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Proper Forehand Grip – The racket is pointing downwards rather than flat.
Proper Backhand Grip – Thumb on the flat hands of the racket.

a. Place your right hand on the racket face. From there slide the racket down until
you hit the grip.
b. Close it with your first three fingers. Put your thumb above the middle finger and
your hand should now form a “V” with the rapid grip.
c. Form a “V” with your hand. IT is very similar to shaking somebody’s hand as your
holding the racket.

With the forehand grip it allows you to get into proper position as you turn out the racket
and swing with your wrist, without anything blocking or hurting your wrist.

To do the backhand grip, all you have to do is start with the forehand grip and switch it
by putting the pointing finger down and the thumb on the flat end of your racket.

a. Backhand: Index finger down, thumb on the flat surface. This gives you a nice
backhand push, but it wouldn’t do you any good for overhead backhand shots.

For the backhand grips, all you have to do is push with your thumb out with the racket
facing forward. The thumb will help you push the shots forward and it will give you
power at the very close space.

a. For an overhead backhand grip, you have to hold your thumb on the grove that’s
untangled to your grip right here. By holding it here it does two purpose the first it
allows you to swing at full power without having any restrictions on your wrist and
it gives you a directional choice, you can hit straight or cross a lot easier than had
you use any other grip with your racket.

Forehand Overhead Shot: Mechanics

a. To start of you must have your racket up with your elbows slightly bent with the
other arm inf front. As you’re swinging the shot make sure to pivot your body and
extend your hand first without straightening out your elbow, last second you must
make sure to flick your wrist and turn out the racket head which is very important,
you won’t be able to hit anything if you don’t turn out the racket head. So, turn out
the racket head snap the wrist and follow through to the side and not downwards.
This would be a standard forehand overhead shot.

Overhead Backhand Shot

a. You’ll need the proper backhand grip to execute this properly, start off you’re
your elbow pointing upwards and the racket head towards your left shoulder from
here extend outwards with your arm first as you turn your body and snap at the
last second with your wrist either straight or cross, and as usual follow through
properly afterwards. This is the overhead backhand shot for beginners.

Standard Forehand or Forehand Underhand

a. To start off you need the proper forehand grip. In order to hit a forehand shot
underhand you must lock your wrist first before you hit the bird and push forward
with your body as you snap the wrist upwards. Key parts, you have to make sure
your racket head is facing at an angle when you hit the birdie rather than directly
upwards because that will just make it go up and not far. This is the forehand
underhand shots for beginners.

Backhand Underhand
a. For this your have to need proper backhand grip to execute the shot properly as
well. Start off with your racket in front with the grip slightly locked and the racket
facing forward, as you make contact with the birdie make sure you push forward
with your body and snap your wrist and make sure your racket position at certain
angle so that it will go forward rather than just go upwards. This is the backhand
underhand shot for beginners.

Proper Footwork for Beginners

Forward Footwork Towards the Front

a. Front Forehand Shot (Forward Forehand) – The key points if you are right-
handed, you have to start with your left leg going forward and then ending with
your right leg slightly at a lunging movement, make sure the foot is turned
towards the direction in which you’re going towards and not to the straight
because you could potentially injure yourself and twist your ankle like that, so
always have a nice balanced of your entire body in a lunging motion to end your

Forward Motion for your Footwork Towards your Backhand Side (Forward Backhand)
a. Make sure your left foot goes first if you’re right handed and end with your right
leg in a lunging motion reaching towards the net, make sure the foot is pointing
the proper direction like to balance your body in a proper lunge rather than any
other direction which potentially can cause you twist your ankle.

Forehand Side Footwork

a. Make sure you start with your left foot and lunge outwards with your right foot
make sure that your foot is pointing towards the direction in which your lunging
towards and not straight because then you could possibly twist your ankle so we
don’t want that so and I have a nice balance and have a nice lunging motion from
here shuffle back.

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