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EXERCISE 1: VIDEO “Drawing board Brexit” (13 January 2019)

Watch this video a couple of mes and try to guess what it says:
h ps:// onal/video/brexit-uk-prepares-leave-european-union-474384
Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything, just try to say in simple words what you think
it explains.

This video talks about the British Brexit. Brexit, is the exit of the United Kingdom from
the European Union and to be able to be independent.
Brexit is a difficult process, since it is not just about becoming independent from the EU
and now. You also have to take into account social and economic factors ...

EXERCISE 2. “Brexit: your basic ques ons answered”. (13 January 2019)

Read the next ar cle:

h ps:// onal/brexit-key-issues/story?id=59402693

1. What did David Cameron do a er the referendum?

David Cameron after the referendum was resigning from his political position.
2. What is the problem with Northern Ireland?

The problem with Northern Ireland is that it is a country of the European Union.

EXERCISE 3: “Brexit explained: how it happened and what comes next” (27 January 2020)

Read this ar cle and answer the related ques ons:

h ps://
1. Who promised the Brexit referendum and why?
The one who promised Brexit was Minister David Cameron. Because of the bad
situation in England, immigration ...
2. When did the United Kingdom leave the European Union?
The United Kingdom left the European Union on January 31, 2020.
3. How will the changes affect the individuals?
The changes that will affect people will be in the British passport, they will be
able to continue traveling and using it in the United Kingdom. They must also
follow the EU rules, but will not participate in the making of the rules. The 73
British MEPs cannot be in the European Parliament.
4. What does the rest of Europe think about the Brexit process?

The rest of Europe does not see the Brexit decision well, but they have
complied with the law and have done the whole process well.
Some countries where they did not agree to the UK Brexit.
EXERCISE 4: ARTICLE “Brexit. All you need to know about the UK leaving the EU” (23
September 2020)

Look at the new in this link and answer the following ques ons:

h ps:// cs-32810887

1. When will the new changes in immigra on and trade start?

The new changes in immigration and commerce will begin on January 1.
2. When did the United Kingdom leave the European Union?
The UK left the EU on January 31, 2020.
3. What is the withdrawal agreement?
The withdrawal agreement is the UK's exit from the EU.
4. What is the transi on period and when does it finish?
The transition period began after Brexit, the idea was to leave time to talk about
the future relationship of the two parties. The UK still follow the EU laws and
5. What can happen if a new deal has been agreed and ra fied by the end of this year?
If an agreement has been reached, the transition will end on December 31, at
which point the UK will leave the EU.
On the subject of trade, each one decides what tariffs and controls they put.

EXERCISE 4: Giving opinion.

A er reading the previous pieces of news in chronological order:

1. Make a li le summary explaining in your own words what has happened with this
In the United Kingdom, what has happened is that many people wanted to be
independent and leave the EU, and they decided to go through an
independence process. There has been a whole process of negotiations and
rules, in order to continue to have relations with Europe despite being
2. Write your opinions about the Brexit process.
For me it is a good solution, after all, the people who live in a country are the
ones who must decide about their future. In this case, some votes were made
and the result was Yes to Brexit.
In the future, it is always said that it can be economically dangerous, but that
cannot be known. I hope they do very well, and that one day in Catalonia or
other places, they will also let us vote legally, and that people can decide about
their future.

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