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Major: MAPEH
Researcher’s Contact Details: 09074942936
Name of the Research Adviser: Mrs. Reina V. Pasumbal
III. Research Proposal
A. Abstract

Unintentional injuries as well as sudden sickness is one of the important noteworthy reasons
that lead to impairments and mortality in children, particularly those who are in school age. From this
standpoint, primary school teachers’ knowledge about first aid is necessary in order to be prepared
for providing first aid when needed for children during school time.

A descriptive cross-sectional study was applied on the primary school teachers of Dalahican
Elementary School. Dalahican Elementary School is selected and then the selected teachers will be
participating the study.

A questionnaire composed of three parts was used, the first part included inquiry regarding
social demographic profile characteristic of the participants, and the second part included the
questions concerning the awareness, attitude and practices of first aid.

Rationale of research

This study tackles to assess Teachers level of awareness first aid and to assess its implication
on the school’s practices of first aid.

First aid is the assistance given to any person in distress or injury, with a goal to preserve life,
prevent injury from worsening, or to promote recovery. It includes initial intervention in a serious
condition prior to professional medical help being available, such as applying plaster a plaster to a
cut. First aid is generally performed by someone with basic medical training.

There are many situation which may require first aid, and many countries have legislation,
regulation, or guidance which specifies a minimum level of first aid provision in certain
circumstances. First aid, however does not necessarily require any particular equipment or prior
knowledge, and can involve improvisation with materials available at the time, often by untrained

Simple Accidents, such as trips or slips, are common elements of day to day hustle of school
life. However, these little accidents are capable of causing serious injuries and worse.

It is well known that children ranging from (6 to 14 years age group) spend most of their time
in schools. In these settings, they are at a greater risk of injuries and medical emergencies due to a
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higher level of involvement in extracurricular activities like sports. According to the Centre for
Disease Control Prevention, sports and recreation-related injuries are reported for more than 2.6
million schoolchildren world-wide annually.

Timely administered of first aid response to injuries and medical emergencies will help to
reduce complications. The cost of treatment and mortality among children. As school do not usually
have trained health care providers on site, it is essential for teachers to be trained in first aid
procedures. They also need to be updated periodically in their knowledge and skills to keep up with
the basic first aid guidelines. Teacher must be willing to assume the responsibility for completely
rendering first aid to students whenever the need arises. It is equally important for schools to be well
equipped with first aid facilities in order to make appropriate intervention possible.

Studies worldwide have noted a varied picture about first aid preparedness at schools and
among teachers. In studies done in Europe, for instance, the present culture is that all teachers must
first learn to perform first aid to themselves in order to teach their pupils basic first aid. Basic first aid
can be applied in classroom. There are studies that took place in all of Asia that awareness, attitudes
and practices of first aid among school teacher are very poor. Many of school teacher did not
received first aid training.

Purpose of the Research

The purpose of the study was to establish if primary school teachers have any knowledge put
in place to detect accident prone activities and areas. It is also aimed at establishing what is the
school’s preventive practices are in place to prevent accidents and majority to check whether the
personnel are trained on first aid. Specifically, the objectives of this study seeks to:

 To identify the demographic profile of school teachers of Dalahican Elementary School.

 To assess the level of awareness of the safety procedures by the teachers and staff of the
 To determine the practices of the respondents on first aid.
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Theoretical Framework

The Social Ecological Model (SEM) is a theory-based framework for understanding the multifaceted
and interactive effects of personal and environmental factors that determine behaviors, and
identifying behavioral and organizational leverage points and intermediaries for health promotion
within organizations. There are five nested, hierarchical levels of the SEM:

 Individual

Characteristics of an individual that influence behavioral change, including knowledge, attitudes,

behavior, self-efficacy, developmental history, gender, age, religious identity, racial/ethnicity, sexual
orientation, economic status, financial resources, values, goals, expectations, literacy, stigma, and

 Interpersonal

Formal (and informal) social networks and social support systems that can influence individual
behaviors, including family, friends, peers, co-workers, religious networks, customs or traditions.

 Community

Relationship among organizations, institutions, and informational networks within define boundaries,
including the built environment (e,g., parks), village associations, community leaders, businesses,
and transportation.

 Organizational

Organizations or social institutions with rules and regulations for operations that affect how, or well,
for example, MNCH services are provided to an individual or group.

 Policy/enabling environment

Local, state, national, and global laws and policies, including policies regarding the allocation of
resources maternal, newborn, and child health and access to healthcare services, restrictive policies
( e,g., high fees or taxes for health services), or lack of policies that require childhood immunizations.
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Literature Survey

First aid skills and expertise as it known today, were recognized back in history but more
simply, particularly during warfare (Pearn, 1994).

There are many evidence and clues across the ancient civilizations about simple skills used to
help injured people instantaneously especially by militaries. For example, a scene painted on a
traditional Greek pottery believed to be from 500 years BC, shows the greatest Grecian warrior
Achilles from Greek mythology applying bandage to his injured escort Patroclus during the siege of
Troy which is an early example for providing first aid without organized medical support (Cotterell,

As further evidence during the bronze age in the middle east, the gospel of St Luke (x, 30)
memorialized the good Samaritan ethical values of assisting persons and efficiency of bandaging
injured people (Pearn, 1994).

Decreasing morbidity and death by applying early first aid, during wars were a big concern
for many ancient militaries. The Roman military had the most successful experience for emergency
medical services to support their legions, especially under the role of Emperor Augustus (63 BC- 14
AD), who developed such services. The Romans medical services comprised physicians, surgeons,
hygiene officers and bandagers whom called capsarii, where they had been wearing the same
uniforms for the soldiers, and they trained medically within Legion itself, and because they were on
the front lines their ability to provide accurate first aid had been effective. Also they were supported
by special units of horses, stretcher- bearers, carriages and wagons to help in transporting wounded
soldiers to field hospital (Eastman, 1992; Gabriel and Metz, 1992).

A major public concern in the late 18th century directed to the drowning due to high
mortality. So that, a society for protecting peoples’ life from water accidents started in Amsterdam
1767, and later in 1773, the physician William Hawes started to publicize the efficiency of artificial
breathing as a way for resuscitation of drowned people, which in turn, led to founding society for
drowned persons in 1774 named the Royal Humane Society, which had a major contribution in
promoting resuscitation (Collins, 2007; Price, 2014).

Hence, the historical roots of first aid as a profession in its own right belongs to about 120 years ago
or few more. In which, military surgeons and Royal Humane Society instructions’ contributed in first
aid evolution (Pearn, 1994).

Later in early 19th century Baron Dominique Jean Larrey, the Napoleon’s famous surgeon
created ambulance corps and called flying ambulance in French, in which aimed to provide first aid
during battle (Efstathis, 1999). After that, Jean Henri Dunant witnessed the consequence of Solferino
battle in 24 June 1859 and his future work led to establishment of Red Cross, which it is still the
largest worldwide provider for first aid (Pearn, 1994).

Credit goes to the development of first aid to the British Surgeon- Major Peter Shepherd and
before him to the Prussian surgeon Friedrich Von Esmarch. In 1870, Friedrich Von Esmarch was the
first person who introduced an official organized first aid to the Prussian army and used the term
“erste hilfe” which its translation to English means first aid. Also he trained the soldiers to provide
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first aid including bandaging and splinting skills, for wounded comrades during Franco-Prussian war
and designed Esmarch bandage to show the soldiers the accurate way of first aid (Efstathis, 1999).

Thereafter, Shepherd noticed the worth and importance of Esmarch’s effort, and his new
instructions in bandaging and basic first aid skills. So that, Shepherd quickly developed and extended
first aid skills for medical division in British army. In 1878, Surgeon-Major Peter Shepherd with help
of Colonel Francis Duncan and doctor Coleman, held the first public first aid course in Woolwich,
London. Soon later, the St John Ambulance Association organized similar classes in other British
cities. Consequently, more than one thousand persons had been trained on first aid within a year. The
members of St John Ambulance Association were the first people whom used the English term first
aid (Pearn, 1994; Efstathis, 1999).

It didn’t take so long after the first public first aid classes to test the readiness of community
in applying first aid, where after nine month of Shepherd training class Woolwich disasters
happened. These two tragedies despite of high rate of deaths, approved the importance of providing
first aid by people at site of incidence as possible before transporting the victims or before
professional medical helps arrive (Efstathis, 1999).

During the 20th century and later 21th century many scientific researches had conducted
regarding first aid knowledge and practices (Langley and Silva, 1986; Gagliardi et al., 1994; Conrad
and Beattie, 1996; Altintaş et al., 2005; Başer et al., 2007; Yurumez et al., 2007; Al-Robaiaay, 2013;
Al-samghan et al., 2015; Khatatbeh, 2016). 2.2.

The concept of first aid, since its modern evolution has formulated many definitions. Despite
of maintaining the essence of the first aid definition but they began to differ in the built-in as needed,
and there became the existence of the first aid in many practical and scientific fields. The field of first
aid is affected by both training and regulatory constraints. Therefore, the definition of this scope
mutable and could be defined regarding to surrounding circumstances, needs and regulations
(Singletary et al., 2015). First aid entered many disciplines and become more advanced and multi
diverged such as pediatric first aid, mental health first aid, wilderness first aid, sport first aid, aquatic
first aid and so many other disciplines. For example of various definitions of first aid, 2004 manual
of first aid definition was “first aid is the temporary and immediate care given to the person who is
injured or suddenly become ill” (Gupta, 2004). Soon later, 2005 California code of regulation defined
first aid as “first aid is any one-time treatment and any follow up visit for the purpose of observation
of minor scratches, cuts, burns, splinter etc., which do not ordinarily require medical care.” (Kirby
and Mather, 2005).

The 2010 Guidelines for first aid, stated by American heart association and American
redcross defined first aid as “the assessment and interventions that can be performed by a bystander
or by the victim (self-care) with minimal or no medical tools.” (Markenson et al., 2010). Later
American Academy of Pediatrics set pediatric first aid definition according to their discipline, it was
defined as the initial medical care that you give to a child who is injured or suddenly become sick
(American Academy of Pediatrics, 2012). After that, American heart association and American red
cross updated their definition in 2015 and referred to first aid as assisting activities and immediate
care obtained for severing illness or sudden injury with purpose of life’s preservation, suffering
alleviation, additional illness or injury deterrence and recovery promotion (Singletary et al., 2015).
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First aid is complex and situation specific, so that more informed and better trained, first
aiders are more eligible to deal with unexpected illness or sudden injury (Saubers and Iannelli, 2008).
Thus first aid must be medically sound and based on scientific knowledge, and in absence of such
knowledge, the expert must be consulted. First aid can be obtained by everybody and comprises self-
care, so that first aider can be any person exist in the scene of emergency and provides such care like
parents, teachers, policeman, fireman, first responder, professional medic, etc. (Piazza, 2014;
Singletary et al., 2015).

There are three main objectives for first aid, firstly to preserve life, not merely victim’s life,
but first aider’s life as well. Because if first aider put his/her life in danger might ends up struggling
for his own life instead of the victim’s. Secondly to avoid worsening of condition. The third aim of
first aid is to encourage recovery, which means first aider actions should assist injured person toward
improvement, certainly after preventing situation from getting worse (Barraclough, 2015).

First aider qualifications include the ability to: first aid needs estimation, assessment and
prioritization; using suitable knowledge, skills and behaviors to obtain appropriate care; and finally
recognition for any limitation and looking for further care when it’s needed (Singletary et al., 2015).

The way that the first aider must act during an emergency is an important issue, these actions
according to their priorities are: foremost the first aider must make sure that the scene of accident is
safe and there are no instant hazards such as fallen electricity lines or hazardous materials; second
action is to check for any life threatening conditions (e.g. severe bleeding, breathing difficulties or
loss of consciousness); then the first aider should call for emergency medical services and perform
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) if needed and ask for near help if not trained for CPR; after
that the first aider must stop any bleeding and check for any head, neck or spinal injury and must not
transfer the victim except if it is required (Jones, 2012). The next step in first aider action is to look
for any indicators for special health problems such as diabetes mellitus or asthma, through any
medications or drug prescriptions, also the first aider must stay calm and quiet during emergency and
act quickly to save victim’s life until medical helps arrive. Avoiding direct contact with blood and
other bodily fluids if not wearing disposable gloves is an essential matter. Finally the first aider
should use proper hand washing technique before and after first aid administration (Jones, 2012).

First aid priority always given to life threatening cases. The (A and B) priority of treatment
for any case is to make sure that the airways are open and the victim is breathing normally, and this is
called the primary survey, the moment that first aider became sure that the victim is breathing
normally the (BBB) is the next priority and it’s given to deal with any bleeding and after that to deal
with bone injuries, so that this called secondary survey (Barraclough, 2015).

Baser et al., 2007 conducted scientific research to evaluate and determine Turkish primary
school teachers’ knowledge and attitude concerning first aid. The study sample included three
hundred twelve primary school teachers asked on first aid for hemorrhage, epistaxis, wounds, object
aspiration and insects’ stings. The study result indicated that the progress of primary school teachers’
age was accompanied with more unlikely first aid practices and attitudes. Finally, study pointed that
the knowledge and attitude of primary school teachers toward first aid was insufficient and
recommended for first aid and pediatric basic life support training (Başer et al., 2007).
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During the same year a study in Poland done by Wisniewski & Majewski 2007 to assess
knowledge and attitude about first aid among selected high school teachers in the western Pomerania
region. Sample of one hundred school teachers encompassed in this survey from two high schools of
two polish cities. The study tool used in this work was a consistent questionnaire used formerly to
determine problems of providing first aid among Polish society. The study result showed that despite
the fact that the majority of targeted teachers previously had first aid courses, the level of their
knowledge required to provide first aid was insufficient. For example, the result indicated that 50%
of teachers had theoretical knowledge about rules of providing first aid but only one third of the
respondents were able to put these theoretical rules into practice in reality. Also the majority of
teachers demonstrated negative attitude toward providing first aid in emergency cases. So that, the
study concluded that the training for administering first aid is mandatory for teachers as well as
pupils and should be done by medical professional staff, and the study did not omit to mention the
importance of changing negative attitude of teachers during first aid session by focusing on ethical
value of human assistance (Wiśniewski and Majewski, 2007). Few years later, Ali et al., in 2010
performed an educational training program about first aid for recently graduated nursery school
teachers and aimed to develop, implement and evaluate such program about first aid for emergencies
happening in preschools. The interventional program included 60 female participants of recently
graduates of specific education college, university of Zagazig. The data collection of study divided
into three parts, in the first part a questionnaire used to assess teachers’ knowledge regarding first
aid, and during second part an educational program implemented on twenty sessions (30 - 45) minute
per session, and also participant teachers were distributed to smaller groups during practical sessions
and finally the third part was an evaluation of program by analyzing the pre and post test results of
the respondents. Besides an observational check-list used to assess participants first-aid practices
regarding wounds, seizure, fractures, epistaxis, burns and choking. The result confirmed that a
significant improvement of knowledge and practice from (0 – 10%) at pre-test to (80- 95%) in post-
test result scores, which indicated that the program was successful, hence, the study recommended to
add first aid practical courses for undergraduate curriculum and periodic training courses for
graduated nursery teachers (Ali et al., 2010).

During the next year Bildik et al., in 2011 adopted study purposed to define the education
faculty students’ level of first aid knowledge and evaluate training administered to them. The study
sample encompassed eighty-eight students from university of Gazi, faculty of education in capital
Ankara. Almost 20 hours of training for first aid provided completed in 3 months, and pre-test/post-
test questionnaire plus final exam performed for participants. Results of the study noticed significant
improvement in knowledge and skills after training (Bildik et al., 2011).

Hirca 2012 reviewed Turkish literatures regarding first aid, the research entitled “does
teachers’ knowledge meets first aid needs of Turkish schools?” and obviously aimed to assess if
teachers of Turkish schools having adequate first aid knowledge throughout reviewing preceding
articles done in this field in Turkey. The study outcome revealed that the knowledge of Turkish
school teachers on first aid was ranging from moderate to unsatisfactory. Most of teachers formerly
did not get correct information regarding first aid and even if they had previous training on first aid,
it was limited on theoretical sides not practical sides in such sessions. Finally, the study
recommended for applying more researches and studies to investigate knowledge of teachers in first
aid skills (Hırça, 2012).
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Later, in 2013 Al-Robaiaay conducted study on primary school teachers’ knowledge about
first aid in Baghdad, Al-Rusafa. The objective of the study included estimation of knowledge of
primary school teachers about first aid for situations like fractures and external bleeding and
determination effect of years spent on teaching on knowledge levels of teachers and whether there
was needs for first aid training or not. A cross-sectional study carried out in several areas in Baghdad,
Al-Rusafa over five months and included one hundred primary school teachers (26% of them were
science teachers and 22% of them were art and sport teachers). The result showed that only 4% of
participants had good knowledge, while 19% of them had fair knowledge but the larger proportion of
them (77%) had poor knowledge about first aid. Besides to inadequate knowledge of teachers that
concluded by the study, also the study noticed that both years spent in teaching and material taught
by teachers had no significant effect on teachers’ knowledge. Al-Robaiaay recommended for regular
first aid training and also adding first aid education to syllabus of institutes that prepares future
teachers (Al- Robaiaay, 2013).

Furthermore, in 2013 Kumar et al., carried out a study aimed at assessing practices and
perceptions of school teachers toward first aid, and to find rapport between sociodemographic
characteristic and first aid practices, and also to discover any factors that may influence teachers’
perceptions and practices regarding first aid. A cross-sectional study design applied for nine months
by using self-administered questionnaire which was tested formerly, and included forty school that
selected randomly in city of Mysore. From 262 school teachers involved in the study 57.3% were
from urban areas while 42.7% from rural ones, additionally, 49.6% of teachers’ age was above 40
years old. Despite of study results that exposed already 97.3% of selected teachers were heard the
term first aid previously, just 78.8% of them comprehended that wounds needs first aid and only
30.2% of them were mindful that fainting needs first aid. So that, the total deduction referred that
teachers’ perceptions and practices regarding first aid is poor and disappointing (Kumar et al., 2013).

Injuries cause 10% of the mortality and 15% of disability worldwide. However, there is a
paucity of data on injuries in the developing world where two-thirds of all injury deaths occur. This
is the first published report characterizing the overall problem of injuries in the Philippines, a
developing country in south East Asia. This report defines the burden of injuries in the Philippines
and identifies priority areas for the national health research agenda. A systematic review of 35 years
of published and unpublished data on injuries in the Philippines (1960-1995) was conducted. Injury
fatality rates increased by 196% from 14.3 per 100,000 in 1960 to 42.3 per 100,000 in 1995, and one
in 11 deaths in the Philippines are due to injuries. Intentional injuries account for 48% of all injury
deaths and motor vehicle crashes for 15%. For 15-44 year old males, injuries account for 42% of all
deaths, 67% of which are intentional. The proportion of all deaths attributable to intentional injuries
has increased by 925% and that of motor vehicle crashes by 600% from 1960 to 1995. Improvements
in injury surveillance and documentation of non-fatal injury outcomes are needed. Research into risk
factors and potential interventions for the prevention of intentional injuries should be a priority in the

According to recent study about the attitudes of the teachers toward first aid. One hundred
and ninety-four teachers participated in the study with a response rate of 95%. Only 40% of the
teachers were knowledgeable and 75% of them had positive attitude for first aid. Eighty percent of
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teachers encountered with children in need of first aid. Kindergarten teachers older than 35 years
[AOR = 4.2, 95%CI: (1.02, 16.9)], five years’ experience [AOR = 3.1, 95%CI: (1.2, 7.6)], having
previous first aid training [AOR = 3.1, 95%CI: (1.2, 7.7)], source of first aid information and
teachers serving in private kindergarten are associated with having knowledge of first aid. Long time
experience, type of kindergarten, previous training, and exposure to children in need of first aid were
positive association with attitude towards first aid. (

According to the International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Semwal J
et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017 Aug, 4(8):2934-2938. Out of 441 students,
proportion of boys and girls were 224:217. Majority (91%) had heard about the first aid of which the
proportion of boys & girls were almost similar i.e. 92: 92.2. Among these students, only 17% had
complete knowledge of first aid and partial knowledge was found in 33.3% of students. Regarding
first aid kit, 87.5% of students have heard about the kit of which the proportion of boys and girls was
86.6: 88.5. Only 51% had complete knowledge of contents of first aid kit. Out of these 23.1% had
adequate knowledge i. e. when where and how it is to be used 55.8% of students have ever used it.
On an average complete knowledge and partial knowledge was present only in 0.04 and 0.06
respectively. Students in our study have revealed that first aid study is in the curriculum of the course
but it seems from the study that practically no stress is being given in imparting knowledge regarding
first aid in these schools.

According to Grimaldi and Simonds (2003) that the history of safety is full of records of
specialist who knew where most of the injury of the victims is caused but the management couldn’t
eliminate the cause of the problem.

(Lindoe, 1997) Many countries have adopted policies on safety at school including Norway
and Sweden where they demonstrate that safety at work is vital in order to minimize the injuries that
can happen to the pupils and staff. This introduce us to the importance of ensuring policies are put in
place and preventive measures taken into consideration.

According to Bamford (1995) school injuries do not receive appropriate treatment and care.
Packard, (1989) –Workers themselves may also be unwilling to expose health problems in the
situation of high job insecurity, informal employment, and high labor turnover, factors exacerbated
by employment patterns created by globalization.

According to Loewenson, (1998), with insecure employment, particularly in small

enterprises, accidents are like to go undetected and workers with severe disability will be dropped out
of work.

Significance of the study

Assessing teacher’s awareness, attitude and practices skills of first aid is not widely embraced
by many other schools.

Because of this matter, the results of this study will be beneficial to the following:
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Mapeh Teachers. This study may provide you to administer basic knowledge on how to perform first
aid and determine the right procedure on different kinds of injury. Even if some are outdated of this
guidelines, this can still be used to prevent injury.

Future Researchers. This study can help you to create new research to expand the topic and other
phrases of awareness, attitudes and practices of first aid among primary school teachers.

Definition of terms

For the readers to further understand this study, the following terms are defined:

Teacher – the one who facilitate learning.

Awareness- knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.

Attitude- a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is
reflected in a person's behavior.

Practice- the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method as opposed to theories about such
application or use.

First aid- help given to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available.

3P’s- Three major goals of first aid. Preserve life, Prevent further injury, Promote recovery.

Injury- an instance of being injured.

Accident- an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting
in damage or injury.
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Scope and limitation of the study

This research investigation was conducted to determine the level of awareness of teachers on
first aid and its implications in Dalahican Elementary School’s first aid practices.

The respondents of this study will be the primary teachers of the said school. The result and
conclusion of the study are limited only to the few selected teachers.

It is also limited to the teacher’s ability to retain the basic knowledge about first aid.

The study is very purposive and the respondents are randomly selected. The use of
questionnaire is the main data gathering instrument. Moreover, this study only limited in first aid, the
field specialization of the researcher.

Statement of desired outcomes

The result of the questionnaire will identify if the researcher will conduct a seminar that
enhances the teacher’s awareness of first aid. Handbooks about proper management of first aid will
be given to the respondents and other staff members of the school.
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B. Description of methods or approach

Research Design

The study is a descriptive-quantitative research. As a descriptive quantitative research, the study aims
to state the level of knowledge in applying first aid by conducting an examination among teacher-
respondents. As a descriptive-quantitative research, gathering data can be achieved with or without
statistical treatment. The descriptive will serve as fact finding with appropriate interpretation of
condition present status, belief, point of view, analysis and classification and practices in making use
of tabulation.

Research Instrument

For the teacher-respondents, the researcher used a questionnaire to gather information about the level
of awareness on first aid. The questionnaire was consisted of a demographic information, awareness
question and prevention statements.

On the other hand, a survey instrument was also made for the staff-respondents. This survey would
help confirm the awareness on first aid based on the staffs’ perspectives and experiences.

Data gathering procedures

The conduction of the study will be limited for one week. The researcher will first obtain the total
number of teacher respondents before the analyzing of the data. Then the respondents will be given a
questionnaire. Then the result of the data gathered are then analyze and interpreted according to
different problems set forth.

Respondents/Unit of Analysis/Subject of the Study

The study will be conducted in Dalahican Elementary School. The teachers are the primary
respondents of these study. The research seeks to know the level of awareness about first aid of the
teachers in Dalahican Elementary School. Every respondents will be given a research instrument in
order to determine the level of awareness regarding first aid.

Sampling Design and Procedures

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Purposive sampling design will be employed in the Dalahican Elementary Schools. Percentage
formula and weighted mean will be used for data analyzing and interpretation that will lead to
conclusions and recommendations.

Assumption or Hypothesis

The study seeks to determine the level of awareness about first aid. Probably the level of awareness
on first aid of the teachers can be seen especially when there are calamities or natural phenomenon

Data Analysis Plan

All the data that were collected, coded, tabulated and subjected to be statistically analyzed. Microsoft
office Excel is used for data handling and graphical presentation. Descriptive statistics will be used to
analyze the response to individual items and the respondents' characteristics. The researcher will use
percentage formula and weighted for data analysis, interpretation to go further to recommendation
and conclusion from the answers of the respondents.

The formula are as follows:

Percentage Formula

P= x 100
P = Percentage

F = Frequency
N = Number of Respondents

Weighted mean formula;

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4 F+ 3 F +2 F +1 F
W = Weighted Mean
F = Frequency
N = Total Number of Population

To interpret the result from the respondents, the following scale will be employed:
Weighted Points Range of Scores Description
4 3.26 – 4:00 Strongly Agree
3 2. 51 – 3.25 Agree
2 1.76 – 2.50 Strongly Disagree
1 1.00 – 1.75 Disagree
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Conceptual Framework

Teacher Respondents (Gender, Age, Years of teaching.)

Questionnaire- Opinionnaire.

Giving the teacher the survey instrument

Determining the level of awareness and practices of the respondents
PROCESS Analyzing and interpreting the data collected.

Data gathered regarding awareness, attitudes and practices of first aid among
OUTCOME grade 6 teachers

The figure shows the IPO model of the research entitled “Awareness, attitude and practices of first

aid among grade 6 teachers in Dalahican Elementary School. The input includes the Teacher

respondent’s gender, age, and years of teaching. The process includes the giving of survey instrument

to the teacher respondents, determining the level of awareness, attitude and practices of the

respondents and analyzing and interpreting the data that was collected from the survey instrument.

The output includes the data that was gathered regarding to the awareness, attitudes and practices of

first aid among grade 6 teachers.

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Wayne W. LaMorte, MD, PhD, MPH, Boston University School of Public Health (August 29, 2018.)


Rural Health Information Hub (2002–2018) Health Belief Model retrieved from

Robert T. Croyle, Ph.D. (2005) Theory at a Glance “A Guide for Health Promotion Practice”

(Second Edition)

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IV. Research Governance and Ethics

Please describe how you will ensure The researcher have necessary references and the
that the activity will be carried out to answers of the respondents will be treated in utmost
the highest standards of ethics and confidentiality.
research integrity.
Please describe how potential ethical The researcher will ensure that all the issues that will
health and safety issues arising as part arise in this study will be addressed.
of this collaboration have been
considered and how they will be
Will the proposed research involve NO
research on animals, human
participants, human tissue or
patient/participant data?
Has the proposed research been NOT
reviewed by the research ethics

V. Expected Outputs and Deliverables (This refers to the products of the investigation which
would contribute and increase the stock of knowledge.)

This study will help other future studies that deals with the teachers’ level of awareness in first
aid. This study will increase the researchers understanding about the importance of first aid.

VI. Target Beneficiaries of Research Results: (who and how many are the direct/indirect
beneficiaries of the study, what are the benefits that are likely to accrue in the short or long term)

Target Beneficiaries Total

1. Teachers Approximately 100 teachers

1. School 1
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Lucena City Document Title: Research Proposal Form
An Autonomous University Page No.: Page 18 of
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COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Effectivity Date: August 2018
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VII. Dissemination Plan
1. Teachers conference/Seminar Give instructions and basic procedures performing first

VIII. Research Activities

ACTIVITIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14










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Lucena City Document Title: Research Proposal Form
An Autonomous University Page No.: Page 19 of
Revision No.: 3
COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Effectivity Date: August 2018
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NOTE:* second semester

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