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Original article

Identifying targets to reduce the incidence of

diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes
in the UK
K Lokulo-Sodipe,1 R J Moon,1 J A Edge,2 J H Davies1
Department of Paediatric ABSTRACT
Endocrinology, University Background Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is the leading What is already known on this topic
Hospital Southampton,
Southampton, UK
cause of mortality in childhood diabetes, and at
Department of Paediatric diagnosis might represent delayed presentation. The
▸ The incidence of DKA at diagnosis of T1DM in
Diabetes, Oxford Children’s extent and reasons for delays are unclear, but identifying
Hospital, Oxford, UK the UK is 25% and is relatively unchanged
and targeting factors associated with DKA could reduce
from reports over the past 20 years.
this incidence.
Correspondence to ▸ Risk factors for presentation at diagnosis with
Dr Justin H Davies, Department Objective To compare the patient pathway before
DKA include younger age, ethnic minority
of Paediatric Endocrinology, diagnosis of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) in children
University Hospital
background, delayed diagnosis, diagnostic error
presenting with DKA and non-acidotic hyperglycaemia.
Southampton, Tremona Road, and delayed treatment.
Design, setting and patients Over a 3-month
Southampton, SO16 6YD, UK; ▸ Protective factors against DKA may include
Justin.Davies@uhs.nhs.uk period, children newly diagnosed with T1DM were
higher caregiver education level, family history
identified on admission to UK hospitals. Parents and
of T1DM, higher background incidence of
Received 20 July 2013 medical teams completed a questionnaire about events
Revised 12 December 2013 T1DM and higher gross domestic product.
before diagnosis.
Accepted 13 December 2013
Published Online First
Results Data were available for 261 children (54%
6 January 2014 male), median age 10.3y (range 0.8–16.6 y). 25%
presented with DKA, but more commonly in children
What this study adds
<2y (80% vs 23%, p<0.001). Fewer children with DKA
reported polyuria (76% vs 86%) or polydipsia (86% vs
94%) (both p<0.05), but more reported fatigue (74% vs ▸ Multiple healthcare professional contacts prior
52%) and weight loss (75% vs 54%) (both p<0.01). to diagnosis, lead to delayed referral, lower pH
24% of children had multiple healthcare professional on admission and increased need for
(HCP) contacts, and these children had lower pH on intravenous insulin.
admission. 46% of children with a delayed presentation ▸ Fewer children present with DKA when parents
to secondary care had non-urgent investigations. 64% of consider the diagnosis of diabetes, and this is
parents had considered a diagnosis of diabetes, and more likely when polydipsia and/or polyuria are
these children were less likely to present with DKA present.
(13% vs 47%, p<0.001). ▸ Parents report symptoms of fatigue and weight
Conclusions Multiple HCP contacts increased risk of loss more frequently in children presenting with
presentation in DKA, whereas, parental awareness of DKA compared with hyperglycaemia alone.
diabetes was protective. Improved public and health
professional education targeting non-classical symptoms,
awareness of diabetes in under 2 y, and point-of-care
testing could reduce DKA at diagnosis of diabetes. cerebral oedema, cerebral ischaemia and hypoxic
brain injury.9 They are more likely to require
admission to an intensive care unit and contribute
to greater healthcare spending.10
A recent systematic review including data from
INTRODUCTION more than 30 countries demonstrated an increased
Approximately 26 per 100 000 children are diag- risk of DKA at presentation of T1DM in younger
nosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) each children, ethnic minority groups, and those without
year, although this figure continues to rise by private healthcare insurance.11 Furthermore, a coun-
approximately 4% per year.1 2 Despite improve- try’s gross domestic product and background inci-
ments in diabetes care leading to an increasing life dence of T1DM are inversely associated with the
expectancy, the mortality rate for children with percentage of children that present with DKA8 12
T1DM remains higher than the general population, suggesting that healthcare accessibility and diabetes
and the leading cause of death is diabetic ketoaci- awareness are key contributing factors. This is also
dosis (DKA).3 In the UK, approximately 25–30% supported by a lower incidence of DKA at presenta-
of children will present with DKA.4–7 However, tion in children who have a first-degree relative with
To cite: Lokulo-Sodipe K, globally, there is a large variation in the incidence T1DM.11
Moon RJ, Edge JA, et al. of DKA at presentation, ranging from 13% to It is not clear whether DKA at diagnosis repre-
Arch Dis Child 80%.8 Children presenting with DKA are at higher sents a delay in presentation or a more aggressive
2014;99:438–442. risk of life-threatening complications including course of the disease,13 but the National Institute

438 Lokulo-Sodipe K, et al. Arch Dis Child 2014;99:438–442. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2013-304818

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Original article

of Health and Care Excellence guidance published in 2004 As the audit was entirely anonymous, advice was taken from
recommended that children with suspected diabetes should be Caldicott guardian that consent was not required and was impli-
referred on the same day to the local paediatric diabetes team.14 cit by the completion of the voluntary questionnaire.
Despite this, the incidence of DKA at diagnosis in the UK has
remained virtually unchanged for 20 years,4–6 and is nearly Definitions
twice as high as that observed in Sweden.8 It is possible that dif- DKA was defined as a blood glucose >11 mmol/L, ketonuria or
ferences in healthcare provision prevent the UK achieving these ketonaemia, and venous pH <7.3 or bicarbonate <15 mmol/L.15
lower rates. We undertook this study to obtain a contemporary A delayed diagnosis was defined as >24 h from presentation to
estimate of DKA incidence at diagnosis of T1DM, and to primary or secondary services to referral to the diabetes multidis-
develop a greater understanding of demographic and healthcare ciplinary team.14 16
factors that are associated with a longer duration of symptoms Deprivation index scores were calculated using the partici-
and/or DKA at diagnosis in the UK. It is hoped that this infor- pant’s postcode and the English 2010 Index of Multiple
mation could contribute to the development of future interven- Deprivation from the UK Office of National Statistics, which has
tions to improve the patient pathway to diagnosis of T1DM. been demonstrated to serve as a surrogate measure of poverty
within a geographical area.17 For participants from Wales and
Northern Ireland, postcodes were converted to deprivation
METHODS indices using the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 201118
A national survey was carried out through the Regional and the Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure
Paediatric Diabetes Networks with the support of NHS 2010,19 respectively, and converted to UK-equivalent values.
Diabetes, the Association of Children’s Diabetes Clinicians
(ACDC), and the British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology Statistical analysis
and Diabetes (BSPED). Children presenting with T1DM in Data was checked for normality of distribution, and where pos-
England, Wales and Northern Ireland between December 2011 sible, non-normally distributed data was log transformed.
and February 2012 were included. Data was collected by local Continuous outcomes were compared using independent
paediatric diabetes teams at the time of diagnosis. samples t test or Mann–Whitney U test for normal and non-
normally distributed variables, respectively. One-way analysis of
variance with posthoc Bonferroni correction was used to deter-
mine differences in outcome when three or more groups were
Questionnaire compared. Correlations were examined using Pearson’s correl-
Following initial stabilisation, a questionnaire was completed by ation coefficient or Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.
the child’s primary caregiver during the hospital admission. Categorical outcomes were analysed using χ2 test. Results are
Questions included their child’s gender, date of birth, postcode, presented as mean±SD, unless otherwise stated. All analyses
ethnic background, family history of diabetes, number of family were performed using SPSS V.19. P<0.05 was considered statis-
members and caregiver education level. Information was also tically significant.
collected regarding the duration of non-specific parental con-
cerns about their child, specific symptom duration, healthcare RESULTS
professional (HCP) contacts, advice given and investigations per- Characteristics of study participants
formed before referral to hospital. Questionnaires were returned for 261 children treated at 75
Local paediatric diabetes teams completed the second part of hospitals (hospital name provided in 233 questionnaires)
the questionnaire, recording the investigations prior to referral, (median 3 children per hospital (range 1–11)): 140 (54%) chil-
method of referral, and biochemical results on admission. dren were male, and the median age at diagnosis of T1DM was
Questionnaires were sent without identifying data to the 10.3 years (range 0.8–16.6 years). Of the 252 children for
researchers for analysis. whom biochemical data was available, 63 (25%) presented in
The median age of children presenting with DKA was similar
Table 1 Characteristics of the children included in the survey, to those presenting with non-acidotic hyperglycaemia (HG),
separated by presentation with either diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) or although for children under the age of 2 years, significantly
non-acidotic hyperglycaemia (HG) more presented with DKA (table 1); in this age group, 80% pre-
Characteristic DKA HG p Value sented with DKA, compared with 23% of children older than
2 years.
n (% male) 63 (54.0) 189 (53.4) 0.90 Children who presented with DKA were of similar sex, ethni-
Median age, years (range) 9.9 (0.8–16.6) 10.6 (1.7–16.3) 0.21 city and family structure, and to children who presented with
≤2 years, % (n) 80.0 (8) 20.0 (2) <0.001 HG (table 1). Social deprivation scores did not differ between
>2 years, % (n) 22.7 (55) 77.3 (242) the two groups ( p>0.05 for all).
Ethnicity, % (n)
White caucasian 23.1 (51) 76.9 (170) 0.11 Symptom duration
Other 35.7 (10) 64.2 (18) Polyuria and/or polydipsia were reported for at least 1 day prior
Family structure, % (n) to diagnosis in 93% patients. In children with polyuria and/or
Single-parent household 17.3 (9) 82.7 (43) 0.16 polydipsia, the median durations of these symptoms were
Two-parent household 26.8 (51) 73.2 (139) 14 days (range 1–182 days) and 14 days (1–152 days), respect-
First-degree relative with diabetes, % (n) ively. Overall, fewer children reported enuresis (32%), fatigue
Yes 15.9 (7) 84.1 (37) 0.13 (55%), and weight loss (57%). No associations were identified
No 26.8 (56) 73.2 (153) between duration of symptoms and social deprivation score,
caregiver education level or the number of parents living in the

Lokulo-Sodipe K, et al. Arch Dis Child 2014;99:438–442. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2013-304818 439

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Original article

Table 2 Frequency and duration of symptoms at presentation of type 1 diabetes mellitus in children presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis in
comparison to non-acidotic hyperglycaemia
All children Children age > 2 years at diagnosis

Mode of presentation Diabetic ketoacidosis Non-acidotic hyperglycaemia Diabetic ketoacidosis Non-acidotic hyperglycaemia

n 63 189 55 187
Polyuria % children reporting symptom 75.8 87.5* 77.8 87.9
Duration if present (days) 7 (7–23) 14 (7–21) 9 (7–25) 14 (7–21)
Polydipsia % children reporting symptom 85.5 94.1* 88.9 94.6
Duration if present (days) 14 (7–28) 14 (7–21) 14 (7–30) 14 (7–21)
Fatigue % children reporting symptom 74.2 51.7** 77.8 51.7***
Duration if present (days) 7 (3–18) 14 (7–30)* 7 (3–18) 14 (7–30)*
Weight loss % children reporting symptom 75.4 54.4** 81.1 54.5***
Duration if present (days) 7 (4–21) 14 (7–30)* 7 (5–21) 14 (7–30)
Enuresis % children reporting symptom 32.8 33.5 34.0 33.3
Duration if present (days) 14 (5–30) 14 (7–29) 7 (3–18) 14 (7–30)*
Parental Concerns Duration (days) 14 (4–25) 14 (7–30)* 14 (5–28) 14 (7–30)
Results displayed as % and median (IQR). *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 in comparison with children with DKA.

household ( p>0.05 for all). However, symptom duration was admission, the median delay was 5 days (range 1–152 days).
significantly shorter in children who had four or more siblings Explanations for this included being given an alternative diagno-
compared with those with no siblings ( polydipsia 6±3 vs 18 sis (n=19; 33%), receiving advice to have blood or urine inves-
±3 days, p<0.01 and polyuria 7±3 vs 20±3 days, p<0.05). tigations (n=26; 46%) and referral to another HCP (n=2; 4%).
Overall, children who presented in DKA were less likely to Children aged below 2 years were more likely to have mul-
report polyuria and/or polydipsia, however, when only children tiple HCP contacts prior to admission than older children (69%
older than 2 years were included, the number of children vs 23%, p=0.007). All children under 2 years who had been
reporting these symptoms was similar (table 2). Parents of chil- seen on more than one occasion were initially given an alterna-
dren presenting with DKA were more likely to report weight tive diagnosis, which was most commonly an infection. There
loss ( p=0.004) and fatigue ( p=0.002) than those with children were no differences identified in ethnicity, social deprivation
who presented with HG (table 2). In all children, the duration score, or caregiver educational level between children who had
of fatigue and weight loss, and the total length of parental single and multiple HCP contacts (data not shown), however,
concern were shorter in those presenting with DKA (table 2), children from single-parent families were more likely to be
despite a similar HbA1c at present (109±21 mmol/mmol (12.9± admitted following first HCP contact (88% vs 73%, p=0.04).
4.1%) vs 104±27 mmol/L (11.7±4.6%), p=0.32). HbA1c at There were 33% of children who presented in DKA and had
diagnosis was moderately positively correlated with reported dur- been seen by multiple HCPs prior to admission, compared with
ation of polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss and parental concern in 21% of those with HG, which was of borderline statistical sig-
children who presented with HG, but displayed no significant nificance ( p=0.058). However, children who had multiple HCP
correlations with reported symptom duration in those who pre- contacts had a lower pH on admission (median 7.32 (IQR
sented with DKA (table 3). 7.15–7.43) vs median 7.36 (IQR 7.29–7.39), p=0.03) and a
higher percentage were treated with intravenous insulin (39% vs
24%, p=0.04).
Health professional contacts
No child who presented with DKA had been advised to have
Totally, 248 (95%) parents responded to the question detailing
routine investigations, whereas, 25% of those with HG did.
the number of HCP encounters related to their concerns, prior
to hospital admission. Of these, 188 (76%) were admitted fol-
lowing the first HCP contact. Where there was delayed Parental consideration of T1DM as a possible diagnosis
Overall, 64% of parents reported having considered diabetes as
the cause for their child’s symptoms, and 80% of those parents
Table 3 Correlation coefficients for symptom duration with HbA1c raised their concerns with a HCP. If polyuria and/or polydipsia
in children with newly diagnosed T1DM, and according to mode of were present, more parents considered the diagnosis (68% vs
presentation with either diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) or non-acidotic 20%, p<0.001).
hyperglycaemia (HG) Parents of children who have a first-degree relative with dia-
betes were more likely to consider T1DM as a possible diagnosis
All children DKA HG
(80% vs 62%, p=0.021), and although fewer presented with
Polyuria 0.214** −0.068 0.314** DKA, this did not reach statistical significance (16% vs 27%,
Polydipsia 0.367*** 0.173 0.440*** p=0.13).
Fatigue 0.131 0.195 0.104 Of the children whose parents considered diabetes as a diag-
Weight loss 0.464*** 0.302 0.499*** nosis in their child, fewer presented with DKA than those where
Enuresis −0.033 0.165 −0.071 the diagnosis was not considered (13% vs 47%, p<0.001).
Parental concerns 0.338*** 0.099 0.442*** However, the incidence of DKA at presentation was no different
whether or not the parent(s) discussed these concerns with a
*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.
HCP (13% vs 24%, p=0.24).

440 Lokulo-Sodipe K, et al. Arch Dis Child 2014;99:438–442. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2013-304818

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Original article

Of the 26 children referred by their GP for routine blood or symptom duration was shorter in children with DKA, consistent
urine investigations, 21 (81%) of the parents had considered with reports of some,20–22 but not all23 previous studies. This
diabetes as a possible diagnosis, and 18 (86%) had raised these could represent either a more aggressive disease process with
concerns with the HCP. None of these children presented with more rapid decline in pancreatic insulin production and/or
DKA. metabolic decompensation, or parental failure to recognise
symptoms. The concept of a more aggressive disease is sup-
DISCUSSION ported by studies which have demonstrated a shorter honey-
This survey provides contemporary information regarding the moon period in children who present in DKA.24 However, in
patient journey prior to diagnosis of T1DM, and explored this study, we identified a number of factors which would
potential factors for presentation with DKA. We have identified support a theory of delayed parental recognition of symptoms.
a number of key findings: first, the incidence of DKA at presen- First, HbA1c at presentation was similar in children with DKA
tation of T1DM remains unchanged from previous UK studies and HG, and while symptom duration displayed positive correl-
over the last 25 years,4–6 with one-quarter of children present- ation with HbA1c in children with HG, this was not evident in
ing in this way. Second, the majority of children do report clas- those with DKA. Second, fewer parents of children with DKA
sical symptoms of polyuria and/or polydipsia, although there is reported considering diabetes as a possible diagnosis, although
marked variation in the duration of these symptoms. However, this could be due to a more rapid onset and less opportunity to
fatigue, weight loss and enuresis are also common symptoms, explore potential causes themselves (eg, searching the internet or
and more frequently, short histories of these symptoms were discussions with friends/family). Children who had four or more
reported in children who presented with DKA. Third, multiple siblings had shorter symptom duration, possibly suggesting that
HCP contacts and delayed presentation to secondary care were experienced parents had greater ability to detect abnormal symp-
common and were associated with increased incidence of DKA toms, although incidence of DKA at presentation did not differ.
at presentation. Many children had undergone unnecessary Third, similar to previous studies,11 we found that fewer children
investigations prior to referral, and while none of these children who have a first-degree relative with diabetes presented with
progressed to DKA in this cohort, these delays could lead to DKA. Together, these findings suggest that some knowledge or
greater morbidity and mortality. Finally, we identified a number experience of diabetes is protective and, therefore, highlight the
of factors which were associated with presentation with DKA. need for education of the general public with regards to symp-
Parental consideration of diabetes, and having a relative with toms, signs and need for early presentation in suspected diabetes.
diabetes, were protective, and highlight the need for education Previous studies have shown diagnostic error to be associated
of the general public. with increased risk of presentation with DKA25 26 and to occur
There are a number of limitations to this survey. We invited frequently in younger children.26 Our findings support this as
all centres in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to take part those who had multiple HCP contacts had lower blood pH on
in the audit. Although this is the largest survey of its kind, only admission and were more likely to present in DKA. It has previ-
42% of paediatric units contributed data to the survey. ously been suggested that increased medical consultations27 and
Therefore, we cannot be certain that the DKA rate would have delayed referral5 are associated with DKA, although this is not
been the same across the country, or that presentations may not supported by all studies.12 28 We particularly found that chil-
have varied between regions. However, the incidence of DKA dren under 2 years of age were more likely to have multiple
was remarkably similar (and alarmingly high) to that previously HCP contacts. DKA rates are highest in this age group, there-
reported, so it did not appear that there was any reporting bias. fore, it is important to highlight that opportunities to make an
Secondly, the data on duration of symptoms and HCP contacts earlier diagnosis might have been missed and could have pre-
is subject to recall bias and parental perception. It is possible vented progression to DKA. Nearly half of all children who had
that symptoms parents attributed to T1DM were caused by an a delay in admission of greater than 24 h had been advised to
alternative diagnosis, and this is particularly likely in a small undergo routine blood and/or urine investigations, yet nearly
number who reported symptoms for several months to years 70% of the parents of these children had discussed a possible
prior to diagnosis. Similarly, we did not seek to confirm the diagnosis of diabetes with the advising HCP. Although none of
reported number of HCP contacts, or that the diagnosis of these children progressed to DKA, point-of-care blood sugar
T1DM was definitely missed. Furthermore, we relied on the testing might have enabled an earlier diagnosis in these children.
local diabetes team to provide accurate data on biochemical Three intervention studies aiming to reduce the incidence of
findings and management at initial presentation rather than DKA at diagnosis have had varying success.7 29 30 In Italy,
obtaining copies of the case-notes. This approach was important Vanelli et al identified that secondary enuresis and nocturia can
to enable collection of countrywide data. Importantly however, be early and frequent symptoms of T1DM and, therefore, used
as the data were collected prospectively over a three-month this in a poster campaign targeted towards HCPs, teachers and
period, the results should not be influenced by temporal parents. Primary care paediatricians were also provided with
changes in healthcare-seeking behaviour, referral patterns or equipment for measuring capillary blood glucose and guidelines
changes in management. for the diagnosis of T1DM.29 In comparison with a neighbour-
The pattern of presenting symptoms differed in children with ing region, the incidence of DKA, duration of symptoms and
DKA and HG, such that those with DKA were less likely to HbA1c at diagnosis decreased.29 In our study, only a third of
report classical symptoms, but more frequently reported the less children reported enuresis compared with 89% in the Italian
specific symptoms of fatigue and weight loss. However, when study after the campaign. Therefore, specifically targeting this
children aged below 2 years at diagnosis were excluded from the symptom in the UK might prevent a large proportion of chil-
analysis, the proportions of children in the two groups reporting dren with symptoms being missed. A similar campaign in
polyuria and polydipsia were similar. It is well recognised that Australia using HCP education sessions, posters, radio and news-
younger children are more likely to present with DKA,11 and paper adverts and provision of blood glucose testing equipment to
difficulty in recognising these symptoms in this age group might HCPs also reported a significant decrease in DKA at diagnosis.30
contribute to greater morbidity at presentation. Reported By contrast, a Welsh campaign using posters in primary care

Lokulo-Sodipe K, et al. Arch Dis Child 2014;99:438–442. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2013-304818 441

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Original article

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the survey, reviewed and edited the manuscript. JHD and JE are the guarantors of 23 Samuelsson U, Stenhammar L. Clinical characteristics at onset of Type 1 diabetes in
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Funding RJM is supported by an NIHR academic clinical fellowship. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2005;68:49–55.
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Competing interests None.
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Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. Diabetes 2006;7:101–7.
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442 Lokulo-Sodipe K, et al. Arch Dis Child 2014;99:438–442. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2013-304818

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Identifying targets to reduce the incidence of

diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis of type 1
diabetes in the UK
K Lokulo-Sodipe, R J Moon, J A Edge and J H Davies

Arch Dis Child 2014 99: 438-442 originally published online January 6,
doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2013-304818

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