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Transferable Skills Worksheet

Name: Yusuf Mahmood


Strongest Transferable Skills:

In this section record the 3 transferable skills that you believe are your strongest. For
each, explain why you believe that it is strong for you and how this will be of value
in your chosen career. Use the results from your Transferable skills audit to help
you identify them.

1 - Team working skills = I believe one of my strongest skills is team working in a

team I always ensure I pull my own weight, complete the task given to me, add input
and listen to others ideas to ensure the work is done to a high standard. This skill will
help in the future as in a managerial role you have to work with others to ensure the
store looks great and customers are ready to shop here.

2. - Time management - Starting college in 2019 I have had a lot more responsibility
such as college assignments and working at JD sports. Here I must balance the two.
Using all my spare time when i do not have a shift to complete my assignments and
college work. Time management is a useful skill that will help me in the future to
understand how much time i have and to ensure my tasks are completed within the
time frame and to stay productive through spare time.

3. - Determined - I believe I am a determined individual who will ensure that my work

is completed to a high standard. At college I always to ensure I have completed
college assignments to the highest possible standards as well as making sure my
work at JD sports is to a high standard as well as ensuring I learn new skills.

Weakest Transferable Skills:

In this section record the 3 transferable skills that you believe are your weakest. For
each, explain why you believe that it is weak for you and how you will improve this
skill to help you in your chosen career. Use the results from your Transferable
skills audit to help you identify them.

1. Confidence - I can communicate effectively within teams to ensure the work is

completed. However, my overall confidence needs to be improved as i often
overthink small things as well as improving my confidence when learning new
skills and being able to present to large groups and be more confident when
doing this.

2. Presentation - I need to improve my presentation skills as it is an essential

skill to show and demonstrate my skills to other people. This ties in with
confidence as when i become more confident this will naturally increase my
presentation skills. For marketing you must have good presentation skills so
therefore i need to improve this.

3. Communication - I believe i already have fairly good communication skills

however communication is a skill that can always be improved and i need to
improve speaking to new people and being able to work effectively with
people i have just met. In my future job i will need great communication skills
as i will be working with many new people speaking to brands as well as other

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