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(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to JNTUA, Anantapur)
I B.Tech (SVEC10) Regular Examinations June - 2011
[ Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer
Science and Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Information Technology, Electronics and
Control Engineering, Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Bio-Technology ]
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 70
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. a) What is meant by Unit cell? Explain its significance.
b) Briefly explain Bravias Lattices.
c) Explain the Point defects in crystals with suitable examples.

2. a) Write a short note on electrical conductivity in semi conductors.

b) With suitable examples, explain the direct and indirect band gap semiconductors.
c) Write the diode equation and explain the terms in it.

3. a) Describe with suitable diagrams relating to the construction and action of P-N junction diode.
b) An N-type semiconductor is to have a resistivity 10 ohm/cm Calculate the number of donor
atoms which must be added to achieve this. Give µ n=500 cm2/volt-sec.

4. a) Explain Hysteresis loop, soft and hard magnetic materials.

b) A circular loop of copper having a diameter of 10 cm carries a current of 500 mA. Calculate
the magnetic moment associated with the loop.
c) What is local field ?

5. a) Explain the significance of Sabine's formula for reverberation time.

b) Describe the method of measuring the absorption coefficient of a material.
c) What are mufflers? Explain.

6. a) What is Meissner effect ? Explain.

b) A long superconducting wire produces a magnetic field of 200X10 3 amp/m on its surface
due to current through it at temperature T. Its critical Magnetic field at 0 K is 250X10 3 amp/m.
The critical temperature of the material is 12 K. Find the value of T.
c) Write the general properties of superconductors.

7. a) Explain the principle of an optical fiber as a wave guide.

b) What is a numerical aperture (NA) of an optical fiber? What does the numerical aperture
signify ?
c) What are the uses of holography?

8. a) Explain the basic properties of nano materials.

b) Discuss in detail any one technique of fabrication of nano materials.


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