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Easter in England

Eggs, buns, bonnets, parades

People in Britain exchange Easter Eggs, cards and other gifts

at Easter. Gifts can be money, clothes, chocolate or going on holidays together.

Traditional food at Easter is hot cross buns. They are sweet bread rolls with a
white cross on top.

Some people make Easter bonnets or baskets, which have things like daffodils in
them or mini eggs. Children sometimes go to a local community center to enter an
Easter bonnet competition to see whose bonnet is the best and the winner gets a
big Easter egg. Adults sometimes go for Easter parades, where they show their
new clothes or bonnets.

Easter Egg Hunt

The Easter bunny is a part of the Easter tradition in England. The shops are full of
thousands bunnies which people buy to give to each other. The Easter bunny
(parents, of course)‘hides’ the eggs in the houses or gardens and children try to
find these treats on Easter Sunday.

Easter Egg Roll

Sometimes both children and adults have Easter Egg Roll competitions. They roll
hard-boiled eggs down a hill and the first egg to reach the bottom without
breaking is the winner.

1. What do people exchange at Easter?

2. What is the traditional food?
3. What does the traditional food look like?
4. What is a bonnet competition?
5. What do people do at parades?
6. Who hides chocolate eggs in the house or garden?
7. What are the rules for Easter egg Roll?

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