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Volume 2 Nomor 2 E-ISSN: 2527-807X

Juli-Desember 2017 P-ISSN: 2527-8088


Agik Nur Efendi
Universitas Negeri Malang
M. Zainal Muttaqien
IAIN Surakarta

Abstract: Globalization era has affected in the changes of Indonesian

people‟s values. The changes has gradually transformed norms in society.
Therefore, it is urgent to educate character values to the new generations. It
can—among others—be conducted by learning from Hikayat Hang Tuah, a
classic Malay literary work which contains values relevant to both daily lives
and character education. This article is aimed at describing some values
included in Hikayat Hang Tuah. The character education contained by the
story is considered having relevance to the program established by Ministry
of Education and Culture nowadays. The findings show that Hikayat Hang
Tuah loads different educational values ranging from the aspects of religion,
nationalism, integrity, autonomy, to cooperation. Hopefully, this article can
give contributions to the development of students‟ character education from
Hikayat Hang Tuah story.
Keywords: education, values, character, Malay

INTRODUCTION before Islam entering Nusantara mostly

Indonesian people has numerous came from India (Hindi and Buddhist
cultural heritages distributed over the stories). Some great works resulted
local cultures across Nusantara from this influence are among others
(Indonesian archipelago). Some of the Hikayat Sri Rama and Hikayat Sang
heritages are local literary works which Boma.
describe the wisdom of past time lives. Most of Nusantara literary works,
A group of people who is considered to including classic Malay, contain
have a treasure in the form of literary national identities representing their
works is Malay society who inhabits a eras. Acccording to Sudjiman (1984, 14)
lot of Indonesian regions. They have a the old literary works inform the
popular folktale entitled Hikayat Hang readers about traditions, beliefs, social
Tuah. state, individual personalities,
The creation of some Indonesian individual relationships, and the
national literary works, including applicable value systems in related
Hikayat Hang Tuah cannot be society. The Indonesian national culture
separated from religious influences. The products in the past which are
arrival of Islamic faith at that time, expressed in old literature can be read
particularly in Malay, and all regions of as a heritage in the forms of texts or
Nusantara in general, could give many manuscripts (Sudjiman 1984, 46).
contributions to the development of A number of manuscripts on Hang
local cultures. Nearly all aspects of Tuah have long been stored in different
Nusantara culture have been mixed countries. According to Sutrisno (1983,
with Islamic elements in different 56-60), besides in Malaysia, most of the
nuances. Classic Malay literature works manuscripts can be found in Europe

Agik Nur Efendi & M. Zainal Muttaqien

and Indonesia. Aside from the ones in and death. Classic literature teachings
Kuala Lumpur, there are still twenty can support in development of students‟
other manuscripts collected in different personal qualities, including emotional,
libraries in Leiden, Jakarta, intellectual, social, and moral values.
Trengganu, London, Cambridge, and The advancement of era which
Manchester. moves to globalization has triggered a
The story of Hang Tuah which was number of changes. Globalization has
originally a manuscript in Malay made information exchanges and shares
language was then transformed into flow rapidly causing the same fast
various works in different languages. cultural changes. According to Sayuti
The one who has successfully (in Sunaryadi 2013), one effect that
transformed Hang Tuah manuscript arises from globalization process is the
was Muhammad Haji Salleh. He has presence of different values coming
reconstructed Hikayat Hang Tuah into from foreign countries (Western) which
modern Malay language. For this influences the life and culture of a
achievement, he was then awarded nation. These values are not always
State Author title in 1991. He also won suitable to the local wisdom. They may
South East Asian Author‟s Award in even contrast with the existing values
1997. In 2008, he was granted State in the society. Another crucial effect,
Academic Figure. the characters and values of national
Hikayat Hang Tuah which is identity might disappear and even be
written by Muhammad Haji Salleh tells forgotten. It also applies to Indonesian
a struggle of a figure named Hang Tuah nation.
who was born in Lingga island of Riau Regarding those matters, character
archipelago. In the story, Hang Tuah is building and development need to be
described as a figure who has a fighting taken as a priority in various ways. One
spirit and loyalty as well as masters thing that we can do is by digging up
twelve different languages at a young noble values of national culture, either
age. The courage and loyalty of Hang from literary works or performance arts
Tuah have made him a figure loved by and other things which contain moral
Sultan. It makes him to be an teachings as the character builders.
ambassador to represent his country for Literature subject is one of
various affairs. At the end of the story, appropriate media for developing
a provocation and betrayal occurs which students‟ characters. In literature, there
resulted in an exile and even death are elements of culture, history, and
penalty to Hang Tuah. In the even ideology in addition to emotional,
meantime, he even comes into rivalry intellectual, social, and moral aspects.
with his fellow Hang Jebat. So far, these elements are parts of
Hikayat Hang Tuah contains classic personal development studies.
values that can be considered as Literature can help build students‟
guidelines for human lives in general. character through the touching plots,
There have been positive responses appropriate dictions, and powerful
toward the wisdom inserted in the conflicts which blow up the amazing
story. Appreciating stories from and heroic themes. By classic literature,
Nusantara literature may potentially students can get awareness without
bring students to recognize their having been strictly forced or taught.
national identity. Aside from that, Indonesian government, by Ministry
according to Kosasih (2013), of Education and Culture, has
appreciating classic literature can give formulated the course of literature
various possibilities to human lives, teaching policy. It has been clearly
from happiness, freedom, loyalty, pride stated in Permendiknas No. 22 Th.
up to weakness, defeat, despair, hatred, 2006 with the title Content Standard
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Educational Values in Hikayat HangTuah Malay Folktale

for Elementary and Secondary education perspective projected by

Education Units. In the document, the Indonesian government.
purposes of literature teachings are The data source of this research was
described for giving the students‟ Hikayat Hang Tuah book which was
competences in (1) enjoying and using written by Muhammad Haji Salleh and
literary works for enhancing their published by PT Ufuk Publishing House
views, (2) smoothing manners, and (3) in 2013. As qualitative research, the
improving skills and knowledge in data in this case were in the forms of
using language, and (4) appreciating as sentences and paragraphs which
well as developing Indonesian literature indicate the core of national character
as a cultural and intellectual variety of education values. All data were
Indonesian people. collected in two ways, that is by
Literature studies provide a intensive reading toward two different
potential opportunity for developing texts and note-taking.
character education besides aesthetical The technique for analyzing the
experiences which is classified as a sort data applied in this research was
of calm thoughts by Wellek and Warren descriptive analysis. Ratna (2010, 53)
(1989, 35). The importance of (classic) states that descriptive analysis method
literature teachings is to bulid students‟ is carried out by describing facts
honorable morality (Mustika, 2011, 57). resulting from the process of analysis.
However, the teachings of classic The steps were taken by analyzing the
literature will always face a problem of values existing within the story and
outdated language. This can be a relating them with the research
dominant factor of lacking interests purposes which have formerly been
toward classic literature among determined. According to the category,
students. Many of Indonesian classic the process of data analysis was done
literary works are written in Old Malay inductively.
language. In order to make them
familiar to the students, the working VALUES IN HIKAYAT HANG TUAH
languages of the classic literary works Hikayat Hang Tuah is a classic
need to be adapted into the language literary work that emerged at the
suitable to the level of students‟ glorious age of the traditional Malay
comprehension (Kosasih, 2013, 227). society. The story of Hang Tuah has
The literary activities at schools inspired the thought of anyone who has
have to develop students‟ logic, read it. Within the story, there are lots
affective, social, religious, and sense- of messages and ideas to consider,
related competences. Out of the including nationalism aspects. It tells
learning purposes, literary works the life of a person named Hang Tuah
themselves have actually provided who was born in Riau archipelago.
opportunities to develop above- It is told that Hang Tuah with his
mentioned competences. Therefore, if it companions, namely Hang Jebat, Hang
is carried out properly, literary teaching Kasturi, and Hang Lekir sail on a little
can give opportunities to develop those boat going to the north of Singapore. On
competences, evem more than other their journey, they are chased by
subjects do. pirates. However, by using a brilliant
strategy, they can defeat the pirates.
RESEARCH METHOD Incidentally, the news of their bravery
This research applied descriptive is heard by Sultan who is then appoints
qualitative approach which aimed at them four palace guardians. Hang Tuah
describing the values included in a is described as a man who masters
Malay folktale entited Hikayat Hang twelve different languages. Therefore,
Tuah from the core of character he becomes Sultan‟s favourite
ambassador and is consequently sent to
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Majapahit kingdom in order to guard Competence 3.7 is relevant to this

Sultan‟s marriage to Galuh Candra study.
Kirana, the daughter of Batara. Hang In order to understand the values
Tuah is facing a very hard voyage as he and contents of Hikayat Hang Tuah, we
is challenged by Mahapatih Gajah can relate it with the core of education
Mada, the king of Majapahit deputy. established by the government.
Hikayat Hang Tuah story has been Character as the core of education can
written and translated into different divided into (1) religious values,
languages. Muhammad Haji Salleh is including beliefs, obedience, cleanliness,
the one who transformed it into modern tolerance, and environmental care; (2)
Malay. He is included into poets whose nationalism values, including love of
works have been translated into country, spirit of nationalism, and
English and Malay and was awarded respecting diversity; (3) integrity
State Author in 1991. He also won SEA values, including honesty, exemplary,
Author Award in 1997. In 2008, he was politeness, and loving the truth; (4)
established as State Academic Figure. autonomous values, including work
Through his classic work, Hikayat Hang hard, creativity, disciplinary, courage,
Tuah, Saleh introduces different values and willingness to learn; (5) mutual
whaich are relevant to human lives and cooperative values, including
education development. cooperation, solidarity, helping each
According to Kartodirdjo (1989, 1-7), other, and brotherhood . Those values
historical awareness of people is very are illustrated in the Diagram.
important for national culture Generally, classic literature
education. In this context, historical teachings are beneficial toward
awareness is not only an extension of students‟ characters. All student will
knowledge but also a direction toward grow to be individuals who possess
cultural values appreciation which is genuine and noble national identities
relevant to the attempt of developing completed with self-esteem. By having
the culture itself. Historical awareness broad viewpoints and pride on their
in the context of national culture own genuine national values, students
education can be achieved by will gradually have strong personalities
generating awareness that a nation is a with high motivation and tough self-
social unit established from a historical controls. They may also face and
process which, at the end, integrates overcome their life problems wisely and
smaller communities into a bigger properly.
entity called „nation‟.
Religious Values
The materials on hikayat have been
Religiousness tends to look at the
included into Bahasa Indonesia
aspects deep in the heart, vibrations of
(Indonesian Language) subject of 2013
personal feelings, and personal
Curriculum Revised Edition, for
attitudes which remain misteries for
students of class X of SMA/SMK/MA
others. Thus, these religious attitudes
(high school). There are four basic
refer to the personality of an individual
competences related to hikayat. Each is
related to his/her Creator, to behave
(3.7) identifying values and contents of
like God‟s intention (Lathief 2008, 175).
folktales (hikayat) either spoken or
Pricipally, religious manner is a
written; (3.8) comparing the values and
devotion to God with a belief that
language elements between folktales
humans depend on God and cannot be
and short stories; (4.7) retelling the
safe by their own power. Therefore,
contents of folktales which have been
humans must devote themselves to God
listened and read; and (4.8) developing
(Mustopo 2000, 31).
folktales into short stories by focusing
on the contents and values. Thus, Basic
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Educational Values in Hikayat HangTuah Malay Folktale

From the explanation, it can be within human beings that God‟s permit
concluded that religious values are is more important compared to others.
religious views or feelings which focus Besides the concept, hygienity or
more on human existence rather than cleanliness is also an essential value in
religions which are limited to teachings religious aspect. It becomes a dimension
and linkages. Religious aspects in to notice as the popular saying
Hikayat Hang Tuah are all things „cleanliness is an element of faith‟.
related to beliefs or faiths, religious Therefore, keeping our environments
activities, and the principles of human from waste is something important. The
interactions. The values of beliefs and lesson to keep clean can be found in the
obedience in Hikayat Hang Tuah can following excerpt:
be seen in the following excerpt:

Diagram: Characters as the core of education

Tun Tuah bowed, “If God permitted, In a good day, The Treasurer,
and with the Prophet‟s blessing as well Tumenggung, and all the princes either
as Your Majesty‟s command and the old or young worked together to clean
authority of Datuk himself, we‟ll be the islands. They stayed there and were
back safely after completing our duty.” busy to finish their jobs. Meanwhile,
(Salleh 2013, 230-231) King and Queen of Malay sailed to
The utterance shows that Hang Bintan.
In few days, the islands had already
Tuah as a king‟s servant believes that
been clean from trees and brushes. The
all human deeds depend on God‟s
Treasurer had built a fort surrounding
intention. For Hang Tuah, even though all the islands. (Salleh 2013,151)
he has willingness if God does not
In this case, the concept of
permit, the goal will not be achieved.
cleanliness is shown when the King
The concept of believing and obeying is
would like to build a new palace. All the
not only delivered verbally but it must
kingdom servants are ordered to clean
also be deeply comprehended and there
the islands. The cleaning activity is
must be a belief toward God‟s power.
focused on the disturbing parts such as
Therefore, the concept of believing and
bushes and weeds. The reason is when
obeying can be seen as a representation
bushes are growing around the new

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palace, they will disturb the appreciation toward tolerance values.

surrounding and the palace will not be Hang Tuah tries to convey his opinion
interesting. Therefore, the concept of and ask the King to forgive his younger
cleanliness will always be the principle brother who has been accused to be
to make things beautiful and fault. However, by the King‟s authority,
comfortable to see. Hang Tuah‟s brother is then completely
Religious values are related with forgiven. The concept of mutual lives
human beings as well. It is in the form and accepting each other is something
of tolerance between individuals. important in this case.
According to Anshori (2010, 152),
Nationalism Values
tolerance is an attitude and action of
Nationalism can be defined as a
appreciating the differences in religions,
sentiment of loyalty or belonging from a
tribes, ethnics, opinions, attitudes as
person to his/her own country or nation
well as actions of other people.
(Smith, 2000). Nationalism has
Tolerance can also be understood as a
different meanings depending on the
feeling and attitude of respecting and
viewpoints and interests from one to
honoring each other by keeping to
others. The element of nationalism is
uphold the spirit of unity and
the one that has become a foundation of
brotherhood in order to create peaceful,
solidarity ties which unite citizens at
secure, and happy life. The existence of
the level of state or nation.
tolerance will make people appreciate,
Indonesian people need the spirit of
protect, and respect others‟ faiths and
nationalism with an expectation to
cultures patiently and intentionally.
bring this nation toward a better
The values of tolerance can also be
direction and not to be strongly
found in Hikayat Hang Tuah. An
influenced by foreign cultures which
example of tolerance is shown by the
may degrade the nation. The spirit of
King who would listen to others‟
nationalism should therefore be able to
opinions as well as forgive others‟
grow up the sense of loving country in
faults. It can bee seen in the quote
society whenever people belong to.
Therefore, the arising problems do not
Tun Tuah answered, “Allright, Your function as things that separate.
Majesty, Your servant begs your
Instead, they become the ones that
generousity and kindness. Your Majesty
unite the nation (Suprapto 2003, 86).
sees Your servant has been suffering
from the punishment. If he doesn‟t go According to Imarah (1998, 281),
fishing, he‟ll be starved. In this loving country or nationalism is the
situation, he‟d better go to Negeri nature of human beings and it is equal
Keling because the merchant really to their lives. Similarly, losing respect
wants to take him there” to country means death. The construct
After listening to Hang Tuah of loving country values can be seen in
information, the King agreed the Hikayat Hang Tuah. It is shown by the
proposal. “If it is so, I have no objection. Merchant figure along with his
But, please ask the Treasurer‟s opinion ministers when they fight against their
first.” (Salleh 2013, 197)
enemies who threaten the kingdom
Tolerance has become something independence. The vision of loving
essential in human interactions. The country is represented by the following
concept of tolerance will be difficult to quote:
implement if one of the parties has no The Merchant did not waste his time
humbleness and acceptance. The any more. He commanded forty
concept of tolerance also exist in ministers to prepare themselves for a
Hikayat Hang Tuah. The quote above battle and load their weapons with gun
indicates that the King has a high

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Educational Values in Hikayat HangTuah Malay Folktale

powder since on the ship there were or multiculturalism can also be found in
only eight cannons. (Salleh 2013, 209) the following quote:
The excerpt shows that the The Merchant gave respect and gifts
Merchant with his ministers has a high to the King who has accepted them
spirit of nationalism. Their bravery in friendly. The Merchant could see
the characteristics and charisma of
defending the independence has become
the King when he was sitting down
the essential element to go to war. The
on his throne and welcoming the
feelings of love to the country dwell visitors with all his ministers,
within the personalities of the figures. commanders, and people, either rich
The feelings come from togetherness in or poor and big or small. (Salleh
life. It makes them look as one when 2013, 187)
they are moving to defend their The various constructions of a
territory from enemies‟ threats. In order territory, country, or kingdom appear in
to keep the independence of and their the quote. A kingdom consists of
love to the country, people must have different works and ranks from the
the spirit of defending the integration of lowest to the highest. The existence of
territory. An example of the spirit of castes in a kingdom does not reduce its
nationalism is shown in the following prestige. Even, these differences show
excerpt: the richness and plurality of a kingdom.
They told their adventure in facing the The pluralism concept can be seen when
enemies to the man and his ship crews. there is a welcoming ceremony to a
After hearing Hang Tuah story, The visitor from another place. In the
Singaporean leader felt very proud of
ceremony, the highest kingdom officials
them. Then he asked to them, “Now,
to the poorest people will gather inside
where will you go, young men?”
If Your Majesty would be merciful to the palace. The gathering of these
us, we want to go back to Bintan different social strata indicates that
because three ships are still wandering. differences do not cause problems.
They want to know what we have done Instead, they show the existence of
to the ten pirates we have just plurality.
arrested.” (Salleh 2013, 89)
Integrity Values
The spirit of nationalism is One of the main purposes of
demonstrated by Hang Tuah figure and education is to build up honesty because
his companions. When sailing on sea, honesty is a capital for living together
they get attacks from pirates. However, and a key for success. From honesty, we
Hang Tuah and his companions are can learn, understand, and comprehend
able to defend themselves and even balance and harmony. According to
defeat the pirates. The pirates are Suparmini and Nursa‟ban (2012), the
actually the enemies who threat values of honesty is based on religious
territorial independence and robbers of values and moral ethic values which are
treasure. The spirit of Hang Tuah and generally applicable. In educational
his companions has become a value full context, honesty values are taught to
of bravery in fighting against the produce human resources which uphold
enemies. the values.
In order to keep brotherhood and The concept of honesty is shown by
togetherness of a nation, there must be the Merchant character. Indeed, the
a spirit of pluralism. In the process of Merchant‟s trip to Malacca is not
weaving differences, it takes tolerance purposed for trading but to find out a
between people. The concept of king descendant to be appointed as the
antidiscrimination in society includes king for his territory. The exposition of
ignoring the differences in ranks, honesty is conveyed directly to the
positions, races, religions and so on Great King. It can be seen in the
among people. The concept of plurality following conversation:
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The Merchant answered, “All right Then, he said, “I already know

Great King. Your servant ask for your everything you want. So, I‟ll teach you
mercy and kindness, Your Majesty. My all. (Salleh 2013, 312)
goal to come here from Negeri Keling is The values that can be followed from
actually not for trading or looking for the excerpt is keeping low profile and
world treasure. My mission is to take
always practising knowledge we have.
Your Majesty‟s younger brother to be
appointed as a king. Now, Your The modelling that contains the values
Majesty‟s servant has got everything he appears in the character of Persatu
wanted. (Salleh 2013, 206) Nala. With his high knowledge, power,
The purpose of The Merchant visit magic, and other extraordinary skills,
from Negeri Keling is not for trading Sang Persatu Nala remains having the
but looking for a king‟s descendant to be responsibility to practise his knowledge.
appointed as the King of Negeri Keling. Sang Persatu Nala‟s belief toward
To accomplish the mission, he makes a Hang Tuah and his companions cannot
trading strategy. By trading, the be separated from the characters of the
essence of a trip can slightly be covered. figures. Hang Tuah‟s attitudes of being
This is an example of the patience and diligent and enthusiastic in gaining
tolerance of a merchant. Even though knowledge has made Sang Persatu Nala
his main purpose to get a king has been decide to teach in case that the
achieved, he maintains to tell his plan knowledge can give them benefits.
in front of the Great King clearly. His Another consideration why Sang
courage to confess his intention before Persatu Nala would share his
the King and all kingdom officials is a knowledge is because of Hang Tuah
good example to appreciate and follow. polite and ethical speech acts.
Beside honesty concept, there are Politeness or etiquette is a manner,
also modelling values. Things related to tradition, or habit which is practised
modelling can be explored from the within a society. Politeness has become
figure of Hang Tuah and Persatu Nala. the rule of behaviours established by
Hang Tuah is described as a man who society so that it becomes a requirement
would like to gain knowledge from agreed in social interactions. Therefore,
Persatu Nala as the teacher who will politeness can be compared to a good
guide Hang Tuah and his companions. interactive manner. The manifestation
As a person who is expecting of Hang Tuah politeness is directed to
knowledge, Hang Tuah has a good His Majesty King beside toward Sang
character in his attitude. Meanwhile Persatu Nala like the one in the
Sang Persatu Nala, his teacher who following excerpt.
possesses a lot of knowledge, always Shortly afterwards, His Majesty King
lives in humbleness. He is not arrogant asked Tun Tuah, “Tuah, how is the
betrayer‟s condition?”.
as well and willing to share his
Tun Tuah answered, “All right, Your
kowledge to Hang Tuah and his Majesty. Your servant beg for Your
companions. It is proven in the quote Majesty‟s mercy and kind heart. Your
below: Majesty has seen Your servant suffering
He bowed seriously and answered, “I from the punishment. If he doesn‟t go
come to study warriorship and warfare fishing, he will be starving. In this
science to you. I really want to know situation, he‟d better go to Negeri
about what must be known by knights Keling because the Merchant really
and warriors. But more than that, I wants to bring him there. (Salleh, 2013,
would like to have a better view and 197)
strategy than they already have. The trace of politeness values can be
Sang Persatu Nala was silent for a
found in Hang Tuah figure. As a
kingdom servant, Hang Tuah is not

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Educational Values in Hikayat HangTuah Malay Folktale

only recognized for his high being in the right way has made Hang
intellectuality and strong physical Tuah very powerful in fighting against
appearance but also his polite speech the criminals.
acts. Hang Tuah‟s polite speech can be
Autonomous Values
seen when he is making a conversation
One way to be creative is by
with His Majesty King. In the
thinking in various imaginative
conversation, His Majesty King uses the
shadows in a surprising, unpredictable,
word „betrayer‟ which reflect roughness.
and sometimes illogical situation that
However, in responding to His Majesty
leads to a new understanding on the
question, Hang Tuah keeps showing
politeness in speaking by firstly asked
The description of a creative person
for mercy. Hang Tuah‟s speech that is
is reflected by Hang Tuah character as
initiated by asking for forgiveness,
well. It happens when he encounters
mercy, and kind heart is the
Taming Sari, a strong figure from
implementation of the rule in respecting
Majapahit kingdom. Hang Tuah cannot
the higher person. It is a representation
defeat Taming Sari, since the latter has
of politeness values.
magical power. Therefore, Hang Tuah
Another good character possessed by
thinks outside the box like what is told
Hang Tuah is bravery to defend the
in the following text.
truth. The case is when there are
Taming Sari stands up to dance and
criminals who are destructing goods in
attack Tun Tuah‟s breast several times.
the market. Hang Tuah who sees this
Tun Tuah jumps again left and right to
situation stands for the sellers and avoid Taming Sari‟s weapon.
fights against the criminals as can be Everybody was entertained to see the
seen in the following excerpt. fight. Deep in his heart, Tun Tuah thou
Next day, Hang Tuah did all his ght,”What kind of magical power is
households, that was splitting wood possessed by this man so that my
with his axe. By God‟s permission, in weapon can‟t tear his skin? As I know,
the meantime, a man accidentally ran his keris (traditional Javanese sword) is
amok in the market. A lot of people had the one that gives him power. If it is so,
been killed and injured. The store I have to know his obsession and
owners ran away from their stores to deceive him so that I can take that
the village. Bintan was in a panic and keris.” (Salleh 2013, 300).
uproar situation. There are a lot of creative problem-
A lot of men and women ran away and solving techniques. Among others is by
shouted, “Hey, Hang Tuah, run to the changing the viewpoint from an
village if you don‟t want to be killed!” ordinary one into something amazing
Hang Tuah continued to split the wood and beneficial. Hang Tuah figure has
and answered, “Why must we be afraid worked out the concept. The creativity
of a mad man like that?” (Salleh 2013, shown by Hang Tuah looks tricky but it
is considered into a solutive thinking
Here, Hang Tuah is described as a concept.
figure who dares to defend the truth. Hang Tuah‟s situation analysis on
His bravery has been existed since he Taming Sari‟s magical power which is
was a child. In the story, Hang Tuah caused by his keris is true. Therefore,
who is splitting wood sees some Hang Tuah attempts to separate
criminals who are running amok in the Taming Sari from his keris. This effort
market and have killed and injured certainly needs a creative thinking
people. Hang Tuah has no fear at all process. Trapping Talang Sari with a
and does not try to run away from the dialogue to know his obsession first is
criminals. Even, he has an initiative to proven to be accurate. Thus, it can be
keep staying in the place and fight counted as a creative thinking process.
against the criminals. The confidence of

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The next value is disciplinary. lots of crews. It won‟t be easy for us to

„Discipline‟ is a common term for us, but defeat them.
in reality, it is very difficult to practise. Hang Kasturi proposes his plan, “Let‟s
According to Rusyandi (1997: 6), do the right thing.” (Salleh, 2013:85)
„discipline‟ is an attitude or behaviour The courageous character of Hang
that is in line with the applicable rules Tuah as a sailor has grown since he was
or norms. a child. As seen in the quote, Hang
A disciplinary which comes from self Tuah‟s courage is examined when he is
awareness is the best one. At this level, sailing and attacked by pirates. He
one‟s awareness to obey the applicable decides to fight on the land considering
rules, norms, and regulations are not the limited number of weapons and
due to fear of punishment but purely crews he has. This plan gives result as
comes from the responsibility as a it has been expected. They succeed to
member of society to establish catch some of the pirates.
conduciveness. Self-discipline is not Cooperative Values
something that grows by itself but it is Indonesian people has cooperative
a result of learning or interaction with behaviour named gotong royong and it
the surroundings. The concept of has been popular among societies as one
disciplinary in Hikayat Hang Tuah can of national personalities. This
be found in the following quote. behaviour has rooted from cultural
He answered, “Your Majesty, Your values of Indonesian people. It is in line
servant will go soon because the season with what Colleta (1987, 3) states that
for returning will soon be ended. cooperation has been the flesh and
His Majesty King agreed the proposal,
blood of Indonesian people and become
“You‟d better go immediately because I
have to go sailing to Malacca as soon as one of the most important traditional
possible.” institutions in social development.
The Malay Queen answered, “All right, Indonesian people believe that both
Yor Majesty. Soon after my duty is over, cooperative values and behaviours have
I will meet Your Majesty in Malacca.” a social potential that can be used as an
(Salleh 2013,157) instrument for solving various problems
Disciplinary value can be seen from of living together within a society.
the character of Malay Queen. This The concept of cooperation can also
figure has a strong disciplinary be understood within the context of
principle. It is proven when she gains a social empowerment (Pranadji 2009,
mandate to sail to Malacca. She carries 62), since it can be a social capital to
out this duty quickly. Disciplinary build institutional power at the level of
factor has motivated her to meet His local community and national society to
Majesty in hurry after she has reach welfare. In this case, Hikayat
completed the mission. Hang Tuah offers certain values
The last autonomous concept is relevant to the spirit of cooperation.
bravery or courage. One of courageous This cooperative concept is
values in Hikayat Hang Tuah are demonstrated when Hang Tuah and his
reflected Hang Tuah status as the companions are building a ship as in
leader of a sailing group when they are the following excerpt:
being attacked by pirates. A minute later, all the carpenters and
Hang Tuah smiled, and then said, “My shipmakers started to do their own
friends, I think we have to fight on the work and accelerate their
land because our boat is very small and workmanships, His Majesty‟s treasurer
we can easily be beaten by those three divides them into several groups.
big ships with complete weapons and Bentara Tun Tuah did the front parts
whereas the shipmakers were appointed
to complete the middle. The Treasurer

140 Leksema Vol 2 No 2 Juli-Desember 2017

Educational Values in Hikayat HangTuah Malay Folktale

himself worked out the shiptail. The The emergence of social solidarity
ship wall was decorated beatifully with cannot be separated from the shared
wood frames covered by yellow, red, and feeling among group members. In
green velvet. (Salleh 2013, 226) addition, common interest also
In conducting different events, contributes to increase of solidarity. The
people all over Nusantara has applied concept of high solidarity is
cooperative system. Cooperation can demonstrated by Hang Tuah, Hang
make hard work become lighter. All Jebat, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir, and
people work together so that the goal Hang Lekiu. Their brotherhood and
can be quickly achieved. Cooperative friendship solidarity are examined
concept can be seen in Hikayat Hang when they are facing the pirates. The
Tuah during the process of making a coming of the pirates who want to catch
ship. In the activity, the workers, either them as hostages does not make Hang
from higher or lower social status work Tuah and his companions run away. By
together diligently. This process is done a strong common feeling, they are
by dividing the tasks to each worker. united to strike back. This existing
This concept reflects that people solidarity does not appear suddenly but
already know about cooperation, not it comes from the same feeling that
only to finish the work earlier but also have long established among them.
to strengthen collective spirit among The next concept is the spirit of
them. helping each other. In Hikayat Hang
Another value included into Tuah, it is reflected when Hang Tuah‟s
cooperation is solidarity. The concept of boat is chased and attacked by the
solidarity emphasizes on the pirates. In the meantime, the leader of
relationship between individuals or a boat troupe which is sailing to
groups that becomes the basis of Singapore knows that Hang Tuah and
togetherness in life supported by moral his troupe need a help. The concept of
and faith values which live within the helping each other is shown in the
society. The manifestation of collective following excerpt;
relationship will bear emotional The crew leader of all those boats saw a
experiences that can strengthen the small boat with five passengers being
relationship itself. According to chased by six enemy ships which had
Durkheim (in Jones 2009, 123), social moved closer to their target.
solidarity is a loyalty in friendship that The leader shouted to his crews, “Get
points out a relationship status between closer to the boat. The boat are being
individuals and/or groups based on chased by pirates. We don‟t know where
moral and faith which is believed they come from. They may need our
help.” (Salleh 2013, 88)
together and streghthened by collective
emotional experiences. The concept of It is common that the stronger help
solidarity in Hikayat Hang Tuah can be the weaker one who needs help. The
seen on Hang Tuah and his companion willingness for helping each other
figures. The solidarity emerges when a makes this life balance. The act of
group of pirates is attacking them. helping each other is shown by crew
Hang Tuah soon arrived at the beach. A leader of the boats which is sailing to
gang of pirates were very pleased and Singapore. In the meantime, the leader
shouted, “This time we‟ll make those sees the boat of Hang Tuah which is
guys our slaves!” being chased by six other ships. Seeing
Then, they docked as well in order to the incident, the ship leader tries to
catch those guys. approach the pursued boat. This
At that time, Hang Jebat, Hang decision makes the pirates cancel their
Kasturi, Hang Lekir, and Hang Lekiu intention to catch Hang Tuah and his
had landed waiting for their enemies to companions.
take the next action. (Salleh, 2013:86)

Leksema Vol 2 No 2 Juli-Desember 2017 141

Agik Nur Efendi & M. Zainal Muttaqien

Another value in Hikayat Hang education field and daily life. In more
Tuah is familiarity. In living with specific, the values in the folktale are in
others, there must be a spirit of line with the character education values
familiarity to solve any problems. One projected by the Indonesian government
element of familiarity is discussion. The in 2016, that is religious, nationalism,
larger a community the higher the integrity, autonomous, and cooperative
necessity for upholding discussions. values.
Discussion is the backbone of a social Religious values, comprising belief
life. It is commonly established as a and obedience, are found in Hang
principle including the Islamic law. The Tuah‟s behaviour whereas the
principle of familiarity can be found in cleanliness value is represented by the
the following quote; activity of cleaning the islands. In
His Majesty King felt tears dropping addition, tolerance value is
from his eyes. He asked, “Then, how demonstrated by the King who gives
should I give him punishment?” opportunity to his younger brother.
The Treasurer and Tumenggung Nationalism values include loving
answered, “Your Majesty King. In my country, spirit of nationalism, and
humble opinion, if what is reported by respecting diversity. These values are
the man is true that Your Majesty‟s
reflected by the Merchant and Tun
younger brother has made a sin
Tuah. Meanwhile, integrity values
prohibited by Allah Ta‟ala, the
appropriate punishment is by sending cover honesty, modelling, politeness,
him into an exile for a while and put off and loving truth. The first is
his title as Young King. Return him into exemplified by the Merchant confession
his former status. (Salleh, 2013:177) whereas the second appears when Sang
In solving a problem, it takes a Persatu Nala would share his
mutual agreement. This agreement is knowledge to Hang Tuah and his
aimed at knowing each other‟s problems companions. Subsequently, a politeness
and taking the action needed. Another value can be seen in Hang Tuah speech
function of familiarity spirit is for acts similar to loving the truth which is
overcoming subjective decision which shown by Hang Tuah who dares to
can lead to a drawback towards others. defend the truth by fighting against
In the story, the aspect of familiarity is criminals.
shown when The Treasurer and Autonomous values in Hikayat
Tumenggung hold a discussion with the Hang Tuah are reflected by the hard
King to make a decision. Actually, any work done by the shipmakers, the
decision lies on the King‟s hand. creativity from Hang Tuah‟s ideas in
However, His Majesty King chooses to facing against the enemies, the
discuss his brother future first with The disciplinary of Malay Queen in
Treasurer and Tumenggung. The respecting time and the King, as well as
existence of agreement in the kingdom the courage of Hang Tuah when he is
shows that all problems and their striking back the pirates.
consequences can be solved through In addition, cooperative values
familial manner in order not to cause include working together to make the
drawbacks toward others. ship for the kingdom, solidarity in Hang
Tuah‟s friendship, helping each other
CONCLUSION when some ship crews save Hang
Based on the result of analysis Tuah‟s troupe from the pirates, and
above, it can be concluded that Hikayat familiarity spirit in holding discussion
Hang Tuah folktale written by among the King and his servants.
Muhammad Haji Salleh contains a
number of values that are relevant to

142 Leksema Vol 2 No 2 Juli-Desember 2017

Educational Values in Hikayat HangTuah Malay Folktale

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