Guesstimates Fact Sheet

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©Team Disha IIM Lucknow

Guesstimates: Facts and figures

(updated Nov. 2017)

• India: 1.3bn
• Lucknow: 3.3mn
• UP: 220mn
• Delhi: 18mn
• Mumbai: 22mn
• India: 3.2mn sq. Km
• Lucknow: 2500 sq. Km
• Uttar Pradesh: ~0.25mn sq. Km
• Delhi: 1500 sq. Km
• Mumbai: 600 sq. Km

(Also learn key demographics about your home city/town)

Rural – Urban Ratio: ~67% - 33%
Literacy Rate (Based on 2011 census)
• India: ~75%
• Youth Literacy Rate (15-24 years): 85%
• Female – Male: 65% - 83%
Age break-up
• <35 years: 65%
• <25 years: 50%

• 0-6 years: 15%

• 7-14 years: 15%
• 15-25 years: 20%
• 25-35 years: 15%
• 35-65 years: 30%
• 65 years +: 5%

Population Growth Rates

• Population growth rate: 1.2%
• Birth Rate: 20/1000 population
• Death Rate: ~7.5/1000 population
• Life Expectancy: ~70 years

• Hindu: 75%
©Team Disha IIM Lucknow

• Muslim: ~15%
• Christian: 6%
• Sikh: ~2%
• Others: ~2%

Income Brackets (as % of total population)

• BPL: 29%
• Low Income: 25%
• Lower Middle: 30%
• Upper Middle: 15%
• High: 1%

Sector-wise breakup of GDP (Based on Ministry of Statistics Report, March 2017)

• Agriculture: 15%
• Industry: 30%
• Services: 55%
Occupation Structure:

• Agriculture: 50%
• Industry: 20%
• Services: 30%
Other Important Facts about India

• Car penetration: 20/1000

• Internet penetration: 400Mn
• Mobile Phone penetration: 650Mn
• Smart Phone penetration: 300Mn

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