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Purpose: To educate the family regarding the proper ways of disposing wastes
Goal: The family will take necessary measures regarding proper home environment conducive for health maintenance as well as how to manage, control, and lessen the
waste disposal of each family member.

Learning Objective Content Outline Method (s) of Time Allotted Resources Methods of
Teaching (Instructional Evaluation

Following a thirty (15) minute

teaching lesson, the family
members will be able to:

Discuss the concepts of a. Define what is Improper Waste Disposal. Short Lecture 5 minutes Brochure/ Question and
Improper Waste Disposal as a i. Improper waste disposal is the disposal of waste Flyers and Answer
Health Threat that has negative consequences for the Posters
environment. Examples incorporate littering, Interactive
hazardous squander that is unloaded into the Discussion
ground, and not reusing things that ought to be
b. Describe the effects of the problem to themselves
especially to health and the environment.
i. Contamination
1. Air
2. Soil
3. Water
ii. Exposure to improperly handled wastes can cause
skin aggravations, blood diseases, respiratory
issues, development issues, and even
reproductive issues.
iii. Disease-carrying pests

Discuss sanitation and hygiene. a. Define and describe sanitation. 2 minutes

i. Sanitation is one of the most significant parts of
community well-being since it ensures human
wellbeing/health, expands life ranges, and is
archived to give advantages to the economy.
ii. Sanitation refers to public health conditions, for
example, drinking clean water, sewage treatment,
and so forth. All the compelling instruments and
activities that help in keeping the environment
clean come under sanitation.
b. Define hygiene
i. Hygiene is a lot of individual practices that add
to great wellbeing. This incorporates washing
hands, trimming hair/nails occasionally, washing,
and so forth.
c. Keeping up close to home cleanliness and disinfection is
significant for a few reasons, for example, individual,
social, mental, wellbeing, and so forth Appropriate
cleanliness and sterilization forestall the spread of
illnesses and diseases. On the off chance that each person
on the planet maintains good hygiene for himself and the
things around him, diseases will eradicate to a great level.

Discuss the importance of a. One key objective of sanitation is to securely lessen 3 minutes
sanitation and hygiene. exposure to microbes/pathogens. Microorganisms are
discharged by contaminated people and if not
appropriately contained or treated, may introduce a
danger to people who interact with them. These people
can likewise be presented to microorganisms through
drinking water or eating food found with pathogens found
in human excreta. Safely managed drinking water must
be free from fecal contamination.

Discuss the proper ways of a. Proper waste administration includes the utilization of 5 minutes
disposing waste trash as an valuable resource, for the most part by reusing
things that don't have to end up in a landfill yet. It is a
cycle that includes trash evacuation organizations, yet
additionally family units and organizations through the
removal of items they at this point don't have use for in a
protected and productive way. Here are some ways to
manage waste properly.
i. Source Reduction and Reuse
1. This is the procedure most usually
utilized by governments and local
authorities. Reducing waste at the source
is achieved by expanding recycling
efforts through creating recycling
networks and providing on-site food
waste treatment facilities at private and
commercial properties. The goal is to
decrease the weighty dependence on
crude materials that are persistently
getting depleted, with an end goal to
monitor and conserve the environment.
ii. Recovery and Recycling
1. Recovery includes the use of discarded
items for other meaningful uses.
Recycling, on the other hand, involves
converting trash into new results to
reduce the production of fresh materials
and conserve energy. Recycling is tied to
the first point of source reduction, and is
the third component of the waste
management hierarchy—the 3R’s
mainly: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Further,
to reduce the creation of new materials,
recycling decreases energy usage,
reduces air and water pollution,
decreases the volume of trash sent to
landfills, and reduces greenhouse gas

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