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CS 303: Software Engineering (E)

Quiz 1
Time: 15 minutes Max Marks: 20 Roll No. _______________

Q1. 19.5 Marks

Relate the concepts of Column 1 with concepts of Column 3. Write the most appropriate match in
‘Correct Match’ column. Write alphabet only and not the complete entry.

Note: There are extra mismatched entries in Column 3 that do not relate with any entry of column 1.

Exactly one entry of column 3 matches with an entry of column 1. Each entry from column 3 matches
with exactly one entry of column 1.

Entries Correct Match Mismatched Entries

Performance A. A Science Fiction Film
Maintainability B. External characteristic of
software quality
Conflicts between goals of acceptable quality, cost C. Roles in an SE team
effectiveness, timely completion
Modularity, separation of concerns, rigor, formality D. Software lifecycle
Requirements analysis, design, coding, testing, E. Challenges for software
deployment, maintenance engineers
Requirements Unclear F. Framework activities
Requirements analyst, tester, designer, programmer G. Software Engineering
Multi-person construction of multi-version software H. Prototyping Model
Quality assurance, project management, configuration I. Unified Process
management, technical reviews, risk management
60 to 90 days development time, multiple development J. Scrum
teams available, requirements understood
Increase in software complexity with passage of time K. Risky Model
User L. Umbrella activities
Inception M. Internal characteristic of
software quality
N. A participant/stakeholder
who sponsors system
O. RAD Model
P. Lehman’s Law
Q. A participant/stakeholder in
SE process who intends to
use the software
R. SE Principles

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