Unit 12 Evaluation

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Using the questions below as prompts, complete a written evaluation of your research,
scriptwriting and production making process.

What specialism did you choose and why? How are you hoping it will help to improve your
future productions?
I chose editing because I want to be an editor. I hope to be able to acquire useful information to help
me with my final project as I feel like I will be planning to do a music video which requires a good
amount to editing. If I do not end up doing a music video, I will probably be doing a short film where
I will focus on sound and narrative. From the research I’ve done so far, I found out that editing has a
larger impact than people think. All the little things added create more immersion and help the
audience feel more a part of the story than just watching it from the outside. My research has also
helped me understand a bit more about how to sequence clips to create a certain emotion present.
How effective do you feel your research is? Are there any gaps or did you have to complete
further research when putting your script together?
I feel like I when into a reasonable amount of research though there was some areas where it I should
have gone it to more detail about Edison and how he came around to creating the Kinetoscope. I also
feel like I should have looked more into what editing effects has on the audience. I should have also
searched more into why George melies was so important to the start of editing as he was the first
person to experiment and innovate in it.
Do you think all your sources were reliable? Which were good and which were less so?
I feel like my sources where mostly reliable. I made sure to use IMDB which is a reliable source. I
tried to avoid Wikipedia at all cost as it can be changed by anyone. I also checked what other people
said about certain websites for information making sure that other people trust it. All the websites I
used had creditable source and specialised in that particular information, if there was any information
that I wasn’t sure about I would go onto another website to make sure that it is more widely known.

Did you complete any primary research and how did it help you in understanding techniques in
greater detail?
For my primary research I tried doing a “Through the screen” which would either use masking or
green screen. I tried doing masking but ended up being more difficult as it was moving and much
more time consuming to do each frame to make sure it’s clean. The green screen turned out to be the
most effective one as I did not have to keep re-adjusting the area for the clip to play on. By doing my
primary research I found out that helping plan each shot with what you need helps the edit process
significantly and often results in a much cleaner edit. I also learned how to make the most effective
way of doing that effect and cleaning it up to make it more immersive and fluid.
What do you feel the strengths of your script are and how could you further
improve it?
I feel like for my script the strengths were the broadness of the subject. I covered
quite a few things that help show points and covered the main pioneers of that
section. For the weaknesses I feel like because I covered a broad range of things it
means that I skipped out on certain important details on why it was so important and
the impact in the modern industry. I also feel like I could have laid it out different structuring what a
talk about. At the end I should have written a less abrupt ending as it felt like there was more to say. I
could have made a better summery of what an editor is and the importance of it.
What have you learnt from this process and how can you utilise it in your remaining projects?

From the whole process I found out who the early pioneers where and how much Editing has
changed since them. All the advancements in technology and the process of editing. Also
found out about different types of montage which I could potential apply to a short film if I
decide to go through with that as my final project. I have also learnt that the duration of each
shot can have a greater impact on emotions which I could use for a music video as I will not
be able to use dialog a lot. Another thing I learnt was to make sure you focus on the narrative
more than effect for short films or use the effect to focus on a particular part for narrative and
moving everything along smoothly.

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