W&G - Tyranid - Bestiary - 0.4 - No Images

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tyranid hormagaunt tyranid termagaunt

Threat Classification: Troops for any Tier. Threat Classification: Troops for any Tier.
Strength 4 Intellect 2 Strength 3 Intellect 2
Agility 3 Willpower 4 Agility 4 Willpower 4
Toughness 3 Fellowship 1 Toughness 2 Fellowship 1
Initiative 4 Defence 3 Initiative 3 Defence 2
Speed 8 Wounds 4 Speed 8 Wounds 4
Shock 4 Soak 3 Shock 4 Soak 2
Resolve 2 Conviction 3 Resolve 2 Conviction 3
Passive Awereness 3 Passive Awereness 3
Resilience 7 (Chitin 3) Resilience 6 (Chitin 3)
Skills. Athletics 7, Weapon Skill 6, Skills. Ballistic Skill 6, Default 5.
Default 5. Size. Average.
Size. Average. Keywords. Tyranid, <Hive Fleet>.
Keywords. Tyranid, <Hive Fleet>.
Fleshborer: Damage: 7+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m (R);
Scything Talons: Damage: 7+1ED; AP 0; Salvo 1; Assault (1)
Penetrating (1) Claws and Teeth: Damage: 5+1ED; AP 0
Special Abilities Special Abilities
(Mob) Brood Mind: Whilst in a mob, Hormagaunts (Mob) Brood Mind: Whilst in a mob, Termagaunts
gain +3d to Resolve tests while they are within 20 gain +3d to Resolve tests while they are within 20
meters of a Genestealer or any other Tyranid with meters of a Genestealer or any other Tyranid with
the Synapse Creature keyword. the Synapse Creature keyword.
Bounding Leap: Hormagaunts double their movement Instinctive Behaviour (Lurk): A Termagaunt that
characteristic when using the Charge action. is further away than 1KM from a Genestealer or any
Instinctive Behaviour (Feed): A Hormagaunt that other Tyranid with the Synapse Creature keyword,
is further away than 1KM from a Genestealer or any or otherwise cut from the Hivemind will turn from
other Tyranid with the Synapse Creature keyword, combat and actively seek out a shelter to hide in,
or otherwise cut from the Hivemind will start attacking only to defend itself.
feeding on whatever is nearby, attacking only to (Mob) Strangleweb: Occasionally Termagaunts
defend itself. are equipped with debilitating weaponry in order to
capture live specimen for gene-splicing and dissecting.
In a mob of at least 10 Termagaunts you may
replace one´s Fleshborer with the following:
Strangleweb Cannon: Damage: 5+1ED; AP 0;
Range 20m (R); Salvo -; Blast (Medium).
Furthermore when a target is hit by this attack
they are Restrained until they succeed on a DN 3
Strength test. At the start of the target´s turn they
take 1d3+1 Shock damage from the web tightening
around them.
tyranid ripper swarm tyranid warrior
Threat Classification: Troops for any Tier. Threat Classification: Adversaries for Tier 1, Elites for Tier
Strength 3 Intellect 1 2–3, Troops for Tier 4+.
Agility 3 Willpower 4 Strength 7 Intellect 2

Toughness 2 Fellowship 1 Agility 4 Willpower 5

Initiative 5 Defence 4 Toughness 4 Fellowship 1

Speed 6 Wounds 3 Initiative 5 Defence 4

Shock 4 Soak 2 Speed 6 Wounds 6

Resolve 2 Conviction 3 Shock 5 Soak 5

Passive Awereness 1 Resolve 5 Conviction 3

Resilience 6 (Chitin 3) Passive Awereness 3

Skills. Athletics 6, Stealth 7, Weapon Resilience 10 (Hardened Carapace 5)

Skill 4, Default 2. Skills. Athletics 9, Awerness 6, Ballistic
Size. Small. (Swarm of 10 Rippers) Skill 6, Weapon skill 7, Default 5.

Keywords. Tyranid, <Hive Fleet>. Size. Large.

Keywords. Tyranid, <Hive Fleet>, Synapse
Claws and Teeth: Damage: 5+1ED; AP 0
Scything Talons: Damage: 10+1ED; AP 0;
Special Abilities Penetrating (1)
(Mob) Brood Mind: Whilst in a mob, Ripper Swarms Devourer: Damage: 10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m
gain +3d to Resolve tests while they are within 20 (R); Salvo: 2; Brutal; Rapid Fire (2)
meters of a Genestealer or any other Tyranid with
the Synapse Creature keyword. Special Abilities
Fearless: Ripper Swarms are immune to Fear and Shadow in the Warp: Characters without the
Pinned effects. Tyranid keyword within 20 meters suffer +2 DN on
Swarm: This creature uses its minute form and large Psychic Mastery tests.
numbers to overpower their foe. They are immune Anti–Tank Warrior
to Prone and Restrained effects but their tight
grouping makes them ideal targets for ordnance and Some Tyranid Warriors come equipped with
flame. Any attack targeting a Swarm that has an area weapons designed to take out heavily armoured
of effect affects a number of targets one size category targets. These warriors exchange their Devourer
greater than listed on the weapon´s profile. weapon with the following profile:
Instinctive Behaviour (Feed): A Ripper Swarm Venom Cannon: Damage: 16+2ED; AP -4; Range
that is further away than 1KM from a Genestealer 24m (R); Salvo 1; Melta; Toxic (2)
or any other Tyranid with the Synapse Creature Warrior Vanguard
keyword, or otherwise cut from the Hivemind will
Some Tyranid Warriors come equipped with
start feeding on whatever is nearby, attacking only
weapons designed to shatter enemy front lines and
to defend itself.
spearhead an opening for the next wave. These
Tunnel Swarm: As an action on its turn this warriors exchange their Devourer and Scything
creature can tunnel under the ground, becoming Talons with the following profiles:
invisible to the naked eye. While underground it
Boneswords: Damage: 12+1ED; AP -3; Brutal; Parry
cannot use the Sprint action. As an action while
tunneling it can emerge from the ground. Spinefists: Damage: 7+1ED; Ap 0; Range 20m (R);
Salvo: 2; Pistol
tyranid zoanthrope zoanthrope psychic powers
Threat Classification: Adversaries for Tier 1-3, Elites for Tier 4+ Warp Blast 
Strength 3 Intellect 4 DN: 5
Agility 3 Willpower 6 Activation: Action
Toughness 4 Fellowship 1
Duration: Instant
Initiative 5 Defence 4
Speed 6 Wounds 5
Range: 30 meters
Shock 10 Soak 4 Multi–target: No
Resolve 5 Conviction 3 Keywords: Psychic, Warp
Passive Awereness 3 Effect: By sending out a burning bolt of Warp
Resilience 9 (Reinforced Chitin 4) energy, the Zoanthrope blasts an area with raw
Skills. Psychic Mastery 8, Default 5 power. Anything in the affected area (Medium
Blast) immediately takes 14 +2ED damage and must
Size. Large.
immediately make a Corruption test DN 1 from the
Keywords. Tyranid, <Hive Fleet>, Synapse exposure to the warp energy.
Creature, Psyker
Potency: (2) +1ED damage.
Attacks (2) Affected area is a Large Blast.
Claws and Teeth: Damage: 5+1ED; AP 0
Warp Lance
Special Abilities
DN: Target´s Defence
Fearless: Zoanthropes are immune to Fear and
Pinned effects. Activation: Action
Hovering: This unit has perpetual flight and is Duration: Instant
immune to Prone effects.
Range: 10 meters
Shadow in the Warp: Characters without the
Tyranid keyword within 20 meters suffer +2 DN on Multi–target: No
Psychic Mastery tests. Keywords: Psychic, Warp
Death Shock: When a Zoanthrope is slain, its death
Effect: More focused and thus more potent than a
sends a psychic shockwave through the Hive Mind.
Warp Blast, the Warp Lance is primarily used against
All creatures with the Tyranid keyword within 20m
heavily armoured targets and vehicles, taking the
will automatically flee as quickly as they can.
form of a single concentrated beam of Warp energy.
Warp Field: Zoanthropes project an ethereal aura The beam instantly passes along a line toward the
around themselves which can deflect incoming chosen target for 10 meters. Creatures struck by
attacks. Any "AP" value for weapons are ignored the beam suffer 16 +2ED damage; AP -4; and must
when targeting a Zoanthrope. Furthermore a immediately make a Corruption test DN 5 from the
Zoanthrope can attempt to Soak mortal wounds. exposure to the warp energy.
(Ruin) Champion: This threat may take Ruin Actions.
Potency: (2) +1ED damage.
(Ruin) Psychic Lash: As a Ruin action, the
(1) +10 meters range.
Zoanthrope may activate a psychic power.
(Ruin) Adrenaline Surge: As a Ruin action, the
Zoanthrope may telepathically spike the adrenal
glands of a nearby mob of Tyranids.
Choose one Mob with the Tyranid keyword within
50 meters of the Zoanthrope; that mob may take
a free turn immediately after the Zoanthrope
regardless of if it has already taken its turn this
round or not.
tyranid pyrovore
Threat Classification: Adversaries for Tier 1-2, Elites for Tier 3+
Strength 4 Intellect 1
Agility 5 Willpower 5
Toughness 3 Fellowship 1
Initiative 2 Defence 3
Speed 4 Wounds 5
Shock 4 Soak 5
Resolve 5 Conviction 3
Passive Awereness 6
Resilience 8 (Hardened Carapace 5)
Skills. Ballistic Skill 8, Default 7
Size. Large.
Keywords. Tyranid, <Hive Fleet>

Acid Maw: Damage: 8+1ED; AP -3; Toxic (2)
Flamespurt: Damage: 10+1ED; AP -1; Range 48m
(R); Salvo: 1; Blast Size (Medium); Blaze
Special Abilities
Volatile: When the Pyrovore is slain, the volatile
ichors of its insides ignite in a tremendous
explosion, engulfing everything around it. All
characters within 10 meters of the slain Pyrovore
must immediately make an Agility test DN 3, or take
1d3 Mortal Wounds.
Instinctive Behaviour (Feed): A Pyrovore that is
further away than 1KM from a Genestealer or any
other Tyranid with the Synapse Creature keyword,
or otherwise cut from the Hivemind will start
feeding on whatever is nearby, attacking only to
defend itself.
(Ruin) Champion: This threat may take Ruin Actions.
(Ruin) Volatile Burst: When this Threat dies,
increase the DN for the Agility test by +2 and change
the damage value to 1d3+1 Mortal Wounds.

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