WCYR MilliganETSU Press Release

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Name: Mason Mosier

Phone: 423-943-9007


Washington County Young Republicans stands with Milligan University

JOHNSON CITY, Tenn. (Oct. 21, 2020) — In the wake of ETSU Student Government
Association’s Academic Committee passing a resolution denouncing Milligan University, the
Washington County Young Republicans are committed to supporting Milligan University and its
code of conduct as a private, religious institution.

For more than 150 years, Milligan has been an institution steeped in faith in God and
committed to educating men and women as Christ-like servant leaders. Likewise, ETSU has
been committed to student success and improving the region’s quality of life since 1911.
Together, they have long enjoyed a collegial relationship based on mutual respect and a shared
commitment to providing opportunities for growth and success.

Washington County Young Republican (WCYR) Chairman Mason Mosier, who serves
as Speaker Pro Tempore of the ETSU SGA, believes this bill is not just harmful to ETSU and
Milligan, but also the greater community.

“Resolution SSR-20-006 sets a precedent that will not only eliminate relationships with
Milligan University for following their Christian beliefs and values, but it also allows other
institutions to be condemned for holding similar beliefs,” said Mosier. “For instance, if ETSU
SGA passes this bill, then what is stopping them from forcing Chick-Fil-A and other religious
institutions off campus?”

WCYR Secretary/Treasurer Dalton Shell, who serves Milligan’s student body as SGA
President, also expressed concern for broader ramifications within the community.

“Buffs and Bucs live, work and engage within the community on a daily basis, and while
we are each unique, we are stronger together,” said Shell. “Since our country’s founding, we
have enjoyed religious liberty and rights to ensure individuality while maintaining human rights
and inclusivity.

“This drastic move by ETSU’s SGA for an alleged incident is both unfounded and goes
against the very fabric of our constitution and civil liberties.”

Both Mosier and Shell are hopeful for reconciliation and unity moving forward. They
agree that the region’s continued growth and success are dependent on collegiality between the
two institutions.
For more information, contact Washington County Young Republicans at 423-943-9007
or wctnyr@gmail.com.

The Washington County Young Republicans (WCYR) is a federated organization with the larger Young Republican National
Federation. WCYR holds a seat on the Republican County Executive board of Washington County and helps to make decisions of the party.
WCYR hosts meetings on the last Thursday of every month to facilitate civic engagement between individuals and elected Republican officials.

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