RADIO and Television RE- UNIT SALES ON WASHERS OF ALL types should ex-
TAILING wasn't fooling when it told them that "FM ceed 1946 figures by 50 per cent this year, according to
Means Folding -Money!" E. L. Farquharson, sales manager of the home laundry
division of Landers, Frary & Clark. The Universal execu-
tive predicts that wringer washers alone in units should
UPSWING IN BUYING BY RETAIL OUTLETS eexceed the total production of all washers, wringer, au-
being reported by many jobbers an encouraging sign tomatic and spinner type for the year 1946.
since it means that several things are happening,
among them: 1. Inventories of cats -and -dogs are
being depleted. 2. Effects of the verbal drive to IN SPITE OF SHORTAGES IN STEEL and other es-
cut prices at retail levels are dying down. 3. Dealers sential supplies, the washing machine industry con-
are optimistic over the prospects for an increased tinues to pile up totals far in excess of its highest
Fall business. pre-war output. Nationwide sales reported for the
first five months of this year amounted to 73 per cent
HOTPOINT HAS DEVELOPED A WATER heater that of all 1941, record pre-war year, and 70 per cent
draws its heat from the surrounding air by means of a of 1946.
heat pump. According to J. C. Sharp, vice-president of
engineering for the firm, "no move to manufacture the CYLINDER TYPE VAC CLEANER AND A HAND
machine in the predictable future will be made, but IRON will be manufactured by the Hoover Company, it
exhaustive studies . . will continue." An efficiency
. is reported.
coefficient of 3 to 1 has been obtained in the laboratory.


PATENTS, as well as mechanical patents to protect
itself against imitators, according to Joseph Myers,
vice-president in charge of research. The latter said
that two firms had copied Proctor's Champion iron
design. "One of the copies is so flagrant a 'steal' that
the shell, handle, cord and backplate could be used
interchangeably with ours," Mr. Myers stated. MERCHANDISE FAMINE "OVERLORDS" who can't
accustom themselves to the requirements of modern
THERE IS STILL A HUGE POTENTIAL MARKET for salesmanship being let out by progressive merchants
record players of all sorts. The present-day let's -put -it -off who had to tolerate them during the personnel fam-
buying public will make a rush for disc -players some time ine. The salesperson turnover rate is increasing by
before long, and will junk its obsolete turntable equip- leaps and bounds.
ment in favor of quality merchandise. More records will
be sold as a result, and more storage devices too. The
smart dealer will do all in his power to push the sale of RECORD AIR EXPRESS CONSIGNMENT BY
record cabinets of all sorts. The customer who has plat- SON consisted of 8,824 pounds of receivers and EMER-
ters poured all over the house often hesitates to buy more sent from New York to a radio distributor in combos
because he dislikes adding to the present confusion. Cuba. The shipment was made up of 185 Havana,


customers. John Q. Public is certainly reversing the washer, described by the firm as "revolutionary,"
stand he took a few years ago when makers and mer- and which will sell at $299.75;
chants were the ones who tried to push the big sizes. an automatic elec-
tric dryer, at $229.75, and an ironer
Now, unless space is strictly regimented, the buyer at $189.75. to be marketed
won't go for the smaller boxes. Some of the largest
manufacturers see near -future demands for still big-
ger refrigerators on the part of the consumer. MORE THAN 200 VAC CLEANER
are on equipment in the BRAND -NAMES
hands of the American consumer.

RADIO G. Television
RETAILING August, 1947
Appliances, Records and Television
stocks of steel sufficient to last them for some time, the way as dealers prepare to do a land-office business
many of the smaller plants will soon be dipping out in space heaters, electric blankets, heat pads, and
of the bottom of the barrel. therapeutic lamps this coming Fall and Winter.


SAND phono records in one week via advertising an- 1949 annual convention site now under consideration,
nouncing the appearance of a recording star. with bids having been submitted by New York City and
Atlantic City.

more truth than poetry, as any dealer in "complete trend toward more and more use of radio advertising.
kitchens" can testify. The shortage continues, and it All over the country, merchants are using local sta-
may be made worse by the recent coal crisis.
tions for spot announcements and programs to plug
specific items, or for the purpose of keeping their
names in front of the residents of the communities.

"EVERY EMPLOYEE IS A SALESMAN, regardless of his

position," believes Leland B. Flint, general manager of
Flint Distributing Co., Salt Lake City. He implements
this opinion through the cost-free enrollment of all em-
ployees in a speech development class conducted twice
each week by Dr. Royal Garff. The firm distributes
Bendix home appliances in Utah.

number of FM stations will be more than doubled at the BUSINESS, eventually surpassing the automobile
close of this year, and the service provided by this increase business, James Carmine, Philco vice-president, pre-
will cover 80 per cent of the population, says Roy Hof- dicted at a meeting in New York.
heinze, president of the FM Assn.


readied by Chicago's Electric Association. Dealers
and utilities are being asked to put $60,000 into the
advertising jack -pot.


one -ten -thousandth horsepower units that turn the tiny
shaft in an electric razor 6,000 times a minute. One
of the largest AC motors yet installed in America is
the 40,000 horsepower giant used in a plane -testing
wind tunnel, according to the National Electrical Manu-
facturers Assn.
countenance as a number of new factors promise greater
THE WEATHER MAN HELPS-Twenty-nine of the impetus. For example, several of the giants in the indus-
52 wash -days of the year are not suitable for drying try are now underway with large production schedules;
clothes outdoors, points out L. F. Worth of Bendix ambitious plans call for new territories to be opened, and
Home Appliances, quoting government weather sta- day by day the public is seeing more and better television
tistics. Mr. Worth is manager of the guess -which
JUST WHEN WE THOUGHT ALL THE USES for the York City. A record number of tavern owners have
versatile infrared lamp had been publicized, along comes bought video receivers during the past two months.
a Western utility company with suggestion that the bulbs Bar operators report hundreds of new faces as a re-
can be used by working girls to heat rolls piping hot in sult of the magic sign, "Television", displayed out-
the morning. "Simply place the lamp about 14 to 16 side their establishments. Reception is quite satis-
inches from the plate of rolls and they'll be warm in a very factory, though some installers have had themselves
few minutes," advises the utility company's bulletin. headaches in a few of the locations.

RADIO D. Television RETAILING August, 1947 33


Audiences at the "Golden Throat" Demonstration compared tone

of the piano on stage with that broadcast through the "Golden
Throat" of the RCA Victor "Crestwood."

" demonstration

amazes music merchants and piano

technicians at NAMM convention
HE dramatic two -piano performance proved to all pres-
ent that the RCA Victor "Golden Throat" tone system
reproduces sound with amazing fidelity. No one who wit-
nessed the demonstration was able to correctly identify the
source of the music . . . the piano on the stage before them,
or the piano being broadcast through the "Golden Throat"
tone system of the RCA Victor "Crestwood."
Perhaps you were among the 2,000 who witnessed
the RCA
Victor "Golden Throat" Demonstration at the NAMM
Convention in Chicago. If so, you know how perfectly the
"Golden Throat" reproduced the tones of the piano
. . . con-
vinced listeners that the "Golden Throat" is really
the finest
tone system in RCA Victor history.
This amazing tone fidelity will help
Victor instruments. Now, your customersyou sell more RCA
can hear pure tone
. . they can hear all the beauty of the artist's performance.
gONLY RCA VICTOR MAKES THE VICTROLA The "Golden Throat" is a new perfection
in balance of
electronic amplification, speaker and cabinet. This
3 -way sound system is the result of RCA's exclusive
tronic engineering skill and Victor's 48 27 years of elec-
in the reproduction of sound. years of leadership

RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947
Miss Marie Carlile played the piano on stage-demonstrated perfect Miss Barbara Wayne whose share of the performance was broadcast
tone of the "Golden Throat" by alternating the performance with . . . through "Golden Throat" tone system of the RCA Victor "Crestwood."

Two pianos demonstrate Perfect tone reproduction

e0i4 imat"

of the RCA Victor

THE Two -Piano Team of Carlile and to the piano in the studio which was heard
Wayne performed in the "Golden through the "Golden Throat" of the RCA
Throat"D emonstration. Miss Carlile played Victor "Crestwood." No one who heard the
the piano that stood on the stage beside an performance could definitely identify the
RCA Victor "Crestwood." The other piano source of the music except when Miss
Participants from the audience used played by Miss Wayne was in a broadcast Carlile raised her hands to show she was
this signal switch to indicate their studio in another part of the building. An not playing.
"guesses" as to which of the two pianos RCA microphone picked up the music from At the conclusion ofeach piece of popular
they were hearing-the one on the stage the second piano and fed it to an RCA trans-
or the one in the broadcast studio. The music, participating members of the audi-
"Shadow Box" and industrial indica- mitter which broadcast to the "Crestwood." ence were scored on their indication of the
tors (shown at extreme left of picture Miss Carlile and Miss Wayne played number of times the pianists changed. Esti-
on left hand page) registered each alternately . . . unexpectedly switching the mates ranged from 3 to 12. The. actual
contestant's "score."
performance from the piano on the stage number was 28 changes.

Mr. Edward Volkmar-Chicago Piano Tech- Mr. Benjamin Kaye-President of the fa-
nician and Tuner-stated: mous Liberty Music Shops, New York-stated:
For the first time in my 40 years as a This demonstration proves the "Golden
piano tuner, I have heard all the tones Throat" reproduces even the tone of
of the piano reproduced exactly by a radio. the piano perfectly. No one present
The RCA Victor "Golden Throat" brings could detect the slightest difference be-
The public showing of the "Golden all the beauty of the piano to the listener tween the piano on the stage and the
Throat" Demonstration was inaugu- as played by the artist. "Golden Throat."
-July 21 to August 2. When you're in Signed,i Signed
New York City, don't miss the many Liberty Music Shops, New York City, N. Y.
electronic wonders on display at the 5156 W. St. Paul Ave., Chicago, Illinois
Exhibition Hall. Open, free to all. 36
West 49th Street.

_R "Victrole -
T. M. Reg. U. 5. Pot. Ofi.

RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947 35


Examples of Windows
Designed by Dealers
From Coast -to -Coast
As Attention - Getters
The recently remodeled front of the Garehime Music Company of Las Vegas, Nevado,
plate glass facade con make a show window of the entire store. proves that a large
The upper story presents unusual oppor-
tunity for atmospheric display.

Below, Left: Linn Scruggs, of Decatur, Illinois, used this bedroom -suite recently
Below, Right: Many retail stores in Oklahoma took advantage of a special Proctor as an attractive tie-in with the window promotion of Universal electric blankets.
is the window of the Banks Good Housekeeping Shop of Sapulpa, Oklahoma. toaster display sponsored by Tom
P. McDermott, Inc., Tulsa distributor. Shown,

RADIO Cr Television
RETAILING August, 1947
Appliances Ltd., of Los Anseros, ,,,,, opens
its doors in true Hollywood style. Another example
of utilizing the entire store as a show window by
means of a plate glass front.
Left: Lyon and Healy, of Chicago, present a sim-
ple, but striking window through the use of a few
props and dramatic lighting.

W Powers, Newark, New Jersey dealer,

shows both major and small appliances in
a we:I balanced display.

This attractive window, devoted to

Zenith receivers, helped draw more thon
100,000 persons into the Home Appliance
Fair staged by Spear's, of Pittsburgh, Pa.

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 37

Progressive Illinois Merchant Has the Facts at Hand--
Merchandising and Cost -Control

since 1938 in this area.

This article tells why Dealer John F. Dacy's show window, too, is un-
usual for a small city. It is done up
Dacy's firm is really going places in right and sells a great deal of mer-
a city of 8000 population. chandise for him. The window area
is 9 x12 feet and has plenty of light.
A special room above the window
o Good business management, coup- space carries all the windowtrim ac-
and rural accounts. Therefore, he cessories and is readily accessible.
led with active merchandising and sold this business to another dealer.
salesmanship pays off well for John From this point on, Mr. Dacy be-
Last year, this firm did a gross lieves promotions are necessary to
F. Dacy, president of Dacy Electric business of $271,611.29 in a town of
Co., Woodstock, Ill. hold up appliance volume. He is
There are a number of reasons 8,030 population. With his staff of getting ready to stage at least one
eight people, Mr. Dacy expects to promotion per month, covering a
why Dealer Dacy does so well in equal in 1947 the 1946 total.
this small city, located in the heart wide range of appliances. On these
The firm is now spending about promotions he will have demonstra-
of one of the most important milk - $3,000 per year for advertising,
producing counties in the country. tions. He has discovered that some
mostly in newspapers. The Dacy ad- such promotions can be put on with-
One of the principal reasons for the vertising takes a commanding posi-
success of this dealership lies in the out prizes or other inducements, and
tion in the paper, usually a quarter he will try both kinds, as in pre-
fact that the proprietor always knows or a half page. A couple of large
just where he stands. (See accom- war days.
highway signs also call attention to During the past year he realized
panying tables.) He has a monthly and the organization's facilities for mer-
a yearly audit of his books made for the demand for oil burner conversion
chandising and servicing. units. He trained a couple of men

Comparative Statement of Dacy's Profit and Loss for Nine Years

1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944
$16,373.97 $31,432.87$55,526.70 $73,489.73 $69,084.86 $97,050.97 $81,028.70 *1-'45 to 9-'45 *9-'45 to 1-'46 1946
10,000.00 14,400.00 39,945.76 58,268.57 51,232.48 72,515.31 $83,165.69 $60,525.63 $271,611.29
61,094.48 49,599.89 33,034.50 202,600.26
Gross Profit $ 6,373.97 $17,037.87 $15,580.94 $15,221.16 $17,852.38
OVERHEAD EXPENSE 3,500.00 9,800.87 2,209.57 $24,535.56 $19,934.22 $33,565.80 $27,491.13 $69,011.03
Profit from Sales 2,960.36 4,031.59 5,757.08 8,242.22
2,873.97 7,232.00 13,371.37 12,260.80 13,820.79 18,778.48 13,788.14 12,339.62 43,449.71
GENERAL AND 11,692.00 19,777.66 15,151.51
ADMINISTRATIVE EXP. 1,500.97 25,561.32
3,430.00 5,020.44 7,128.63 4,256.70 6,966.77 6,059.56 10,653.43 7,326.22
Operating Profit 1,373.00 13,335.07
3,802.00 8,350.93 5,132.17 9,564.09
FINANCIAL INCOME 11,811.71 5,632.44 9,124.23
ADDED 18.00 7,825.29 12,226.25
9.00 309.82 720.87 347.66 753.34 1,098.95 717.66
Total $ 1,391.00 $ 3,811.00 $ 8,660.75 $ 5,853.04 $ 9,911.75 101.61 1,014.06
FINANCIAL EXPENSES $12,565.05 $ 6,731.39 $ 9,841.89 $ 7,926.90 $13,240.31
DEDUCTED 389.40 113.80 430.59 824.59 862.84 597.05 219.25 285.80 64.33 774.99
Total Net Profits $ 1,001.60 $ 3,697.20 $ 8,230.16 S 5,028.45 $ 9,048.91
$11,968.00 $ 6,512.14 $ 9,556.09 $ 7,862.57 $12,465.32
'The 1945 business is divided into two parts. On Sept. 1, 1945, Dacy Electric Company became a corporation.

him by a competent accountant, and During the past three years Dacy
this enables him to know just what has sold 400 farm freezers. In the to handle this phase of the business.
his business is doing month by month. past year he sold 250 electric refrig- More than 75 of these jobs were
Mr. Dacy pays $50 per month to erators, 150 Bendix washers, and sold and installed by the Dacy firm
the accountant, and he also pays $200 many other appliances. during the past year. His crew con-
a month salary to his secretary. He To date, Dacy has not had to do verts furnaces to oil burning equip-
says that this $250 monthly expense any outside selling, but he expects to ment, no matter what the previous
is an excellent investment for him do so in fall and winter. He is type of heating system.
because it enables him to get any in- a This venture into oil -burning con-
firm believer in display of merchan-
formation he wants in a hurry. For dise, plus good advertising, and good version business caused Mr. Dacy to
example, the monthly audit revealed service. This has kept the business purchase a furnace cleaning unit.
to him, he states, that he was losing rolling in, because the Dacy firm has This unit is in constant use and has
about $200 per month on bottled gas had an excellent reputation for qual- proved very profitable, he
sales, even though he had 350 city ity merchandise and excellent service Many oil burner conversion says. unit
prospects do not like to install con -
RADIO & Television
RETAILING August, 1947
Where You Stand!
Ups Business From 816,373.97 in 1938, to $271,611.29 in 1946.
Know -How Brings Profits

version units without having their

heating systems cleaned, and thus
the Dacy cleaning unit comes in Dacy's Operating Statement for the Year 1946
very handy. just where the money goes is of utmost importance to the retail merchant.
In the basement of the store, Dacy It permits him to make budgets, and to analyze various costs. This pro-
has an excellent service department. gressive Illinois dealer has a monthly audit at hand too, and this enables him
Radios, washing machines, vacuum to get any information he wants in a hurry. The following figures will be
cleaners, refrigerators, washers and of utmost value to other dealers for the purpose of making comparisons,
preparing budgets, etc.
other appliances are repaired and
serviced. This shop was very busy
during wartime. Dacy reports that Service
by circularizing wartime service ac- Service Parts
Merchandise Sold for Resale
counts he is now making many sales Rental Income - Public Address System 2,665.00
Sales in Interstate Commerce $271,611.29
of new appliances. 2,059.17

Traffic Builders Physical Inventory - Merchandise 1/1/46
$ 45,433.68 EV
Wartime taught Mr. Dacy many Services

lessons as did early postwar, and Service Parts

Contract Labor
he has benefited from some of them, Discounts Earned 1,014.06
Freight and Express
he says. For example, he is keeping Overcharges Refunded
his paint line, for it has proved very Buying Expense 93.07 $212.831.55

profitable. However, his hardware $258,265.23

Inventory - Merchandise 12/31 /46 $ 56,679.03
store department, strictly an experi- $201,586.20

ment, was thrown out. The hardware GROSS PROFIT $ 70,025.09

store fixtures were used to take care SALES EXPENSES
of an augmented electrical supplies Selling Wages $ 5,640.32
department, and this division has Service Wages
Office and Administrative Wages
been doing very well. Officer's Salaries: J.F D 7,800.00
Social Security Expense 292.27
Dacy is not one to pass up profits State Unemployment Compensation Tax 628.72
on sales of small items. For exam- Federal Unemployment Compensation Tax
Compensation Insurance
ple, he carries a large stock of vac- Advertising and Travel 3,228.05
Truck Expense 2,635.39
uum cleaner belts. Customers know Sales Tax 3,984.57
this. The profit on the line is small, Bad Debt Reserve
Commissions Paid
but Dacy sells more than 50 such Infringement Fees 51.55
Selling Expense 20.00
belts per week and augments his Discounts Given 189.95
store traffic considerably. An ex- Cash Short
Customer Gifts
cellent stock of fractional horse- Employee's Meal Expense 8.72 $ 43,449.71
power belts, too, is bringing in cus- SALES PROFIT $ 26,575.38
Office Expense and Supplies $ 856.47
Lighting Displays Interest Paid 651.91
Bank Charges 123.08
Credit Bureau Dues 38.80
The lighting fixture department Rent 3,103.00
Taxes 251.47
moved from the back of the store Dues 69.25
to a new location up near the office Insurance
at the center of the store boosted Refuse Removal
Light, Water and Heat
fixture volume exactly 1000 per cent, Supplies 320.60
says John Dacy. 72 "live" fixtures Donations
are arranged in a beautiful ceiling Legal and Audit
Customer's Finance Company Payments
display spot. Miscellaneous 101.77 $ 12,162.87
Dacy also has an excellent stock OPERATING PROFIT $ 14,412.51
of electric light bulbs and sells
many of them. Recently he co- DEPRECIATIONS
operated with the Boy Scouts in an Trucks and Cars
$ 1,343.65
electric light sales campaign which Fixtures and Machinery 503.58 $ 1,947.19
gave the store $1500 light bulb sales NET PROFIT $12,465.32
in one week. The Boy Scouts,
(Continued on page 82)

RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947

Sales and Service
Maintenance and Merchandising -A Real Money -Making

In the service shop of Arnold's Radio, the proprietors make a point of technical
know-how and no kickbacks.
Careful records are kept and all work is cash.

On the neat brick building occu- ent location and took in ex -employe
pied by Arnold's Radio, at 1801 Pros- Shepard as a partner when he came any customer into buying a new one.
pect Road, Peoria, Ill., it says back from the war. If a customer wants our candid opin-
"SALES AND SERVICE." And When more room was available at ion on whether his radio is worth re-
when the co -owners, J. Lee Arnold the new location, Arnold expanded pairing or should be replaced with
and Clyde Shepard, put in the word the selling end of his business. He a new one, we will tell him the truth."
"service," they were not fooling. now handles nine lines of radios-
This firm, which is 17 years old, is Zenith, RCA, Westinghouse, Stew-
an aggressive merchandiser, but em- art -Warner, Lear, Farnsworth, Gen-
Irons in the Fire
phasizes service to the extent that eral Electric and Sentinel. He also The store has a 16' x 34' display
the phrase, "Not a Hobby or Side handles Motorola car radio. room and a 22' x 26' shop. In both
Line-It's Our Business" always ap- The service department acts as a sales and service, the firm lives im-
pears with the name of the company. feeder for new sales of radios and plicitly up to the slogan. In addi-
Arnold graduated from a depart- helps to sell other items. "While our tion to the servicing work for its
ment store radio service job to a service department is prolific in pros- own customers, the store does serv-
shop of his own in the rear of his pects for new radios," says Mr. ice work on contract for one jobber
home. Then he moved to the pres- Arnold, "we do not high-pressure and for three furniture stores having
radio departments. Service work is

RADIO Er Television RETAILING August, 1947
Work Together
Team for This Illinois Retailer

done not only on radios but on every- later just what work was done on the parts and time used, and the cost of
thing else electrical. The company radio covered by the card. This is parts and labor, are entered on the
specializes on the installation and not only of much use for giving in- original part of the card. This di-
service of permanent sound systems. formation to the customer but is also vision is torn off and filed in the
In this it has built up a considerable an effective insurance against unjust office after an invoice is made to give
business with churches, schools, etc., complaints. to the owner. The third division, the
within a radius of 75 miles from In handling a job, the usual proce- tag, is left attached to the radio.
Peoria. dure is as follows: The call usually The firm name and address appears
"We work on a flat rate system," comes in by phone. The name, ad- on this as well as on the check copy
says Mr. Arnold. "By doing this, dress and time to pick up is entered given to the customer. By leaving
there are no favorites-all customers on the three-way job card. The it attached, the customer knows
pay the same fees for the same work. number of the job is placed on all whom to call for future service.
Every operation has a fixed charge, three parts of the card in code. The
which we think is fair to the cus- code number is made up first, of the What the Job Requires
tomer, to ourselves and to our work- figures representing the month, day Outside jobs arid shop jobs run just
men." of month and the last two figures of about even. Only jobs requiring
The shop is equipped with the the year; second, a letter, which is minor work are done in the home.
latest practical devices for repair the initial letter of the first name of "We do not believe," says Mr.
work, all instruments needed for the person taking the order; and Arnold, "that a set can be adequately
maintaining service, and all kinds of third, the consecutive number of the serviced in a living room or on a
special tools necessary. The equip- job for the day. kitchen table where we have to use
ment includes an analyzer, an oscillo- The pick-up man takes the three - soldering irons or instruments. If
graph for fine alignments, and a sig- division card with him. He writes a minor job, we fix it on the spot.
nal generator. Mr. Arnold has also on the original section what the cus- If not, we bring it in and it goes
built up a transformer with at- tomer thinks is wrong with the radio. through the regular procedure. If a
tached apparatus for thoroughly test- He tears off one division of the card radio is not brought in, the tech-
ing every radio job that goes out. and gives it to the customer as a nician going out fills out the work
check for the radio. On one end of done on the three-way card. When
Standards Kept High the card there is a tag. He next ties we get through with any job, we
"We don't believe in slap -bang the tag to the radio and brings it in. know just what we have made."
artist service," says Mr. Arnold. "We When the work is completed, the (Continued on page 120)
want no kickbacks and so we make
sure that our work is perfect before A ledge runs along the wall of the Peoria store, to add interest to the display of new consoles.
it leaves the shop."
A large inventory of parts for all
radios is carried. These are classi-
fied and arranged on shelves. The
inventory is double-checked every
month. One of these is an actual
physical inventory and is checked
against what was used on jobs dur-
ing the month. Anything needed is
immediately ordered after the in-
ventory. Of course, if a special run
occurs on any of them between times,
it is ordered at once so the stock
will not become exhausted.
"We believe," says Mr. Arnold,
"that half of the ordinary radio re-
pair shop's profits are lost if it has
to buy parts whenever the need arises
instead of carrying a sufficient in-
Mr. Arnold also believes in an ac-
curate record of every job done in
the shop and having this record avail-
able at a minute's notice. For this, a
coded card is used for each job and
this is filed in the office. By this
method, he can tell five or ten years

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 41

MANY Competitive
Which Should
Dealer Richard A. Bryan, Columbus, Miss.,
says: "I believe in handling as many good
52% VOTE FOR MANY MAKES brands as financially possible."
A Bronx, N. Y. merchant feels that the
dealer who carries a selection of brands
48% VOTE FOR LIMITED NUMBER is performing a service to the customer as
well as insuring greater volume for his
Many brands are favored by Retailer
Paul J. Rayburn, Chadds Ford, Pa, and also
That's how evenly opinion is divided among a by Conte Radio & Electrical Co., 989 Broad-
way, Bayonne, N. J.
cross-section of leading radio -appliance dealers "I compete with large department stores,"
says a Chicago retailer, "and therefore
who replied to RADIO & Television RETAIL- find that I must carry as many brands as
I can get in order to provide the same sort
ING'S questionnaire of selection the department store offers the
His views are seconded by a prominent
New York merchant who says: "This is
When it comes to the question of an era of selective buying. If you haven't
A prominent Long Island, N. Y. dealer, what the customer asks for you'll lose
whether a dealer should sell many who will not permit use of his name, sales."
competitive brands or specialize in votes far as many lines as he can get.
a few, opinion is about evenly di- "All too many customers come in asking "I am in favor of handling many competi-
vided, a survey made among leading for specific makes," he asserts. "In most tive brands of radios and appliances,"
radio/appliance merchants by RADIO cases, a brand -sold buyer will go to the asserts C. A. Werrmann, Fort Thomas, Ky.,
& Television RETAILING reveals. competitor in spite of the best salesman- merchant.
Some of the most prominent whole- ship there is. So why not stock 'em all?"
F. H. Frantz, Philadelphia, Miss. votes Wholeheartedly in favor of merchandis-
salers were quizzed too, with the for many makes, as does another southern ing many brands is the Hill Radio & Appli-
majority favoring concentration of dealer, Bellevue Radio & Appliance Co., ance Co., Denver, Colo. From Baltimore,
selling effort on a few brands. Be- Memphis, Tenn. "We do not feel obliged Md., Minor's Radio & Television Co., sends
cause of lack of space it is not to take certain numbers in any one line in a vote in favor of selling a number of
possible to quote from all of the which we do not feel will be hot for this competitive makes.
answers received from jobbers and particular territory, which, however, might Peter K. Beam, Beam Radio & Television
retail merchants, but the ones printed go well in another place. We run, own Co., Washington, D. C., believes in hand-
are typical of all the replies received. and operate our business and do not like to ling a number of brands. "I believe in
have the high-pressure boys tell us what stocking many lines and throwing out the
to put on the floor," writes Merchant C. A. lemons as they appear," says a Milwaukee
Sherman, Rockland, Me. merchant.
"A merchant is a dealer in radio and
appliances who carries a wide assortment .
."Prefer a number of leading makes
. In favor of specialization with a
of leading makes . the more he has on
. .
rather than an exclusive line," is the way few makes are a number of leading
display, the more likely he is of doing a Petruff Radio Sales & Service, Miami, Fla., wholesalers.
large volume business ." Harry Alter*
Executives of six of
. .
feels about it. Other votes for multi -brand the country's major distributing firms
(distributor), The Harry Alter Co., Chicago, selling come from Eakers Radio Sales &
Service Co., Morehouse, Mo., and from
explain reasons for their stands in
"We agree on not being exclusive. Have statements appearing on page 48 of
Dealer Zebor, Akron, Ohio. this issue. Following are some ex-
three lines and it has worked out success-
fully.No one line has everything."- "Not less than two leading lines should cerpts: . . .

Schmohl Bros., Inc., Mobile, Ala. be carried, but not more than four," be-
Dealer Harold C. Morrison, Pappilion, lieves Jack Wittman, AnacoAes, Wash., re- . ''One of the difficulties that dealers

Neb., votes "100 percent" for handling tailer. "I am in favor of many competitive are already experiencing is the fact that
many brands, as does the proprietor of brands," says Philadelphia retailer Robert they have too many lines . ." Irving .

Leon's, Cambridge, Mass. "Many lines- Ehnott. Sarnoff, vice-president, Bruno -New York.
the cream of all you can get," is the ad- Inc.
vice of Gillmer Sound Systems, Ames, Iowa. "If you handle only one make and that
"Have tried both ways over a period of turns out to be a 'lemon', you're sunk, "Specialize on a few . ." Benjamin
. . .

several years according to F. F. Violyn, Amsterdam, N. Y. Gross, Gross Distributors, Inc., New York,
and found that many
. . .
retailer. N. Y.
lines is the best business volume deal
any product that can't hold its own
. .
Classic Radio Sales & Service, Detroit, .
. "Advantage to a dealer to be iden-

in keen competition is a poor product," is Mich., reports: "We like to handle four or tified as headquarters for some famous,
the way J. Janning, manager Universe five different brands nationally advertised make . . ." Ludwig
Radio Co., Indianapolis, puts it. .
. we have a better

chance to sell more radios Hommel, president, Ludwig Hommel & Co..
this way." Pittsburgh, Pa.

RADIO & Television
RETAILING August, 1947
Brands or "'NW
the Dealer Carry?
. . . "Dealers who concentrate on a few "This way I get full benefit of the huge ley votes for specialization on a few stand-
lines invariably do a much better mer- advertising campaigns launched by the ard brands. Dick Nevoid, Omaha, Neb..
chandising job . . ." Thomas F. Joyce, company." feels the same way about it.
Raymond Rosen & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
. . ."have to have a warehouse instead Excerpts from some replies, picked at
. . . "As a consumer, I like to buy from a of a store," comments John R. Boggess, of
merchant who sells an exclusive line or random, present good arguments pro and
Boggess Radio & Appliance Sales & Serv- con the question. A few of these follow:
a limited number of lines . . .' T. Pierson, ice, Greenville, Ky. He continues: "If 'we
secretary. Onondaga Supply Co., Inc., "Many, makes bewilder a salesman. He
Syracuse, N. Y.
service what we sell,' which is a motto of ends up favoring a single brand, anyway.
ours, we should have to have another .. . Many makes for a retailer, yes, for a
"I don't agree 100% with Mr. Alter's
warehouse for stock parts. How many wholesaler, no, no, nol (A distributor). .. .

remarks. I believe in a middle of the road dealers have enough capital to stock a lot Take on all the good ones if you can get
policy . ." L. J. Strauss, president, Joseph
. of different brands of appliances for a 'em.'
Strauss Co., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y. hundred or so different types?"
"If you build up z good make in your
A cross-section of the United From Bellevue, Wash., Bellevue Radio & area, they'll take it away from you and
States is represented in replies from Appliance Co., comes a vote for specializing split up the territory. . . Be a specialist

retail merchants, a few of which are in a few makes, and another from N. C. in one make. The Ford dealer doesn't
printed in this issue: Eason, Lindale, Tex. Its vote for a few handle Chevrolet, too. . . Many makes of
brands is qualified by Murray Electric & small appliances, a very few of large ones.
"A salesman cannot be fair with himself, Radio Co., Scranton, No. Dak., with the That's my angle. . . A sign in my window

boss or customer in trying to sell many statement "we are too far away from the lists a flock of famous makes I service, and
brands," according to an official of Modern best wholesalers." this brings in sales for them as well. . . .
Electric Co., Vermillion, So. Dak., who con- Many as I can get. I don't want customers
tinues, as follows: "If the appliance busi- "We prefer a few leading makes; also a asking me where I can buy so-and-so. I
ness were like the drug and dime store few lesser -known brands with longer dis- want to be the one to sell them what
business this (many brands) might work." counts," says Oliver's, Danielson, Conn. they .vant. . . ."
Modern Electric feels that too
confuse customers, and that a salesman
can do a much better job concentrating on
one or two makes.
"Specialize on a few, then you really
know what you are selling," advises M.
C. Long, Tupelo, Miss., merchant. Similar
Some PRO and CON Points -
advice comes from T. W. Garrod, Jr., of Greater selection
Laramie, Wyo., who says: "Specialize in
one or two top lines. Do a good selling NON-EXCLUSIVE
Stronger competitive position
job." Says radio and appliance retailer
T. B. Winstead, Elm City, N. C.: "I prefer
to handle a few standard brands. I don't Stops buyers from shopping
see how a company can handle many
unless it has a very large store and plenty around
of capital."
"I believe that dealers and distributors
should specialize in one line," writes Dealer
R. E. McCarthy, Des Moines, Iowa, who
continues with the statement that "the ad-
Saves selling time
vantages of that policy are too numerous EXCLUSIVE
Salesmen Know productbetter'

to mention here."
Voting for exclusive operation, Ralph A.
Baker, of Appliance Sales & Service, Pas- Large parts stock not needed
cagoula, Miss., believes in "specializing
in a few best brands producing first class
Concentrating on a few makes is best, Specialization seems best to Frederick's, The retailer who figures out all
believes Arthur Collman, of Collman Radio Wash., D. C., dealer, as it does to E. M. of the elements associated with this
& Electric, Johnson, Neb. He says: "One Kerrigan, of K & M Radio Sales Co., Char- problem in his territory usually
can make more sales by having a thorough lotte, N. C. "We handle only two makes- comes out with a solution best fitted
knowledge of the product he is selling." this city of 16,000 is not large enough to to his particular needs.
justify more," says L. C. Bush, Atchison,
"I want my store to be known as head- Kan.
quarters for the complete line of *For more detailed statements by
products," declares a New Jersey dealer. From Gainesville, Ga., Dealer J. L. Kleck- distributors see page 48.

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 43

New Lines for
Early Fall Sales
Model 711 RP superhet radio -phonograph
consolette with two speakers and two
separate amplifiers for individual tone con-
trol. Ten tubes, push-pull output, auto-
matic volume control, Electronic vario-tuner.
Built-in Hi -Q antenna, ac operation but dc
may be used with addition of inverter at
slight extra cost. Automatic intermixed
10" or 12" record changer, automatically
stops on last record. Storage space for
10 albums or 120 records. Piano finish

Model 1000 table model television receiv-

er with 10" picture tube providing image
of 54 sq. in. "Electronic Control" feature for Combination radio and smoke set for
automatic tuning, focusing and synchro- table or chairside use. Stewart -Warner
nizing. Automatic Level Control to avoid superhet in iet mahogany plastic cabinet
fading and variations in sound and picture. designed by Barnes & Reinecke. Smoker
Five controls include two for picture bril- set includes two humidors for cigars and
liance and contrast, two for sound volume tobacco; a double humidor for cigarettes;
and tone and one for channel selection. a 4 -pipe rack; and jumbo ash tray. Porto
$395 plus excise tax of $1.25 and $45 instal- Products, Inc., 412 N. Orleans St., Chicago
lation and warranty charge. Philco Corp., 10, 'IL-RADIO & Television RETAILING
Tioga & C Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.- RA- cabinets in mahogany, walnut or blonde.
DIO & Television RETAILING. $99.95. Electronic Laboratories, Inc., 24 W.
24th St., Indianapolis, Ind.-RADIO & Tele- Arvin COMBO
Wilcox -Gay RECORDIO Model 150TC table combination superhet
Admiral FARM RADIO tuning 535 to 1650 kc. Five miniature tubes
Model 6B45 "Manhattan" compact con- (installed horizontally) plus rectifier, 51/4"
sole radio -recorder -phonograph for small Alnico 5 PM speaker, full rf stage. Contin-
home and apartment market. Automatic uously variable tone control, edge-lighted
record changer glides out at finger touch. dial, built-in loop antenna plus connection
Records from built-in radio or crystal micro- for external aerial, beam power output.
phone, electron -ray tuning and recording Cam -type automatic record changer plays
volume indicator. Automatic shaving col- ten 12" records or twelve 10" discs, single
lector on recording arm, separate recording button control. Full -grained mahogany
channel circuit. Low -hum microphone pre-
amplifier. Crystal pickup, replaceable veneer cabinet (Model 151TC is walnut).
spring -action needle, shock -mounted turn- Maroon colored plastic grille front, trans-
table assembly with heavy duty motor. Four
Plexiglas push buttons for finger-tip selec-
tion of microphone recording, radio record-
ing, phono, radio or public address. Storage
space for 25 record albums. Measures Model 7T12 -4B1 table receiver, battery -
243/4" wide by 16 1/16" deep by 371/2" operated superhet. Permeability tuner,
beam power output, automatic volume con-
trol, economizer switch, 6" PM Alnico 5
speaker. Tunes 540 to 1630 kc, slide rule
dial, 4 tubes. Uses 1.5 and 90 volt standard
AB battery pack. Streamlined all -plastic
cabinet with mahogany finish. Measures
175/8'. wide by 95/8" high by 91/2" deep:
shipping weight about 161/4 lbs. $37.95
Admiral Corp., Chicago 47, 111.-RADIO &
Television RETAILING


Model F24 "Featherlite" folded dipole
and reflector, for FM reception where high
signal strength and maximum rejection of
unwanted interference is required. No
adjustment of antenna -reflector spacing is
required; can be tilted for correct polariza-
tion or rotated for maximum directivity.
high. Walnut or mahogany models list at (Model F24X is the same with 60 ft. of lucent plastic escutcheon. Measures 91/2'
$265: desert blonde at $275. Wilcox -Gay 300 -ohm twin lead) Camburn Inc., 32-40 high by 141/4" wide by 163/4" deep. Noblitt
Corp., Charlotte, Mich.-RADIO & Televi- Sparks Industries, Inc., Columbus, Ind.-
sion RETAILING 57th St., Woodside, L. 1., N. Y.-RADIO & RADIO & Television RETAILING
Television RETAILING
(Continued on page 46)

RADIO Cy Television
RETAILING August, 1947
tift,WIZ 7/1e/M ae e ire,
3/firea/a &9meifze ,e?4 Radbee.4.
Pa's efrvoaeoepioda&_fitairiweareae4/
Here Are The Style
and Value Features
Your Customers Want
design, now widely copied, brings the entire control
panel into an accessible, easily viewed position.
E -Z -OUT PHONOGRAPH ... A touch of the
phonograph door glides the entire record -changer
unit out within easy reach.
FLAT -TOP CABINET... The entire top may
be used for flowers, vases, books or decorative
pieces. There are no lids to lift to operate either
the radio or the phonograph.
big storage compartment in the Zenith console
combination cabinets is an important feature.
Show it to your prospects!
THE COBRA TONE ARM ... The tiny filament
gently floats in the record grooves, reproducing
Model 12H090 every note, every shading.
Changes both 10- and 12 -inch records intermixed,
so as to provide an almost continuous flow of
Zenith radios and radio -phonographs, long famous
for their leadership in engineering and in perform- best-wide-band, true fidelity, static -free FM as
developed by Major Armstrong and Zenith
ance, are today equally noted for leadership in style engineers.
and value. The features that are most important in THE RADIORGAN ... Radio's most demon-
strable tone control. 64 different tonal effects
prospects' minds are Zenith -developed features. That's provide just the tone emphasis desired.
why value -wise shoppers insist on Zenith-the origi-
nator-and will not accept imitations or substitutions.
Keep An Eye On
That's why Zenith is first in demonstrability, first in
performance, first in style, first in value. That's why
Zenith is the most wanted radio -phonograph on the
market . . . why Zenith radios and radio -phono-
graphs are so easy to sell.

Zeiva Radb 62,o2arato 6.00/ V,e moire Cheap cg

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1.947
More New Lines Ready
Approved FM TUNER tion provided --all elements of antenna RTD FM TUNER
grounded to support member. Designed to
emphasize better electrical performance
characteristics. Tricraft Products Co.,
1535 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago 22, Ill.-

Model T-VJl2 table wideo set with
"Sharp Focus" features. Same basic chas-
sis as previously described for console
model, except with 5" or 6" speaker. All
13 TV zhannels, screen 7 1/2" by 10".
Covers 88 to 108 mc for FM and 540 to
1650 kc for standard. Station Lock tele FM tuner covering 87.5 to 108.5 mc with
selector, 31 tubes with picture unit and 3 image ratio of 120-1 minimum. Positive
FM superhet tuner using resonant line mechanical drive, 180 degree dial rotation.
tuning in rf stages-containing no slides, Input matches 300 -ohm line. Rated as
iron core slugs or variable-to provide having no perceptible frequency drift from
stable, non-microphonic quality. Built-in cold start. Tracking error of 3 db or less.
power supply, 8 tubes, hum level 70 db Chassis measures 4 1/2" by 4 1/2". Radio
below average output. Frequency drift Tuning Devices, 392 State St., Stamford,
negligible after 5 minutes. Tuning ratio of Conn.-RADIO & Television RETAILING
16 to 1, 300 -ohm line dipole antenna, steel
cadmium plated chassis. Band width of
150 kc. Front end of unit construction, Regal PORTABLE RADIO
floated. Cabinet of hand -rubbed walnut
veneer, packed weight is 15 lbs. $59.50 Model 747 personal 3 -way portable su-
net. Approved Electronic Test Instrument perhet with 4 1/2" PM speaker. Four tubes
plus selenium rectifier. Uses standard
Corp., 142 Liberty St., New York, N. Y.- batteries-five A's and one B with average
Cabinet of hand -rubbed finish
rectifiers. life of 100 hours, in addition to ac -dc. Built-in
measures 22 1/2" wide by 22 1/2" high by Regaloop. Hinged plastic front and rear
Bowers COMBO 21 1/2" deep. $695 list. Andrea Radio Corp., covers; aluminum case in choice of 5 colors.
27-01 Bridge Plaza North, Long Island City Measures 4" wide by 5" high by 8" long;
Model CCL83 console superhet ac radio - 1, N. Y.-RADIO & Television RETAILING weighs 53/4 lbs. with batteries. $29.50 less
phonograph with shortwave and standard batteries. Regal Electronics Corp., 603 W.
covering 500 to 1700 kc. Slanted dial 130th St., New York 27, N. Y.-RADIO &
panel, 8 tubes including rectifier, 3 -gang Sonora RADIO Television RETAILING
tuning condenser, built-in loop antenna
with connection for external aerial. Slide
rule dial, 12" Alnico PM speaker. Webster RCA -Victor FM COMBO
roll -out automatic changer playing twelve
10" records or ten 12" discs. Finished back Model 711V2 radio -phonograph with tilt -
of cabinet acts as sounding board. Two
out 3 -band radio covering FM, international
compartments for disc storage. Cabinet in shortwave and standard broadcast. Big
walnut or mahogany finish measures 363/4" record storage compartment, 12" electro-
high by 363/4" wide by 171/2" deep. dynamic speaker. Roll -out phonograph has
Bowers Battery & Spark Plug Co., 1728 automatic changer handling up to 12 discs,
Fairmount Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.-RADIO Silent Sapphire permanent pickup point.
& Television RETAILING Modified modern styling, available in either

Tricraft FM -TV ANTENNA Model RZU-248 table superhet, ac -dc

Model 300 all -wave television and FM tuning 535 to 1620 kc. Two -position tone
antenna consisting of thin dipole a half control, built-in loop-no aerial or ground
wave long at 70 mc placed near a thicker required. Special design louvre speaker
dipole a half wave long at 128 mc. Covers grille, dynamic speaker. Walnut plastic -
both TV bands and permanent FM band. molded cabinet measures 121/4" long by
Works with 300 -ohm transmission line, easy 7 1/2" deep by 81/4" high. Sonora Radio
to assemble and install. Lightning protec- & Television Corp., 325 N. Hoyne Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.-RADIO & Television RETAIL-

Control unit whereby yard lights or
small motors may be controlled from mul- walnut or mahogany. Retails around $395.
tiple remote locations. Weather-proof case
containing transformer, fuses and alternate RCA Victor Division, Radio Corp. of Ameri-
impulse type relay-to be mounted on ca, Camden, N. L-RADIO & Television
yard light pole or near light. Only one
wire used to inter -connect remote push-
button (switch) controls. Low voltage
throughout eliminates need for expensive
heavy code wiring and switches. Maring NEW APPLIANCES, page 74
Mfg. Co., Albia, Iowa-RADIO & Television

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947
Top Wartime Secret Becomes
Record Playing Sensation in

The new miracle tone arm it

Admiral Radio -Phonographs.

Model No. 7C73

Wartime Secret Formula Makes Possible

Ultra -Sensitive Energy Converter ...
Replaces Ordinary Crystal Pick-up

During the war it saved countless American lives . . .

%* today this remarkable secret formula has made possible
the greatest advance in high-fidelity record reproduction
since the invention of the automatic changer. Encased
in a permanently sealed all -plastic cartridge, which
snaps into the "Miracle" Tone Arm, this ultra -sensitive
electronic energy converter uses no coil, no crystal, no
filament, no special tube. Re-creates tonal values faith-
THREE WITH fully, brilliantly, clearly at both high and low volume.
Banishes needle scratch, hiss, talk -back. See, hear this
amazing instrument today! And remember . the
. .

"Miracle" Tone Arm is an Admiral exclusive!


RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947

Leading Jobbers on
Many vs. Few Brands
Under the title, "A Merchant or names. Time and again, when the makes a little more profit on one of
a Stooge," a newsletter from the dealer handles too many lines, his those ten, where do the other nine
Harry Alter Co., well-known Chicago capital is quickly tied up and he does come in? We know of an actual case
distributors, urged retailers to carry not develop into an important ac- where a large dealer carried nineteen
a wide assortment of refrigerators, count for anyone. Also, he does makes of refrigerators and always en-
radios, washers, etc. Following are not know one product well enough deavored to sell his own brand. He
some of the high -lights from the to make him an authority in his com- used the nationally advertised brands
Alter bulletin: munity . . . I don't think it is ad- to bring people to his store so he
". . . The more he has on display, visable for a dealer to go exclusive could 'switch' them to his own brand.
the more likely he is of doing a now but neither is it smart business "4. Mr. Alter overlooks the advan-
large volume of business, because to take on the whole world! Some- tage to a dealer to be identified as
he creates a favorable impression on where in-between lies the proper headquarters for some famous, na-
his customer of being a merchant, answer." tionally advertised make. In many
not just an agency. The customer cases, that is an asset to the dealer.
feels that the merchant has no axe "5. The factors to be considered
to grind in praising any one refriger- Want to be Sold
are those of fair dealing and of mak-
ator over another . . . Thus, the "Alter is wrong," says Benjamin ing money. If the dealer makes
merchant can show the customer a lot Gross, of the well-known firm of money out of a valuable franchise,
of different refrigerators and by good Gross Distributors, Inc., New York, perhaps he may be quite content to
tactful salesmanship sell the partic- veteran wholesalers. be what Mr. Alter calls a 'stooge.' "
ular refrigerator he wants to sell. "Specialize on a few. The dealer
"How different when a dealer han- must know his products to intelli-
dles one make exclusively! Every- gently and aggressively sell. Cus- A Place for All
thing he says ... is taken 'with a grain tomers prefer to be sold, not merely T. Pierson, of Onondaga Supply
of salt' by the customer because his to buy." Co., Inc., Syracuse, N. Y., declares
viewpoint is obviously biased and that "Mr. Alter has certainly made
obviously selfish . . . he gets into For Exclusive Basis up his own definition of the word
the bad habit of knocking other `merchant.'" The Onondaga Supply
products, causing still more loss of Ludwig Hommel, president of Lud- executive goes on to say: "There is
confidence. wig Hommel & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., a place for the exclusive dealer, there
"Last, but not least, once a dealer distributors, stresses a number of is a place for the dealer handling a
signs that exclusive franchise . . . points in favor of operating on an limited number of lines, and there
he is forever a stooge of that manu- exclusive basis, as follows: is a place for the dealer handling a
facturer . . . must have all models 1. A manufacturer must count upon wide range of lines. . . I would.
(even 'lemons') on display, must buy obtaining sales volume in proportion think a little more of Mr. Alter's
many sundry kinds of promotional to the potential of each section of arguments if . . he said that the
material and finally, at the whim of territory. Our manufacturers ex- .

a new sales manager or district rep- pect the proper share from us, and merchant selling a number of lines
resentative, may wind up cancelled we, in turn, must expect the proper would sell his customer the partic-
out and the guy down the street share from each of our dealers. ular refrigerator best suited to his
having his line. "2. In small communities in which
the sales potential is too small to "As a consumer, I like to buy from
". . . this exclusive idea is old a merchant who sells an exclusive
stuff-we tried it back in 1929. Just support more than one dealer, we line, or a limited number . . that
another beautiful theory that doesn't grant exclusive dealership. It is .

come near working out in practice- only fair to expect a dealer to be merchant is sold on his product and
It is the lazy man's way of doing exclusive on our line, in return. He will give me the best possible rea-
business." could not obtain the proper volume sons for buying . . . I like to feel
for us if he divided his efforts among that the people I buy from are sold
several makes of an appliance. on the products they are selling. I
Know One Product Well "3. In large cities, we need more like to feel that it is part of a dealer's
In a statement made to RADIO & than one dealer and cannot expect responsibility to select a better prod-
Television RETAILING, Irving Sar- these dealers to be exclusive. How- uct for me.
noff, vice-president of Bruno -New ever, even there, we cannot agree "I don't see how I could feel that
York, prominent wholesalers, takes on the fairness of Mr. Alter's ad- way with a dealer who says, 'Here
a totally different view from that vice . . . that 'the more he has on they all are. I don't care what you
of Mr. Alter. .Says Mr Sarnoff: display, the more likely he is of
get as long as I get the order.' "
"I am in complete disagreement doing a large volume of business,'
with his (Harry Alter's) position ... and we disagree for the very reason Greater Net Profit
The average dealer, if he wants to that Mr. Alter . . 'by good tactful
remain in business, in my judgment salesmanship (he can) sell the par- Thomas F. Joyce, vice-president of
must limit his number of lines and ticular refrigerator he wants to sell.' Raymond Rosen & Co., Philadelphia,
must confine them to important brand feels that concentrating on a few
Thus, if he carries ten makes and
(Continued on page 108)

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947
Mono -Sonic Tone
Value is once more the real test of any radio. That's
why Stewart -Warner sets keep on being easier to sell
to people who demand their full money's worth.
They're built right and priced right for today's market.

THE MUBIDORA Strobo-Sonic tone at its finest! For records and radio, FM
and AM, with full -cycle AC tonal range ... so important for symphonic
reproduction. Improved FM circuit. Two built-in Radair Antennae; 2
tuners operated by one knob; AM push-button tuning; 8 tubes plus rec-
tifier tube. Automatic record changer. Everlastingly beautiful Sheraton
design in old-world mahogany.
Musidora De Luxe-intermix record changer and 2 roomy
album compartments. A great value!
Musidora Master-standard automatic record changer, single
compartment. Most for the money!

THE BALLADEER Today's finest value in FM -AM table radio!

AC -DC, 7 tubes plus selenium -type dry rectifier, 2 -gang
AM condenser, 3 -gang FM condenser with tuned RF
stage. High -impedance AM loop with inverse feedback.
PM dynamic speaker. Out in front ... in styling and fine
engineering! Fine wood cabinets, desert tan or walnut.

A Model for Every Purpose-a Radio for Every Room

Stewart -Warner
W %IA-JAM 0 WA e4/4bie

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947'

What do
YOU call it ?
tiV ee
No matter what you may call it-most Americans
believe in it!
But right now, forces from within the country as well
as without-ranging all the way from complacent indif-
ference to highly organized propaganda-are tending to
alter, to disparage, and-yes-even to destroy the ideals
which made America great and which, if supported, can
keep America great.
THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE is quick to spot these
un-American evils and "isms"-and put the finger on
them. We are seeking them out, one by one-exposing
their threats to American life and business-and flood-
lighting the scene with the clear truth that has always
guided America's true citizens in time of crisis.
In the past year alone, 26 such articles have been
featured in THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE. And this alertness
is no new-born virtue. For nearly forty years, THE
AMERICAN MAGAZINE has fought for American ideals.
Thus, over the years, it has built a special character
and reputation which make THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE'S
audience one of the most responsive in the whole field of
publishing. To demonstrate this, we have prepared
presentation which tells the unique story of what we are
now doing to safeguard American life and business.
This presentation bears the same title as this adver-
tisement. If you'd like to see it, let's make a date.

rofit ,'Democracy
°The System"


The Crowell -Collier Publishing Co., New York, Publishers of The American
Magazine, Collier's, and Woman's Home
RADIO & Television RETAILING August,

Platter Profit -Pointers

chasers for store employes ment in some dealer stores relatively constant, with no
can be readily provided by pay- can hurt sales of classical record- appreciable lowering seen in sight.
ing more attention to "the little ings. Record players should be One manufacturer has instituted a
things in life." Cold water that is kept in excellent condition, to line of lower -priced discs, another
readily available, fans that are util- avoid record scratch, dissonance, has been forced to raise the price of
ized to maximum use, doing tedious voice distortion and loss of fidelity. his waxings, while a third effected an
"checking -in" of discs in the morn- The music lover buys not only the overall price decrease. These, how-
ing 6efore the heat saps everyone's composition, or the artist-but the ever, are isolated instances, and indi-
strength, a neat - quality of the recording. cate -wide trend, as yet.
looking store, are a few of the things Retailers still find that if the public
that will make life more pleasant for wants a particular record badly
everyone concerned. enough, "They'll pay for it. And
if it's not a seller, you can't give it
DEALERS suddenly "discov-
ered" kiddie records several THE RECORD MANUFAC-
years ago, with the result that this TURERS are planning re-
revitalized branch of the record in- newed and revitalized national ad-
dustry is flourishing. The same op- vertising campaigns and dealer aids
portunity awaits enterprising deal- this Fall. Retailers can get a line
ers who are willing to latch onto FOUR MORE MONTHS on these forthcoming promotion
"foreign" discs as a new source of until Christmas, It won't be plans from local jobbers, and plan
profitable trade. (See story page 53 ) long now before retailers will have to capitalize on them.
to make definite orders for Xmas
records, accessories and displays. MOVIE TIE-INS have
This Christmas may well be the moved straight from the deal -
DESPITE SHORTAGES of most important holiday selling sea- e s window into the theatre lobby.
building materials, many deal- son the industry has ever seen in Motion picture operators are en-
ers have succeeded in remodeling terms of variety and availability of couraging retailers to set up record
their stores. Ample use of glass for merchandise. counters in the theatre, with both
fronts and store interior, curved parties finding that the double pro-
counters with built-in fluorescent motion works to their mutual ad-
lighting, liberal use of the new vantage.
"light" woods, and spacious floor GL ASS LISTENING
layout have characterized the im- BOOTHS are whole-heartedly
provements. Most outstanding de- endorsed by one retailer, who says CO-OPERATIVE DISC
velopment has been the evolution of he'll never be satisfied with any- JOCKEY shows, sponsored
the record counter to a completely thing else. It cuts down scribbling jointly by local jobber and dealers,
functional unit, equipped in many on walls and posters; eliminates is a new twist in co-operative ad-
instances with ear -phones, and breakage, and prevents non -buyers, vertising. A Philadelphia distrib-
having ample storage space below, procrastinators and nuisances from utor has arranged for dealer spot
and a wall rack which can be filled dreaming and dawdling in the announcements to be aired on al-
from the rear of the store. booths. most every platter show in town.

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, NW 51

SEFTEMBER ADS witayrocket
RCA VoToR rel
Full page in "LIFE" Sept. 1
.. plus ads in "LOOK," "MADEMOISELLE,"
of a promotion blanketing the young and pros-
perous crowd in your neighborhood ... a country-
wide total of over 12 million reader impressions!

This top seller is getting another big ad push ...
and you'll get a flood of easy profits! Includes:
Hawaiian War Chant, After You've Gone, Boogie
Woogie, Chicago, On the Sunny Side of the Street,
Opus No. I, Embraceable You, Somewhere a Voice
is Calling. RCA Victor Album P-163, $3.15.


toS fOrDaf161118 *16916/Sufisgseyiti
Another profit powerhouse it'll pay you to dis-
play next month! Includes Tchaikovsky Piano First RCA Victor album by a crew that's be-
Concerto No. 7, Cornish Rhapsody, Intermezzo, coming a country -wide craze. Eight of their top
Grieg Piano Concerto, Night and Day, Symphonie hits: Twilight Time, When Day Is Done, Deep
Moderne, Warsaw Concerto, Rachmaninoff Purple, Dardanella, The Breeze and I, Sunrise
Piano Concerto No. 2. P- 169, $3.15. Serenade, I'll Never Wish for More Than This,
Hindustan. Order Album P- 185, $3.15.

. . . plus full page in "TIME" Sept. 8

"LIFE" will announce your entire Red Seal listing for and the NBC Symphony Orchestra:
September, headlining Toscanini, Kirsten and A Wagner Program: Siegfried Idyll
Mitropoulos. "TIME" will feature the new Mitropoulos A Faust Overture, Die Walkiire: Act
recording. Get set for sales with a dramatic tie-in III; Ride of the Valkyries. RCA
promotion! Victor Red Seal Album M/DM 1135,

Conductor; Minneapolis Sym-
phony Orchestra. Minstrel Show
-Morton Gould. RCA Victor Red DOROTHY KIRSTEN,
Seal Record 11-9654, $1.00. Soprano: Dorothy Kirsten Sings Victor
Herbert Melodies: "Kiss Me Again,"
"Moonbeams," "Indian Summer,"
"'Neath the Southern Moon," "A Kiss
in the Dark," and "Romany Life." With
Russ Case and his Orchestra and Chorus.
M-1069, $3.85.


starring Robert Merrill. Outstanding items in your
current stock get extra promotion on this popular
Sunday show (2 o'clock EDT, all NBC stations.) Tune
in ... and follow up with tie-in display!

Prices shown are suggested list, exclusive of taxes

RADIO* Television RETAILING August, 1947
Dig Profit Potential
Awaits Interested Dealers
Who Investigate Market

Sell Foreign Discs!

Enterprising merchants in every They must have a clear-cut picture eign consuls. Non - competitive
section ,of the country have discov- of the tastes and cultural background stores may cooperate in lending peas-
ered that there is a prosperous mar- of the people in the community. In ant costumes, Spanish scarves,
ket for discs that feature the music those areas where there are large wooden slippers, etc., which can be
and the language of people of for- numbers of persons of foreign ex- used to create colorful, sales -making
eign lands. More and more dealers traction, dealers will find it relatively show -window exhibits. Windows
are realizing that many extra dollars easy to establish or expand their that have been given some creative
can be garnered from the sale of "foreign" sections. thought, will receive attention from
discs of this type. Record manu- people who are familiar with the
facturers have been equally alert in Basic Stock lands represented and by those who
respondire to the revitalized demand One manufacturer advises dealers hope to visit them someday.
for "foreign" records and they have who are reluctant to start a language Foreign language newspapers are
been waxing additions to current disc department because of lack of another excellent vehicle for ac-
catalogs, as well as re -pressing many space, to try this plan: Order a quainting prospective purchasers
established favorites. small quantity of different singles with foreign discs in stock. In most
Of significance to merchants is the in the various languages. Label the localities, certain church groups,
tremendous listening audience of spine of a storage album, French, clubs and students are good parties
foreign language radio stations. German, Italian, Polish, Spanish, for the dealer to contact in going
Dealers have found sponsorship of Jewish, etc., and place the records after the foreign record trade. An
fifteen -minute recorded segments or in it. Keep the various albums to- offer to provide music for a festival,
airing of spot announcements on gether, and display them promi- or party, or for use at weddings in
these stations, to be an effective nently. When the customer enters, the community, will usually be wel-
means for bringing customers into give him the complete album of the comed, and may bring many of the
the store. Air advertising has proven language he requested, and allow him guests into the dealers' store to buy
so productive, because listening au- to listen and choose the desired discs. a recording beard at the celebration.
diences are composed entirely of Then reorder in small quantities as
people who understand, like, or are sales warrant. Publicize Records
interested in the language-therefore Advantages of this suggested plan If the area is predominantly popu-
they are the logical customers for are obvious. The dealer can cover lated with people of foreign extrac-
the dealer's foreign records. a variety of recordings, in a number tion, it may pay the dealer to employ
of languages, without tieing up too a clerk who speaks the predominat-
Big Audience much capital by maintaining such a ing language. A sign in the window
Much of the musk that can be minimum basic inventory. reading, "Aqui se habla Espanol,"
classified as "foreign," is universal Window displays play a particular- (Spanish is spoken here,) or one in
in its appeal-as shown in the cur- ly important part in notifying the Russian, Jewish, Italian, etc., may
rent craze for the rhumba and the public that Dealer X is now carrying bring in many customers, who might
samba, and the enthusiasm of folk foreign records. Pressers will pro- otherwise feel timid about entering
dance groups who perform dances vide retailers with streamers, dis- such store.
like the schottische, mazurka and plays and window strips publicizing Some of the foreign -language plat-
polka. the fact, but dealers can plan many ters are recorded abroad, some in
It goes without saying that dealers of their own exciting and colorful this country. But all record firms.
contemplating setting up a foreign - windows. Display material to tie-in large and small, are realizing that the
language record department must with the discs can be obtained from market for discs of an "international"
know their trading areas intimately. the various tourist agencies, and for- scope is growing right here at home.

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 53

A Top: Athens cover of the new Colombia collection of
"SiMe's" most famous songs.
Platters Pay
Tap right: Capitol's latest children's album, teetering
favorite cartoon characters.
ARNAZ, DESI: "Tabu"-"La Cum-
parsita"; "Babalu" - "Brazil";
"Tico Tico"-"Peanut Vendor";
"Siboney"-"Green Eyes." RCA
Victor 20-2279-80-81-82
"DIE FLEDERMAUS WALTZES," Eight sides styled in the Latin-
by Johann Strauss, Jr., Leopold American way for listening and danc-
Stokowski and the Hollywood
Bowl Symphony Orchestra. RCA CARLE, FRANKIE: "There's That
Victor 10-1310 Lonely Feeling Again"-"Lazy
Waltz is given melodic symphonic Mood." Columbia 37484
treatment. Two top ballads are paired on this
lie Spivak and his orchestra. CARROLL, HELEN, and the Satis-
RCA Victor P-179 fiers : "Smoke Dreams"-"Do
The Spivak horn and the Kreisler You Love Me Just as Much as
music blend into one indefinable Ever?" RCA Victor 20-2300
whole-making for good listening, as First side is theme of air show on
well as dancing. which group is featured.
"Estrellita," - KORN- -ANDREWS SISTERS:
GOLD: "March," Jascha Hei- "There's No Business Like Show
fetz, violinist, Emanuel Bay,
A Fred Waring and Bing Crosby blend their respective tal- piano. RCA Victor 10-1314 Business"-"Anything You Can
ents for Decca on two releases.
Heifetz' interpretations of these Do." Decca 40039
'$ Larry Douglas sings "You Do" and "Sleep, My Baby Sleep"
on his current Signature discing.
two favorites will be popular with Three top-notch artists, doing two
long -hairs and casual customers alike. top-notch Berlin tunes from Broad-
way hit, "Annie Get Your Gun."
Spheres." Columbia 125799D ING GLEE CLUB: "WhifIen-
Lilting rendition of an old favorite. poof Song"-"Kentucky Babe."
Bing and the chorus blend voices
in an outstanding waxing of two
ERS: "Feudin' and Fightin' "-
ANDREWS SISTERS: "The Turn- "Goodbye, My Lover, Goodbye."
table Song"-"The Lady From Dacca 23975
29 Palms." Decca 23976 These two are done in a hill -billy
The first side is from the film, manner a la Crosby.
"Something in the Wind." Flipover
is a novelty tune. CROSBY, BING, with the Skylarks:
"I Do, Do, Do Like You"-"The
Popular Songs for Dancing and Listening-
Serious Music to Please Discriminating
Concert-Goers-Foreign, Children's and
Novelty Records Offered This Month

Big Profits vktiwi Kiri, iiiforms Beethoven's "Matto Con-

certo No. 2 in 6 flat'
if Jimmy Durant* makes his MGM debut with two tunes
Old Chaperone." Decca 23954 mezzo in E," William Kapell, familiar to his comedy style.
First side is done in a Calypso pianist, NBC Symphony Orches-
rhythm; reverse is novelty. tra, Vladimir Golschmann, con-
ductor. RCA Victor DM 1132
CUGAT, XAVIER: "Come to the This Beethoven concerto recorded
Mardi Gras" -"Miami Beach by Kapell will fill an important place
Rhumba." Columbia in the dealer's catalog. Listeners who
South America has its sway in bought Kapell playing more "con-
these two rhumba rhythm tunes. temporary" music will be interested
DAMONE, VIC: "You Do"-"An- in hearing his interpretation of an old
gela Mia." Mercury 5056 master.
Young Vic Damone sings the two
love ballads nicely. GLAZOUNOFF: "Music from the
ballet 'Raymonda'," Boston
THE DARDANELLE TRIO: "As "Pops" Orchestra, Arthur Fied-
Long as You Think of Me" - ler, conductor. RCA Victor M or
"You Gotta Crawl Before You DM1133
Walk." RCA Victor 20-2254 The audience for ballet music is
Dardanelle and her side men have growing larger each season; this col-
been making the rounds of many lection sure to appeal.
night-clubs in the East, and the au-
dience who go for her unusual music - HANDEL: "Concerto in B Minor";
making is rapidly increasing. KREISLER: "Praludium and
("Popular Music" continued on page 62) Allegro," William Primrose, vio-
list, RCA Victor Orchestra,
Frieder Weissmann, conductor.
Viola artist William Primrose does
an outstanding job on the Handel
BACH: "Suites," No. 2, in B Minor, concerto arranged by Henri Casa-
No. 3, in D, Boston Symphony desus.
Orchestra, Serge Koussevitzky, HANDEL: "Water Music Suite," the
conductor, George Laurent, solo Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene
flute. RCA Victor DM 1123 Ormandy, conductor. Columbia MELODIES," Gregor Piati-
Bach Suites were recorded in the X -MX -279 gorsky, 'cello, Ralph Berkowitz,
Tanglewood Concert Theater at last Brilliant and refreshing interpreta- piano. Columbia M -MM -684
year's festival, and are particularly tion of this famous music. From the repertoire of Cui, Rach-
timely because Koussevitzky is ap- maninoff, Rubenstein, Rimsky-Korsa-
pearing at the current Berkshire Fes- LISZT: "Mephisto Waltz"; WOLF - kov, Tchaikovsky, Mr. Piatigorsky
tival. An interesting note is that FERRARI: "The Secret of Su- presents the greatness of nineteenth
relatively the same size orchestra as zanne, Overture Part 1." Colum- century musical Russia.
was common in Bach's time was used bia X -MX -281
for this recording. Liszt music dealing with popular PROKOFIEFF: "Romeo and Juliet,"
Faust theme done in stirring style. Ballet Suite No. 2, Boston Sym-
BEETHOVEN: "Concerto No. 2 in phony Orchestra, Serge Kousse-
B Flat"; B RAH MS : "Inter- "PIATIGORSKY IN RUSSIAN (Continued on page 56)

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947

Left to right: Album cover of Rainbow Records original collection of songs, called "Romeo Loves Juliet"; Roberta Lee, Sonora songstress; Chet Tyler, American folk
singer featured on Disc records in "Chime Bells" and "Cattle Call"; Chucho Martinez, Apollo recording artist.


Platters Pay veNtUcs* ka"-"Jingling, Tingling Polka."
Continental C-418
(Continued from page 55) Musk Slovenian polkas; instrumentals.
vitzky, conductor. RCA Victor
M or DM -1129 ALMA, MARIA: "Noche en Vene-
Shakespeare's famous love story, cia"-"Regresa." Seeco 588
told in music, is familiar to ballet Boleros. VOCAL ARTISTS
fans. Album good follow-up to Pro-
kofieff's "Fifth Symphony." BARI, TONI: "Tango of the Roses" ANDERSON, MARIAN: "Oh! Men
-"Mama." Apollo 152 From the Fields"_"Bright Phoe-
RACHMANINOFF: "The Bells," Italian classics sung in English. bus." RCA Victor 10-1300
Jacques Rachmilovich and the
Santa Monica Symphony Orches-
CAPO, BOBBY: "El Cantante"
"Defame Hablarte." Seeco 590
- Miss Anderson's many fans will be
delighted with this recording of two
tra. Disc Co. of America A guaracha and a bolero. of her concert favorites.
Composition inspired by Edgar
Allan Poe's poem, stirringly done, CARUSO ACCORDION TRIO: "GLADYS SWARTHOUT SINGS,"
with a chorus of seventy-two voices. "Gray Mare Polka"-"New Lon- Gladys Swarthout, mezzo-so-
Album cover features a reproduction don Polka." Continental C-1209 prano, with Russ Case and his
of the poem, plus a testimonial mes- Talented instrumental trio renders orchestra. RCA Victor M-1127
sage from Arturo Toscanini. two polkas that can be appreciated The popular opera star sings songs
by any folk group. by some of the most famous light
SCHUBERT: "Impromptu in G Ma- opera composers of the day-Rodgers
jor" - "Schubert Waltzes," & Hart, Vincent Youmans, Cole Por-
Maryla Jonas, piano. Columbia ter and Kurt Weil, in this new col-
72047-D lection.
In her first single since her debut
album, Miss Jonas captures the ten- MacDONALD, JEANNETTE: "Mi
derness of Schubert's "Impromptu" Chiamamo Mimi"-"Un Bel Di,
and the "dance" qualities of the Vedremo," RCA Victor 11-9599
"Waltzes." Two popular arias from "Madame
Butterfly" and "La Boheme," coupled
SHOSTAKOVITCH: "Symphony with the star's personal appeal, will
No. 9, Op. 70," Philharmonic ring up sales.
Symphony of New York con- "NELSON EDDY IN SONGS
ducted by Efrem Kurtz. Colum-
The Ninth Symphony announced POST'," Nelson Eddy, baritone,
the final triumph and upsurge of joy- L. to R.: Caney, Verne recording star; Eva Garza, with orchestra and chorus con-
new Seeco artist. ducted by Robert Armbrustor
ous feeling for the end of the war. Baritone sings songs by Rudolf
This mood is captured in the tremen-
dous crescendoes and lyrical passages GARZA, EVA: "Frio En El Alma" Friml, from his latest movie. Dealers
of the Kurtz interpretation. -"Sera por Eso." Seeco 609 should find ample tie-in opportunities.
Two Spanish bolero tunes. "WAGNERIAN EXCERPT S,"
WIENIAWSKI: "Concerto No. 2 in Torsten Ralf, tenor, with the
D Minor for Violin and Orches- MERESCO, JOE: "Cuckoo Polka"
-"New Warsaw Polka." Apollo Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
tra, Opus 22," Isaac Stern, violin.
with Efrem Kurtz conducting the 149 conducted by Fritz Busch. Co-
Authentic Polish polkas. lumbia M -MM -634
Philharmonic -Symphony Orches-
tra of New York. Columbia M - Mr. Ralf makes his Columbia Rec-
SABLON, GERMAINE: "The Other ords debut singing melodic selec-
MM -656 Side of the Street"-"Accordion tions, including "Prize Song," "Trial
Violin virtuoso Isaac Stern meets Mood." Continental C-1400 Song," selections from "Lohengrin,"
every taxing demand called upon by Popular French songs, sung by
the unique score of this concerto. "Tannhauser," and "Parsifal." The
Miss Sablon, a night-club favorite.
(Continued on page 64)

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947
Columbia's Sensational
"Tailored Tip" Sapphire
priced to create the mass demand you
need for profitable, fast turnover!

The point is "tailored" to fit record groove for

1 more lifelike reproduction.

It rides on sidewalls of record groove only for

2 less surface noise.

It does not "plough" bottom of record groove-

3 assures less wear. Plays up to 10,000 sides.

"Tailored" to fit the groove by master re-

cording engineers.
Microscopically shaped and designed for
amazing clarity, brilliance and fidelity with
long life.
Shadowgraphed for uniform perfection !
Backed by advertising in Life, Saturday
Evening Post, Time, American Record Guide
and Saturday Review of Literature's supple-
ment, "Recordings". 500 radio stations!
. .

Sell from this beautifully constructed needle display case!

Holds 60 needles.

Records Inc.
Trodemarks "Columbia" and fa Pea. U. S. Pat. Off.

RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947 57

"Patio" entrance
to specialty radio
department in the rear.

Disc Sales Spurt

Buying Encouraged in Luxurious Atmosphere of Palm Beach Store
The Salon of Music in Palm Business continued to grow, and after of the record department. The ceil-
Beach, Florida, owned and operated the war, it was decided to expand
by Russell Downes, is divided into ing is made of acoustic absorbent
even further into other lines. veneer, bleached and pickled to
three distinct departments-records, A "patio" was designed for the rear
radios and musical merchandise. blend with the lushest of Palm Beach
of the store, across from the record settings. Drapes and a velvet rug
The customer is pleasantly im- department, and adjacent to the serv-
pressed by the spaciousness of his complete the interior.
ice store. This addition took the The adjoining patio is furnished
surroundings, and the feeling of lux- shape of a large, mahogany panelled
ury carried ,out by the green foliage, "drawing room."
with outdoor furniture and clients
rich mahogany, and fine rugs which The radio section was designed are encouraged to spend time here.
he sees as he enters the store. specifically to display "furniture"
Mr. Downes founded his establish- pieces in a home -like atmosphere. Cater to Customers
ment in 1944, and assisted by his wife, The room features a large plate -
Maybelle Downes, built up an ex- glass picture window, opening out on
tremely profitable record clientele. Each time a combination is sold,
an arcade, which leads to the front the customer is conducted to the rec-
ord department. Trained personnel
Salon of Music store front, as entered from the street.
sell the platters, and encourage pur-
chasers to browse in the store. A
record bar, a colorful wall display of
albums, a children's disc corner, and
comfortable listening booths are all
at the customer's disposal.
The customer and his wishes are
the all-important factor in this
unique establishment. Mr. Downes
keeps his store open all during the
summer months, and customers have
a standing invitation to utilize the
Patio salon for Sunday musical ap-
preciation sessions.
The Salon's service department is
under the supervision of Lou Cilin.
Much work is done on designing and
constructing remote control installa-
tions, as well as on repairing old sets
and maintaining the new instruments.
Solid Advertising and Merchandising Support
to increase your sales and profits

line of you Nvith
the top back o
-Chicago. recorders. and solid
Wester and advertising
phonographs national
hardhitting a combined
havingo *.sue.
bandising. 0040 t4 each
the people

riN AG 65 W1.1.10
of more
than. reaches and custom.
advertising prospects
readership -Chicago --
community national A
in your /backs you up otters
ers. Vlebster-Chicago
SALE -- VI ety,tet-C,111(.ag,o ?ROW.
SAVES mats.
Of and with tree and
AT P 0101 you windovi
complete --- literature, inetchan
service consumer counter -Chicago
TIOS pieces, permanent 'Webster
maillug displays, with You
Woos counter in touch
NEEDLE dicers' today.

lilac 00`c


RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947

New Phono Lines
Latest Disc -Playing Equipment and Accessories
Portofonic RECORD handles to match case, cabinet covered with Malone RECORD CABINET
CARRYING CASE pyroxylin -coated airplane tweed leatherette
in either one or two stripes. $19.95. Musi-
tron Co., 223 W. Erie St., Chicago 10, Ill.-


Model 549 all electric automatic record
player with 3 -tube amplifier. Plays 10"
or 12" discs, 6" oval Alnico 5 PM dynamic
speaker. Self-starting constant speed ac

Model 150 disc storage cabinet, made of

birch and finished in either walnut or ma-
Model 10 lightweight case for carrying hogany. Top dimensions are 181/2" by
records, with capacity of twelve 10" discs. 173/4"; height is 26". Cabinet shown here
Patented permanent index protects records. with RCA Model 65-U; Admiral Models
Fibre construction, covered with simulated 6RT43 and 7RT42 also fit, as well as most
leatherette. Lists at $1.95. Portofonic Mfg. phono-radios on the market. Retails at
Corp., 54 Franklin St., New York 13, N. Y. $24 to $25. Malone Products Corp., 145]
-RADIO & Television RETAILING Broadway. New York 18, N. Y.-RADIO &
motor. Finished in 2 -tone simulated leather. Television RETAILING
Emerson Radio & Phonograph Corp., Ill
Chapman CABINET Eighth Ave., New York 11, N. Y.-RADIO Audar RECORD PLAYER
& Television RETAILING
Models MCC -25 and MCC -30 (the former
for Detrola changer or blank; the latter
for Detrola, Seeburg, Webster 50 and 56 Furniture Specialties
changers or furnished in blank) all -ply- RECORD CABINET
wood cabinet for portable automatic phono-
graphs. Leather strap or post handle, Model 350 large size de luxe record
suitcase lock and key, anti -rattle hinges, cabinet with top large enough to hold
wire mesh reinforced and press shaped biggest table model combination. Fine
speaker and ventilator grills. Separate furniture construction of hardwoods; walnut
speaker baffle, metal or rubber bumpers. or mahogany finish. Measures 24" wide by
Cloth -backed leatherette in varied grains 18" deep by 26" high. Weight packed is
and colors-single tone outside, two-tone
inside. MCC -25 is $8.85. MCC -30 is $9.85.
Mark Chapman Co., Inc., 44 Court St.,
Brooklyn 2, N. Y.-RADIO & Television Model P-7 electric portable phonograph
RETAILING will play 12" discs with lid closed. Tone
compensated amplifier, speaker matched
to acoustically designed case. Compact.
two -toned leatherette -covered cabinet
Musitron RECORD PLAYER measures only 141/2" by 153/4" by 61/2".
Model 107 Piccolo hand -wound portable Lightweight design -11 lbs. Audar, Inc..
phonograph with single -spring governor -
Argos, Ind.-RADIO & Television RETAIL-
controlled synchronized mechanical motor ING
with 9" turntable. Acoustical tone arm
and reproducer head. Tone chamber of 23 lbs. Minimum shipment is 4 pieces.
molded paper mounted in base of case be- Furniture Specialties Co., 15th St. & S. Penn Model 100 portable electric record player
low motor board. Groove -locked corner con- Square, Philadelphia, Pa.-RADIO & Tele- with 3 -tube amplifier playing 10" and 12"
struction, brass hardware fittings, plastic vision RETAILING. records. Variable tone control, needle
scratch filter, automatic bass compensation,
ac. Shure crystal pickup, Alnico 5 PM
Brown -Crane
Compact wire recorder with self-con-
tained speaker, recording on 12,000 ft.
of .004 in. wire per spool, with recording
time of one hour. Lighted index showing
time range 0 to 66 minutes. Inputs for
radio, microphone or phonograph. Low
impedance output for loudspeaker or aux-
iliary speaker with telephone jack.
sentially flat frequency range from 100 Es-
8,000 cps-can be extended to 40 to 15,000
range; 5 receiver -type tubes. Records at
cost of about lc per hour-wire recording
can be regarded as permanent or erased
and re -used unlimited times. Brown -Crane
Wire Recorders, Inc., 1340 W. Washington speaker. Luggage DuPont
fabric -covered
Blvd.. Chicago 7, 111.-RADIO & Television case in choice of 2 -tone color combinations.
RETAILING Trylon Radio Laboratories, Philadelphia
Pa.-RADIO & Television RETAILING 40.

RADIO & Television

RETAILING August, 1947
ARIZONA, Phoenix
Albert Mathias & Company
Home Appliance Distributors of Ark.
S es, Young 8 Brown, Inc.
RNIA, San Francisco
Basford Company
C NNEIDD*UT, Hartford
are istributors, Inc.
Washington-Columbla Wholesalers
FLORIDA, Jacksonville
Ca* and Bultman, Inc.
Thy IDOIncey Company, Inc.
itupois, Peoria
Williams, Inc.
INDIANA, Indianapolis
Radio Equipment Company
IOWA, Des Moines
Roycraft-Iowa Company
KINAICKY, Louisville
Nitric Appliance Distributors of Ky.
LOUISIANA, New Orleans
WoRIDir Brothers Company
Forret-Brown Company
MARYLAND, Baltimore
Joseph M. Zamoiski Company
Columbia Wlolesalers, Inc.
MINNESOTA, inneapolis
The Roycraft Compony
MISSOURI, Kansas City
Federal Distributing Company
Artophone Corporation
RSEY, Newark
atham and Company
NE RK, Albany
Ros in Brothers, Inc.
NEW YORK, Buffalo
Western Merchandise Distrs., Inc.
NEW YORK, Middletown
Roskin Brothers, Inc.
NEW YORK, Rochester
Chopin -Owen Company, Inc.
NEW YORK, Syracuse
Onondaga Supply Company
Southern Bearings and Parts Co.
OHIO, Cincinnati
Modern Distributing Company
OHIO, Cleveland
Phonola is proud of its more than a quarter century - Strong, Carlisle 8 Hammond Co.
record of leadership in the portable field, and proud, OREGON, Portland
Appliance Wholesalers
too-, of the fast-growing network of exclusive distributors PENNSYLVANIA, Philadelphia
with others being added to give world wide coverage. Trilling and Montague
*A. few exclusive territories are still available for the RHODE ISLAND, Providence
Simons Distributing Company
Waters Conley distribution franchise. TENNESSEE, Memphis
Woodson & Bozeman, Inc.
Eastern Sales Office TEXAS, Dallas
17 E. 42nd St. New York 17, VA. 6-2079 The Southwestern Company, Inc.
TEXAS, El Paso
Midwestern and Western Sales Office Albert Mathias 8. Company
224 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago 4, HAR. 1880 TEXAS, Houston
Factory and Engineering Laboratory Crumpacker-Covington Company
Rochester, Minn. TEXAS, Son Antonio
Southern Equipment Company
VIRGINIA, Richmond
B. T. Crump Company, Inc.
Radio Television 8 Appliance, Inc.
Charleston -Electrical Supply Co.
Radio Specialty Company
(Iortrol Ust of Phonolo Dtstrobutort)

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 61

Victor "Now" School Platters Pay MONROE, VAUGHN: "Tallahas-
see"-"I Wish I Didn't Love
(Continued from page 55) You So." RCA Victor 20-2294
DORSEY, JIMMY: "Ballerina" - Maestro Monroe vocalizes two top
"Love's Got Me in a Lazy movie tunes, the first from "Variety
Mood." MGM 10035 Girl," flipover from "Perils of
Bob Carroll does the vocals on the Pauline."
first side haunting ballad; Dee Parker SHORE, DINAH; HERMAN,
sings the reverse slow blues number. W 0 0 D Y: "Tallahassee" -
DORSEY, TOMMY:, and his Clam- "Natch." Columbia 37387
bake Seven: "But I Do Mind if This is a first together for this
Shown at the opening session of the RCA Victor Ya Don't" - "That's Life I pair, and the result is an attractive
dealer training "now" school at the Eastern Co., Guess." RCA Victor 20-2302 blending of contrasting voices.
Cambridge, Mass., are IL. to J. W. Potter,
George Fearnaught, RCA Victor records sales super-
visor, Boston; David Rockmon, and Jock Rafferty,
Hannah Williams, a Broadway SHORE, DINAH; SINATRA,
of the Eastern Co. favorite of years back, does the lyric FRANK: "My Romance"-"Tea
on these two lilting sides. for Two." Columbia 37528
Combination of two top singers on
Duotone Sound Lab FITZGERALD, ELLA: "Oh, Lady this platter is for the benefit of the
Be Good!" -"Flying Home." Damon Runyon Memorial Fund, to
Stephen Nester, president, Duo - Decca 23956
tone Co., 799 Broadway, New York Groovy platter that has Ella sing- which proceeds will go. Aside from
City, announced that his firm was ing first chorus, and then scatting the worthy cause, disc features two
erecting an extensive sound labora- for remainder of first side. top tunes.
tory near Red Bank, N. J., for the SINATRA, FRANK: "Almost Like
purpose of supplying true and factual HARRIS, PHIL: "I'm So Right To- Being in Love"-"There But for
information on present day sound night" - "George Washington, You Go I." Columbia 37382
equipment. Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S., Two top tunes from the Broadway
Mr. Nester stated that there was Robert E. Lee." RCA Victor musical, "Brigadoon," that are tai-
a growing need for unbiased and ex- 20-2301
lored to Sinatra's voice.
tensive research on present-day A romantic ditty and an original
needles, record changers, pick-ups minstrel show song receive a lusty ALBUMS

and discs, which would give the con- Phil Harris rendition. "BILLIE HOLIDAY," and her or-
sumer the true facts about their qual- chestra. Columbia C-135
HAYMES, DICK: "I Wish I Didn't Selections include: "Until the Real
ities. The laboratories will be sound- Love You So"-"Naughty An-
proofed with sound control walls and Thing Comes Along," "I Cover the
geline." Decca 23977 Waterfront," "When a Woman Loves
will be equipped with all the latest Crooner does two catchy tunes sure
electronic testing equipment. a Man," "He's Funny That Way,"
to appeal. "Summertime," and "Billie's Blues."
A monthly bulletin, written under
the unbiased supervision of a group JAMES, HARRY: "Tomorrow"- "CARLE COMES CALLING,"
of the nation's leading sound engi- "Something for Nothing." Co- Frankie Carle with rhythm sec-
lumbia 37388 tion. Columbia C-129
neers, will be released to dealers and
consumers. Good dance numbers featuring the Styled for good dancing and easy
James trumpet. listening, this Carle collection has a
A special department in the new
building, estimated to be costing the MADRIGUERA, ENRIC: "The variety from "Star Dust" to "Cho -
Duotone Company in excess of $100,- Cowbell Song"-"Guatemala." pin's Polinaise in Boogie," to please.
000, will include a special department National 9031 "NEW FRIENDS OF RHYTHM,"
for the testing of home recording First side is a catchy new novelty under the direction of Sylvan
equipment where developments in rhumba; reverse is a rhythmic samba Shulman. International Records
transcription needles and discs will foxtrot. An album for "music lovers," for
be given special attention. MARTIN, FREDDY: "Something longhairs and hepsters, suggests the
for Nothing"-"Last Night in a album fly -leaf. Personnel features:
New Decca Record Series Dream." RCA Victor 20-2318 Sylvan Shulman, Bernard Robbins,
Styled for dancing. Ralph Hersh, Alan Shulman, Laura
Decca Records, Inc., has announced Newell, Tony Colluci, Hank D'Amico
a new fifty -cent record series on its MARTIN, TONY: "Too Marvelous and Harry Patent.
"Blue Label," which will enable the for Words" - "Ain'tcha Ever "ROMEO LOVES JULIET," featur-
company to have records in each Comin' Back." RCA Victor 20- ing Larry Clinton and his Or-
price class, and permit reissuing of 2293 chestra, Marshall Young, and
titles which have been unavailable First side ballad was featured in Janette Davis. Rainbow Records
for some years. film, "Dark Passage," and Martin de- Something new in record albums is
The new series will not interfere livers in a romantic vein. Platter - this "original musical," told through
with any of the company's other mate provides good contrast in lilting eight new popular songs, with mu-
prices. The first records to be re- rhythms. sical interludes continuing the story
leased under the Blue Label include: MARTINEZ, CHUCHO: "Say No at the end of each record. Piano
Dick Robertson's "The Gang That More"-"Roses in the Rain"; and clarinet play an integral part,
Sang Heart of My Heart"; orchestra "La Paloma"-"Ay! Ay! Ay!" along with the voices of hero and
recordings by Dick Kuhn, Terry Apollo 1069-150 heroine in the play. Top tunes are
Shand, Freddie "Schnickelfritz" These are the first records released "For a Penny," "The Wheels Keep
Fisher and Bob Howard and a rec- by Apollo featuring Martinez, billed Spinning Around" and "Walk Before
ord by the Three Suns. as the "Voice of Romance." You Run."
(More Record Listings on page 64)

RADIO G Television RETAILING. August, 1947
Beautifully packaged
in a useful retard

RADIO CY Television RETAILING August, 19l7 63

Platters Pay "The Crying Singer," Gus Gordon
does "Goodbye" vocals; reverse is
FARM." Sonora albums UD-1,
(Continued from page 56)
a hot licks number. Uncle Don and his piano tell sto-
arias are sung in German, in the ries for the kiddies.
grand opera style that has made LAWSON, JIMMY: "Dangerous
Torsten Ralf famous. Ground"-"Some Folks Call It
Texas." Columbia 37548
Typical western songs. 'SACRED MUSIC
OLK MUSIC Orleans Band: "Snuff Dripping "GOSPEL MUSIC," by the Humbard
Woman"-"The Blues Stay With Family. Sacred Records
ACUFF, ROY, and His Smoky Me." RCA Victor 20-2306
Mountain Boys: "I Talk to My-
Western style presentation of re-
Old fashioned blues rhythm done ligious hymns including: "I've Got
self About You" - "Short - on first side makes this a colorful That Old Time Religion," "Every-
Changed in Love." Columbia waxing.
37505 body Will Be Happy Over There,"
Western balladeering in the plain- ROGERS, ROY: "On the Old Span- and "Holy Be."
tive vein. ish Trail"-"I've Got a Feelin'."
AUTRY, GENE: "The Angel Song" Rogers is star of film "On the Old JEWISH SABBATH," Dr.
-"When the Snowbirds Cross Spanish Trail," so dealers should find Stephen S. Wise and the Choir
the Rockies." Columbia 37390 some good tie-ins for this disc. of the Free Synagogue. RCA
Favorite singer of cowboy songs, Victor
Autry does two new ballads in the Recordings include prayers and
sentimental manner of a prairie gen- CiMIEWOOOME1 ceremonial songs of the Jewish Sab-
tleman. bath, and feature Dr. Wise reciting
"BUGS BUNNY," Capitol CC -64
DEXTER, AL, and his troopers: Mel Blank, the voice of many car- the Twenty-third Psalm. This col-
"Maybe, Baby, It's Me"-"Love toon characters in the movies, pre- lection is particularly timely with the
Lands of Yesterday." Columbia sents his original Bugs Bunny, Daffy Jewish Holy Days due next month.
37538 Duck, Porky Pig and Elmer Fudd in TUCKER, RICHARD: "Kol Nidre"
Prairie songs by Al Dexter, sung this album. Other cartoon personali- -"Eli, Eli." Columbia 72198-D
by Al Dexter. ties are included, backed by the
music of Billy May, to help carry "Kol Nidre" is sung on the Eve
JOHNSON, BILL: "That Night We out the mood. of the Day of Atonement; reverse
Said Goodbye" - "Sharkies' is a traditional Jewish melody. Opera
"CIRCUS DAY WITH UNCLE star, Richard Tucker, imparts fervor
Boogie." RCA Victor 20-2298 DON," "UNCLE DON ON THE to both.


Seeco Records
The largest manufacturer of Latin-American recordings in the world, featuring
By These and Many Other FAMOUS ARTISTS:

DEALERS PRICE: 49c, tax included

Write for our Complete Catalog.


NEW YORK 29, N. Y.

RADIO & Television RETAILING August,
Here is the newed equipment
for the




The new
100% visibility for all of your brings albums out
FEATURED RELEASES and where people can see them.
popular numbers. Visualizer comes in two models, Popular and Classical.
Two racks shown back to back. Racks come 48 record albums shown in full face display with stor-
for either 10 or 12 -inch records with album age space for 90 albums in base of rack. Dimensions:
storage space underneath. Dimensions: 6'4" 6'4" wide, 1'3" deep, 4'51/2" high.
wide, 1'3" deep, 4'51/2" high.
Price $55.00 each F.O.B. Gettysburg, Pa.
Price $32.50 each, F.O.B. Gettysburg, Pa.

CAPACITY -10 -inch rack has 42 CAPACITY - Popular Visualizer

compartments each holding 20 rec- holds 32 10 -inch and 16 12 -inch
ords. 12-ineh rack has 30 com- albums. Classical Visualizer dis-
partments each holding 15 records. plays 32 I2 -inch and 16 10 -inch
Under each rack is space for stor- albums. Under each Visualizer is
age of 90 10 or 12 -inch albums. space for storage of 90 albums.

Record Racks and Album Visualizer are of same dimensions, thus allowing them to be
placed back to back in any combinations. They can be used in combination as an island
display in the middle of the store or can be placed singly against a wall. All racks are
sturdily constructed of seasoned wood and masonite and finished in light oak lacquer.
1/3 deposit with order, balance COD. Specify freight or express.

32 N. Main Street

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 65

Gene Steffens Presides
at Permo Dealer Party
In a gala inaugural atmosphere,
Soo d PLAYBACK with Permo, Inc., entertained a gathering
of nearly 250 record dealers and
GI DUAL -SPEED HOME clerks at a recent party in the ball-
RECORDING ASSEMBLY room of the Edgewater Beach Hotel,
Chicago. It was the first of three
such get-togethers in Chicago and
CUTS RECORDS UP TO 10" DIAMETER about 60 more to be held in other
cities throughout the country.
The occasion for these Fidelitone
J parties is the showing of Permo's
sound -movie, "Points of Distinction,"
and a social evening filled with en-
joyable entertainment. This event
was conducted by E. C. (Gene) Stef-


78 or 331/3 R.P.M.

You'll get quick response when you Send for details. Ask us for complete in-
offer your customers this simple, de- formation on the GI -R90 Home Recording
pendable, Dual -Speed Home and Phonograph Assembly-and on our com-
Recording Assembly. plete line of Phonomotors, Recorders and
It's simple as ABC to operate, Combination Record - Changer Recorders.
with high -quality recording and fine
reproduction. The sturdy, Smooth
Power mechanism will stand up THE GENERAL
faithfully under hard home use- =

and it's remarkably low-priced to INDUSTRIES co.

help you build volume sales. "Judge" Gene Steffens awards cash prizes to two
record clerks who found their "twin" numbers, in
DEPT. MV ELYRIA, OHIO the crowd at the Permo party for record dealers
and clerks.

fens, Permo vice-president and gen-

Electronic Engineering Handbook eral sales manager, who acted as
M. C. He was assisted by R. F.
By Ralph R. Botcher, E.E. and William Moulic (Dick) Goetzen, assistant sales man-
ager and Eddie Crowley, representa-
ALL tive for the Chicago territory.
That the Name The audience was visibly impressed
by the movie which, in interesting
IMPLIES narrative form, takes one through the
A handbook-a helping handbook successive, intricate steps in the man-
you will want at your fingertips on ufacture of Fidelitone needles.
those frequent occasions when the In addition to the showing of this
right answer can save you hours movie at parties in more than 60 dis-
of effort.
For radio -electronic specialists this Caldwell -
tributing centers, Permo plans to
Clements book provides a convenient, authentic have all "reachable" dealers and
source of formulas and principles, as well as the clerks view "Points of Distinction"
latest in electronic applications. Free from in-
volved mathematical explanations. Section I
during coming months.
covers Vacuum Tube Fundamentals; Section II,
Electronic Circuit Fundamentals; Section III, Elec- Dumor Record Compound
tronic Applications; Section IV, Vacuum Tube
Data. Dumor Plastics, Inc., Atco, N. J.,
456 Pages 560 Illustrations
makers of a new material specifically
$4.50 designed for the manufacture of
Bound in limp leatherette, opens conveniently flat. 6 x 9 in.
phonograph records, is initiating an
Once You
Get This
CALDWELL-CLEMENTS, INC. 1 intensive promotion and trade ad-
Book in 480'D Lexington Ave. INC. New York 17, N. Y. vertising campaign based on endorse-
Your Hoods Publishers to the electronic industries since 1925 ments of the Dumor records by rec-
You'll Always Send book. If not satisfied, will return within five ord companies, recording artists,
Have It days. Otherwise will remit payment. dealers, etc.
Fingertips The compound was developed by
Nome A. H. Ciaglia, the firm's vice-presi-
Address dent and research director. Dumor
City and State Plastics, Inc., is now supplying about
Company Name 100 tons of the material a month to
the record industry.
August, 1947
Columbia District Managers Visit "Finian" Cast RCA Victor Contest, and
Dealer Aids to Selling
RCA Victor has just completed
sponsorship of a nationwide contest
among record dealers to create in-
terest in the Spade Cooley record-
ing of "Red Hair and Green Eyes."
The contest was to find the nation's
prettiest red-haired, green-eyed girl.
Contestants had to submit a 25 -word
statement: "Why I Like Spade Cool-
ey's RCA Victor recording of 'Red
Hair and Green Eyes'."
Dealers have a good opportunity
for more tie-ins with the Roy Rogers
Thrill Circus, which will hit Phila.,
St. Louis and Detroit during Sep-
Columbia's district managers paid a backstage
visit to "Finion's Rainbow" and met the show's
stars, Dorothy Claire, Carroll Brooks, David Wayne
and Donald Richards. Paul Southard, vice-presi-
dent in charge of sales and advertising (second
From left), was Columbia's pilot backstage.

Keynote to Distribute
[Record Guild Discs
Keynote Recordings, Inc., New The Duotone Diamond
The world's finest needle
York, has been appointed national for the world's finest phti--
sales representative for the Record nographs. A jeweler's
masterpiece. $50.00 retail.
Guild of America, manufacturers of
children's illustrated unbreakable rec-
This announcement was made NEEDLE LINE
jointly by Keynote's president, John THE GREATEST
Hammond and Record Guild's presi-
dent Harold L. Friedman.
Apollo Distributor Duotone needles are The "Star" Sapphire
THESE world-beating research and technical skill of Completely handmade
of the painstaking the superiority with a sapphire point.
Apollo has appointed the Millner Duotone engineers.
They characterize
Cherished by record col-
Record Sales Co., St. Louis, Mo., as of record lectors. $5.00 retail.
of the entire Duotone line
distributor for the states of Kansas, Duotone, y ou 're sure of enthusiastic
When you sell rofit margins.
Nebraska and Missouri. approval and higher p
and watch it pull! There's a Duotone
Dillon with Continental Stock Duotone
product for every customer.
Anthony Dillon has been appointed
sales manager of Continental Rec-
ord Distributing Co., announced Don- DUOTONE PRODUCTS
ald Gabor, president. Recording Heads The Duotone Ruby
Miropoint Needles Steel Cutting Needles Brilliant achievement of
the Jeweler's art. A ruby
Present MGM Hit Album Transcription Needles
Cactus Needles
Sapphire Cutting Needles tipped needle that's
really new. $3.50 retail.
Chromium Needles Record Preserver
Coin Machine Needles

The Regent Sapphire

Outstrips competition in
any demonstration. Affords
the kind of profit margin
you like. $2.00 retail.

Pictured above presenting the first release of

MGM's album of song hits from "Till the Clouds The Filter Point The Durpoint The New Lifetone
Roll By" to Mayor Hortsfield of the City of Filters surface noise and Fast-moving, high -profit This superb osmium tip
Atlanta are U. to r.): Dan Hornsby, manager of reproduces with high fi- needle with excellent tonal needle surpasses any other
record sales for the Graybar Electric Co. in At- delity. Plays longer. Pack- reproduction. Attractively needle in its immediate
lanta; Boyd Frye, manager of Loew's Grand The- age of 35-250 retail. packaged. $1.00 retail. price range. $1.50 retail.
atre, Atlanta; H. E. Giles, Graybar southern dis-
trict merchandising manager, and Mayor Hortsfield.

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 67


TIE -1Y4"

has /iie oder 46P

.1.1 have a franchise with a future
...a complete line of major
and minor home appliances"

We believe in strong dealers.

And the only way to build a strong
dealer organization is to pick of

'em carefully and then

do everything to help them grow. That is why we
urge every
independent appliance dealer to investigate Monitor. You'll
find that Monitor's attitude
toward its dealers is refreshingly different.
You'll find the franchise is long on territorial and other protection
for the dealer . . . is very
reasonable in what it asks of him. You'll find that 83% of
Monitor volume is in the
profitable "majors." And you'll find Monitor is the fastest
As a Monitor dealer, your direct contact would be with growing appliance line.
a distributor who is an owner -member
of the Monitor organization. Let us put you in touch
with him now. Let him
tell you about sales policies. Ask to see the simple, liberal
dealer's contract. We think
you are going to like the whole Monitor set-up.
MONITOR HOUSE, Riverdale -on -Hudson, New York 63, N. Y.

The most distinguished family of home
of the independent
RECORDS BY, by the independent
for the independent


RADIO & Television
RETAILING August, 1947

ow to Use One Sale

to Bring in Others
It Pays to Arrange Group Demonstrations in the Home of the New User

After -sale demonstration in the visitors in purchasing similar set-ups In planning all such events, it goes
home builds customer good -will, and for their homes. Such a meeting without saying that the merchant
it is also a first-rate way to cut down would be a fine method of introduc- should never exert any pressure on
on the number of service calls under ing some of the newer things in the the customer in seeking permission
the guarantee period. modern kitchen, the dishwasher and of the home -owner for the mass
There's something else worthwhile the disposal unit, for example. demonstration.
in after -sale demonstrations in the Modern laundry equipment lends In most cases, though, if the idea
consumer's home too, and that's the itself well to group demonstration is carefully presented, owners will
opportunity to sell appliances to the too. The dealer can show the new be entirely willing to accept the plan.
customer's neighbors. owner how to use the new appliances, They will do this not so much for
A leading Eastern dealer capital- and, at the same time, explain their the slight material gain as for the
izes on a unique and entirely prac- salient features to the visitor. sheer enjoyment of the thing. "Pride
ticable plan which he has been fol- In addition to offering to give a of ownership," though a more or less
lowing for some years. It works present in return for the use of the
home as a gathering place for friends hackneyed phrase, still effectively
like this: Whenever he sells a major describes the feeling of the owner
appliance, say, for instance, an auto- and neighbors, the dealer could offer
matic washer, he offers a small pres- to pay a commission on sales made at for the new labor-saving appliances.
ent-for example, a toaster or an such meeting, or resulting later. (Continued on page 82)
electric clock, to the new owner if
she will agree to invite some of her
neighbors in to see the appliance
demonstrated by an expert from the
This plan works out very well, and
results in many new sales. The vis-
itors who call to see Mrs. Smith's
new washer in actual operation are
impressed with the importance of the
fact that Mrs. Smith chose it. They
have confidence in her judgment, and
when they see the shiny new appli-
ance miraculously performing tasks
which hitherto had been difficult and
distasteful, the desire to own is
greatly enhanced.
There are many angles and twists
to the plan. The dealer who has in-
stalled an electric kitchen in the
home of a customer might well stage,
with the owner's consent, what could Look at
almost amount to a "cooking school," Each Sale as a
where his salesmen could interest Source of Others

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 69

when buyers want YOU?

0 0 0 oIR


But when your advertising appears in the
`yellow pages' of your Telephone Directory,
it's a cinch this happy combination will result:
they'll get your telephone number and you'll
get their business.
You see, shoppers everywhere have formed
the habit of looking it up in the 'yellow pages'
when they're ready to buy the goods or ser-
vices you offer. They're looking for you . . .
want to find you quickly and with
the least trouble. Why not make
it easier for them?

For further information, call your

local telephone business office.

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947
Current Models of
Some Small Washers
Sell More Midgets!
There is a great opportunity today numbers of small washing machines
to increase sales of midget washers. on the spot. Since the purchase price
A number of factors contribute to of the midgets is comparatively low,
build up the large potential for sales the necessity for protracted sales
of the small washing machine, with negotiations can often be bypassed.
the present congested housing condi- The portable washer is just what
tions appearing to be foremost among the doctor ordered for the cramped
them. quarters of many a city dweller. One
While it is true that the urban and of the chief reasons why the satura-
Menosco Mfg. Co., Burbank, Cal. suburban communities hold the great- tion point in washer sales in great
est number of prospective purchas- cities has always been unsatisfactori-
ers, the small jobs can be sold almost ly low is because of lack of space.
anywhere if the right sort of sales So here comes the midget to make a
presentations and promotions are em- bid for business in this fertile field!
Because midget washers do not Prospect; Everywhere
look like their larger relatives, and
because there were very few of them To do a good job, the salesman
made in the pre-war period, dealers must "sell" himself on the midget.
should always use identifying mater- He should know how to operate it,
ial in displaying them. This will and enough about washing clothes to
prevent confusion in the minds of make a creditable sales presentation.
Waxen Utilities Corp., Chicago. customers. There is no percentage He must know all the short-cuts in
in having a window-shopper stare at filling and emptying the tub, methods
a midget on display, wondering of water extraction, etc., and should
whether it's a new sort of pressure - be able to tell the customer whether
cooker, or a canning kettle. or not the portable can be used for
The first step in building satisfac- "dry cleaning", and if so, how to go
tory sales volume on the midgets is about it, and what fluids to use.
to tell the people in your community Prospects for small washers are
about them. Explaining, for exam- everywhere. The large home can buy
ple, that they take up no more room one in addition to a full-size model,
than a large kettle. That they wash to be used for small batches of
about three pounds of clothes, (or clothes. The smallest family-a
more as the case may be) ; that they couple-needs a midget, and where
are not toys but practical appliances there are babies in the household,
Nineteen Hundred Corp., St. Joseph, Mich. which perform efficiently at very low the small washer will pay for itself.
operating costs. The job to do is to promote the
There are numerous ways to tell sale of midgets. In cases where a
prospective customers why they few models are placed about willy-
should own small washers. News- nilly, with no descriptive display
paper advertising space can be used material with them, they will be
effectively. The copy should be ignored, for the most part, by the
brief, simple to understand and ex- store visitor and, which is just as
planatory. The ad should tell: 1. bad, by the dealer himself. Results
What a midget washer is. 2. What will be limited sales. The little
it will do. 3. How little room it washers won't sell themselves-but
occupies. 4. Who makes it. 5. How they will move if properly presented.
little it costs to buy. And, of course, They have plenty of sales appeal, and
the dealer's name. Even if his sup- are reasonably priced.
Easy Washing Mach. Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
ply is adequate, the dealer should Manufacturers who make, or plan
throw the phrase "immediate deliv- to make portable washing machines
ery" into his ad because many people include Easy Washing Machine Co.,
are still shortage -conscious. Syracuse, N. Y., Horton Mfg. Co.,
The midgets should occupy promi- Fort Wayne, Ind., Naxon Utilities
nent places on the sales floor and in Corp., Chicago; Nineteen Hundred
the show window too. The same sort Corp., St. Joseph, Mich., Chicago
of copy suggested for newspaper ads Electric Mfg. Co., Chicago; Kamkap,
can be used along with the displays. Inc., New York City; Menasco Mfg.
Manufacturers' streamers, cards, etc., Co., Burbank, Cal., John Tjaarda &
should be used too. Associates, Detroit, Mich., Kitchen
In-store demonstration will sell Queen, Inc., Chicago.
Chicago Elec. Mfg. Co., Chicago.

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 71

Making Working



A simple and complete

system is worth its weight
in business life time.

Facts and information, readily at customer, and your office with suffi- refrigerators, Blackstone washing
hand, play an important part in the cient information, so that each person machines, Peerless stoves as well as
administration of any business. De- involved in the transaction knows a host of smaller traffic items and
veloping a system that gives full what he's getting, what he's paying, houseware, the receiving system is
facts costs nothing, but is worth its the terms, delivery facts and all the set up to control all items moving
weight in business life time. That's other information that will ever be into its warehouse in downtown
why the careful thought and applica- needed. Columbus. As goods are received,
tion of a few simple basic principles 3-Set up a system of control that receiving reports are written on the
of common sense business adminis- affects all items, at all times. It's surface of the register provided for
tration at Ohio Appliances in Colum- not enough to control only larger that purpose specifically.
bus, Dayton and Cincinnati have done items. That leaves your business un- The machine is conveniently locat-
so well in keeping step with the in- protected from loss, mishandling, im- ed on the receiving floor of the ware-
dustry's changing complexion. proper treatment of smaller, individ- house where all incoming shipments
Ohio Appliance's paperwork sys- ual items which may be more arrive. Copies are written so that a
tems involve basic reasoning so fun- important in terms of dollar volume
damental and simple that bookkeep- receipt is issued, an office copy is
than your larger equipment. made, and a locked copy folded into
ing knowledge of a highly specialized 4-Be certain that numerical con-
nature is unnecessary for the proper the register in a single writing.
trol, and where required, locked rec-
operation of the systems. Here are ords of every transaction are availa-
the fundamentals: ble to management at all times. In Complete Facts
1-Make a record by hand over the other words, enforce, through the
basic functions of the business. Re- system you install, a complete com-
The next item of control in Ohio
ceiving, selling, shipping are the Appliance's paperwork system is over
prehensive chain of written events sales. Here again, a handwritten
three unchanging activities in any which reflect the exact nature of
business. Control these and you system is used, which also utilizes a
everything that happened at each of register turning out sufficient copies
control the facts of life of your com- the points at which the system is in-
pany. stalled. to insure complete facts to all hand-
2-Make sufficient copies for all ling departments. Forms for the
With over 800 franchised dealers machines are printed in continuous
parties. When you can get as many in the three main areas of Ohio Ap-
copies as you desire from one writ- strips and locked copies of the rec-
pliance's operations, the first item of ords in exact numerical order insure
ing, with no handling of carbons, lost control must be exercised over goods
time in shuffling papers, take advan- received. Since the company re- complete details over all invoices.
tage of it. Prepare yourself, your Another section of the selling
ceives large items, such as Coolerator function is handled at the record de -

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947
Papers Out of Paperwork
A Case Study of How, Why, and Where Ohio Appliances,
With Over 800 Franchised Dealers, Writes Records

partment of Ohio Appliances. Here, to handle the traffic. One register neck since forms don't have to be
because the nature of most of the system involves the use of specially handled and rewritten continually.
transactions calls for cash on deliv- printed express receipts in contin- For handling the same function,
ery, the register in use is equipped uous form, rather than the conven- on other shipments, bills of lading
with a cash drawer which opens only tional padded forms supplied by car- are written in the same manner as
when a set of forms is issued. This riers. express receipts. The bills of lading
system also uses the locked copy of carry preprinted items so that time
the transaction written at the point No Bottleneck which would normally be consumed
of sale. By the locked copies re- This means that without stopping in the writing and rewriting of the
folded in the register, facts and cash to handle and rehandle loose or same information is thus eliminated.
in the drawer of the register are padded forms, express receipts are These principles, properly devel-
always available for immediate always in writing position in as oped as they are at Ohio Appliance,
check. many copies as desirable. Carbons render information which gives ac-
Because of the heavy volume of remain stationary in the registers curate, quick control over the basic
shipments at Ohio Appliances, a and need not be shifted more than functions of business, receiving, sell-
complete system for writing details once or twice a day. Time is thus ing and shipping. Actually, they em -
of every type of shipping is set up saved in what is normally a bottle- (Continued on page 122)

Headquarters, Ohio Appliances. The inset photos show, at top, A. V. Bice, vice- president, general manager, and below, from left to right, Wayne V. Wright,
Dayton branch manager, Colonel Raymond Strasburger, Columbus branch manager, and Captain Tom Mason, Cincinnati branch manager.

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 73

Gibson REFRIGERATOR requires 31"x13" floor space; automatic
Model F-777, net capacity pilot light, adjustable thermostat -heat range
7 cu. ft.; from off position to 450 degrees. Shoe can
shelf area 11.5 sq. ft. Increased size of be tilted face up for steaming. Automatic
freezer locker provides 1.05 cu. ft. of below - knee press control. Retail price under
freezing space for 36.9 lbs. of frozen foods. $100.00. American Ironing Machine Co.,
Fresh'ner shelf, just below, for cold -con- Algonquin, Ill.-RADIO & Television

Universal WASHER
Model WM2701 with pump (WM 1701
without pump), 2 -speed washer, has a 9 lb.
capacity. Features: new massive stream-
lining; white baked enamel wringer; pro-

tops. Another innovation is the "basket

sliding adjustable shelf." Dimensions: 63
in. high, 30 in. wide, 29 in. deep. Hot-
point Inc., 5600 W. Taylor St., Chicago 44.

ditioning of fresh meats, chilling and crisp - Ironer features: continuous rotary action
big salads. Outside dimensions: 61 15/16 for flat work; stationary pressing action;
Inches high, 301/8 inches wide, 27 5/16 exclusive to-and-fro shirt -ironing action.
inches deep. Gibson Refrigerator Co., Patented foot control stops or starts roll
Greenville, Mich.-RADIO & Television RE-

Simplex IRONER
Model S-477. Features: rotary ironer, tected feeding zone; select-a-matic pressure
complete open roll 22" long, 5" in diameter, indicator; stainless steel trim; time-a-matic
timer; overload protecto-switch; wind -away
cord hooks, bullet type fluted tub; five -
position wringer. Dimensions: overall
height, 491/2 in., height to edge of tub, 35
in., floor space, 29 x 29 in. Landers, Frary
& Clark, New Britain, Conn. - RADIO &
Television RETAILING

Model EC10-1, new 10 cu. ft. model re-
frigerator, features: speed freezer capacity
of almost one cu. ft.; flexi-cold storage instantly. Two open, usable ends permit
compartment adjustable to several posi- ironing of wide pieces. Dimensions: height
tions for refrigeration of meat; additional 36"; width 18"; length 36". Occupies a floor
storage space for bottles provided by
removable top shelf; two high -humidity space 18" x 36". Altorfer Bros. Co., East
storage compartments have plate glass Pnnria, Ill.-RADIO & Television RETAIL-

74 RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947

Frigidaire LAUNDRY Westinghouse REFRIGERATOR Eight lbs. dry clothes capacity. Dome -
EQUIPMENT shaped tub, 23 inches in diameter. Heavy
Model MF-7-47 7 cu. ft. two -temperature duty, splash proof motor 1/4 H. P. Model
New line of home laundry equipment refrigerator, will hold 56 lbs of frozen food 820-P has intermittent, self -emptying, motor
featuring automatic electric clothes washer, in the freeze chest and ice storage tray.
ironer and dryer. Suggested retail price Freeze chest has a capacity of 11/4 cu. ft.;
for the new washer has been established ice storage tray is rated at four -tenths of a
at $299.75, dryer will sell for $229.75 and cu ft. Dimensions are: 301/4 in. wide, 571/4
the ironer at $189.75. Washer employs
principle known as "live -water" action.
One setting of single control dial necessary
to operate washer. Ironer roll is 30 inches
In length; resilient padding protects but-
tons; a special switch control allows high
or low -speed operation. The new dryer is
completely automatic, thickly -insulated, and
equipped with a glass window. Frigid-
aire Div., General Motors Corp., Dayton 1,
0.-RADIO & Television RETAILING

Model AW-332 wringer washer, with
a full-length, to -the -floor skirt. Purpose of
the skirt, which is finished in white baked
enamel, beside aiding appearance, is to
conceal and protect the mechanism and
pump. Holding 8 lbs. of dry clothes, the
porcelain -enameled, self -draining tub is in. high, 253/4 in. deep. Food liner is white
porcelain on steel, with acid -resisting bot- driven pump and drain hose with swivel
tom. Equipment includes two "select -o - nozzle. Model 820-G is equipped with 2 /3
cube" ice trays, two vegetable crispers. H. P. gasoline engine. Apex Electrical Mfg.
Westinghouse Electric Appliance Div., Co.. Cleveland. 0.-RADIO & Television
Mansfield, 0.-RADIO & Television RE- RETAILING


Philco REFRIGERATOR "Automatic Flavor Control" coffee filter,
automatically controls liquid flow by spring
Model 773 refrigerator features "sum- action, thereby controlli:.g flavor. Spring
mer -winter" control for moist food storage, action also serves as a safety valve which
oversize freezer compartment for frozen prevents more than normal brewing pres-
foods, adjustable shelves permitting more sure from building up during coffee -making
than 14 different arrangements for keeping process. Filter is made of durable por-
foods and beverages accessible. Increased celain and stainless steel. Hill -Shaw Co..
freezer locker size, holds 32 lbs. frozen 311 No. Desplaines, Chicago 6. 111.-RADIO
foods. Includes separate vegetable bin, & Television RETAILING
two glass -covered sliding crisper drawers,
sliding meat storage drawer, porcelain in-
terior with automatic light. Dimensions: 595/s
inches high, 303/4 inches wide. 261,1.03 Nicro COFFEE MAKER
inches deep. Priced at $294.50. Philco Corp., Model 472 stainless steel coffee maker
Philadelphia, Pa.-RADIO & Television RE- complete with upper and lower bowls;
mounted on a rubber gasket to absorb Features: high polish finish 8 -cup capacity,
vibration. One -control wringer automatic- "flavor insurance" filter, bakelite handle
ally goes forward or backward, or starts with stainless steel band and cover with
or stops. Washer is 261/2 inches in diam- Apex WASHER clamp and plastic knob. Nicro Steel Prod-
eter and 471/2 inches high. General Elec- ucts. Inc., 3534 No. Spaulding Ave., Chi-
tric Co., 1285 Boston Ave., Bridgeport 2, Model 820. Chassis and wringer as- cago 18, Ill.-RADIO & Television RETAIL-
Conn.-RADIO & Television RETAILING sembly finished in white baked enamel. ING

RADIO & TilevIslon. RETAILING August, 1947 75

Your Merchandise
Deserves Proper Handling
New Devices for Transport of Appliances Save Dealers Money and Time

In selling and moving major ap- move and to transport heavy mer- moving equipment is a tonic for the
pliances, it's a big help to a dealer chandise; it allows more of the entire establishment. If the retailer
if he knows that he has the equip- highly paid salesmen to stay on the has a mezzanine floor, or if he has
ment for handling the merchandise job of selling and service men to special showrooms or salon enclos-
easily, quickly and efficiently. stay at the repair bench. It makes ures around the plate, the hand
possible the delivery of a 9 cu. ft. trucks and accessories become even
refrigerator without interrupting the more important and convenient.
whole store and its staff. Dealers are only human; if moving
the heavy pieces to new positions is
Helps Entire Store difficult and tricky, they are likely to
do less of it.
Dealers also find that this moving As far as deliveries are concerned,
equipment is a factor in improving no customer is going to be happy
the display of appliances on the sales with any kind of a flaw in the finish
floor and in the windows. A retailer of an appliance. When the product
is better equipped for change, if he is brought to the home in a way that
has the right equipment for rolling is awkward and dangerous, the re-
If a retailer must worry and fuss the heavy pieces around the store. tailer's reputation for "good service"
around with makeshift methods in He'll find that he will change his begins to suffer. The least that a
loading and hauling his merchandise, windows more often and make them dealer can do, when he makes deliv-
it is a headache and an expensive one. more effective. And he'll find that he ery on a major appliance, is to get
It is certainly one of the things that will re -arrange the floor displays the whole matter off on the right
a dealer should not be bothered about, whenever he has a better idea, or foot by seeing that the unit is in
as it becomes necessary for him to whenever new lines come in. perfect shape.
concentrate on getting the stuff sold In this respect, the appliance - (Continued on page 82)
under highly competitive conditions.
Available to the retailer today is
a complete string of up-to-the-min-
ute devices for the proper and con-
venient handling and moving of his EQUIPMENT
major appliances. These products
are made by a dozen or so manufac- American Moto -Scoot Co., 1319 W. Carroll Ave., Chicago
turers and they include wrap -around 7, 111.-Motor scooters.
quilts, motor scooters, hand trucks, Colson Equipment & Supply Co., 1317 Willow St., Los
trailers, hoists, slings, etc.-to form Angeles 13, Calif.-Appliance hand trucks.
enough of a selection to settle the Handees Co., Bloomington, III.-Hand trucks.
problem once and for all. Keen Mfg. Co., Flat Rock, Mich.-Delivery aids.
What most dealers think about in
moving their appliances between the Mack Mfg. Co., Dyersville, Iowa-Appliance push trucks.
store and the customer, or in shifting Magnelux, Inc., 628 S. Clarence St., Los Angeles, Calif.-
products around within the store, is Appliance hand trucks.
to get the job done without marring New Haven Quilt & Pad Co., Franklin St., New Haven,
the finish. That is, without chipping
the surface of an appliance, or
Conn.-Protective coverings and accessories.
scratching the finish of a radio con- Parsons Engineering Corp., 2546 E. 79th St., Cleveland 4,
sole. Ohio-Appliance delivery equipment.
Stevens Appliance Truck Co., Augusta, Ga.-Appli-
Money -saving Equipment ance hand trucks.
Walton Wheel Co., Milwaukee 1, Wis.-Hand trucks.
But these new devices which have
been designed for just this work have Warmac, Inc., 1059 Main St., Buffalo 8, N. Y.-Charioteer
a number of additional advantages. appliance trailer.
Dealers find, for instance, that the Webb Mfg. Co., 2918 N. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa.-
equipment cuts personnel costs in Protective coverings and accessories.
the store. It requires fewer men to

16 RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947




Get set for action-coming your way is Yes, your Norge advertising support is
the new Norge advertising campaign . growing fast . . . and so are your oppor-
the biggest yet, and the most power/till tunities for profit. With the seven great
It has the BROAD COVERAGE of 14 Norge lines .. . the "passkeys to profits"
leading national magazines . . . the ... you're in "big business" today, ready
STRIKING POWER of full pages and
color insertions ... the PROFIT -BUILD- for even bigger business tomorrow!
ING PUNCH of the Norge story, force- Norge Division, Borg-Warner Corpora-
fully and convincingly presented. tion, Detroit 26a, Michigan.
"The Best Dealer in Town Sells NORGE!"
Products o
Norge products, distributed worldwide, are
typical examples of the values made possible
BW by the American system of free enterprise.


Electric Home & Farm
Refrigerators Electric Ranges Washers Gas Ranges Home Heaters
Water Heaters Freezers

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 77

Your Merchandise
Deserves Proper Handling
New Devices for Transport of Appliunces Save Dealers Money and Time

In selling and moving major ap- move and to transport heavy mer- moving equipment is a tonic for the
pliances, it's a big help to a dealer chandise; it allows more of the entire establishment. If the retailer
if he knows that he has the equip- highly paid salesmen to stay on the has a mezzanine floor, or if he has
ment for handling the merchandise job of selling and service men to special showrooms or salon enclos-
easily, quickly and efficiently. stay at the repair bench. It makes ures around the plate, the hand
possible the delivery of a 9 cu. ft. trucks and accessories become even
refrigerator without interrupting the more important and convenient.
whole store and its staff. Dealers are only human; if moving
the heavy pieces to new positions is
Helps Entire Store difficult and tricky, they are likely to
do less of it.
Dealers also find that this moving As far as deliveries are concerned,
equipment is a factor in improving no customer is going to be happy
the display of appliances on the sales with any kind of a flaw in the finish
floor and in the windows. A retailer of an appliance. When the product
is better equipped for change, if he is brought to the home in a way that
has the right equipment for rolling is awkward and dangerous, the re-
If a retailer must worry and fuss the heavy pieces around the store. tailer's reputation for "good service"
around with makeshift methods in He'll find that he will change his begins to suffer. The least that a
loading and hauling his merchandise, windows more often and make them dealer can do, when he makes deliv-
it is a headache and an expensive one. more effective. And he'll find that he ery on a major appliance, is to get
It is certainly one of the things that will re -arrange the floor displays the whole matter off on the right
a dealer should not be bothered about, whenever he has a better idea, or foot by seeing that the unit is in
as it becomes necessary for him to whenever new lines come in. perfect shape.
concentrate on getting the stuff sold In this respect, the appliance, - (Continued on page 82)
under highly competitive conditions.
Available to the retailer today is
a complete string of up-to-the-min- MANUFACTURERS OF "MOVING"
ute devices for the proper and con-
venient handling and moving of his EQUIPMENT
major appliances. These products
are made by a dozen or so manufac- American Moto -Scoot Co., 1319 W. Carroll Ave., Chicago
turers and they include wrap -around 7, Ill.-Motor scooters.
quilts, motor scooters, hand trucks, Colson Equipment & Supply Co., 1317 Willow St., Los
trailers, hoists, slings, etc.-to form Angeles 13, Calif.-Appliance hand trucks.
enough of a selection to settle the Handees Co., Bloomington, III.-Hand trucks.
problem once and for all.
What most dealers think about in Keen Mfg. Co., Flat Rock, Mich.-Delivery aids.
moving their appliances between the Mack Mfg. Co., Dyersville, Iowa-Appliance push trucks.
store and the customer, or in shifting Magnelux, Inc., 628 S. Clarence St., Los Angeles, Calif.-
products around within the store, is Appliance hand trucks.
to get the job done without marring New Haven Quilt & Pad Co., Franklin St., New Haven,
the finish. That is, without chipping
the surface of an appliance, or Conn.-Protective coverings and accessories.
scratching the finish of a radio con- Parsons Engineering Corp., 2546 E. 79th St., Cleveland 4,
sole. Ohio-Appliance delivery equipment.
Stevens Appliance Truck Co., Augusta, Ga.-Appli-
Money -saving Equipment ance hand trucks.
But these new devices which have
Walton Wheel Co., Milwaukee 1, Wis.-Hand trucks.
been designed for just this work have Warmac, Inc., 1059 Main St., Buffalo 8, N. Y.-Charioteer
a number of additional advantages. appliance trailer.
Dealers find, for instance, that the Webb Mfg. Co., 2918 N. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa.-
equipment cuts personnel costs in Protective coverings and accessories.
the store. It requires fewer men to

16 RADIO G Television RETAILING August, 1947





Get set for action-coming your way is Yes, your Norge advertising support is
the new Norge advertising campaign . . . growing fast . . . and so are your oppor-
the biggest yet, and the most powerful! tunities for profit. With the seven great
It has the BROAD COVERAGE of 14 Norge lines . . . the "passkeys to profits"
leading national magazines . . . the . .. you're in "big business" today, ready
STRIKING POWER of full pages and
color insertions ... the PROFIT -BUILD- for even bigger business tomorrow!
ING PUNCH of the Norge story, force- Norge Division, Borg-Warner Corpora-
fully and convincingly presented. tion, Detroit 24, Michigan.
"The Best Dealer in Town Sells NORGE!"
Products of

Norge products, distributed worldwide, are

typical examples of the values made possible
by the American system of free enterprise.

Electric Home & Farm

Refrigerators Metric Ranges &as Ranges Home Heaters
Washer' Water Heaters Freezers

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 .77

Lighting Sales Tips
New Products, New Ideas, Help to Make More Money

Offer Maintenance Manual Shadow Banishing New Swivelier Units

Copies of the Sylvania Fluorescent Fluorescent on Market A new line of adjustable screw -in
Service and Maintenance Manual are By new special design a fluorescent hood -shade Lighting units has been
now available at $1 each from Syl- lamp has been created that banishes made available by Swivelier Com-
vania Electric Products Inc., 211 shadows. It is the product of Home - pany, Inc., 124 East 16 St., New York.
Derby St., Salem, Mass. craft Electronic Products, 1208 Descriptive folders showing the new
South Kedzie Ave., Chicago 23, Ill. products, and listing prices will be
Fostoria Issues Booklet It diffuses a clear, even "daylight" sent upon request to the firm at the
"Balanced Lighting" is the title of into every nook and corner; in before -mentioned address.
an interesting booklet available from kitchen, bath, basement, halls, work-
the Fostoria Pressed Steel Corp., shop, etc.
Fostoria, Ohio.
Decorative Lamp Book
Copies of a booklet, showing its
Lighting Guide Available complete line of desk, table and bed -
lamps, including a page showing
The new Guth Portfolio of Planned actual colors stocked, is available
Lighting Equipment has just been from Acme Fluorescent Lamp Co.,
made available. It contains descrip- 565 Fifth Ave., New York City.
tive literature in loose-leaf form on
a representative group of Guth fluo- How to Sell the "Specials"
The information in this literature Every time he sells a batch of reg-
has been prepared with the consum- ular lamps for illumination purposes,
er's and the lighting counselor's The new "Homecraft" is a fixture the clever salesman tries to interest
viewpoints in mind. The Portfolio of beauty-heavy white enamel base, the customer in buying one or more
gives complete details on the con- with clear Plexiglass lamp holders. "specials"-an infrared or a sunlamp,
struction and performance of these The lamp is 32 watt, 12 inches di- for instance.
lighting fixtures, so it is easy for the ameter. Installation is easy and se-
consumer to make a comparison and cure -flush to ceiling. Easy cleaning
choice. It also provides helpful is another feature. A new spring Low Fixture Prices
lighting data and reliable light -en- type knockout button for pull chain Through installation of modern
gineering factors that enable the or dropcord is incorporated in the machinery and application of efficient
lighting man to accurately predeter- unit. Listed as approved by Under- methods of production, fluorescent
mine lighting results. writers Laboratories. lighting units manufactured by the
Copies may be procured from the Westinghouse Lighting Division to-
Edwin F. Guth Co., 2615 Washington Mitchell Desk Lamp day are selling at from 4 to 21 per-
Ave., St. Louis, Mo. cent below the prices of 1940.
A comparison of the list prices of
Fixture Makers at Show two of the most popular products is
Among the manufacturers of light- indicative of the entire line.
ing fixtures who participated in the 1940 1947
GE exhibit at the First Annual Store Price Price
Modernization Show, at the Grand 40 -watt commercial unit $73.30 $56.45
Central Palace, New York, July 7-12, 40 -watt industrial unit $24.75 $23.75
All -Bright Electric Products Co. Cash in on Interest in
Chicago, Ill., Benjamin Electric Mfg. Modern Kitchens
Co. Des Plaines, Ill., Curtis Lighting,
Inc. Chicago, Ill., Day-Brite Light- Lighting is one of the most im-
ing, Inc. St. Louis, Mo., Eastern Fix- Model 731 is manufactured by the Mitchell Mfg. portant parts of the up-to-date elec-
Co., Chicago, Ill. Maker stresses its non -glare tric kitchen in new homes and old.
ture Co. Boston, Mass., and Electro feature.
Manufacturing Corp. Chicago, Ill. The lighting merchant can secure
Colorful Lamp Displays much of this business if he is set up
GE Lamp Sales Manual to make himself become known as an
Electric light lamps, along with illumination specialist. Fixtures and
General Electric's booklet, "How the bright display pieces from the lamps can be sold for home mod-
to Shine Behind a GE Bulb Counter," manufacturer, join to make one of ernization projects as well as to new
is now available to dealers through the store's most colorful display home builders. Radio/appliance re-
distributors. Modern merchandising combinations, and, when used in the tailers who have model kitchens set
methods are stressed along with in- store and show -window, they create up can use these layouts to demon-
formation on displays and basic lamp many an on -the -spur-of-the-moment strate lighting as well as to show
facts. sale. how the various products work.

71 RADIO G Television RETAILING August, 1947

Will You ss the Boa 7

Plicote the NEW liqtu

. .
Finish is getting under way
fast. Initial volume in '46 was
heavy. '47 is snow -balling as
the public reacts to the satis-
faction of Plicoting.

These Distributors
Are On Board!











PLICOTE 48 New Colors

The cream of the buying public is being reached
through powerful sales messages in Better Homes and
Gardens, Ladies' Home Journal, American Home,
Woman's Home Companion and McCall's.
Videeileeten4 Ticcieeilate
al/len 441u:ea PLICOTE Inc., General Sales Office, 664 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago

RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947 7!

Appliance Service
New Arvin Tester Sell the Complete Job Universal Tank Cleaner
In estimating a repair job on an The mechanism for the "Tattle -
appliance for a customer it is always Tale" warning light on the model
safer and better to include all neces- E65 Universal Clean -Air tank vac-
sary new parts in addition to the re- uum cleaner is located on the under-
pair itself. In other words, if a side of the cleaner. The light is so
toaster is brought in for element re- adjusted that it will go on when a
placement, and the service cord and 12 ounce weight is placed on the
plug are in poor condition, include plate located in the cylinder under-
new ones in the total figure. This neath the dust bag. It may be reg-
eliminates the possibility of a mis- ulated by adjusting the set screw in
understanding with the customer. the mechanism.
Complete overhauls and repairs cost
the customer a little more but are Protecting Repaired Items
Test instrument provides an instant check for always more satisfactory in the long Most dealers believe it is good
grounds or shorts, accurate measurement of heat run. practice to wrap up all repaired small
development at various settings of automatic elec-
tric irons, and makes possible accurate adjustments
of temperature control. Made by Noblitt-Sparks
appliances which are awaiting deliv-
Industries, Inc., Columbus, Indiana. ery or pick-up by the customer. Such
Lubrication System of procedure eliminates the necessity
Norge Rollator for re -cleaning and re -polishing.
Keep Service Data Handy An oil reservoir is provided in the
A file of appliance service manuals bottom of the Rollator housing. At- Appliance Service
will save the repairer time and tached to the lower end of the ec- And Business Tips
money. Manuals can be kept in ma- centric shaft and immersed in the
oil, is an oil impeller. A good way to build up appliance
Most dealers file the information The rotation of the oil impeller service volume is to send out a re-
under the appliances themselves, for discharges oil upwards through an turn postal card mailing to a selected
instance, placing various data under oil discharge tube into the refriger- list of customers, On the return side,
"irons, toasters, refrigerators, etc." ant discharge chamber. Oil passages list a number of appliances leaving
lead from this chamber back to the a place for a check -mark opposite
shaft and other moving parts. each product. Request the customer
Cleaning Sun -Kraft Tube to check appliances needing repair,
In cleaning the Sun -Kraft quartz and advise that servicer will call for
the items promptly following re-
tube, use alcohol on cotton. Hot ceipt of the card by the dealer.
water and soap may be used if pre-
* * *
caution is taken to rinse thoroughly;
otherwise the exterior of the tube Neat show window signs calling
will fog. It is not necessary to re- attention to the fact that the dealer
move the tube in order to clean it. services a variety of large and small
It is important to keep the quartz home appliances brings business.
tubes clean because ultraviolet rays Some merchants have been success-
will not pass through a soiled tube. ful in listing a number of specific
items the firm repairs.
* * *
Installing Door Chimes Oil circulation in sealed -in Rollator.
During slow periods it is good
The best location for a door chime business to have the repairers work
is generally in or near the front The oil is also carried up the shaft on reconditioning traded -in appli-
entrance hall. In homes having no through oil grooves in the bearing ances, putting them in shape for re-
separate entrance hall, the chime may plate. As the oil leaves the oil sale. In many localities there is a
be installed on the wall near the grooves, it tends to raise the eccen- steady demand for large and small
front door. To give the best appear- tric shaft slightly upward, allowing used appliances.
ance, it is most important that the it to ride in a floating position on a * * *
chime be mounted at the proper cushion of oil.
height on the wall. A height of about Every servicer should carry an
The spill -over back to the dis- outlet testing device of some sort
6 to 7 feet above the floor is recom- charge chamber contains a rotating
mended for most installations. The when out on calls. This may be a
oil slinger which aids in the distri- simple pig -tail socket and lamp. With
foregoing tips come from The Rit- bution of the oil and liberation of
tenhouse Co., chime manufacturers, the refrigerant. Excess oil returns a tester, the mechanic can tell in a
Honeoye Falls, N. Y. to the reservoir at bottom of housing. jiffy whether the trouble is in the
customer's appliance or in the outlet.

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947
Simplify your BOOKKEEPING Job

REGISTER every transaction by hand


40 ED
- 14AS°

CONsEctirt /77
4181 RED

the modern STANDARD REGISTER way!

DiscovER how much easier, faster, you can
make the records you need-with the Stand-
ard Form -Flow Register. Learn how it simplifies All records clear, legible at one writing.
bookkeeping, tax and financial reports. See how it Copies for customer, office, delivery and locked -in audit records.
Foolproof check against lost records.
checks carelessness, misunderstandings, dishonesty Fixed responsibility, including delivery receipt.
. protects your cash, merchandise, people in- No confusion on terms of sale, payment or delivery instructions.
volved in every transaction. And see how it helps Complete legal contract and copies with one customer signature.
give you the fast, accurate picture of inventory
you need, today. Mail the coupon, now, learn all O 0
the ways a Standard Register can help you operate O THE STANDARD REGISTER COMPANY 0
profitably. O Dept. 1308, Dayton 1, Ohio
O Please send me Free Standard Register Business 0
FRE! WRITE FOR FOLDER which tells how Standard Form -Flow Digest which tells me how I can write better rec.
Registers and pre -tested Standard Register systems can give you more
O ords in my business ...easier...simpler... faster, 0
complete records with less writing, less work-in your particular business. O NAME 0
Manufacturers of Registers and Forms
for ALL Business and Industry
O 0
6, Calif. Canada: R. L. Crain, Ltd., Ottawa. Great Britain: W.H.Srnith &Son, Ltd., London
Pacific Coast: Sunset McKee -Standard Register Sales Co., Oakland

RADIO Cr Television RETAILING Auguitt.1440 81

Named by Westinghouse to the dealer or his salespeople. The Bendix Appliance Official
owner should choose the visitors.
Dealers who have successfully used
this plan do not believe that sales
pressure should be brought to bear
on those attending, but rather that
they be invited to the store, and, if
they do not come in, they should be
followed by letter, telephone or per-
sonal call.

(Continued from page 76)
Buyers are much more fussy about
this than they used to be. Chipped
surfaces and sloppy delivery methods
J.H. Stickle is the new manager of advertising
are apt to become reasons for major Stewart Roberts has been appointed director of
and sales promotion for the home radio division complaints. This is just another advertising and sales promotion for Bendix Home
of Westinghouse Electric Corp. Appliances, Inc.
aspect of the buyer's market in
which the customer is always right. them a surprising amount of time
One Sale Brings Also, in the case of a new home, and trouble.
!gore where the entire house is a matter of
pride for the new housewife, she
In this period when radio men
begin to trot out all the merchan-
(Continued from page 69) wants everything to be perfect and dising devices they can think of,
Because customers who like to any small injury to her new mer- there may be a tendency to empha-
show others the things they have chandise is considerably magnified. size the "front" factors of the busi-
purchased, are not always moved to It has been found that the new and ness, such as store design, display,
do so in the hopes of gaining some streamlined hand -truck equipment promotion and advertising. But the
material reward, does not mean that will often replace more expensive best idea is not to neglect the "be-
a gift or a commission check won't "lifting" equipment of the more per- hind the scenes" elements of mer-
be most acceptable to them. In this manent and costly type. Retailers chandising. And certainly one of
instance, the dealer should make cer- have found that they can save money these elements is the smooth and
tain that he fulfills all his stipulated by making a selection among the efficient handling of the products
portable all-purpose units rather being sold.
ly and willingly. than installing expensive apparatus
Even the purchaser who is well off
financially will appreciate some ma-
as a permanent fixture which often
requires architectural changes in the
Know Where You
terial recognition by the dealer to building. Stand
whom the house has been opened. Once the dealer is equipped with (Continued from page 39)
While such gatherings should be the right hand conveyors and acces- anxious to earn $15.00 uniforms, went
informal, they should not be conduc- sories, it is important that the entire
ted on a hit-and-miss basis. There staff of the store be aware of their out and sold light bulbs house -to -
must be orderly procedure, and there house, and received commission on
many uses and conveniences. Dis- sales they made. On all calls made,
must be expert demonstration if de- play men, repair men, office help,
sired results are to be obtained. these boys mentioned Dacy Electric
salesmen-all of them should know Company, and this, Mr. Dacy feels,
how the new units operate and what will bring many future repeat sales.
Real Demonstrations they will do. They will all find uses
for the equipment that will save At a recent Farm and Home Show
In the electric kitchen, actual cook- in Woodstock, Dacy had two large
ing may be done, and "refreshments" booths, showed numerous appliances
may be served to the guests. The Steam Iron "Salesman" and got many prospects, as well as
demonstrator must know every piece making many sales. More than 7,000
of equipment so thoroughly that op- people visited this show in three
eration of the appliances seems easy days.
-not difficult or complicated. Mr. Dacy sees an excellent future
Laundry equipment should be used in the appliance business for quality
to wash "actual" clothes-not props. merchandise. He believes that there
Here, the demonstrator must know are many more customers that can
several things. He must know how
to operate all of the controls; must be secured by outside selling and
know how to wash clothes, and, if sales promotion. Now is the time,
an ironing machine is involved, must he declares, to use good salesman-
know how to iron more or less com- ship to get the extra sales.
plicated pieces of clothing. Brands sold in this store include
Prior to staging the in -home dem- such names as Kelvinator, General
Electric, Bendix, Thor, Duchess,
onstration, the merchant should be An attention -catching display, incorporating the Sparton, Stromberg-Carlson, Zenith,
furnished a list of the guests the Monitor all -metal ironing board, shows off the
owner is to invite. At the meeting, Monitor steam iron and is now offered to retailers
by Monitor Equipment Corp., Riverdole, New York
Conlon, Apex, Premier, Duo -Therm,
63, N. Y. At the right of the colorful display Timken, Sunbeam, Electromaster,
these guests should be introduced is a pocket for descriptive leaflets. etc.

82 RADIO b Television RETAILING August, 1947

r MI
117 17

A Gibson first that strikes the fancy of your
prospective customer . . . the lady of the
house. Unobstructed, wall-to-wall freezing
space for scientific preservation of frozen
foods. Family favorites are always in sea-
son" with the original Gibson Freez'r Locker.

Salads, fruits and vegetables retain their
moist freshness when stored in the Gibson
Fresh'ner Locker. A roomy, moist -chilled
storage compartment designed to keep fresh
foods at the peak of taste perfection . . .
designed to simplify your sales job.

Replete with features that make cook-
ing easier. Ups -A -Daisy, for example
... the Gibson innovation that provides
four surface units or three surface units
plus deepwell Kookall. Two ovens . . .
one banquet size. Concealed oven vent
to prevent wall stains.


Upright construction for downright
profitable sales. Eliminates fumbling
for food packages. Broad, generous - GIBSON REFRIGERATOR
sized shelves protected by clear - COMPANY
glass doors to enable the user to
quickly identify each package. GREENVILLE, MICHIGAN
Freezes and preserves great quanti-
ties of meat, fish, fowl for months at
sub -zero temperatures. Copyright 1947, Gibson Refrigerator Co.

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947, 83

Field Service Rep

r popped up
silently per -
its to your
to In browned Many other CRUla TSAI
this its rich dignity.
sonal taste. . sliding
-Nr%Tobsks graceful lines, features tay, perman- dependable
light, of our "design polls," crumb ord, long-lived Guard"
the winner. all, the "Color germ
every one this was ia a toasting ently-attached
countrY esterior Toast But above.
out the this smart accuracy. control. thermostat-and
method, 1,111/ u
Beneath of remarkable
an esclusive Guard." g
mechanism trolled by "Color Robert W. Rivett has been named factory field
color es
the Proctor a charm .7.---
service representative for Gibson Refrigerator Co.,
Greenville, Mich.
toasts like toast tempera- more/
actual allow
measures time
ture to automatically
bread . Jesstoast,
time for moist
for dry. Produces
delicious Westinghouse Adjusts
Refrigerator Prices
Westinghouse Electric appliance divi-
sion, Mansfield, Ohio, has issued a 3.75%
average price rise on its line of refriger-
ators now in production. The change is
based on projected production for the bal-
ance of the year and went into effect
June 30th.
"This minimum increase is in line with
the company policy of doing everything
possible to hold price increases to a mini-
mum," according to G. H. Meilinger,
manager, household refrigerator depart-
ment. He said that the small increase was
made possible by improved manufacturing
techniques and in spite of greatly in-
creased labor and material costs.
Model B-7 was changed from $224.95 to
$229.95 ; MF-7 from $289.95 to $299.95 ;
and D-9 from 274.95 to $299.95.

Pacific Rep Available

Word from Western Electronic Enter-
prises, 3348 W. Compton Blvd., Gardena,
Calif., is that the firm "is looking for at
least two additional lines to handle." The
company, started early this year, provides
sales and engineering representation on
the Pacific Coast for eastern manufac-
turers, calling on "electronic jobbers,
electronic manufacturers and the aircraft
industry." The firm is headed by Alfred
-drArAlly W. Harris.
A DAY appear in Altee Lansing Executive
Ads .. American
full Color Story .. an
Good Housekeeping, Harold Wengler is the new manager
full Pages, McCall's, True of advertising and publicity for Altec
& Gardens,
'Iowa Journal,Homes
Better months.
solid about a big
simultaneous Lansing Corp., 250 W. 57th St., New
York 19, N. Y. He has rejoined the
Home, campaign for 3 details with- firm in that capacity ; he had been the
for IN
Ask your
distributor beginning
activity OW first advertising manager for Altec at
the time of its inception in 1937.
announcement 0011811-121-4, POSt
tie-in VEXING
4th ISSUE Crosley Market Analyst
tHE OCIOBUt The appointment of Thomas Penfield
as market analyst of the Crosley Division,
Avco Mfg. Corp., has been announced

84 RADIO Television RETAILING August, 1947

Which one will be TOMORROW'S CHAMP?
Bet you'll agree it's easier to predict a tennis had the opportunity to acquire this experience.
trophy winner than it is to predict the No. 1 sales Moreover, Graybar is free to select lines on the
winner in tomorrow's merchandise competition ! basis of saleability. Graybar has the confidence of
In comparing radios or refrigerators ... washers top-flight manufacturers - yet has remained an
or waffle irons . you've got to consider perform-
. . independent, self -directing organization.
ance, manufacturer's reputation, price, special fea- That's why Graybar dealers can have faith in
tures, advertising effectiveness, market conditions. the recommendations of our Merchandising Spe-
It takes broad experience - close familiarity with cialists. The best proof that these recommenda-
many lines under all conditions - to pick those that tions pay in practice is the success of Graybar
will sell best . . . be most profitable . . . year in, dealers throughout the nation. Merchandising De-
year out. partment, Graybar Electric Company . . offices

As a solidly established, national distributor of and warehouses in over 90 principal cities.

leading appliances and home radios, Graybar has 4781

When a product is recom-

mended by Graybar, you
can be sure it is (1) easy to
sell, (2) honestly adver-
tised, (3) backed by a war-
ranty which protects both
dealer and consumer.


RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 85

There are excellent mechanical
and engineering reasons why
more Mallory -made vibrators are
used in original equipment than all other makes combined.
Make replacements easily and quickly. Thanks to the
Mallory program of standardization, the number of vibra-
tors you need to meet most of your requirements is materi-
ally reduced-only twelve in all. See Your
In addition to the 12 basic units, Mallory also makes 39 for a free copy of
other replacement vibrators so that even when you meet a the 1947 Replacement
rare or unusual service problem, your Mallory distributor Vibrator Guide.
can supply the answer. The Mallory line leaves nothing out
-it's a complete line that rounds out your business.




*Rog. U. S. Pot. Ott


86 RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947

Save Time on New Set Troubles
Tips from Factory Service Managers Clear Benches for Fresh Business

The progressive radio servicer versing the power cord plug at the denser, and connect it to the open
today must remain alert to all op- a -c electric outlet, or placing the end of the 1 meg. resistor. To finish
portunities to expand his work into 1931.66T 501.601 it off,connect a short wire from
fields other than home -style AM. Tel- TI
the tuning condenser stator to the
evision, FM, auto -radio, PA, record chassis.
changers, and a host of smaller sec- A simple change which results in
tions of the electronics industry are R16 RIS
improved tone quality due to in-
blossoming like the trees in Spring. 129 R9
creased high frequency response in
Since every man's time is limited, ORIGINAL
REVISED +1I2V RCA 65X1 and 65X2 (RC -1034) ra-
one of the urgent needs of the serv- Fig. 2. RCA "before and after" diag ams dios, is suggested by their service
radio in another location. If, even department. As shown in Fig. 2, ca-
with the plug reversed, a rough mod- 12S07 15L6GT/G

GND. C4 ulation hum is produced when the GREE

L2 L3 user's hand is brought near to or

touches the cabinet, proceed as fol-
lows, referring to Fig. 1. TEL

Curing Modulation Hum AVC

First, the low ends of the loop
aerial and variable capacitor are
disconnected from the AVC circuit
and connected to the chassis. Next, a
AVC a .00025 mf mica capacitor is con-
/ + nected in series with the grid of the

1N5GT r -f tube. Finally, a new d -c 000
11 grid return is made by connecting L 116
+ COMMON LINE CONNECTION (El-) the grid through a 1 megohm resistor
Fig. 3. General Electric avc-audio circuit.
/At CHASSIS GROUND to the AVC circuit.
Fig. 1. Admiral circuit before making changes. pacitor C17, which is orginally con-
To do this whole job in a matter nected between the plate and cathode
icer who has his ear to the ground, of a very few minutes, without re- of the 5OL6GT output tube, is now
is to find ways of saving time in his moving the chassis, install a 3 -ter- connected between the plate and
main preoccupation-AM servicing. minal mounting strip under the head screen grid.
To help him do this, RADIO & Tele- of the left-hand screw holding the In the RCA 66X series (RC -1038,
vision RETAILING continues to small mounting plate which is found RC -1038A), a similar capacitor C16,
publish advice from the factory serv- on the gang condenser. Mount the originally placed between the plate
ice managers. condenser and resistor in series on and cathode of the 35L6GT output
M. J. Schinke, service manager this strip, and switch the 1N5GT tube is now connected between the
of Admiral Corporation, suggests the green grid lead from the trimmer plate of the 35L6GT and the red
following change to eliminate hum to the middle strip terminal. lead of the output transformer.
in the portable 6E1 chassis. This Now run a lead from the other end According to W. L. Parkinson,
change should be made only after of the .00025 mf to the trimmer, technical service supervisor for Gen-
checking to see whether the hum disconnect the orange wire that now eral Electric, hum in the Model 321,
can be sufficiently -eliminated by re- goes to the lug on the tuning con- (Continued on page 104)

RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947

6 reasons why you're in the lead
1. They're especially designed for radio-RCA 5. They're distinctive-the eye-catching red
Batteries are performance -matched for extra listen- white -and -black package and the RCA emblem
ing hours. have ready-made customer acceptance.
2. They're sold primarily through radio outlets- 6. They're backed by, the greatest name in
this means concentrated volume, and more people radio-RCA.
coming to you for RCA Radio Batteries.
3. They're fresh -8 warehouses are handily lo- JUST OFF THE PRESS . . .
cated to serve you quickly. One of the most comprehensive battery
catalogs ever published. Also includes
4. They're a comprehensive line-they cover terminal connections and specifications
of all types of RCA Radio Batteries.
the replacement needs of almost every battery - Get yours now-from your RCA
operated receiver. Tube Distributor.

- - 111;a:Ki
Flashlight Portable A's Portable B's Portable AB's Farm A's Farm B's Farm AB's Industrial


88 RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947

Open -Air Concerts Need PA
Are You Competing for the Big -Fee Rentals of Sound Equipment in Outdoor Music?

Installations of sound equipment

for the reinforcement of outdoor
symphonic concerts are among the
most difficult ever encountered by the
sound dealer. To do an indoor con-
cert job which will satisfy the well -
tempered ear of the concert manage-
ment is difficult enough. Upon mov-
ing high fidelity outdoors, however,
a successful installation can be made
only by the highest type of tech-
The yearly festivals of the Essex
County Symphony Society at the
Newark, N. J., City Schools Stadium
provide an excellent illustration of
the correct method of handling this
problem. Here, under the guidance
of field engineers from the Langevin Setting up the field and sound system during rehearsal time. View looking through center window of
stage's inside rear wall shows center and right -side hanging and floor mikes.
Company, a three -channel stereo-
phonic system is set up each year. to have the reinforced sounds appear Golden West at San Francisco.
The stadium, used principally for to originate from their natural lo- As shown in the layout sketch of
athletic events, is by no means ideal cations. the stadium, three pairs of two speak-
for musical affairs. Its long, oval The use of Langevin's stereophonic ers each are used, with one speaker
construction poses the necessity of system dates back to 1936, where it from each pair facing to the left -side
projecting sound for a good deal was first employed at the Texas Cen- seating sections, and the other three
more than 100 yards, while the high - tennial Exposition, in Dallas. It has facing the right -side seating sections.
tiered stone bleachers and back wall also been heard at the Pacific Inter- Sound for each speaker pair, wheth-
could easily create strong reverbera- national Exposition, San Diego, Cal., er at left, right or center of the
tions or echoes. Furthermore, in the the railroad show in New York's overhanging proscenium, is picked
interests of realism, it was desirable World Fair and the Cavalcade of the (Continued on page 104)

Six Langevin loudspeakers are housed behind

three screened panels on upper proscenium arch.
Three hanging microphones and three floor -stand
microphones ore grouped in pairs; all are Western
Electric 639B.

"f Overhead and side views of stadium, showing

main seating sections. Tiered seats cut off re-
flections from back wall B, which otherwise would
interfere with listeners in field seats. Topmost
row was not entirely free from this trouble. R-
flections from sides, A, are broken up by angled
surfaces and seats.

..... ___




RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947 89

Aligning Permeability
First Article of Series Explains How to Track Increasingly
Popular Inductive Devices. Makes and Models Named

Variable ganged inductances, per- that every practical radio servicer of varying the inductance of an r -f
forming a function similar to that of must draw from all this, is that his tuner are being used: 1.-Changing
variable ganged capacitors, have been entire background of knowledge and permeability by moving the core in
familiar in certain types of radios procedure in superheterodyne align- relation to a coil or a transmission
for more than just the last year or ments and tracking will have to be line; 2,-Changing the number of
so. Permeability tuning units, for re-examined and brought up to date. turns in the portion of the coil being
example, were used in the prewar More explicitly, the performance of used, by rotating the coil in contact
auto radio receivers. the radio utilizing an inductive - with a moving nib acting like a trol-
During 1946 and 1947, however, tuning system will be completely ley on one of the turns; 3.-Changing
the inductance of each turn and also
the mutual inductance between them
by inserting a silver-plated brass
blade between the turns.
--11 While the latter two methods have
loVIOTIO )e) ))))0
seen application in present-day pro-
duction only in short-wave bands,
FM and television, the first one is
Fig. 2. Truetone model D2665, typical of many.
already widely employed for broad-
mishandled if the usual alignment cast as well as short-wave bands, and
procedure, which is ordinarily prac- will therefore be discussed first.
Fig. 1. Grantline models 500 & 501, Series A.
ticed upon capacitively -tuned re- Two basic mechanical means of
ceivers, is applied. changing the coil's core permeabil-
aside from being used in the majority In view of the great number of
of auto radio, variable inductance circuit types in the sets now on the
tuning has been incorporated into market, this short series of articles
great numbers of broadcast, short- will, in a practical manner, explain
wave, FM and television receivers. the essential theory, illustrating the
Unlike the highly standardized various types of broadcast band cir-
ganged capacitors, these new units cuits as actually used in current radio i....,- .1111111111111111111Nallirci,
are being used in a large variety of production, give approximate and in
basically different styles. Not only some cases exact alignment instruc- 0 03011 IETt
are the mechanical structures unlike, tions, and proceed to short-wave, FM i
but the principles which are used to and television counterparts. Auto -
secure a varying inductance, as well radio units, already discussed in our
as the methods of tracking the oscil- Feb., 1947, issue, will be treated in Fig. 3. Aermotive 5" slide -rule dial tuner.
lator are widely diversified. detail in a later article.
The most immediate conclusion ity are illustrated in Figures 1, 2 &
At this writing three main methods 3. The type using a pully and cord

CHART A-Alignment of Padded Inductive Tuners

Sig Gen
Step Setting Receiver Dial Setting Adjustment Examples
I 1600 kc, mod. 1600 kc calibr. Osc. trimmer Ct Aviola model 509 (Note 1)
2 1400 ke, mod. Tune to 1400 kc generator signal Clearsonic 5C66
R -F trimmer Ct Coronet model C-2
3 600 kc, mod. Rock dial around 600 kc Ose. coil Lv Dalbar Barcombo, Jr. & Sr., Series 100-1000 (Note 2)
Electro B-20
4 Repeat all steps until changes are slight. General Electric 303 (Note 3)
Learadio 565, 565BL, 566, 567, 568, 6617 PC
Majestic 7C439, 70447 (Note 4)
Ray Energy AD4
Renard L-1 A, PT -1A, 1B5T-1
Temple G-515
Watterson 4582
Exact alignment frequencies and dial pointer settings must be secured from service
manuals or folders. In some sets,
NOTE 1-To be covered more fully in another issue. Steps 1 & 2 are performed together at 1400 kc, and step step 4 calls for the repetition only of steps 1 & 2.
steps 1 & 2 are repeated. 3 includes an antenna coil adjustment; then
NOTE 2-Steps 1 & 2 are performed together at 1620 ke, then in an added step tune the radio to the 1400 kc
then continue with step 3 and repeat steps 1 & 2. signal generator and adjust the antenna coil core)
NOTE 3-Steps 1 & 2 performed together at 1620 kc. Step 3 performed at 1500 kc, without
antenna coil adjustment. Repeat all steps. rocking; then tune to 1000 ke signal from generator and vary
NOTE 4-Perform steps 1 & 2 together at 1500 Ire. Rock tuner at 600 kc while varying antenna
antenna trimmer. coil; then reset oscillator trimmer at 1500, without touching

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947

Tuners in New Radios
CHART B -Alignment of Non -Padded Inductive Tuners
Sig Gen
Step Setting Receiver Dial Setting Adjustment Examples
1 1600 kc, mod. 1600 kc calibr. Osc trimmer Ct Airline 64BR-1205A, 64BR-1206A, 64BR-1808A, 64BR-1701 A,
64WG-2009A, 64WG-2009B
2 1600 kc, mod. Tune to 1600 kc generator signal R -F and ant trimmers (Ct) Audar model PR -6
Automatic model 620
3 1400 kc, mod. Set pointer to 1400 kc mark on Osc, oF and ant coils or core Belmont 48112, 48113, 50110(A), 8A510(A)
dial scale. DO NOT tune to slug positions (Lv) Coronado 43-7651, 43-8160, 43-8312A, 43-8471
generator signal Grantline 500, 501(A), 502, 503(A)
Hoffman A202, A309
4 1600 kc, mod. Same as step 3, at 1600 kc Osc trimmer Ct Meck (Plymouth) PM -5C5, PW-10
Silvertone 6200A, 6220, 6220A
5 1600 kc, mod. Tune to 1600 kc generator signal R -F and ant trimmers (Ct) Skyrover N5 -R -D-250, N5 -R -D-251
Stewart Warner 61716, 61726, 62716, 627C16, 627C26, 62TC36,
6 1400 kc, mod. Tune to 1400 kc generator signal R -F and ant coils or core slug 51T46, 51756
positions (Lv) Truetone models D1747, D1748
Woolaroc models 3-1A, 3-2A
NOTE: This chart is taken from Stewart Warner's revised alignment instructions. It represents, however, the general case of the non -padded tuner. For sets not
using a tuned antenna or r -F stage, delete the corresponding procedures. If much resetting is needed in step 4 or 5, repeat steps 1 to 5 one or more times. Finish
off with step 6. Types of core adjustments very. 'Rey often consist of rotating the cords which ere threaded into the mounting bar, or moving the coil in slotted
mounting holes. Be sure to re -cement core adjusting screws.

drive lends itself especially well to located above the chassis, where or- ganged variable capacitors. One
employment in very compact receiv- dinarily the ganged capacitor is makes use of padding capacitors in
ers and is sometimes seen tucked found. an oscillator circuit having a ganged
away into rather unusual corners as Two such devices are illustrated. section identical with the one used
in the Grantline models 500 and 501, In Figure 3 is the slide rule type of in the r -f circuit and the other util-
Series A (Figure 1). tuner mechanism as produced by the izes a variable having specially cut
Aermotive Equipment Corp., 1632 plates in the oscillator section.
Central, Kansas City, Mo. The latter method is found only on
Figure 4 illustrates the Vario- single -band sets. For short-wave re-
Tuner manufactured by Electronic ceivers, only the padding capacitor
Labs., Inc., Indianapolis, Ind., the method is used, although in actual
type of assembly which is adaptable practice this padder may be of a
to the rotating -dial indicator. fixed value instead of adjustable.
Short wave bands may also be
found incorporated into these induc- 6SA7- 6S137 COW/.
tive tuning devices, as seen in Figure I2SA7- 1407
9, showing the use of short wave 1-v2
bands in the Airline Models 64BR- (R.F)
2710A-1808A, Trutone D1747, 8, as r"
well as the Belmont 8A510, Coronado
Fig. 4. Electronic Laboratories Vario-Tuner. 43-7651, and in several other makes II'
I -Vi lil
A more usual location for the pul- and models.
ley and cord ganged tuning coils is - III Lp
behind and under the front edge of Fig. 7. Simplified diagram of a typical padded
the chassis, as in the Truetone Model oscillator ganged inductive tuner circuit.
D2665 and in others such as the Bel- Similarly, in ganged permeability -
mont Models 4B112 and 4B113, the tuned inductances, tracking may be
Airline Models 64BR-1205A and accomplished either by a padder ar-
1206A and the Learadio Models rangement or by specially cut oscil-
6617PC, 565, 565BL, 566, 567 and 568. lator section elements. In the latter
Fig. 6. Padded ganged capacitor oscillator circuit
The second mechanism for mov- case, also used on broadcast only,
ing the coil core slugs is also widely While the mechanical construction there are three things which may be
used in midget sets. Since some form varies considerably among manufac- varied in order to track the oscillator
of mounting plate, bar or frame is turers, the basic circuits fall into to the r -f circuits. These are shown
used to "gang" the cores, it generally fairly regular groups. First of all, in Figure 5.
takes up a square or oblong shaped it will be remembered that there are Where short wave is used . . and .

space, large enough to be preferably two common methods of tracking on many broadcast -band sets using
permeability tuning ... a padding ar-
rangement is employed. In order to
understand how the various padding
E t -15c- .7=7: adjustments are made, it is necessary
-s. to review the procedure in setting
the padder of a ganged -capacitor
oscillator circuit, such as the one
shown in Figure 6.
Fig. 5. Non -padded oscillator tuning coils. A, progressively wound; B, tapered core; C, tapered form. (Continued on page 93)

RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947 91

This New I R C JUNIOR Control

Cabinet Belongs on Your Bench



IRC Control Resistance Purpose
Type No.
5 D13-133 500,000 ohms A
1 D13 -133X 500,000 ohms B
D13-137 1.0 meg. A
Here's one selection of 9 "hot -number" controls, switches and shafts 1

1 DI 3-137X 1.0 meg.

you'll use every day ! The new IRC Junior Control Cabinet contains 9 1 D13-139 2.0 meg. A
of the most -used 1/2, 1 and 2 meg. type D controls with the added adapt- Purpose; A -Tone or Audio Circuit control;
B -Tapped for tone compensation.
ability of the tap -in shaft feature-plus 4 switches and 4 special shafts.
This inexpensive assortment of popular controls will save you time SWITCHES
and money, and reduce your need for exact replacements. Factory - D.P.S.T.

packed in a handsome four drawer cabinet of sturdy cardboard. Cabinet SHAFTS

attractively finished in blue, yellow and silver with twelve individually 1 Type "A" double -flatted tap -in shaft is
included with each control-plus:
identified compartments. Order the new inexpensive JUNIOR Control
3 Type "E" with universal knurl for special
Cabinet from your IRC Distributor today. International Resistance type push on knobs.
Company, 401 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia 8, Pennsylvania. In 1 Type "H" with universal groove for many
Delco, RCA, Sears -Roebuck and Westing-
Canada: International Resistance Company, Ltd., Toronto, Licensee. house models.

erevtr I etraitt says

92 RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947

Inductive Tuners illustrated in simplified form in Fig-
ure 7.
in these circuits will be found to have
a varying number of turns along the
(Continued from page 91) Here, Lvl, although of different in- length of the form, with the smaller
ductance from Lv2, is wound in reg- number at the high -frequency end of
When a padded oscillator circuit the coil (the side where the core
such as this is aligned to an r -f stage ular form, and the core is of the same
general type as that used in the r -f slides out at 1600 or 1700 kc).
tuned circuit, both operating off sep- Just as in the case of the ganged -
arate identical sections of a ganged circuits. Trimmer Ctl is the high -end
capacitor, perfect tracking can be oscillator calibrating adjustment, capacity cut -plate radios, there is
Ct2 is the high -end r -f aligning ad- neither provision nor need for mak-
had only at three spots in the band. justment, and Lp is the low -end os- ing an oscillator padding adjustment
If separate curves of the frequency at the low end. However, coil core
of each of these tuned circuits versus cillator tracking adjustment.
dial setting were plotted on the same The frequencies at which these adjustments are so simple and con-
graph, they would be found to co- trimmers and padders should be ad- venient in permeability -tuned sys-
incide only at these three points, justed depend upon the make and tems, that all the manufacturers in-
where they would "cross over." Else- model of the radio. In every case, clude them.
where there would be found a mis- a reliable service manual or folder
tracking of up to about 5 kc. should be studied to get the exact Choosing Frequencies
To align the usual ganged -capacitor frequencies and dial pointer settings. Generally, either the oscillator coil
superhet, a trimmer Ct is provided In general, however, the fre- or the r -f coil core is adjusted . . .
to bring the tuned circuits into align- quencies and procedures will follow occasionally both or all three, if an
ment at the high frequency end of the form given in the padded -oscil- antenna tuned, circuit is used. In the
the band, generally in the neighbor- lator alignment table Chart A. (This case of the oscillator coil, the core
hood of 1600 kc on broadcast. chart is not intended as a complete adjustment is generally made at a
For low -end adjustment, the pad- list of all radios using the circuit, high -end setting of the dial, in the
ding capacitor Cp is rocked to find but only as examples.)
the cross -over point of tracking at 6SK7
the 600 kc region. With both of these
adjustable capacitors provided, the Te
inductance of the coil Lf determines 19
the frequency of the third or mid- r-
point cross -over. This is almost in-
variably a matter of design. CI4
Where adjustable coils are pro- 8+ C13 T 112
vided with ganged capacitor tuning,
it will generally be found that the .BROADCAST
11.45-12.16 mc bard -1-9,1-13 used.
padder Cp is fixed, and the 6SK7 6SA7 14.94-15.46 T9) T/2
adjustment takes over its function. Fig. 9. Circuit breakdowns for the broadcast and
short wave bonds of the tuning units used in Bel-
Of course, by the use in manufac- C9 mont model 8A510. On broadcast, a non -padded
turing of carefully selected parts, arrangement is employed, with capacitors C9 and
C15 for trimmers. On short waves, other tuning
both types of padding adjustment are coils are switched in, and padding is accomplished
often dispensed with, leaving only by means of series or parallel adjustable coils.
The variable coil cores are threaded into rubber
Ct adjustable, while Cp is fixed. 16
C13 T CI4
bushings and mounted on a moving bar. Although
not indicated in the manufacturer's literature, they
are sometimes adjusted by rotating, and must then
Tit be cemented into position by means of collodion.
IA7 - 1115 - ILC6 The series connections are effective os high -end
CONY. trimmers, while the paralleled coils are more effec-
6SA7-I2BE6-12SA7 5.96-6.19 mc band, shown.
9.1- 10.0 Tio and tive as low -end padders.
T14 ore shorted out.

Chart B illustrates the typical pro- vicinity of 1400 or 1500 kc. In the
cedure for adjusting the non -padded - case where the r -f coil alone is ad-
oscillator type of inductively -tuned justed, the setting is usually made
circuit. A typical simplified circuit at some point in the low frequency
of the most familiar type of such end of the band, perhaps 700 kc.
circuit is shown in Figure 8. While the listing in Chart B gives
_ _ It will be noted that in this case the approximate frequencies and pro-
Fig. 8. Simplified diagram of a non -padded oscil- the r -f and oscillator circuits look cedures, a very serious warning must
lator ganged inductive tuner circuit. pretty much alike on paper, except be sounded here. Lest any servicer
for the feedback primary winding pass lightly over this point, we will
In a similar design for a ganged - on the oscillator coiL In actual con- refer to a letter from N. J. Cooper,
inductance permeability -tuned radio, struction, however, an inspection of Service Manager of Stewart Warner's
each coil could be exchanged for a the coil will reveal that in one of electrical products division, who
capacitor, and each capacitor for the three respects shown in Figure states:
a coil, with perfectly good results. 5, the r -f section differs from the "Since permeability tuning mech-
In practice, however, that exact com- oscillator in more than total in- anisms permit adjustment of the in-
bination has apparently not been used ductance. ductance as well as capacity in a
to date. The most generally used arrange- tuned circuit it is necessary to ob-
As a matter of fact, a great variety ment for non -padded operation (an- serve certain precautions in order to
of circuits have been used in post- alogous to ganged -capacity tuners obtain accurate alignment. There is
war receiver production, some of using smaller, cut -plate oscillator an all important difference between
which will be shown. Of greatest sections) employs a "progressively the gang condenser type of tuning
wound" oscillator coil. While often arrangement and the inductive.
interest, however, is the padded -
oscillator type used most frequently, difficult to notice, the oscillator coil (Continued on page 104)

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 93

Before very long, the new tele-
vision receivers that are commenc-
ing to pour from production lines
will be in every big city, and many
smaller towns. Servicers should lose
How New Tele
no time in becoming familiar, at least
on paper, with the circuits that they Fourth of Series Begins Tracing Through
will be called upon to install, explain,
adjust and maintain. -

Continuing with our analysis of

the new circuits as they are an -
actly in step with similar saw tooth
waves which at the studio camera
sweep the camera pickup tube's elec-
- VIDEO DEFLECTION tron beam about its own screen. To
COILS synchronize the receiver's and trans-
VIDEO mitter's oscillators is the main func-
AMP. tion of the two remaining waves C2
and C3 which are present in the com-
SYNCH. posite signal.
CLIPPER Waves C2 and Ca are in the form
of almost rectangular pulses, one of
HOR. which repeats at a frequency of
15 750N 15,750 cycles per second, and the
SEP SHAPERS MMA other at 60 cycles per second. These

6q VERT.
synchronizing pulses are separated
from the video wave C1 by means of
"synch clipper" circuits, and sepa-
60 .J rated from each other by "synch sep-
arator" circuits. Then they are ap-
Fig. 1. Three varying signals control the moving spot of light which forms a picture on the cathode ray
tube's screen. Signals A and B control the position, while signal C controls the brightness of the spot and
plied to "lock in" the local saw tooth
supplies synchronization. "Free running" horizontal and vertical oscillators produce a "raster" of gen- oscillators' frequencies with those of
erally uncontrolled lines, locked in by synchronizing signal. the transmitter.
nounced, the present article takes up kinescope, so that as the spot moves
the relatively well-known vertical de- across and down the screen under the
flection circuits, which will be fol- influence of the saw tooth waves A Inside the Wave Shaper
lowed in the next installment with and B it varies in intensity, thus cre- What we have thus far called a
the more unusual horizontal sweep ating a picture. saw tooth oscillator is in reality com-
components. Provided the locally -generated saw posed of three circuits: an oscillator,
As explained in the first article of tooth waves A and B are perfectly a saw tooth shaper, and an amplifier.
this series (April, 1947), the moving regular and stable, the picture formed Various types of combinations of
spot of light on a television receiv- by the varying spot intensity will ex- oscillators and saw tooth shaping
er's kinestope or picture tube forms actly reproduce the picture which circuits will be found in the newly -
a picture under the control of three originally created the xideo wave marketed television receivers. In
varying signals, shown as A, B and C at the transmitting statibn's studio general, however, they fall into two
C in the block diagram, figure 1. camera. categories: the multivibrator, and the
Two of these, A and B, are saw - This is true, however, only if the blocking oscillator.
tooth waves. A 15,750 cycle signal receiver's saw tooth waves are ex- The newest television receivers in -
of this type, generated by an oscil-
lator within the television receiver, Fig. 2. RCA 10" table model 630TS uses a blocking oscillator in the vertical deflection circuit.
is applied to the picture tube's hori-
zontally -deflecting plates or coils.
Similarly, on separate vertically -de- 6J 5 6K 6GT
flecting plates or coils a 60 cycle VERT OSC TRANS
V I2t V122
signal, also generated by an oscil- >- +180V YOKE
lator in the set, is applied. 2162 R163 C154
224 4700

-100V 7107
VERT Rzot - -11
IR B.+
Triple -Purpose Wave 0151
002 8200/ -
R164 no, 7 21
, R176
2.2 C 157
560 560 t

0.1 mF 2 7 CO

The third controlling signal, C, 'At(,. OR

C- 15- 2 PIGS 0 Y
C158 0
called a "composite" wave, is broad- .005
MF 8200
05 MF R174 5'
8 200
cast by the television station's trans-
mitter. After being picked up, se-
lected, amplified and detected, it has
I mE

R 166
2206 0177

100 K 2
three duties to perform; to perform t 12.5 ME6
C 221C
these separate jobs it has three com- 10 ME NE is. -y" VERT 3 1.17910 keiw
ponent waves, C1, C2 and C3. -100 CON -cc&
known as the "video" wave, 0173
contains the picture information. 566 -100y +275v - to*v
This video wave is applied to the St
control grid or intensity grid of the BUS

94 RADIO G Television RETAILING August, 1947

Sweeps Work drain, because of the long time con-
stant introduced by R174. In a mag-
netic -deflection kinescope tube, the
vertical deflection coil inductance is
in the order of 50 millihenries . . .
Deflection Circuits of Latest Television Viewers relatively small. As a result, in order
to produce a linear change of current
and magnetic field around it, a linear
voltage change is needed, as shown
by the sloping portion of the plate
corporate vertical deflection oscil-
lator circuits which are variations of C19
R 28
those used in prewar viewers. C 29 01
Ft 26 R 27
100K 1W v7

C 23 6SN7
Figure 2 shows the blocking oscil- 10K 10K
25 T4
lator used in the RCA Model 630TS 6SJ7
016 C17

(10" table) vertical circuit. Appear- C14 5 `0047 T3

FS 32

ing similar to an ordinary audio os- STF.TGT-ii


C 15
0- 1

cillator, it has in reality several es- INPUT SOME

sential differences, such as the lack R 23

R 33

of a resonating "tank" capacity. On R 25

the contrary, a high L/C ratio, with 47
R 29
1.5 MEG

low distributed capacity is required, R 30

to reduce the natural tendency to
regular, repeated oscillation. VERTICAL VERTICAL
The aim is to make the oscillator HOLD LINEARITY

produce one sharp cycle, followed by

a longer period of inactivity, and to Fig. 4. Dumont Teleset Type 266 uses double -triode 6SN7 (V7)
circuit from wave -shaping components. V8 is amplifier tube.
to separate vertical blocking oscilloto

Meanwhile, with the plate current voltage and the voltage across the
cut off, the voltage drop causes R170 coil.
and R169 decreases, causing a rising The retrace, however, is very fast,
plate voltage, slowed down only by and the 50 millihenry inductance nat-
the charging current of C158. All the urally shows a very much greater re-
while, however, the grid blocking actance. Therefore a large pulse of
charge has been leaking off, and when voltage is needed, for a rapid re-
low enough the tube begins to con- trace. The resultant current in the
duct. Aided by the in -phase feed- deflection coil itself, of course, is
back via T106, the plate current rises saw-toothed, as shown.
very sharply, quickly discharging the V122 is a triode -connected ampli-
Fig. 3. Voltage and current relations in the oscil- energy stored in C158, and repeating fier, with an output transformer to
lator and deflecting coil. the cycle. match the deflection coils. Advan-
repeat this sequence continually. The The wave form drawings at the left tage is taken of the fact that varying
sharp surge of plate current needed of figure 3 show the effect of the the bias on V122 will vary the shape
by the oscillator during its active sharp, single oscillation of grid volt- of the saw -tooth wave being ampli-
time is secured by discharging ca- age on the plate current. The long fied, to make corrections and secure
pacitor C158 of figure 1; the capaci- sloping line represents the charging a more linear picture.
tor having built up this charge from cycle of C158. It will be noted that R178, which is the linearity con-
the B+ supply during the oscillator's this charging cycle seems to start trol regulating this, also affects the
inactive periods. The resulting volt- rather abruptly part way up the plate gain, and therefore the vertical size
age across C158 has the general form voltage curve. The resultant sharp of the picture. The height control
of a saw tooth wave. negative pulse is required, and the R169 is thus adjusted first, to fit the
process of securing it by means of screen's panel mask or cutout; then
How RCA Circuit Works resistor R174 is unknown as peak- the linearity control is sent, and
ing. Peaking is caused by the inabil- then the process is repeated for best
To describe briefly the circuit's ity of C158 to discharge completely results.
operation: When C158 is discharged, during the period of plate current (Continued on page 120)
the V121 plate current drops sharply.
The inductance of T106 causes a VI58 VI6
sharp "kick" of positive voltage, VERT SYNC ANPLIFICR
which is transferred to the grid. The V 17
resulting rectified grid current builds R64
up a heavy negative voltage across ti R66
68K 220(

resistors R171, R172 and divider irv's:


R166 -R167. us
> t____A / 94
The relatively large values of these -cm 1 \- r6C6305

resistors and the grid capacitor C154, Fig. 5. General Electric 47 4

result in a long time constant; too

Model 801 vertical sec-
tion uses a multivibra-
tor circuit, eliminating
1 02

695 0220
high to permit the rectified grid volt- transformer coupling. 05MF 662 2200

age to leak off rapidly enough, it C37 and R95 comprise

wave -shaping elements,


causes the tube to block for a period with direct coupling to

vertical output ampli-

of time, until the grid is cleared. fier. 8+

RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947 95

Multi -System Tavern PA
Night Spots and Roadside Cafes Use Plenty of Sound. It's
Good Business for Them . . . and You

entertainment, soft music from a

Webster 56 changer with its own am-
plifier takes over. This second ampli-
fier's output line is connected di-
rectly across the stage unit's line.
Four microphones are used on the
stage. The feature singer's mike, the
one seen alongside the drummer's
position, and one suspended near the
piano are Electro-Voice Cardyne I,
Model T-26, while a Shure Unidyne,
Model 55C, is seen at furthest right.
Three Atlas mike stands are up-
rights. The Atlas boom stand, shown
suspended over the piano's sounding
board, is handy for quickly "spotting"

Centralized Control
At furthest left on the stage, is a
six -position mixer which, together
with the light dimmer below it, is
Liberal use of sound equipment is one secret of Maksik's success. Above, a corner of the bandstand and worked during all types of perform-
stage is shown, while center picture, below, shows the Masco system which takes over during bond "breaks."
ances. At furthest right is a Masco
The entertainment industry has main stage amplifier is a Masco musical amplifier for the guitar.
been keeping many sound dealers MA -50, feeding into eleven small The manager's station is well forti-
occupied, currently. In taverns and speakers. Operating at low volume, fied with sound. By means of a cus-
night clubs, sound can play a big these speakers are mounted in every tom-built intercom, the cabaret chief
part in ordinary "everynight" oper- "terrace" section and at various can keep in close touch with every
ation. Pictured here is the equip- points in the main room. A 250 ohm part of the establishment. At top
ment recently installed in Maksik's, line connects them all in parallel, ex- left, upon the stone pillar, is a three -
a popular roadside cabaret and res- cept for the two bar speakers, which tube amplifier with a single 50L6
taurant in New York, by Benray have a separate volume control at output. This amplifier powers the
Sound Co. the bartender's station. entire 8 -station intercom, with two
Several systems are in use. The During "breaks" in the orchestral (Continued on page XX)

Custom built by Benray Sound, the intercom

amplifier on post at upper left provides power for
7 master stations and one Atlas HU-15 speaker in
the kitchen. )1. Master stations contain only sig-
nal light, speaker and switches; the signal chime
is mounted separately.

96 RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947

There are
to WI N

Couch has all fifteen RIDER MANUALS AND
turers who made the sets. No one knows better
W. J. Couch & Company of Tullahoma, Tenn.,
than the manufacturer what procedures are best
was recently featured in a national radio publics
tion because of the completeness of its servicing for his product. That is the foundation on which
equipment. In the Couch shop, as in thousands of Rider Manuals are built. JUST TELL WHY
Volume XV, covering sets issued during 1946, (in 100 Words or Less)
other successful servicing establishments, you'll
find all fifteen Rider Manuals in daily use. From plus some unpublished pre-war models, is the
result of "Seventeen Years of Continuing Service
no other single source is such data available.
to the Radio Servicing Industry". It is full of
Comprehensive servicing information is essen-
tial to shops called upon to service all makes and exclusive features. For example, the 520 "clarified - MEAN
schematics", which break down composite dia-
all types of radio receivers-of all ages. That's why SUCCESSFUL SERVICING"
the first fourteen volumes of Rider Manual are so grams of complicated multiband receivers into
time-savingly valuable to the average shop. These individual schematics of each circuit as it exists That's all you need do. Nothing
with each turn of wave band or equipment switch. to buy. Nothing difficult. No need
volumes alone cover the years when 82% of the for fancy writing. Write your
sets now in American homes were issued. (From With each Volume XV is the 200 -page "How It entry on official blank, obtain.
1920 to April 1942 inclusive.) Works" book, a guide to the theory of operation able from your parts jobber, in
of new technical features in latest receivers. Vol- plain everyday English. The first
And, the information on these receivers is the
ume XV also has all popular "Ham" communica- thing you write may win you one
OFFICIAL, AUTHORIZED servicing data direct of the 224 valuable prizes. Call
from the service departments of the manufac- tion receivers, Scott receivers, Magnavox RA com- your jobber.
binations and record player combinations. These
you find only in Rider Publications.
Rider Manuals are an investment which keeps
pouring out profits for you. Those who bought ENTRY BLANK
Volume I, 17 years ago, are still benefitting from FROM YOUR JOBBER
VOL. XV it. Be sure your shop tias the Sign,of Succeesful
JUST OUT! Servicing-all fifteen Rider Manuals. TODAY!
2000 pages, plus
200 page "How
It Works" Book.
Volumes XIV to VII (each volume)
Volume VI
$18.00 complete Abridged Manuals I to V (one volume) 17.50
Publisher, Inc.
Record Changers and Recorders
404 -4th AVE., N. Y. 17, N. Y.
Export Division,

Rocke International Corp.,
13 E. 40th St., New York City

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947
-with these Technical Hints

Onee again Sylvania brings you a care-

fully selected group of technical aids
which they honestly believe will help
make your job easier.
These expertly compiled
uals, service guides and shop aids are
based on Sylvania's many successful years
of experience in the radio field. They will
improve the speed and efficiency of your
service work. Naturally, this will permit
you to repair more sets every day and
increase the volume of your service work.
Containing all back is - So-why not get the most out of your
cues of Technical Sec-
tions from May, 1935. store? First, handle a full line of Sylvania
Vol. 1 (May 1935 to tubes-the finest line of radio tubes made.
Jan. 1941) $1. Vol 2 Second, invest the few cents necessary to
(Jan.1941 to date) $1.
obtain this splendid group of technical
sts hints-and see how much they repay you
in increased sales.
Complete data on Sylvania
Receiving Tubes 85c

Order from Sylvania Distributors or write Sylvania Electric Products Inc., Emporium, Pa.


98 RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947

LeitiLY.ria.LI7/S5if r?"
and Shop Aids


For Radio Servicing,
208 ServiEn Hints
226 Radio Tube Hints
227 Radio Circuit Hints
22f Radio Equipment Hints

-40,0 -,
Made of durable plastic.
Adds neatness to your 80,
schematics. 25c each. - au

Characteristics of Sylvania
tubes and panel lamps
with tube base views. Free!

351 238
TUBE PULLER Resistor Values and
35o each. Ohms Law. Free!


RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 99

Brach ARRESTER with another probe using a UHF diode rms Electronics MULTIMETER
giving linear rectification and using a linear
The Vis-O-Glow Lightning Arrester for scale with an outside diameter of 1 in.
radios uses a highly sensitive rare gas tube Constant DC input resistance of 25 megohms
in multiple with heavy conductive plates, on DC and 7 mmf on the AC ranges, maxi-
forming an auxiliary air gap. The air gap mum error 2%. 29 separate ranges in-
plates function when the current enters the cluding DC resistance and decibel read-
antenna in excess of the capacity of the ings are available. 6 ohmmeter ranges
tube which takes care of inductive dis- cover from M.0 ohm to 1000 megohms using
charge. The casing has a slow -burning a 11/2 volt internal battery. Electronic In-
inhibitor. Listed by Underwriters' Labora- strument Co., Inc.. 926 Clarkson Ave., Brook-
tories. L. S. Brach Mfg. Corp., Newark, lyn 3, N. Y.-RADIO & Television RE-
New Jersey.-RADIO & Television RETAIL- TAILING

Radio Specialty CALIBRATION Electro Products 6-12 VOLT

SUPPLY Byohmmeter 796 Multimeter makes resist-
OSCILLATOR ance and leakage measurements directly
without unsoldering leads. 6 full scale
ranges from 1 volt to 10,000 volts DC at
20,000 ohms per volt, as well as 1000 ohms
per volt, with the latter 6 ranges available
for AC measurements, 7 current ranges
from 50 microamps full scale to 10 amperes
full scale and 5 resistance ranges from
.01 ohms to 5 megohms plus 5 db ranges
may be read directly, with an accuracy
within 1%. A 3 -position switch inserts
a fuse into the meter. protects it for carry-
ing and measures the condition of the in-
ternal batteries directly on the meter with-
The two 6 volt 7.5 ampere filtered DC out removing them from the case. rms
power sources contained in Model A power Electronics Inc., 73-39 68th Ave., Middle
supply unit, can be placed in parallel for Village, N. Y.-RADIO & Television RETAIL-
Frequency checkpoints for receivers and 15 ampere continuous service or in series ING
signal generators are supplied by this for 12 volt 7.5 ampere continuous service.
calibration oscillator utilizing a 100 kc crys- A high instantaneous power output per-
tal and an oscillator circuit rich in har- mits operation of push-button auto radios
monics to frequencies as high as 100 mc. even though the continuous output rating RCP MULTITESTER
The unit mounts inside the generator with is exceeded. Electro Products Laboratories,
filament and plate supply taken from the Inc., 549 West Randolph St., Chicago 6, Model 449A has a DC sensitivity of 5000
equipment. Radio Specialty Mfg. Co., Port- Ill.-RADIO & Television RETAILING ohms per volt for measuring low -current
land 14, Oregon.-RADIO & Television circuits where loading must be held at a
RETAILING minimum. A Germanium crystal rectifier per-
mits AC measurement from 30 cps to 50 kc
without temperature errors. The three-inch
Federal POWER SUPPLY square meter is accurate to 2 per cent with
Electronic Instrument VTVM- metallized voltage multipliers of 1% toler-
ance used. Four AC and four DC voltage
SIGNAL TRACER ranges up to 1000V, four current ranges up
Model 210 reads up to 5000 volts DC with to 1000 ma, and four resistance ranges to
a specially designed high -voltage test 1 megohm are available through pin jack
probe on a large 81/2 in. meter. AC meas- terminals on the front panel. Radio City
urements from 20 cycles to 100 mc are made Products Co., Inc., 127 West 26th St., New
York 1, N. Y.-RADIO & Television RE-

FTR 3246 -BS is a test bench power sup-

ply for auto radio sets. A ripple of under
.3 volts with regulation of approximately 6
volts at 10 amperes and 8 volts at 21/2
amperes, is available in this 30 lb. selenium
rectifier unit measuring 14 in. wide, 9 in.
high, 6 in. deep. Federal Telephone &
Radio Corp., Newark, N. J.-RADIO & Tele-

100 RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947



...second unit of a
revolutionary new line

Reduces testing and alignment time

by as much as 50 per cent
The WR-67A is a time-saver that shielding . . . miniature -type tubes
adds profitable hours to your service throughout ... a six -band drum dial
day ... puts you dollars ahead. with an easy -to -read, four -foot scale
When aligning a receiver, for ex- spread . . adjustable modulation
ample, you can switch from a pre - level for internal and external modu-
tuned i-f signal to pretuned broad- lation . . a two -stage power -line

cast -band signals without dialing or filter to minimize leakage, and a 400 -
retuning. The range switch gives you cycle audio signal source.
three fixed frequencies: 1500, 600, Every RCA WR-67A is factory -
and 455 kc. It also permits instant tested with the finest precision meas-
switching to any other frequency uring equipment. Heavy-duty com-
you select between 100 kc and 30 me ponents-plus the WR-67A's ability
ON THE WAY-a superior line of test equipment that by presetting the smoothly variable to withstand rigorous "drop,"
puts time-consuming service jobs on a profitable, tuning control. "shake," and humidity tests-add up
production -line basis . . . that anticipates all FM and Other outstanding features include: to real on-the-job reliability. A new
television needs. Matched styling of all instruments a signal injection probe for high- bulletin is yours for the asking.
permits attractive, convenient grouping. Watch for speed servicing . . . a four -step at- Keep in touch with your RCA Test
announcements of the other units in this new line. tenuator with fine control ... double Equipment Distributor.



vak In Canada: RCA VICTOR Company Limited, Montreal

RADIO CT Television RETAILING August, 1947 101

Newest Items for Sound PA Profits
University DRIVER UNIT Pickering CARTRIDGE produced 1000 cycles in 6 steps of 2 db,
and finally 400 cycles at a steady 18 db.
Model MAH is a 12 watt unit which A high impedance magnetic pickup, Universal Microphone Co., Inglewood 2.
covers a frequency range from 100 cycles which can be installed in conventional Cal.-RADIO & Television RETAILING
to 6000 cycles at 8 ohms impedance. The record changers or players by means of
voice coil is wound on a duralumin band, a specially designed clip, the Pickering
while the one-piece phenolic diaphragm
is immune to temperature extremes and
corrosion. The rim -centering construction Western Electric HORN
eliminates aligning pins, and the unit is The 32A horn is an exponential type for
hermetically sealed. University Loud-
speakers, Inc., 225 Varick St., New York use in a wide angle tweeter unit in dual
14, N. Y.-RADIO & Television RETAILING speaker systems, or as an independent
speaker for announcing purposes or for


Cartridge has a frequency response flat

within 2 db over the range of 40 to 10,000
cycles. Unaffected by temperature and
humidity changes, it is equipped with a
permanent sapphire stylus. Record pres-
sure is 1/z ounce. Pickering & Co., Inc.,
29 W. 57 St., New York 19, N. Y.-RADIO
& Television RETAILING
installations where a high background
noise level must be overridden. Combined
Instrument Electronics AUDIO with a 720A or 722A receiver (driver unit)
The MA -121 high fidelity amplifier pro- VOLTMETER the full undistorted output of a 25 watt
duces 12 W with a frequency response amplifier in the range from 600 cycles to
within 2 db from 50 cycles to 10,000 cycles. 8500 cycles can be handled on speech or
Separate line and voice coil output im- music, provided frequencies around and
pedances are supplied, and individual bass below 500 cycles are attenuated. Distrib-
and treble equalizers appear on the front uted by Graybar Elec. Co., 420 Lexington
panel. There are two high impedance in- Ave., New York 17, N. Y.-RADIO & Tele-
puts, one compensated for crystal pickup, vision RETAILING
the other for signal of constant amplitude.
The amplifier is easily adapted for low
impedance input. Mark Simpson Mfg. Co.,
Inc., 32-28 49th St., Long Island City 3,
The No. 620 power amplifier is the first
D & M PHONO OSCILLATOR of 12 matched sound equipment units be-
Model 47 audio frequency voltmeter ing curently announced; the others includ-
measures as low as 50 microvolts to SOO
A compact one -tube phono oscillator can volts in 13 steps of 10 VU each in the range
be used to link a record player with any from -84 VU to +55 VU. Provision is
standard broadcast receiver. Weighing made for simultaneous use as an amplifier
and voltmeter. The amplifier has a gain of
40,000. The input impedance is 1 megohm
at 12mmf. For frequencies from 15 cps to
30 kc. Eight tubes are used. Instrument
Electronics, 42-17 Douglaston Pkwy., Doug-
laston, N. Y.-RADIO & Television RETAIL-


ing No. 621 mike pre -amplifier, line pre -
The new pressing of the D61A frequency amps and boosters, switch panels with
check record offers "double value" over volume indicators and monitor take -offs,
the old, being recorded on two duplicating mixers, equalizers, bridging devices and
sides. Designed for direct checking of the auxiliary power supplies. No. 620 delivers
12 oz., the unit uses a 12SL7 with a slug - response characteristics of phono pickups, 35W into 500 ohms isolated output with
tuned coil preset to 600 kc. The frequency lateral disc recording and reproducing less than 5% distortion, within 1 db from 30
may be easily reset anywhere from 550 systems, it is popularly used also for to 15,000 cycles. Input impedance is 600
kc to 1550 kc. A 2-10 foot antenna is used checking amplifiers, loudspeakers, room ohms, isolated, and gain is 75 db. C. V.
within 50 feet of the receiver. D & M acoustics, etc. On a 12 inch Vinylite 78 Kettering, Fairchild Camera & Instrument
Mfg. Co., 51 Lincoln Ave., Midland Park, RPM disc, it covers from 50 to 10,000 cycles Corp., 88-06 Van Wyck Blvd., Jamaica 1,
N. J.-RADIO & Television RETAILING in three volume steps, each identified, then N. Y.-RADIO & Television RETAILING

102 RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947

EVERY General Electric Speaker - from the
smallest to the largest-has aluminum foil base
voice coils. This G -E development makes possible
their high quality performance, tone fidelity, and
operating durability. Whether you use them by
the hundreds of thousands in production lines, or
purchase a single unit for an individual replace-
ment, your customers will appreciate the extra
quality performance of G -E Speakers.
G -E Speaker construction gives you these
excellent features which assure dependable
performance and fine quality reproduction:
High wattage handling capacity. The metal con- ALNICO -5 PERMANENT MAG-
struction provides much better heat dissipation. This NETS FOR OVERALL EFFICIENCY
permits operation of the speaker at increased wattages.
No warping of voice coil. The metal base will not AND SENSITIVITY.
introduce internal stresses, and it is not subject to
separation of laminations or to other adverse effects
which might result in distortion.
The aluminum foil base voice coil will not absorb DURABLE CONSTRUCTION
moisture under high humidity conditions. THROUGHOUT.
Internal stresses which result in dimensional dis-
tortion are eliminated through the aluminum foil base
voice coil construction.
Metal construction assures better control of clear- Write now for complete information on speakers
ance between moving parts. to: General Electric Company, Electronics Department,
Better tone quality and reproduction. Syracuse 1, Neu, York.

1947 103
RADIO & Television RETAILING August,
Inductive Tuners New Set Troubles
(Continued from page 93) (Continued from page 87)
"In the former there was generally if heard only when the volume con-
no means of adjusting the inductance trol is advanced, may be traced to
of a coil and when the field service capacitor C31, shown in Fig. 3. The
man resonated the particular tuned outside foil (ground end) of this
circuit by adjusting the trimmer he .005 mf audio coupling and d -c block-
automatically obtained the correct ing capacitor should connect towards
L/C ratio. T4, the inside end connecting to
"On the other hand it should be the volume control.
apparent that since both inductance Hum in the General Electric mod-
and capacity are adjustable in a per- els 219, 220 and 221, in a few cases,
meability tuner, the service man cannot be reduced in the normal
could conceivably obtain a wide va- manner. In these instances, they
riety of L/C ratios, only one of may be corrected by adding degen-
which would be correct for proper Langevin L -3118-A 2 -unit wide range speaker. eration in the cathode circuit of
tracking and dial scale calibration. the 35L6GT output tube, by discon-
Thus the importance of adhering to ometers in the portable control cab- necting one end of R17, removing
the manufacturer's recommended inet set up in the field. By this R17 and C29C from the circuit.
alignment procedure, without devia- -means, the three suspended mikes are
tion, should be strongly emphasized. varied in unison, while each floor
"The procedure outlined is a mod-
ification of the original recommenda-
and announce mike has its own sep-
arate control. Tavern PA
tion which was shown in our service Due to the tendency for string (Continued from page 96)
data sheets for the models listed. By music to attenuate rapidly with dis- channels to spare for future addi-
using this revised procedure, it will tance in the open air, the three floor - tions. In this setup, every station is
be possible to obtain more uniform stand mikes were needed, achieving a "master" type, if desired.
sensitivity and better tracking across a balance with, the brass sections. Stations are placed at each waiter's
the tuning range of the receiver. Simple bass -cutout filters connected position, and at the bar, kitchen, door
"It will be apparent that there is between the three -line amplifiers and and manager's desk. A soft chime
a certain amount of repetition and the three pairs of booster amplifiers and a small pilot light on each inter-
some field service personnel may get acted to prevent excessive "boom" com station indicate a call, to avoid
the impression that the repeated due to an acoustic resonance of the disturbing patrons with loudly -ampli-
operations are unnecessary and can chamber in which the loudspeakers fied voices. Volume of the speech
be dispensed with. Therein lies the were housed. is kept very low, so that only the
danger of performing the alignment Telephone communication was in user can hear.
inaccurately and I cannot emphasize cluded in the 40 -conductor cable The intercom system has proved
too strongly that every bit of repe- which connects the remote table to be a very important acquisition
tition in the procedure is absolutely with the amplifier room. for the tavern. Previously, waiters
essential." had a long, twisting walk through the
While the two most familiar cir- HANGING
tables, to order food and drink at
cuits have been shown here, there the kitchen and bar. This was com-
are perhaps a dozen more which are MIXER
plicated by the subdued lighting.
in current use . . . in some cases in PRE-AMP.11 50 W. -I
With the intercom in use, more
volume production by large manufac- 0, than half of the waiter's time, for-
turers. These will be covered in the BOOSTERS 1
SPEAKERS merly spent in waiting or walking,
next article in this series. is saved ... and food and drink busi-
ness has picked up sharply.
Another use for the intercom is
Open Air Concerts FLOOR for instant communication with
(Continued from, page 89) MIC. L-10- REMOTE CONTROL TABLE waiter captains and maitres, which
( D -C LINE ) diminishes incidents involving for-
up from similarly -situated micro- Above, block diagram of one of three similar chan- getful patrons and minors attempt-
phone pairs. Thus, for example, one nels in the "stereophonic" system. The center -
ing to "crash."
hanging mike and one floor mike are stage channel also has mixer pre -amp circuits for
two announcement mikes. Belo*, is a detail The kitchen intercom station uses
seen at the left hand side of the schematic of the mixer pre -amp, showing the re-
mote control connection. One remote control han- an Atlas HU-15 speaker, rather than
stage; these feed through individual dles all three hanging mikes, while all other mikes a cone type, as protection against
remotely -controlled pre -amp mixers have individual controls.
smoke, grease, heat and moisture
to a common line amplifier, thence (4! common to such places. It also acts
through separate 50 watt boosters to 6L7
to increase the volume manyf old as
the wide -range loudspeakers. OUT-
PUT compared to the small cone speakers,
This same setup is used also for 0.
z 270 K a necessary feature in the noisy
center -stage and right-hand side kitchen.
sound, as indicated in the block dia- 47K This type of moderate -sized res-
gram. Two additional pre -amps han- 8+ taurant and tavern, found in great
dle a control room and a stage an- 510 K
numbers in every section of the coun-
nouncement mike. try, affords an increasing and worth-
Gain of the mixer pre -amps is while field for many medium and
10 MF
controlled by running long cables REMOTE CONTROL ?O K small sound dealers. Are you making
from the bias circuits to potenti- 4K 'K= 1000 ohms an effort to cover their needs?

104 RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1.947

to my Servicemen friends:
Radio Data Service. I owe
PHOTOFACT has become the leading SAMS organization
to provide
injust one year, has made it possible for the information ever published.
success to you. Your support
accurate and uniform service continuous
you with the most complete, us to extend our activities. As part of our important
Your backing has encouraged announce two
I am happy to need-you've told us so.
Servicing profession,
program in behalf of the Folders, they meet a real study of the
new publications. Like PHOTOFACT based on our own actualss
And like PHOTOFACT, these new publications are
will help your busine
To ...
these new books
equipment covered. I am confident heartfelt "Thanks!"
each and every one of you I say a ,0144-44,



Only Book of its Kind! There's Nothing Like It!
There's only one right way to string COVERS MORE THAN 40 DIF-
a dial cord, And there's only one FERENT 'POST-WAR MODELS!
book that shows you how. It's the A DeLuxe volume, packed with ORI-
Howard W. Sams DIAL CORD GINAL data based on actual study
STRINGING GUIDE. Here, for the of the equipment covered. Absolutely
first time, in one pocket -sized book, accurate, complete, authoritative. No
are complete dial cord diagrams and other information like it available:
data covering 1938 through 1946 re- Shows exclusive "exploded" views;
ceivers. Actually, there are many photos of top, side, bottom and rear
ways you can go about stringing a views. Tells you manufacturers who
dial cord-but only one is right. You use the equipment. Gives full change -
know from your own experience that cycle data. Complete information on
if you get started the wrong way, you all adjustments. Invaluable Service
can waste hours of your valuable hints and kinks. Shows complete
time and work yourself into a ner-
vous lather. You can say "goodbye" parts lists keyed to diagrams and
ONLY to wasted time when you have a photos. Uniform treatment for each
SAMS DIAL CORD STRINGING piece of equipment. PLUS-for the
GUIDE. It licks the knottiest dial first time in any publication-com- $495
75c cord problem in a matter of minutes.
This low-cost book is a "must" for
plete, accurate service data on lead-

Handy pocket size servicing. You'll want two copies- CORDERS! No modern service shop 416 pages Hard Cover
Over 96 pages
one for your tool kit and one for can afford to be without this book! Smythe-sewed-opens flat
your shop bench.
Easy to read Hundreds of photographs
diagrams and data ORDER YOUR COPIES TODAY! ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY! and diagrams

Ever! PARTS JOBBER TODAY-or send directly
New Aids Make PHOTOFACT FOLDERS More Useful Than to HOWARD W. SAMS & CO, Inc., 2924 E.
Washington St., Indianapolis 6, Ind.
They're yours for the Index' to first 20 Sets of My (check) (money order) for $
PHOTOFACT Folders; your guide to more than 1800 enclosed.
receiver models and chassis (1946 and 1947 models). 0 Send SAMS' DIAL CORD STRING-
FOLDER-shows 5 good ways to file ING GUIDE(S), at $0.75 per copy.
HOW TO FILE including new "30 -Second" filing 0Send SAMS' 1947 AUTOMATIC
PHOTOFACT Folders, jobber for FREE copies of these RECORD CHANGER MANUAL(S), at
method. Ask your parts write us direct. $4.95 per copy.
PHOTOFACT aids, or 0 Send PHOTOFACT Set No. 22 (at $1.50).
0 Send PHOTOFACT Set No. 23 (at $1.50).
160 pages of valuable, needed data covering 0 Send PHOTOFACT Volume No. 1 (includ-
SETS NO, 22 AND NO. 23 set.
current models. Same low price of $1.50 per ing Sets Nos. 1 through 10) with DeLuxe
Binder, $18.39.
NOW AVAILABLE! 0 Send PHOTOFACT Volume No. 2 (includ-
ing Sets Nos. 11 through 20) with DeLuxe
Binder, $18.39.
HOWARD W. SAMS & CO., INC. 0 Send FREE Cumulative Index.
INDIANAPOLIS 6, INDIANA O Send FREE "How to File" Folder.
Export-Ad. Auriema-89 Broad St., New York 4, N. Y.-U. S. of America
Canada-A. C. Simmonds & Sons, 301 King St., East-Toronto, Ontario Name


City State . .. ,
"The Service that pays for itself over and over again"

RETAILING August, 1.947 105

RADIO Cr Television
Texas Distributor Expands Services MEMPHIS, TENN.-At the National
Home Show here, one of the highly suc-
cessful exhibits was that of McDonald
Brothers, distributors. The booth fea-
tured ABC washers and ironers and at-
tracted many of the estimated 100,000
persons who attended the event. McDon-
ald covers Memphis and the mid -south
area, serving over 500 franchised dealers.


Products Sales Co., 328 W. 15th St., has
been named Garod Radio distributor in
Southern California.

CHICAGO, ILL.-Jack Frohlich, sales

manager for the appliance division of the
Big new plant of Automatic Distributing Corp., 100 Jackson St., Houston, Tex., has railroad spur, phono Sampson Co., distributors, has announced
record selling station, warehouse space, complete appliance repair shops, etc. The firm handles Norge,
Zenith, Ironrite, Proctor, MGM discs and other lines. Head men ore Willard M. Wood, president; Ralph the appointment of T. E. "Stan" Fremont
H. Fite, general manager, and Willard K. Wood, sales manager. as radio sales manager for the firm.

Jobbers in Action Distributor News Across the U. S.

SEATTLE, WASH.-Bendix Radios PITTSBURGH, PA.-Leroy Will- RICHMOND, IND.-The Rodefeld
are now being distributed in the Seattle iams, president of J. A. Williams Co., Co., Inc., Zenith distributor here, re-
and Spokane territories by the F. B. has announced the appointment of Ken- cently renewed a pre-war custom by en-
Connelly Co., according to word from. neth Brody as sales manager of the ap- tertaining employees and their wives or
J. T. Dalton, general sales manager for pliance division. The firm has for the husbands at a dinner party. This one
radio and television, Bendix Radio Di- last half century been one of Western was held at the Richmond Leland Hotel.
vision. Operations are headed by Ken- Pennsylvania's leading distributors of
neth A. Connelly, president, and Frank radios, appliances, hardware, house fur- LITTLE ROCK, ARK.-The promi-
C. Porter, vice-president and general nishings and toys.
manager, from headquarters here. To nent distributing firm of 555, Inc., here
expand Bendix activities, Connelly has has celebrated its 30th birthday, noting
OAKLAND, CALIF.-Bert M. J. its progress from a one -room' store in
opened a Spokane subsidiary under Frank. Conlin has been named Oakland branch 1917 to a huge plant now occupying an
G. Connelly, president. appliance manager of Westinghouse Elec-
The radio division will travel its own entire city block from 2nd to 3rd St. on
tric Supply Co., succeeding Mowry Irwin, Broadway. Roy E. Stueber is president
salesmen and handle its own promotion who passed away on May 10th. of the organization.
under radio manager Keith Davis. The
60 -year -old Connelly Co. recently held
open house for all radio dealers in the
Seattle territory. Connecticut Cook Tries a New Range
CHARLOTTE, N. C.-Work is being
completed on a new $100,000 warehouse
and office building for the Twin States
Distributing Co., distributor of Farns-
worth radios and phonograph -radios in
North Carolina and part of South Caro-
lina. The new structure is located at
515. W. Palmer St.
BOSTON, MASS.-Hundreds of deal-
ers from Boston, Nashua, Manchester,
Haverhill, Lawrence, Lowell and outly-
ing towns in eastern Massachusetts at-
tended a Howard dealer meeting held last
month at the Hotel Bradford here. They
were guests of the Louis M. Herman Co.,
distributor. L. MacNeil of the Commer-
cial Credit Corp. was a speaker and ex-
plained the "Floor Plan" and time pay-
ment selling. Herman Smith, Eastern
representative for Howard, presented the
new Howard FM models which are now
being delivered. Louis M. Herman stated
that "Television will do for the industry Fred Cook does some cooking-at the factory test kitchens
what all -electric radios did in 1927-8 and of Landers, Frary Cr Clark to demonstrate the
new Universal Tru-Bake oven. Mr. Cook, of American Distributors,
left to right, by Philip Parker, Universal sales New Haven, Conn., is accompanied,
dealers should get, on the band -wagon." jobber firm. rep; John Woods, Edmund Wade, and Clyde Heywood of the

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947
Bendix FactoMeter
to Help Sell FM
To enable the dealer's salesmen to go
out and sell static -free FM to a new America's iffe,s,
summer market, is an important objective
of the new FactoMeter announced by
Bendix Radio Div., Bendix Aviation
Corp., Balto. 4, Md.
Consisting of a standard Bendix FM
Radio -Phonograph
chassis wired with a field strength indi-
cating meter and collapsible antenna into
a completely portable case, the unit is
plugged into the prospective FM radio
buyer's light socket, immediately demon-
strating reception possibilities, best an-
tenna and installation positions in the
home, and permits a quick, dramatic com-
parison between AM and FM reception.

Rider Triples Service

Three manuals per year instead of
one, will be published hereafter by John
F. Rider, Publisher, Inc., 404 Fourth
Ave., New York City. Commencing
with Volume XVI, to be distributed
shortly, all standard features of the fa-
miliar Rider manuals will be included,
covering radios and other equipment pro-
duced up to about 5 weeks before pub-
lication date.
Containing from 700 to 750 pages
each volume will sell for $6.60 . . ap- .

proximately one third the cost of the

yearly volumes.
Announced simultaneously is another
Rider innovation . . . the 99¢ technical
bookshelf of 100 books. The first group
of strongly -bound soft -covered books, each The Beautiful New
containing from 128 to 160 pages cover-
ing one particular servicing problem or
type of circuit, will be offered during
Heads Orthosonic Sales
It has been announced by Walter E. This great new Howard provides thrilling musical reproduction
Peek, vice-president of Electronic Lab- on both FM and AM radio and automatic phonograph.
oratories, Inc., Indianapolis, Ind., that Sid
Joffee will now sell the entire line of It may, be conveniently placed on either side of a chair
"Orthosonic" radios on a national basis. Roomy record storage compartment is accessible regardless
Mr. Joffee, who has been in radio for 28 of position. Radio or phonograph may be operated without
years, will have headquarters at 192 Lex- disturbing the cabinet top.
ington Ave., New York City. Sales will
be direct from factory to dealers. The hand -rubbed cabinet of rare Primavera and
mahogany woods, with finish available in blonde
or dark mahogany, is a fitting companion to
Miniature Electrolytic the finest surroundings.
R °IChild Lock
Top tO Lift


Solar Mfg. Corp. is now ready with first series of

Type LB 'truly miniature" dry electrolytic capaci-
flieeklee,,,j &Ai c2,-ere49 digwe what
tors. Design is based on new method of pro-
ducing high -gain and stable etched foil.

RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947 107

how Many Brands?
(Continued from page 48)
lines is advantageous to the dealer.
He writes in part: "The appliance
radio and television business is a
specialty business. It is dot a gro-
cery business. Concentration on a
few lines results in better sales-
manship, better displays, more sales,
fewer mark downs and greater net
"What is wrong with an 'agency'?
How many people would give their
right arm today for a Ford agency,
a Chevrolet agency or any one of

the other major automobiles?"
THE NEW Investment Too Large
President L. J. Strauss, of Joseph
Strauss Co., Inc., Buffalo, N. Y.,
makes the following interesting com-
With the Exclusive Features that Sell for You! "I don't agree 100% with Mr. Al-
ter's remarks. Extremes are not
America's Finest Business Communication System is a
selling sensation! Overnight, businessmen everywhere good in anything. If a dealer carries
are asking about, buying the New AMPLICALL. The ttiffbu
only one line, all that Mr. Alter
reasons are obvious: Irresistible plastic styling-exclu- says could be true. On the other
sive new advantages-simon-simple operation-incom- Striking Plastic Beauty-a"hlt" on
sight-because it creates an Im- hand, if the dealer carries too many
parably natural speech. Add them up, and you get an mediate desire for possession. lines, he is in even worse trouble.
exclusive selling appeal that puts profits in your pocket.
The New AMPLICALL gives you "selling horizons un- He has too large an investment in
limited"-a complete line with systems available for inventory, too much floor space tied
every conceivable requirement-exclusive features never up, his own men and his customers
before made available. Here's your opportunity to sell "Busy" Signal-neon bulb visual are confused; and in the final analy-
Intercommunication as you've never sold before! signal-indicates instantly when
station being called is busy.
sis, he doesn't do a good job for
any distributor and loses their sup-
001 "I believe in a middle of the road
policy. I think a dealer should carry
Handset- profession- Translucent Volume Balanced Line Cable Plug-in Type Masters-allows the minimum of duplicating lines.
al type for complete Control-lighted to -cuts wiring costs- quick transfer or exchange of Dealers should put more effort into
privacy- opticinal indicate that Master eliminates shielded Masters-cuts installation wiring
with Master Stations. Station is turned "on." line to Remote units. costs by one-third. real schooling of themselves and
their men on the lines they carry.
SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED AMPLICALL DISTRIBUTOR. Get the complete selling story on the
New AMPLICALL! Ask your Authorized AMPLICALL Distributor far full details and descriptive
They then become a sales organiza-
catalog, There's a New AMPLICALL System for every business prospect-a system that sells tion instead of order -takers who need
on sight and superior performance. Don't miss out on the biggest profit opportunity ever to a great variety of stock to make up
come your way in the Intercommunication field
for their deficiencies in salesman-
Electroneering is our business
Majestic Ad Director



15,000 Sq. Ft. All on Street Floor
Very reasonable. Including of- Subway and trolley at door.
fices and laboratory. Excellent local labor.
Light and bright for ideal work- Railroad siding available.
ing conditions. Garage -type building.
Conveniently located in Brooklyn.
480 LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK 17, N. Y. Leo B. Pambrum has been appointed director of
advertising, sales promotion and public relations
by Majestic Radio and Television Corp.

108 RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947

television receiver's vertical de- R67 develops a larger bias at grid 1,
New Tele Sweeps 801
flection circuit represents the other and therefore an increasing positive
type of oscillator frequently em- voltage at plate 2, in turn reflected
(Continued from. page 95) as a positive grid 4 voltage, and an
ployed, cathode -coupled multivibra-
R81, by varying the d -c current tor. increasing plate 5 current. The in-
through the coils, can be used to cen- To describe its functioning: When creasing current is drawn from saw -
ter the picture in the vertical direc- a more positive voltage on grid 1 tooth capacitor C37 and peaking re-
tion, while R172 by controlling the (that is, tube pin #1) causes a less sistor R95. This small amount of
rate at which the grid blocking positive voltage at plate 2, a nega- energy in these components is quickly
charge leaks off, determines the fre- tive voltage greater than required for discharged, so that the plate current
quency of the oscillation. It is ad- cutoff is placed on grid 4 through is limited by the high value of R20.
justed to hold the picture steady, and C36. Due to the long time constant
This limited value of plate current
is therefore called the hold control. of R62 and R63, the charge on ca- being lower than that which occurred
R173 and C220B, as well as` R179 pacitors C36 and C82 leak off slowly. during the discharge period of C37,
and C221C are isolating networks, When it reduces below cutoff, plate the R67 voltage drop is reduced, the
preventing oscillation and transients 5 begins to draw current. grid 1 voltage becomes less negative,
on the wave shape. It should be clear The increasing current through and thus the cycle is ready to repeat.
by now, that certain replacement
parts require exact duplication . . .

for example the interstage and oscil-

lation transformers . . . while the
values of others are critical, such as
C158 and R174. LOOK . . . .
See Figures Page 95
Figure 4 shows the vertical de-
flection circuit of the new Type 266
DuMont Teleset. From the preced-
ing discussion, most of the compo-
nents may readily be identified. No-
tice, however, that V7 is a double
triode, having grids and cathode con-
nected together, but with separate
plate circuits. The purpose of this
variation of the blocking oscillator
is to separate the wave -shaping cir-
cuit from the oscillating circuit.
C21 and R35 are the saw tooth dis-
charge capacitor and peaking re-
sistor, respectively, while R32 and
R33 determine the value reached by
the charge before the abrupt plate
current discharges C21. The ampli-
fier V8 has its two sections com-
pletely paralleled.
Typical of these circuits is the
vertical linearity control which af-
fects not only the bias of V8, but
also the time constant of the wave -
shaping circuit. The various values
have a predetermined ratio which can
most nearly produce linearity.
The new General Electric Model

Dual Capacitor Television

to Feature . .
Two unit construction permits multiple viewing screens and controls
to be placed in the most advantageous locations. Continuous cover-
age of all 13 Television Channels and FM.-Two direct view picture
sizes available: 123/4 x 171/4 or 91/2 x 123/4 inches. Four megacycle
bandpass in all video circuits. - Flywheel synchronization' and regu-
lated focus - Audio is push-pull throughout.
Heavy duty mechanical and electrical design.


Cornell-Dubilier Electric Corp. has introduced the 34 FRANKLIN AVE., NUTLEY 10, NEW JERSEY NUTLEY 2-4506
new type BRL-2215S5 dual 20-mfd. 150 W. V.
leads for each 20-mfd.
capacitor. It has two combinations not possible PLEASE WRITE OR CALL FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION Dept. D T-2
section, allowing many TEL.
with a common negative.

RETAILING August, 1947 109

RADIO Cr Television
Spartan Officials
Make more money with more to sell! Launch New Set Line
"These are boom times," E. C. Bonia,
vice-president in charge of sales of the
Sparks-Withington Company, told deal-
THE COMPLETE, NEW '47 LINE ers at a meeting in New York, where the
company's new line of Sparton receivers
was shown.
"It makes a big difference to have a complete line that meets every Mr. Bonia cited present high levels in
employment and in wages, plus tremen-
sales situation in the community," say Stromberg-Carlson Sound dous buying power in the hands of the
Equipment dealers. consumer to back up his statement. He
said that a return to good salesmanship
The complete line is one great advantage, but here are more! The
Stromberg-Carlson name stands for extraordinary designing, engi-
neering and manufacturing skills. It has a sound reputation for
customer acceptance. Stromberg-Carlson products have proved their
profit -making qualities with scores of satisfied dealers.
Today, the widening sound equipment market welcomes the newest
of Stromberg-Carlson scientific advances and the latest modern de-
velopments that make the line more complete than ever before. Why
not inquire about a dealership? A limited number are still available.
New table Model 100 is ac -dc superhet, 5"
e,te 44e a 401.0 tOeCete frteAdaCe4 speaker, ivory finished bokelite, modern design.
14 -
'SWAN' .TL, IW'VAW-P,,;%Zr'
PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEM, MODEL PS32 AMPLIFIER, MODEL AU 35 is all that is needed to counteract pessi-
mism on the part of the merchant. He
described the features of the new line,
stressing the low prices of all the models,
and outlining the firm's successful effort
in maintaining its list price.
Sparton's coordinated advertising plan,
designed as "national advertising that
works locally" was described by Mr.
Portable system in a three -section, com- One phonograph and three microphone Bonia, and also by C. C. Wilmot, treas-
pact case. 15 watt amplifier with one high impedance inputs, separate bass and urer of the firm's ad agency, Brooks,
phonograph and two microphone inputs, treble controls, 50 watt divided output Smith, French & Dorrance. Mr. Wilmot
two heavy duty Alnico V reproducers, with separate master volume control. Ad- urged dealers to give more thought to
and 25 feet of durable cord with con- ditional amplifier jack for tandem opera- the preparation of their own advertising
nectors attached. One case acts as the tion. Hum adjuster, resistor board con- copy. He said that the dealer is in a good
reproducer receptacle for connecting in struction and rugged copper plated steel
cascade. Underwriters approved. chassis. Underwriters approved.
position to get results from the ads he
writes because he knows his own territory
RatUgg00,.. %WM'
better than anyone else.
AMPLIFIER, A high -light of the meeting was a talk
MODEL AR 37 SOUND SYSTEM, by Harry G. Sparks, Sparton president.
MODEL SS 750 He promised his hearers good merchan-
A completely pre- dise; competitive prices, and sincere co-
engineered system. In- operative effort.
corporates AM -FM Sparton's "Cooperative Merchandising
radio tuner, record Plan" was featured in a talk by Victor
changer, controls, and Meyer, New York district merchandiser.
90 watts of audio - He stressed the value to the dealer of
power divided into low consumer prices, factory promotions,
Two input jacks, one provides equaliza- four output circuits.
tion network for crystal pick up, the Wired for optional the one -dealer -in -each -area franchise, and
other may be bridged across 500-600 remote control turret.
ohm circuits, without change in level. Rugged all -metal cab-
Treble attenuation and boosts, bass inet with glacier -grey
boost, bass compensator volume control finish. Underwriters
give the finest in record and wired - approved.
music reproduction.


Sparton's Model 1005 has hand -rubbed golden

wheat finish, satin gold trim; room for 200 discs.

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947
uniform retail prices. Officers and Directors guidance of the corporation's affairs to
Included in the new line are six table Elected for NAMM younger officers through a transition pe-
models, priced from $19.95 to $79.95 (the riod, rather than by abrupt separation of
latter a combination, and three console New officers of the National Associa- top management personnel.
combinations, each with FM, selling at tion of Music Merchants, Inc., are headed
$229.95. The consoles are eight -tube jobs, by Louis G. LaMair as re-elected presi- Big Expansion Move
having two -post changers, increased rec- dent of the organization. Vice-president
ord storage space, and permanent needles. George L. Byerly, who conducted the by Air King Products Co.
A new portable, selling at $34.95 was also highly successful membership campaign Air King Products Co. has taken over
introduced. during the past two years, was also re- an additional plant at 170 53d St., Brook-
elected for another term. Hugh F. Ran- lyn, N. Y., in an expansion move for its
New Hytron Miniature dall was elected secretary and E. D. radio sets. The company will continue to
operate its present factories.
Turner, Jr., was named treasurer.
The Hytron Preferred Type 12AL5 is Eight new members were elected for The new plant has 110,000 sq. ft. of
a newly -developed high-perveance, twin a period of 3 years to the NAMM board space and occupies a whole city block.
diode having a miniature button 7 -pin of directors. These are S. H. Alman- It contains the most modern fixtures and
base, replaceable for type 12H6GT in new rode, Ted Brown, Arthur E. Godfrey, facilities with air conditioning and flu-
equipment. Because of its high perveance, C. W. Gould, Stuart D. Julius, B. E. orescent lighting throughout. David H.
the 12AL5 will undoubtedly be found in Neal, William R. Richardson and J. M. Cogan, president of the 27 -year -old firm
the detector circuits of wide -hand ampli- Wylie. points out that the move will make pos-
sible the straight line manufacture of
fiers. Its low internal voltage drop produce
radios on one floor.
increased output voltage with a low -re-
sistance load in discriminator, ratio or
Top Officers Elected Mr. Cogan said that this expansion
diode detector, avc diode, clipper or low-
for Weston Corporation move was made necessary by Air King's
power rectifier. Engineering samples as Weston Electrical Instrument Corp., wire recorder, FM and television program
well as production quantities may be or- has announced the election of officers as in addition to its increased radio receiver
dered for immediate delivery, from Hytron follows : chairman of the board, Edward commitments.
Radio & Electronics Corp., Salem, Mass. F. Weston; chairman of the executive
committee, Caxton Brown; president, Radio Golf Outing
Solar's New Offices Earl R. Mellen; vice-president in charge Plans have been made for the Inter
of sales, H. Leigh Gerstenberger ; vice- Association yearly Golf Outing on Au-
Solar Mfg. Corp. and its wholly owned president in charge of manufacturing, gust 29th at the Elmhurst Country Club,
subsidiary, Solar Capacitor Sales Corp., Reginald R. Lambe ; vice-president and Chicago. Members of the Chicagoland
has moved its general offices to its main chief engineer, John H. Miller; secretary Chapter of 'The Representatives," Elec-
eastern plant at 1445 Hudson Blvd., North and treasurer, Ross Nichols ; and comp- tronic Parts and Equipment Manufactur-
Bergen, N. J. The offices were formerly troller and assistant secretary, F. G. ers, and National Electronic Distributors
located at 285 Madison Ave., New York, Hawthorne. Association will gather for a day of golf
N. Y. The firm's policy is to transfer the and a steak dinner-complete with prizes.





Another OLSON crowd -puller! Get this
new giant -size Window Poster absolutely
FREE, postpaid, just by sending the cou-
pon below. Actual size of Poster, 17" x 22". It explains in pictures and easy -to -
understand words how Electrolytic Condensers work. The upper half is a large
diagram showing the parts of a Condenser, and +he lower half has five big, amus-
ing cartoons comparing the Condenser with a cheese sandwich and the corroding
agent as a mouse. People will STOP and look at this swell Poster in your window
or Service Dept. Along with +he Poster you get a FREE CATALOG listing Olson's
famous Radio Parts at prices that will save you plenty!





qies4/4! Send me the New Comic Poster ksee.

But in the Olson "Akrad" Condenser sandwich,
the "mouse" or corroding agent finds the going
tough and he retreats in defeat, leaving the Con- NAME
denser intact.

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947

Retailers See New
Philco Product Lines
New developments made by Philco
Corp. in projection television, FM, record
reproduction, portable radio and refriger-
ation were presented by the firm to 1,000
retailers of the New York and New Jersey
areas last month at the Waldorf-Astoria


EXTRA SENSITIVITY Philco's new Model 1260 console radio-phono with

the slide -in record player. The unit is $129.95

in this in mahogany or $134.95 for blonde.

Hotel in New York City. It was a local

GENERAL ELECTRIC showing following the big debut of Philco
lines at Atlantic City.
OSCILLOSCOPE On the program were the Philco execu-
tives James H. Carmine, Thomas A. Ken-
nally, Larry F. Hardy, Hal Sheer and
SENSITIVITY over and above ordinary Here are the jobs the John M. Otter.
requirements-sensitivity for spe- CRO-3A can help you The featured merchandise included the
cial or unusual problems-sensitivity to do more rapidly:
projection television Model 2500 with the
that makes the CRO-3A must equip- Routine service work picture 15" by 20"; twelve models with
ment on every serviceman's bench. Study wave shapes and FM; the electronic "scratch eliminator";
Built to do a wide variety of jobs transients a new portable set; and the new refriger-
and do them well, the CRO-3A has Determine peak volt- ator with the "Summer -Winter" control
been designed for simple, easy opera- ages device.
tion. All controls are conveniently Trace electronic tube
located on the front panel; a daylight characteristics
viewing screen gives excellent visibil- Determine the speed of
ity without strain; sweep rates from small motors at no load or Says Dealer Should
20 to 30,000 cycles per second, ad- unknown frequencies, when Prefer Buyer's Market
justable by a 7 point switch with used with a Beat -Fre-
The appliance merchandiser should look
vernier for fine adjustment. Portable, quency Oscillator of
forward to a great and profitable business
the unit is housed in a welded steel proper design.
immediately ahead, according to the view
case in gray wrinkle finish with etched New Free Booklet on taken by Paul B. Zimmerman, the well
aluminum front panel. Weight: 2 5 lbs. FM Servicing available. known mechandising expert who is exec-
For more information on the CRO-3A and other quality service test utive vice-president of Monitor Equip-
equipment write: General Electric Co., Electronics Department, ment Corp., Riverdale, N. Y.
Syracuse 1, New York. Mr. Zimmerman gave five reasons for
this outlook:
1. More homes have more income than
GENERAL ELECTR6c6 ever before in history.
2. The American home likes mechanical
appliances and will not give them up.
3. The home is less than half mechanized
so we have a market equal to all past
sales with old customers.
Dynamic TELEVISION 4. We must build and equip nearly a
million new homes each year.
5. The housewife also wants a forty-
Television KIT hour week and must look to mechanical
servants to obtain it.
with solid "The electrical dealer and his salesmen
$159." cabinet $174." walnutm
ahoorgan y, have made a great contribution to the
birch cabinet higher standard of living in the average
Has the following features:
New and brighter DuMont 7" Cathode Ray Tube home by the missionary work he has ac-
New advanced TRUE FM sound included
Non -flicker pictures complished at the doorstep. Through the
Latest electronic holding circuits salesman's creative work, new-found lux-
Simple wiring from large, clear, schematics uries have become a necessary servant in
All parts individually wrapped and packaged
High frequency I.F.'s conforming to latest I.R.E. most homes, but even now the art is too
Production now at an all-time high Sold ONLY through reputable distributors
new to leave the marketing entirely to the
DYNAMIC TELEVISION ASSOCIATES, INC. chain or non -electrical store which does
Manufacturers, Television and Electronic Equipment not 'specialize on after -service.
1---..155 PRINCE STREET BROOKLYN, N. Y. "The American home is beginning to

112 RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947

Specifically, the program aims to : (1)
Drive to Sell More Maintain the present or normal demand,
Millions of Sets (2) Expand this demand and thus develop
The Radio Manufacturers Association new markets, (3) Obsolete radios, and
has revealed details of its big merchandis- (4) Minimize the problem of trade-ins.
ing campaign to increase the general sale
of sets.
This drive will further the industry's
Admiral Corp. Opens
aim for radio for every room and every
Another New Factory
purpose, and will achieve that objective A new assembly plant at Harvard, Ill.,
with an approach acceptable to the con- 80 miles northwest of Chicago, has been
opened by Admiral Corp., to handle much
sumer. The basic theme will be a radio of the production of the firm's small sets.
for every member of the family-radio as At the opening ceremony, Admiral vice-
an individual possession. president R. A. Graver presented the first
The theme will be expressed to con- set off the line to J. L. McCabe, mayor of
sumers in advertising and in newspaper Harvard.
and magazine publicity. Films, promo- Admiral also has two main plants and
tional material, point -of -sale pieces, etc., a cabinet factory at Harvard, and recently
are all included in the program designed acquired another cabinet plant at Shelby-
to give every help in selling more radios. ville, Ind.
Paul B. Zimmerman

find that it needs two things in buying ap-

pliances. First, a good product and second,
a nearby after -service. As we add motors,
automatic controls, etc., the man of the
home is no longer sufficient for service.
Neighborhood service will become as im-
portant for appliances as it is for motor on a SILVER PLATTER
"The community electrical dealer has
immediately ahead of him his one great MASCO'S De Luxe Portable
opportunity, if he will first sell a good
product and second and just as important, 16 in. Transcription Player
sell himself as a specialist on the proper with Built-in 5 Watt Amplifier
use and after -service of the product. The
home needs information and advice on all Enjoys a Ready -Made Market
new mechanical products and will general-
ly buy from the neighborhood dealer if he
is first to describe a new product. With
the first major product installed, the com-
munity merchant has the first opportunity
to aid the home in selecting additional ap-
pliances. /A,
"We are entering a buyer's market. The
public wants to quit its unnatural position
of seeking to buy at a premium, and to be
sold in the old and new fashioned way, It has everything
namely, to have a salesman smilingly take Recording studios, broadcasting sta- required:
a great interest in its problems, under- tions, schools, theatrical and advertis- raBuingefrelt-in high fidelity
amplifier of wide
quency response.
stand these and show how best to supply ing agencies and others who "sell" Heavy duty
their needs. professional and radio entertainment net speaker. 10" P.M. Alnico I/ mag-
The electrical dealer and salesman is are natural customers for Masco's De Speaker mount
again challenged to take first place in sell- of portable cased in removable
Luxe 16 in. Professional Transcription excellent b attle,e which serves cover
ing better and happier living in the home. Plays 16" as an
Player. and standard recordings
12" turntable.
Fair Trade Rules Are "One of the finest portable tran- Operates at either 78
Emphasized by Proctor scription players ever made," state Master gain control. or 33Y3 rpm.
outstanding factors in the industry Newlowpressure
The Proctor Electric Co., has re- who tested it. Q T -M cartridge high fidelit
emphasized and amplified its Fair Trade in No. 400 ary astaticm.
Two input channels,
notice to its distributors and retailers in List Price with tubes $134.50
West of Rockies add 5% and phonograph. forr microphone
a new price sheet in which a new prod- Contact your local Masco distributor for
uct, the Proctor Roast -Or -Grille, is also bass and treble
ers, allowing
immediate delivery. For descriptive litera- tings. for accurate eq ualiz-
announced. ture or other information write directly to tonal set-
The notice says that "Resale prices on factory, Dept. D.
these goods are fixed by agreement under
applicable Fair Trade Acts, and hence
such resale prices must be observed by
law-Under our Fair Trade Policy, shop- MARK SIMPSON MANUFACTURING CO., Inc.
worn or damaged merchandise may not 32.28 49th Street, Long Island City 3, N.Y.
be sold at less than the fair trade retail
price unless (a) it has first been offered
to Proctor for purchase at the price paid SOUND SYSTEMS and Accessories
for the merchandise by the retailer, and
(b) unless it is offered and sold to the
public as such shop-worn or damaged

August, 1947
Television Sets in Jr., president. Mr. Hinck was formerly
Use, 50,000 with the transmitter sales department of
Manufacturers' figures on production Allen B. DuMont Laboratories, Inc.
and sale of television sets indicate that as Industrial is manufacturing large, di-
of July 1, 50,000 TV sets were in use in rect -vision, remotely controlled television
U. S. (38,000 built since Jan, 1, 1947; receivers suitable for installation in tav-
6,000 built in 1946; 6,000 to 8,000 pre- erns, clubs, hotels, and lodges. In addition
war sets). to the feature of remote control, it is pos-
Following is basis of distribution of sible to employ many viewing screens with
sets now coming off production line: one control unit.
Mr. Hinck's advertising and promotion
duties will include the appointing of
Per Cent dealers.
New York 38.0
Newark 12.0
Philadelphia 13.0 Video Market Estimated
Albany -Schenectady
2.6 at Twenty-five Million
Los Angeles Television is now reaching regions in
Detroit which nearly 25,000,000 people live in
St. Louis 3.2
eight metropolitan markets, Dan Halpin,
Hartford & Southern Conn. RCA Victor television receiver sales man-
Washington .6
ager, told members of the Electric Insti-
Baltimore tute in an address in Washington. He esti-
mated that by 1948, television broadcast
I service will be extended to cover the
Following is an estimate of sets in use
July 1, by areas: area in which 10,000,000 additional people
live. The stations going on the air be-
New York -Newark -Conn. 30,000
tween 1948 and mid -1949 will bring tele-
Chicago 6,500
vision service to, conservatively, 15 addi-
Philadelphia tional cities, he added.
Los Angeles 2,500
Oak Ridge Cuts Prices
Schenectady 600 Leon G. Friedman, general manager
A twist of the knob ... the positive St. Louis of the Oak Ridge Antenna Co., 717 Sec-
wink of the indicator eye 500
. .a glance ond Ave., New York, N. Y., has an-
at the big, easy -to -read dial through the RMA figures- show that 8,000 to 10,000 nounced a series of price cuts ranging
precision pointer .
another glance at TV sets are now being produced monthly from ten to twenty per cent on all tele-
the multiplier switch-and you've got (this monthly output may reach 20,000 to vision and FM antennas. He said that
your capacitance or resistance reading. 25,000 by the end of year). the prices had been slashed in line with
Power factor and leakage readings also President Truman's appeal.
available with equal simplicity. Checks
for shorts and opens. It's all done in a
TV Sales Manager Oak Ridge has recently added to its
line of all -aluminum antennas, the DDR-3
jiffy-yet with real accuracy. The naming of Edwin B. Hinck as model-a double dipole with double re-
That's what you get in the Aerovox sales manager of Industrial Television, flectors antenna. The company is also
Model 76 Capacitance -Resistance Bridge Inc., 36 Franklin Ave., Nutley 10, N. J., marketing an all -aluminum wall mount
just emerged from the Aerovox Engineer- has been announced by Horace Atwood, which is priced under $1.50.
ing Laboratory in response to the de-
mand for a simple, accurate, moderate -
priced instrument for use in service shop, Master Antenna System for Urban TV
laboratory, or out in the field. You jest
can't afford to get along without it in
this fast-moving postwar era!
Ask your Aerovox distributor or write us
for the "Jiffy Checking- descriptive bul-
letin. Have your distributor show you
this instrument and try it for yourself.
You'll want to take one with you!

These eight TV sets are hooked to the new Intro -Video antenna system for
AEROVOX CORP.,NEW BEDFORD,MASS.,U.S.A. Telicon Laboratories, 851 Madison Ave., NYC. multiple dwellings shown by
11port:13 E.40th St.,NewYork16,N.Y. Cable: 'ARAB' but one master for each TV station. This master aerial handles any number of sets, requiring
Dumont; Remington; Stewart -Warner; Front row sets are, left to right, United States Television;
and Viewtone. Telicon and RCA are in back row. two by
Is Canada: AEROVOX CANADA LTU., Hamilton, Oat included but is not shown here. Philco was

RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947
Pliilco Projection TV Set
Wide interest among television people
has been aroused by Philco's new projec-
tion model 2500 with its "dark back-
ground" picture, 15 by 20 inches, achiev-

Ward FM antennas stand head and
shoulders above the field for value. Avail- OUTSTANDING
able in straight or folded dipole types
(with or without reflector kit), they adapt
easily to varying individual requirements. FM
Philco's Model 2500 projects picture from the
front, upon special high -gain Micro -Lens screen.
Providing the maximum electrical
ciency needed for finest FM reception, they
are easy to install securely. Their trouble -
free operation assures you extra profits.
ing an image brilliance some four times Write for free catalog today.
that of earlier projection sets.
A diagrammatic sketch of the arrange- THE WARD PRODUCTS CORPORATION
ment of the 4 -inch tube, Schmidt lens, re - 1523 EAST 45th STREET, CLEVELAND 3, OHIO
fleeting mirror, and inclined specular
("micro -lens") screen, was shown in the
March issue of this magazine, page 68.
Production models have now been dem- EXPORT DEPARTMENTS C. W. Brondes, Manager, 4900 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio
onstrated before audiences in several AN CANADA, Atlas Radio Corp., 560 King Street W., Toronto 1, Ontario, Canada
cities, confirming earlier claims that the
large bright picture is clearly visible in
daylight or in a lighted room. The 2500 1 'fiS;-- :::%:.::-Z$:;::::A'
is priced at $795 plus excise tax of $1.41
plus installation -warranty charge of $85.
Vikt,8ElTER joiss?tsk00114
Norge Adjusts
Refrigerator Prices
Increases in costs of materials and HERE'S WHY AND HOW
wages have forced the Norge division of METER-large 4 -inch square -face
meter, 500 microampere.
Borg-Warner Corp. to raise prices "to SPEED-push-button operated.
a moderate extent" on four models of FLEXIBLE-simple, yet Universal Float-
refrigerators, according to Howard E. ing Filaments feature insures against
Blood, president of the division. The SIMPLICITY-roll chart carries full
average retail price increase for the en- data for tube setting. No roaming test
leads when using multi-meter-only push
tire line will amount to less than 2% a button.
per cent. The refrigerator models af- SPECIFICATIONS
fected are in the lower price range; in- DC VOLTS-I000 Ohms per volt: 0-5.25
creases amount to from $10 to $20 on 100-250-500-1000-2500.
AC VOLTS -0-5-10-50-250-1000.
four models. OUTPUT VOLTS -0-5-10-50-250-1000.
OHMMETER -0-200-2000-20,000 Ohms.
0-2-20 Megohms.
Album Mfgr. Seeks Rep Condenser Check:
Electrolytic: checked on English reading
A manufacturers representative to call
on dealers and distributors is sought by SUPREME 504B TUBE scale at rated voltages of 25-50-100-200.
250-300-450 volts.

the L. H. Symons Associates, 345 Hudson AND SET TESTER- Battery Test:
Check dry portable "A" and "8" bat.
St., New York, N. Y. He will handle an the portable lab that gives you everything. teries under load.
exclusive line of blank record albums,
photo albums and scrap books in all terri- JOBBER FOR A FREE

Speaker Prices Down

Altec Lansing Corp., 250 W. 57th St., EXPORT DEPT.: The American Steel Export Co., Inc,
New York 19, N. Y., has announced sub- 347 Madison Ave., New York 17, N. Y., U.S. A.
stantial reduction in net prices on its Du-
plex and Dia-cone line of loudspeakers. SUPREME INSTRUMENTS CORP., Greenwood, Miss., U. S. A.
The cut was effective July 15th.

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 115

and Television Sets in Jr., president. Mr. Hinck was formerly
Use, 50,000 with the transmitter sales department of
Manufacturers' figures on production Allen B. DuMont Laboratories, Inc.
and sale of television sets indicate that as Industrial is manufacturing large, di-
of July 1, 50,000 TV sets were in use in rect -vision, remotely controlled television
U. S. (38,000 built since Jan. 1, 1947; receivers suitable for installation in tav-
6,000 built in 1946; 6,000 to 8,000 pre- erns, clubs, hotels, and lodges. In addition
war sets). to the feature of remote control, it is pos-
Following is basis of distribution of sible to employ many viewing screens with
sets now coming off production line : one control unit.
Mr. Hinck's advertising and promotion
duties will include the appointing of
Per Cent dealers.
New York 38.0
Newark 12.0
Philadelphia 13.0 Video Market Estimated
Albany -Schenectady
2.6 at Twenty-five Million
Los Angeles 9.0
Television is now reaching regions in
Detroit which nearly 25,000,000 people live in
St. Louis 3.2
eight metropolitan markets, Dan Halpin,
Hartford & Southern Conn. RCA Victor television receiver sales man-
Washington .6
ager, told members of the Electric Insti-
Baltimore .5
tute in an address in Washington. He esti-
mated that by 1948, television broadcast
Following is an estimate of sets in use service will be extended to cover the
July 1, by areas : area in which 10,000,000 additional people
live. The stations going on the air be-
New York -Newark -Conn. 30,000
tween 1948 and mid -1949 will bring tele-
Chicago vision service to, conservatively, 15 addi-
Philadelphia tional cities, he added.
Los Angeles 2,500
Oak Ridge Cuts Prices
Schenectady 600 Leon G. Friedman, general manager
A twist of the knob ... the positive St. Louis of the Oak Ridge Antenna Co., 717 Sec-
wink of the indicator eye . 500
. a glance
ond Ave., New York, N. Y., has an-
at the big, easy -to -read dial through the RMA figures show that 8,000 to 10,000 nounced a series of price cuts ranging
precision pointer . another glance at TV sets are now being produced monthly from ten to twenty per cent on all tele-
the multiplier switch ---and you've got (this monthly output may reach 20,000 to vision and FM antennas. He said that
your capacitance or resistance reading. 25,000 by the end of year). the prices had been slashed in line with
Power factor and leakage readings also President Truman's appeal.
available with equal simplicity. Checks
for shorts and opens. It's all done in a
TV Sales Manager Oak Ridge has recently added to its
The naming of Edwin B. Hinck as line of all -aluminum antennas, the DDR-3
jiffy-yet with real accuracy. model-a double dipole with double re-
That's what you get in the Aerovox sales manager of Industrial Television, flectors antenna. The company is also
Model 76 Capacitance -Resistance Bridge Inc., 36 Franklin Ave., Nutley 10, N. J., marketing an all -aluminum wall mount
just emerged from the Aerovox Engineer- has been announced by Horace Atwood,
which is priced under $1.50.
ing Laboratory in response to the de-
mand for a simple, accurate, moderate -
priced instrument for use in service shop, Master Antenna System for Urban TV
laboratory, or out in the field. You
can't afford to get along without it in
this fast-moving postwar ero!

Ask your Aerovox distributor or write us

for the "Jiffy Checking" descriptive bul-
letin. Have your distributor show you
this instrument and try it for yourself.
You'll wont to take one with you!

AEROVOX CORP., NEW BEDFORD, MASS., U.S.A. These eight TV sets are hooked to the new Intro -Video antenna
Telicon Laboratories, 851 Madison Ave., NYC. system for multiple dwellings shown by
Esport:13 E. Mb St., NewYork16, N.Y. Cable: ARLAB' I but one master forRemington; istation.tne,
This master aerial handles any number of sets, requiring
Fronton vrioewwtsoentes. ore, 1eft
Stewart -Warner; to right, United States Television; two by
la Casale: AEROVOX CANADA LTD., Hamilton, Oat. included but is not shown here. Teliconand RCA are in back row. Philco was

RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August,
Philco Projection TV Set
Wide interest among television people
has been aroused by Philco's new projec-
tion model 2500 with its "dark back-
ground" picture, 15 by 20 inches, achiev-

Ward FM antennas stand head and
shoulders above the field for value. Avail-
able in straight or folded dipole types
(with or without reflector kit), they adapt
easily to varying individual requirements.
Providing the maximum electrical effi-
ciency needed for finest FM reception, they
Philco's Model 2500 projects picture from the are easy to install securely. Their trouble -
front, upon special high -gain Micro -Lens screen.
free operation assures you extra profits.
ing an image brilliance some four times Write for free catalog today.
that of earlier projection sets.
A diagrammatic sketch of the arrange- THE WARD PRODUCTS CORPORATION
ment of the 4 -inch tube, Schmidt lens, re- 1523 EAST 45th STREET, CLEVELAND 3, OHIO
flecting mirror, and inclined specular
("micro -lens") screen, was shown in the
March issue of this magazine, page 68.
Production models have now been dem- EXPORT DEPARTMENT, C. W. Brandes, Manager, 4900 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio
onstrated before audiences in several IN CANADA Atlas Radio Corp., 560 King Street W., Toronto 1, Ontario, Canada
cities, confirming earlier claims that the
large bright picture is clearly visible in
daylight or in a lighted room. The 2500 :::.
is priced at $795 plus excise tax of $1.41
plus installation -warranty charge of $85. P CY3
R JOBS.....................................
Norge Adjusts
Refrigerator Prices
Increases in costs of materials and HERE'S WHY AND HOW
wages have forced the Norge division of METER-large 4 -inch sg uaref ace
meter, 500 microampere.
Borg-Warner Corp. to raise prices "to SPEED-push-button operated.
a moderate extent" on four models of FLEXIBLE-simple, yet Universal Float-
refrigerators, according to Howard E. ing Filaments feature insures against
Blood, president of the division. The SIMPLICITY-roll chart carries full
average retail price increase for the en- data for tube setting. No roaming test
leads when using multi-meter-only push
tire line will amount to less than 2% a button.
per cent. The refrigerator models af- SPECIFICATIONS
fected are in the lower price range ; in- DC VOLTS --1000 Ohms per volt: 0.5-25
creases amount to from $10 to $20 on 100-250-500-1000-2500.
AC VOLTS -0-5-10-50-250-1000.
four models. OUTPUT VOLTS -0-5-10-50-250-1000.
OHMMETER -0-200-2000-20,000 Ohms,
0-2-20 Megohms.
Album Mfgr. Seeks Rep Condenser Check:
Electrolytics checked on English reading
A manufacturers representative to call scale at rated voltages of 25-50-100-200-
on dealers and distributors is sought by SUPREME 504.13 TUBE 250-300-450 volts.
the L. H. Symons Associates, 345 Hudson AND SET TESTER- Battery Test:
Check dry portable "A" and "B" bat.
St., New York, N. Y. He will handle an the portable Jab that gives you everything. teries under load.
exclusive line of blank record albums, ASK YOUR SUPREME
photo albums and scrap books in all terri- JOBBER FOR A FREE

Speaker Prices Down

Altec Lansing Corp., 250 W. 57th St., EXPORT DEPT.: The American Steel Export Co., Inc.
New York 19, N. Y., has announced sub- 347 Madison Ave., New York 17, N. Y., U. S. A.
stantial reduction in net prices on its Du-
plex and Dia-cone line of loudspeakers. SUPREME INSTRUMENTS CORP., Greenwood, Miss., U. S. A.
The cut was effective July 15th,

RADIO Cr Televiston RETAILING August, 1947 115


5 -Watt
r There's a great new interest
home movies, and business in this

field promises to go ahead rapidly.

Numbers of dealers are setting their
sights on large -volume goals, plan-
ning active participation in merchan-
dising more cameras, projectors,
movie films and accessories.
New and exciting things are hap-
DRIVER UNITS pening in the home movie industry WIRE -WOUND
which are bound to be most appeal-
ing to the consumer. There's color, VITREOUS -ENAMELED
there's sound, and most significantly, TYPE
there is a definite trend toward popu-
lar -priced sound projectors. Provide Utmost Dependability
The dealer handling home movie in a New Small Size
equipment has more than entertain- Now you can get an Ohmite wire -wound
ment to offer his customers, because
vitreous -enameled resistor ...of proved
the educational value of modern films reliability . . . in the 5 -watt size. This
BOOSTER UNITS is well known to all, and presents a
first-rate sales argument in behalf of new resistor has the same rugged
construction . . . the same unfailing
investment in equipment.
dependability . . . as larger Ohmite in-
The dealer who has been handling dustrial units. Yet it is small enough
movie and photographic equipment to fit practically any installation. Easily
for some time has learned many mounted by its 1 -inch, tinned copper -
things which have helped to steer wire leads. Tolerance ± 10%. Available
him straight along a profitable mer- in a wide range of resistance values.
chandising course. Where you need a small resistor that
For instance, he has found out that you can install and forget -use this
RADIAL PROJECTORS such equipment cannot be properly new Ohmite unit.
sold if it is treated as a fill-in, or as
a step -child line. If a merchant de- OHMITE MANUFACTURING CO;
cides to sell home movie products 4871 Flournoy Street Chicago, Illinois
he should also decide to consider
Baffles such lines as important adjuncts to NEW Ohm's Law Calculator
Enclosures his business, and should then proceed
Desk Stands to set up proper display and demon- A new and im-
Speaker strating facilities for selling them. proved handy
Stands The demonstration angle is partic- pocket size (9" x 3") cal-
Adaptors ularly important. A good projector culator. All computing scales are on one side.
Wall Boxes sells for a worthwhile price, and will Shows RMA resistor color code. Mail 25c In
Boom Stands coin for your copy.
not be bought by a person who knows
nothing about its features, even
Write for illustrated catalog sheets though the brand -name may be famil-
iar to him.
What the projector will do for the
customer's entertainment and en-
lightenment must be stressed by the
salesman, and the prospective buyer
must be shown to be convinced.
1451 -39th Street, Brooklyn 18, N. Y. Salespeople who know little or

116 RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 184f

nothing about the operation and fea-
tures of movie cameras, projectors,
etc., should not be permitted to try
to handle sales. Such uninformed
personnel will find themselves utter-
ly confused in trying to talk to hob-
byists, with the latter losing all
confidence in the store, and they will
not be able to sell the layman either
because they don't know enough
about the subject to whet the lay-
man's buying appetite.
However, selling movie, photo-
graphic and film equipment and ac-
cessories is not necessarily a com-
plicated process. Any intelligent
salesperson can learn to do a good
job in a short time by operating the
products, reading manufacturers' lit- To get YOUR FREE COPY
erature, plus learning the basic tech- of this indispensable manual
nical information. (value $1.50) merely mail in to JFD
The thing to remember is that Factory 12 flaps from JFD Radio Dial
every man, woman and child knows Belt envelopes; include 100 in postage to
and loves movies. There is a world cover mailing cost. (Buy your JFD Dial Belts
of interest at hand upon which the and Belt Kits from your nearest parts jobber.)
smart merchandiser can capitalize.
If the customer has the money to JFD's new 68 -page Ballast Manual is a treasury of information for
Radio Servicemen and Dealers - AND IT'S FREE! It lists more than 3000
buy, for example, a good movie radio ballasts - ACDC Ballasts for Fluorescent lights and electrical op.
camera and a good projector, either pliances - 220 volt to 110 volt Stepdown Ballasts.
sound or silent, he is more than like-
ly to be a first-rate prospect. With Be sure to include 12 flaps from JFD Dial Belt Envelopes with your request for
the camera he can record valuable your copy of this valuable booklet.
family pictures, scenes of memorable Send 12 Envelope Flaps to:
vacations, etc. With the projector,
he can always revive pleasant mem- J.F.D. MANUFACTURING CO. INC. .
ories, or can buy or rent films featur- 4109-4123 FORT HAMILTON PARKWAY, BROOKLYN 19. N. Y.
ing sports, comedy, tragedy, travel,
instruction, and numerous other sub-
Customers who own, or have own-
ed home movie equipment are always
interested in seeing anything new the
dealer has to offer, and, therefore, as Make sales hum! Profits soar! You most
soon as he gets something new in he certainly can with Talk -A -Phone's latest
should contact his prospect list via business boosting Ad Mats and they . .

telephone or mail, inviting prospects are yours absolutely free.

to visit the store.
The majority of owners who have Send today for folder picturing these new
the more simple equipment will cer- Talk -A -Phone business go-getters. Put
tainly be interested in projectors them to work for you . . use them in ads,
having smoother operation, less flick-
er, stop motion and back motion fea- folders, catalogs. They are attractively il-
tures, improved cooling methods, and lustrated . . . eye catching . . . loaded to
new type lenses which provide more the hilt with what it takes to attract vol-
screen brightness. They will be in- ume trade to establish you
. .

terested in all of such features if as intercommunication head-

the dealer presents such desirable
qualities in an interest -intriguing quarters. Just say: "Send us
fashion. folder of FREE Ad Mats." Address
Many of those prospects who have Dept. R T.
never before owned movie equipment
have seen "shows" in the homes of
others. The desire to own is very
strong in most of such persons. In-
store demonstration can bring many
newcomers into the ever-increasing
TalkA-Phone Co.
ranks of home movie enthusiasts. 1512 S. Pulaski Road Chicago 23, III.

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 117

Winning Window
AgetddanaliNg #

First prize in Tele-tone's window display contest

among U. S. dealers was this eye-catcher at
William H. Block Co., Indianapolis. Block used
the global trade mark with Dyna-Mite sets, won
$250. Second prize of $100 went to Roat Music
Co., Battle Creek, Mich., and third award of $50
FLEXIFONE to the Grimes store in Pittsburgh, Pa.

New Members Added

to Reps Roster
"The Representatives" are continuing
their activities byfrequent, live meetings
by all chapters and addition of members
. THE LINE THAT GIVES YOU by six of the chapters, according to Dave
SALES LEADERSHIP TODAY! Tobias, the Reps' newsman.
The California chapter has added Dean
A. Lewis, 65 Ninth St., San Francisco,
Calif. The Los Angeles chapter reports
the addition of Harold A. Kittleson, 623
Guaranty Bldg., Hollywood, Calif.; and
Arthur W. Philo, 470 E. Orange Grove
Ave., Pasadena, Calif., associate.
Other chapters report the addition of
one member each : Buckeye chapter, Wal-
ter J. Brauer, 15631 Lakewood Ave., * Hundreds upon hundreds of vol-
Lakewood, Ohio; Chicagoland chapter, ume control replacements were
Alek A. Gianaras, 3624 W. North St., analyzed. And Clarostat arrived
Chicago, Ill.; New England chapter, at the minimum number of types
for the maximum number of stand-
Irving I. Kahn, 3324 Main St., Hartford, ard set replacements. And this
Conn.; and the Dixie chapter, V. Hutto, is it-the No. 4 Kit-servicing up-
255 Mathews Ave., N. E., Atlanta, Ga. wards of 95% of standard radios.

Waldom Electronics
in Expansion 17 selected volume and tone controls
,flooteeetlee ?lout of of most popular ohmages and taps.
FLEXIFONE offers you two profit It has been announced by Waldom Elec- 8 selected Ad -A -Switches. Both S.P.
lines, Official and Supervisor tronics, Inc., 911 N. Larrabee St., Chi- and D.P. types.
Models for small, low-cost systems cago 10, Ill., that Jerome "Zim" Prince 4 Glasohm (glass -insulated flexible
and Executive Models for large has joined the firm as an officer of the resistors) for use in tight spots.
installations. FLEXIFONE's smart company in charge of sales and promo-
new styling, quality construction, Plus Authorized Service plaque. Plus
tion of new products. Mr. Prince was for Volume Control Selector. Plus latest
and free sales helps mean new many years sales manager of Carron and Clarostat catalog.
business for you! . . Investigate until recently was sales manager for Utah.
FLEXIFONE today! All packed in handsome steel cabinet
Waldom manufactures a full line of -free of all advertising labels.
* NATIONALLY ADVERTISED in TIME, FOR- replacement cones, and will shortly be A total value of $29.65 list, for only
ready to market universal field coil re- $17.79, your net cost.
best -read magazines, placements. The firm uses Hawley di-
aphragms in its products. * Ask Your Jobber . . .

MFG. CO., DEPT. RIR.13 A complete catalog of Waldom parts Order this "special" today-before the
OPERADIO ST. CHARLES, is now being issued, containing all of the supply runs out. At least ask for the
story on company's latest listings. latest Clareistat catalog lising widest
Gentlemen:send us the profit choice of resistors, controls, and resis-
Please and Supervisor tance devices. Or write us direct.
FLEXIFONE systems.
Vibrator Inverter Price
Address The model 2115 vibrator inverter which
State was described among "New Lines" on
page 58 of the June issue of RADIO &
oPERADio Television RETAILING, was incorrectly
priced at $39.95. The correct price for
the unit, which is made by Electronic
Laboratories, Inc., 24 W. 24th St., Indi-
anapolis, Ind., is $59.95.
CLAROSTAT MFG. CO., Inc. 285.7 N. 6m St., Brooklyn. Ni.

118 RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947

Wilson is the head of the amplifier and
RMA Increases Its sound equipment division. The respec-
Industry Services tive divisions re-elected Mr. Galvin as
Further action on promotional material chairman of the set division, Mr. Kahn
for National Radio Week, to be cele- as chairman of the parts division and
brated Oct. 26 -Nov. 1, has been taken S. P. Taylor as chairman of the trans-
by the Radio Manufacturers Associa- mitter division.
tion, so that both dealers and broadcasters Directors who were re-elected for three-
will be well prepared for the event. An year terms are-for the set division, E.
appropriation of $20,000 for the material Alschuler, G. M. Gardner, Joseph Gerl,
was made by the retiring RMA board of Ray H. Manson and Harold C. Mattes ;
directors. for the tube division, R. E. Carlson; for
the transmitter division, H. J. Hoffman ;
This was one of the steps taken at the for the parts division, Ernest Searing,
recent RMA convention, which outlined Ray F. Sparrow and R. C. Sprague;
greatly expanded industry services to be for the amplifier and sound equipment
undertaken by the organization. New
officers and directors, headed by Max F. division, Allen Shoup.
Balcom as the new president, were also The RMA directors re-elected Bond
Geddes, executive vice-president and sec-
named by the group to guide the member- retary, and re -appointed John W. Van
ship through these activities. Mr. Bal- Allen, of Buffalo, N. Y., as general
com succeeds R. C. Cosgrove, who con- New RMA head, Max F. Bolcom of Sylvania.
cluded three years as RMA head. counsel. Chairman Kahn of the parts
division was re-elected RMA represen-
Treasurer Leslie F. Muter was re- chairman of the industry statistics com- tative on the board of the Radio Parts
elected RMA treasurer for his thirteenth mittee. The board appropriateck $10,000 Show Corporation.
term. Dr. W. R. G. Baker was reap- to finance the activity. Former president Cosgrove will con-
pointed director of the RMA engineering R. E. Carlson, vice-president of Tung - tinue active in the RMA. In addition to
department and remains a member of the Sol Lamp Works and W. J. Barkley, being added to the finance committee,
board of directors. executive vice-president of the Collins Mr. Cosgrove has been appointed by
A special committee was appointed by Radio Co., were elected new vice-- president &Acorn as chairman of the
President Balcom to set up the machinery presidents. RMA-NAB Committee for liaison with
by which a monthly panel survey of the The directors also re-elected three the National Association of Broadcasters
movement and sale of radio sets can be other vice-presidents : Paul V. Galvin, on major industry problems. Mr. Cos-
made. J. J. Kahn, and Allen Shoup. The four grove also has been added to the exec-
Chairman Galvin of the set division was new RMA directors elected for three- utive committee of the set division and
appointed chairman of this committee, year terms are H. L. Hoffman, Harry C. to the committee for liaison with the
and the other members are Directors Sparks, E. N. Wendell and W. A. Mac- FM Association. Director L. F. Hardy
H. C. Bonfig, Larry F. Hardy and R. C. Donald. continues, by re -appointment, as chair-
Sprague, the latter representing the parts Mr. Carlson succeeds Mr. Balcom man of the RMA-FMA Liaison Com-
manufacturers, and Frank W. Mansfield, as chairman of the tube division and F. D. mittee.

the 4.0411/09 line Build it YOURSELF
. . . with Republic's new Kit
This is your chance to have a television set of your own-you
of CORDS and CORD SETS can build it yourself, for half the cost of comparable sets now
on the market. It is easy to assemble in a few hours, with this
specified by top manufacturers of complete kit, engineered for simplicity of construction and qual-
ity of reception.

See every big sports event! Large screen,

OUTSTANDING will entertain 10 or more of your friends in
your living -room. Hundreds of sets have
FEATURES been built successfully by novices-Order
"FM'' sound yours today!
High fidelity
20 tubes - pre-
DC restorer
5units.channel3 tuned RF

and wired.
3.5 megacycle
band width.
pre -tuned IF's
7" Brand pic-
ture tube
Complete an-
A full line of Flexible Cords for the
repair and service industry, obtain-
able through jobbers and distributors.
tenna, 6,0' lead-
Hardwood ve-
96500 FOB Dumont
Trade Inquiries Invited
neer front panel $35 Deposit on C.O.D.'s-Pressed Plywood
Cabinet available, $40 extra.

Republic Television, Inc.


RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 119

Farnsworth Sales Manager

Evver dmt
You satisfy every

YOU can
build a
of your
own NOW - either with the
part or full time-with
TRADIO, the radio complete line of
functionally designed
for coin -operation in
hotels, motels, stop-
overs, hospitals, etc.
Big earnings ... Steady
income . . . and no
clock to punch unless
you want to.
and at the same time
* Only Small Investment
Needed Just appointed manager of the sales division of Simplify Your Inventory
Farnsworth Television & Radio Corp., is E. J. (Joe)
Tradio has pioneered in this new and Hendrickson, succeeding E. H. McCarthy, retired Increase Stock Turnover
fast-growing industry. Get in on the because of ill health. Mr. Hendrickson has been
ground floor and assure yourself of in radio merchandising nearly 25 years. Boost Your Profits
financial independence for life.
* Tradio-Tried, Tested, Ask your
Sales and Service nearby Bell
others all over (Continued from page 41) distributor
the country for details
have learned Two expert radio technicians are
that "T radio
employed part time. Both are engi-
Pays While it
for complete
neers at the local Station WMBD, BELL SOUND
information to- who work for Arnold on their days
day. Write to
Dept. X-8. off. Arnold also employs his son- SYSTEMS, INC.
in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. 1186 Essex Avenue
TRADIO, Inc. ANSEBWU RSEY Duane Brighton, in the bookkeeping Columbus 3, Ohio
and delivery departments.
All repairs are cash. Radios are
sold on time and customers get their
choice as to financing plans.
To get business, the Arnold con-
cern depends chiefly upon a tele- Dealers & Manufacturers
phone book ad and word-of-mouth
advertising from satisfied customers.
Only a little newspaper advertising DOUBLE
is done. About each sixty days,
printed postal cards are mailed to the
customer list to remind them of the
Arnold service. NEW RADIO TUBES
The large telephone book ad is in
the classified section. It contains a 80,000-1619 @ 22c ea. 900-954 @ 70c ea.
, 4.000-1625 @ 22c ea. 500-VR90 ...@ 26c ea.
picture of "Your radio as we see it" 300-1624 @ 22c ea. 300-12S17 ...@ 22c ea.
-the circuit diagram of a radio. The G.E. Neon Glow Lamps, V4 watt, 125 V.,
striking statement below the picture, T41/2 clear D.C. base
G.E. Handlantern, 2.6V.
$2.50 C
G8 bulb .8amp
"There are 363 reasons for failure D.C. Base 2.50 C
of your radio," also commands atten- 5 Ft. Jack Cords with PL55 & JK26
on ea. $30.00 C
tion. The ad has been very effective; T -17D Hand Mikes with switch PL -68 Plug $2.50 ea.
BC -606-D interphone control box $50.00 C
numerous callers say they saw it in CD 604.6" cord with transformer 300 ohm
.X 3000 Ohm $15.00 C
the telephone book. The part of the 30 Ft. coils 8 Conductor rubber covered
ACCURATELY TESTS shielded $25.00 C
All F.M. CIRCUITS three-way card given to the customer 5 Ft. Lengths 10 cond. shielded cable rubber
has this same circuit illustration. cov. $17.50 C

Teletype tool sets 39 items #81124 $300.00 C
"We do not believe in promoting Jewel Lights with #47 Bulb Red Diamond
\ our own business by running down
Fuse Kit-One Double Mounting
Fuses 2 clips
$15.00 C

Model 406 Electronic Volt -Ohmmeter other outlets. We believe that by a Telephone Jacks 11(24
$12.00 C
$15.00 C
We Invite comparison of this Instrument with any
sincere and honest effort to do our Acro Switches #R07-8586
Counterpoise Reel Assemblies 4 Ply x 100'
$10.00 C
at any price for appearance, best and live up to our slogan, we long on 16 M.M. Reel $50.00 C
S89.50 ruggedness, accuracy, stability.
will get the business of many who
0-I 1.000 U. H.
to volts
A. C., D. C- 0-1.000 megohms.

will eventually come to a real radio All items subject to prior sale.
Jobber Pen -type dual -diode A.C. probe.
or F.O.B. No extras to buy. Send for de- repair shop rather than to the corner
Cincinnati tails or order today.
drug store or gas station. There is FINK & OLSWANG
as much sense in buying a radio at a 27 S. Desplaines St., Chicago 6, III.
1135 Bank St., Dept. 5 place that cannot service it as to buy RANdolph 2338
Cincinnati 14, Ohio
a set of teeth in a lumber yard."
RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1947


22 Ga. stranded wire. Pliofilm, asbestos and glass insu- NO VARIABLE
lation. Available in various tracer colors. Special for a
limited time only.
100 Ft. Coil
1000 Ft. Spool
$ 5 919
Power Supply: 117 volts, 60 cycles.
22 Ga. solid wire with plastic and lacquered cotton insu- Power Consumption: 35 watts. Cir-
cuit: Superheterodyne. Tuning Range:
lation. Ideal for intercom and burglar alarm installation, 88-108 Mc. Intermediate Frequency:
and many other uses. An exceptional value. 10.7 Mc (iron core tuned, ceramic
100 Ft. Coil $0.59 insulation). Band Width: 150 KC.
5.50 Sensitivity: 10 microvolts for full lim-
1000 Ft. Spool iting. Frequency Drift: Negligible af-
ter 5 minutes. Output Volts: Average
PLASTIC TUBING ASSORTMENT 2 volts RMS. Output Impedance:
500,000 Ohms.
100 ft. assortment of various sizes of plastic insulating Hum Level: 70 DB below average
sleeving that could not be duplicated for many times this output. 8 Tubes: 1-6AG5 RF Ampli-
fier, 1-616 OSC., Mixer, Detector,
very low price. 2-6SH7 1.F. Amplifiers, 1-6SH7 Limiter, 1-6AL5 Discriminator, 1-
Per Assortment $0.33 SY4 Rectifier, 1-6U5 Indicator (Tuning Eye). Antenna: 300 Ohm line
(Dipole). Chassis: No. 16 U.S.S.G. steel cadmium plated .0003. Weight:
Approx. 15 lbs. (packed). Chassis Dimensions: 8x12x3x81/2". Dial: Slide
We carry in stock for immediate delivery many types of rule. Dial Opening: 3x75/8. Pointer Travel: 6". Tuning Ratio: 16:1. Tuned
wire and cable in gauges of from 23 to 2, in addition to Lints: Brass, silver overlay .0005 thick. Contact Springs: Phosphor bronze,
silver overlay, .0005 thick. Contact Arms: Lucite bars. Front End: Unit
various types of multi -conductor cable for many uses. We construction, floated. Cabinet: Walnut veneer, hand rubbed. Controls:
also manufacture cord sets and cables to specifications. Tuning, volume with "on/off" switch. Chassis, complete with tubes, built
Send us your inquiries for prompt attention. in power supply, installed in illustrated cabinet.
Dealers and Jobbers, Write or Phone for Full Particulars to:
Our new catalog is now ready for distribution. See your
fecal jobber or write direct.


Completely covers all standard floor

models. Waterproof canvas outside, mole-
skin lined. Send for catalog of all appli- PERFECT Radio Reception When Servicing
ance covers. Car, Marine and Aircraft Radios!

Mitag ...
One -Piece
NEW oe"'116`
..... and Stove Covers
Model "A"
86-88 Franklin St., New Haven 11, Conn. POWER
Operates latest type auto Height, 73/4' Length, 113/4°
radios with solenoid tuning Width, 73%* Ship. Wt. 31 lbs.
RADI0e-Aways and tone controls . also 12 volt marine and aircraft radios.
RETAIUNG Always dependable! Reserve power Compact. Sturdy. 18 -gauge
a -plenty! Big, heavy duty transformers and steel construction. Handsome
preceding month for all ads requiring proofs, chokes - large capacity condensers, for blue Hammerloid finish.
5thofcomposition, foundry work, key changes, etc. exceptional voltage regulation - instan- Comes completely equipped
taneous power for solenoid operation. Two including 6' rubber cord and
preceding month for complete plates only- separately filtered DC output sources: in plug. Vastly superior and
lothofno setting. parallel supply 6V at 15 amps. series,12 V costs no more than batteries
at 71/2 amps. Separately 6 V at 71/2 amps. for equal service.
1st of month-Publication Date. Send for complete description of this up- to -the- minute power supply.
Cancellations not accepted after 5th of preceding month. ELECTRO PRODUCTS LABORATORIES
Pioneer Manufacturers of Battery Eliminators
CALDWELL-CLEMENTS, INC. 549 West Randolph Street Chicago 6, Illinois

RADIO Cr Television RETAILING August, 1.947 121

New Emerson Lubricant
Phono Needle
Ne-O-Lite Tester-Spray Kits
"Concert Grand"-our
finest needle; scratch -free
reproduction, long -life, spe-
cial metal tip, for use on automatic
TELEVISION record players,
and F. M. .
No. 1436 List $1.50 each
The requirements of Special lubricant for phono-
superior'Television and graphs; formulated so lubricant
clings to surface of parts.
Frequency Modulation re- Emerson's new portable Model 560 priced at Eliminates repair trouble
ception dictate a precisely $19.95 is one of a string of new models shown by No. 1223-tube List 42c
the firm. Three more portables are included-
designed and engineered No. 551-A is a 3 -way, 5 -tube superhet at $49.95;
antenna. Your receiver is No. 558 is the battery pocket unit at $34.95; and G -C FELT-KOAT
no better than your anten- No. 548 is the 3 -tube automatic record player at
$59.95. There's also the ivory plastic table model FLOCK FINISH
na. The Cameo "Feather- (547-A) at $19.95. SPRAY KITS
lite" Antenna gives you Easy to apply flock for refinishing turn-
tables, cabinets, grilles, etc. Kit contains
all the latest design fea-
tures at low cost. Working Papers specially designed spray gun, 2 colors
flock, undercoats, thinner, brush, instruc-
tions, etc.
It is extremely simple to (Continued from page 73) No. 180-2 List $10.75
install, since it is pretuned body no specialized approach to the G -C NE-O.LITE
at the factory. No length problem of bringing clarity to what TESTER
adjustment is required. It Handy, inexpensive, ap-
is cut to deliver optimum would ordinarily be a mass of unre- plicable for countless
signal over the entire Fre- lated pieces of paper because they uses. For 60 V. A.C.
to 500 V. A.C. or D.C.
quency Range. involve the very simple formula: No. 5100-D-display of
20 #5100 . . List $10.00
1-Make the records by hand.
2-Make them for every transac- Write for the new G -C
147 and Hardware
tion. Catalog of over 4000 items
3-Control the basic functions of RADIO DIVISION DEP
CAMBURN, INC. the business (receiving, selling, GENERALCEMENT Mfg. Co., Rockford, III., U.S.A.
32-40 57th ST., WOODSIDE, N. Y.
shipping). Manufacturers of over 3,000 poducts
A. V. Bice, general manager of Sales offices in principal cities
Scarboro Bluffs, Ontario Ohio Appliances, traces his ground
ing in the appliance field back to RADIO HARDWARE TREASURE. An indis-
1927, when he was sales manager for pensable assortment of approx. 1000 screws,
nuts, lugs, washers, etc. .49
PERMEABILITY appliances with General Electric's
Columbus distributor. In 1932 he
Well-known brands in perfect condition,
but not in sealed cartons. Most types
took on the same activity in Cincin- in stock at up to 80% off list. 'All guar-
TUNERS nati and in 1935 came back to Colum-
anteed 90 days.
#20, 26, 27, 46 or 56 .29
#42, 45, 75, 77, 78, 80, 89, 5Y3, 6E6
bus as appliance manager until 1944. or 6K7 .39
#35. 36, 37, 39, 84, 5Y4, 6A8, 6C5, 6D6,
SUPERHETERODYNE Ray Strasburger, Ohio Appliance's 8F5, 637, 6N7, 6U7, 6SA7, 6SK7, 12SA7,
12SK7, or 12SQ7 .49
Columbus manager's background in #1A7, 1H5, 1N5, 6A3, 6U5, 6%5, 7A7,
7C5, 7C6. 7Y4 or 50 .59
TUNERS technical development of radio dates TUBE CARTONS: Plain white.
(11/4" sq.; 3Y4" L.). Per 100
GT size
back to the late 20's when merchan- Medium size (11/2" sq.; 4%" L.). Per 100 1.49
#47 Pilot Lamps (Mazda). Min. bay. 10 for .58
dising of appliances was still in its Neon Glow Lamps (GE), ,,n, watt, D. C. bay.
early stages. Ray had an opportunity base. Clear bulb -23c ea. 10 for 1.95
9" McGuire Changer Pick -Up Arms (Astatic)
to develop a natural inclination to Brown enam. finish. Less L-70 cartridge
Grille Cloth. Gold or silver weave. Per sq. ft .20

radio along with a first rate sales Victor Power Transformer for models R-32, 45,
52 or 75. Unshielded 5.95
career in several Ohio retail and SERVICEMEN'S KITS
wholesale organizations, including a #2-Speaker Cones; 12 asstd. 4" to 12"
moulded & free -edge (magnetic incl.).
period in his own business. Less voice coils 2 00
In addition to selling and merchan- DENSERS, 50 asstd., .00001 to .2 mfd.,
dising radios and appliances, Stras- 200-600 WV. Clearly marked 2.95
0 burger has a distinguished army ca-
reer during which he rose from the
50 asstd., .001 to .25 mfd., 200-600 WV
Standard brands
#6-Dial Scales; 25 asstd. airplane &
slide -rule (acetate & glass included)._ 2.98
535 to 1660 KC Complete ranks of enlisted men to a full colo- #7-Escutcheon Plates; 25 asstd. airplane,
slide -rule & full -vision types 2.95
nelcy, and won decorations in the re- #17-Dial Windows; 12 asstd., including
fiat & moulded acetate & glass
3 Color Dial and Drive cent war, including the Legion of #20-SPEAKER REPAIR KIT. A real
time & money saver. Contains: 25
All units Pre -Tracked at Factory Merit, Bronze Star, the Croix de asstd. paper rings, 10 spiders, 25 asstd.
voice coil forms, 3 yds. felt strips, 20
Guerre with Palm, presented by Gen- chamois leather segments, kit of 16 shims
& tube of cement
ALSO NEW F.M. TUNER eral DeGaulle, and the Croix de #23-RADIO CEMENT & SOLVENT. 3
oz. each of all-purpose cement & thinner.
Guerre with Star from General de With brush .69
Tassigny. During his entire Army #26-SPEAKER CONE RINGS. 50 asstd.
AERMOTIVE career he was in close contact with
cardboard rings in popular sizes from 3"
to 12" 1.49

EQUIPMENT CORP. radio as a communications officer. PROMPT SERVICE ON ALL SPEAKER &
1632 Central St. Kansas City, Mo. Tom Mason in Cincinnati and Minimum Order $2.00-20% Deposit Required on
All Orders. Please Add Sufficient Postage.
New York Office H. BRAVERMAN Wayne Wright in Dayton handle RADIO
161 Washington St. N. Y. 6, N. Y. Ohio Appliance's local
those cities.
offices in LEOTONE

122 RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947

BARGAINS! Advertisers
AUGUST, 1947
Alum Alzak Fin. Ideal
and up
15 -inch
for 1200 Mc

$ 3.95
Admiral Corp.
Aermotive Equipment Corp.
Aerovox Corp.
KLYSTRON OSC. TUBE 2K25/723 AB. oper- Air King Radio Div. Hytron Radio &
ates on 3 cm. 5.75 Electronics Corp. 3
American Magazine
complete with mounting pole, guy wires American Sales Co. 123
and 300 ohm line lead-in, from 55 to
Means to
American Telephone & Telegraph Co. 70
195 Meg 11.85 121
Approved Electronic Inst. Corp.
BATHTUB CONDENSERS -various capa- 116
5.00 Atlas Sound Corp.
cities 100 assorted 120
Bell Sound Systems, Inc.
ium rectifier 5.29 Caldwell -Clements, Inc.
The patented Adjust -A -Cone
Camburn, Inc.
PHONOGRAPH AMPLIFIER 1 tube AC -DC Chicago Tribune 10 construction provides a method
with P. M. speaker 9.95
Clarostat Mfg. Co., Inc. 118
for precision centering of the
Clippard Instrument Lab., Inc.
CABINET to hold Phono Osc. and Record Columbia Records, Inc. 57 voice coil in every Quam Speaker
Changer 2.59 Cornish Wire Co., Inc. 119 before it leaves the factory.
PORTABLE CARRYING CASE for Phono- Columbia Wire & Supply Co. 121
graph and Record Changer. Leatherette Crosley Div. Avco Mfg. Corp. Insert
finish 7.95 DuMont Laboratories, Inc., Allen B. 25 With ordinary speaker construc-
RESISTORS Y2 and 1 watt assorted 1000 14.95 Duotone Co. 67 tion, such precision is almost im-
assorted 500 7.95 112
assorted 100 1.89
Dynamic Television Assoc., Inc.
121 possible, even under the most
Electro Products Laboratories
CAPACITORS ELECTRO. 40-40 250 volts Fade Radio & Electric Co., Inc. 15 ideal production methods, and,
6 for 1.95 Farnsworth Television & Radio Corp. 12
VIBRATORS -7 prong 2 volt for GE port- Fink & Olswang 120 as a result, the slightest warping
ables 1.59 General Cement Mfg. Co. 122 or expansion of the cone may pro-
MICRO AMMETER-Beede 0-200 DC... 3.29 General Electric Co. 11, 103, 112
66 duce a rubbing voice coil.
MILLIAMMETER-Beede 0-1000 DC 3.95 General Industries Co.
Gibson Refrigerator Co. 83
Half Wave
.65 Graybar Electric Co. 85 Rubbing voice coils, so frequent
WIRE -WOUND RESISTORS vitreous enam- Howard Radio Co. 107
with speakers of conventional
eled 10 watt 1, 100, 40, 2000 and 25000 Hytron Radio & Electronics Corp. construction, are practically elim-
ohms 25 watt 12, 1000 and 5000 ohms Industrial Television, Inc. 109
per 100 6.50 International Resistance Co. 92 inated in Quam Speakers.
Jensen Mfg. Co. 16
J.F.D. Mfg. Co., Inc. Always specify Quam Speakers
Ken-Rad Div. General Electric Co. 7
AMERICAN SALES COMPANY Lake Radio Sales Co. 123 for finest performance and long,
1 8 11 West 47th Street Leotone Radio Co. 122 trouble -free service.
Chicago 9, Maguire Industries, Inc.
Mallory & Co., Inc., P. R. 86, Cover 2
Merit Coil & Transformer Corp. 4
Monitor Equipment Corp. 68 Write for
Motorola, Inc. 24 Catalog
LAKE AMPLIFYING SYSTEM National Carbon Co., Inc.
New Haven Quilt & Pad Co. 121
Norge Div., Borg-Warner Corp. 77
Excellently 116
designed, Ohmite Mfg. Co.
compact am- Olson Radio Warehouse 111
plifiers, ideal Operadio Mfg. Co. 118
for students, 63
professional Permo, Inc.
entertainers, Philco Corp. 5
homes, fac- 79
t or i e s, Plicate Inc.
schools, etc. Proctor Electric Co.
Perfect for Quam-Nichols Co. 123
voice, mu- Radio Corp. of America:
sical instru-
ments, pick-
ups and
RCA Victor Div.
RCA Victor Records
34, 35
microphones; Test & Measuring Equipment 101
Tube Department
Rauland Corp.
88, cover 4
108 for the
luxurious Raytheon Mfg. Co.
leatherette -
covered, Record Shop
Republic Television, Inc.
stream - lined
Rider Publisher, Inc., John F.
Sams Cr Co., Inc., Howard W.
As listed Seeburg Corp., J. P. cover 3
below: 64
Seeco Records, Inc.

No. Watts Inputs List Your Cost Simpson Mfg. Co., Inc., Mark 113
416 16 4 $110.00 $62.50 Sonora Radio & Television Corp. 27
415 15 3 97.50 52.86 Sparks-Withington Co. 28
Al2 12 2 87.50 45.00 Sprague Products Co. 124
A8 8 3 87.50 45.00
A6 6 2 75.00 44.10 Standard Register Co. 81

5 2

26.95 Stewart -Warner Corp.
Stromberg-Carlson Co.
Supreme Instruments Corp.
30, 110
-Beautiful black plastic
trimmed with chrome. 23"
finish, $2940 Sylvania Electric Products Inc. 98, 99
scale, 117
41/2 octaves of playing range. Talk -A -Phone Co.

Tradio, Inc. 120
List -$50. Your Cost -
Triplett Electrical Instrument Co. 21
SERVICEMEN and RETAILERS U. S. Television Mfg. Corp. 26
Write today for our new, Illustrated 1G -page catalog 119
NR -116. It's free. Get on our mailing list! Write Vornish Wire Co., Inc.
for our special catalog on microphones, amplifiers Ward Products Corp. 115
and sound equipment. Waters Conley Co.
Webster Chicago Corp.
Western Electric Co. 8, 9
Lake Radio Sales Co. Westinghouse Radio Corp.
Wilcox -Gay Corp.
22, 23
Zenith Radio Corp. 45
615 W. Randolph Street While every precaution is taken to insure ac- 33rd Place and Cottage Grove
Dept. B curacy, we cannot guarantee against the pos- Chicago 16, Illinois
Chicago 6, sibility of an occasional change or omission
in the preparation of this index.

RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947 123

%a ojoi

FREE! This Giant Sprague
FOR SALE-Hammerlund HQ -129R with
speaker, $155. New RCA 50 -watt 90w.
max., 11 tubes; 2 RCA reentrant baffles,
2 RCA 15w. units, 2' adjustable floor
stands for speakers. R. M. Siegel, 306
fames street, Syracuse 3, N. Y.
FOR SALE-Thordarson transformers -
110. v.-60 cycles, plate supply 660-0-
660. 990-0-990. 1075-0-1975; 435-0-435
h.v.-bias 4$ 80v and fila. at 1.5v CT
(2) 2.5v. CT, 5v & 6.3v CT. Tapped
filament 6.3v CT-10v-7.5v--6.3v-5v.
-from your Sprague Distributor
(1) 25v CT -(1) 5v CT (1) 7.5v CT Ask your nearest Sprague jobber for your
filaments only.Sell or trade for Rider's
or what have you? C. Moran, 3335 W. copy of the 'SPRAGUE TEL -U -HOW
23rd st., Chicago 23, Ill.
FOR SALE -Radio City products 705A WALL CHART. Just the thing for hang-
signal generator 1001te to 25 mc. on
ing on the wall of your shop. Its pro-
Used only few, times, fessional appearance impresses customers.
$40. V. Narvydas, 542 Lorimer st.,
Brooklyn 11, N. Y. The material it contains will help you do
FOR SALE -Rider's manuals abridged jobs easier, better, faster.
1 to 5 and 11. Also 450 Superior tube
tester, nearly new. Hubert Singleton, Beautifully lithographed in colors, size
Radio & Fix -It Shop, Albion, Ind.
TRADE OR SELL-DeForrest radio and
22" x 28", the chart includes handy serv-
television course and NRI radio course. ice application data; diagrams and de-
Also have other technical books. Want scriptions of common circuit troubles
a Sprayberry course. B. J. Cantwell,
293 String at., Concord, N. C. involving capacitor,s; general replace-
FOR SALE -AC -DC 2 -speed turntable,
Audak D31E high-fidelity high -imped-
ment data on electrolytics; formulas;
ance pick-up and Audak recording cutter transformer, resistor and capacitor color
8 ohm coil slightly used. Write for codes; schematic; and similar invaluable
particulars. C. Vicario, 30 Sutton place,
New York 2$, N. Y. service information. Everything is ar-
FOR SALE -Radio sales and service
ranged for quick, easy reference. Popular
Complete stock, instruments, etc. Sprague Capacitors and Koolohm Re-
Good location, lease and building. $1250
plus flexible inventory. P. R. Cooper,
2015 Second ave., Los Angeles 22, Calif.
sistors are illustrated. Don't miss it!
FOR SALE -Solar CE exameter; RCA
155-C 'scope; approved A-200 signal FOR SALE -Signal generator E-200; FOR SALE-Hammerlund Super Pro WILL TRADE --Mark II, $78.50, 2-8
generator. All instruments used but in tester; tube tester; T.O.M.;
condenser (BC -1104) .54 to 20 mc. new, in orig- megacycles receiver -transmitter with
A-1 condition. Also new and used HO Feller SignalTracer; 80 tubes; 41 inal carton. $250. E. B. McIntyre, hi -fidelity and intercom Included. Never
and TT gauge model railroad equipment tubular condensers; 18 electrolytic con- 2200 Forest Glen road, Silver Spring, used. Want good signal tracer or con-
for sale or swap. Ralph IL Ott, Box 21, densers; 5 volume controls, Ica of 1RC Md. denser checker or what have you?
Glen Mills, Pa. Resistors, and 5 Supreme Manuals Richard A. Schneider, 40-05 150 St.,
Worth $400. Will sell for $250. SELL OR TRADE-5BPI & socket, Flushing, Long Island, N. Y.
TRADE OR SELL -50 even speed, 78 Willis J. Bilhrey, 3071 North 20th at., 2X2A. GL -884 tubes; (1) 700V., C.T.,
rpm phono motors and turntables. $2.25 Milwaukee, Wisc. 5051a., 2.5v., 2 amp.. 3 amp. 6.5v., FOR SALE-QST complete from 1930
ea., or what have you? Dynamic Radio 2 amp. Transformers;1011,
(1)'40 ma., to 1935. Also Univex 8mm projector
Laboratory, 489 Graham ave., Brooklyn FOR SALE -41 used radio tubes. C-uod ftiteichoke; 3 selector switches, (1)
22, N. Y. filaments. Cheap if sold in one lot. with carrying case A-1 condition; Univex
William Elder, Jamestown, North Dykanol A capacitor, 2000 D.C. V. Oil. camera 8mm with special lens, $40.
FOR SALE -Supreme .500 automatic Dakota. 5 tube sockets, misc. For small 5 tube V. V. Taught, 114 W. 19th Ave., Pine
tube tester and multimeter including radio using AVC. Robert H. Seaver, Bluff, Ark.
a-cv., d-cv., d -c mils 0 to 1400 re- FOR SALE -Radio repair equipment Bristol, N. H.
sistance 0 to 20 megs; output meter and including instruments, complete stuck of FOR SALE -Several FOR SALE-Hallicraftera 540 used
capacitor checker. tubes, replacement parts for all types battery -operated only one month. Turner 99 dynamic
Also radio engi- radios complete with tubes. Excellent
neer's library like new. C. L. Hum- of radio, phonographs and appliances. mike, two new 815 tubes. F. E.
barger, 622 W. Evans, Florence, S. C. Will sell as whole or in part. Joseph for experimenters. All in good work- Nolkemper, 3206 A. Kossuth Ave., St.
Jaffee, 140 Suffolk at., New York, N. Y. ing condition. Harry Matzke, New Louis 7, Mo.
FOR SALE -Jackson condenser tester Auburn, Wise.
650-A new. Tony Zimak, 1795 E.
$49. SELL OR TRADE -G -E exposure meter FOR SALE -Radio News 1945-1946
63rd st., Cleveland 3, Ohio. DW-58 with leather case, instructions WILL TRADE -Hickok .210X jumbo 9 -
and G -E exposure data book, $25. Want inch infinity ohm per tolunetet. Want and May to Sept., 1944, $2.50. Also
FOR SALE -Home-made superhet ACN signal- tracer and 'scope. John Reed, tubes or signal generator. Write for other radio books and Sama Photofact
dial, Millen coils, Hammerlund con- Reed Radio Repair, Mansfield, Mo. details. E. Sujak-4209 Elston ave., folders vol. 1. Four 24A tubes, $3.20;
densers with 4 tubes, power supply, Chicago 18, lit. one 6SQ7, $1 and one 6L6, $1.70. Dan
speaker. $35. Vernier drive, split FOR SALE-Vibroplex "original." De - and Ted's Radio Shop, 4355 S. Honore
loaded gears 72-1; good for VFO. $4. Luxe finish, speed key, complete with FOR SALE OR SWAP -BC 654 trans- St., Chicago 9, Ill.
Robert Matter, 1050 Bryn Mawr, Chicago cord and wedge. All parts chrome mitter receiver, A-1 condition, $25. Par-
40, Ill. plated. $19.50. Joe Conflno-1759 West tially complete B -C 375, less tubes, WANTED -1939 or later good used
2nd st., Brooklyn, N. Y. meters and tuning units, $10. 10 meter radio service books by Hicks, Simon,
SELL OR TRADE -General Electric GD xtal, $4.50. Homemade receiver, used Moyer & IVostrel, Ghirardi, Rider and
60 set, used. Morris Strygler, 622 SELL OR TRADE --Transmitting con tubes, etc. Write, Frank IL Carlson, RCA Designers' Handbook. Also good
Brighton Beach ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. densers, 2317-1000 v., (2) 2MF-1500 v., New London, Iowa. used recent model National SW3. James
(10) .531F-2000 v. Oil filled in
FOR SALE -Hickok #203 VTVM, used aluminum cans new. Also s4 wt. neon WANTED -Instruction manual for
Bezoff, 2732 Salina, Dearborn, Mich.
3 months.
RCP #604 tube and set glow lamps, screw base. 4 for $1. Sel Hickok signal generator DS -7. Write FOR SALE-Hallicrafter 8-410, less
for- both or $65 ea.
$130 or trade for most anything of equal stating price. J. V. Hosford, Box 38, than year old, good condition, $30. A.
Henderson's Radio Service, 124 S. 15th value. Albert H. Anderson, 605 S. Monterey, Minn. E. Arndt. 1716 East 67th St., Kansas
at., Sebring, Ohio. Broadway, Seottdale, Pa. FOR SALE -2 -meter converter to be City 5. Mo.
used with any good communications re- FOR SALE -Florida radio shop com-
ceiver. $19.50 net. Bruce Radio, 1171 plete, modern. Wonderful location on
YOUR OWN AD RUN HERE FREE Union at., Manchester, N. H. Gulf of Mexico netting $3,600 per year.
Lung lease. Write Gulf Radio Lab,
SELL OR TRADE-Trela automatic Locker 666, Port St. Joe, Florida.
The Sprague Trading Post is a Confine it to radio subjects. record changer; R.T.A. home radio
course; used volt and ampere meters
free advertising service for the WILL SWAP -Westinghouse 2 -speed
Make sure your meaning is (6); new and used radios (12). Also battery charger, violin case, watch tools
benefit of our radio friends. clear. No commercial advertis- fly pole and new 22 automatic pistol. and movements, 4 Gerod $1 phone
Want good condenser tester. Seifert needles. Want a tubeset tester com-
Providing only that it fits in ing or the offering of merchan- Radio Service, Utica, Minn. bination in good condition. Victor D.
with the spirit of this service, dise to the highest bidder is FOR SALE -Balance of stock, tubes, Letourneau, Jr., 179 Main St., Holyoke,
parts, crystal kits, etc.; from our radio Mass.
we'll gladly run your own ad acceptable. Sprague, of course, department. Dealer cost $275. Will
in the first available issue of FOR SALE -Model RAZ-1 all -steel
assumes no responibility in con- sell as lot or in part. High -Tor Radio low -frequency (150c to 600 kc) Radio
one of the six radio magazines nection with merchandise Center, Haverstraw, N. Y. Marine Radio set. Also antenna booster
SELL Olt TRADE -Brewster frequency that can be converted to 110 i,olts opera-
in which this feature appears. bought or sold through these modulation tuner; giant 9" Jewell meter, tion. Bryan E. Suly, Box 506, Beach,
Write CAREFULLY or print. columns or for the resulting 31/2 ma; Readrite 710 set tester, $5; N. Dals,
Hold it Precision 832-S tester, wire recorder.
to 40 words or less. transactions. Want, McElroy tape puller, model TP- FOR SALE -RCA Voltohmyst Jr. irt ex-
cellent condition, $45; Philco beam
890-742; Aerovox L -C checker. Stanley changer, as is, $10. All inquiries
Send your ad to Dept. RRT-87 Roszewski, 22 Ellington ave., Rock- answered. George Greenberg, Radio
ville, Conn. & Television Service, 821 Porter St.,
SPRAGUE PRODUCTS COMPANY, North Adams, Mass. FOR SALE -Triplett signal generator Philadelphia 48, Pa.
(Jobbing distributing organization for products of the #2432, $83.- and RCP Dynoptimum tube WANTED -Rider manuals. State how
tester #322, $43. Both brand new with many, volumes and price on lot. M.
instructions. Harno Kawamoto, .Andrade (Wee, 4252 N. Marmora Ave., Chicairo
Camp, Pepeekeo, Hawaii. 34, Ill.


*Trademark Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.

124 RADIO & Television RETAILING August, 1947

From symphony to swing . from classics to conga-
. .
records have never been more in demand. It's logical
then that the record changer frequently influences the
sale of a radio -phonograph combination. That's why so
many leading radio manufacturers have made Seeburg
Record Changers standard equipment on their fine
thanks to combination instruments.
Seeburg makes three fine changers. While each is for
a better changer sets of varying price range, all are engineered to pro-
vide simple, reliable, trouble -free performance . . .
the last word in listening pleasure.
Plan now to build more sales appeal into your instru-
ments by equipping them with Seeburg Changers.
Model "K"
Seeburg's broad experience in the design and manu-
facture of all kinds of changing mechanisms is your
guarantee of satisfaction.

Model "L"
1500 N. Dayton St., Chicago 22
Suppekt... RCA backs you up with
the best in sales aids
"Sally Service," the high-powered little saleslady up there on the desk, is
typical of the dynamic promotional support you get with time -tested
RCA sales aids.
This new full -color cutout and a whole new group of eye-catching
posters and displays, apply powerful display techniques to the job of stop-
ping, reminding and selling prospects. They are designed by merchandis-
ing experts to give your store more sell and more profit.
Ask your RCA Distributor to give you the new RCA Sales Aids Book-
let. It describes all of the business boosters that are available to you.
The point -of -sale support of RCA sales aids, is one more powerful
reason why you're in the lead with RCA. So, push RCA tubes and watch
your business grow!


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