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Proforma –II

Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Planning & Development Department

Sector: Sports, Youth Affairs, Tourism, Archaeology & Museums

Department, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar

Sub-Sector: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Culture and Tourism Authority

Exp. Up to TF Beyond
01 Cost (Rs. In M) Allocation for 2020-21
June 2020 2021-22
Local Foreign Foreign
Cap Rev Total
200 Nil Nil 100 100 Nil 100
Title of the Proposed
02 Revival of Indigenous, Cultural and Heritage (RICH) Activities
The revival of indigenous cultural heritage activities is the
appreciation of work of those dedicated artists of by gone days that
we refer to as living human treasure . The activities include holding of
appropriately financed local revival of pitto garam , chupan chpai, gilli
danda , gattaka, lok music, chiken fights kabadis or anything that has
been part of the living heritage as seen by local key informants. The
03 Proponent information
close association with district administrations down to the tehsil level
ultimately union council levels at some point in time is the aim .
Earlier phases of similar facilty has been undertaken for such
deserving local communities who volunteered to make up a video of
the event and project it.Since KPCTA has actively pursue the
heritage promotion it has to carry on with this scheme.
Experience indicates that focusing local wisdom to arrange
themselves locally into group of dedicated community members for
holding Interventions that have to be based on their traditions agreed
by social community in collaboration with local administration
covered by local journalists associations and transmitted to KPCTA
Goals & Objectives set to would be the key aim . It will involve locals and press to counter
be achieved balance the positive wisdom of traditional heritage. where after going
through filter of criteria the same may be listed for perusal of
committee from the same communities collected through out the
province. Key informants of communities of local villages, hamlets,
business organizations, individuals would be attempted to reached
also .
KPCTA tasked to abridge the revival of indigenous arts, crafts,
folklore, stories and myths present since centuries involving local
artists, singers, poets, writers, journalists, reporters, and all those
associated with culture heritage to be compensated for holding
Rationale for ADP
05 events . To respect , recognise and support the local heritage . Let us
support the authority to be nurtured in the immediate to short and
medium term for making it self sustaining. The exact estimates may
swell up to additional amount once all details plans for
operationalizations are in place.
Geographical Coverage
06 (for whole province or Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
specific district/tehsil)
The project is part of supporting all those associated with heritage
and culture when they are in need . the is dissemination of message
that KPCTA as part of the flag ship initiatives of the provincial
government is determined to support the artists communities and
allied fields. In the instant scheme honorarium for the deserved artists
is aimed. The selection of deserving artists shall be from among the
data of artists and allied fields collected through districts
Is the Project aligned
07 commissioners and criteria in general plenary of all the members
with CDS
shall be convened to select committees who in turn may select the
real deserving. The creation of endowmen fund on longterm deposits
in national or any other savings for utilization shall be also one of the
options. All aim is depicting the positive gesture of the public sector
for projecting authenticated image of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
throughout that is line with its heritage. It is in line with the
comprehensive development strategy.
Currently the tourism department of culture has just completed the
second phase of the same concept . A lot has been done but more
has to be focused on all the segments of deserving communities that
Nearest place where
08 may be supported in time of hard ships. The artists knowledge is
similar facility is available
based on indigenous values and heritage and expectantly
participation of local entrepreneurs that may also attract additional
09 Financial Phasing ( 3- Years ) 1st year Rs.100M 2nd year Rs.100M 3rd year 100
It is expected support to the artists communities and allied fields
through the instant scheme of honorarium for the deserved artists
.Normally not more than hundreds or thousands may be
accommodated in one go that may be revolved on improvement and
Beneficiaries ( type &
10 mostly needy criteria. The selection of deserving artists shall be from
among the data of artists and allied fields collected through districts
commissioners and criteria in general plenary of all the members
shall be convened to select committees who in turn may select the
real deserving individuals for compensations.
.. A lot has been done but more has to be focused on all the
Expected output segments of deserving communities that may be supported in time of
11 (qualitative & hard ships. The artists knowledge is based on indigenous values and
quantitative) heritage and expectantly participation of local entrepreneurs that may
also attract additional funding
The present government has a special focus to facilitate artists and
allied communities to promote hosting guests and ultimately alleviate
poverty through empowering communities with natural available
Priority (indicate top,
12 resources by promoting home stays, hosting guests and Hospitality
normal or low)
industry . It also is to activate public support for artists and allied
fields including invitation to private sector for participation in heritage
tourism and sensitizations.

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