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1. For the following data set: 3, 6, 8, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6 find mean, variance, standard deviation, range,
median, mode, coefficient of variation.
2. Find the mode, median, interquartile range and coefficient of variation for the following
18 10 14 13 17 15 12 16 11
3. It is reported that the farm manager‟s annual salaries in the 1960‟s in Zambia ranged from K112.00
to K228.00. Assume the following data were a sample of the annual salaries for 40 farm managers.
192 140 228 192 208 224 204 176
160 160 200 124 208 148 204 164
188 180 184 184 212 172 176 156
200 200 176 196 180 180 200 168
208 220 184 216 180 164 180 188
a) Compute the range.
b) Use a class width of K20, to summarize the data into a frequency distribution table.
c) Construct the histogram of the frequency distribution table.
4. For the data in the table below
29 – 39 5
40 – 50 9
51 – 61 11
62 – 72 16
73 – 83 10
84 – 94 4
95 – 105 2
a) Construct the histogram
b) Draw the cumulative frequency polygon
c) Compute the grouped mode
d) Compute the grouped median

5. Consider the data in the table below;

30 – 36 4
37 – 43 7
44 – 50 15
51 – 57 10
58 – 64 4
a) Compute the mode
b) Compute the median
c) Compute the mean

6. For the data below

51 – 64 2
65 – 78 5
79 – 92 8
93 – 106 12
107 – 120 7
121 – 134 3
135 – 148 1
a) Construct a histogram for the grouped data
b) Compute the mode for the grouped data
c) Compute the median for the grouped data

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7. Consider the data in the frequency distribution table below
37 – 45 7
46 – 54 12
55 – 63 18
64 – 72 15
73 – 81 9
82 – 90 3
a) Draw the histogram for the grouped data.
b) Compute the mode for the grouped data
c) Compute the median for the grouped data
d) Compute the arithmetic mean for the grouped data using the assumed mean
e) If is a class mark find

8. For the grouped data below,

40 – 47 5
48 – 55 9
56 – 63 15
64 – 71 21
72 – 79 13
80 – 87 8
88 – 95 2
a) Draw the histogram.
b) Compute the mode and median for the grouped data.
c) Use the assumed mean to compute the arithmetic mean for the grouped data.
d) Find

9. For the data below,

16 – 22 7
23 – 29 12
30 – 36 16
37 – 43 21
44 – 50 13
51 – 57 6
58 – 64 4
a) Compute the mode for the grouped.
b) Compute the median for the grouped data.
c) If the assumed mean is , compute the arithmetic mean for the grouped data.
d) Find

10. Prove that ( ) ( )

11. A manufacturer has five seemingly identical computer terminals available for shipping. Unknown to
her, two of the five are defective. A particular order calls for two of the terminals and is filled by
randomly selecting two of the five that are available.
a) List the sample space for this experiment.
b) Let A denote the event that the order is filled with two non-defective terminals. List the sample
points in A
c) Construct a Venn diagram for the experiment, illustrating event A
d) Assign the probabilities to simple events of the experiment
e) Find the probability of the event A.

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12. Consider two political parties RP and DP. Forty percent of the voters in a certain city are RP and
60% are DP. Among the RP 70% are in favour of a particular bond issue, while 80% of the DP
favour the issue. If a voter is selected at random in the city, what is the probability that he or she will
favour the bond issue?
13. There are three routes from a person‟s home to her place of work. There are four parking lots where
she works, three entrances into her building, two elevators to her floor, and one route from each
elevator to her office door.
a) How many ways can she go from her home to her office?
b) If she makes her various choices at random, what is the probability that she will take
Morningside Drive, park in lot A, use the south entrance, and take elevator 1?
c) As she starts her car one morning, she recalls parking lots A and B are closed for repair. What is
the probability that she will take Industrial Avenue, park in lot D, use the north entrance, and take
elevator 2?
14. The Zambia Revenue Authority estimates the probability of an error on personal income tax return to
be 0.4. Suppose that an experiment is conducted in which three returns are selected at random for the
purposes of an audit. Let E represent the outcome “error” for the th trail and N the outcome “no
error”. What is the probability that;
a) The first two outcomes are errors?
b) There are at least two errors?
c) The events “error” and “no error” occur alternatively?
15. A balanced dice is thrown two times. Find the probability that the
a) First throw results in a number greater than 2.
b) Outcomes on both throws are less than 5
c) Sum of the numbers obtained on the first and second throws in divisible by 3.
16. Assuming A and B are independent, with ,

17. Suppose events and are such that and Compute and

18. Suppose events A and B are such that and

a) Compute Pr (A B) and Pr ( AB)
b) Are events A and B independent?
c) Are events A and B mutually exclusive?
19. If and find the following probabilities:
20. Let A and B be two events in a sample with and Let
a) For what value of are A and B mutually exclusive?
b) For what value of are A and B independent?
21. Assume that and
a) Find
b) if and are mutually exclusive, what is
c) Given that , find

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22. A box contains three coins, two of them fair and one two-headed. A coin is selected at random and
tossed. If heads appears the coin is tossed again, if tails appears, then another coin is selected from
the two remaining coins and tossed.
a) Find the probability that heads appear twice.
b) If the same coin is tossed twice, find the probability that it is the two headed coin.

23. Team A has probability of winning whenever it plays. If A plays 4 games, find the probability that
team A wins
a) Exactly 2 games
b) At least 1 game
c) More than half of the games
24. A Zambian soccer team wins (W) with probability 0.6, loses (L) with probability 0.3 and ties (T)
with probability 0.1. The team plays three games over the weekend. What is the probability that
a) The team wins at least twice and doesn‟t lose?
b) The team wins, loses and ties?
25. The table below classifies the 500 members of a police department according to their minority status
as well as their promotional status during the past year.
NO 350 80 430
YES 50 20 70
TOTAL 400 100 500
Define event A to be the event that the individual was promoted last year and event B to be the event
that the individual is a minority. Compute the following

a) P(A)
b) P(A and B)
c) P(A ǀ B)
26. The following is from the sample of 500 athletes who attended the 2014 intercompany relay in
FEMALE 0 200 200
MALE 120 180 300
TOTAL 120 380 500
An athlete is randomly selected from the 500 athletes. Denote the events as follows, B-has beards, N-
no beards, F-female and M-male. Compute the following.
i. P(B), P(BǀF), P(M), P(BǀM) and P(B and M)
ii. Are the events B and F independent?
iii. Are the events B and F mutually exclusive?
27. Following the recent tensions amongst the super power countries on nuclear weapons, the table
below summarizes the results of a recent survey of attitudes regarding nuclear war. The question
asked was “how likely do you believe that a nuclear war will occur during the next 10 years?”
Respond Age Very likely likely Unlikely Total
20 – 29 550 1300 150 2000
30 – 39 350 900 250 1500
40 and over 100 300 1100 1500
Total 1000 2500 1500 5000

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If a respondent is selected at random from the sample of 5000, what is the probability that;
a) The respondent is 30 years or older?
b) The respondent believes nuclear war is “likely”?
c) The respondent is between the ages of 30 and 39 and believes that nuclear war is very likely?
d) The respondent is between the ages 30 and 39 and believe that nuclear war is “unlikely”?

28. If A, B and D are three events in a sample space where ∩ =∅ and =𝑆, show that

29. Two machines are producing the same item. Last week Machine A produced 40% of total output,
and Machine B the remainder. On average 10% of the items produced by Machine A were defective
and 4% of the items produced by machine B were defective.
a) What proportion of the entire last week‟s production was defective
b) If an item selected at random from the combined output produced last week is found to be
defective, what is the probability it came from machine A?

30. In a certain college, 4% of the men and 1% of the women are taller than 1.7m. Furthermore, 60% of
the students are women. If a student is selected at random and is taller than 1.7m, what is the
probability that the student is a woman?
31. A certain political party has three towns from which voters are identified to attend their convention
as follows:
Town A, 30 females and 50 male voters
Town B, 20 females and 10 male voters
Town C, 20 females and 30 male voters.
A town is selected at random a voter is drawn from the town. If the voter is female, what is the
probability that the voter came from town A?
32. Males and Females are observed to react differently to a given set of circumstances. It has been
observed that 70% 0f the females react positively to the circumstances, whereas only 40% of the
males react positively. A group of 20 people, 15 female and 5 male, was subjected to these
circumstances, and the subjects were asked to describe their reactions on a written questionnaire. A
response picked at random from the 20 was negative. What is the probability that it was of a male?
33. The miners are out on strike with a list of demands. Negotiators reckon that if management meets
one of the demands, the probability that the strike will end is 0.85. But if this demand is not met the
probability that the strike will continue is 0.92. You assess that probability that management will
agree to meet the demand as 0.3. Later you hear that the strike has ended. What is the probability that
demand was met?
34. An accident has occurred on a busy high way between city A, of 100,000 people, and city B of
200,000 people. It is known only that the victim is from one of the two cities and his name is smith.
A check of the records reveal that 10% of city A‟s population is named smith and 5% of city B‟s
population has that name. The police want to know where to start looking for relatives of the victim.
What would you tell them about the probability that the victim is from city A?
35. Three machines A, B and C produce respectively 60%, 30% and 10% of the total number of items of
a factory. The percentages of defective output of these machines are respectively 2%, 3% and 4%.
An item is selected at random and is found defective. Find the probability that the item was produced
by machine C.

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36. A certain diagnostic test for a certain disease is said to be 90% accurate in that, if an animal has a
disease, the test will detect it with probability 0.9. Also if an animal does not have the disease, the
test will report that the animal does not have it with probability 0.9. Only 1% of the animal
population has the disease in question. If an animal is selected at random from the population and the
test indicates that the animal has the disease, what is the probability that the animal does, in fact have
the disease?
37. An electronic fuse is produced by five production lines in a manufacturing operation. The fuses are
costly, are quite reliable and shipped to suppliers in 100-unit lots. Because testing is destructive,
most buyers of the fuses test only a small number of fuses before deciding to accept or reject lots of
incoming fuses. All five production lines produce fuses at the same rate and normally produce only
2% defective fuses, which are randomly dispersed in the output. Unfortunately, production line 1
suffered mechanical difficulty and produced 5% defectives during the month of March. This
situation became known to the manufacturer after the fuses had been shipped. A customer received a
lot produced in March and tested three fuses. One failed.
a) What is the probability that the lot was produced on line 1?
b) What is the probability that the lot came from one of the four other lines?

38. A fair coin is tossed three times. Let the random variable X be the number of heads.
a) State the probability distribution
b) Compute the expected value and variance of X
c) What is the probability of at most two heads
d) What is the probability of at least two heads

39. It is known from census data that for a particular income group that 10% of households have no children, 25%
have one child, 50% have two children, 10% have three children, and 5% have four children.
a) Construct the probability distribution.
b) What is the probability that a household in this income group has at least two children?

40. List the outcomes and the values of X, the sum of the up-turned faces for the experiment of rolling a pair of
dice. Construct the probability distribution of the random variable X. Further, calculate and .

41. A contractor estimates the probabilities for the number of days required to complete a certain type of
construction project as follows.
Time 1 2 3 4 5
0.04 0.21 0.34 0.31 0.10
a) What is the probability that a randomly chosen project will take less than 3 days to complete.
b) Find the expected time to complete a project.
c) Find the standard deviation of time required to complete a project.

42. Show that it is the probability mass function for the random variable X, the number of heads
obtained when three coins are flipped and find .

43. Determine C so that the function f(x) can serve as the probability mass function of a random variable
X: for

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44. Show that the function below is a probability mass function for a random variable X.

Further if is a probability mass function find )

45. Show that , for and 0 elsewhere is a probability mass function for a
discrete random variable X. Further find and .

46. Given the following function,

{( )

a) Show that the function is a probability mass function for a discrete random variable X.
b) Find

47. Show whether or not the following function is a probability mass function of a discrete random
variable X.

Hence or otherwise find the and

48. Show that the function { is a probability mass function for a

random variable X. Further if ( ) is a probability mass function find .

49. Experience has shown that 30% of all pigs afflicted by a certain illness recover. A drug company has
developed a new vaccine, nine recovered shortly thereafter. Suppose that the vaccine was absolutely
worthless. What is the probability that at least nine of the ten injected with the vaccine will recover?

50. 10% of motor vehicle parts produced by a certain supplier are defective. What is the probability that
the sample of 10 parts contains
a) Three defective parts
b) At most 2 defective parts
c) At least 2 defective parts

51. A plant breeder knows by experience that when he crosses 2 varieties of currant, 10% of the
offspring will be disease-resistance, and that only 20% of the offspring will be sufficiently vigorous
growers to warrant further trial. If he wishes to breed plants which are both vigorous and disease-
resistant, and these two characteristics are independent of one another;
a) What proportion of offspring will be of use to him?
b) What is the probability that, in 100 such offspring, none will be worthy of further study?
c) And what is the mean value of the number of useful offspring in 100?

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52. Suppose that a lot of 300 electrical fuses contain 5% defectives. If a sample of 20 fuses are randomly
selected from the lot, find the probability that
a) One defective fuse will be observed
b) At most three defective fuses will be observed
c) At least 3 defective fuses will be observed
53. A shopper has a choice between a supermarket and a hypermarket. She chooses a supermarket 60%
of the time and a hypermarket 40% of the time. What are the probabilities that on her next seven
shopping trips
a) She shops at the hypermarket three times?
b) She shops at least twice at the supermarket?
c) She shops at only one of the store?
54. Suppose that there are 50 aircrafts parked at an airport. A particular aircraft is preferred for a
commercial flight. It is observed that the aircraft has four engines which are arranged to operate
independently and that the probability of inflight failure of a single engine is 0.01.
a) What is the probability that on a given flight no failure is observed?
b) What is the probability that on a given flight no more than 1 failure is observed?
55. If the probability that an individual will suffer a bad reaction from injection of a given serum is
0.001, determine the probability that out of 2000 individuals,
a) Exactly 3 individuals will suffer a bad reaction.
b) More than 2 individuals will suffer a bad reaction.
56. Suppose that a random system of police patrol is devised so that a patrolman may visit a location of
his beat Times per half-hour period and that the system is arranged so that he visits
each location on average of once per time period.
a) Calculate the probability that the patrolman will miss a given location during the half-hour
b) What is the probability that he will visit it at most two times?
c) What is the probability that he will visit it at least three times?
57. A pump fails, on the average, once in every 500 hours of operation.
a) Find the probability that the pump has more than one failure during a 500hour period.
b) What is the probability of exactly 3 failures in 2000 hours of operation?
58. We have a large fleet of delivery trucks. On average we have 12 breakdowns per five-day working
week. Each day we keep two trucks on standby. What is the probability that on any one day
a) No standby trucks are needed?
b) The number of standby trucks is inadequate?
59. The average number of oil tankers arriving each day at a Persian Gulf port is known to be 7. The
facilities at the port can handle at most 10 tankers per day. If tankers arrive at random, what is the
probability that on a given day tankers have to be turned away?
60. Beer cans are randomly tossed alongside the national road, with an average frequency 3.2 per km.
a) What is the probability of seeing no beer cans over a 5km?
b) What is the probability of seeing at least one beer can in 200m?
61. Airline passengers arrive randomly and independently at the passenger-screening facility at a major
international airport. The mean arrival rate is 11 passengers per minute.
a) Compute the probability of no arrivals in a one-minute period.
b) Compute the probability that three or fewer passengers arrive in a one-minute period.
c) Compute the probability of no arrivals in a 15-second period
d) Compute the probability of at least one arrival in a 15-second period

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62. The stretch of motorway between two major cities has had 36 major accidents in the last year. What
is the probability that there will be more than five major accidents next month?

63. Let X be a random variable with a standard normal distribution. Determine the value of if

64. In a large group of men 4% are under 160cm tall and 52% are between 160cm and 175cm tall.
Assuming that heights of men are normally distributed, what are the mean and variance of the
65. A machine operation produces bearings with diameter that are normally distributed with a mean of
3.0005cm and a standard deviation of 0.0010cm. Specifications require the bearing diameter to lie in
the interval . Those outside the interval are considered crap and must be
remachined. With the existing machine setting, what fraction of total production will be crap?

66. The mean inside diameter of washers produced by a machine is 0.403cm and the standard deviation
is 0.005cm. Washers with an internal diameter less than 0.397cm or greater than 0.406cm are
considered defective. What percentage of washers produced are defective, assuming the diameters
are normally distributed?
67. At the end of an MBA course in business statistics, the final examination grades have a mean of 69.8
and a standard deviation of 11.6. There were 180 students on the course. Assuming that the
distribution of these grades (all whole numbers) is normal, find:
a) The percentage of grades that should exceed 85
b) The percentage of grades less than 40
c) The number of failures (pass = 50 per cent)
d) The lowest distinction mark if at most the highest 8 per cent of grades are to be awarded
68. Scores on an examination are assumed to be normally distributed with a mean of 78 and a variance
of 36.
a) What is the probability that a person taking the examination scores higher than 78?
b) Suppose that students scoring in the top 10% of this distribution are to receive an A grade.
What is the minimum score a student must achieve to earn an A grade?
c) What must be the cut off point for passing an examination if the examiner wants only the top
28.1% of all scores to be passing?
d) Find, approximately what proportion of students have scores 5 or more points above the score
that cuts off the lowest 25%.
69. The width of bolts of fabric is normally distributed with a mean of 950 millimetres and a standard
deviation of 10 millimetres.
a) What is the probability that a randomly chosen bolt has a width between 947 and 958
b) What is the appropriate value of C such that a randomly chosen bolt has a width less than C with
probability 0.8531?
70. A statistics teacher believes that the final exam grades for her elementary statistics class have a
normal distribution with a mean of 82 and a standard deviation of 8.
a) Find the score which separates the top 10% of the scores from the lowest 90% of the scores.

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b) The teacher plans to give all students who score in the top 10% of scores an A. will a student
who scored a 90 on the exam receive an A? Explain.
c) Find the score which separates the lowest 20% of the scores from the highest 80% of the scores.
d) The teacher plans to give all students who scores in the lower 10% of scores an F. will a student
who scored 65 on the exam receive F? Explain
71. A soft drink vending machine is set to discharge an average of 215 ml of cool drink per cup. The
amount discharged is normally distributed with standard deviation 10 ml.
a) If 250 ml cups are used what proportion of cups overflow?
b) What is the probability that a cup contains at least 200 ml of cool drink?
c) What size cups ought to be used if it is desirable that only 2% of cups overflow?
72. You have 4 chores to perform before getting to Statistics lectures by 08h10. The time (in minutes) to
perform each chore is normally distributed with mean and standard deviation as given below:
Mean (μ) Std. Dev. (σ)
Shower 5 0.5
Get dressed 4 1.0
Eat breakfast 10 3.5
Drive to university 15 5.0
a) If you get up at 07h30, what is the probability of being late?
b) At what time should you get up so as to be 99% sure you will not be more than 3 minutes late?
c) What is the probability, getting up at this time that you will be there after 08h 10?
73. History suggests that scores on the Math portion of the Standard Achievement Test (SAT) are
normally distributed with a mean of 529 and a variance of 5732. History also suggests that scores on
the Verbal portion of the SAT are normally distributed with a mean of 474 and a variance of 6368.
Select two students at random. Let X denote the first student's Math score, and let Y denote the
second student's Verbal score. What is )?
74. Plastic caps seal the ends of the tube into which your degree certificate is placed when you graduate.
Suppose the tubes have a mean diameter of 24.0mm and standard deviation of 0.15mm, and that the
plastic caps have a mean diameter 23.8mm and standard deviation of 0.11mm. if the diameter of the
cap is 0.10mm or more larger than that of the tube, the cap cannot be squashed into the tube, and if
the diameter of the cap is0.45mm or more smaller than the tube, it will not seal the tube, but will just
keep falling out. If a tube and plastic cap are selected at random, what are the probabilities of
a) The cap being too large for the tube?
b) The cap falling out of the tube?
75. A machine produces steel sheets whose weights are known to be normally distributed with a standard
deviation of 2.4 kg. A random sample of 36 sheets had a mean weight of 31.4 kg. Find a 99%
confidence interval for the population mean.
76. An estimate of the mean fuel consumption (litres/100 km) of a car is required. A sample of 47
drivers each drive the car under a variety of conditions for 100 km, and the fuel consumed is
measured. The sample mean turns out to be 6.73 litres/100 km. The value of σ is known to be
1.7ℓ/100 km. Determine 95% and 99% confidence intervals for μ
77. In a sample of 200 voters, 80 were in favour of the 50+1 policy. Find a 95% confidence interval for
the proportion of all voters who are in favour of this policy.
78. A sample of 100 fluorescent tubes from a manufacturing company gives a mean length of life of 20.5
hours with a standard deviation of 1.6 hours.
a) Find a 95% confidence interval
b) Find a 99% confidence interval for the average length of life of the tubes. Interpret the results.
79. A soft drink machine is regulated so that the amount of drink dispensed is normally distributed with
a standard deviation of 0.15 litres. A random sample of 36 drinks dispensed by this machine has an
average content of 2.25 litres.
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a) Find a 90% confidence for the mean of all drinks dispensed by the machine.
b) How large a sample is needed if we wish to be 95% confident that our sample mean will be
within 0.09 litres of the true mean?
80. A random variable has standard deviation . The 99% confidence interval for the mean of the
random variable was (19.274, 20.726). What was the sample mean and what was the size of the
81. A random sample of size taken from a normal population with a standard deviation
has a mean ̅ . A second random sample of size , taken from a different normal
population with a standard deviation has a mean ̅ . Find a
a) 94% confidence interval for
b) Is there a difference in the means of the two populations?
82. The mean lifetime of a sample of 100 fluorescent light bulbs produced by a company is computed to
be 1570 hours with standard deviation of 120 hours. If μ is the mean life of all bulbs produced by the
company test the hypothesis μ=1600 against the alternative hypothesis μ not equal to 1600 hours.
Use a significance level of 0.05 and find the P-value of the test.
83. One of the products of a dairy company is 500 g packs of butter. There is some concern that the
production machine may be manufacturing slightly overweight packs. A random sample of 100
packs is weighed. The average weight is 500.4 g and the standard deviation is 1.5 g. Is this consistent
with the machine being correctly set and producing packs with an overall average weight of 500 g?
84. A chicken farmer has been feeding his chickens with a type of feed that on average, chickens weigh
1.6 kg after 6 weeks. She decides to experiment on a new type of feed. After 6 weeks she weighs 49
chickens and finds the chickens have an average weight of 1.8 kg with standard deviation 0.7 kg. is
there a difference between the feeds? Use a 1% significance level.

85. After incubating for 24 hours at 18°C, spores of a particular species of fungus are examined under a
microscope. Over a long period of study, the average length of their gem-tubes has proved to be 8.2
scale-divisions, and the variance of length 0.052. A new incubator is installed, and spore of the same
species incubated in it for 24 hours at 18°C. A random sample of 20 of these species is selected and
examined in the customary way under a microscope. The mean of the 20 gem-tube length is 8.32
scale-divisions. At 5% significance level, test that the growth rate over the 24 hours is unchanged.
86. Game stores issues its own credit card. The credit manager wants to find whether the mean monthly
unpaid balance is more than K400. The level of significance is set at 5%. A random check of 60
unpaid balances revealed the sample mean is K407 and the standard deviation of the sample is
K22.50. Should the credit manager conclude that the population mean is greater than K400?
87. A poultry farmer is investigating ways of improving the profitability of his operation. Using a
standard diet, turkeys grow to a mean mass of 4.5 kg at an age of 4 months. A sample of 20 turkeys
which were given a special enrichment diet had an average mass of 4.8 kg after 4 months. The
sample standard deviation was 0.5 kg. using 5% significance level test whether the new diet is
effectively increasing the mass of the turkeys.
88. In 1999, Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) boomed, and the allshare Index showed an annual
return of 55.5%. A sample of industrial shares yielded the following results:
54.5 47.8 42.3 59.8 33.1 49.7 16.0 50.3
52.8 56.1 23.2 52.5 65.7 47.5 32.5 46.7
Test at the 5% significance level, whether the performance of industrial shares lagged behind the
market as a whole

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89. Seven plants of wheat grown in pots and given a standard fertilizer treatment yield respectively 8.4,
4.5, 3.8, 6.1, 4.7, 11.2 and 9.6 g dry weight of seed. A further eight plants from the same source are
grown in similar conditions but with a different fertilizer and yield respectively 11.6, 7.5, 10.4, 8.4,
13.0, 7.0, 9.6, 13.2 g. Test at 5% significant level whether the two fertilizers have different effects on
seed production.
90. A marketing specialist considers two promotions in order to increase sales of do-it-yourself hardware
in supermarket. During a trial period, the promotions are run on alternative days. In the first
promotion, a free set of drill bits is given if the customer purchases an electric drill. In the second
promotion, a substantial discount is given on the drill. The marketing specialist is particularly
interested in the average amount spent on do-it-yourself hardware by customers who took advantage
of the promotion. On the basis of randomly selected samples, the following data were obtained of the
amount spent on items of do-to-yourself hardware.
n 8 9
R490 R420
s R104 R92
Test, at the 5% level of significance, whether there is any difference in the effectiveness of the two
91. A cross-country athlete runs an 8 km time trial nearly every Wednesday as part of his weekly
training programme. Last year, he ran on 49 occasions, and the mean of his times was 30 minutes
25.4 seconds (30.42 minutes). So far this year his mean time has been 30 minutes 15.7 seconds
(30.26 minutes) over 35 runs. Assuming that the standard deviation last year was 0.78 minutes, and
this year is 0.65 minutes, do these data establish whether, at the 5% significance level, there has been
a reduction in the athlete‟s time over 8 km?
92. RTSA, a government body, was investigating the speeds at which motorists are able to drive in
Lusaka and Ndola city centres. Various news reports and recent surveys have implied that Lusaka is
a much less pleasant city to drive around, and drivers in the capital spend a lot of time sitting in
traffic and waiting. Using automatic monitoring cameras, speeds of 200 cars were measured (in
km/h) in Lusaka: and average speed was found of 50 km/h with a standard deviation of 5 km/h. A
similar sample of 200 cars in Ndola had an average speed of 58 km/h with a standard deviation of 6
km/h. Determine whether the average speed of cars in Ndola is significantly higher than in Lusaka.
93. At election time surveys are conducted in two townships which fall into the same constituency. In
Chawama, 175 voters out of a sample of 318 were in favour of a given candidate. In Kabulonga, 143
voters out of a sample of 307 were in favour of this candidate. At the 5% level, is there a difference
between the proportions of voters supporting the candidate in each suburb?
94. The table below shows the yields in tonnes per hectare of a certain variety of wheat grown in a
particular type of soil treated with chemicals A, B, or C.

A 48 49 50 49
B 47 49 48 48
C 49 51 50 50
a) Find
i. The mean yields for the different treatments
ii. The grand mean for all treatments
b) Construct the analysis of variance table. Hence test whether or not the means are different at 5%
significance level.

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 12
c) Use a confidence interval to test whether the means in treatment A and treatment B are
significantly different at the 5% significance level.
95. Three fertilizer treatments, A, B, C, each applied to seven plots of strawberry plants, resulted in the
following weights of crop (kg/plot)

A 24 18 18 29 22 17 15 Total = 143
B 46 39 37 50 44 45 30 Total = 291
C 32 30 26 41 36 28 27 Total =220
Use analysis of variance to test at 5% significance level whether the fertilisers are different. Also test
whether or not fertiliser A and C are significantly different.

96. The fertilizer treatments, A, B, C, each applied to seven plots of strawberry plants, resulted in the
following weights of crops (kg/plot).

A: 24 18 18 29 22 17 15
B: 46 39 37 50 44 45 30
C: 32 30 26 41 36 28 27
at 5% significance level,

a) Do the fertilizers induce significant differences in the yield?

b) Is there a difference in the yield between the plots?
97. Shoprite management is concerned about its reputation for service and value as well as other aspects
of its relationship with customers. It has decided to conduct an interview survey at eight stores,
which are located in the eight selected towns. The interviews, 600 at each store, will all be conducted
during the same week and spread over the five days Monday to Friday. The interviewees will be
given a list of attributes that might apply to the store and asked to tick those they believe describe the
products and service given by the store. One of the attributes is „courteous staff‟. The table below
shows the results with respect to this attribute. The number in each cell of the table is the number of
people (out of 120) at each store and on each day who ticked the attribute „courteous staff‟.
MON 71 73 66 69 58 60 70 61
TUE 71 78 81 89 78 85 90 84
WED 73 78 76 86 74 80 81 76
THUR 73 75 73 80 75 71 73 72
FRI 62 66 69 81 60 64 61 57
a) Determine whether the results indicate a difference between stores in the responses to the
attribute „courteous staff‟.
b) Why, in testing for this difference, is it important to allow for the effect of the day of the week on
interviewees‟ responses?
c) Do the days of the week have a significant influence on responses, after allowing for the effect of
location? (use 5% level of significance)
98. A sample of eight employees is taken from the production department of a light engineering factory.
The data which follow relate to the number of weeks of experience in the wiring of components and
the number of components which were rejected as unsatisfactory last week.
Employee A B C D E F G H
Weeks of experience (x) 4 5 7 9 10 11 12 14
Number of rejects (y) 21 22 15 18 14 14 11 13

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 13
Note: ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
a) Draw a scatter diagram of the data.
b) Calculate the coefficient of correlation of these data and interpret its value.
c) Find the least square regression equation of rejects on experience.
d) What is the fixed number of rejects?
e) Predict the number of rejects you would expect from an employee with one week of experience.

99. To check on the strength of certain large steel castings, a small test piece is produced at the same
time as each casting, and its strength is taken as a measure of the strength of the large casting. To
examine whether this procedure is satisfactory, i.e. the test piece is giving a reliable indication of the
strength of the castings, 11 castings were chosen at random, and both they and their associated test
pieces were broken. The following were the breaking stresses:

Test piece (x) 45 67 61 77 71 51 45 58 48 62 36

Casting (y) 39 86 97 102 74 53 62 69 80 53 48
a) Calculate the correlation coefficient, and test for significance.
b) Calculate the regression line for predicting y from x
c) Compute and interpret the coefficient of determination.
d) Find 90% prediction limits for the strength of a casting when x = 60
100. During a laboratory session at the university, a student measures the optical density, y, of a
solution at eight concentrations, x, of a chemical as follows.
METER READING 4 9 18 20 35 41 47 60
CONCENTRATION ( 1 2 4 5 8 10 12 15
a) Construct the scatter graph for the observations
b) Compute the correlation coefficient and the coefficient of determination and interpret your
c) Using the method of least squares, estimate the line of best fit for optical density.
d) Conduct a significance test for the line of best fit and comment.
Note: ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
101. The number of defective items produced per unit of time, y , by a certain machine is thought
to vary directly with the speed of the machine, x , measured in 1000s of revolutions per minute.
Observations for 12 time periods yielded results which are summarized below
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
a. Fit a linear regression line to the data.
b. Calculate the correlation coefficient, and test it for significance at the 5% level.
c. Calculate the residual standard deviation.
d. Find a 95% prediction interval for the number of defective items when the machine is running at
firstly 2000, and secondly 6000 revolutions per minute.
102. In an investigation to determine whether the rewards on financial investments are related to
the risks taken, data on a sample of 17 sector indices on the Lusaka Stock Exchange was collected.
The data gives a “beta” value for each sector (x), a quantity widely used by financial analysts as a
proxy for risk, and the reward (y ) or return for each sector, calculated as the percentage price change
over a 12 month period.

Sector Beta(x) Return % (y)

Diamonds 1.31 46 1.7161 2116 60.26
West Wits 1.15 67 1.3225 4489 77.05

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 14
Metals & Mining 1.29 46 1.6641 2116 59.34
Platinum 1.44 40 2.0736 1600 57.6
Mining Houses 1.46 78 2.1316 6084 113.88
Evander 1.00 40 1.0000 1600 40
Motor 0.74 24 0.5476 576 17.76
Investment Trust 0.67 20 0.4489 400 13.4
Banks 0.69 17 0.4761 289 11.73
Insurance 0.79 19 0.6241 361 15.01
Property 0.27 8 0.0729 64 2.16
Paper 0.75 25 0.5625 625 18.75
Industrial Holding 0.83 27 0.6889 729 22.41
Beverages & Hotels 0.81 34 0.6561 1156 27.54
Electronics 0.11 7 0.0121 49 0.77
Food 0.11 19 0.0121 361 2.09
Printing 0.51 33 0.2601 1089 16.83
Totals 13.93 550 14.2693 23704 556.58
a) Draw a scatter plot and discuss the visual appearance of the relationship.
b) Calculate the correlation coefficient, and decide if the relationship between risk and return is
c) Find the regression line. What is the coefficient of determination of the regression?
d) Find 95% prediction intervals for the predicted returns for investments with risks given by
betas of 0.5
103. Transform the following functions into linear relationships.
104. To investigate the relationship between the curing time of concrete and the tensile strength
the following results were obtained:
TENSILE STRENGTH 22.4 24.5 26.3 30.2 33.9 35.5
(km/cm2) (y)
a) Draw a scatter plot.
b) Assuming that the theoretical relationship between tensile strength (y) and curing time (x) is

given by . Find the regression coefficients a and b.

c) Predict the tensile strength after curing time of three days.
105. Consider a multiple regression fit from 23 data points of each variable

with total sums of squares 𝑆𝑆 and error sums of squares 𝑆𝑆 , test at

significance level whether or not the fitted line is significant.
106. Consider a multiple regression fit from 23 data points of each variable

with total sums of squares 𝑆𝑆 and error sums of squares 𝑆𝑆 , test at

significance level whether or not the fitted line is significant.
107. Consider a multiple regression fit from 25 data points of each variable

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 15
with total sums of squares 𝑆𝑆 and error sums of squares 𝑆𝑆 , test at
significance level whether or not the fitted line is significant.
108. A market research company is interested in investigating the relationship between monthly
sales income and advertising expenditure on radio and television for a specific area. The following
data is gathered.

Sample Number Monthly Radio Television

Sales(K1000s) advertising(K1000s) advertising(K1000s)
1. 105 0.5 6.0
2. 99 1.0 3.0
3. 104 0.5 5.0
4. 101 1.5 3.5
5. 106 2.3 4.0
6. 103 1.3 4.5
7. 103 3.2 3.5
8. 104 1.5 4.0
9. 100 0.8 3.0
10. 98 0.6 2.8
Additional information

Table of estimated coefficients

Variable Estimated coefficient Estimated standard deviation
Radio 1.6105 0.4687
Television 2.3414 0.4041
Intercept 90.9725

Source Sum of Square Degree of Mean Square F

(SS) freedom(df) (MS)
Regression 54.194 2 27.097 19.15
Error 9.906 7 1.415
Total 64.100 9

a) Find the regression equation relating monthly sales revenue to radio and television advertising
b) Estimate and interpret .
c) Test the regression equation for significance at the 5% significance level.
d) Test, for each variable individually, whether radio and television advertising expenditure are
significant in the model at the 5% level.
e) Comment on the effectiveness of radio vs television advertising for this industry.
109. Pick n Pay employed a local researcher to produce a forecast of trade in Zambia using a
number of historical factors. The researcher carried out the analysis using multiple regression. The
aim of the research was to identify the relationship between the annual turnover in K000s and factors
such as the number of employees, distance from residential areas, the amount of space in the shop
and the number of trolleys in the shop.
Information was collected from a total of 70 Pick n Pay stores. The variables used were:
Turnover = The annual overall turnover of a shop in K000s
Staff = The number of employees
Distance = The number of kilometres away from the main residential areas
Area = The shop space in metres squared

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 16
Trolley = The number of trolleys available in a shop
Analysis of Variance for Turnover
Source of Variation Sum of Squares
Regression 187,214
Residual 256,315

Variable Coefficient Standard Error
Constant 18,897.7 13,215.2
Staff 2,150.6 1,005.0
Distance -3,658.0 1,396.2
Area 205.7 71.4
Trolley 1,497.4 2,825.3
a) What is the regression equation that is generated by this data?
b) Estimate and interpret .
c) Test whether the multiple regression model is statistically significant.
d) Which, if any, of the independent variables are statistically significant? Explain your reasoning.
What are the implications of these findings?
110. The following table gives weekly sales for a supermarket.

Supermarket Sales (K‟000) for a particular period

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Monday 22 22 24 26
Tuesday 36 34 38 38
Wednesday 40 42 43 45
Thursday 48 49 49 50
Friday 61 58 62 64
Saturday 58 59 58 58

a) Plot the sales data as time series.

b) Compute the trend of the time series using a 5 point moving average.
c) Computer the seasonal effects if the time series is additive and interpret the results.
d) Using the seasonal effects derive the adjusted time series.

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1. ∑ , ∑ ,



Standard deviation √ √



Mode (bimodal)

Coefficient of Variation

 The data has no mode
 Median ( )
It follows that the median is in the position.
The value in the position is 14
Therefore the median



Simwinga::0968-173176 | 21
120 – 139 1
140 – 159 3
160 – 179 9
180 – 199 13
200 – 219 11
220 – 239 3

annual salaries



119.5 139.5 159.5 179.5 199.5 219.5 239.5

class frequency frequency
28.5 - 39.5 5 5
39.5 - 50.5 9 14
50.5 - 61.5 11 25
61.5 - 72.5 16 41
72.5 - 83.5 10 51
83.5 - 94.5 4 55
94.5 - 105.5 2 57

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 22


frequency 15


28.5 39.5 50.5 61.5 72.5 83.5 94.5 105.5








0 20 40 60 80 100 120

b) ( ) ( )

c) ( ) ( )


CLASS FREQUENCY Adj. CLASS Cum.freq Midpoint

30 – 36 4 29.5 – 36.5 4 33 132
37 – 43 7 36.5 – 43.5 11 40 280
44 – 50 15 43.5 – 50.5 26 47 705
51 – 57 10 50.5 – 57.5 36 54 540
58 – 64 4 57.5 – 64.5 40 61 244
a) ( ) ( )

b) ( ) ( )

c) ∑

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 23


50.5 64.5 78.5 92.5 106.5 120.5 134.5 148.5

36.5 – 45.5 7 7 9
45.5 – 54.5 12 19 9
54.5 – 63.5 18 37 9
63.5 – 72.5 15 52 9
72.5 – 81.5 9 61 9
81.5 – 90.5 3 64 9


36.5 – 45.5 45.5 – 54.5 54.5 – 63.5 63.5 – 72.5 72.5 – 81.5 81.5 – 90.5

b) ( ) ( )

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 24
c) ( ) ( )

d) ∑

37 – 45 41 7 -27 -189
46 – 54 50 12 -18 -216
55 – 63 59 18 -9 -162
64 – 72 68 15 0 0
73 – 81 77 9 9 81
82 – 90 86 3 18 54
64 -432

35.5 – 47.5 5 5 12
47.5 – 55.5 9 14 12
55.5 – 63.5 15 29 12
63.5 – 71.5 21 50 12
71.5 – 79.5 13 63 12
79.5 – 87.5 8 71 12
87.5 – 95.5 2 73 12





35.5 – 47.5 47.5 – 55.5 55.5 – 63.5 63.5 – 71.5 71.5 – 79.5 79.5 – 87.5 87.5 – 95.5

b) ( ) ( )

c) ( ) ( )

d) ∑

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 25
40 – 47 43.5 5 -24 -120
48 – 55 51.5 9 -16 -144
56 – 63 59.5 15 -8 -120
64 – 71 67.5 21 0 0
72 – 79 75.5 13 8 104
80 – 87 83.5 8 16 128
88 – 95 91.5 2 24 48
73 -104

15.5 – 22.5 7 7 7
22.5 – 29.5 12 19 7
29.5 – 36.5 16 35 7
36.5 – 43.5 21 56 7
43.5 – 50.5 13 69 7
50.5 – 57.5 6 75 7
57.5 – 64.5 4 79 7

a) ( ) ( )

b) ( ) ( )

c) ∑


16 – 22 19 7 -21 -147
23 – 29 26 12 -14 -168
30 – 36 33 16 -7 -112
37 – 43 40 21 0 0
44 – 50 47 13 7 91
51 – 57 54 6 14 84
58 – 64 61 4 21 84
79 -168


Simwinga::0968-173176 | 26
10. ( ) ( )

𝑆 ( ) ( )
( ) 𝑆

11. Let the two defective terminals be labelled and and let the three good terminals be labelled
and . Because a particular order calls for two of the terminals from the five available, any single
sample point will consist of a list of the two terminals selected terminals as follows:
, , ,.
, ,

a) 𝑆




d) ,

12. Let be the event that voter support RP

be the event that voters support DP
Let be the event that a voter is in favour of the bond issue
be the event that a voter is not in favour of the bond issue

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 27
a) The number of ways she can go from her home to her office is given by

b) Let the E be the event that she will take Morningside Drive, park in lot A, use the south entrance,
and take elevator 1, then

Using the multiplication rule for the independent events

c) Let E be the event that she will take Industrial Ave, park in lot D, use the north entrance, and take
elevator 2.

Using the multiplication rule for the independent events

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 28


15. Let the random variable X be the number obtained from the first throw and Y be the number obtained
from the second throw.
SECOND DICE 1 2 3 4 5 6
THROW 1 1,1 2,1 3,1 4,1 5,1 6,1
(Y) 2 1,2 2,2 3,2 4,2 5,2 6,2
3 1,3 2,3 3,3 4,3 5,3 6,3
4 1,4 2,4 3,4 4,4 5,4 6,4
5 1,5 2,5 3,5 4,5 5,5 6,5
6 1,6 2,6 3,6 4,6 5,6 6,6







Simwinga::0968-173176 | 29
b) Events A and B are independent if
But and , therefore A and B are not independent.
c) If events A and B are mutually exclusive, then .
But , therefore A and B are not mutually exclusive.




a) If events A and B are mutually exclusive, i.e , then

b) If A and B are independent events, i.e which implies that





Simwinga::0968-173176 | 30

a) ( ) ( )
b) Let A be the event of tossing the same coin twice and B be the event of tossing the two-headed
coin twice.

( )


Simwinga::0968-173176 | 31





c) , then


b) B and F are independent if . But and .

Therefore B and F are not independent.
c) B and F are mutually exclusive if . It follows that B and F are mutually exclusive.

27. Let A be the event that a respondent is between 20 – 29 years

Let B be the event that the respondent is between 30 – 39 years
Let C be the event that the respondent is 40 years and over
Simwinga::0968-173176 | 32
Let X be the event that the response is “very likely”
Let Y be the event that the response is “unlikely”
Let Z be the event that the response is “very unlikely”
28. Conditional probability
( )


29. Let A be the event that the item is produced by machine A

Let B be the event that the item is produced by machine B
Let D be the event that the item is defective
Machine (A) Machine (B)


30. Let A be the event that a student is female

Let B be the event that a student is male
Let D be the event that a student is taller than 1.7m
Female student (A) Male student (B)

31. Let A be the event that the voter came from town A
Let B be the event that the voter came from town B
Let C be the event that the voter came from town C
Let D be the event that the voter is female
Let D‟ be the event that the voter is male

Machine (A) Machine (B) Machine (C)

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 33
( )( )
( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )

32. Let A be the event that a male is observed

Let B be the event that a female is observed
Let D be the event that the reaction is positive
Let D‟ be the event that the reaction is negative

Male observed (A) Female observed (B)

33. Let A be the event that management will agree to meet the demands
Let B be the event that management will not agree to meet the demands
Let D be the event that the strike will end
Let D‟ be the event that the strike will continue
Demand is met (A) Demand is not met (B)


34. Let A be the event that the victim is from city A

Let B be the event that the victim is from city B
Let D be the event that the victim‟s name is smith
City (A) City (B)

35. Let A be the event that the item was produced by machine A
Let B be the event that the item was produced by machine B
Let C be the event that the item was produced by machine C
Let D be the event that the item is defective
Machine (A) Machine (B) Machine (C)

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 34
36. Let A be the event that an animal has the disease
Let B be the event that an animal doesn‟t have the disease
Let D be the event that the test diagnoses the disease
Let D‟ be the event that the test doesn‟t diagnoses the disease
Has disease (A) Does not have disease (B)

37. Let be the event that the lot was produced on line 1
Let be the event that the lot was produced on line 2
Let be the event that the lot was produced on line 3
Let be the event that the lot was produced on line 4
Let be the event that the lot was produced on line 5
Let D be the event that a fuse is defective among the three selected for testing.
Line 1

( )
Line 2

( )
Line 3

( )
Line 4

( )
Line 5

( )

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 35


Let X be the random variable the number of heads (H)



X 0 1 2 3

b) ∑ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

∑ [ ]

[( ) ( ) ( ) ( )]

39. Let X be the random variable the number of children
0 1 2 3 4
0.1 0.25 0.5 0.1 0.05


Simwinga::0968-173176 | 36
outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 (1,1)=2 (2,1)=3 (3,1)=4 (4,1)=5 (5,1)=6 (6,1)=7
2 (1,2)=3 (2,2)=4 (3,2)=5 (4,2)=6 (5,2)=7 (6,2)=8
DIE2 3 (1,3)=4 (2,3)=5 (3,3)=6 (4,3)=7 (5,3)=8 (6,3)=9
4 (1,4)=5 (2,4)=6 (3,4)=7 (4,4)=8 (5,4)=9 (6,4)=10
5 (1,5)=6 (2,5)=7 (3,5)=8 (4,5)=9 (5,5)=10 (6,5)=11
6 (1,6)=7 (2,6)=8 (3,6)=9 (4,6)=10 (5,6)=11 (6,6)=12

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

∑ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

∑ [ ]

[( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )]


b) ∑

c) ∑ [ ] [

√ √
42. For a probability distribution to be a probability mass function (pmf), the following conditions should be satisfied.
ii. ∑
Probability distribution for the random variable X is as follows


X 0 1 2 3

Condition 1

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 37
Condition 1 is satisfied.

Condition 2

Condition 2 is satisfied. Hence shown

43. Since the function is assumed to be a pmf, it follows that the conditions for pmf are satisfied. Using the second
∑ ,

44. For a probability distribution to be a probability mass function (pmf), the following conditions should be satisfied.
ii) ∑

Condition 1 is satisfied.

Condition 2 is satisfied. Hence shown.

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 38
45. For a probability distribution to be a probability mass function (pmf), the following conditions should be satisfied.
ii) ∑

Condition 1

Condition 1 is satisfied.

Condition 2

Condition 2 is satisfied. Hence shown.

∑ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

∑ [ ]

*( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )+

46. For a probability distribution to be a probability mass function (pmf), the following conditions should be satisfied.
ii) ∑

a) Condition 1
( )
( )
( )

( )

Condition 1 is satisfied.

Condition 2

Condition 2 satisfied. Hence shown.


Simwinga::0968-173176 | 39
47. For a probability distribution to be a probability mass function (pmf), the following conditions should be satisfied.
ii) ∑

Condition 1 is satisfied.

Condition 2 is satisfied. Hence shown.

∑ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

48. For a probability distribution to be a probability mass function (pmf), the following conditions should be satisfied.
ii) ∑

Condition 1

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 40
Condition 1 is satisfied.

Condition 2

Condition 2 is satisfied. Hence shown.

49. ( )

( ) ( )

50. ( )
a) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )

[ ]
[( ) ( ) ]

51. Let A be the event that the offspring will be disease-resistance

Let B be the event that the offspring will be vigorous growers

a) Since events A and B are independent,

b) ( )

( )

52. ( )
a) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )

[ ]

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 41
[( ) ( ) ( ) ]

53. ( )
Supermarket Hypermarket

Let be the number of times she shops at a supermarket

Let be the number of times she shops at a hypermarket

a) ( )

[ ]
[( ) ( ) ]

c) Probability of shopping at a supermarket or hypermarket

( ) ( )

54. ( )
a) ( )
b) ( ) ( )

55. Let the random variable X be the number of individuals suffering a bad reaction.
( )
a) ( )
[ ]
[( ) ( ) ( ) ]

Alternatively, we can use poisson distribution to approximate a binomial distribution since


[ ]

* +

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 42


[ ]

* +

a) ,
[ ]

* +

b) ,

58. Let the random variable X be the number of trucks that break down in a given day.


[ ]

* +

59. Let the random variable X be the number of tankers arriving at any given day.


Simwinga::0968-173176 | 43

a) ,
b) ,

61. Let the random variable X be the number of arrivals.

a) ,
b) ,

* +

c) ,

d) ,


[ ]

* +


Simwinga::0968-173176 | 44
64. and
, , …………………….(i)

, ………………...(ii)
Solving (i) and (ii) simultaneously,


[ ]
[ ]


[ ]
[ ]
will be defective

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 45

a) ( )
9.5% will exceed 85
b) ( )
0.5% will be less than 40
c) ( )
will fail

is the lowest mark.


a) ( )

is the minimum score.


is the cut-off point


( )

43.5% have scores 5 or more

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 46

a) ( )



b) No! Because he scored below the lowest mark for a distinction.


d) Yes! Because he scored below the minimum score for a pass.

a) ( )
b) ( )
(from the table)

72. Let A be the time it takes to shower

Let B be the time it takes to get dressed
Let C be the time it takes to eat breakfast
Let D be the time it takes to drive to the university
The total time taken to get to university is a normally distributed random variable
X with mean

And variance

a) ( )

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 47
(Should wake up 48.5 minutes before 08:13 hrs)


( )

73. X denotes the first student‟s math score

Y denotes the second student‟s verbal score

( )

74. Let X be the diameter of caps

Let Y be the diameter of tubes


( )


( )


A 99% CI for

( )

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 48

A 95% CI for

( )

b) , A 99% CI for ,

( ) .


A 95% CI for √

( √ )


A 95% CI for

( )

You are 95% confident that the true value of the population mean lies between 20.19 and 20.81


Simwinga::0968-173176 | 49
A 99% CI for

( )

You are 95% confident that the true value of the population mean lies between 20.09 and 20.91

79. ̅ ̅ 𝑆
√ √
a) 90% CI, critical z-value

b) 95% CI, critical z-value 𝑆



̅ ̅
√ √
̅ ̅
√ √
Lower Bound ̅ ̅ (equation 1)
√ √
Upper Bound ̅ ̅ (equation 2)
√ √
Solve equation 1 and equation 2 simultaneously

√ √

√ √

√ √

(sample size)
Simwinga::0968-173176 | 50

̅ (sample mean)


̅ ̅
a) 94% CI, critical z-value

̅ ̅ √

b) Since zero is not trapped in the interval, there is a difference between the two populations.

 Step 1: state the null & alternative hypothesis

(two tailed test)

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

 Step 3 : determine the test statistic


 Step 4 : Determine the decision rule
Critical values
Reject the null hypothesis if , otherwise accept.
 Step 5 : Calculate Z ( ) and conclude.
, Reject at 5% level of significant.

[ ]

 Step 1: state the null & alternative hypothesis

(upper tailed test)

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

 Step 3 : determine the test statistic


 Step 4 : Determine the decision rule
Critical value
Reject the null hypothesis if , otherwise accept.

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 51
 Step 5 : Calculate Z ( ) and conclude.
, Reject at 5% level of significant.

 Step 1: state the null & alternative hypothesis

(two tailed test)

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

 Step 3 : determine the test statistic


 Step 4 : Determine the decision rule
Critical values
Reject the null hypothesis if , otherwise accept.
 Step 5 : Calculate Z ( ) and conclude.
, Accept at 1% level of significant.

 Step 1: state the null & alternative hypothesis

(two tailed test)

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

 Step 3 : determine the test statistic


 Step 4 : Determine the decision rule
Critical values ( )
Reject the null hypothesis if , otherwise accept.
 Step 5 : Calculate t ( ) and conclude.

, Reject at 5% level of significant and conclude that the growth

rate is changed.
 Step 1: state the null & alternative hypothesis

(upper tailed test)

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

 Step 3 : determine the test statistic


 Step 4 : Determine the decision rule
Simwinga::0968-173176 | 52
Critical value
Reject the null hypothesis if , otherwise accept.
 Step 5 : Calculate Z ( ) and conclude.

, Reject at 5% level of significant and conclude that the

population mean is greater than K400.

87. ̅
 Step 1: state the null & alternative hypothesis

(upper tailed test)

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

 Step 3 : determine the test statistic


 Step 4 : Determine the decision rule
Critical value ( )
Reject the null hypothesis if , otherwise accept.
 Step 5 : Calculate t ( ) and conclude.
⁄ ⁄
√ √

Since , we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the new diet id effectively increasing the
mass of the turkeys.

88. ∑ ∑

∑ ∑

 Step 1: state the null & alternative hypothesis

(lower tailed test)

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

 Step 3 : determine the test statistic


 Step 4 : Determine the decision rule
Critical value ( )
Reject the null hypothesis if , otherwise accept.
 Step 5 : Calculate t ( ) and conclude.

, Reject at 5% level of significant and conclude that the

performance of industrial shares lagged behind the market as a whole.

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 53
∑ ∑ n
FERTILIZER A 8.4 4.5 3.8 6.1 4.7 11.2 9.6 48.3 382.15 7
FERTILIZER B 11.6 7.5 10.4 8.4 13.0 7.0 9.6 13.2 80.7 853.93 8

∑ ∑

∑ ∑

Pooled sd, 𝑆

 Step 1: state the null & alternative hypothesis

(two tailed test)

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

 Step 3 : determine the test statistic

√ ( )
 Step 4 : Determine the decision rule
Critical values ( )
Reject the null hypothesis if , otherwise accept.
 Step 5 : Calculate t ( ) and conclude.

, Reject at 5% level of significant and conclude that

√ ( )
the two fertilizers have different effects on seed production.

90. Pooled sd, 𝑆

 Step 1: state the null & alternative hypothesis

(two tailed test)

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

 Step 3 : determine the test statistic

√ ( )
 Step 4 : Determine the decision rule

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 54
Critical values ( )
Reject the null hypothesis if , otherwise accept.
 Step 5 : Calculate t ( ) and conclude.

, Accept at 5% level of significant and conclude that

√ ( )
there is no difference in the effectiveness of the two promotions.

91. Let last year be “year A” and this year be “year B”

Pooled standard deviation,

 Step 1: state the null & alternative hypothesis

(lower tailed test)

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

 Step 3 : determine the test statistic

√ ( )
 Step 4 : Determine the decision rule
Critical value
Reject the null hypothesis if , otherwise accept.
 Step 5 : Calculate Z ( ) and conclude.

, Accept at 5% level of significant and

√ ( )
conclude that there has not been a reduction.

92. Let Lusaka be represented by letter A and Ndola by letter B.

Pooled sd, 𝑆

 Step 1: state the null & alternative hypothesis

(upper tailed test)

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

 Step 3 : determine the test statistic

√ ( )

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 55
 Step 4 : Determine the decision rule
Critical value
Reject the null hypothesis if , otherwise accept.
 Step 5 : Calculate Z ( ) and conclude.

, reject at 5% level of significant and

√ ( )
conclude that the average speed in Ndola is significantly higher than that for Lusaka.

 Step 1: state the null & alternative hypothesis

(two tailed test)

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

 Step 3 : determine the test statistic

√ ( )
 Step 4 : Determine the decision rule
Critical value
Reject the null hypothesis if , otherwise accept.
 Step 5 : Calculate Z ( ) and conclude.

, reject at 5% level of significant and

√ ( )
conclude that there is a difference between the proportions.

94. 𝑆𝑆 𝑆𝑆 𝑆𝑆
∑ ∑ ∑

∑ ∑ ∑
a) i. , ,

ii. ̿
Source of SS df MS
Between SST (8) (2) 𝑆 (4) 𝑆
Treatments 𝑆
Within SSE (6) (9) 𝑆 (0.67)
Total SSTotal (14) (11)

Critical F value, , since we conclude that the means are not different at 5%
level of significance.
c) ,

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 56
( ) (√ 𝑆 ( ))

√ ( )

Since 0 is trapped in the interval, it follows that the means in treatment A and treatment B are not significantly
different at 5% significance level.
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑

 Step 1: state the hypothesis

 Step 2 : formulate the rejection region

Critical F value,
Reject if
 Step 3 : build the ANOVA table and conclude.
∑ ∑

𝑆𝑆 ∑ ( )
Source of SS df MS
Between SST (1565.43) (2) 𝑆 (782.72) 𝑆
Treatments 𝑆
Within SSE (587.14) (18) 𝑆 (32.62)
Total SSTotal (20)
, reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the fertilizers are significantly different at
5% level of significance.

( ) (√ 𝑆 ( ))

√ ( )

Since 0 is NOT trapped in the interval, it follows that fertilizers A and C are significantly different at 5%
significance level.


A: 24 18 18 29 22 17 15 143 3063
B: 46 39 37 50 44 45 30 291 12367
C: 32 30 26 41 36 28 27 220 7090
total 102 87 81 120 102 90 72 654 22520

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 57
 Step 1: state the hypothesis

 Step 2 : formulate the rejection region

Critical F value, , Reject if (treatment means)

Critical F value, , Reject if (block means)
 Step 3 : build the ANOVA table and conclude.
∑ ∑
𝑆𝑆 ( )

∑ ∑
𝑆𝑆 ( )

𝑆𝑆 ∑


Source of SS df MS
Treatments SST (2) 𝑆 (782.72) 𝑆
( ) 𝑆
Block SSB (6) 𝑆 (84.43)
( 𝑆
Error SSE (12) 𝑆 𝑆
( )
Total SSTotal (20)
( )
a) Since , we reject and conclude that the fertilizers induce significant
differences in the yield.
b) Since , we reject and conclude that there is a difference in the yield between
the plots.


MON 71 73 66 69 58 60 70 61 528
TUE 71 78 81 89 78 85 90 84 656
WED 73 78 76 86 74 80 81 76 624
THUR 73 75 73 80 75 71 73 72 592
FRI 62 66 69 81 60 64 61 57 520
TOTAL 350 370 365 405 345 360 375 350 2920
∑ 24584 27478 26783 33039 24149 26362 28611 24986 215992

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 58
 Step 1: state the hypothesis
(the treatment means are the same)

 Step 2 : formulate the rejection region

Critical F value, , Reject if (treatment means)

Critical F value, , Reject if (block means)
 Step 3 : build the ANOVA table and conclude.

∑ ∑

( )

∑ ∑
𝑆𝑆 ( )

𝑆𝑆 ∑


Source of SS df MS
Treatments SST ( ) (7) 𝑆 (74.29) 𝑆
Block SSB (4) 𝑆 (440)
( 𝑆
Error SSE ( ) (28) 𝑆 𝑆
Total SSTotal (39)
( )

a) The calculated F value is 3.77 therefore the hypothesis should be rejected. At the 5%
significance level, location does appear to affect responses.
b) It is important to neutralise the effect of the days of the week in a test such as this. Intuitively there is a
likelihood that people‟s attitudes will vary between the beginning of the week and the end, when the weekend
approaches. This factor may affect customers and staff alike.
c) The calculated F value is 22.3 therefore the hypothesis should be rejected. Days of the
week have a highly significant effect on the responses.

98. : ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
∑ ∑
𝑆𝑆 ∑

𝑆𝑆 ∑

𝑆𝑆 ∑

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 59

number of rejects 20



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Weeks of Experience

√ √
This value means that there exists a strong negative relationship between weeks of experience and number of
c) ̂
̅ ̅ ( )
d) 25
e) , ̂


45 39 2025 1521 1755

67 86 4489 7396 5762
61 97 3721 9409 5917
77 102 5929 10404 7854
71 74 5041 5476 5254
51 53 2601 2809 2703
45 62 2025 3844 2790
58 69 3364 4761 4002
48 80 2304 6400 3840
62 53 3844 2809 3286
36 48 1296 2304 1728
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑

∑ ∑
𝑆𝑆 ∑

𝑆𝑆 ∑

𝑆𝑆 ∑

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 60
√ √

Significance test
 Step 1. State the null and alternative hypotheses

 Step 2 : Select the level of significance

Use 5% level of significance
 Step 3: Select test statistic

 Step 4 : formulate the rejection rule
, the critical value is
Reject if , otherwise accept.
 Step 5 : calculate t and conclude
√ √
Since , we reject the null hypothesis and
√ √
conclude that there is correlation between the two variables.
b) ̂
̅ ̅ ( )
50% of the variation in the breaking stress of the casting can be explained by the breaking stress of the test
d) When ̂ , ,

Prediction interval= ( ) (√ ) (√ )

(√ ) (√ )


4 1 16 1 4
9 2 81 4 18
18 4 324 16 72
20 5 400 25 100

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 61
35 8 1225 64 280
41 10 1681 100 410
47 12 2209 144 564
60 15 3600 225 900
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

∑ ∑
a) 𝑆𝑆 ∑

𝑆𝑆 ∑

𝑆𝑆 ∑

√ √
Since is very close to 1, it implies that there‟s a very strong positive relationship between concentration
and meter reading.

This shows that 99.6% of the variations in the meter readings can be explained by the concentration.
b) ̂
̅ ̅ ( )
 Step 1: state the hypotheses

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

Use 5% level of significance
 Step 3 : select the test statistic.

∑ ̂ ⁄
, 𝑆 √

 Step 4 : formulate the rejection rule.

Accept the null hypothesis if , otherwise reject.

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 62
 Calculate t and conclude

̂ ̂
4 5.131 1.279161
9 9.069 0.004761
18 16.945 1.113025
20 20.883 0.779689
35 32.697 5.303809
41 40.573 0.182329
47 48.449 2.099601
60 60.263 0.069169

∑ ̂ ⁄ ⁄
𝑆 √ √

, since , we reject the null hypothesis and conclude

that the regression line is significant at 5% level of significance.
∑ ∑
𝑆𝑆 ∑

𝑆𝑆 ∑

𝑆𝑆 ∑
a) ̂
̅ ̅ ( )
√ √

Significance test
 Step 1. State the null and alternative hypotheses

 Step 2 : Select the level of significance

Use 5% level of significance
 Step 3: Select test statistic

 Step 4 : formulate the rejection rule
, the critical value is
Reject if , otherwise accept.

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 63
 Step 5 : calculate t and conclude
√ √
Since , we reject the null hypothesis and
√ √
conclude that there is correlation between the two variables.

c) √ √
d) ̂ , ,

Prediction interval= ( ) (√ ) (√ )

(√ ) (√ )

Returns (y)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Beta (x)

The scatter plot shows that the return increases with increasing values of beta. Furthermore, the plot makes it
clear that it is appropriate, over the observed range of values for beta, to fit a straight line to this data.
b) ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
∑ ∑
𝑆𝑆 ∑

𝑆𝑆 ∑

𝑆𝑆 ∑

√ √

Significance test
 Step 1. State the null and alternative hypotheses

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 64
 Step 2 : Select the level of significance
Use 5% level of significance
 Step 3: Select test statistic

 Step 4 : formulate the rejection rule
, the critical value is
Reject if , otherwise accept.
 Step 5 : calculate t and conclude
√ √
Since , we reject the null hypothesis and
√ √
conclude that there is significant relationship between risk and return.

c) ̂
̅ ̅ ( )

d) ̂ , ,

Prediction interval= ( ) (√ ) (√ )

(√ ) (√ )


, let


, let


, let

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 65


0 2 4 6 8 10 12

b) We convert the non-linear into a linear relationship

( ), let

1.67 22.4 0.6 3.11 0.36 9.67 1.86
2 24.5 0.5 3.20 0.25 10.23 1.60
2.5 26.3 0.4 3.27 0.16 10.69 1.31
3.33 30.2 0.3 3.41 0.09 11.61 1.02
5 33.9 0.2 3.52 0.04 12.41 0.70
10 35.5 0.1 3.57 0.01 12.74 0.36
2.1 20.08 0.91 67.36 6.86

∑ ∑
𝑆𝑆 ∑

𝑆𝑆 ∑

𝑆𝑆 ∑
̅ ̅ ( )

After three years, i.e ,

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 66
 Step 1: state the hypotheses

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

Use 5% level of significance
 Step 3 : formulate the decision rule

Critical F value,
Reject if
 Step 4 : calculate F and conclude

Source Sum of Square Degree of Mean Square

(SS) freedom(df) (MS)
Regression SSR (51) 3 MSR (17) 𝑆
Error SSE (44) 19 MSE (2.316)
Total SSTotal (95)
We reject at 5% level of significance and conclude that the fitted line is significant.

 Step 1: state the hypotheses

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

Use 5% level of significance
 Step 3 : formulate the decision rule

Critical F value,
Reject if
 Step 4 : calculate F and conclude

Source Sum of Square Degree of Mean Square

(SS) freedom(df) (MS)
Regression SSR (46) 3 MSR (15.33) 𝑆
Error SSE (54) 19 MSE (2.842)
Total SSTotal (100)
We reject at 5% level of significance and conclude that the fitted line is significant.

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 67
 Step 1: state the hypotheses

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

Use 5% level of significance
 Step 3 : formulate the decision rule

Critical F value,
Reject if
 Step 4 : calculate F and conclude

Source Sum of Square Degree of Mean Square

(SS) freedom(df) (MS)
Regression SSR (51) 3 MSR (17) 𝑆
Error SSE (44) 21 MSE (2.095)
Total SSTotal (95)

We reject at 5% level of significance and conclude that the fitted line is significant.
a) ̂
where is the monthly sales revenue, is the radio advertising expenditure and is the television
advertising expenditure.

of variations in sales volume can be explained by variation in radio and television advertising

c) To test the regression for significance, we use the Analysis of Variance.

 Step 1: state the hypotheses

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

Use 5% level of significance
 Step 3 : formulate the decision rule

Critical F value,
Reject if
 Step 4 : calculate F and conclude

We reject at 5% level of significance and conclude that a significant relationship exists between sales
revenue and advertising expenditure.

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 68
d) Test the individual coefficients for significance
i) Advertising expenditure on radio
 Step 1: state the hypotheses

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

Use 5% level of significance
 Step 3 : select the test statistic.
, 𝑆

 Step 4 : formulate the rejection rule.

Critical value
Reject the null hypothesis if , otherwise accept.
 Calculate t and conclude

Reject and conclude that sales revenue is related to expenditure on radio advertising.
ii) Advertising expenditure on television
 Step 1: state the hypotheses

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

Use 5% level of significance
 Step 3 : select the test statistic.
, 𝑆

 Step 4 : formulate the rejection rule.

Critical value
Reject the null hypothesis if , otherwise accept.
 Calculate t and conclude

Reject and conclude that sales revenue is related to expenditure on television advertising.
e) Because , expenditure on television advertising is more efficient than expenditure on radio


a) ̂

Source Sum of Square Degree of Mean Square F

(SS) freedom(df) (MS)
Regression 187,214 4 46,803.5 11.87
Error(Residual) 256,315 65 3943.31
Total 443,529 69

of the variations in the turnover is explained by the explanatory variables.

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 69
 Step 1: state the hypotheses

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

Use 5% level of significance
 Step 3 : formulate the rejection rule

Critical F value,
Reject if
 Step 4 : calculate F and conclude

We reject at 5% level of significance and conclude that a significant relationship exists between
annual turnover and explanatory variables.

d) Test the individual coefficients for significance

i) Number of employees
 Step 1: state the hypotheses

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

Use 5% level of significance
 Step 3 : select the test statistic.
, 𝑆

 Step 4 : formulate the rejection rule.

Critical value
Reject the null hypothesis if , otherwise accept.
 Calculate t and conclude

Reject and conclude that the number of employees is significant

ii) The number of kilometres away from the residential areas.
 Step 1: state the hypotheses

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

Use 5% level of significance
 Step 3 : select the test statistic.
, 𝑆

 Step 4 : formulate the rejection rule.

Critical value
Reject the null hypothesis if , otherwise accept.
 Calculate t and conclude

Reject and conclude that the distance from the residential areas is significant

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 70
iii) The shop space in metres squared
 Step 1: state the hypotheses

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

Use 5% level of significance
 Step 3 : select the test statistic.
, 𝑆

 Step 4 : formulate the rejection rule.

Critical value
Reject the null hypothesis if , otherwise accept.

 Calculate t and conclude

Reject and conclude that the shop space is significant

iv) The number of trolleys available in the shop
 Step 1: state the hypotheses

 Step 2 : select the level of significance

Use 5% level of significance
 Step 3 : select the test statistic.
, 𝑆

 Step 4 : formulate the rejection rule.

Critical value
Reject the null hypothesis if , otherwise accept.
 Calculate t and conclude

Do not reject and conclude that the number of trolleys in the shop is not significant and that it should
be removed from the regression model.

Simwinga::0968-173176 | 71

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