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LAA Multi camera

Part one - analysis on one multi camera TV show.

The big bang theory -

The big bang theory is an American tv sitcom show created by chuck lore and bill
pradly, the main theme of the show is science, and it shows it in a funny way, they also
highlights problems within the university education system. Throughout the show they
have many props like e.g. superhero related stuff like books or posters. The big bang
theory has a live audience set up behind all the set up,this means when funny parts
come on the show they can record the laughter’s instead of adding it in and making it
look somewhat fake. The use of natural diegetic sound allows the viewers watching it on
there tv creates an atmosphere to the audience as when the laughter comes on it may
not even be that funny but because of the laughter in the background it creates a more
funny effect when watching.

When filming with a live audience the camera men are usually placed in front of the
audience but more lower towards the ground so they don't get in the audiences way,
this camera angle is called facing up and allows the audience to not get distracted or
disrupted by the camera. Filming live can be risky sometimes as the audience watching
may make sound or just be talking to someone sitting next to them and it can become
unclear to the microphone as some people may be louder than others causing an
uneven sound.

Part two Soap - Eastenders

EastEnders is a British soap opera, the first episode was on BBC on February 19th in
1985. The show is set in places like a pub, street market, community area and any other

EastEnders is a multi-camera production this means that there are multiple cameras
shooting the same scene at once, in the scene it has about three camera setups when
filming it. Lighting plays a big role in soap operas as when having conversations you
want to see everything e.g. facial expression, Backlighting is often used as it lifts and
actor or actress out of the background they are standing in, this backlighting is usually
used during small set up like a living room or a kitchen and in EastEnders they have a
lot of scene in area like this.
Eastenders is filmed on video like a lot of other soap operas are as it's apparently
cheaper than film but shooting on video increases the amount of frames displayed per
sound. The filmmaking is very effective as it makes the tv show seen like its real life
drama and allows the audience to have a feel of the atmosphere. EastEnders still works
very similar to a one camera set up as EastEnders still do many takes when filming a
scene as actors may mess up lines or if the director wants it shot from a different angle
or a different emotion from the actors.

EastEnders is sometimes filmed in real life but most of the filming is done in a set where
it was usually half built, i watched EastEnders and as a viewer i was quite sad when i
found out Woolford wasn’t a real place. The camera set up in EastEnders is quite
simple, the director would speak about what they want to happen during the scene and
he or she would usually speak to the cinematographers.
Part three – Tipping points

Tipping Point Series 6 Episode 44 "Lets hope its a slider & not a rider"

Tipping points is a TV game show where people across the country come along and
answer many different types of questions and the person who has the most points
usually wins a cash prize.

A television show such as this would most defiantly use a multicamera set up as during
the show having one camera would not allow them to capture everything during the
show and for them to use multiple
camera allows them to get every shot
they need from serval different angles. I
watch an episode of tipping points and
one of the first things that caught my
eye was how bright the lighting is e.g.
the bright colors they use around the set
and this makes the game seem fun and
happy. They would use a vision mixer
during the show to allow the camera
operator to know when to change
angles and change to different shots
and would help when it comes to the
editor having to edit all the shots, the use of having more than one camera set up also
allows the audience to know who buzzed the buzzer first when they players know a
question and when it comes to the tipping points there are close ups of this and this
allows the audience to have a clear understanding of what is going on. Although this is
a live tv the use of the multicamera set ups allows the show to have a more natural
effect and nothing is being cued e.g. laughter, this also includes the natural reactions to
the people playing the game as when they answer incorrectly you can clearly see their
natural facial expressio

Part four - Bafta awards of film 2017

Watch the full 2017 BAFTA Film Awards Ceremony | BAFTA Film
Awards 2017
The Bafta award shows is an British academy for film awards the 2017 award show was
the 70th one and this award show allow actresses and actors to win awards for the
acting during a film, this is also a very technical show to film as it uses multicamera but
a lot of it.
During the first clips we get to see a long shot of the red carpet and you can tell they
must of used a drome or a crane shot to make this shot possible as its up from the
ground, the scene cuts to a lot of different shot from all different types on angles and
you can obviously see that they used different camera for each of these shots they use
a voice over during the opening scene and it's a women telling the audience a bit about
the show and this helps the audience to know what it's about and to have a better
understanding, they have some of the actors to say how the feel being there and most
of them say it's a wonderful place and the arena is almost royal looking and glamorous

At 2:48 they have a very long shot angle of the arena and looks almost like a fish eye
lensed camera as we can see everything, the camera keep cutting from different shot
so that the audience can capture everything that is happening from the audience facial
expression to the performances they have on stage and the use of the multicamera set
up allows us to see everything that is going on. This multicamera set up would of been a
big challenge for the crew as a lot of camera must have been used and as it's a live
event but filmed a few hours before they put it onto tv, they have to be on time for their
ques to have the camera ready on time for the shot. They have a gallery and this is
where all the lighting take place as during the show all different types of lighting is
shown and the sound and graphics would also be taken place in here and the person
controlling this has a very hard job as they must be on time for each que during the


Camera operator – A camera operator works in things such as television, music, film
and the film industry and are employed by the television and cable companies or by
video production houses. The camera operator is responsible for capturing different
scenes during production and operating a wide variety of technical equipment. The
camera operator has other responsibilities would include assembling and setting up
camera equipment and operating cranes and mobile mountings.
Floor manager – A floor manager is a member of the crew within television show, they
are responsible for giving information to the director in the control room the rest of the
crew on the studio floor the floor manager also has another name e.g. the floor director.

Boom operator - A boom operator works and assists the production sound mixer on
the set of television and music videos production, they are also responsible for
operating the boom microphones the boom operator also works with other sound
recording equipment on set
Presenter - A presenter is a person who introduces or hosts things such as television
programs for example the presenter is the person who often gives the stature of the
show by explaining who the show or game show runs.


Director – A director controls the artistic and dramatic aspects and visualizes the
screenplay or script while guiding the technical crew and actors in the vision of what the
director wanted the director also has a key role in choosing the cast members.
Vision mixer - A vision mixer is a device used to select between several different videos
sources and in some cases compositing video sources together to create special effects

Production assistant – a production assistant works on a set for a show such as those on
television and in theaters. Their main role is to ready the cast crew and the set for each day of
filming to do this they will often have to be able to clearly communicate instructions from the
cast director and the crew.
Sound mixer –a sound mixer is simply the member of a film or television crew which is
responsible for recording all the sound on a set during the production or the film making.

VT operator – Video tape operators work in post-production facilities that provide end to end
services for offline, online and non-linear editing. It is a machine room role meaning they will
need to have good knowledge of all technical aspects of each facility.

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