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Cover Story

Heat Transfer
Fluid Leaks:
Break the
Fire Triangle
Extreme processing temperatures
present the greatest risk.
Know where leaks are most likely to
occur and how to prevent them
Conrad E. Gamble and Matthias Schopf
Solutia Inc.

anagement of process plants explanation of the fire risk is offered Besides classical process plants in
requires the understand- and approaches that can minimize ig- the chemical, petrochemical and plas-
ing and application of the nition potential and property damage tic industries, two other applications
fundamental tenets of safe are addressed. have recently come into the focus by
design, construction, and operation utilizing large volumes of DP:DPO
of each facility. In that context, many Introduction HTFs (see box entitled Large volume
years of practical experience with sys- Basics of system requirements applications): electrical energy pro-
tems that use very high-temperature Process plants require heating and duction by concentrating solar power
organic heat-transfer media has led usually cooling capabilities. A “typical” (CSP) and converting natural gas into
to much knowledge regarding de- HTF system is composed of an energy synthetic oils in a process called gas to
sign features to adopt and those that source, such as fired heaters or waste liquids (GTL).
should not be repeated. heat recovery systems; pumps to force As with all HTF systems, the de-
For the media itself, the severe the fluid flow; an expansion tank to sign must accommodate the volume
stresses of extreme operating temper- absorb the volume expansion of the expansion of the heating fluid, which
atures involved can sometimes nar- fluid; and last but not least, a heat is typically provided by an expansion
row the number of candidate fluids to consumer. High-temperature heat- or surge tank of sufficient volume and
one: the eutectic mixture of diphenyl transfer systems are usually closed headspace. For plants using DP:DPO
and diphenyl oxide (DP:DPO; Figure systems, and hence, a release of fluid near its maximum temperature of
1). This article shares best practices can typically only occur in case of ac- 400°C (750°F), the volume expansion
that have been developed over the cidents or malfunctions. Heat transfer from ambient temperature is greater
years to ensure the safest possible use media used in such systems are usu- than 30% [1]. The expansion vessel is
of this heat transfer fluid (HTF). Ef- ally water-and-steam, water based typically pressurized to keep the HTF
fective methods to identify and deter- fluids, mineral oils or synthetic heat- in liquid phase and is equipped with
mine the order of magnitude of leaks transfer fluids specially designed for a vent system to permit the exit of
are discussed. Meanwhile, a review of this purpose. Based on their physical nitrogen, degradation products, and
the concepts necessary for effectively and chemical properties, such fluids a portion of DP:DPO into the ullage
maintaining a leak-tight system is imply certain handling risks in addi- vent-collection system. The extensive
presented. And, for occasions in which tion to the general risk of operating an network of HTF handling piping, in-
unexpected leaks do occur, a thorough HTF system. struments, and vessels, combined with
26 Chemical Engineering December 2010
Large volume applications
CSP plants
Concentrating solar power (CSP) plants require a reliable heat-transfer fluid
to efficiently absorb the sun’s energy and transfer it to the steam generator.
The HTF is the single component of the system, which traverses the solar-
energy collector field (mirror arrays) and the power generation unit (power
block). The uninterrupted circulating flow of the fluid and thermal energy is
essential for system operation. Any resistance to flow reduces demonstrated
efficiency from theoretical levels, and interruptions in flow can take the entire
system offline.
The designs of existing and planned CSP plants that utilize DP:DPO heat
transfer fluid have similar features. Large circulation pumps capable of
delivering flowrates up to 10,000 gal/min or more provide the motive
force for circulating the fluid through field supply headers of decreasing
diameters extending to the farthest mirror rows. HTF flowrates through the
individual heat-collection element (HCE) rows are regulated to maintain
the desired HTF temperature in the return headers. The heated fluid is used
in large shell-and-tube heat exchangers to provide superheated steam,
which is then utilized in traditional power turbines. The HTF continually
circulates throughout the operational hours to support the movement of
solar energy from direct solar and thermal storage systems, if provided.

In the gas-to-liquids (GTL) process, natural gas is chemically converted
into fuel liquids. The base is the Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) process of converting
mixtures of hydrogen and carbon monoxide into liquid hydrocarbons. In
general, GTL technologies are three-step processes. The first step is conver-
sion of the natural gas into a hydrogen and carbon monoxide mixture usu-
ally called synthesis gas or syngas. The second step is a catalytic reaction
of this syngas into a mixture of hydrocarbons (F-T). Finally, the last step
Figure 1. Extreme operating temperatures some- is a cracking and conversion of the hydrocarbons into the desired final
times narrow the number of candidate fluids to one: products [2]. Due to high temperature requirements of some of the process
the eutectic mixture of diphenyl and diphenyl oxide steps, DP:DPO heat transfer fluid is utilized for process heat control. ❑

elevated vapor pressures, can increase remain in service today, while most has maintaining adequate sealing. Some
the potential for leaks from systems been replaced over time. Experience in users, however, have reported that
if adequate design and maintenance the mode of failure finds that the hose some of the rotary joints failed more,
measures are not also incorporated. develops small cracks through which and without warning.
the DP:DPO fluid seeps slowly at first. Whether from flexible hose or rotary
Incident history of leaks, fires The leakage can be visually observed joints, the close proximity of these de-
Examination of the leak history from as a darkened area on the outside of vices to nearby ignition sources can
DP:DPO handling systems indicates the hose assembly. Prompt mainte- lead to the ignition, or even autoigni-
that the primary sources are flanged nance can permit the piping section tion of a released cloud of HTF mist if
connections, flexible connectors or to be shut down and isolated for hose surface temperatures exceed 1,100°F
rotary joints, and pump seals. Fire- replacement prior to a rupture. When (593°C). For safety of personnel, re-
resistant gaskets used in DP:DPO proper experience and care is applied sponse typically involves remote isola-
service can require substantial com- during hose installation, the hose can tion of the piping circuit to allow the
pressive force on the gasket face. In be kept free of the torsion and mis- fire to burn itself out in remote or non-
cases where insufficient flexibility is alignment that reduce its service life. congested areas. Alternate measures
provided in piping networks (Figure It is important to follow hose manu- may be appropriate to protect against
2), the resulting force applied to the facturer recommendations on inspec- peripheral damage in more congested
flange pair reduces compression on a tion and replacement frequency, as the areas. Extinguishing the fire prior to
portion of the gasket, leading to leak- hose has smaller wall thickness than stopping the HTF release may result
age. Such leaks can sometimes be ad- rigid pipe. in later, repeated ignition. Operating
dressed by tightening sufficiently, but Rotary joints have the advantage of practices must incorporate the fre-
only as a temporary repair. Permanent using greater wall thickness for a more quent monitoring of the integrity of
repair will require gasket replacement robust joint, yet have the flexibility to field piping systems through regular
and improved piping flexibility. support the daily cycling demands of inspections and/or remote video sur-
Stainless-steel flexible hoses were the mirrored rows of heat collection veillance, or both.
first installed on the early solar en- elements (HCEs). Designs can incorpo- Pumps in DP:DPO service can have
ergy generating systems (SEGS) in rate high-temperature, metal-to-metal single or double mechanical seals.
the California Mojave Desert in the seals and can include provision for Some of the pumped liquid may be
1980s. Some of the original flex hose injectable, graphite-based packing for required to adequately lubricate seal-
Chemical Engineering December 2010 27
Cover Story

ing surfaces during operation. Exces-

sive temperatures at the seal faces

can also vaporize the HTF resulting

in no lubrication and ultimately cause n compression Fo
mechanical damage to seal face mate- u lat of gasket n e
Ins io
rials. This mechanism can create par- fle
ticulate matter that erodes the seal
face and create a separation of seal
faces, thereby resulting in leakage. A
seal flush can be effective in minimiz-
ing excessive seal wear by removing
harmful corrosive or fouling deposits Fixed restraint
with filtered fluid [3].
It should be noted that while infre-
quent insulation fires are experienced
in very-high-temperature organic
HTF systems, it is extremely rare
in DP:DPO systems. DP:DPO has a Figure 2. Poor piping flexibility can cause leaks
lower relative-normal boiling point
than other high temperature HTFs, Table 1. DP:DPO Key Fire-Related Properties
permitting its more rapid evaporation
from soaked insulation before it can Characteristic Method °C °F Vol. % in air
be heated to its autoignition tempera- Flash point (open cup) ASTM D-92 124 255 ---
ture (AIT) by the oxidation exotherm
within porous insulation. Cellular Fire point ASTM D-92 127 260 ---
glass insulation has proven most ef- Flash point (closed cup) ASTM D-93 110 230 ---
fective in interrupting the mechanism
Autoignition temperature ASTM E-659 601 1,114 ---
of HTF insulation fires among most
organic HTF chemistries. Lower combustion limit --- 149 300 0.8
260 500 0.5
Consequences of leaks, fires Upper combustion limit --- 149 300 3.3
There are no positive consequences 260 500 6.2
of leaks and fires, except perhaps the
heightened awareness of design or
construction flaws, which leads to im- ments, possibly including incineration Fluid Chemistry and
provement. The immediate negative or bioremediation. Hot fluid released Inherent Properties
consequences include risks to human and collected should not be reused, as Formulation
life and health from released fluid it will have become oxidized and per- DP:DPO heat transfer fluids are a eu-
ignition and fire fighting response, haps contaminated. Equipment wet- tectic mixture of diphenyl and diphenyl
or inhalation of partially combusted ted with HTF condensate should be oxide. These two components exhibit
hydrocarbons. Personnel should be cleaned for proper housekeeping, and the highest thermal stability available
trained and equipped to respond by to remove residue that could poten- among organic heat-transfer media.
remotely isolating systems, and stay- tially fuel a future fire. Their eutectic ratio ensures the lowest
ing out of the path of smoke, vapors In areas where leakage is of high- freeze point possible, thereby creating
and liquid runoff. In CSP plants, the est risk (such as flex hose or rotary the widest working range of tempera-
amount of fluid contained in a 100-m joints, pump seals, valves or instru- ture. As diphenyl and diphenyl oxide
mirrored row with 70-mm O.D. heat- ment manifolds, and so on) efforts exhibit tremendous thermal stability,
collection elements will be limited should be made to limit the amount the weakness of the specific fluid formu-
to nearly 0.33 m3 (87 gal), plus the of instrumentation and wiring poten- lation would then lie in its impurities.
volume contained in piping up to the tially exposed to fire. Doing so will Therefore, it is most desirable to have
isolation valve(s). Much of the HTF minimize the downtime required to very high assay of the two primary con-
released from piping containment return the equipment into operation. stituents, and limit the percentage of
will flash into the vapor phase, and Any equipment, piping, instrumenta- impurities possible. Doing so protects
then quickly condense into a mist tion, insulation or controls that have thermal stability of the fluid and also
cloud. The balance will rapidly cool been exposed to fire or DP:DPO spray ensures that the physical properties of
in contact with equipment and earth, should be inspected by qualified engi- the HTF will have minimal deviation
remaining in liquid phase. Contami- neers and technicians for reliable op- from its key components.
nated soils will require disposal or erating integrity, prior to returning it Low chlorides content (< 10 ppm)
treatment per regulatory require- into service. ensures long life of stainless-steel
28 Chemical Engineering December 2010
Preventing leakage,
component selection
Reliable system design
Complete guidance on system reli-
ability cannot be adequately covered
within the constraints of this article;
however, many important concepts
are provided herein in support of de-
signers and operators. Economics of
projects often require use of the low-
est cost materials that are fully com-
patible for the service to be utilized.
Since the mid-1970s and the devel-
opment of the first low-chloride (<
10 ppm) formulation of heat transfer
fluids, stainless-steel metallurgy for
instrument tubing and specialized
equipment could be used without fear
of chlorides-related stress cracking
Figure 3. Pipe flanges are potential sources of leaks. Design considerations are potential. It is important to note that
important here any significant extension of operating
temperatures above those currently
system components without exces- mechanical boundaries, tremendous used in DP:DPO HTF systems would
sive risk of stress-corrosion cracking. pressure can result, possibly leading require more exotic and costly alloys
There are SEGS systems, for example, to release of the product through the for piping and equipment, as well as
that have been utilizing low-chloride- weakest constraint, such as flanged the development of satisfactory, new
content heat-transfer fluid since the connections, valve stems, pump seals, heat-transfer fluids. Useful reference
1980s with no reported cracking is- and so on. When thawing a frozen sec- standards and codes are included in
sues. Low chlorides content should tion of piping or equipment, it is very the References section [7–14].
therefore be a requirement of DP:DPO important to accommodate the expan- With the HTF being significantly
fluids used in plants to help maintain sion in volume into unobstructed pip- above its normal boiling point during
longterm mechanical integrity. ing or equipment. operation, adequate overpressure pro-
tection in the form of pressure relief
Tendency toward leakage Key fire-related properties valves (PRVs) and rupture disks must
Operators of high temperature, or- Key properties of interest in gauging be provided with adequate capacity
ganic heat-transfer fluids should be the potential for fire with organic heat for relief between selected points of
aware of the potential for leakage of transfer fluid are provided for DP:DPO isolation. With proper design consid-
DP:DPO from components that may in Table 1. erations, the PRVs can be installed in
be leak-tight when pressure tested Minimum ignition energy (MIE) series with rupture disks to minimize
with water. It has been noted that, is a measure of an amount of energy fugitive emissions from the system.
“the physical and solvent properties below which an explosive mixture in General good practices for HTF system
of organic fluids allow the fluids to air will not be affected, and above design are typically available from the
penetrate ordinary valve and pump which the mixture can be affected. HTF manufacturer, including informa-
packing and bleed through porous ma- Measured values for heat transfer tion on system components, filtration
terials including some cast irons” [4]. media are not readily found in pub- and expansion tank design.
For piping flanges, fire-resistant gas- lished literature. As T. H. Pratt ex-
kets are preferred, which can require plains, the MIE concept applies only Piping, flanges and gaskets
higher compression to adequately seal to capacitive spark discharge and Seamless carbon steel has been demon-
as compared to softer gasket materi- that, based upon numerous factors, strated as an appropriate piping mate-
als. To help minimize leak potential “one must recognize that MIEs vary rial for use with organic HTFs in plants
and keep the DP:DPO confined within with most everything” [5]. Taking this up to their maximum bulk operating
the system, engineers and safety pro- into account, NFPA 77-2007 states temperatures. Threaded fittings in pip-
fessionals have developed key prac- that the MIE for most saturated hy- ing are to be avoided in preference to all-
tices as outlined later in the section on drocarbon vapors is near 0.25 mJ, and welded construction. Graphite-based,
preventing leakage. that mists can have MIE values one paste thread sealants have demon-
When DP:DPO eutectics freeze, or two orders of magnitude higher [6]. strated marginal success with threaded
the material contracts in volume by This value can have considerable de- connections that cannot be avoided,
over 6%. If the product then melts be- viation from the MIE experienced in such as instrument connections, pump-
tween frozen plugs of product or other actual field environments. casing drain plugs, and so on.
Chemical Engineering December 2010 29
Cover Story

With any metallurgy employed, the high temperature service can have the failure, and not just the conse-
linear expansion and contraction of double mechanical seals, or can be of quences of the failure
the piping must be accommodated by a sealless design. The pumped fluid is 3. Learn, document, and practice the
use of expansion loops or flexible con- used to lubricate and cool bearings in recommended preventive mainte-
nection members, and pipe supports either type. Excessive temperatures nance of the equipment
should be generously spaced to pre- at mechanical seal faces (typically
vent sagging. When thin-walled expan- tungsten carbide, stellite, or silicon Leak Detection
sion joints are selected, manufactur- carbide) can vaporize the HTF result- Human senses
ers’ recommendations for inspection ing in no lubrication and mechanical DP:DPO fluid can be operated in liq-
and replacement frequency should be damage to seal face materials. This uid or vapor phases. When there is
strictly followed. Piping should be pro- mechanism can create particles that leakage, even above its normal boiling
vided with “shoes”, which can slide un- can erode the seal face and create a point, the vapor emitted can quickly
restrained axially on the pipe supports separation of seal faces resulting in condense to form a visible, near-white
with thermal cycles. Where flanges are leakage. Therefore, stuffing box and mist cloud. The cloud quickly increases
necessary, Class 300 and Class 600 seal gland cooling is important to its transparency as it dissipates. For
ring-joint flanges or raised-face flanges maintain lower temperatures and also small leaks it may be possible to ob-
are commonly used. While the number improved lubricity of the HTF. A seal serve liquid droplets present at the
of flanged pairs should be minimized flush can be effective in minimizing source of the leak, such as valve stems,
to reduce the number of potential excessive seal face wear and particle pump seals, flanges, and so on, as well
leak points and fugitive emissions, accumulation on flex metal bellows by as on the ground. As mentioned ear-
designers should consider maintain- removing harmful deposits with fil- lier, a small leak from a flex hose can
ability and install such connections to tered fluid [15]. appear as a darkened, wetted area.
all major pieces of equipment and in When cool ambient conditions permit,
other key locations for ease of servic- Valves frozen DP:DPO may be observed as
ing equipment (Figure 3). Valves in DP:DPO service may in- white crystalline solid. Visual detec-
When used with raised-face flanges, clude forged- or cast-steel, or stain- tion capability for leaks can be greatly
gaskets should have a metal ring for less-steel bodies, balls, plugs and enhanced by use of remote video-sur-
blow-out resistance and graphite-filler disks. 13-Chrome (Cr) stems and veillance monitoring.
within 316 stainless-steel, spiral wind- 13-Cr or stellited seats should be The DP:DPO eutectic mixture
ings for fire resistance. A number of considered. Fire-resistant graphite has been measured to have an odor
manufacturers offer such gaskets, and packing should be specified in select threshold of 9 parts per billion (ppb) in
some designs provide more-exotic-alloy configurations available. Bellows seal air, making detection by odor possible
spiral windings for improved memory designs can provide physical barri- without exceeding established airborne
and longer use-life for cycling tem- ers for reduced emissions and leaks. exposure limits for either component.
perature services. A key necessity for With frequent updates of valve fea- In indoor areas, the airborne HTF may
flanged connections is to ensure that ture availability, the designer should not dissipate readily, preventing easy
adequate and uniform sealing compres- always consult with the valve manu- tracing back to the leak point. In out-
sion (seating stress) is provided on the facturer to consider the latest inno- door environments, the odor is more
gasket faces. Data on compression force vations available. Soft-seat materials closely localized around the leak point
of gasket surfaces are available from should be avoided since they can burn due to the more rapid dissipation of
gasket manufacturers, which will then out in case of fire, potentially adding the components in air. While odor may
determine proper bolt/stud/nut selec- to the complexity of the HTF release. be a sensitive detection technique, the
tion and torque requirements. Small valves with welded end-con- use of instrumentation is a preferred
For non-circular gaskets, such as nections should be considered to re- detection-and-measurement method
in some pump casings and valve bon- duce potential leak points, and larger with superior quantifying capability
nets, foil-inserted graphite has been valves should be considered with for leak tracing.
successfully used. Where larger gas- flanged end-connections. Connecting
kets are required for heat exchanger piping should have adequate flexibil- Specialized instrumentation
heads with partitions, and so on, foil- ity to minimize torque induced from Instruments using the principal of
inserted graphite, tang or corrugated thermal expansion and contraction of photoionization are well suited for use
metal-inserted graphite can be used. piping applied to flanges, which may in CSP and process plants. Typically,
With any gasket type selected, proper develop leaks. these instruments can readily detect
installation techniques prescribed by DP:DPO concentrations in air as low
the manufacturer should be followed. Maintenance practices as the ppb range. For realtime per-
Simply put, three keys for adequate sonnel exposure monitoring, the ppb
Pumps and pump seals maintenance practice are as follows: sensitivity is appropriate to quantify
Pumps in HTF service are gener- 1. Respond to identified leaks promptly exposure at levels below established
ally of cast steel for withstanding the with repairs occupational exposure limits for the
stresses of thermal shock. Pumps in 2. Repairs should address the cause of fluid’s components. For maintenance
30 Chemical Engineering December 2010
Water fog mist suppression system

Fog nozzles

Potential fire scenarios

The prerequisite to a fire is a leak from
point sources, such as described in the
earlier section on incident history.
Insulation fires. Insulation fires are
Vapor mist not uncommon with high-temperature,
I/P organic heat-transfer fluids. However,
in one extensive study of such fires by
Britton, he concludes, “Least prone
transfer fluid
piping Water
should be DP:DPO types, which have
header very high AITs (above 500°C) and
Deluge relatively low flash-points of around
valve 130°C” [17]. DP:DPO-soaked insula-
tion apparently avoids the insulation
fire mechanism by its more rapid rate
Figure 4. Vapor or mist detection systems automatically detect the presence of evaporation out of the insulation
of clouds of DP:DPO and can automatically trigger water-fog deluge systems and than other higher-boiling heat-trans-
alarms, initiate forced ventilation, and de-energize area equipment
fer-fluid chemistries, while avoiding
the close approach of its autoignition
needs, parts-per-million (ppm) sensi- ment with a continuous monitoring ca- temperature.
tivity is sufficient to determine orders pability. This design has incorporated Spark- or flame-produced ignition.
of magnitude of identified leak sources the use of multiple-sensor actuation With DP:DPO fluid, a more expected
so that repairs can be scheduled on to avoid accidental activation from cause of fire would be from spark- or
a prioritized basis. The instruments only one monitor (Figure 4). The use flame-produced ignition. Releases of
can be purchased as handheld units of water-fog systems has been found liquid DP:DPO above its fire point of
for lightweight mobility, or as fixed- in testing to rapidly reduce airborne 127°C (260°F) are susceptible to igni-
mount, continuous area monitoring DP:DPO concentrations to below com- tion from area sources, such as exposed
stations. The devices pull air samples bustible concentrations in air [16]. electrical contacts, spark-producing
through the instrument for measure- It is important to follow the manu- tools, open flames and so on. However,
ments. Drawbacks include inability to facturer recommendations with re- hot HTF can rapidly cool once released
distinguish DP:DPO vapor from other spect to the use and maintenance of into its environment, both by evapora-
measureable organics and combusti- these instruments. tive cooling and by conducting thermal
bles (although, this is not a problem in energy into the heat sinks provided by
most CSP plant areas), and tendency Process level indications the ground, equipment and so on. A
to condense vapors within the sample Today’s facilities will typically have good design practice is to provide slop-
inlet when sampling high concentra- installed instrumentation for the ing of underlying surfaces such that
tion leak points. The internal conden- routine measurement of liquid level any liquid release can drain away from
sation can require the instrument to in process vessels, including bulk process equipment, thereby minimiz-
be offline until disassembled for thor- storage tanks, surge or expansion ing potential ignition. Also, once any
ough cleaning. Experience in han- tanks and ullage vessels, conden- release of HTF is observed, all spark-
dling the unit can quickly overcome sate tanks, and others. Modern in- producing work should be halted until
this issue. Cost of these instruments strumentation often permits excel- the situation has stabilized.
currently varies from approximately lent level-trend capability so that Autoignition. Autoignition of a
$3,000 for small, ppm handheld mod- response time to unexpected level DP:DPO cloud has been reported in
els, to $5,000 and higher for the ppb changes is greatly enhanced by use one CSP plant where the HTF leaked
and fixed-mounted systems. They can of configured deviation alarms with in close proximity to the heat collection
be purchased with intrinsically safe a distributed control system (DCS). element (HCE). When a vapor or mist
certifications for use in hazardous Common suitable instrumentation cloud of DP:DPO within its combus-
areas. types can include displacer, differen- tible limits of concentration in air con-
To prevent the potential ignition of tial pressure and radar within their tacts a surface at temperatures above
vapor- and mist-cloud leaks within in- respective design limitations of tem- the autoignition point of the HTF, it
door areas with reduced ventilation, perature. Externally mounted floats can ignite. The cloud is consumed rap-
custom-developed instrumentation within stainless-steel chambers can idly and can continue to burn at the
has been installed to automatically de- provide 0 to 100% level indication source of ongoing leakage until its flow
tect the presence of clouds of DP:DPO and remote, continuous monitoring is stopped. Where possible, designers
with the capability of automatically on DCS screens. Changes in liquid are encouraged to consider incorporat-
triggering water-fog deluge systems level in vessels can be a somewhat ing remote isolation capability for pip-
and alarms, initiating forced ventila- crude, but important component of ing circuits, so that the fuel to the fire
tion, and de-energizing area equip- detection material loss. can be safely interrupted.
Chemical Engineering December 2010 31
Cover Story

Fire prevention & est thermal stability, which is

fighting techniques the DP:DPO eutectic fluid. The
Breaking the fire triangle proper approach to eliminating
Three necessary components make up the presence of DP:DPO outside
the fire triangle (Figure 5) for an HTF of its containment is by careful
system: oxygen, an ignition source and design and installation of the
fuel (DP:DPO). How do we address system and its components,


each of these successfully to avoid and incorporating a culture of

their fiery combination? effective preventive mainte-

Oxygen. Within process vessels, pro- nance and inspections for the
vide blanketing with dry, inert gas. Ni- system’s proper operational
trogen is typically used, and should be integrity. For the unexpected
a minimum of 99% purity. leaks, designs incorporating
Ignition sources. HCEs of CSP remote isolation capability can FUEL
plants are the previously identified help minimize DP:DPO release
Figure 5. Oxygen, an ignition source and fuel
point of AIT concern, as the surfaces and personnel exposure during (DP:DPO) are the three necessary components of
can reach temperatures above the these events. the fire triangle for an HTF fire scenario
DP:DPO AIT, particularly when leak-
age reduces the flowrate of the HTF Fire fighting response cialized training and certification
through the HCE. To date there has For small or incipient-stage fires with prior to being authorized to respond.
been no known provision made to avert a limited and minimal source of fuel Onsite fire brigades can address fires
the potential drifting of a DP:DPO (DP:DPO), the use of a handheld fire much more rapidly than offsite fire de-
cloud across the HCE. Upon the first extinguisher can be an effective and partments, and can help to minimize
detection of leakage from piping com- appropriate selection to extinguish potential damage, system downtime
ponents in the proximity of potential a fire. Approach to the fire should and repairs.
ignition sources, prompt maintenance be from upwind to avoid breathing As mentioned earlier, fires involv-
should be scheduled for repair or re- partially combusted materials, with ing larger releases of HTF in non-con-
placement. Potential for open flames standard sweeping discharge of dry- gested areas of a facility that are be-
(such as smoking, welding and cut- chemical or carbon-dioxide media. yond the capability of incipient-stage
ting torches) can be addressed by Consider placement of 20–30 lb (9–14 response techniques are perhaps best
strict compliance with adequate ad- kg) dry-chemical fire extinguishers in managed by remote isolation of the
ministrative controls. Electrical area easily accessible locations at each level DP:DPO source, and allowing the fire
classification design should be prop- of structure where the fire potential to burn out without risk to employees.
erly addressed so that it conforms to exists in HTF handling areas [12]. Runoff of liquid should be directed
applicable code requirements. This Personnel must be properly trained in away from areas that might result in
should establish a minimum radius the operation of selected extinguishers costly damage, extensive downtime
around each potential DP:DPO leak and techniques for approaching and and repairs. Water monitor stations
point, and should be determined ac- extinguishing HTF fires. equipped with water fog nozzles may
cording to specified standards for the Larger dry-chemical units are avail- provide needed protection and cooling
requirements of electrical enclosures, able on trailers and can be quickly of equipment in certain areas, which
switches, motors and so on. transported to distant locations within should be assessed in planning for a
Fuel (DP:DPO). Use of HTFs at very the expanse of a facility. It is recom- fire-water management scheme.
high temperatures often requires an mended that personnel intended to Indoor areas may require sprinkler
organic heat-transfer fluid of high- operate such equipment receive spe- protection when potential leak points

1. “Therminol VP-1 Heat Transfer Fluid Vapor 7. NFPA Standard 30, “Flammable and Com- 13. “National Board Inspection Code”, National
Phase / Liquid Phase Heat Transfer Fluid”, bustible Liquids Code”, NFPA, 2008. Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspec-
Pub. No 7239115C, Solutia Inc. tors, Columbus, OH, 2007.
8. ASME B31.1 – “Power Piping”, American
2. Apanel, George J., “Process Economics Pro- Soc. of Mechanical Engineers, New York, NY, 14. API 510, “Pressure Vessel Inspection Code”,
gram Report 247, Gas To Liquids Update”, 2004. Am. Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C.,
SRI Consulting, 2002. 2006.
9. ASME B31.3 – “Chemical Plant and Petro-
3. “Systems Design Data”, pp. 4.3 – 4.4, Pub. leum Refinery Piping”, ASME, New York, 15. “Systems Design Data”, Pub. No. 7239193
No. 9239193, ver. C., Solutia Inc. NY, 2004. ver. C, Therminol Heat Transfer Fluids, So-
4. “Organic Heat Transfer Fluids and Equip- lutia Inc.
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June 1, 1975. Hydrocarbon Mist Explosions – Part II, Pre-
5. Pratt, Thomas H., “Electrostatic Ignitions of 11. ASME Code – Sec. VIII – Div. II – “Pressure vention by Water Fog, Loss Prevention, (Vol.
Fires and Explosions”, Wiley-AIChE, Center Vessels-Alternative Rules”, ASME, New 10), American Institute of Chemical Engi-
for Process Safety, July 15, 1997. York, NY, 2004. neers, 1976.
6. NFPA 77, “Recommended Practice on Static 12. Loss Prevention Data Sheets 7-99, “Organic 17. Britton, L. G. , Spontaneous Fire in Insula-
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32 Chemical Engineering December 2010

from HTF piping and equipment ing as intended by robust design, the ity operator should consult with knowl-
exist. Consideration may be given to frequency, severity, and consequences edgeable specialists representing sup-
automatic leak-detection systems, of leaks and fires can be minimized or pliers of the heat transfer fluid, piping
coupled with the capability to de-en- even prevented altogether. All compo- components and specialty fittings, and
ergize area electrical equipment and nents of a complex HTF system cannot insurance providers to properly protect
activate zones of water fog deluge sys- be addressed within the context of this against leaks and their consequences.■
tems and alarms. If ventilation is acti- paper, therefore the designer and facil- Edited by Rebekkah Marshall
vated, it may negate the desired effect
of water fog sprays in scrubbing the Authors
HTF mist from the air. Pooled or con- Conrad E. Gamble is the Matthias Schopf is the MTS
tained DP:DPO liquid settles to form product steward for Ther- manager of Solutia’s Spe-
minol heat transfer fluids cialty Fluids business in Eu-
a bottom layer once it has cooled to a at Solutia Inc. (702 Clydes- rope (Solutia Europe BVBA/
dale Ave., Anniston, AL SPRL, Rue Laid Burniat 3,
temperature at which its density is 36201; Phone: 256-231-8525, 1348 Louvain-La-Neuve, Bel-
greater than the density of the water. Fax: 256-231-8553; Email: gium; Phone: +32- 10-48-1579; He cur- Fax: +32-10-48-5579; e-mail:
For any of the above approaches for rently supports the Therminol matthias.schopf@solutia.
fire response, consultation with insur- business in product develop- com). His responsibilities
ment, customer technical sup- include providing technical
ance providers is recommended. port, and providing technical service to Therminol heat
presentations in various venues.Gamble joined transfer fluid customers as well as leading activ-
Solutia (then Monsanto Co.) in 1985 as a process ities in new technologies like renewable energy
Final Thoughts engineer. He has advanced in various manufac- production. Prior to this role, he worked as sales
turing and engineering roles, until his current engineer for heat transfer fluids and aviation
The primary intent of this paper is to assignment as technical service lead. A licensed hydraulic fluids in Europe and the Middle East
stress the importance of good design, professional engineer and recognized expert in for more than 10 years. Before joining Solutia
the industry, Gamble has served the chemical in 1996 he worked as an engineer for machine
installation, and maintenance of equip- industry for more than 20 years. He is also a monitoring systems for power plants and in low
ment in DP:DPO handling facilities in member of the American Institute of Chemical temperature thermometry research at the Ger-
Engineers. Gamble holds a B.S.Ch.E.from the man institute PTB. Schopf received a Master of
preventing HTF release and fire events. University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL. Science degree in Physics in 1989 from Hum-
By keeping the HTF within the pip- boldt University in Berlin, Germany.

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