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© 2018
This project is my original work and has not been presented for award of degree for any other

Ombworo Eugene Wanjira,


Signed …………………………… Date……………………..

This project has been submitted for examination with approval as university supervisor.

Signed …………………………… Date……………………..

Dr. Too Boaz
This project is dedicated to my family i.e. My Mom (Celestine Okumu), Dad (Thomas
I fall short of words to pen down anything for the co-operation and encouragement extended
by friends through the completion of this project a mere thanks is little for their love,
encouragement and support.

I am thankful to my uncle John Adams for providing me the project information for my

I would like to thank the institute for the infrastructure, administrative and qualitative support
extended for the timely completion of this project. The project was started during the month
of Sept 2017 and completed in the month of April 16, 2018. I would like to express my deep
sense of gratitude to my Project Guide Dr. Too Boaz who provided his expert guidance and
inspiration during all phases of this project. His guidance, suggestions and expertise have
been a source of inspiration and helped in refining my thinking and approaches during the
project tenure.

Also my deepest gratitude goes to the respondents for her active cooperation and my dear
friends to have great support all throughout. Last but not the least I would like to thank all my
friends and faculty members who maintained a friendly relation.
List of Acronyms

UoEm- University of Embu

SQL- Structured Query Language
Table of Contents
List of Acronyms......................................................................................................................5
Table of Contents.....................................................................................................................6
2.1 THE EXISTING SYSTEM..............................................................................................9
2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................9
2.2 PROBLEMS FACED BY EXISTING MANUAL SYSTEM.......................................10
PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION..................................................................................10
3.1 THE PROPOSED UoEmM HOSTEL SYSTEM..........................................................12
3.2 FEATURES OF PROPOSED SYSTEM................................................................14
3.3 FACT GATHERING TECHNIQUES...........................................................................16
FEASIBILITY STUDY.........................................................................................................20


UoEm Hostel Management System

UoEm Hostel Management system is an online system that will be accessible through
the web browser. The system is tasked to manage the student data, staff data, and students’
admission process and create receipt for the fees paid by the student who stay in the hostel
and also help in maintaining visitor’s messages.

2.1 Introduction

The existing system is based on manual process and all the bookings and works are
done manually, this means that the school maintains students registers and files for
recording all the details of the system.

They maintain several registers for recording the entry of daily transactions such as
visitors visited the hostel, visitor drop the message for a particular student, etc.

They maintain the record of the students so they keep each and every information
regarding the students in the student master file. In the similar fashion they maintain
the records of their fees so they keep each and every information regarding their fees
details in the fees master file.

They keep the bill Book or receipt Book to maintain the record for the fees collected
by the student.

They maintain the register or Book for staff so they can pay the salary.

Thus maintaining Staff information, Student Information, Visitors information,

Check-in and Checkout information and all the things are done manually.

This phase of system analysis process deals with problems that are affecting in the current
manual system. The problems are those, which are affecting the organization in its daily
routine work.

Given there is growing trend in Information Technology around the world, There is need of
computers accuracy, perfect ness, speed and high memory data storage. Every specific
problem must be solved with a least amount of time and energy.

Some of the problems experienced by existing system are described as below:

 Difficulty in Maintenance of Records.

 Editing of data becomes a tedious job.

 No Security of Data.

 Data Inconsistencies

 Mistakes Occurring in long Calculations [Total fees, percentage calculations, etc.]

 Proper Generation of Report (i.e. Fees, etc.)

 Time Consuming.

 Lack of Efficiency and Man Power.

 High Data Redundancy.

 Difficulty in Maintenance of Records:

It is very difficult to maintain data record in the system as all the records are entered in the
register or the respective record books. There are chances of the record books or files in
which all the data is kept may be torn or wearied out or some other damages which results in
the destroyed data. Also a problem occurs if the data file or register is misplaced somewhere
else and is not getting at the time of actual requirement of the data stored. It is also difficult to
maintain old files and registers which have data of past years, which the government has kept
for future references.

 Editing of data becomes a tedious job:

Manual written data cannot be changed or edited once written. If there is a mistake and if we
try to rub and write it again it makes the register very dirty and untidy, which creates a bad
impression of the business. If data is entered incorrectly, whole document becomes incorrect
while also editing the wrongly entered data cannot easily solve errors.

If one had done some wrong entry then to edit the data one has to go through lots of records
and, again and again editing the record makes it difficult to read.

 No Security of Data:
As the data is stored in manual files or registers, it is not in a secure place. As the storage
media here are files and books or registers there are chances of getting these storage media
lost, torn, or it may go in the hand of wrong person, which can destroy the database, or it can
also be destroyed accidentally. Also in the system data should be shown to the person
according to his position in the Hostel, everybody should not be allowed to use all the data.

If the data goes in the hand of wrong person then he/she may take the advantage of the data
and the University hostel may lose its market value. So security is the major aspects of a
University Hostel System.

 Data Inconsistency:
Here as mentioned in the above step the same information is written in more than one place
that creates the problem, when there is a change or deletion in the recorded data.
For example if we would like to change the name of the Student due to some mistake earlier
or due to some other circumstances, first we will have to identify the places where the name
are recorded and then are updated this leads to a very time consuming process and if this is
not done properly causes high data inconsistency in the later stages.

 Time Consuming:
It is very time consuming process to write each and every entry in the database register. Also
it takes a lot of time if all the entries are repeated. In the system processes such as making
different type of reports, preparing merit lists, tedious calculations are examples of time
consuming process in the system.

 Report Generation:
After collecting all the fees of the student the collection report is prepared and on the basis of
which the admission procedure is carried out.

 High Data Redundancy:

As mentioned in the current system, due to maintenance of so many registers there is a high
redundancy of data i.e. same data is recorded repeatedly.



I have decided to come up with a new online system to fully computerize the existing system
in order to overcome the problems, which affects the existing manual system. Computerizing
the existing system with the help of some programming language, database package ease the
work of the system up to a great extent.

Generally, there has been a criterion to work on any job or task for a specific purpose.
Nobody works without specific detailed information about the particular task he is
performing. Thus, any transaction can be performed either student admission or fees
collection or check in and check out. In the computerized system, the first screen of the
system would be a welcome message and a list of menus. These menus contain the options of
either collecting the information of any student or Hostel or the number of spaces available in
Hostel, etc.

Most transactions can be performed in Hostel Management System i.e. routine processes.

After the transaction is completed the user can log off from the system by simply quitting
from the system.

The “UoEm Hostel Management System” of the university is developed to overcome the
most of the problems occurring in the manual system by computerizing the existing system.
The features of the newly proposed computerized system are described in brief as below:

After computerizing the system, the committee of the university or the user of the system can
finish their work in least amount of time and efforts. The computerized system has many
gains and efforts, which the manual system can’t give, in any type of situations.

In any manual system if we take, the main problem arising is to maintain the number of
records and finding a particular record. In manual system the user has to not down that the
check-in and checkout of each and every student and also deliver the messages of each
student given by the visitors and which is very tedious task, but in the case of computerized
system the user just has to enter once and automatically all the messages delivered by all the
visitors will be displayed and thus the user does not have to worry because all the work done
is automated by the system itself.

Computerized systems are most helpful in dealing with areas where database comes into the
existence. A computer can hold large amount of data in its storage devices and it can operate
at very high speed. The user can put the entire information in the computer and can be able to
perform any type of task which when done manually is tedious and time consuming. The new
system will have the facility to sort data according to any specific type on the basis of what
the user wants in any order. Also with the help of computerized system if the user wants to
access any single user’s data from many users data he can automatically get the desired data
of the desired student or staff or fees details, etc. in a fraction of second which is again time
saving and very quick.

Some of the features of the proposed system are given below:

 Maintaining the Database for student, staff, fees, Hostels, check-in and checkout, etc.
 Removal of Data Redundancy.
 Data Consistency.
 Leave messages.
 Menu driven interface.
 Ensure data security.
The main features of Hostel Management System are given below:

(1) As computer can store large amount of data it is very useful to store information of
such a large database. Any information regarding total number of students in the
Hostels. Also information regarding fees of each and every student.

(2) The Message Passing can be easily prepared by sorting the student and according to
the visitor. We can develop a command or program, which directly sorts the total
number of applicants into ascending order.

(3) Inconsistency caused due to changes in the database is removed as a separate

database can be maintained for total number of students in the Hostels. So the
database is directly updated in response to the any change taking place and we don’t
have to go through all the forms once again.

(4) Communication with the students to inform them about the message arrived when
they are not in the college. And the total number visitors visited the hostel.

Objectives of the proposed system

 To automate the process of generating different types of reports.

 To provide a platform to manage on-desk and online bookings

 To display organized information of hotel, prices and pictures.

 To add multiple hotels/rooms to the system.

 To change prices of hotel rooms when needed.

 View of availability of rooms in real time.

 Store customer information which can be accessed anytime.

 A user-friendly interface for customers for the easy booking process.

Solutions of the proposed system

 Hostel Setup. Create various categories of hostel rooms Create blocks & floors with

 Registration. Register students/staff/guest online Assign multiple students to hostels

 Student Account. Capture profiles of students Maintain daily attendance records with
entry and exit timings

 Room Allocation. View details of hostels, rooms and student occupancy Automatic
room allocation based on  room type and number of occupants in each room, waiting
list & other parameters Add/Drop/Delete/Swap/Transfer students in each room

 Fee Payments. Manage hostel fees including deposits, expenses & refunds Maintain
hostel bills collection, mess bills linked to student’s hostel fees

 Vacation. Drop or transfer students when they vacate the room Delete student record
from the database upon vacation

 Reports. Generate various kinds of reports on student information, discipline

Chapter Two
Requirement analysis and specification
Software Requirements


 Information gathering in any Centralized Hostel System is not an easy task. It has to
be gathered in an organized way so that

(a) No system details are left out.

(b) Right problems are identified.
(c) Repetitive work is avoided.
(d) Wrong or incomplete details are not collected.

 To do this, a proper search strategy must be decided first, search strategy includes
selecting information sources and search methods.
 It also includes modeling methods to make sense out of information so collected.
 Here an overall idea about the search methods or fact gathering techniques which are
used while gathering the information, they are:

 Interviewing.
 Record inspection.
 Observation.
 These techniques are used in system analysis and design stage.

I have visited a many times at the University of Embu Accommodation office to get
information as well as the basic problems which are occurring in the current existing manual
system and also know their daily routine processes and the key areas they experience greater

(1) Interviews:

 Interview allows the analyst to collect or gather the information from the individual or
group who are generally the current user of the existing system or potential user of the
proposed system.
 They may be managers or employee of the firm itself who provide the data for the
proposed system and who will be affected by it.
 As far as interview is concerned, it is a time consuming process.
 It is a basic source of qualitative information.
 It allows the analyst to discover areas of misunderstanding, indication of resistance to
the proposed system.

User interviews were conducted to determine the qualitative information. These interviews,
which were unstructured interviews, provided opportunity to gathered information from
respondents who are involved in the process for a long time.

These interviews provided information such as

 Activities involved in process allocating room to students.

 Activities involved in the process of collection of fees.
 Activities involved in the process of verification of rooms and its seats.
 Preparing the various reports.
 Admission procedure.
 Limitation of existing system.
 Problems faced by the user in the existing system.

(2) Record Review:

 It is said to better believe in records than in people.

 Thus a good analyst always gets facts from documents.
 An existing system can be better understood by examining existing
documents, forms and files.
 Records may include:
1. Written policy manuals.
2. Rules and regulations.
3. Standard operating procedures used in Hostel Management System
4. Forms and documents.
 A good documentation system provides relationships and interaction between
 Analyst also can know about Hostel Management System structures, activities,
procedures and flow of data.
 E.g. from Hostel Management System chart one can know formal grouping of
people in a department.
 Analyst through good analysis can get answers to questions like:
1. Who uses the forms?
2. Do they include all necessary information?
3. How readable and easy to follow is the records?
4. Is it ideal for analysis and inferences? Etc.

To gather details about Hostel Management System, many kinds of records and reports were
reviewed. The study covered.
 Standard operating procedure
 Reports generated by the existing system.
 Document flow (input/output) of Hostel Management System
 Process of allocating of seats to the students.
 Process of collecting the forms.
 Process of forms verification.
 Process of Admission.
 Types and format of database registers.

(3) Observation:
 Observation can bring in missed facts, new ways to improve the existing
procedures, duplicate work done inadvertently, etc.
 Observation can bring in what other fact-finding methods cannot! But this task
is delicate because people do not like to be observed when they work.
 It is not the quantity of time observed is important but the unorthodox angles
of observation of the work content and methods are going to be rewarding.
 Observation gives analyst the opportunity to go behind the scenes in a Hostel
Management System to learn inside story to discover how things work in new
areas of information.
 Observation can look for:
 Operational inefficiencies.
 Alternate routes and procedures.
 Interruptions in the normal flow of work.
 The usage of files and documents.
 Informal communication channels, etc.
 On site observation provides close view of the working of the real system.
 He can observe people, objects, documents and occurrences of events.

A feasibility study is undertaken to determine the possibility or probability of either

improving the existing system or developing a completely new system.
It helps to obtain an overview of the problem and to get rough assessment of whether feasible
solution exists.
This is essential to avoid committing large resources to a project and then repent on it later.

 Need for Feasibility Study:

The feasibility study is needed to
(1) Answer the question whether a new system is to be installed or not?
(2) Determine the potential of the existing system.
(3) Improve the existing system.
(4) Know what should be embedded in the new system.
(5) Define the problems and objective involved in a project.
(6) Avoid costly repairs at a later stage when the system is implemented.
(7) Avoid crash implementation of a new system.
(8) Avoid the ‘Hardware Approach’ i.e. getting a computer first and then
deciding how to use it.

There are three aspects in feasibility study portion of the preliminary investigation.

(1) Technical feasibility.

(2) Economic feasibility and
(3) Operational feasibility of the project.

(1) Technical Feasibility:

 Technical Feasibility determines whether the work for the project be done with the
present equipment, current procedures, existing software’s technology and
available personnel?
 If new technology is needed then what alternatives will be needed in the present
structure and work ethos?
 This will require a close examination of the present system.
 The technical feasibility should ask questions related to:
1) Adequacy of available technology.
2) Adequacy of hardware.
3) Available of computer.
4) Operating time and support facilities, etc.

Technical feasibility determines whether the technology needed for the proposed system is
available and how it can be integrated within the “UoEm Hostel Management System” and
Technical evaluation must also assess whether the existing system can be upgraded to use
the new technology and whether the “UoEm Hostel Management System” has the expertise
to use it.

The technical feasibility in the proposed system deals with the technology used in the
system. It deals with the hardware and software used in the system whether they are of latest
technology or not. It happens that after a system is prepared a new technology arises and the
user wants the system based on that technology. Thus it is important to check the system to
be technically feasible.

The minimum memory requirement is 64MB of RAM while 64MB is better to have for better
performance. As far as software is concerned, licensed version of MySQL Server should be
installed on the server. There should be printer attached to the network for printing of Merit
list of the admission.

(2) Economic feasibility:

Economic feasibility looks at the financial aspects of the project. Economic feasibility
concerns with the returns from the investments in a project. It determines whether it is
worthwhile to invest the money in the proposed system. It is not worthwhile spending a lot of
money on a project for no returns.

To carry out an economic feasibility for a system, it is necessary to place actual money value
against any purchases or activities needed to implement the project.

The “UoEm Hostel Management System” plans to acquire the necessary hardware and
software requirements for the system and there is no hindrance whether economical or
otherwise towards its purchase. A brief description of the hardware and software required in
the system is given later in the report.

(3) Operational feasibility:

Operational feasibility covers two aspects. One is the technical performance aspect and other
is the acceptance within the “UoEm Hostel Management System” Operational feasibility
determines how the proposed system will fit in the current operations and what, if any job
restructuring and retraining may be needed to implement the system.

In the system operational feasibility checks, whether the user who is going to use the system
is able to work with the software’s with which the system is coded and also the mind of the
user going to use the system. If the user does not understand or is able to work on the system
further development is of waste.

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